# Finding displayed maths with ignore-format on&off (might affect #7596) # Lang sk_SK.utf8 TestBegin test.lyx -dbg key,find > findadv-14.loga.txt 2>&1 KK: \Axmath-display\[Return] KK: x^2 +x^2\C\[Home] KK: \Cs KK: \CF # Uncheck ignore format KK: \At\Ai\Ah KK: \Axmath-display\[Return] KK: x^2\[Return] TestEnd Lang C Assert pcregrep -M 'Putting selection at .*idx: 0 par: 0 pos: 0\n.*idx: 0 par: 0 pos: 0\n with len: 1' findadv-14.loga.txt Lang sk_SK.utf8 TestBegin test.lyx -dbg key,find > findadv-14.logb.txt 2>&1 KK: \CF # Uncheck ignore format KK: \At\Ai\Ah KK: \Axmath-display\[Return] KK: x^2\[Return]\[Return] TestEnd Lang C Assert pcregrep -M 'Putting selection at .*idx: 0 par: 0 pos: 0\n.*idx: 0 par: 0 pos: 2\n with len: 1' findadv-14.logb.txt Lang it_IT.utf8 TestBegin test.lyx -dbg key,find > findadv-14.logc.txt 2>&1 KK: \CF KK: \Axmath-display\[Return] KK: x^2\[Return] TestEnd Lang C Assert pcregrep -M 'Putting selection at .*idx: 0 par: 0 pos: 0\n.*idx: 0 par: 0 pos: 0\n with len: 1' findadv-14.logc.txt Lang it_IT.utf8 TestBegin test.lyx -dbg key,find > findadv-14.logd.txt 2>&1 KK: \CF KK: \Axmath-display\[Return] KK: x^2\[Return]\[Return] TestEnd Lang C Assert pcregrep -M 'Putting selection at .*idx: 0 par: 0 pos: 0\n.*idx: 0 par: 0 pos: 2\n with len: 1' findadv-14.logd.txt