program PDFViewWin; // this program opens and closes PDF-files with Acrobat or Adobe Reader // author: Uwe Stöhr {The problematic is the following: A PDF-file should be modified while it is opened with Acrobat. This is not possible because Acrobat understands itself as editor, not as reader and therefore opens PDFs always with write access, so that other programs cannot modifiy them. The idea to solve the problem is the following: The file that should be shown in Acrobat is copied and then renamed - the suffix "-preview" is attached. The renamed copy is opened by Acrobat while the unrenamed version can be modified. When the modified version should be displayed, the eventually opened renamed version is closed in Acrobat and the modified version is copied, renamed and opened in Acrobat.} {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses Windows, SysUtils, ShellApi; var Input,InputNew : string; FileTest : boolean; hConsole : THandle; function ExecWait(const CommandLine: string; const Visible: boolean = false; const MaxSeconds: integer = 60): boolean; //Executes programs and waits until they are terminated var SI: TStartupInfo; PI: TProcessInformation; ExitCode: DWORD; begin result := false; GetStartupInfo(SI); if not Visible then begin SI.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; SI.wShowWindow := SW_HIDE; end; if (CreateProcess(nil, pchar(CommandLine), nil, nil, False, 0, nil, nil, SI, PI)) then begin case WaitForSingleObject(PI.hProcess, MaxSeconds * 1000) of WAIT_OBJECT_0: GetExitCodeProcess(PI.hProcess, ExitCode); WAIT_ABANDONED: TerminateProcess(PI.hProcess, ExitCode); WAIT_TIMEOUT: TerminateProcess(PI.hProcess, ExitCode); end; result := ExitCode = 0; CloseHandle(PI.hProcess); CloseHandle(PI.hThread); end; end; // end function function RenameFile(const OldName,NewName: string; hConsole: THandle): boolean; //renames files, taken from // var sh: TSHFileOpStruct; begin sh.Wnd:= hConsole; sh.wFunc:= fo_Rename; //terminate with null byte to set list ending sh.pFrom:= PChar(OldName + #0); sh.pTo:= PChar(NewName + #0); sh.fFlags:= fof_Silent or fof_MultiDestFiles; Result:= ShFileOperation(sh)=0; end; //end function begin //begin program //Read path to this application Input:= ParamStr(0); //get handle of this console window hConsole := FindWindow(nil,Pchar(Input)); // hide the window of this console application ShowWindow(hConsole,SW_HIDE); //Read given filename Input:= ParamStr(1); //InputNew = original filename with ending "-preview" (e.g. test-preview.pdf) InputNew:= copy(Input,1,Length(Input)-4); //remove ".pdf" InputNew:= InputNew+'-preview.pdf'; //check if renamed file exists FileTest:= FileExists(InputNew); if FileTest = true then begin //close old file ExecWait('pdfclose --file "'+InputNew+'"'); //delete old file DeleteFile(InputNew); end; //rename file RenameFile(Input,InputNew,hConsole); ExecWait('pdfopen --file "'+InputNew+'" --back'); end. //end program