# -*- text -*-

# file sciword.bind
# This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
# Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.

# author Serge Winitzki

# Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.

# LyX keyboard definitions similar to those of Scientific Word.

#\bind "C-b"                    "font-bold"

# Copy, paste, etc.: more familiar keys
\bind "C-c"	"copy"

# Display equation toggle: type it in a displayed equation to convert it
# back to an inline equation
# Sciword mnemonic.
\bind "C-d"	"math-display"

#\bind "C-e"	"------"
# Sciword mnemonic.
\bind "C-f"	"math-insert \frac"

# Since the toggles don't work in 1.2.0, let's define all letters.
# lowercase math Greek
\bind "C-g a" "math-insert \alpha"
\bind "C-g b" "math-insert \beta"
\bind "C-g g" "math-insert \gamma"
\bind "C-g d" "math-insert \delta"
\bind "C-g e" "math-insert \varepsilon"
\bind "C-g C-e" "math-insert \epsilon"
\bind "C-g z" "math-insert \zeta"
\bind "C-g h" "math-insert \eta"
\bind "C-g q" "math-insert \theta"
\bind "C-g C-q" "math-insert \vartheta"
\bind "C-g i" "math-insert \iota"
\bind "C-g k" "math-insert \kappa"
\bind "C-g l" "math-insert \lambda"
\bind "C-g m" "math-insert \mu"
\bind "C-g n" "math-insert \nu"
\bind "C-g x" "math-insert \xi"
\bind "C-g p" "math-insert \pi"
\bind "C-g C-p" "math-insert \varpi"
\bind "C-g r" "math-insert \rho"
\bind "C-g s" "math-insert \sigma"
\bind "C-g C-s" "math-insert \varsigma"
\bind "C-g t" "math-insert \tau"
\bind "C-g v" "math-insert \upsilon"
\bind "C-g f" "math-insert \phi"
\bind "C-g c" "math-insert \chi"
\bind "C-g y" "math-insert \psi"
\bind "C-g w" "math-insert \omega"

# uppercase math Greek
\bind "C-g S-G" "math-insert \Gamma"
\bind "C-g S-D" "math-insert \Delta"
\bind "C-g S-Q" "math-insert \Theta"
\bind "C-g S-L" "math-insert \Lambda"
\bind "C-g S-X" "math-insert \Xi"
\bind "C-g S-P" "math-insert \Pi"
\bind "C-g S-S" "math-insert \Sigma"
\bind "C-g S-V" "math-insert \Upsilon"
\bind "C-g S-F" "math-insert \Phi"
\bind "C-g S-Y" "math-insert \Psi"
\bind "C-g S-W" "math-insert \Omega"

# Do we need this?
#\bind "C-h"	"specialchar-insert hyphenation"

# Sciword mnemonic.
\bind "C-i"	"math-insert \int"

#\bind "C-j"	"------"

\bind "C-k"	"line-delete-forward"
\bind "C-l"	"screen-recenter"
\bind "C-S-I"			"info-insert"

# Toggle: in text mode, switch to math, and vice versa. Also C-t.
\bind "C-m"	"math-mode"
\bind "C-n"	"math-number-toggle"
\bind "S-C-N"	"math-number-line-toggle"

\bind "C-o"	"file-open"

# Insert a quote character. Do I need this?
# Probably, since we need a way to get a raw quote
\bind "C-q"	"self-insert \""

# Sciword mnemonic.
\bind "C-r"	"math-insert \sqrt"
\bind "S-C-R"	"math-insert \root"

# This combination is now a gateway to math symbols (C-s ...)
#\bind "C-s"	"------"

# Sciword mnemonic for going between text and math modes.
\bind "C-t"	"math-mode"

\bind "C-u"	"font-underline"
\bind "C-v"	"paste"
\bind "C-S-v"	"clipboard-paste"
\bind "C-M-v"	"primary-selection-paste"
\bind "C-w"	"buffer-close"
\bind "C-x"	"cut"
\bind "C-z"	"undo"
\bind "S-C-Z"	"redo"
\bind "C-a"	"command-sequence buffer-begin ; buffer-end-select"   # select all

# This combination makes an umlaut accent now.
#\bind "S-C-quotedbl"           "quote-insert"
\bind "S-M-quotedbl"           "quote-insert single"

# Bracket delimiters. Sciword mnemonic is to press Control-<bracket key>

\bind "C-9"	"math-delim ( )"
\bind "S-C-parenleft"	"math-delim ( )"
\bind "C-0"	"math-delim ( )"
\bind "S-C-parenright"	"math-delim ( )"

\bind "C-bracketleft"		"math-delim [ ]"
\bind "C-bracketright"	"math-delim [ ]"
\bind "C-S-less"		"math-delim langle rangle"
\bind "C-S-greater"		"math-delim langle rangle"

# The bar bracket: on some keyboards, e.g. British, the bar character is
# bound to an Alt-something and on some wayward Unices to "brokenbar".
\bind "C-S-bar"		"math-delim | |"
\bind "C-S-brokenbar"	"math-delim | |"
\bind "C-M-bar"		"math-delim | |"

\bind "S-C-braceleft"		"math-delim { }"
\bind "S-C-braceright"		"math-delim { }"

# Accents by Sciword mnemonics. Mostly press Ctrl-<accent key>
# e.g. Ctrl-. for overdot, Ctrl-' for acute accent, Ctrl-~ for tilde etc.
# Some of them work only in math mode

\bind "C-period"	"accent-dot"
\bind "C-comma"	"math-insert \dot"
\bind "S-C-colon"	"math-insert \ddot"
\bind "C-quoteleft"	"accent-grave"
\bind "S-C-asciitilde"	"accent-tilde"
\bind "S-C-quotedbl"	"accent-umlaut"
\bind "C-apostrophe"	"accent-acute"
\bind "S-C-asciicircum" "accent-circumflex"
# accent-vector has been changed?
#\bind "C-equal"		"accent-vector"
# Why is it not "accent-bar"?
\bind "C-minus"	"math-insert \bar"
# What is "accent-underbar"?
#\bind "S-C-underscore"	"accent-underbar"

# Function keys.

#\bind "F1"	"help"	# Not yet implemented!
#\bind "C-F1"                   "help-context"                  # Not yet implemented!
\bind "F2"                     "buffer-write"
\bind "S-F2"                     "buffer-export latex"
\bind "F3"                     "dialog-show findreplace"

\bind "C-F4"                   "buffer-close"
\bind "M-F4"                   "lyx-quit"
# F4 to F8 are used to switch fonts. Sciword mnemonic.
\bind "F4"                     "font-default"
\bind "F5"                     "font-bold"
\bind "F6"                     "font-emph"
\bind "F7"                     "font-typewriter"
\bind "F8"                     "font-noun"
# F9 bound below as meta-prefix (useful e.g. if the keyboard doesn't have a working ALT).
#\bind "F9"                     "------"
#\bind "F10"                    "------"

# Sciword mnemonics for math editing:

\bind "M-apostrophe"	"math-insert \prime"
\bind "C-Up"		"math-superscript"
\bind "C-Down"		"math-subscript"
\bind "C-s d"		"math-insert \partial"
\bind "C-s e"		"math-insert \sum"
\bind "C-s p"		"math-insert \prod"
\bind "C-s i"		"math-insert \infty"
\bind "C-s x"		"math-insert \times"
\bind "C-s m"		"math-matrix 3 3"
\bind "C-s v"		"math-matrix 1 2"

# My own embellishments for symbols I use often.

#I'd like to combine math-insert ^ and math-insert prime, but don't know how.

\bind "C-s apostrophe"	"command-sequence math-superscript; math-insert \prime;"
\bind "C-s S-plus"	"math-insert \dagger"
\bind "C-s equal"	"math-insert \equiv"
\bind "M-equal"		"math-insert \approx"
\bind "M-minus"		"math-insert \sim"
\bind "C-minus"		"math-insert \rightarrow"
# here is how to make a vector accent:
\bind "C-equals"    "math-insert \overrightarrow"
\bind "S-M-less"	"math-insert \leq"
\bind "S-M-greater"	"math-insert \geq"
\bind "C-s S-less"	"math-insert \ll"
\bind "C-s S-greater"	"math-insert \gg"

# usual bindings
\bind_file math.bind
\bind_file menus.bind
\bind_file latinkeys.bind
\bind_file cyrkeys.bind
\bind_file greekkeys.bind

\bind "M-Up"			"paragraph-move-up"
\bind "M-Down"			"paragraph-move-down"
\bind "S-KP_Right"  			"char-right-select"
\bind "S-KP_Left"				"char-left-select"
\bind "S-KP_Up" 				"up-select"
\bind "S-KP_Down"				"down-select"
\bind "S-C-KP_Right"			"word-right-select"
\bind "S-C-KP_Left" 			"word-left-select"
\bind "S-C-KP_Up"				"paragraph-up-select"
\bind "S-C-KP_Down" 			"paragraph-down-select"
\bind "S-KP_Home"				"line-begin-select"
\bind "S-KP_End"				"line-end-select"
\bind "S-KP_Prior"  			"screen-up-select"
\bind "S-KP_Next"				"screen-down-select"
\bind "S-C-KP_Home" 			"buffer-begin-select"
\bind "S-C-KP_End"  			"buffer-end-select"
\bind "S-C-KP_Prior"			"buffer-begin-select"
\bind "S-C-KP_Next" 			"buffer-end-select"
\bind "C-KP_Insert" 			"copy"
\bind "S-KP_Insert" 			"paste"
\bind "S-KP_Delete" 			"cut"

\bind "M-x" "command-execute"