/** * \file InsetListings.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Bo Peng * \author Jürgen Spitzmüller * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "InsetListings.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "BufferParams.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "Encoding.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "FuncStatus.h" #include "InsetCaption.h" #include "InsetLabel.h" #include "InsetLayout.h" #include "Language.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "Lexer.h" #include "output_latex.h" #include "output_docbook.h" #include "output_xhtml.h" #include "TexRow.h" #include "texstream.h" #include "support/debug.h" #include "support/docstream.h" #include "support/gettext.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/lassert.h" #include "frontends/alert.h" #include "frontends/Application.h" #include #include using namespace std; using namespace lyx::support; namespace lyx { InsetListings::InsetListings(Buffer * buf, InsetListingsParams const & par) : InsetCaptionable(buf,"listing") { params_.setMinted(buffer().params().use_minted); status_ = par.status(); } InsetListings::~InsetListings() { hideDialogs("listings", this); } Inset::RowFlags InsetListings::rowFlags() const { return params().isInline() || params().isFloat() ? Inline : Display | AlignLeft; } docstring InsetListings::layoutName() const { if (buffer().params().use_minted) return from_ascii("MintedListings"); else return from_ascii("Listings"); } void InsetListings::write(ostream & os) const { os << "listings" << "\n"; InsetListingsParams const & par = params(); // parameter string is encoded to be a valid lyx token. string opt = par.encodedString(); if (!opt.empty()) os << "lstparams \"" << opt << "\"\n"; if (par.isInline()) os << "inline true\n"; else os << "inline false\n"; InsetCaptionable::write(os); } void InsetListings::read(Lexer & lex) { while (lex.isOK()) { lex.next(); string token = lex.getString(); if (token == "lstparams") { lex.next(); string const value = lex.getString(); params().fromEncodedString(value); } else if (token == "inline") { lex.next(); params().setInline(lex.getBool()); } else { // no special option, push back 'status' etc lex.pushToken(token); break; } } InsetCaptionable::read(lex); } Encoding const * InsetListings::forcedEncoding(Encoding const * inner_enc, Encoding const * outer_enc) const { // The listings package cannot deal with multi-byte-encoded // glyphs, except for Xe/LuaTeX (with non-TeX fonts) or pLaTeX. // Minted can deal with all encodings. if (buffer().params().use_minted || inner_enc->name() == "utf8-plain" || inner_enc->package() == Encoding::japanese || inner_enc->hasFixedWidth()) return 0; // We try if there's a singlebyte encoding for the outer // language; if not, fall back to latin1. // Power-users can set inputenc to utf8-plain to bypass this workaround // and provide alternatives in the user-preamble. return (outer_enc->hasFixedWidth()) ? outer_enc : encodings.fromLyXName("iso8859-1"); } void InsetListings::latex(otexstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams) const { string param_string = params().params(); // NOTE: I use {} to quote text, which is an experimental feature // of the listings package (see page 25 of the manual) bool const isInline = params().isInline(); bool const use_minted = buffer().params().use_minted; static regex const reg1("(.*)(basicstyle=\\{)([^\\}]*)(\\\\ttfamily)([^\\}]*)(\\})(.*)"); static regex const reg2("(.*)(basicstyle=\\{)([^\\}]*)(\\\\rmfamily)([^\\}]*)(\\})(.*)"); static regex const reg3("(.*)(basicstyle=\\{)([^\\}]*)(\\\\sffamily)([^\\}]*)(\\})(.*)"); static regex const reg4("(.*)(basicstyle=\\{)([^\\}]*)(\\\\(tiny|scriptsize|footnotesize|small|normalsize|large|Large))([^\\}]*)(\\})(.*)"); static regex const reg5("(.*)(fontfamily=)(tt|sf|rm)(.*)"); static regex const reg6("(.*)(fontsize=\\{)(\\\\(tiny|scriptsize|footnotesize|small|normalsize|large|Large))(\\})(.*)"); if (use_minted) { // If params have been entered with "listings", and then the user switched to "minted", // we have params that need to be translated. // FIXME: We should use a backend-abstract syntax in listings params instead! // Substitute fontstyle option smatch sub; if (regex_match(param_string, sub, reg1)) param_string = sub.str(1) + "fontfamily=tt," + sub.str(2) + sub.str(3) + sub.str(5) + sub.str(6) + sub.str(7); if (regex_match(param_string, sub, reg2)) param_string = sub.str(1) + "fontfamily=rm," + sub.str(2) + sub.str(3) + sub.str(5) + sub.str(6) + sub.str(7); if (regex_match(param_string, sub, reg3)) param_string = sub.str(1) + "fontfamily=sf," + sub.str(2) + sub.str(3) + sub.str(5) + sub.str(6) + sub.str(7); // as well as fontsize option if (regex_match(param_string, sub, reg4)) param_string = sub.str(1) + "fontsize={" + sub.str(4) + sub.str(3) + sub.str(7) + sub.str(8); } else { // And the same vice versa // Substitute fontstyle option smatch sub; string basicstyle; if (regex_match(param_string, sub, reg5)) { basicstyle = "\\" + sub.str(3) + "family"; param_string = sub.str(1) + sub.str(4); } // as well as fontsize option if (regex_match(param_string, sub, reg6)) { basicstyle += sub.str(3); param_string = sub.str(1) + sub.str(6); } if (!basicstyle.empty()) param_string = rtrim(param_string, ",") + ",basicstyle={" + basicstyle + "}"; } if (runparams.use_polyglossia && runparams.local_font->isRightToLeft()) { // We need to use the *latin switches (#11554) smatch sub; if (regex_match(param_string, sub, reg1)) param_string = sub.str(1) + sub.str(2) + sub.str(3) + sub.str(4) + "latin" + sub.str(5) + sub.str(6) + sub.str(7); if (regex_match(param_string, sub, reg2)) param_string = sub.str(1) + sub.str(2) + sub.str(3) + sub.str(4) + "latin" + sub.str(5) + sub.str(6) + sub.str(7); if (regex_match(param_string, sub, reg3)) param_string = sub.str(1) + sub.str(2) + sub.str(3) + sub.str(4) + "latin" + sub.str(5) + sub.str(6) + sub.str(7); } string minted_language; string float_placement; bool const isfloat = params().isFloat(); if (use_minted && (isfloat || contains(param_string, "language="))) { // Get float placement and/or language of the code, // then remove the relative options. vector opts = getVectorFromString(param_string, ",", false); for (size_t i = 0; i < opts.size(); ++i) { if (prefixIs(opts[i], "float")) { if (prefixIs(opts[i], "float=")) float_placement = opts[i].substr(6); opts.erase(opts.begin() + int(i--)); } else if (prefixIs(opts[i], "language=")) { minted_language = opts[i].substr(9); opts.erase(opts.begin() + int(i--)); } } param_string = getStringFromVector(opts, ","); } // Minted needs a language specification if (minted_language.empty()) { // If a language has been set globally, use that, // otherwise use TeX by default string const & blp = buffer().params().listings_params; size_t start = blp.find("language="); if (start != string::npos) { start += strlen("language="); size_t len = blp.find(",", start); if (len != string::npos) len -= start; minted_language = blp.substr(start, len); } else minted_language = "TeX"; } // get the paragraphs. We can not output them directly to given odocstream // because we can not yet determine the delimiter character of \lstinline docstring code; docstring uncodable; ParagraphList::const_iterator par = paragraphs().begin(); ParagraphList::const_iterator end = paragraphs().end(); bool encoding_switched = false; Encoding const * const save_enc = runparams.encoding; Encoding const * const outer_encoding = (runparams.local_font != 0) ? runparams.local_font->language()->encoding() : buffer().params().language->encoding(); Encoding const * fixedlstenc = forcedEncoding(runparams.encoding, outer_encoding); if (fixedlstenc) { // We need to switch to a singlebyte encoding, due to // the restrictions of the listings package (see above). // This needs to be consistent with // LaTeXFeatures::getTClassI18nPreamble(). // We need to put this into a group in order to prevent encoding leaks // (happens with cprotect). os << "\\bgroup"; switchEncoding(os.os(), buffer().params(), runparams, *fixedlstenc, true); runparams.encoding = fixedlstenc; encoding_switched = true; } bool const captionfirst = !isfloat && par->isInset(0) && par->getInset(0)->lyxCode() == CAPTION_CODE; while (par != end) { pos_type const siz = par->size(); bool captionline = false; for (pos_type i = 0; i < siz; ++i) { if (i == 0 && par->isInset(i) && i + 1 == siz) captionline = true; // ignore all struck out text and (caption) insets if (par->isDeleted(i) || (par->isInset(i) && par->getInset(i)->lyxCode() == CAPTION_CODE)) continue; if (par->isInset(i)) { // Currently, this can only be a quote inset // that is output as plain quote here, but // we use more generic code anyway. otexstringstream ots; OutputParams rp = runparams; rp.pass_thru = true; par->getInset(i)->latex(ots, rp); code += ots.str(); continue; } char_type c = par->getChar(i); // we can only output characters covered by the current // encoding! try { if (runparams.encoding->encodable(c)) code += c; else if (runparams.dryrun) { code += "<" + _("LyX Warning: ") + _("uncodable character") + " '"; code += docstring(1, c); code += "'>"; } else uncodable += c; } catch (EncodingException & /* e */) { if (runparams.dryrun) { code += "<" + _("LyX Warning: ") + _("uncodable character") + " '"; code += docstring(1, c); code += "'>"; } else uncodable += c; } } ++par; // Add new line between paragraphs in displayed listings. // Exception: merged paragraphs in change tracking mode. // Also, for the inline case, if there are multiple paragraphs // they are simply joined. Otherwise, expect latex errors. if (par != end && !isInline && !captionline && !par->parEndChange().deleted()) code += "\n"; } if (isInline) { static const docstring delimiters = from_utf8("!*()-=+|;:'\"`,<.>/?QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"); size_t pos = delimiters.find_first_not_of(code); // This code piece contains all possible special character? !!! // Replace ! with a warning message and use ! as delimiter. if (pos == string::npos) { docstring delim_error = "<" + _("LyX Warning: ") + _("no more lstline delimiters available") + ">"; code = subst(code, from_ascii("!"), delim_error); pos = 0; if (!runparams.dryrun && !runparams.silent) { // FIXME: warning should be passed to the error dialog frontend::Alert::warning(_("Running out of delimiters"), _("For inline program listings, one character must be reserved\n" "as a delimiter. One of the listings, however, uses all available\n" "characters, so none is left for delimiting purposes.\n" "For the time being, I have replaced '!' by a warning, but you\n" "must investigate!")); } } docstring const delim(1, delimiters[pos]); if (use_minted) { os << "\\mintinline"; if (!param_string.empty()) os << "[" << from_utf8(param_string) << "]"; os << "{" << ascii_lowercase(minted_language) << "}"; } else { os << "\\lstinline"; if (!param_string.empty()) os << "[" << from_utf8(param_string) << "]"; else if (pos >= delimiters.find('Q')) // We need to terminate the command before // the delimiter os << " "; } os << delim << code << delim; } else if (use_minted) { OutputParams rp = runparams; rp.moving_arg = true; TexString caption = getCaption(rp); if (isfloat) { os << breakln << "\\begin{listing}"; if (!float_placement.empty()) os << '[' << float_placement << "]"; } else if (captionfirst && !caption.str.empty()) { os << breakln << "\\lyxmintcaption[t]{" << move(caption) << "}\n"; } os << breakln << "\\begin{minted}"; if (!param_string.empty()) os << "[" << param_string << "]"; os << "{" << ascii_lowercase(minted_language) << "}\n" << code << breakln << "\\end{minted}\n"; if (isfloat) { if (!caption.str.empty()) os << "\\caption{" << move(caption) << "}\n"; os << "\\end{listing}\n"; } else if (!captionfirst && !caption.str.empty()) { os << breakln << "\\lyxmintcaption[b]{" << move(caption) << "}"; } } else { OutputParams rp = runparams; rp.moving_arg = true; TexString caption = getCaption(rp); os << breakln << "\\begin{lstlisting}"; if (param_string.empty() && caption.str.empty()) os << "\n"; else { if (!runparams.nice) os << safebreakln; os << "["; if (!caption.str.empty()) { os << "caption={" << move(caption) << '}'; if (!param_string.empty()) os << ','; } os << from_utf8(param_string) << "]\n"; } os << code << breakln << "\\end{lstlisting}\n"; } if (encoding_switched){ // Switch back switchEncoding(os.os(), buffer().params(), runparams, *save_enc, true, true); os << "\\egroup" << breakln; runparams.encoding = save_enc; } if (!uncodable.empty() && !runparams.silent) { // issue a warning about omitted characters // FIXME: should be passed to the error dialog if (fixedlstenc) frontend::Alert::warning(_("Uncodable characters in listings inset"), bformat(_("The following characters in one of the program listings are\n" "not representable in the current encoding and have been omitted:\n%1$s.\n" "This is due to a restriction of the listings package, which does\n" "not support your encoding '%2$s'.\n" "Toggling 'Use non-TeX fonts' in Document > Settings...\n" "might help."), uncodable, _(runparams.encoding->guiName()))); else frontend::Alert::warning(_("Uncodable characters in listings inset"), bformat(_("The following characters in one of the program listings are\n" "not representable in the current encoding and have been omitted:\n%1$s."), uncodable)); } } docstring InsetListings::xhtml(XMLStream & os, OutputParams const & rp) const { odocstringstream ods; XMLStream out(ods); bool const isInline = params().isInline(); if (isInline) out << xml::CompTag("br"); else { out << xml::StartTag("div", "class='float-listings'"); docstring caption = getCaptionHTML(rp); if (!caption.empty()) out << xml::StartTag("div", "class='listings-caption'") << XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << caption << xml::EndTag("div"); } InsetLayout const & il = getLayout(); string const & tag = il.htmltag(); string attr = "class ='listings"; string const lang = params().getParamValue("language"); if (!lang.empty()) attr += " " + lang; attr += "'"; out << xml::StartTag(tag, attr); OutputParams newrp = rp; newrp.html_disable_captions = true; // We don't want to convert dashes here. That's the only conversion we // do for XHTML, so this is safe. newrp.pass_thru = true; docstring def = InsetText::insetAsXHTML(out, newrp, InsetText::JustText); out << xml::EndTag(tag); if (isInline) { out << xml::CompTag("br"); // escaping will already have been done os << XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << ods.str(); } else { out << xml::EndTag("div"); // In this case, this needs to be deferred, but we'll put it // before anything the text itself deferred. def = ods.str() + '\n' + def; } return def; } void InsetListings::docbook(XMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & rp) const { InsetLayout const & il = getLayout(); bool isInline = params().isInline(); if (!isInline && !xs.isLastTagCR()) xs << xml::CR(); // In case of caption, the code must be wrapped, for instance in a figure. Also detect if there is a label. // http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/ProgramListings.html // TODO: parts of this code could be merged with InsetFloat and findLabelInParagraph. InsetCaption const * caption = getCaptionInset(); if (caption) { InsetLabel const * label = getLabelInset(); // Ensure that the label will not be output a second time as an anchor. OutputParams rpNoLabel = rp; if (label) rpNoLabel.docbook_anchors_to_ignore.emplace(label->screenLabel()); // Prepare the right set of attributes, including the label. docstring attr = from_ascii("type='listing'"); if (label) attr += " xml:id=\"" + xml::cleanID(label->screenLabel()) + "\""; // Finally, generate the wrapper (including the label). xs << xml::StartTag("figure", attr); xs << xml::CR(); xs << xml::StartTag("title"); xs << XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << getCaptionDocBook(rpNoLabel); xs << xml::EndTag("title"); xs << xml::CR(); } // Forge the attributes. std::string attrs; if (!il.docbookattr().empty()) attrs += " role=\"" + il.docbookattr() + "\""; std::string const lang = params().getParamValue("language"); if (!lang.empty()) attrs += " language=\"" + lang + "\""; // Determine the tag to use. Use the layout-defined value if outside a paragraph. std::string tag = il.docbooktag(); if (isInline) tag = "code"; // Start the listing. xs << xml::StartTag(tag, attrs); xs.startDivision(false); // Deal with the content of the listing. OutputParams newrp = rp; newrp.pass_thru = true; newrp.docbook_make_pars = false; newrp.par_begin = 0; newrp.par_end = text().paragraphs().size(); newrp.docbook_in_listing = true; docbookParagraphs(text(), buffer(), xs, newrp); // Done with the listing. xs.endDivision(); xs << xml::EndTag(tag); if (!isInline) xs << xml::CR(); if (caption) { xs << xml::EndTag("figure"); xs << xml::CR(); } } string InsetListings::contextMenuName() const { return "context-listings"; } void InsetListings::doDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd) { switch (cmd.action()) { case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: { cur.recordUndoInset(this); InsetListings::string2params(to_utf8(cmd.argument()), params()); break; } case LFUN_INSET_DIALOG_UPDATE: cur.bv().updateDialog("listings", params2string(params())); break; default: InsetCaptionable::doDispatch(cur, cmd); break; } } bool InsetListings::getStatus(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd, FuncStatus & status) const { switch (cmd.action()) { case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: case LFUN_INSET_DIALOG_UPDATE: status.setEnabled(true); return true; case LFUN_CAPTION_INSERT: { // the inset outputs at most one caption if (params().isInline() || getCaptionInset()) { status.setEnabled(false); return true; } } // fall through default: return InsetCaptionable::getStatus(cur, cmd, status); } } docstring const InsetListings::buttonLabel(BufferView const & bv) const { // FIXME UNICODE docstring const locked = tempfile_ ? docstring(1, 0x1F512) : docstring(); if (decoration() == InsetDecoration::CLASSIC) return locked + (isOpen(bv) ? _("Listing") : getNewLabel(_("Listing"))); return locked + getNewLabel(_("Listing")); } void InsetListings::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { features.useInsetLayout(getLayout()); string param_string = params().params(); if (buffer().params().use_minted) { features.require("minted"); OutputParams rp = features.runparams(); if (!params().isFloat() && !getCaption(rp).str.empty()) features.require("lyxmintcaption"); if (features.usePolyglossia() && features.hasRTLLanguage()) // minted loads color, but color must be loaded before bidi // (i.e., polyglossia) features.require("color"); } else { features.require("listings"); if (contains(param_string, "\\color")) features.require("color"); } InsetCaptionable::validate(features); } bool InsetListings::showInsetDialog(BufferView * bv) const { bv->showDialog("listings", params2string(params()), const_cast(this)); return true; } TexString InsetListings::getCaption(OutputParams const & runparams) const { InsetCaption const * ins = getCaptionInset(); if (ins == 0) return TexString(); otexstringstream os; ins->getArgs(os, runparams); ins->getArgument(os, runparams); // TODO: The code below should be moved to support, and then the test // in ../tests should be moved there as well. // the caption may contain \label{} but the listings // package prefer caption={}, label={} TexString cap = os.release(); if (buffer().params().use_minted || !contains(cap.str, from_ascii("\\label{"))) return cap; // convert from // blah1\label{blah2} blah3 // to // blah1 blah3},label={blah2 // to form options // caption={blah1 blah3},label={blah2} // // NOTE that } is not allowed in blah2. regex const reg("(.*)\\\\label\\{(.*?)\\}(.*)"); string const new_cap("$1$3},label={$2"); // Remove potential \protect'ion of \label. docstring capstr = subst(cap.str, from_ascii("\\protect\\label"), from_ascii("\\label")); // TexString validity: the substitution preserves the number of newlines. // Moreover we assume that $2 does not contain newlines, so that the texrow // information remains accurate. // Replace '\n' with an improbable character from Private Use Area-A // and then return to '\n' after the regex replacement. capstr = subst(capstr, char_type('\n'), 0xffffd); cap.str = subst(from_utf8(regex_replace(to_utf8(capstr), reg, new_cap)), 0xffffd, char_type('\n')); return cap; } void InsetListings::string2params(string const & in, InsetListingsParams & params) { params = InsetListingsParams(); if (in.empty()) return; istringstream data(in); Lexer lex; lex.setStream(data); // discard "listings", which is only used to determine inset lex.next(); params.read(lex); } string InsetListings::params2string(InsetListingsParams const & params) { ostringstream data; data << "listings" << ' '; params.write(data); return data.str(); } } // namespace lyx