# This file is part of reLyX # Copyright (c) 1998-9 Amir Karger karger@post.harvard.edu # You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of # the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later. package LastLyX; # This package is the last step in creating a LyX file. It: # - rejoins the lyx preamble to the rest of the file # - adds some information (see below) # - determines whether reLyX needs to translate any other files (e.g., # files included in an \include command) # - creates a '.lyx' file # # reLyX may not have enough information during the previous pass. In that case, # it puts a "marker" in the temporary file it writes, and stores the missing # information---when it does come upon it---in a global variable. # So during this pass, if we see any such markers, we replace them with the # necessary information. Examples of this include: # - header information for tables # - name of the bibliography style file to use use strict; use RelyxTable; # handle LaTeX tables use File::Basename; my $debug_on; # was -d option given? sub last_lyx { # Arg0 is input file name # Arg1 is output file name (foo.lyx) # Arg2 is a string containing the entire preamble my ($InFileName, $OutFileName, $LyXPreamble) = (shift, shift, shift); $debug_on = (defined($main::opt_d) && $main::opt_d); my $zzz=$debug_on ? " LyX file ($InFileName --> $OutFileName)\n" :"... "; print STDERR "Writing$zzz"; open (INFILE, "<$InFileName") or die "problem opening $InFileName: $!\n"; open (OUTFILE,">$OutFileName") or die "problem opening $OutFileName: $!\n"; # Print the preamble print OUTFILE $LyXPreamble; # Now print out the rest of the LyX file # Some lines have to be changed somewhat # Otherwise just print all lines as they appear. # TODO In the future, we could buffer text, and then get rid of extra # '\latex default \latex latex' or '\end_deeper \begin_deeper' pieces # created by the translator while () { if (/$RelyxTable::TableBeginString/o) { # Write out the header information for the table $_ = &print_table; } elsif (/$BasicLyX::bibstyle_insert_string/o) { # Replace the "insert bibstyle file here" with the actual file name my $ins = $BasicLyX::bibstyle_insert_string; my $fil = $BasicLyX::bibstyle_file; if ($fil) { s/$ins/$fil/; } else { warn("Don't know which bibliographystyle file to use!\n". "Replace '$ins' in the LyX file with the bibstyle file\n"); } } elsif (/^\Q$BasicLyX::Begin_Inset_Include\E/o) { # tell main:: we need to translate an included (or inputted) file m/\{(.*)\}\s*$/ or warn "weird Include command $_"; my $fil = $1; # Change relative path to absolute path if necessary my $abs_fil = &main::abs_file_name($fil); print "Adding $abs_fil to file list\n" if $debug_on; push @main::File_List, $abs_fil; # include file.lyx, not file.tex! my ($basename, $path, $suffix)=fileparse($fil, @main::Suffix_List); $suffix = "" unless defined $suffix; $path .= '/' unless $path =~ /\/$/; my $newfile; if ($main::opt_o) { # all files go to outputdir; no path nec. $newfile = "$basename.lyx"; } else { # keep relative path, e.g. Just change/add suffix ($newfile = $fil) =~ s/$suffix$/.lyx/; } s/\Q{$fil}\E/{$newfile}/; } # end special if for table, bibstyle, include print OUTFILE $_; } close INFILE; close OUTFILE; #warn "Done writing LyX file!\n"; } # end sub last_lyx sub print_table { # Print a table, from TableBeginString to TableEndString # Also (kind of a hack) remove the last \newline in a table, if any, # since it causes LyX to seg fault. my $to_print=""; # string to collect the table in my $thistable = shift(@RelyxTable::table_array); # Collect the whole table in $to_print my $line; while (($line = ) !~ /$RelyxTable::TableEndString/o) { $to_print .= $line; } # Remove the last \newline, if it was created by a \\ \hline # at the end of a table. (Note: according to Lamport, \\ at the end of # a table is *illegal* unless followed by an \hline) # If it was created due to an empty cell at the end of the table, though # (latex table "a & b \\ c &", e.g.) then we need to keep it! # HACK HACK HACK. If it's a one-column table, then we couldn't # know while reading the table that the last row was empty, so we # couldn't pop the last row then. So do it now. Yuck. if ($thistable->numcols==1) { $to_print =~ s/\\newline(?=\s*$)// && pop @{$thistable->{"rows"}} } elsif ($thistable->{"rows"}[$thistable->numrows -1]->{"bottom_line"}) { $to_print =~ s/\\newline(?=\s*$)//; } # Put the header information at the top # We have to do this *after* reading the table because of the # one-column table hack. Yuck. $to_print = $thistable->print_info . $to_print; return $to_print; } # end sub print_table 1; # return true to main package