// -*- C++ -*-
 * \file Format.h
 * This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
 * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
 * \author Dekel Tsur
 * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.

#ifndef FORMAT_H
#define FORMAT_H

#include "support/docstring.h"

#include <vector>

namespace lyx {

namespace support { class FileName; }

class Buffer;

class Format {
	/// Flags for some format properties
	enum Flags {
		none = 0,
		/// Set if this format is a document format (as opposed to
		/// e.g. image formats).
		/// Some formats are both (e.g. pdf), they have this flag set.
		document = 1,
		/// Set if this format can contain vector graphics.
		vector = 2,
	Format(std::string const & n, std::string const & e, std::string const & p,
	       std::string const & s, std::string const & v, std::string const & ed,
	bool dummy() const;
	/// Tell whether this format is a child format.
	/// Child formats inherit settings like the viewer from their parent.
	bool isChildFormat() const;
	/// Name fo the parent format
	std::string const parentFormat() const;
	std::string const & name() const { return name_; }
	void setName(std::string const & v) { name_ = v; }
	std::string const & extension() const { return extension_; }
	void setExtension(std::string const & v) { extension_ = v; }
	std::string const & prettyname() const { return prettyname_; }
	void setPrettyname(std::string const & v) { prettyname_ = v; }
	std::string const & shortcut() const { return shortcut_; }
	void setShortcut(std::string const & v) { shortcut_ = v; }
	std::string const & viewer() const { return viewer_; }
	void setViewer(std::string const & v) { viewer_ = v; }
	std::string const & editor() const { return editor_; }
	void setEditor(std::string const & v) { editor_ = v; }
	bool documentFormat() const { return flags_ & document; }
	bool vectorFormat() const { return flags_ & vector; }
	void setFlags(int v) { flags_ = v; }
	/// Internal name. Needs to be unique.
	std::string name_;
	/// Filename extension
	std::string extension_;
	/// Name presented to the user. Needs to be unique.
	std::string prettyname_;
	/// Keyboard shortcut for the View and Export menu.
	std::string shortcut_;
	 * Viewer for this format. Needs to be in the PATH or an absolute
	 * filename.
	 * This format cannot be viewed if \c viewer_ is empty.
	 * If it is \c auto the default viewer of the OS for this format is
	 * used.
	std::string viewer_;
	/// Editor for this format. \sa viewer_.
	std::string editor_;
	int flags_;

bool operator<(Format const & a, Format const & b);

class Formats {
	typedef std::vector<Format> FormatList;
	typedef FormatList::const_iterator const_iterator;
	Format const & get(FormatList::size_type i) const { return formatlist[i]; }
	Format & get(FormatList::size_type i) { return formatlist[i]; }
	/// \returns format named \p name if it exists, otherwise 0
	Format const * getFormat(std::string const & name) const;
	 * Get the format of \p filename from file contents or, if this
	 * fails, from file extension.
	 * \returns file format if it could be found, otherwise an empty
	 * string.
	std::string getFormatFromFile(support::FileName const & filename) const;
	/// Set editor and/or viewer to "auto" for formats that can be
	/// opened by the OS.
	void setAutoOpen();
	int getNumber(std::string const & name) const;
	void add(std::string const & name);
	void add(std::string const & name, std::string const & extension,
		 std::string const & prettyname, std::string const & shortcut,
		 std::string const & viewer, std::string const & editor,
		 int flags);
	void erase(std::string const & name);
	void sort();
	void setViewer(std::string const & name, std::string const & command);
	void setEditor(std::string const & name, std::string const & command);
	/// Currently used by hyperlink insets and GuiCitation
	bool viewURL(docstring const & url);
	/// View the given file. Buffer used for DVI's paper orientation.
	bool view(Buffer const & buffer, support::FileName const & filename,
		  std::string const & format_name) const;
	bool edit(Buffer const & buffer, support::FileName const & filename,
		  std::string const & format_name) const;
	docstring const prettyName(std::string const & name) const;
	std::string const extension(std::string const & name) const;
	const_iterator begin() const { return formatlist.begin(); }
	const_iterator end() const { return formatlist.end(); }
	FormatList::size_type size() const { return formatlist.size(); }
	FormatList formatlist;

extern Formats formats;

extern Formats system_formats;

} // namespace lyx

#endif //FORMAT_H