# This file is part of lyx2lyx
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2006 José Matos <jamatos@lyx.org>
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Georg Baum <Georg.Baum@post.rwth-aachen.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

""" Convert files to the file format generated by lyx 1.5"""

import re
import unicodedata
import sys, os

from parser_tools import find_re, find_token, find_token_backwards, find_token_exact, find_tokens, find_end_of, get_value, find_beginning_of, find_nonempty_line
from lyx2lyx_tools import insert_document_option
from LyX import get_encoding

# Provide support for both python 2 and 3
PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
if not PY2:
    text_type = str
    unichr = chr
    text_type = unicode
# End of code to support for both python 2 and 3

# Private helper functions

def find_end_of_inset(lines, i):
    " Find end of inset, where lines[i] is included."
    return find_end_of(lines, i, "\\begin_inset", "\\end_inset")

def find_end_of_layout(lines, i):
    " Find end of layout, where lines[i] is included."
    return find_end_of(lines, i, "\\begin_layout", "\\end_layout")

def find_beginning_of_layout(lines, i):
    "Find beginning of layout, where lines[i] is included."
    return find_beginning_of(lines, i, "\\begin_layout", "\\end_layout")

# End of helper functions

#  Notes: Framed/Shaded

def revert_framed(document):
    "Revert framed notes. "
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_tokens(document.body, ["\\begin_inset Note Framed", "\\begin_inset Note Shaded"], i)

        if i == -1:
        document.body[i] = "\\begin_inset Note"
        i = i + 1

#  Fonts

roman_fonts      = {'default' : 'default', 'ae'       : 'ae',
                    'times'   : 'times',   'palatino' : 'palatino',
                    'helvet'  : 'default', 'avant'    : 'default',
                    'newcent' : 'newcent', 'bookman'  : 'bookman',
                    'pslatex' : 'times'}
sans_fonts       = {'default' : 'default', 'ae'       : 'default',
                    'times'   : 'default', 'palatino' : 'default',
                    'helvet'  : 'helvet',  'avant'    : 'avant',
                    'newcent' : 'default', 'bookman'  : 'default',
                    'pslatex' : 'helvet'}
typewriter_fonts = {'default' : 'default', 'ae'       : 'default',
                    'times'   : 'default', 'palatino' : 'default',
                    'helvet'  : 'default', 'avant'    : 'default',
                    'newcent' : 'default', 'bookman'  : 'default',
                    'pslatex' : 'courier'}

def convert_font_settings(document):
    " Convert font settings. "
    i = 0
    i = find_token_exact(document.header, "\\fontscheme", i)
    if i == -1:
        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\fontscheme'.")
    font_scheme = get_value(document.header, "\\fontscheme", i, i + 1)
    if font_scheme == '':
        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Empty `\\fontscheme'.")
        font_scheme = 'default'
    if not font_scheme in list(roman_fonts.keys()):
        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Unknown `\\fontscheme' `%s'." % font_scheme)
        font_scheme = 'default'
    document.header[i:i+1] = ['\\font_roman %s' % roman_fonts[font_scheme],
                          '\\font_sans %s' % sans_fonts[font_scheme],
                          '\\font_typewriter %s' % typewriter_fonts[font_scheme],
                          '\\font_default_family default',
                          '\\font_sc false',
                          '\\font_osf false',
                          '\\font_sf_scale 100',
                          '\\font_tt_scale 100']

def revert_font_settings(document):
    " Revert font settings. "
    i = 0
    insert_line = -1
    fonts = {'roman' : 'default', 'sans' : 'default', 'typewriter' : 'default'}
    for family in 'roman', 'sans', 'typewriter':
        name = '\\font_%s' % family
        i = find_token_exact(document.header, name, i)
        if i == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `%s'." % name)
            i = 0
            if (insert_line < 0):
                insert_line = i
            fonts[family] = get_value(document.header, name, i, i + 1)
            del document.header[i]
    i = find_token_exact(document.header, '\\font_default_family', i)
    if i == -1:
        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\font_default_family'.")
        font_default_family = 'default'
        font_default_family = get_value(document.header, "\\font_default_family", i, i + 1)
        del document.header[i]
    i = find_token_exact(document.header, '\\font_sc', i)
    if i == -1:
        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\font_sc'.")
        font_sc = 'false'
        font_sc = get_value(document.header, '\\font_sc', i, i + 1)
        del document.header[i]
    if font_sc != 'false':
        document.warning("Conversion of '\\font_sc' not yet implemented.")
    i = find_token_exact(document.header, '\\font_osf', i)
    if i == -1:
        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\font_osf'.")
        font_osf = 'false'
        font_osf = get_value(document.header, '\\font_osf', i, i + 1)
        del document.header[i]
    i = find_token_exact(document.header, '\\font_sf_scale', i)
    if i == -1:
        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\font_sf_scale'.")
        font_sf_scale = '100'
        font_sf_scale = get_value(document.header, '\\font_sf_scale', i, i + 1)
        del document.header[i]
    if font_sf_scale != '100':
        document.warning("Conversion of '\\font_sf_scale' not yet implemented.")
    i = find_token_exact(document.header, '\\font_tt_scale', i)
    if i == -1:
        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\font_tt_scale'.")
        font_tt_scale = '100'
        font_tt_scale = get_value(document.header, '\\font_tt_scale', i, i + 1)
        del document.header[i]
    if font_tt_scale != '100':
        document.warning("Conversion of '\\font_tt_scale' not yet implemented.")
    for font_scheme in list(roman_fonts.keys()):
        if (roman_fonts[font_scheme] == fonts['roman'] and
            sans_fonts[font_scheme] == fonts['sans'] and
            typewriter_fonts[font_scheme] == fonts['typewriter']):
            document.header.insert(insert_line, '\\fontscheme %s' % font_scheme)
            if font_default_family != 'default':
                document.preamble.append('\\renewcommand{\\familydefault}{\\%s}' % font_default_family)
            if font_osf == 'true':
                document.warning("Ignoring `\\font_osf = true'")
    font_scheme = 'default'
    document.header.insert(insert_line, '\\fontscheme %s' % font_scheme)
    if fonts['roman'] == 'cmr':
        if font_osf == 'true':
            font_osf = 'false'
    for font in 'lmodern', 'charter', 'utopia', 'beraserif', 'ccfonts', 'chancery':
        if fonts['roman'] == font:
            document.preamble.append('\\usepackage{%s}' % font)
    for font in 'cmss', 'lmss', 'cmbr':
        if fonts['sans'] == font:
            document.preamble.append('\\renewcommand{\\sfdefault}{%s}' % font)
    for font in 'berasans':
        if fonts['sans'] == font:
            document.preamble.append('\\usepackage{%s}' % font)
    for font in 'cmtt', 'lmtt', 'cmtl':
        if fonts['typewriter'] == font:
            document.preamble.append('\\renewcommand{\\ttdefault}{%s}' % font)
    for font in 'courier', 'beramono', 'luximono':
        if fonts['typewriter'] == font:
            document.preamble.append('\\usepackage{%s}' % font)
    if font_default_family != 'default':
        document.preamble.append('\\renewcommand{\\familydefault}{\\%s}' % font_default_family)
    if font_osf == 'true':
        document.warning("Ignoring `\\font_osf = true'")

def revert_booktabs(document):
    " We remove the booktabs flag or everything else will become a mess. "
    re_row = re.compile(r'^<row.*space="[^"]+".*>$')
    re_tspace = re.compile(r'\s+topspace="[^"]+"')
    re_bspace = re.compile(r'\s+bottomspace="[^"]+"')
    re_ispace = re.compile(r'\s+interlinespace="[^"]+"')
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Tabular", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of tabular.")
        for k in range(i, j):
            if re.search('^<features.* booktabs="true".*>$', document.body[k]):
                document.warning("Converting 'booktabs' table to normal table.")
                document.body[k] = document.body[k].replace(' booktabs="true"', '')
            if re.search(re_row, document.body[k]):
                document.warning("Removing extra row space.")
                document.body[k] = re_tspace.sub('', document.body[k])
                document.body[k] = re_bspace.sub('', document.body[k])
                document.body[k] = re_ispace.sub('', document.body[k])
        i = i + 1

def convert_multiencoding(document, forward):
    """ Fix files with multiple encodings.
Files with an inputencoding of "auto" or "default" and multiple languages
where at least two languages have different default encodings are encoded
in multiple encodings for file formats < 249. These files are incorrectly
read and written (as if the whole file was in the encoding of the main
This is not true for files written by CJK-LyX, they are always in the locale

This function
- converts from fake unicode values to true unicode if forward is true, and
- converts from true unicode values to fake unicode if forward is false.
document.encoding must be set to the old value (format 248) in both cases.

We do this here and not in LyX.py because it is far easier to do the
necessary parsing in modern formats than in ancient ones.
    inset_types = ["Foot", "Note"]
    if document.cjk_encoding != '':
    encoding_stack = [document.encoding]
    insets = []
    lang_re = re.compile(r"^\\lang\s(\S+)")
    inset_re = re.compile(r"^\\begin_inset\s(\S+)")
    if not forward: # no need to read file unless we are reverting
        spec_chars = read_unicodesymbols()

    if document.inputencoding == "auto" or document.inputencoding == "default":
        i = 0
        while i < len(document.body):
            result = lang_re.match(document.body[i])
            if result:
                language = result.group(1)
                if language == "default":
                    document.warning("Resetting encoding from %s to %s." % (encoding_stack[-1], document.encoding), 3)
                    encoding_stack[-1] = document.encoding
                    from lyx2lyx_lang import lang
                    document.warning("Setting encoding from %s to %s." % (encoding_stack[-1], lang[language][3]), 3)
                    encoding_stack[-1] = lang[language][3]
            elif find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i, i + 1) == i:
                document.warning("Adding nested encoding %s." % encoding_stack[-1], 3)
                if len(insets) > 0 and insets[-1] in inset_types:
                    from lyx2lyx_lang import lang
            elif find_token(document.body, "\\end_layout", i, i + 1) == i:
                document.warning("Removing nested encoding %s." % encoding_stack[-1], 3)
                if len(encoding_stack) == 1:
                    # Don't remove the document encoding from the stack
                    document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Unexpected `\\end_layout'.")
                    del encoding_stack[-1]
            elif find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset", i, i + 1) == i:
                inset_result = inset_re.match(document.body[i])
                if inset_result:
            elif find_token(document.body, "\\end_inset", i, i + 1) == i:
                del insets[-1]
            if encoding_stack[-1] != document.encoding:
                if forward:
                    # This line has been incorrectly interpreted as if it was
                    # encoded in 'encoding'.
                    # Convert back to the 8bit string that was in the file.
                    orig = document.body[i].encode(document.encoding)
                    # Convert the 8bit string that was in the file to unicode
                    # with the correct encoding.
                    document.body[i] = orig.decode(encoding_stack[-1])
                        # Convert unicode to the 8bit string that will be written
                        # to the file with the correct encoding.
                        orig = document.body[i].encode(encoding_stack[-1])
                        # Convert the 8bit string that will be written to the
                        # file to fake unicode with the encoding that will later
                        # be used when writing to the file.
                        document.body[i] = orig.decode(document.encoding)
                        mod_line = revert_unicode_line(document, i, insets, spec_chars)
                        document.body[i:i+1] = mod_line.split('\n')
                        i += len(mod_line.split('\n')) - 1
            i += 1

def convert_utf8(document):
    " Set document encoding to UTF-8. "
    convert_multiencoding(document, True)
    document.encoding = "utf8"

def revert_utf8(document):
    " Set document encoding to the value corresponding to inputencoding. "
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\inputencoding", 0)
    if i == -1:
        document.header.append("\\inputencoding auto")
    elif get_value(document.header, "\\inputencoding", i) == "utf8":
        document.header[i] = "\\inputencoding auto"
    document.inputencoding = get_value(document.header, "\\inputencoding", 0)
    document.encoding = get_encoding(document.language, document.inputencoding, 248, document.cjk_encoding)
    convert_multiencoding(document, False)

# FIXME: Use the version in unicode_symbols.py which has some bug fixes
def read_unicodesymbols():
    " Read the unicodesymbols list of unicode characters and corresponding commands."
    pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
    fp = open(os.path.join(pathname.strip('lyx2lyx'), 'unicodesymbols'))
    spec_chars = {}
    for line in fp.readlines():
        if line[0] != '#':
            line=line.replace(' "',' ') # remove all quotation marks with spaces before
            line=line.replace('" ',' ') # remove all quotation marks with spaces after
            line=line.replace(r'\"','"') # replace \" by " (for characters with diaeresis)
                # flag1 and flag2 are preamble and other flags
                [ucs4,command,flag1,flag2] =line.split(None,3)
                spec_chars[unichr(eval(ucs4))] = [command, flag1, flag2]
    return spec_chars

def revert_unicode_line(document, i, insets, spec_chars, replacement_character = '???'):
    # Define strings to start and end ERT and math insets
    ert_intro='\n\n\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\\begin_layout %s' % document.default_layout
    math_intro='\n\\begin_inset Formula $'

    mod_line = u''
    if i and not is_inset_line(document, i-1):
        last_char = document.body[i - 1][-1:]
        last_char = ''

    line = document.body[i]
    for character in line:
            # Try to write the character
            dummy = character.encode(document.encoding)
            mod_line += character
            last_char = character
            # Try to replace with ERT/math inset
            if character in spec_chars:
                command = spec_chars[character][0] # the command to replace unicode
                flag1 = spec_chars[character][1]
                flag2 = spec_chars[character][2]
                if flag1.find('combining') > -1 or flag2.find('combining') > -1:
                    # We have a character that should be combined with the previous
                    command += '{' + last_char + '}'
                    # Remove the last character. Ignore if it is whitespace
                    if len(last_char.rstrip()):
                        # last_char was found and is not whitespace
                        if mod_line:
                            mod_line = mod_line[:-1]
                        else: # last_char belongs to the last line
                            document.body[i-1] = document.body[i-1][:-1]
                        # The last character was replaced by a command. For now it is
                        # ignored. This could be handled better.
                if command[0:2] == '\\\\':
                    if command[2:12]=='ensuremath':
                        if insets and insets[-1] == "ERT":
                            # math in ERT
                            command = command.replace('\\\\ensuremath{\\\\', '$\n\\backslash\n')
                            command = command.replace('}', '$\n')
                        elif not insets or insets[-1] != "Formula":
                            # add a math inset with the replacement character
                            command = command.replace('\\\\ensuremath{\\', math_intro)
                            command = command.replace('}', math_outro)
                            # we are already in a math inset
                            command = command.replace('\\\\ensuremath{\\', '')
                            command = command.replace('}', '')
                        if insets and insets[-1] == "Formula":
                            # avoid putting an ERT in a math; instead put command as text
                            command = command.replace('\\\\', '\mathrm{')
                            command = command + '}'
                        elif not insets or insets[-1] != "ERT":
                            # add an ERT inset with the replacement character
                            command = command.replace('\\\\', '\n\\backslash\n')
                            command = ert_intro + command + ert_outro
                            command = command.replace('\\\\', '\n\\backslash\n')
                    last_char = '' # indicate that the character should not be removed
                mod_line += command
                # Replace with replacement string
                mod_line += replacement_character
    return mod_line

def revert_unicode(document):
    '''Transform unicode characters that can not be written using the
document encoding to commands according to the unicodesymbols
file. Characters that can not be replaced by commands are replaced by
an replacement string.  Flags other than 'combined' are currently not
    spec_chars = read_unicodesymbols()
    insets = [] # list of active insets

    # Go through the document to capture all combining characters
    i = 0
    while i < len(document.body):
        line = document.body[i]
        # Check for insets
        if line.find('\\begin_inset') > -1:
        if line.find('\\end_inset') > -1:
            del insets[-1]

        # Try to write the line
            # If all goes well the line is written here
            dummy = line.encode(document.encoding)
            i += 1
            # Error, some character(s) in the line need to be replaced
            mod_line = revert_unicode_line(document, i, insets, spec_chars)
            document.body[i:i+1] = mod_line.split('\n')
            i += len(mod_line.split('\n'))

def revert_cs_label(document):
    " Remove status flag of charstyle label. "
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CharStyle", i)
        if i == -1:
        # Seach for a line starting 'show_label'
        # If it is not there, break with a warning message
        i = i + 1
        while True:
            if (document.body[i][:10] == "show_label"):
                del document.body[i]
            elif (document.body[i][:13] == "\\begin_layout"):
                document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing 'show_label'.")
            i = i + 1

        i = i + 1

def convert_bibitem(document):
    """ Convert
\bibitem [option]{argument}


\begin_inset LatexCommand bibitem
label "option"
key "argument"


This must be called after convert_commandparams.
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\bibitem", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = document.body[i].find('[') + 1
        k = document.body[i].rfind(']')
        if j == 0: # No optional argument found
            option = None
            option = document.body[i][j:k]
        j = document.body[i].rfind('{') + 1
        k = document.body[i].rfind('}')
        argument = document.body[i][j:k]
        lines = ['\\begin_inset LatexCommand bibitem']
        if option != None:
            lines.append('label "%s"' % option.replace('"', '\\"'))
        lines.append('key "%s"' % argument.replace('"', '\\"'))
        document.body[i:i+1] = lines
        i = i + 1

commandparams_info = {
    # command : [option1, option2, argument]
    "bibitem" : ["label", "", "key"],
    "bibtex" : ["options", "btprint", "bibfiles"],
    "cite"        : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "citet"       : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "citep"       : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "citealt"     : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "citealp"     : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "citeauthor"  : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "citeyear"    : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "citeyearpar" : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "citet*"      : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "citep*"      : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "citealt*"    : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "citealp*"    : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "citeauthor*" : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "Citet"       : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "Citep"       : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "Citealt"     : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "Citealp"     : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "Citeauthor"  : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "Citet*"      : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "Citep*"      : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "Citealt*"    : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "Citealp*"    : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "Citeauthor*" : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "citefield"   : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "citetitle"   : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "cite*"       : ["after", "before", "key"],
    "hfill" : ["", "", ""],
    "index"      : ["", "", "name"],
    "printindex" : ["", "", "name"],
    "label" : ["", "", "name"],
    "eqref"     : ["name", "", "reference"],
    "pageref"   : ["name", "", "reference"],
    "prettyref" : ["name", "", "reference"],
    "ref"       : ["name", "", "reference"],
    "vpageref"  : ["name", "", "reference"],
    "vref"      : ["name", "", "reference"],
    "tableofcontents" : ["", "", "type"],
    "htmlurl" : ["name", "", "target"],
    "url"     : ["name", "", "target"]}

def convert_commandparams(document):
    """ Convert

 \begin_inset LatexCommand \cmdname[opt1][opt2]{arg}


 \begin_inset LatexCommand cmdname
 name1 "opt1"
 name2 "opt2"
 name3 "arg"

 name1, name2 and name3 can be different for each command.
    # \begin_inset LatexCommand bibitem was not the official version (see
    # convert_bibitem()), but could be read in, so we convert it here, too.

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset LatexCommand", i)
        if i == -1:
        command = document.body[i][26:].strip()
        if command == "":
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing LatexCommand name.")
            i = i + 1

        j = find_token(document.body, "\\end_inset", i + 1)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed document")
            command += "".join(document.body[i+1:j])
            document.body[i+1:j] = []

        # The following parser is taken from the original InsetCommandParams::scanCommand
        name = ""
        option1 = ""
        option2 = ""
        argument = ""
        state = "WS"
        # Used to handle things like \command[foo[bar]]{foo{bar}}
        nestdepth = 0
        b = 0
        for c in command:
            if ((state == "CMDNAME" and c == ' ') or
                (state == "CMDNAME" and c == '[') or
                (state == "CMDNAME" and c == '{')):
                state = "WS"
            if ((state == "OPTION" and c == ']') or
                (state == "SECOPTION" and c == ']') or
                (state == "CONTENT" and c == '}')):
                if nestdepth == 0:
                    state = "WS"
                    nestdepth = nestdepth - 1
            if ((state == "OPTION" and c == '[') or
                (state == "SECOPTION" and c == '[') or
                (state == "CONTENT" and c == '{')):
                nestdepth = nestdepth + 1
            if state == "CMDNAME":
                    name += c
            elif state == "OPTION":
                    option1 += c
            elif state == "SECOPTION":
                    option2 += c
            elif state == "CONTENT":
                    argument += c
            elif state == "WS":
                if c == '\\':
                    state = "CMDNAME"
                elif c == '[' and b != ']':
                    state = "OPTION"
                    nestdepth = 0 # Just to be sure
                elif c == '[' and b == ']':
                    state = "SECOPTION"
                    nestdepth = 0 # Just to be sure
                elif c == '{':
                    state = "CONTENT"
                    nestdepth = 0 # Just to be sure
            b = c

        # Now we have parsed the command, output the parameters
        lines = ["\\begin_inset LatexCommand %s" % name]
        if option1 != "":
            if commandparams_info[name][0] == "":
                document.warning("Ignoring invalid option `%s' of command `%s'." % (option1, name))
                lines.append('%s "%s"' % (commandparams_info[name][0], option1.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')))
        if option2 != "":
            if commandparams_info[name][1] == "":
                document.warning("Ignoring invalid second option `%s' of command `%s'." % (option2, name))
                lines.append('%s "%s"' % (commandparams_info[name][1], option2.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')))
        if argument != "":
            if commandparams_info[name][2] == "":
                document.warning("Ignoring invalid argument `%s' of command `%s'." % (argument, name))
                lines.append('%s "%s"' % (commandparams_info[name][2], argument.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')))
        document.body[i:i+1] = lines
        i = i + 1

def revert_commandparams(document):
    regex = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s+(.+)')
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset LatexCommand", i)
        if i == -1:
        name = document.body[i].split()[2]
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
        preview_line = ""
        option1 = ""
        option2 = ""
        argument = ""
        for k in range(i + 1, j):
            match = re.match(regex, document.body[k])
            if match:
                pname = match.group(1)
                pvalue = match.group(2)
                if pname == "preview":
                    preview_line = document.body[k]
                elif (commandparams_info[name][0] != "" and
                      pname == commandparams_info[name][0]):
                    option1 = pvalue.strip('"').replace('\\"', '"').replace('\\\\', '\\')
                elif (commandparams_info[name][1] != "" and
                      pname == commandparams_info[name][1]):
                    option2 = pvalue.strip('"').replace('\\"', '"').replace('\\\\', '\\')
                elif (commandparams_info[name][2] != "" and
                      pname == commandparams_info[name][2]):
                    argument = pvalue.strip('"').replace('\\"', '"').replace('\\\\', '\\')
            elif document.body[k].strip() != "":
                document.warning("Ignoring unknown contents `%s' in command inset %s." % (document.body[k], name))
        if name == "bibitem":
            if option1 == "":
                lines = ["\\bibitem {%s}" % argument]
                lines = ["\\bibitem [%s]{%s}" % (option1, argument)]
            if option1 == "":
                if option2 == "":
                    lines = ["\\begin_inset LatexCommand \\%s{%s}" % (name, argument)]
                    lines = ["\\begin_inset LatexCommand \\%s[][%s]{%s}" % (name, option2, argument)]
                if option2 == "":
                    lines = ["\\begin_inset LatexCommand \\%s[%s]{%s}" % (name, option1, argument)]
                    lines = ["\\begin_inset LatexCommand \\%s[%s][%s]{%s}" % (name, option1, option2, argument)]
        if name != "bibitem":
            if preview_line != "":
        document.body[i:j+1] = lines
        i += len(lines) + 1

def revert_nomenclature(document):
    " Convert nomenclature entry to ERT. "
    regex = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s+(.+)')
    i = 0
    use_nomencl = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset LatexCommand nomenclature", i)
        if i == -1:
        use_nomencl = 1
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
        preview_line = ""
        symbol = ""
        description = ""
        prefix = ""
        for k in range(i + 1, j):
            match = re.match(regex, document.body[k])
            if match:
                name = match.group(1)
                value = match.group(2)
                if name == "preview":
                    preview_line = document.body[k]
                elif name == "symbol":
                    symbol = value.strip('"').replace('\\"', '"')
                elif name == "description":
                    description = value.strip('"').replace('\\"', '"')
                elif name == "prefix":
                    prefix = value.strip('"').replace('\\"', '"')
            elif document.body[k].strip() != "":
                document.warning("Ignoring unknown contents `%s' in nomenclature inset." % document.body[k])
        if prefix == "":
            command = 'nomenclature{%s}{%s}' % (symbol, description)
            command = 'nomenclature[%s]{%s}{%s}' % (prefix, symbol, description)
        document.body[i:j+1] = ['\\begin_inset ERT',
                                'status collapsed',
                                '\\begin_layout %s' % document.default_layout,
        i = i + 11
    if use_nomencl and find_token(document.preamble, '\\usepackage{nomencl}[2005/09/22]', 0) == -1:

def revert_printnomenclature(document):
    " Convert printnomenclature to ERT. "
    regex = re.compile(r'(\S+)\s+(.+)')
    i = 0
    use_nomencl = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset LatexCommand printnomenclature", i)
        if i == -1:
        use_nomencl = 1
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
        preview_line = ""
        labelwidth = ""
        for k in range(i + 1, j):
            match = re.match(regex, document.body[k])
            if match:
                name = match.group(1)
                value = match.group(2)
                if name == "preview":
                    preview_line = document.body[k]
                elif name == "labelwidth":
                    labelwidth = value.strip('"').replace('\\"', '"')
            elif document.body[k].strip() != "":
                document.warning("Ignoring unknown contents `%s' in printnomenclature inset." % document.body[k])
        if labelwidth == "":
            command = 'nomenclature{}'
            command = 'nomenclature[%s]' % labelwidth
        document.body[i:j+1] = ['\\begin_inset ERT',
                                'status collapsed',
                                '\\begin_layout %s' % document.default_layout,
        i = i + 11
    if use_nomencl and find_token(document.preamble, '\\usepackage{nomencl}[2005/09/22]', 0) == -1:

def convert_esint(document):
    " Add \\use_esint setting to header. "
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\cite_engine", 0)
    if i == -1:
        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\cite_engine'.")
    # 0 is off, 1 is auto, 2 is on.
    document.header.insert(i, '\\use_esint 0')

def revert_esint(document):
    " Remove \\use_esint setting from header. "
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_esint", 0)
    if i == -1:
        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\use_esint'.")
    use_esint = document.header[i].split()[1]
    del document.header[i]
    # 0 is off, 1 is auto, 2 is on.
    if (use_esint == 2):

def revert_clearpage(document):
    " clearpage -> ERT "
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\clearpage", i)
        if i == -1:
        document.body[i:i+1] =  ['\\begin_inset ERT',
                                'status collapsed',
                                '\\begin_layout %s' % document.default_layout,
    i = i + 1

def revert_cleardoublepage(document):
    " cleardoublepage -> ERT "
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\cleardoublepage", i)
        if i == -1:
        document.body[i:i+1] =  ['\\begin_inset ERT',
                                'status collapsed',
                                '\\begin_layout %s' % document.default_layout,
    i = i + 1

def convert_lyxline(document):
    " remove fontsize commands for \lyxline "
    # The problematic is: The old \lyxline definition doesn't handle the fontsize
    # to change the line thickness. The new definiton does this so that imported
    # \lyxlines would have a different line thickness. The eventual fontsize command
    # before \lyxline is therefore removed to get the same output.
    fontsizes = ["tiny", "scriptsize", "footnotesize", "small", "normalsize",
                 "large", "Large", "LARGE", "huge", "Huge"]
    for n in range(0, len(fontsizes)):
        i = 0
        k = 0
        while i < len(document.body):
            i = find_token(document.body, "\\size " + fontsizes[n], i)
            k = find_token(document.body, "\\lyxline", i)
            # the corresponding fontsize command is always 2 lines before the \lyxline
            if (i != -1 and k == i+2):
                document.body[i:i+1] = []
        i = i + 1

def revert_encodings(document):
    " Set new encodings to auto. "
    encodings = ["8859-6", "8859-8", "cp437", "cp437de", "cp850", "cp852",
                 "cp855", "cp858", "cp862", "cp865", "cp866", "cp1250",
                 "cp1252", "cp1256", "cp1257", "latin10", "pt254", "tis620-0"]
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\inputencoding", 0)
    if i == -1:
        document.header.append("\\inputencoding auto")
        inputenc = get_value(document.header, "\\inputencoding", i)
        if inputenc in encodings:
            document.header[i] = "\\inputencoding auto"
    document.inputencoding = get_value(document.header, "\\inputencoding", 0)

def convert_caption(document):
    " Convert caption layouts to caption insets. "
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Caption", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\end_layout'.")

        document.body[j:j] = ["\\end_layout", "", "\\end_inset", "", ""]
        document.body[i:i+1] = ["\\begin_layout %s" % document.default_layout,
                            "\\begin_inset Caption", "",
                            "\\begin_layout %s" % document.default_layout]
        i = i + 1

def revert_caption(document):
    " Convert caption insets to caption layouts. "
    " This assumes that the text class has a caption style. "
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Caption", i)
        if i == -1:

        # We either need to delete the previous \begin_layout line, or we
        # need to end the previous layout if this inset is not in the first
        # position of the paragraph.
        layout_before = find_token_backwards(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i)
        if layout_before == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\begin_layout'.")
        layout_line = document.body[layout_before]
        del_layout_before = True
        l = layout_before + 1
        while l < i:
            if document.body[l] != "":
                del_layout_before = False
            l = l + 1
        if del_layout_before:
            del document.body[layout_before:i]
            i = layout_before
            document.body[i:i] = ["\\end_layout", ""]
            i = i + 2

        # Find start of layout in the inset and end of inset
        j = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\begin_layout'.")
        k = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
        if k == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\end_inset'.")

        # We either need to delete the following \end_layout line, or we need
        # to restart the old layout if this inset is not at the paragraph end.
        layout_after = find_token(document.body, "\\end_layout", k)
        if layout_after == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\end_layout'.")
        del_layout_after = True
        l = k + 1
        while l < layout_after:
            if document.body[l] != "":
                del_layout_after = False
            l = l + 1
        if del_layout_after:
            del document.body[k+1:layout_after+1]
            document.body[k+1:k+1] = [layout_line, ""]

        # delete \begin_layout and \end_inset and replace \begin_inset with
        # "\begin_layout Caption". This works because we can only have one
        # paragraph in the caption inset: The old \end_layout will be recycled.
        del document.body[k]
        if document.body[k] == "":
            del document.body[k]
        del document.body[j]
        if document.body[j] == "":
            del document.body[j]
        document.body[i] = "\\begin_layout Caption"
        if document.body[i+1] == "":
            del document.body[i+1]
        i = i + 1

# Accents of InsetLaTeXAccent
accent_map = {
    "`" : u'\u0300', # grave
    "'" : u'\u0301', # acute
    "^" : u'\u0302', # circumflex
    "~" : u'\u0303', # tilde
    "=" : u'\u0304', # macron
    "u" : u'\u0306', # breve
    "." : u'\u0307', # dot above
    "\"": u'\u0308', # diaeresis
    "r" : u'\u030a', # ring above
    "H" : u'\u030b', # double acute
    "v" : u'\u030c', # caron
    "b" : u'\u0320', # minus sign below
    "d" : u'\u0323', # dot below
    "c" : u'\u0327', # cedilla
    "k" : u'\u0328', # ogonek
    "t" : u'\u0361'  # tie. This is special: It spans two characters, but
                     # only one is given as argument, so we don't need to
                     # treat it differently.

# special accents of InsetLaTeXAccent without argument
special_accent_map = {
    'i' : u'\u0131', # dotless i
    'j' : u'\u0237', # dotless j
    'l' : u'\u0142', # l with stroke
    'L' : u'\u0141'  # L with stroke

# special accent arguments of InsetLaTeXAccent
accented_map = {
    '\\i' : u'\u0131', # dotless i
    '\\j' : u'\u0237'  # dotless j

def _convert_accent(accent, accented_char):
    type = accent
    char = accented_char
    if char == '':
        if type in special_accent_map:
            return special_accent_map[type]
        # a missing char is treated as space by LyX
        char = ' '
    elif type == 'q' and char in ['t', 'd', 'l', 'L']:
        # Special caron, only used with t, d, l and L.
        # It is not in the map because we convert it to the same unicode
        # character as the normal caron: \q{} is only defined if babel with
        # the czech or slovak language is used, and the normal caron
        # produces the correct output if the T1 font encoding is used.
        # For the same reason we never convert to \q{} in the other direction.
        type = 'v'
    elif char in accented_map:
        char = accented_map[char]
    elif (len(char) > 1):
        # We can only convert accents on a single char
        return ''
    a = accent_map.get(type)
    if a:
        return unicodedata.normalize("NFC", "%s%s" % (char, a))
    return ''

def convert_ertbackslash(body, i, ert, default_layout):
    r""" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Convert backslashes and '\n' into valid ERT code, append the converted
    text to body[i] and return the (maybe incremented) line index i"""

    for c in ert:
        if c == '\\':
            body[i] = body[i] + '\\backslash '
            i = i + 1
            body.insert(i, '')
        elif c == '\n':
            body[i+1:i+1] = ['\\end_layout', '', '\\begin_layout %s' % default_layout, '']
            i = i + 4
            body[i] = body[i] + c
    return i

def convert_accent(document):
    # The following forms are supported by LyX:
    # '\i \"{a}' (standard form, as written by LyX)
    # '\i \"{}' (standard form, as written by LyX if the accented char is a space)
    # '\i \"{ }' (also accepted if the accented char is a space)
    # '\i \" a'  (also accepted)
    # '\i \"'    (also accepted)
    re_wholeinset = re.compile(r'^(.*)(\\i\s+)(.*)$')
    re_contents = re.compile(r'^([^\s{]+)(.*)$')
    re_accentedcontents = re.compile(r'^\s*{?([^{}]*)}?\s*$')
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_re(document.body, re_wholeinset, i)
        if i == -1:
        match = re_wholeinset.match(document.body[i])
        prefix = match.group(1)
        contents = match.group(3).strip()
        match = re_contents.match(contents)
        if match:
            # Strip first char (always \)
            accent = match.group(1)[1:]
            accented_contents = match.group(2).strip()
            match = re_accentedcontents.match(accented_contents)
            accented_char = match.group(1)
            converted = _convert_accent(accent, accented_char)
            if converted == '':
                # Normalize contents
                contents = '%s{%s}' % (accent, accented_char),
                document.body[i] = '%s%s' % (prefix, converted)
                i += 1
        document.warning("Converting unknown InsetLaTeXAccent `\\i %s' to ERT." % contents)
        document.body[i] = prefix
        document.body[i+1:i+1] = ['\\begin_inset ERT',
                                  'status collapsed',
                                  '\\begin_layout %s' % document.default_layout,
        i = convert_ertbackslash(document.body, i + 7,
                                 '\\%s' % contents,
        document.body[i+1:i+1] = ['\\end_layout',
        i += 3

def is_inset_line(document, i):
    """ Line i of body has an inset """
    if document.body[i][:1] == '\\':
        return True
    last_tokens = "".join(document.body[i].split()[-2:])
    return last_tokens.find('\\') != -1

# A wrapper around normalize that handles special cases (cf. bug 3313)
def normalize(form, text):
    # do not normalize OHM, ANGSTROM
    keep_characters = [0x2126,0x212b]
    result = ''
    convert = ''
    for i in text:
        if ord(i) in keep_characters:
            if len(convert) > 0:
                result = result + unicodedata.normalize(form, convert)
                convert = ''
            result = result + i
            convert = convert + i
    if len(convert) > 0:
        result = result + unicodedata.normalize(form, convert)
    return result

def revert_accent(document):
    inverse_accent_map = {}
    for k in accent_map:
        inverse_accent_map[accent_map[k]] = k
    inverse_special_accent_map = {}
    for k in special_accent_map:
        inverse_special_accent_map[special_accent_map[k]] = k
    inverse_accented_map = {}
    for k in accented_map:
        inverse_accented_map[accented_map[k]] = k

    # Since LyX may insert a line break within a word we must combine all
    # words before unicode normalization.
    # We do this only if the next line starts with an accent, otherwise we
    # would create things like '\begin_inset ERTstatus'.
    for i in range(len(document.body) - 1):
        if document.body[i] == '' or document.body[i+1] == '' or document.body[i][-1] == ' ':
        if (document.body[i+1][0] in inverse_accent_map and not is_inset_line(document, i)):
            # the last character of this line and the first of the next line
            # form probably a surrogate pair, inline insets are excluded (second part of the test)
            while (len(document.body[i+1]) > 0 and document.body[i+1][0] != ' '):
                document.body[i] += document.body[i+1][0]
                document.body[i+1] = document.body[i+1][1:]

    # Normalize to "Normal form D" (NFD, also known as canonical decomposition).
    # This is needed to catch all accented characters.
    for i in range(len(document.body)):
        # Unfortunately we have a mixture of unicode strings and plain strings,
        # because we never use u'xxx' for string literals, but 'xxx'.
        # Therefore we may have to try two times to normalize the data.
            document.body[i] = normalize("NFD", document.body[i])
        except TypeError:
            document.body[i] = normalize("NFD", text_type(document.body[i], 'utf-8'))

    # Replace accented characters with InsetLaTeXAccent
    # Do not convert characters that can be represented in the chosen
    # encoding.
    encoding_stack = [get_encoding(document.language, document.inputencoding, 248, document.cjk_encoding)]
    lang_re = re.compile(r"^\\lang\s(\S+)")

    i = 0
    while i < len(document.body):
        if (document.inputencoding == "auto" or document.inputencoding == "default") and document.cjk_encoding != '':
            # Track the encoding of the current line
            result = lang_re.match(document.body[i])
            if result:
                language = result.group(1)
                if language == "default":
                    encoding_stack[-1] = document.encoding
                    from lyx2lyx_lang import lang
                    encoding_stack[-1] = lang[language][3]
            elif find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i, i + 1) == i:
            elif find_token(document.body, "\\end_layout", i, i + 1) == i:
                del encoding_stack[-1]

        for j in range(len(document.body[i])):
            # dotless i and dotless j are both in special_accent_map and can
            # occur as an accented character, so we need to test that the
            # following character is no accent
            if (document.body[i][j] in inverse_special_accent_map and
                (j == len(document.body[i]) - 1 or document.body[i][j+1] not in inverse_accent_map)):
                accent = document.body[i][j]
                    dummy = accent.encode(encoding_stack[-1])
                except UnicodeEncodeError:
                    # Insert the rest of the line as new line
                    if j < len(document.body[i]) - 1:
                        document.body.insert(i+1, document.body[i][j+1:])
                    # Delete the accented character
                    document.body[i] = document.body[i][:j]
                    # Finally add the InsetLaTeXAccent
                    document.body[i] += "\\i \\%s{}" % inverse_special_accent_map[accent]
            elif j > 0 and document.body[i][j] in inverse_accent_map:
                accented_char = document.body[i][j-1]
                if accented_char == ' ':
                    # Conform to LyX output
                    accented_char = ''
                elif accented_char in inverse_accented_map:
                    accented_char = inverse_accented_map[accented_char]
                accent = document.body[i][j]
                    dummy = normalize("NFC", accented_char + accent).encode(encoding_stack[-1])
                except UnicodeEncodeError:
                    # Insert the rest of the line as new line
                    if j < len(document.body[i]) - 1:
                        document.body.insert(i+1, document.body[i][j+1:])
                    # Delete the accented characters
                    document.body[i] = document.body[i][:j-1]
                    # Finally add the InsetLaTeXAccent
                    document.body[i] += "\\i \\%s{%s}" % (inverse_accent_map[accent], accented_char)
        i = i + 1

    # Normalize to "Normal form C" (NFC, pre-composed characters) again
    for i in range(len(document.body)):
        document.body[i] = normalize("NFC", document.body[i])

def normalize_font_whitespace_259(document):
    """ Before format 259 the font changes were ignored if a
    whitespace was the first or last character in the sequence, this function
    transfers the whitespace outside."""

    char_properties = {"\\series": "default",
                       "\\emph": "default",
                       "\\color": "none",
                       "\\shape": "default",
                       "\\bar": "default",
                       "\\family": "default"}
    return normalize_font_whitespace(document, char_properties)

def normalize_font_whitespace_274(document):
    """ Before format 259 (sic) the font changes were ignored if a
    whitespace was the first or last character in the sequence. This was
    corrected for most font properties in format 259, but the language
    was forgotten then. This function applies the same conversion done
    there (namely, transfers the whitespace outside) for font language
    changes, as well."""

    char_properties = {"\\lang": "default"}
    return normalize_font_whitespace(document, char_properties)

def get_paragraph_language(document, i):
    """ Return the language of the paragraph in which line i of the document
    body is. If the first thing in the paragraph is a \\lang command, that
    is the paragraph's langauge; otherwise, the paragraph's language is the
    document's language."""

    lines = document.body

    first_nonempty_line = \
        find_nonempty_line(lines, find_beginning_of_layout(lines, i) + 1)

    words = lines[first_nonempty_line].split()

    if len(words) > 1 and words[0] == "\\lang":
        return words[1]
        return document.language

def normalize_font_whitespace(document, char_properties):
    """ Before format 259 the font changes were ignored if a
    whitespace was the first or last character in the sequence, this function
    transfers the whitespace outside. Only a change in one of the properties
    in the provided	char_properties is handled by this function."""

    if document.backend != "latex":

    lines = document.body

    changes = {}

    i = 0
    while i < len(lines):
        words = lines[i].split()

        if len(words) > 0 and words[0] == "\\begin_layout":
            # a new paragraph resets all font changes
            # also reset the default language to be the paragraph's language
            if "\\lang" in list(char_properties.keys()):
                char_properties["\\lang"] = \
                    get_paragraph_language(document, i + 1)

        elif len(words) > 1 and words[0] in list(char_properties.keys()):
            # we have a font change
            if char_properties[words[0]] == words[1]:
                # property gets reset
                if words[0] in list(changes.keys()):
                    del changes[words[0]]
                defaultproperty = True
                # property gets set
                changes[words[0]] = words[1]
                defaultproperty = False

            # We need to explicitly reset all changed properties if we find
            # a space below, because LyX 1.4 would output the space after
            # closing the previous change and before starting the new one,
            # and closing a font change means to close all properties, not
            # just the changed one.

            if lines[i-1] and lines[i-1][-1] == " ":
                lines[i-1] = lines[i-1][:-1]
                # a space before the font change
                added_lines = [" "]
                for k in list(changes.keys()):
                    # exclude property k because that is already in lines[i]
                    if k != words[0]:
                        added_lines[1:1] = ["%s %s" % (k, changes[k])]
                for k in list(changes.keys()):
                    # exclude property k because that must be added below anyway
                    if k != words[0]:
                        added_lines[0:0] = ["%s %s" % (k, char_properties[k])]
                if defaultproperty:
                    # Property is reset in lines[i], so add the new stuff afterwards
                    lines[i+1:i+1] = added_lines
                    # Reset property for the space
                    added_lines[0:0] = ["%s %s" % (words[0], char_properties[words[0]])]
                    lines[i:i] = added_lines
                i = i + len(added_lines)

            elif lines[i+1] and lines[i+1][0] == " " and (len(changes) > 0 or not defaultproperty):
                # a space after the font change
                if (lines[i+1] == " " and lines[i+2]):
                    next_words = lines[i+2].split()
                    if len(next_words) > 0 and next_words[0] == words[0]:
                        # a single blank with a property different from the
                        # previous and the next line must not be changed
                        i = i + 2
                lines[i+1] = lines[i+1][1:]
                added_lines = [" "]
                for k in list(changes.keys()):
                    # exclude property k because that is already in lines[i]
                    if k != words[0]:
                        added_lines[1:1] = ["%s %s" % (k, changes[k])]
                for k in list(changes.keys()):
                    # exclude property k because that must be added below anyway
                    if k != words[0]:
                        added_lines[0:0] = ["%s %s" % (k, char_properties[k])]
                # Reset property for the space
                added_lines[0:0] = ["%s %s" % (words[0], char_properties[words[0]])]
                lines[i:i] = added_lines
                i = i + len(added_lines)

        i = i + 1

def revert_utf8x(document):
    " Set utf8x encoding to utf8. "
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\inputencoding", 0)
    if i == -1:
        document.header.append("\\inputencoding auto")
        inputenc = get_value(document.header, "\\inputencoding", i)
        if inputenc == "utf8x":
            document.header[i] = "\\inputencoding utf8"
    document.inputencoding = get_value(document.header, "\\inputencoding", 0)

def revert_utf8plain(document):
    " Set utf8plain encoding to utf8. "
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\inputencoding", 0)
    if i == -1:
        document.header.append("\\inputencoding auto")
        inputenc = get_value(document.header, "\\inputencoding", i)
        if inputenc == "utf8-plain":
            document.header[i] = "\\inputencoding utf8"
    document.inputencoding = get_value(document.header, "\\inputencoding", 0)

def revert_beamer_alert(document):
    " Revert beamer's \\alert inset back to ERT. "
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CharStyle Alert", i)
        if i == -1:
        document.body[i] = "\\begin_inset ERT"
        i = i + 1
        while True:
            if (document.body[i][:13] == "\\begin_layout"):
                # Insert the \alert command
                document.body[i + 1] = "\\alert{" + document.body[i + 1] + '}'
            i = i + 1

        i = i + 1

def revert_beamer_structure(document):
    " Revert beamer's \\structure inset back to ERT. "
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CharStyle Structure", i)
        if i == -1:
        document.body[i] = "\\begin_inset ERT"
        i = i + 1
        while True:
            if (document.body[i][:13] == "\\begin_layout"):
                document.body[i + 1] = "\\structure{" + document.body[i + 1] + '}'
            i = i + 1

        i = i + 1

def convert_changes(document):
    " Switch output_changes off if tracking_changes is off. "
    i = find_token(document.header, '\\tracking_changes', 0)
    if i == -1:
        document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\tracking_changes'.")
    j = find_token(document.header, '\\output_changes', 0)
    if j == -1:
        document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\output_changes'.")
    tracking_changes = get_value(document.header, "\\tracking_changes", i)
    output_changes = get_value(document.header, "\\output_changes", j)
    if tracking_changes == "false" and output_changes == "true":
        document.header[j] = "\\output_changes false"

def revert_ascii(document):
    " Set ascii encoding to auto. "
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\inputencoding", 0)
    if i == -1:
        document.header.append("\\inputencoding auto")
        inputenc = get_value(document.header, "\\inputencoding", i)
        if inputenc == "ascii":
            document.header[i] = "\\inputencoding auto"
    document.inputencoding = get_value(document.header, "\\inputencoding", 0)

def normalize_language_name(document):
    lang = { "brazil": "brazilian",
             "portuges": "portuguese"}

    if document.language in lang:
        document.language = lang[document.language]
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
        document.header[i] = "\\language %s" % document.language

def revert_language_name(document):
    lang = { "brazilian": "brazil",
             "portuguese": "portuges"}

    if document.language in lang:
        document.language = lang[document.language]
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
        document.header[i] = "\\language %s" % document.language

#  \textclass cv -> \textclass simplecv
def convert_cv_textclass(document):
    if document.textclass == "cv":
        document.textclass = "simplecv"

def revert_cv_textclass(document):
    if document.textclass == "simplecv":
        document.textclass = "cv"

# add scaleBeforeRotation graphics param
def convert_graphics_rotation(document):
    " add scaleBeforeRotation graphics parameter. "
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Graphics", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i+1)
        if j == -1:
            # should not happen
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of graphics inset.")
        # Seach for rotateAngle and width or height or scale
        # If these params are not there, nothing needs to be done.
        k = find_token(document.body, "\trotateAngle", i + 1, j)
        l = find_tokens(document.body, ["\twidth", "\theight", "\tscale"], i + 1, j)
        if (k != -1 and l != -1):
            document.body.insert(j, 'scaleBeforeRotation')
        i = i + 1

# remove scaleBeforeRotation graphics param
def revert_graphics_rotation(document):
    " remove scaleBeforeRotation graphics parameter. "
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Graphics", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
        if j == -1:
            # should not happen
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of graphics inset.")
        # If there's a scaleBeforeRotation param, just remove that
        k = find_token(document.body, "\tscaleBeforeRotation", i + 1, j)
        if k != -1:
            del document.body[k]
            # if not, and if we have rotateAngle and width or height or scale,
            # we have to put the rotateAngle value to special
            rotateAngle = get_value(document.body, 'rotateAngle', i + 1, j)
            special = get_value(document.body, 'special', i + 1, j)
            if rotateAngle != "":
                k = find_tokens(document.body, ["\twidth", "\theight", "\tscale"], i + 1, j)
                if k == -1:
                if special == "":
                    document.body.insert(j-1, '\tspecial angle=%s' % rotateAngle)
                    l = find_token(document.body, "\tspecial", i + 1, j)
                    document.body[l] = document.body[l].replace(special, 'angle=%s,%s' % (rotateAngle, special))
                k = find_token(document.body, "\trotateAngle", i + 1, j)
                if k != -1:
                    del document.body[k]
        i = i + 1

def convert_tableborder(document):
    # The problem is: LyX doubles the table cell border as it ignores the "|" character in
    # the cell arguments. A fix takes care of this and therefore the "|" has to be removed
    i = 0
    while i < len(document.body):
        h = document.body[i].find("leftline=\"true\"", 0, len(document.body[i]))
        k = document.body[i].find("|>{", 0, len(document.body[i]))
        # the two tokens have to be in one line
        if (h != -1 and k != -1):
            # delete the "|"
            document.body[i] = document.body[i][:k] + document.body[i][k+1:len(document.body[i])]
        i = i + 1

def revert_tableborder(document):
    i = 0
    while i < len(document.body):
        h = document.body[i].find("leftline=\"true\"", 0, len(document.body[i]))
        k = document.body[i].find(">{", 0, len(document.body[i]))
        # the two tokens have to be in one line
        if (h != -1 and k != -1):
            # add the "|"
            document.body[i] = document.body[i][:k] + '|' + document.body[i][k:]
        i = i + 1

def revert_armenian(document):

    # set inputencoding from armscii8 to auto
    if document.inputencoding == "armscii8":
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\inputencoding", 0)
        if i != -1:
            document.header[i] = "\\inputencoding auto"
    # check if preamble exists, if not k is set to -1
    i = 0
    k = -1
    while i < len(document.preamble):
        if k == -1:
            k = document.preamble[i].find("\\", 0, len(document.preamble[i]))
        if k == -1:
            k = document.preamble[i].find("%", 0, len(document.preamble[i]))
        i = i + 1
    # add the entry \usepackage{armtex} to the document preamble
    if document.language == "armenian":
        # set the armtex entry as the first preamble line
        if k != -1:
            document.preamble[0:0] = ["\\usepackage{armtex}"]
        # create the preamble when it doesn't exist
    # Set document language from armenian to english
    if document.language == "armenian":
        document.language = "english"
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
        if i != -1:
            document.header[i] = "\\language english"

def revert_CJK(document):
    " Set CJK encodings to default and languages chinese, japanese and korean to english. "
    encodings = ["Bg5", "Bg5+", "GB", "GBt", "GBK", "JIS",
                 "KS", "SJIS", "UTF8", "EUC-TW", "EUC-JP"]
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\inputencoding", 0)
    if i == -1:
        document.header.append("\\inputencoding auto")
        inputenc = get_value(document.header, "\\inputencoding", i)
        if inputenc in encodings:
            document.header[i] = "\\inputencoding default"
    document.inputencoding = get_value(document.header, "\\inputencoding", 0)

    if document.language == "chinese-simplified" or \
       document.language == "chinese-traditional" or \
       document.language == "japanese" or document.language == "korean":
        document.language = "english"
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
        if i != -1:
            document.header[i] = "\\language english"

def revert_preamble_listings_params(document):
    " Revert preamble option \listings_params "
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\listings_params", 0)
    if i != -1:
        document.preamble.append('\\lstset{%s}' % document.header[i].split()[1].strip('"'))

def revert_listings_inset(document):
    r''' Revert listings inset to \lstinline or \begin, \end lstlisting, translate

lstparams "language=Delphi"
inline true
status open

\begin_layout Standard
var i = 10;



\begin_inset ERT
status open
\begin_layout Standard

lstinline[language=Delphi]{var i = 10;}


There can be an caption inset in this inset

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Caption

\begin_layout Standard
before label
\begin_inset LatexCommand label
name "lst:caption"


after label



    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset listings', i)
        if i == -1:
            if not '\\usepackage{listings}' in document.preamble:
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
        if j == -1:
            # this should not happen
        inline = 'false'
        params = ''
        status = 'open'
        # first three lines
        for line in range(i + 1, i + 4):
            if document.body[line].startswith('inline'):
                inline = document.body[line].split()[1]
            if document.body[line].startswith('lstparams'):
                params = document.body[line].split()[1].strip('"')
            if document.body[line].startswith('status'):
                status = document.body[line].split()[1].strip()
                k = line + 1
        # caption?
        caption = ''
        label = ''
        cap = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Caption', i)
        if cap != -1:
            cap_end = find_end_of_inset(document.body, cap + 1)
            if cap_end == -1:
                # this should not happen
            # label?
            lbl = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset LatexCommand label', cap + 1)
            if lbl != -1:
                lbl_end = find_end_of_inset(document.body, lbl + 1)
                if lbl_end == -1:
                    # this should not happen
                lbl = cap_end
                lbl_end = cap_end
            for line in document.body[lbl : lbl_end + 1]:
                if line.startswith('name '):
                    label = line.split()[1].strip('"')
            for line in document.body[cap : lbl ] + document.body[lbl_end + 1 : cap_end + 1]:
                if not line.startswith('\\'):
                    caption += line.strip()
            k = cap_end + 1
        inlinecode = ''
        # looking for the oneline code for lstinline
        inlinecode = document.body[find_end_of_layout(document.body,
            find_token(document.body,  '\\begin_layout %s' % document.default_layout, i + 1) +1 ) - 1]
        if len(caption) > 0:
            if len(params) == 0:
                params = 'caption={%s}' % caption
                params += ',caption={%s}' % caption
        if len(label) > 0:
            if len(params) == 0:
                params = 'label={%s}' % label
                params += ',label={%s}' % label
        if len(params) > 0:
            params = '[%s]' % params
            params = params.replace('\\', '\\backslash\n')
        if inline == 'true':
            document.body[i:(j+1)] = [r'\begin_inset ERT',
                                      'status %s' % status,
                                      r'\begin_layout %s' % document.default_layout,
                                      'lstinline%s{%s}' % (params, inlinecode),
            document.body[i: j+1] =  [r'\begin_inset ERT',
                                      'status %s' % status,
                                      r'\begin_layout %s' % document.default_layout,
                                      r'begin{lstlisting}%s' % params,
                                      r'\begin_layout %s' % document.default_layout,
                                    ] + document.body[k : j - 1] + \
                                      r'\begin_layout %s' % document.default_layout,

def revert_include_listings(document):
    r''' Revert lstinputlisting Include option , translate
\begin_inset Include \lstinputlisting{file}[opt]
preview false



\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Standard



    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, r'\begin_inset Include \lstinputlisting', i)
        if i == -1:
            if not '\\usepackage{listings}' in document.preamble:
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
        if j == -1:
            # this should not happen
        # find command line lstinputlisting{file}[options]
        cmd, file, option = '', '', ''
        if re.match(r'\\(lstinputlisting){([.\w]*)}(.*)', document.body[i].split()[2]):
            cmd, file, option = re.match(r'\\(lstinputlisting){([.\w]*)}(.*)', document.body[i].split()[2]).groups()
        option = option.replace('\\', '\\backslash\n')
        document.body[i : j + 1] = [r'\begin_inset ERT',
                                    'status open',
                                    r'\begin_layout %s' % document.default_layout,
                                    '%s%s{%s}' % (cmd, option, file),

def revert_ext_font_sizes(document):
    if document.backend != "latex": return
    if not document.textclass.startswith("ext"): return

    fontsize = get_value(document.header, '\\paperfontsize', 0)
    if fontsize not in ('10', '11', '12'): return
    fontsize += 'pt'

    i = find_token(document.header, '\\paperfontsize', 0)
    document.header[i] = '\\paperfontsize default'
    insert_document_option(document, fontsize)

def convert_ext_font_sizes(document):
    if document.backend != "latex": return
    if not document.textclass.startswith("ext"): return

    fontsize = get_value(document.header, '\\paperfontsize', 0)
    if fontsize != 'default': return

    i = find_token(document.header, '\\options', 0)
    if i == -1: return

    options = get_value(document.header, '\\options', i)

    fontsizes = '10pt', '11pt', '12pt'
    for fs in fontsizes:
        if options.find(fs) != -1:
    else: # this else will only be attained if the for cycle had no match

    options = options.split(',')
    for j, opt in enumerate(options):
        if opt in fontsizes:
            fontsize = opt[:-2]
            del options[j]

    k = find_token(document.header, '\\paperfontsize', 0)
    document.header[k] = '\\paperfontsize %s' % fontsize

    if options:
        document.header[i] = '\\options %s' % ','.join(options)
        del document.header[i]

def revert_separator_layout(document):
    r'''Revert --Separator-- to a lyx note

\begin_layout --Separator--


\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Note Note
status open

\begin_layout Standard
Separate Evironment




    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, r'\begin_layout --Separator--', i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i + 1)
        if j == -1:
            # this should not happen
        document.body[i : j + 1] = [r'\begin_layout %s' % document.default_layout,
                                    r'\begin_inset Note Note',
                                    'status open',
                                    r'\begin_layout %s' % document.default_layout,
                                    'Separate Environment',
                                    r'\end_inset'] + \
                                    document.body[ i + 1 : j] + \

def convert_arabic (document):
    if document.language == "arabic":
        document.language = "arabic_arabtex"
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
        if i != -1:
            document.header[i] = "\\language arabic_arabtex"
    i = 0
    while i < len(document.body):
        h = document.body[i].find("\lang arabic", 0, len(document.body[i]))
        if (h != -1):
            # change the language name
            document.body[i] = '\lang arabic_arabtex'
        i = i + 1

def revert_arabic (document):
    if document.language == "arabic_arabtex":
        document.language = "arabic"
        i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
        if i != -1:
            document.header[i] = "\\language arabic"
    i = 0
    while i < len(document.body):
        h = document.body[i].find("\lang arabic_arabtex", 0, len(document.body[i]))
        if (h != -1):
            # change the language name
            document.body[i] = '\lang arabic'
        i = i + 1

# Conversion hub

supported_versions = ["1.5.0","1.5"]
convert = [[246, []],
           [247, [convert_font_settings]],
           [248, []],
           [249, [convert_utf8]],
           [250, []],
           [251, []],
           [252, [convert_commandparams, convert_bibitem]],
           [253, []],
           [254, [convert_esint]],
           [255, []],
           [256, []],
           [257, [convert_caption]],
           [258, [convert_lyxline]],
           [259, [convert_accent, normalize_font_whitespace_259]],
           [260, []],
           [261, [convert_changes]],
           [262, []],
           [263, [normalize_language_name]],
           [264, [convert_cv_textclass]],
           [265, [convert_tableborder]],
           [266, []],
           [267, []],
           [268, []],
           [269, []],
           [270, []],
           [271, [convert_ext_font_sizes]],
           [272, []],
           [273, []],
           [274, [normalize_font_whitespace_274]],
           [275, [convert_graphics_rotation]],
           [276, [convert_arabic]]

revert =  [
           [275, [revert_arabic]],
           [274, [revert_graphics_rotation]],
           [273, []],
           [272, [revert_separator_layout]],
           [271, [revert_preamble_listings_params, revert_listings_inset, revert_include_listings]],
           [270, [revert_ext_font_sizes]],
           [269, [revert_beamer_alert, revert_beamer_structure]],
           [268, [revert_preamble_listings_params, revert_listings_inset, revert_include_listings]],
           [267, [revert_CJK]],
           [266, [revert_utf8plain]],
           [265, [revert_armenian]],
           [264, [revert_tableborder]],
           [263, [revert_cv_textclass]],
           [262, [revert_language_name]],
           [261, [revert_ascii]],
           [260, []],
           [259, [revert_utf8x]],
           [258, []],
           [257, []],
           [256, [revert_caption]],
           [255, [revert_encodings]],
           [254, [revert_clearpage, revert_cleardoublepage]],
           [253, [revert_esint]],
           [252, [revert_nomenclature, revert_printnomenclature]],
           [251, [revert_commandparams]],
           [250, [revert_cs_label]],
           [249, []],
           [248, [revert_accent, revert_utf8, revert_unicode]],
           [247, [revert_booktabs]],
           [246, [revert_font_settings]],
           [245, [revert_framed]]]

if __name__ == "__main__":