/** * \file Inset.cpp * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * \author Jürgen Vigna * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author Matthias Ettrich * \author André Pönitz * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "Inset.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "Color.h" #include "CoordCache.h" #include "Cursor.h" #include "debug.h" #include "debug.h" #include "Dimension.h" #include "DispatchResult.h" #include "FuncRequest.h" #include "FuncStatus.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "Text.h" #include "MetricsInfo.h" #include "MetricsInfo.h" #include "frontends/Painter.h" #include #include #include namespace lyx { class InsetName { public: InsetName(std::string const & n, Inset::Code c) : name(n), code(c) {} std::string name; Inset::Code code; }; typedef std::map TranslatorMap; static TranslatorMap const build_translator() { InsetName const insetnames[] = { InsetName("toc", Inset::TOC_CODE), InsetName("quote", Inset::QUOTE_CODE), InsetName("ref", Inset::REF_CODE), InsetName("url", Inset::URL_CODE), InsetName("htmlurl", Inset::HTMLURL_CODE), InsetName("separator", Inset::SEPARATOR_CODE), InsetName("ending", Inset::ENDING_CODE), InsetName("label", Inset::LABEL_CODE), InsetName("note", Inset::NOTE_CODE), InsetName("accent", Inset::ACCENT_CODE), InsetName("math", Inset::MATH_CODE), InsetName("index", Inset::INDEX_CODE), InsetName("nomenclature", Inset::NOMENCL_CODE), InsetName("include", Inset::INCLUDE_CODE), InsetName("graphics", Inset::GRAPHICS_CODE), InsetName("bibitem", Inset::BIBITEM_CODE), InsetName("bibtex", Inset::BIBTEX_CODE), InsetName("text", Inset::TEXT_CODE), InsetName("ert", Inset::ERT_CODE), InsetName("foot", Inset::FOOT_CODE), InsetName("margin", Inset::MARGIN_CODE), InsetName("float", Inset::FLOAT_CODE), InsetName("wrap", Inset::WRAP_CODE), InsetName("specialchar", Inset::SPECIALCHAR_CODE), InsetName("tabular", Inset::TABULAR_CODE), InsetName("external", Inset::EXTERNAL_CODE), InsetName("caption", Inset::CAPTION_CODE), InsetName("mathmacro", Inset::MATHMACRO_CODE), InsetName("cite", Inset::CITE_CODE), InsetName("float_list", Inset::FLOAT_LIST_CODE), InsetName("index_print", Inset::INDEX_PRINT_CODE), InsetName("nomencl_print", Inset::NOMENCL_PRINT_CODE), InsetName("optarg", Inset::OPTARG_CODE), InsetName("environment", Inset::ENVIRONMENT_CODE), InsetName("hfill", Inset::HFILL_CODE), InsetName("newline", Inset::NEWLINE_CODE), InsetName("line", Inset::LINE_CODE), InsetName("branch", Inset::BRANCH_CODE), InsetName("box", Inset::BOX_CODE), InsetName("charstyle", Inset::CHARSTYLE_CODE), InsetName("vspace", Inset::VSPACE_CODE), InsetName("mathmacroarg", Inset::MATHMACROARG_CODE), InsetName("listings", Inset::LISTINGS_CODE), }; std::size_t const insetnames_size = sizeof(insetnames) / sizeof(insetnames[0]); std::map data; for (std::size_t i = 0; i != insetnames_size; ++i) { InsetName const & var = insetnames[i]; data[var.name] = var.code; } return data; } /// pretty arbitrary dimensions Inset::Inset() : dim_(10, 10, 10) {} std::auto_ptr Inset::clone() const { std::auto_ptr b = doClone(); BOOST_ASSERT(typeid(*b) == typeid(*this)); return b; } Inset::Code Inset::translate(std::string const & name) { static TranslatorMap const translator = build_translator(); TranslatorMap::const_iterator it = translator.find(name); return it == translator.end() ? NO_CODE : it->second; } void Inset::dispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd) { cur.updateFlags(Update::Force | Update::FitCursor); cur.dispatched(); doDispatch(cur, cmd); } void Inset::doDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest &) { cur.noUpdate(); cur.undispatched(); } bool Inset::getStatus(Cursor &, FuncRequest const & cmd, FuncStatus & flag) const { // LFUN_INSET_APPLY is sent from the dialogs when the data should // be applied. This is either changed to LFUN_INSET_MODIFY (if the // dialog belongs to us) or LFUN_INSET_INSERT (if the dialog does // not belong to us, i. e. the dialog was open, and the user moved // the cursor in our inset) in LyXFunc::getStatus(). // Dialogs::checkStatus() ensures that the dialog is deactivated if // LFUN_INSET_APPLY is disabled. switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_INSET_MODIFY: // Allow modification of our data. // This needs to be handled in the doDispatch method of our // instantiatable children. flag.enabled(true); return true; case LFUN_INSET_INSERT: // Don't allow insertion of new insets. // Every inset that wants to allow new insets from open // dialogs needs to override this. flag.enabled(false); return true; default: return false; } } void Inset::edit(Cursor &, bool) { LYXERR(Debug::INSETS) << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": edit left/right" << std::endl; } Inset * Inset::editXY(Cursor &, int x, int y) { LYXERR(Debug::INSETS) << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": x=" << x << " y= " << y << std::endl; return this; } Inset::idx_type Inset::index(row_type row, col_type col) const { if (row != 0) lyxerr << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": illegal row: " << row << std::endl; if (col != 0) lyxerr << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": illegal col: " << col << std::endl; return 0; } bool Inset::idxBetween(idx_type idx, idx_type from, idx_type to) const { return from <= idx && idx <= to; } bool Inset::idxUpDown(Cursor &, bool) const { return false; } int Inset::docbook(Buffer const &, odocstream &, OutputParams const &) const { return 0; } bool Inset::directWrite() const { return false; } Inset::EDITABLE Inset::editable() const { return NOT_EDITABLE; } bool Inset::autoDelete() const { return false; } docstring const Inset::editMessage() const { return _("Opened inset"); } void Inset::cursorPos(BufferView const & /*bv*/, CursorSlice const &, bool, int & x, int & y) const { lyxerr << "Inset::cursorPos called directly" << std::endl; x = 100; y = 100; } void Inset::metricsMarkers(Dimension & dim, int framesize) const { dim.wid += 2 * framesize; dim.des += framesize; } void Inset::metricsMarkers2(Dimension & dim, int framesize) const { dim.wid += 2 * framesize; dim.asc += framesize; dim.des += framesize; } void Inset::drawMarkers(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { Color::color pen_color = mouseHovered() || editing(pi.base.bv)? Color::mathframe : Color::mathcorners; int const t = x + width() - 1; int const d = y + descent(); pi.pain.line(x, d - 3, x, d, pen_color); pi.pain.line(t, d - 3, t, d, pen_color); pi.pain.line(x, d, x + 3, d, pen_color); pi.pain.line(t - 3, d, t, d, pen_color); setPosCache(pi, x, y); } void Inset::drawMarkers2(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const { Color::color pen_color = mouseHovered() || editing(pi.base.bv)? Color::mathframe : Color::mathcorners; drawMarkers(pi, x, y); int const t = x + width() - 1; int const a = y - ascent(); pi.pain.line(x, a + 3, x, a, pen_color); pi.pain.line(t, a + 3, t, a, pen_color); pi.pain.line(x, a, x + 3, a, pen_color); pi.pain.line(t - 3, a, t, a, pen_color); setPosCache(pi, x, y); } bool Inset::editing(BufferView * bv) const { return bv->cursor().isInside(this); } int Inset::xo(BufferView const & bv) const { return bv.coordCache().getInsets().x(this); } int Inset::yo(BufferView const & bv) const { return bv.coordCache().getInsets().y(this); } bool Inset::covers(BufferView const & bv, int x, int y) const { //lyxerr << "Inset::covers, x: " << x << " y: " << y // << " xo: " << xo(bv) << " yo: " << yo() // << " x1: " << xo(bv) << " x2: " << xo() + width() // << " y1: " << yo(bv) - ascent() << " y2: " << yo() + descent() // << std::endl; return bv.coordCache().getInsets().has(this) && x >= xo(bv) && x <= xo(bv) + width() && y >= yo(bv) - ascent() && y <= yo(bv) + descent(); } void Inset::dump() const { Buffer buf("foo", 1); write(buf, lyxerr); } Color_color Inset::backgroundColor() const { return Color::background; } void Inset::setPosCache(PainterInfo const & pi, int x, int y) const { //lyxerr << "Inset:: position cache to " << x << " " << y << std::endl; pi.base.bv->coordCache().insets().add(this, x, y); } ///////////////////////////////////////// bool isEditableInset(Inset const * inset) { return inset && inset->editable(); } bool isHighlyEditableInset(Inset const * inset) { return inset && inset->editable() == Inset::HIGHLY_EDITABLE; } } // namespace lyx