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synced 2024-12-17 02:05:48 +00:00
- Preamble.cpp/: - move list definition out of anon namespace - declare lists and a function in the class - text.cpp: remove the now already defined list
204 lines
5.5 KiB
204 lines
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* \file Preamble.h
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author André Pönitz
* \author Uwe Stöhr
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
// {[(
#include "Author.h"
#include <iosfwd>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
namespace lyx {
class Parser;
class TeX2LyXDocClass;
class Preamble
std::string inputencoding() const { return h_inputencoding; }
std::string notefontcolor() const { return h_notefontcolor; }
std::string language() const { return h_language; }
std::string use_indices() const { return h_use_indices; }
std::string polyglossia2lyx(std::string const & language);
bool indentParagraphs() const;
bool isPackageUsed(std::string const & package) const;
getPackageOptions(std::string const & package) const;
/// Tell that \p package will be loaded automatically by LyX.
/// This has only an effect if \p package is prepared for
/// autoloading in parse().
void registerAutomaticallyLoadedPackage(std::string const & package);
void addModule(std::string const & module);
void suppressDate(bool suppress);
bool titleLayoutFound() const { return title_layout_found; }
void titleLayoutFound(bool found) { title_layout_found = found; }
/// Register an author named \p name in the author list
void registerAuthor(std::string const & name);
/// Get author named \p name (must be registered first)
Author const & getAuthor(std::string const & name) const;
/// Parses the LaTeX preamble into internal data
void parse(Parser & p, std::string const & forceclass,
TeX2LyXDocClass & tc);
/// Writes the LyX file header from internal data
bool writeLyXHeader(std::ostream & os, bool subdoc);
/// known polyglossia language names (including variants)
static const char * const polyglossia_languages[];
/// the same as polyglossia_languages with .lyx names
static const char * const coded_polyglossia_languages[];
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > used_packages;
/// Packages that will be loaded automatically by LyX
std::set<std::string> auto_packages;
std::vector<std::string> used_modules;
/// needed to handle encodings with babel
bool one_language;
/// was at least one title layout found?
bool title_layout_found;
std::ostringstream h_preamble;
std::string h_backgroundcolor;
std::string h_biblio_style;
std::string h_bibtex_command;
std::string h_boxbgcolor;
std::string h_cite_engine;
std::string h_cite_engine_type;
std::string h_color;
std::string h_defskip;
std::string h_float_placement;
std::string h_fontcolor;
std::string h_fontencoding;
std::string h_font_roman;
std::string h_font_sans;
std::string h_font_typewriter;
std::string h_font_default_family;
std::string h_use_non_tex_fonts;
std::string h_font_sc;
std::string h_font_osf;
std::string h_font_sf_scale;
std::string h_font_tt_scale;
std::string h_graphics;
std::string h_default_output_format;
std::string h_html_be_strict;
std::string h_html_css_as_file;
std::string h_html_math_output;
std::string h_index;
std::string h_index_command;
std::string h_inputencoding;
std::string h_justification;
std::string h_language;
std::string h_language_package;
std::string h_listings_params;
std::string h_maintain_unincluded_children;
std::string h_margins;
std::string h_notefontcolor;
std::string h_options;
std::string h_output_changes;
std::string h_output_sync;
std::string h_output_sync_macro;
std::string h_papercolumns;
std::string h_paperfontsize;
std::string h_paperorientation;
std::string h_paperpagestyle;
std::string h_papersides;
std::string h_papersize;
std::string h_paragraph_indentation;
/// necessary to set the separation when \setlength is parsed
std::string h_paragraph_separation;
std::string h_pdf_title;
std::string h_pdf_author;
std::string h_pdf_subject;
std::string h_pdf_keywords;
std::string h_pdf_bookmarks;
std::string h_pdf_bookmarksnumbered;
std::string h_pdf_bookmarksopen;
std::string h_pdf_bookmarksopenlevel;
std::string h_pdf_breaklinks;
std::string h_pdf_pdfborder;
std::string h_pdf_colorlinks;
std::string h_pdf_backref;
std::string h_pdf_pdfusetitle;
std::string h_pdf_pagemode;
std::string h_pdf_quoted_options;
std::string h_quotes_language;
std::string h_secnumdepth;
std::string h_shortcut;
std::string h_spacing;
std::string h_suppress_date;
std::string h_textclass;
std::string h_tocdepth;
std::string h_tracking_changes;
std::string h_use_bibtopic;
std::string h_use_indices;
std::string h_use_geometry;
std::map<std::string, std::string> h_use_packages;
std::string h_use_default_options;
std::string h_use_hyperref;
std::string h_use_refstyle;
* Add package \p name with options \p options to used_packages.
* Remove options from \p options that we don't want to output.
void add_package(std::string const & name,
std::vector<std::string> & options);
void handle_hyperref(std::vector<std::string> & options);
void handle_geometry(std::vector<std::string> & options);
void handle_package(Parser &p, std::string const & name,
std::string const & opts, bool in_lyx_preamble);
void handle_if(Parser & p, bool in_lyx_preamble);
AuthorList authors_;
extern Preamble preamble;
// }])
} // namespace lyx