Bo Peng f630be8904 Rename .C ==> .cpp for files in src/
Oldname, newname, classes
src/pspell.C                                       src/PSpell.cpp    PSpell
src/ParagraphMetrics.h                             src/ParagraphMetrics.h    ParagraphMetrics
src/author.C                                       src/Author.cpp    ['Author', 'AuthorList']
src/Floating.C                                     src/Floating.cpp    Floating
src/lyxvc.C                                        src/LyXVC.cpp    LyXVC
src/intl.C                                         src/Intl.cpp    Intl
src/paragraph.h                                    src/Paragraph.h    ['FontSpan', 'Paragraph']
src/LyXAction.C                                    src/LyXAction.cpp    LyXAction
src/SpellBase.C                                    src/SpellBase.cpp    SpellBase
src/TextMetrics.C                                  src/TextMetrics.cpp    TextMetrics
src/LaTeXFeatures.C                                src/LaTeXFeatures.cpp    LaTeXFeatures
src/buffer_funcs.h                                 src/buffer_funcs.h NOCLASSES
src/Variables.h                                    src/Variables.h    Variables
src/cursor.C                                       src/LCursor.cpp    LCursor
src/lyx_cb.C                                       src/lyx_cb.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/DepTable.C                                     src/DepTable.cpp    ['DepTable', 'dep_info']
src/vspace.C                                       src/VSpace.cpp    VSpace
src/Thesaurus.C                                    src/Thesaurus.cpp    Thesaurus
src/Color.h                                        src/color.h NOCLASSES
src/Spacing.C                                      src/Spacing.cpp    Spacing
src/dociterator.h                                  src/DocIterator.h    ['DocIterator', 'StableDocIterator']
src/trans.C                                        src/Trans.cpp    Trans
src/metricsinfo.h                                  src/MetricsInfo.h    ['MetricsBase', 'MetricsInfo', 'PainterInfo', 'TextMetricsInfo', 'ViewMetricsInfo', 'Changer', 'FontChanger', 'FontSetChanger', 'StyleChanger', 'ScriptChanger', 'FracChanger', 'ArrayChanger', 'ShapeChanger', 'WidthChanger', 'ColorChanger']
src/box.C                                          src/Box.cpp    Box
src/language.h                                     src/Language.h    ['Language', 'Languages']
src/output_plaintext.C                             src/output_plaintext.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/coordcache.C                                   src/CoordCache.cpp    ['Point', 'CoordCache']
src/lyxlex.h                                       src/LyXLex.h    ['LyXLex', 'pushpophelper']
src/encoding.h                                     src/Encoding.h    ['Encoding', 'Encodings', 'const_iterator']
src/debug.h                                        src/debug.h    lyx_debug_trait
src/Chktex.h                                       src/Chktex.h    Chktex
src/output.C                                       src/output.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/output_latex.h                                 src/output_latex.h NOCLASSES
src/sgml.C                                         src/sgml.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/pspell.h                                       src/PSpell.h    PSpell
src/bufferlist.C                                   src/BufferList.cpp    BufferList
src/author.h                                       src/Author.h    ['Author', 'AuthorList']
src/Bidi.C                                         src/Bidi.cpp    Bidi
src/exporter.C                                     src/Exporter.cpp    ['Exporter', 'ExportedFile', 'ExportData']
src/Floating.h                                     src/Floating.h    Floating
src/lyxvc.h                                        src/LyXVC.h    LyXVC
src/intl.h                                         src/Intl.h    Intl
src/lyxlength.C                                    src/LyXLength.cpp    LyXLength
src/LyXAction.h                                    src/LyXAction.h    LyXAction
src/SpellBase.h                                    src/SpellBase.h    SpellBase
src/TextMetrics.h                                  src/TextMetrics.h    TextMetrics
src/LaTeXFeatures.h                                src/LaTeXFeatures.h    LaTeXFeatures
src/cursor.h                                       src/LCursor.h    LCursor
src/layout.h                                       src/layout.h NOCLASSES
src/DepTable.h                                     src/DepTable.h    ['DepTable', 'dep_info']
src/lyx_cb.h                                       src/lyx_cb.h NOCLASSES
src/vspace.h                                       src/VSpace.h    VSpace
src/PrinterParams.C                                src/PrinterParams.cpp    PrinterParams
src/tex-strings.C                                  src/tex-strings.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/Thesaurus.h                                    src/Thesaurus.h    Thesaurus
src/Spacing.h                                      src/Spacing.h    Spacing
src/BranchList.C                                   src/BranchList.cpp    ['Branch', 'BranchList', 'BranchNamesEqual']
src/trans.h                                        src/Trans.h    Trans
src/output_plaintext.h                             src/output_plaintext.h NOCLASSES
src/box.h                                          src/Box.h    Box
src/coordcache.h                                   src/CoordCache.h    ['Point', 'CoordCache']
src/graph.C                                        src/Graph.cpp    ['Graph', 'Vertex']
src/lyxserver.C                                    src/LyXServer.cpp    ['LyXComm', 'LyXServer']
src/undo.C                                         src/Undo.cpp    Undo
src/output.h                                       src/output.h NOCLASSES
src/text2.C                                        src/text2.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/ParagraphList_fwd.h                            src/ParagraphList_fwd.h NOCLASSES
src/sgml.h                                         src/sgml.h NOCLASSES
src/converter.C                                    src/Converter.cpp    ['Converter', 'Converters']
src/factory.C                                      src/factory.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/RowList_fwd.h                                  src/RowList_fwd.h NOCLASSES
src/buffer.C                                       src/Buffer.cpp    Buffer
src/bufferlist.h                                   src/BufferList.h    BufferList
src/CutAndPaste.C                                  src/CutAndPaste.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/Bidi.h                                         src/Bidi.h    Bidi
src/exporter.h                                     src/Exporter.h    ['Exporter', 'ExportedFile', 'ExportData']
src/InsetList.C                                    src/InsetList.cpp    ['InsetList', 'InsetTable']
src/FontIterator.C                                 src/FontIterator.cpp    FontIterator
src/session.C                                      src/Session.cpp    ['SessionSection', 'LastFilesSection', 'LastOpenedSection', 'LastFilePosSection', 'BookmarksSection', 'Bookmark', 'ToolbarSection', 'ToolbarInfo', 'SessionInfoSection', 'Session']
src/lyxlength.h                                    src/LyXLength.h    LyXLength
src/main.C                                         src/main.cpp    LyXLength
src/lyxsocket.C                                    src/LyXServerSocket.cpp    ['LyXServerSocket', 'LyXDataSocket']
src/errorlist.C                                    src/ErrorList.cpp    ['ErrorItem', 'ErrorList']
src/lyxtext.h                                      src/LyXText.h    LyXText
src/lyxfunc.C                                      src/LyXFunc.cpp    LyXFunc
src/format.C                                       src/Format.cpp    ['Format', 'Formats']
src/lengthcommon.C                                 src/lengthcommon.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/tex-strings.h                                  src/tex-strings.h NOCLASSES
src/PrinterParams.h                                src/PrinterParams.h    PrinterParams
src/insetiterator.C                                src/InsetIterator.cpp    InsetIterator
src/vc-backend.C                                   src/VCBackend.cpp    ['VCS', 'RCS', 'CVS']
src/TocBackend.C                                   src/TocBackend.cpp    ['TocItem', 'TocList', 'TocBackend']
src/BranchList.h                                   src/BranchList.h    ['Branch', 'BranchList', 'BranchNamesEqual']
src/FuncStatus.C                                   src/FuncStatus.cpp    FuncStatus
src/Sectioning.C                                   src/Section.cpp    ['Section', 'SectioningList']
src/counters.C                                     src/Counters.cpp    ['Counter', 'Counters']
src/graph.h                                        src/Graph.h    ['Graph', 'Vertex']
src/lyxserver.h                                    src/LyXServer.h    ['LyXComm', 'LyXServer']
src/undo.h                                         src/Undo.h    Undo
src/paper.h                                        src/paper.h NOCLASSES
src/converter.h                                    src/Converter.h    ['Converter', 'Converters']
src/factory.h                                      src/factory.h NOCLASSES
src/LaTeX.C                                        src/LaTeX.cpp    ['TeXErrors', 'Error', 'Aux_Info', 'LaTeX']
src/bufferparams.C                                 src/BufferParams.cpp    ['BufferParams', 'MemoryTraits']
src/buffer.h                                       src/Buffer.h    Buffer
src/CutAndPaste.h                                  src/CutAndPaste.h NOCLASSES
src/InsetList.h                                    src/InsetList.h    ['InsetList', 'InsetTable']
src/kbsequence.C                                   src/kb_sequence.cpp    kb_sequence
src/FontIterator.h                                 src/FontIterator.h    FontIterator
src/dimension.C                                    src/Dimension.cpp    Dimension
src/Bullet.C                                       src/Bullet.cpp    Bullet
src/texrow.C                                       src/TexRow.cpp    ['TexRow', 'RowItem']
src/session.h                                      src/Session.h    ['SessionSection', 'LastFilesSection', 'LastOpenedSection', 'LastFilePosSection', 'BookmarksSection', 'Bookmark', 'ToolbarSection', 'ToolbarInfo', 'SessionInfoSection', 'Session']
src/ParagraphParameters.C                          src/ParagraphParameters.cpp    ParagraphParameters
src/lyxsocket.h                                    src/LyXServerSocket.h    ['LyXServerSocket', 'LyXDataSocket']
src/errorlist.h                                    src/ErrorList.h    ['ErrorItem', 'ErrorList']
src/tabular.C                                      src/LyXTabular.cpp    ['LyXTabular', 'ltType', 'cellstruct', 'rowstruct', 'columnstruct']
src/pariterator.C                                  src/ParIterator.cpp    ['ParIterator', 'ParConstIterator']
src/lyxfunc.h                                      src/LyXFunc.h    LyXFunc
src/format.h                                       src/Format.h    ['Format', 'Formats']
src/aspell_local.h                                 src/ASpell_local.h    ASpell
src/lengthcommon.h                                 src/lengthcommon.h NOCLASSES
src/insetiterator.h                                src/InsetIterator.h    InsetIterator
src/lyxrc.C                                        src/LyXRC.cpp    ['LyXRC', 'LyXRC_PreviewStatus']
src/TocBackend.h                                   src/TocBackend.h    ['TocItem', 'TocList', 'TocBackend']
src/vc-backend.h                                   src/VCBackend.h    ['VCS', 'RCS', 'CVS']
src/dispatchresult.h                               src/DispatchResult.h    DispatchResult
src/lyxtextclasslist.C                             src/LyXTextClassList.cpp    LyXTextClassList
src/paragraph_funcs.C                              src/paragraph_funcs.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/funcrequest.C                                  src/FuncRequest.cpp    FuncRequest
src/FuncStatus.h                                   src/FuncStatus.h    FuncStatus
src/UpdateFlags.h                                  src/UpdateFlags.h NOCLASSES
src/lyxrow.C                                       src/Row.cpp    ['Row', 'RowMetrics']
src/outputparams.C                                 src/OutputParams.cpp    OutputParams
src/counters.h                                     src/Counters.h    ['Counter', 'Counters']
src/Sectioning.h                                   src/Section.h    ['Section', 'SectioningList']
src/text3.C                                        src/text3.cpp    ['Section', 'SectioningList']
src/lyxlayout.C                                    src/LyXLayout.cpp    LyXLayout
src/lyxfind.C                                      src/lyxfind.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/bufferparams.h                                 src/BufferParams.h    ['BufferParams', 'MemoryTraits']
src/LaTeX.h                                        src/LaTeX.h    ['TeXErrors', 'Error', 'Aux_Info', 'LaTeX']
src/trans_decl.h                                   src/KmodInfo.h    KmodInfo
src/gettext.C                                      src/gettext.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/dimension.h                                    src/Dimension.h    Dimension
src/kbmap.C                                        src/kb_keymap.cpp    kb_keymap
src/kbsequence.h                                   src/kb_sequence.h    kb_sequence
src/rowpainter.C                                   src/rowpainter.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/ConverterCache.C                               src/ConverterCache.cpp    ConverterCache
src/lyxgluelength.C                                src/LyXGlueLength.cpp    LyXGlueLength
src/tex-accent.C                                   src/tex-accent.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/Bullet.h                                       src/Bullet.h    Bullet
src/texrow.h                                       src/TexRow.h    ['TexRow', 'RowItem']
src/ParagraphParameters.h                          src/ParagraphParameters.h    ParagraphParameters
src/tabular.h                                      src/LyXTabular.h    ['LyXTabular', 'ltType', 'cellstruct', 'rowstruct', 'columnstruct']
src/importer.C                                     src/Importer.cpp    Importer
src/pariterator.h                                  src/ParIterator.h    ['ParIterator', 'ParConstIterator']
src/lyxfont.C                                      src/LyXFont.cpp    ['LyXFont', 'LyXFont_size']
src/BufferView.C                                   src/BufferView.cpp    BufferView
src/ParagraphList.h                                src/ParagraphList.h NOCLASSES
src/lyxrc.h                                        src/LyXRC.h    ['LyXRC', 'LyXRC_PreviewStatus']
src/lyxtextclass.C                                 src/LyXTextClass.cpp    ['CharStyle', 'LyXTextClass']
src/changes.C                                      src/Changes.cpp    ['Change', 'Changes', 'Range', 'ChangeRange']
src/lyxtextclasslist.h                             src/LyXTextClassList.h    LyXTextClassList
src/paragraph_funcs.h                              src/paragraph_funcs.h NOCLASSES
src/funcrequest.h                                  src/FuncRequest.h    FuncRequest
src/lyxrow.h                                       src/Row.h    ['Row', 'RowMetrics']
src/outputparams.h                                 src/OutputParams.h    OutputParams
src/MenuBackend.C                                  src/MenuBackend.cpp    ['MenuItem', 'Menu', 'MenuBackend']
src/lyxlayout.h                                    src/LyXLayout.h    LyXLayout
src/lyxfind.h                                      src/lyxfind.h NOCLASSES
src/gettext.h                                      src/gettext.h NOCLASSES
src/LColor.C                                       src/LColor.cpp    ['LColor', 'LColor_color']
src/version.h                                      src/version.h NOCLASSES
src/cursor_slice.C                                 src/CursorSlice.cpp    CursorSlice
src/WordLangTuple.h                                src/WordLangTuple.h    WordLangTuple
src/lfuns.h                                        src/lfuns.h NOCLASSES
src/trans_mgr.C                                    src/TransState.cpp    ['TransState', 'TransFSMData', 'TransInitState', 'TransDeadkeyState', 'TransCombinedState', 'TransFSM', 'TransManager']
src/kbmap.h                                        src/kb_keymap.h    kb_keymap
src/rowpainter.h                                   src/rowpainter.h NOCLASSES
src/ConverterCache.h                               src/ConverterCache.h    ConverterCache
src/lyxgluelength.h                                src/LyXGlueLength.h    LyXGlueLength
src/output_docbook.C                               src/output_docbook.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/tex-accent.h                                   src/tex-accent.h NOCLASSES
src/FloatList.C                                    src/FloatList.cpp    FloatList
src/bufferview_funcs.C                             src/bufferview_funcs.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/importer.h                                     src/Importer.h    Importer
src/messages.C                                     src/Messages.cpp    Messages
src/lyxfont.h                                      src/LyXFont.h    ['LyXFont', 'LyXFont_size']
src/BufferView.h                                   src/BufferView.h    BufferView
src/ToolbarBackend.C                               src/ToolbarBackend.cpp    ['ToolbarItem', 'ToolbarInfo', 'ToolbarBackend']
src/lyx_sty.C                                      src/lyx_sty.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/lyxtextclass.h                                 src/LyXTextClass.h    ['CharStyle', 'LyXTextClass']
src/changes.h                                      src/Changes.h    ['Change', 'Changes', 'Range', 'ChangeRange']
src/aspell.C                                       src/ASpell.cpp
src/lyx_main.C                                     src/LyX.cpp    LyX
src/MenuBackend.h                                  src/MenuBackend.h    ['MenuItem', 'Menu', 'MenuBackend']
src/toc.C                                          src/toc.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/boost.C                                        src/boost.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/ispell.C                                       src/ISpell.cpp    ISpell
src/mover.C                                        src/Mover.cpp    ['Mover', 'SpecialisedMover', 'Movers']
src/ParagraphMetrics.C                             src/ParagraphMetrics.cpp    ParagraphMetrics
src/LColor.h                                       src/LColor.h    ['LColor', 'LColor_color']
src/cursor_slice.h                                 src/CursorSlice.h    CursorSlice
src/trans_mgr.h                                    src/TransState.h    ['TransState', 'TransFSMData', 'TransInitState', 'TransDeadkeyState', 'TransCombinedState', 'TransFSM', 'TransManager']
src/lyxlayout_ptr_fwd.h                            src/lyxlayout_ptr_fwd.h NOCLASSES
src/output_docbook.h                               src/output_docbook.h NOCLASSES
src/paragraph.C                                    src/Paragraph.cpp    ['FontSpan', 'Paragraph']
src/FloatList.h                                    src/FloatList.h    FloatList
src/bufferview_funcs.h                             src/bufferview_funcs.h NOCLASSES
src/buffer_funcs.C                                 src/buffer_funcs.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/Variables.C                                    src/Variables.cpp    Variables
src/messages.h                                     src/Messages.h    Messages
src/Color.C                                        src/color.cpp  NOCLASSES
src/dociterator.C                                  src/DocIterator.cpp    ['DocIterator', 'StableDocIterator']
src/ToolbarBackend.h                               src/ToolbarBackend.h    ['ToolbarItem', 'ToolbarInfo', 'ToolbarBackend']
src/lyx_sty.h                                      src/lyx_sty.h NOCLASSES
src/metricsinfo.C                                  src/MetricsInfo.cpp    ['MetricsBase', 'MetricsInfo', 'PainterInfo', 'TextMetricsInfo', 'ViewMetricsInfo', 'Changer', 'FontChanger', 'FontSetChanger', 'StyleChanger', 'ScriptChanger', 'FracChanger', 'ArrayChanger', 'ShapeChanger', 'WidthChanger', 'ColorChanger']
src/language.C                                     src/Language.cpp    ['Language', 'Languages']
src/text.C                                         src/text.cpp    ['Language', 'Languages']
src/lyx_main.h                                     src/LyX.h    LyX
src/lyxlex.C                                       src/LyXLex.cpp    ['LyXLex', 'pushpophelper']
src/encoding.C                                     src/Encoding.cpp    ['Encoding', 'Encodings', 'const_iterator']
src/debug.C                                        src/debug.cpp    lyx_debug_trait
src/Chktex.C                                       src/Chktex.cpp    Chktex
src/toc.h                                          src/toc.h NOCLASSES
src/ispell.h                                       src/ISpell.h    ISpell
src/mover.h                                        src/Mover.h    ['Mover', 'SpecialisedMover', 'Movers']
src/output_latex.C                                 src/output_latex.cpp  NOCLASSES

git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-26 04:46:45 +00:00

433 lines
10 KiB

* \file lyx_cb.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes
* \author Angus Leeming
* \author John Levon
* \author André Pönitz
* \author Jürgen Vigna
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include "lyx_cb.h"
#include "Buffer.h"
#include "BufferList.h"
#include "BufferView.h"
#include "buffer_funcs.h"
#include "LCursor.h"
#include "CutAndPaste.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#include "Session.h"
#include "LaTeXFeatures.h"
#include "LyX.h"
#include "LyXLayout.h"
#include "LyXRC.h"
#include "LyXText.h"
#include "Paragraph.h"
#include "Undo.h"
#include "frontends/Alert.h"
#include "frontends/Application.h"
#include "frontends/FileDialog.h"
#include "frontends/LyXView.h"
#include "support/filefilterlist.h"
#include "support/filetools.h"
#include "support/forkedcall.h"
#include "support/fs_extras.h"
#include "support/lyxlib.h"
#include "support/package.h"
#include "support/path.h"
#include "support/systemcall.h"
#if !defined (HAVE_FORK)
# define fork() -1
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <cerrno>
#include <fstream>
namespace lyx {
using support::bformat;
using support::FileFilterList;
using support::FileName;
using support::ForkedProcess;
using support::isLyXFilename;
using support::libFileSearch;
using support::makeAbsPath;
using support::makeDisplayPath;
using support::onlyFilename;
using support::onlyPath;
using support::package;
using support::removeAutosaveFile;
using support::rename;
using support::split;
using support::Systemcall;
using support::tempName;
using support::unlink;
using boost::shared_ptr;
namespace Alert = frontend::Alert;
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
using std::back_inserter;
using std::copy;
using std::endl;
using std::make_pair;
using std::string;
using std::ifstream;
using std::ios;
using std::istream_iterator;
// this should be static, but I need it in Buffer.cpp
bool quitting; // flag, that we are quitting the program
// Menu callbacks
bool menuWrite(Buffer * buffer)
if (buffer->save()) {
return true;
// FIXME: we don't tell the user *WHY* the save failed !!
docstring const file = makeDisplayPath(buffer->fileName(), 30);
docstring text = bformat(_("The document %1$s could not be saved.\n\n"
"Do you want to rename the document and try again?"), file);
int const ret = Alert::prompt(_("Rename and save?"),
text, 0, 1, _("&Rename"), _("&Cancel"));
if (ret == 0)
return writeAs(buffer);
return false;
bool writeAs(Buffer * buffer, string const & newname)
string fname = buffer->fileName();
string const oldname = fname;
if (newname.empty()) {
FileDialog fileDlg(_("Choose a filename to save document as"),
make_pair(_("Documents|#o#O"), from_utf8(lyxrc.document_path)),
make_pair(_("Templates|#T#t"), from_utf8(lyxrc.template_path)));
if (!isLyXFilename(fname))
fname += ".lyx";
FileFilterList const filter (_("LyX Documents (*.lyx)"));
FileDialog::Result result =,
if (result.first == FileDialog::Later)
return false;
fname = to_utf8(result.second);
if (fname.empty())
return false;
// Make sure the absolute filename ends with appropriate suffix
fname = makeAbsPath(fname).absFilename();
if (!isLyXFilename(fname))
fname += ".lyx";
} else
fname = newname;
FileName const filename(fname);
if (fs::exists(filename.toFilesystemEncoding())) {
docstring const file = makeDisplayPath(fname, 30);
docstring text = bformat(_("The document %1$s already exists.\n\n"
"Do you want to over-write that document?"), file);
int const ret = Alert::prompt(_("Over-write document?"),
text, 0, 1, _("&Over-write"), _("&Cancel"));
if (ret == 1)
return false;
// Ok, change the name of the buffer
bool unnamed = buffer->isUnnamed();
if (!menuWrite(buffer)) {
return false;
return true;
namespace {
class AutoSaveBuffer : public ForkedProcess {
AutoSaveBuffer(BufferView & bv, FileName const & fname)
: bv_(bv), fname_(fname) {}
virtual shared_ptr<ForkedProcess> clone() const
return shared_ptr<ForkedProcess>(new AutoSaveBuffer(*this));
int start();
virtual int generateChild();
BufferView & bv_;
FileName fname_;
int AutoSaveBuffer::start()
command_ = to_utf8(bformat(_("Auto-saving %1$s"), from_utf8(fname_.absFilename())));
return run(DontWait);
int AutoSaveBuffer::generateChild()
// tmp_ret will be located (usually) in /tmp
// will that be a problem?
pid_t const pid = fork(); // If you want to debug the autosave
// you should set pid to -1, and comment out the
// fork.
if (pid == 0 || pid == -1) {
// pid = -1 signifies that lyx was unable
// to fork. But we will do the save
// anyway.
bool failed = false;
FileName const tmp_ret(tempName(FileName(), "lyxauto"));
if (!tmp_ret.empty()) {
// assume successful write of tmp_ret
if (!rename(tmp_ret, fname_)) {
failed = true;
// most likely couldn't move between filesystems
// unless write of tmp_ret failed
// so remove tmp file (if it exists)
} else {
failed = true;
if (failed) {
// failed to write/rename tmp_ret so try writing direct
if (!bv_.buffer()->writeFile(fname_)) {
// It is dangerous to do this in the child,
// but safe in the parent, so...
if (pid == -1)
// emit message signal.
bv_.buffer()->message(_("Autosave failed!"));
if (pid == 0) { // we are the child so...
return pid;
} // namespace anon
void autoSave(BufferView * bv)
// should probably be moved into BufferList (Lgb)
// Perfect target for a thread...
if (!bv->buffer())
if (bv->buffer()->isBakClean() || bv->buffer()->isReadonly()) {
// We don't save now, but we'll try again later
// emit message signal.
bv->buffer()->message(_("Autosaving current document..."));
// create autosave filename
string fname = bv->buffer()->filePath();
fname += '#';
fname += onlyFilename(bv->buffer()->fileName());
fname += '#';
AutoSaveBuffer autosave(*bv, FileName(fname));
// Copyright CHT Software Service GmbH
// Uwe C. Schroeder
// create new file with template
void newFile(BufferView * bv, string const & filename)
// Split argument by :
string name;
string tmpname = split(filename, name, ':');
LYXERR(Debug::INFO) << "Arg is " << filename
<< "\nName is " << name
<< "\nTemplate is " << tmpname << endl;
Buffer * const b = newFile(name, tmpname);
if (b)
// Insert plain text file (if filename is empty, prompt for one)
void insertPlaintextFile(BufferView * bv, string const & f, bool asParagraph)
if (!bv->buffer())
docstring const tmpstr = getContentsOfPlaintextFile(bv, f, asParagraph);
if (tmpstr.empty())
LCursor & cur = bv->cursor();
if (asParagraph)
cur.innerText()->insertStringAsParagraphs(cur, tmpstr);
cur.innerText()->insertStringAsLines(cur, tmpstr);
docstring const getContentsOfPlaintextFile(BufferView * bv, string const & f,
bool asParagraph)
FileName fname(f);
if (fname.empty()) {
FileDialog fileDlg(_("Select file to insert"),
FileDialog::Result result =>buffer()->filePath()),
FileFilterList(), docstring());
if (result.first == FileDialog::Later)
return docstring();
fname = makeAbsPath(to_utf8(result.second));
if (fname.empty())
return docstring();
if (!fs::is_readable(fname.toFilesystemEncoding())) {
docstring const error = from_ascii(strerror(errno));
docstring const file = makeDisplayPath(fname.absFilename(), 50);
docstring const text = bformat(_("Could not read the specified document\n"
"%1$s\ndue to the error: %2$s"), file, error);
Alert::error(_("Could not read file"), text);
return docstring();
ifstream ifs(fname.toFilesystemEncoding().c_str());
if (!ifs) {
docstring const error = from_ascii(strerror(errno));
docstring const file = makeDisplayPath(fname.absFilename(), 50);
docstring const text = bformat(_("Could not open the specified document\n"
"%1$s\ndue to the error: %2$s"), file, error);
Alert::error(_("Could not open file"), text);
return docstring();
istream_iterator<char> ii(ifs);
istream_iterator<char> end;
#if !defined(USE_INCLUDED_STRING) && !defined(STD_STRING_IS_GOOD)
// We use this until the compilers get better...
std::vector<char> tmp;
copy(ii, end, back_inserter(tmp));
string const tmpstr(tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
// This is what we want to use and what we will use once the
// compilers get good enough.
//string tmpstr(ii, end); // yet a reason for using std::string
// alternate approach to get the file into a string:
string tmpstr;
copy(ii, end, back_inserter(tmpstr));
// FIXME UNICODE: We don't know the encoding of the file
return normalize_kc(from_utf8(tmpstr));
// This function runs "configure" and then rereads lyx.defaults to
// reconfigure the automatic settings.
void reconfigure(LyXView & lv)
// emit message signal.
lv.message(_("Running configure..."));
// Run configure in user lyx directory
support::Path p(package().user_support());
string const configure_command = package().configure_command();
Systemcall one;
one.startscript(Systemcall::Wait, configure_command);
// emit message signal.
lv.message(_("Reloading configuration..."));, "lyxrc.defaults"));
// Re-read packages.lst
Alert::information(_("System reconfigured"),
_("The system has been reconfigured.\n"
"You need to restart LyX to make use of any\n"
"updated document class specifications."));
} // namespace lyx