Richard Heck 0787ade6c0 This is the first part of a cleanup of how we handle the InsetCommand hierarchy. This part starts to disentangle the type of the inset from the command that a single instance of the inset represents. This involves two sorts of changes:
(i) The file format is changed, so that command insets are represented as:
    \begin_inset CommandInset insetype
    LatexCommand command
This involves some lyx2lyx and changes to the readInset() routine in factory.cpp
(ii) The InsetCommand and InsetCommandParams classes also have to be changed, as the command name was used in these classes for various purposes for which the inset type ought really to be used.
Further clean-up to come.

git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-09-27 18:24:18 +00:00

394 lines
12 KiB

# This file is part of lyx2lyx
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007 José Matos <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
""" Convert files to the file format generated by lyx 1.6"""
import re
import unicodedata
import sys, os
from parser_tools import find_token, find_end_of, find_tokens
# Private helper functions
def find_end_of_inset(lines, i):
" Find end of inset, where lines[i] is included."
return find_end_of(lines, i, "\\begin_inset", "\\end_inset")
def fix_wrong_tables(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Tabular", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of tabular.")
m = i + 1
nrows = int(document.body[i+1].split('"')[3])
ncols = int(document.body[i+1].split('"')[5])
for l in range(nrows):
prev_multicolumn = 0
for k in range(ncols):
m = find_token(document.body, '<cell', m)
if document.body[m].find('multicolumn') != -1:
multicol_cont = int(document.body[m].split('"')[1])
if multicol_cont == 2 and (k == 0 or prev_multicolumn == 0):
document.body[m] = document.body[m][:5] + document.body[m][21:]
prev_multicolumn = 0
prev_multicolumn = multicol_cont
prev_multicolumn = 0
i = j + 1
def close_begin_deeper(document):
i = 0
depth = 0
while True:
i = find_tokens(document.body, ["\\begin_deeper", "\\end_deeper"], i)
if i == -1:
if document.body[i][:13] == "\\begin_deeper":
depth += 1
depth -= 1
i += 1
document.body[-2:-2] = ['\\end_deeper' for i in range(depth)]
def long_charstyle_names(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CharStyle", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace("CharStyle ", "CharStyle CharStyle:")
i += 1
def revert_long_charstyle_names(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CharStyle", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace("CharStyle CharStyle:", "CharStyle")
i += 1
def axe_show_label(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CharStyle", i)
if i == -1:
if document.body[i + 1].find("show_label") != -1:
if document.body[i + 1].find("true") != -1:
document.body[i + 1] = "status open"
del document.body[ i + 2]
if document.body[i + 1].find("false") != -1:
document.body[i + 1] = "status collapsed"
del document.body[ i + 2]
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: show_label neither false nor true.")
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: show_label missing in CharStyle.")
i += 1
def revert_show_label(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CharStyle", i)
if i == -1:
if document.body[i + 1].find("status open") != -1:
document.body.insert(i + 1, "show_label true")
if document.body[i + 1].find("status collapsed") != -1:
document.body.insert(i + 1, "show_label false")
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: no legal status line in CharStyle.")
i += 1
def revert_begin_modules(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.header, "\\begin_modules", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of(document.header, i, "\\begin_modules", "\\end_modules")
if j == -1:
# this should not happen
document.header[i : j + 1] = []
def convert_flex(document):
"Convert CharStyle to Flex"
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CharStyle", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset CharStyle', '\\begin_inset Flex')
def revert_flex(document):
"Convert Flex to CharStyle"
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Flex", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset Flex', '\\begin_inset CharStyle')
def remove_manifest(document):
"Remove the manifest section"
document.manifest = None
# Discard PDF options for hyperref
def revert_pdf_options(document):
"Revert PDF options for hyperref."
i = 0
i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_hyperref", i)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_store_options", i)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_title", 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_author", 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_subject", 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_keywords", 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_bookmarks", 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_bookmarksnumbered", i)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_bookmarksopen", i)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_bookmarksopenlevel", i)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_breaklinks", i)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_pdfborder", i)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_colorlinks", i)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_backref", i)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_pagebackref", i)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_pagemode", 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_quoted_options", 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
def remove_inzip_options(document):
"Remove inzipName and embed options from the Graphics inset"
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Graphics", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
if j == -1:
# should not happen
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of graphics inset.")
# If there's a inzip param, just remove that
k = find_token(document.body, "\tinzipName", i + 1, j)
if k != -1:
del document.body[k]
# embed option must follow the inzipName option
del document.body[k+1]
i = i + 1
def convert_inset_command(document):
\begin_inset LatexCommand cmd
\begin_inset CommandInset InsetType
LatexCommand cmd
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset LatexCommand", i)
if i == -1:
line = document.body[i]
r = re.compile(r'\\begin_inset LatexCommand (.*)$')
m = r.match(line)
cmdName =
insetName = ""
#this is adapted from factory.cpp
if cmdName[0:4].lower() == "cite":
insetName = "citation"
elif cmdName == "url" or cmdName == "htmlurl":
insetName = "url"
elif cmdName[-3:] == "ref":
insetName = "ref"
elif cmdName == "tableofcontents":
insetName = "toc"
elif cmdName == "printnomenclature":
insetName = "nomencl_print"
elif cmdName == "printindex":
insetName = "index_print"
insetName = cmdName
insertion = ["\\begin_inset CommandInset " + insetName, "LatexCommand " + cmdName]
document.body[i : i+1] = insertion
def revert_inset_command(document):
\begin_inset CommandInset InsetType
LatexCommand cmd
\begin_inset LatexCommand cmd
Some insets may end up being converted to insets earlier versions of LyX
will not be able to recognize. Not sure what to do about that.
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset", i)
nextline = document.body[i+1]
r = re.compile(r'LatexCommand\s+(.*)$')
m = r.match(nextline)
if not m:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing LatexCommand in " + document.body[i] + ".")
cmdName =
insertion = ["\\begin_inset LatexCommand " + cmdName]
document.body[i : i+2] = insertion
def convert_wrapfig_options(document):
"Convert optional options for wrap floats (wrapfig)."
# adds the tokens "lines", "placement", and "overhang"
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Wrap figure", i)
if i == -1:
document.body.insert(i + 1, "lines 0")
j = find_token(document.body, "placement", i)
# placement can be already set or not; if not, set it
if j == i+2:
document.body.insert(i + 3, "overhang 0col%")
document.body.insert(i + 2, "placement o")
document.body.insert(i + 3, "overhang 0col%")
i = i + 1
def revert_wrapfig_options(document):
"Revert optional options for wrap floats (wrapfig)."
i = 0
while True:
i = find_tokens(document.body, "lines", i)
if i == -1:
del document.body[i]
j = find_tokens(document.body, "overhang", i+1)
if j != i + 1 and j != -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Couldn't find overhang parameter of wrap float.")
if j == -1:
del document.body[j]
i = i + 1
# Conversion hub
supported_versions = ["1.6.0","1.6"]
convert = [
[277, [fix_wrong_tables]],
[278, [close_begin_deeper]],
[279, [long_charstyle_names]],
[280, [axe_show_label]],
[281, []],
[282, []],
[283, [convert_flex]],
[284, []],
[285, []], # an empty manifest is automatically added
[286, []],
[287, [convert_wrapfig_options]],
[288, [convert_inset_command]]
revert = [
[287, [revert_inset_command]],
[286, [revert_wrapfig_options]],
[285, [revert_pdf_options]],
[284, [remove_manifest, remove_inzip_options]],
[283, []],
[282, [revert_flex]],
[281, []],
[280, [revert_begin_modules]],
[279, [revert_show_label]],
[278, [revert_long_charstyle_names]],
[277, []],
[276, []]
if __name__ == "__main__":