mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 08:28:25 +00:00
to help the French translators to update the file for the upcoming LyX 2.1 release
25983 lines
672 KiB
25983 lines
672 KiB
# Traduction française pour LyX
# Copyright (C) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Emmanuel GUREGHIAN <gureghia@spi.lip6.fr>, 1998.
# Jean-Pierre Chrétien <chretien@cert.fr> 1999-2000;2007-
# Faucheux Olivier <olivier.faucheux@depinfo.enseeiht.fr> 2000
# Adien Rebollo <adrien.rebollo@gmx.fr> 2000-2005
# Siegfried Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel <meunier@coria.fr> 2007
# Création initiale par Emmanuel GUREGHIAN
# point en suspens et choix effectués:
# - utilisation du mot impossible pour unable et cannot : cela peut
# induire en erreur entre ce que lyx ne PEUT pas faire et ce que lyx ne
# VEUT pas faire.
# - toggle traduit par (Dés)Activer ?
# - quotes = guillemet
# - emphasis=mise en évidence
# - quelle différence entre noun et small caps ?
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Modifs :
# - Sauver -> Enregistrer (à la Word)
# car sauver c'est la sauvergarde d'urgence
# - unification keymap = réaffectation clavier
# - des espaces ont été ajoutés pour la taille de caractères
# - Diminuer et augmenter ont de + été munis de <>
# - noun = majuscules
# - Small caps = petites capitales
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# revue de la messagerie par J.P. Chrétien (chretien@cert.fr) 8/12/99
# fr.po cvs du 1/12/99, lyx.pot de lyx-1.1.3
# - unable et cannot : remplacement des impossibilités par des interdictions
# quand c'est l'utilisateur qui ne peut pas faire ce que LyX ne veut pas
# et que les contexte est ambigu (ex. Opération interdite et non impossible)
# - unification typographique
# espace avant :, ?, !
# pas de majuscules dans le corps des messages
# - modifications
# Nouveau Fichier -> NouveauFichier
# Mise en garde -> Avertissement
# Noun -> nom propre
# Sans sérif -> sans empattement
# Machine à écrire -> à chasse fixe
# Roman(e) -> Romain(e)
# - mots anglais ayant plusieurs interprétations
# save (déjà signalé) -> Enregistrer ou sauver
# layout -> format (papier) /style (caractère, paragraphe, table) / mise en page (document)
# - mots anglais non traduits (liste à compléter): mots-clés (La)TeX
# input
# include
# marginpar
# .....
# (la question se pose pour verbatim, mot latin utilisable en français)
# - la cas particulier du contrôle de version (CV): vocabulaire à confirmer
# VC -> CV (RCS est spécifique)
# check-in figer comme actuellement
# check-out rendre éditable
# register soumettre au contrôle (enregistrer est inutilisable)
# plus généralement les permissions Unix rwx seront traduites par
# lisible/illisible éditable/en lecture seule exécutable/non exécutable
# pour un fichier
# idem modifiable/non modifiable consultable/non
# pour un répertoire
# marquer en fuzzzy pour transmettre un doute sur la traduction
# n'est pas possible, les messages marqués de la sorte sont ignorés
# par le formatteur msgfmt
# j'ai marqué par à revoir
# les messages qui demandent un réexamen
# et par contrainte de longueur
# ceux que j'ai dû revoir pour cette raison (ex: Imprimante -> Impr.)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Modification mineure par J.P. Chrétien (chretien@cert.fr) 27/1/00
# fr.po de lyx-1.1.4pre2
# retour à Format plutôt que Style pour le Layout de la barre de menus
# (manque la lettre r pour le raccourci et traduction aussi répandue
# que Style)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Reprise des corrections proposées par Olivier Faucheux
# (olivier.faucheux@depinfo.enseeiht.fr) 29/2/00
# maladresses d'expression diverses
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# MAJ 1.1.5pre3 par J.P. Chrétien (chretien@cert.fr) 26/05/00
# nouveautés:
# - messagerie temporaire dans le buffer pour info sur le style courant
# - messagerie sur les remplacements de couleurs
# - accès aux références personnalisées (varioref et prettyref)
# - mise à l'infinitif de toutes les expressions impersonnelles
# - version française de la références à la GPL (E. Gureghian)
# Revue rapide de la messagerie, problèmes en suspens:
# - peut-on traduire vRef, PrettyRef,... ?
# - les raccourcis restent à revoir
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# EG 14 Juin 2000
# Quelques corrections + que mineures
# J'ai traduit Include par inclure et input par incorporer, en espérant
# que la différence sémantique entre les 2 soit + forte que les 2 termes
# anglais. Mais après réflexion je suis d'un avis mitigé.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# JPC 20 Juin 2000
# correction confusion entre One/Two de Pagination et One/Two de Colonnes
# dans Layout->Document (!)
# correction menu d'accès aux documents d'aide
# raccourcissement titre "Base de données" tronqué dans la fenêtre
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# JPC 3 dec 2000 version 1.1.6pre2
# - patch de Angus Leeming
# (corrigeant un certain nombre d'erreurs de raccourcis)
# - correction des «fuzzzy» crées pas msgmerge -> ligne 1178
# (les raccourcis menus sont totalement découplés des bindings, ce qui
# simplifie, mais il ne faut pas 2 fois la même lettre raccourci dans un
# menu donné; vérification non effectuée, à faire a posteriori)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# énuméré
# non-énuméré
# plain
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AR 14 avr 2001 version 1.1.6fix1
# Revu les menus. Quelques corrections
# Indice/Exposant pour Subscript/Superscript
# Nouveau avec Modèle au lieu de Nouveau depuis Modèle
# Guillemet Droit pour Ordinary Quote
# ...
# Vus les fichiers ext_l10n.h et MenuBackend.C
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# JPC + AR 17 avr 2001 version 1.1.6fix1
# JPC : Revue des « fuzzzy » restants sur 42% du fichier
# (traité 200 fuzzzy sur 513 + quelques traductions non encore faites
# vues en passant)
# Quelques interrogations:
# literal -> littéral (si literal se réfère à literate)
# lowertitleback???
# verbatim non traduit finalement
# rétrécissement/élogation pour shrink/stretch : conflit avec trad. antérieures ?
# Rentré pour indent, mais retrait me parît mieux a posteriori
# plain -> ordinaire, fancy -> sophistiqué, headings -> en-têtes auto
# différence entre buils log et latex log ???
# don't hug margins when at top/bottom of page ???
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AR 17 avr 2001 : revue des menus Fichier, Éditer et Insérer,
# et notamment Éditer->Préférences
# Vus les fichiers lyxfunc.C, form_filedialog.C, print_form.C, form_print.C
# form_search.C, sp_form.C, form_citation.C, form_ref.C, form_preferences.C,
# FormPreferences.C, figure_form.C, form_tabular.C
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AR 21 avr 2001 : menus Format->Caractère, Paragraphe et Document
# Vus les fichiers form_include.C, form_character.C, FormCharacter.C, lyxfont.C,
# form_paragraph.C, FormParagraph.C, form_document.C, FormDocument.C
# et quelques autres broutilles
# LaTeX log file -> fichier log ou fichier journal??
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 24 avril JPC fin de la revue des fuzzzy
# Cohérence des raccourcis à voir.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AR 28 avr 2001 : petites modifs, msgmerge avec la branche 1.1.6,
# et correction rapide des fuzzzy survenus
# À tester avec la branche 1.1.6 du CVS, en vue de la 1.1.6fix2
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AR 23 juin 2001 : diverses modifs, msgmerge avec la branche 1.1.6,
# mise à jour pour la 1.1.6fix3, correction des raccourcis clavier
# dans les menus (pas encore dans les fenêtres)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AR 23 juillet 2001 : Modifs mineures
# REMARQUE : Les expressions traduites à l'identique (par ex. "Point"->"Point")
# sont recopiées, l'absence de traduction signifiant que l'expression n'a
# pas encore été traitée
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AR 26 avril 2002 : Importante mise à jour en vue de LyX 1.2.0
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AR 24 septembre 2002 : Mise à jour en vue de LyX 1.2.2
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tenue à jour par Adrien Rebollo -> 1.4
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 1.5 -> Siegfried Meunier-Guttin-Cluzel,
# puis Jean-Pierre Chrétien
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #################### Lyx-1.6 nouveau vocabulaire JPC
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Embedded files -> Fichiers associés
# Embedded format -> liasse
# Overhang -> débordement
# Line span -> portée de la ligne
# Popup -> Fenêtre auxiliaire
# endnotes -> Notes en fin de document
# fold/unfold -> replier/déplier
# completion -> complétion
# flex insert -> insert flexible
# PlainLayout -> format ordinaire
# delay -> temporisation
# slash -> barre inclinée
# LinkBack -> LinkBack
# split -> diviser
# eating -> intégrant
# spitting out -> éjectant
# drop shadow -> ombré en relief
# bidi -> bidimensionnel
# greyedout insert -> insert grisé
# unicode traduit à partir de <http://hapax.qc.ca/Blocks-5.0.0.fr.txt>
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# ### retour sur quelques traductions
# Custom->Réglable (pas partout: quand il s'agit d'un seul élement, e.g. dimension); ailleurs Personalisation (-sé, -sable)
# Verbes d'action systématiques (Ouvrir au lieu de Ouvre e.g.)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# ### « traduction » des chaînes dans configure.py
# + transcription des suppressions de majuscules de 1.5.5
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# # hanging -> avec renfoncement ?
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 5 novembre 2008: mise a jour pour 1.6.0
# Revue complete des messages
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 10 decembre 2008: mise a jour pour 1.6.1
# Argument a la place de parametre suite aux modifs source
# Traduction layout achemso
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 1 mars 2009: mise a jour pour 1.6.2
# Denomination typo plus technique pour raggedright et raggedbottom
# (fer a gauche/ en haut) ?
# Traduction groupes de graphiques -> denomination "graphique" a remplacer
# par "image" ou autre en instance
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 20 avril 2009 mise a jour intermediaire pour 1.6.3
# Raccourci A de Aide change en d pour raccourcis paragraphe
# en Alt-A, -> D de Document change en u
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 6 juillet 2009 mise a jour intermediaire pour 1.6.4
# Unifications View = Visionner au lieu de visualiser
# Edit -> Modifier
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 21 juillet 2009 mise a jour pour 1.6.4
# Unification default -> implicite dans tous les messages
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 5 aout 2009 retour sur Editer et Visualiser pour la barre des menus: synchro avec les copies d'ecran du site web
# synchro de la doc pour visionner et implicite
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 6 aout 2009 unification log -> journal
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 6 octobre 2009 correction tabulations -> onglets + nombreux fuzzy
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 18 novembre 2009 corrections suite a la traduction du manuel de linguistique
# (distinction style de caractere/style de texte, 2 types de listes de tableaux,...)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 16 janvier 2010 fusion fr.po branch fr.po trunk -> 307 fuzzies, 29 untranslated
# en vue 1er RC de trunk
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 4 novembre 2010 mise a jour en vue de 2.0beta
# traduction de Flex: ??
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 25 mars 2011 2.0 approche... mise a jour avant rc2
# le menu contextuel a ete allege,
# reprise d'anciens raccourcis abandonnes
# pour cause de manque de lettres
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 17 avril 2011 derniere revue avant 2.0
# harmonisation traduction table en tableau
# (dans le contexte d'un tableau de donnees)
# revue de traductions suite mise en place
# layouttranslations, voir les listes
# de messagerie
# Manuel Fonctionnalites supplementaires:
# titre modifie en 'Options avancees'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 7 novembre 2011 : derniere revue avant 2.0.2
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 24 novembre 2011 : utilisation du nouveau pocheck.pl pour detecter
# les points en fin de message manquants
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 11 fevrier 2012 : derniere revue avant 2.0.3, quelques corrections
# de messages ambigus dans les menus a la suite de
# la mise a jour des annexes du Guide de l'utilisateur
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# 4 juin 2012 : mise a jour pour 2.0.4
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LyX 1.6.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-10 10:26-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-31 17:24+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Jean-Pierre Chrétien <jeanpierre.chretien@free.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: lyxfr\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: FRANCE\n"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/AboutUi.ui:32
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Version"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/AboutUi.ui:50
msgid "Version goes here"
msgstr "La version va là"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/AboutUi.ui:64
msgid "Credits"
msgstr "Crédits"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/AboutUi.ui:80
#: lib/layouts/apa.layout:192
#: lib/layouts/agu_stdtitle.inc:81
msgid "Copyright"
msgstr "Copyright"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/AboutUi.ui:131
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareUi.ui:163
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/DelimiterUi.ui:286
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ErrorListUi.ui:60
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:608
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:250
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/InsetParamsUi.ui:138
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LogUi.ui:87
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:260
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefsUi.ui:90
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:343
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SearchUi.ui:203
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ShowFileUi.ui:55
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SymbolsUi.ui:66
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TexinfoUi.ui:58
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ThesaurusUi.ui:138
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/WrapUi.ui:173
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiParagraph.cpp:161
msgid "&Close"
msgstr "&Fermer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibitemUi.ui:31
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibitemUi.ui:64
msgid "The bibliography key"
msgstr "La clé bibliographique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibitemUi.ui:44
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibitemUi.ui:51
msgid "The label as it appears in the document"
msgstr "Le nom de l'étiquette tel qu'elle apparaîtra dans le document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibitemUi.ui:54
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LabelUi.ui:36
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:190
msgid "&Label:"
msgstr "É&tiquette :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibitemUi.ui:67
msgid "&Key:"
msgstr "&Clé :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BiblioUi.ui:19
msgid "Citation Style"
msgstr "Style de citation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BiblioUi.ui:28
msgid "Use BibTeX's default numerical styles"
msgstr "Utilise les styles numérotés implicites de BibTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BiblioUi.ui:31
msgid "&Default (numerical)"
msgstr "Im&plicite (numéroté)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BiblioUi.ui:38
msgid "Use the natbib styles for natural sciences and arts. Set additional parameters in document class options."
msgstr "Utilise les styles natbib pour les sciences naturelles et les arts. Fixer les paramètres additionnels dans les options de classe du document."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BiblioUi.ui:41
msgid "&Natbib"
msgstr "&Natbib"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BiblioUi.ui:59
msgid "Natbib &style:"
msgstr "&Style Natbib :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BiblioUi.ui:97
msgid "Use the jurabib styles for law and humanities"
msgstr "Utilise les styles jurabib pour le droit et les lettres"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BiblioUi.ui:100
msgid "&Jurabib"
msgstr "&Jurabib"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BiblioUi.ui:110
msgid "Select this if you want to split your bibliography into sections"
msgstr "Sélectionner pour diviser votre bibliographie en sections"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BiblioUi.ui:113
msgid "S&ectioned bibliography"
msgstr "Bibliographie en §ions"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BiblioUi.ui:120
msgid "Here you can define an alternative program to or specific options of BibTeX."
msgstr "Vous pouvez définir ici un autre programme que BibTeX, ou des options spécifiques à BibTeX."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BiblioUi.ui:123
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:127
msgid "Bibliography generation"
msgstr "Construction de la bibliographie"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BiblioUi.ui:134
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:33
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:139
msgid "&Processor:"
msgstr "&Processeur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BiblioUi.ui:144
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:43
msgid "Select a processor"
msgstr "Choisir un processeur"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BiblioUi.ui:168
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:54
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:152
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:774
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:869
msgid "&Options:"
msgstr "O&ptions :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BiblioUi.ui:178
msgid "Define options such as --min-crossrefs (see the documentation of BibTeX)"
msgstr "Définir des options telles que --min-crossrefs (voir la documentation de BibTeX)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexAddUi.ui:21
msgid "LyX: Add BibTeX Database"
msgstr "LyX : Ajouter une base de données BibTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexAddUi.ui:36
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:47
msgid "Scan for new databases and styles"
msgstr "Rechercher de nouvelles bases de données et de nouveaux styles"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexAddUi.ui:39
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:50
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TexinfoUi.ui:94
msgid "&Rescan"
msgstr "&Rafraîchir"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexAddUi.ui:46
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:97
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareUi.ui:50
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:70
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:58
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:335
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LaTeXUi.ui:160
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefInputUi.ui:110
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:313
msgid "&Browse..."
msgstr "&Parcourir..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexAddUi.ui:83
msgid "Enter BibTeX database name"
msgstr "Saisir le nom de la base de données BibTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexAddUi.ui:114
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUi.ui:113
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:75
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:134
#: src/CutAndPaste.cpp:349
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "A&jouter"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexAddUi.ui:127
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:213
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ChangesUi.ui:91
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SendtoUi.ui:92
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ShortcutUi.ui:65
#: src/buffer_funcs.cpp:110
#: src/frontends/qt4/ButtonController.cpp:239
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:1479
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCompare.cpp:192
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:81
msgid "The BibTeX style"
msgstr "Le style BibTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:84
msgid "St&yle"
msgstr "&Style"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:94
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:107
msgid "Choose a style file"
msgstr "Choisir un fichier de style"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:131
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:144
msgid "This bibliography section contains..."
msgstr "Cette section de bibliographie contient..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:134
msgid "&Content:"
msgstr "&Contenu :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:148
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:212
msgid "all cited references"
msgstr "toutes les références citées"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:153
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBibtex.cpp:328
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:210
msgid "all uncited references"
msgstr "toutes les références non citées"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:158
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:208
msgid "all references"
msgstr "toutes les références"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:166
msgid "Add bibliography to the table of contents"
msgstr "Ajouter la bibliographie à la table des matières"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:169
msgid "Add bibliography to &TOC"
msgstr "Ajouter la bibliographie à la &TdM"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:200
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:357
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:197
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareHistoryUi.ui:183
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareUi.ui:153
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/DocumentUi.ui:67
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:588
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:721
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:237
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndexUi.ui:41
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/InsetParamsUi.ui:118
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:539
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:307
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/NoteUi.ui:38
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:240
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PhantomUi.ui:38
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintindexUi.ui:38
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:317
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SendtoUi.ui:72
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ShortcutUi.ui:52
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SymbolsUi.ui:49
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularCreateUi.ui:65
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ToggleWarningUi.ui:90
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/WrapUi.ui:150
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "&OK"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:225
msgid "Move the selected database downwards in the list"
msgstr "Déplacer la base de données sélectionnée vers le bas de la liste"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:228
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ModulesUi.ui:121
msgid "Do&wn"
msgstr "Vers le &bas"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:235
msgid "Move the selected database upwards in the list"
msgstr "Déplacer la base de données sélectionnée vers le haut de la liste"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:238
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:127
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ModulesUi.ui:114
msgid "&Up"
msgstr "Vers le &haut"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:253
msgid "BibTeX database to use"
msgstr "Base de données BibTeX à utiliser"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:256
msgid "Databa&ses"
msgstr "&Bases de données"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:269
msgid "Add a BibTeX database file"
msgstr "Ajouter un fichier BibTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:272
msgid "&Add..."
msgstr "&Ajouter..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:279
msgid "Remove the selected database"
msgstr "Enlever la base de données sélectionnée"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BibtexUi.ui:282
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:95
msgid "&Delete"
msgstr "Suppri&mer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:28
msgid "Check this if the box should break across pages"
msgstr "Cocher si la boîte doit s'étaler sur plusieurs pages"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:31
msgid "Allow &page breaks"
msgstr "Sauts de &page possibles"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:38
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:151
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:153
msgid "Alignment"
msgstr "Alignement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:59
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:174
msgid "Horizontal alignment of the content inside the box"
msgstr "Alignement horizontal du contenu dans la boîte"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:63
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:103
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:69
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1387
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/WrapUi.ui:209
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiParagraph.cpp:109
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiTabular.cpp:788
msgid "Left"
msgstr "À gauche"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:68
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:74
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1394
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiExternal.cpp:77
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:72
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiParagraph.cpp:111
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiTabular.cpp:789
msgid "Center"
msgstr "Centré"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:73
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:108
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:79
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1404
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/WrapUi.ui:214
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiParagraph.cpp:110
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiTabular.cpp:790
msgid "Right"
msgstr "À droite"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:78
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:111
msgid "Stretch"
msgstr "Élongation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:92
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:164
msgid "Vertical alignment of the content inside the box"
msgstr "Alignement vertical du contenu dans la boîte"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:96
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:123
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:167
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:210
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:371
msgid "Top"
msgstr "En haut"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:101
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:128
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:172
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:215
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:376
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiTabular.cpp:212
msgid "Middle"
msgstr "Au milieu"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:106
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:133
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:177
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:220
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:381
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "En bas"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:119
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:141
msgid "Vertical alignment of the box (with regard to baseline)"
msgstr "Alignement vertical de la boîte (par rapport à la ligne)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:144
msgid "&Box:"
msgstr "&Boîte :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:154
msgid "Co&ntent:"
msgstr "Co&ntenu :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:167
msgid "Vertical"
msgstr "Vertical"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:177
msgid "Horizontal"
msgstr "Horizontal"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:197
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:446
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PageLayoutUi.ui:70
msgid "&Height:"
msgstr "&Hauteur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:213
msgid "Inner Bo&x:"
msgstr "Boîte &Intérieure :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:229
msgid "&Decoration:"
msgstr "&Décoration :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:242
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:420
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LineUi.ui:58
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PageLayoutUi.ui:99
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:153
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/WrapUi.ui:85
msgid "&Width:"
msgstr "&Largeur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:255
msgid "Height value"
msgstr "Hauteur"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:262
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/WrapUi.ui:103
msgid "Width value"
msgstr "Largeur"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:269
msgid "Inner box -- needed for fixed width & line breaks"
msgstr "Boîte intérieure -- nécessaire pour avoir une largeur fixe et des passages à la ligne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:273
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HSpaceUi.ui:32
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:98
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:247
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1037
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1056
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1104
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:193
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:311
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:388
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:113
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:579
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2129
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2152
msgid "None"
msgstr "Aucun"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:278
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:313
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:391
#: src/insets/InsetBox.cpp:135
msgid "Parbox"
msgstr "Parbox"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:283
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:392
#: src/insets/InsetBox.cpp:139
msgid "Minipage"
msgstr "Minipage"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BoxUi.ui:291
msgid "Supported box types"
msgstr "Types de boîtes supportées"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchUi.ui:19
msgid "&Available branches:"
msgstr "Branches &disponibles :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchUi.ui:29
msgid "Select your branch"
msgstr "Sélectionner la branche"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUi.ui:25
msgid "&New:[[branch]]"
msgstr "&Nouvelle branche :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUi.ui:35
msgid "Append the name of this branch to the output filename, given the branch is active."
msgstr "Adjoindre le nom de cette branche au fichier résultat, supposant que la branche soit active."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUi.ui:38
msgid "Filename &Suffix"
msgstr "&Suffixe du fichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUi.ui:61
msgid "Show undefined branches used in this document."
msgstr "Afficher les branches non définies utilisées dans ce document."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUi.ui:64
msgid "&Undefined Branches"
msgstr "Branches &indéfinies"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUi.ui:84
msgid "A&vailable Branches:"
msgstr "Branches &disponibles :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUi.ui:94
msgid "Toggle the selected branch"
msgstr "(Dés)activer la branche sélectionnée"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUi.ui:97
msgid "(&De)activate"
msgstr "(&Dés)activer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUi.ui:110
msgid "Add a new branch to the list"
msgstr "Ajoute une nouvelle branche à la liste"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUi.ui:123
msgid "Define or change background color"
msgstr "Définir ou changer la couleur de fond"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUi.ui:126
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:185
msgid "Alter Co&lor..."
msgstr "Changer la &couleur..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUi.ui:133
msgid "Remove the selected branch"
msgstr "Enlever la branche sélectionnée"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUi.ui:136
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:165
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3871
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3884
msgid "&Remove"
msgstr "&Enlever"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUi.ui:143
msgid "Change the name of the selected branch"
msgstr "Modifier le nom de la branche sélectionnée"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUi.ui:146
msgid "Re&name..."
msgstr "&Renommer..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUnknownUi.ui:25
msgid "Add the selected branches to the list."
msgstr "Ajouter les branches sélectionnées à la liste."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUnknownUi.ui:28
msgid "&Add Selected"
msgstr "Ajouter la sél&ection"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUnknownUi.ui:35
msgid "Add all unknown branches to the list."
msgstr "Ajouter toutes les branches inconnues à la liste."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUnknownUi.ui:38
msgid "Add A&ll"
msgstr "Ajouter &tout"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUnknownUi.ui:58
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:220
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareHistoryUi.ui:205
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/DocumentUi.ui:84
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndexUi.ui:78
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:559
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintindexUi.ui:28
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1147
#: src/Buffer.cpp:2395
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3846
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3909
#: src/LyXVC.cpp:89
#: src/LyXVC.cpp:224
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBranches.cpp:219
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiClipboard.cpp:242
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1839
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiParagraph.cpp:69
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiParagraph.cpp:159
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2121
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2272
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2287
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2335
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2550
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2557
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2656
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2684
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3299
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:148
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr "&Annuler"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUnknownUi.ui:65
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUnknownUi.ui:78
msgid "Undefined branches used in this document."
msgstr "Branches non définies dans ce document."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BranchesUnknownUi.ui:68
msgid "&Undefined Branches:"
msgstr "Branches &indéfinies :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BulletsUi.ui:34
msgid "&Font:"
msgstr "&Police :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BulletsUi.ui:44
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:212
msgid "Si&ze:"
msgstr "&Taille :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BulletsUi.ui:66
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:115
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:52
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1042
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1061
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1109
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:112
#: src/Font.cpp:178
#: src/HSpace.cpp:117
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:109
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:127
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:143
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:156
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:685
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:796
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:801
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:842
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:853
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1014
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1092
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1694
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1717
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1718
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1719
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1794
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2158
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3234
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiExternal.cpp:75
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:70
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiIndices.cpp:57
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:152
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:159
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2277
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2533
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrintNomencl.cpp:47
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiViewSource.cpp:197
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Implicite"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BulletsUi.ui:71
#: src/Font.cpp:71
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:56
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:152
msgid "Tiny"
msgstr "Minuscule"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BulletsUi.ui:76
#: src/Font.cpp:71
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:57
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:152
msgid "Smallest"
msgstr "Tout petit"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BulletsUi.ui:81
#: src/Font.cpp:71
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:58
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:152
msgid "Smaller"
msgstr "Très petit"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BulletsUi.ui:86
#: src/Font.cpp:71
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:59
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:152
msgid "Small"
msgstr "Petit"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BulletsUi.ui:91
#: src/Font.cpp:71
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:60
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:152
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BulletsUi.ui:96
#: src/Font.cpp:71
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:61
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:153
msgid "Large"
msgstr "Grand"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BulletsUi.ui:101
#: src/Font.cpp:72
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:62
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:153
msgid "Larger"
msgstr "Très grand"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BulletsUi.ui:106
#: src/Font.cpp:72
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:63
msgid "Largest"
msgstr "Très très grand"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BulletsUi.ui:111
#: src/Font.cpp:72
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:64
msgid "Huge"
msgstr "Énorme"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BulletsUi.ui:116
#: src/Font.cpp:72
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:65
msgid "Huger"
msgstr "Très énorme"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BulletsUi.ui:144
msgid "&Custom Bullet:"
msgstr "Puce &personnalisée :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/BulletsUi.ui:174
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:336
msgid "&Level:"
msgstr "&Niveau :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ChangesUi.ui:31
msgid "Change:"
msgstr "Modification :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ChangesUi.ui:49
msgid "Go to previous change"
msgstr "Aller à la modification précédente"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ChangesUi.ui:52
msgid "&Previous change"
msgstr "Modification &précédente"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ChangesUi.ui:62
msgid "Go to next change"
msgstr "Aller à la modification suivante"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ChangesUi.ui:65
msgid "&Next change"
msgstr "Modification &Suivante"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ChangesUi.ui:108
msgid "Accept this change"
msgstr "Accepter cette modification"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ChangesUi.ui:111
msgid "&Accept"
msgstr "&Accepter"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ChangesUi.ui:121
msgid "Reject this change"
msgstr "Rejeter cette modification"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ChangesUi.ui:124
msgid "&Reject"
msgstr "&Rejeter"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:44
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:123
msgid "Font family"
msgstr "Famille de police"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:47
msgid "&Family:"
msgstr "&Famille :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:65
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:72
msgid "Font shape"
msgstr "Forme de police"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:75
msgid "S&hape:"
msgstr "F&orme :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:93
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:158
msgid "Font series"
msgstr "Série de police"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:108
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:145
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:339
#: lib/layouts/europecv.layout:119
#: lib/layouts/moderncv.layout:116
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1313
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2232
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:853
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Langue"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:138
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:174
msgid "Font color"
msgstr "Couleur de police"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:148
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LanguageUi.ui:19
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:27
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ThesaurusUi.ui:22
msgid "&Language:"
msgstr "Lan&gue :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:161
msgid "&Series:"
msgstr "&Série :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:177
msgid "&Color:"
msgstr "&Couleur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:197
msgid "Never Toggled"
msgstr "Jamais basculés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:209
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:230
msgid "Font size"
msgstr "Taille de police"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:240
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:273
msgid "Other font settings"
msgstr "Autres réglages de police"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:243
msgid "Always Toggled"
msgstr "Toujours basculés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:255
msgid "&Misc:"
msgstr "&Divers :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:295
msgid "toggle font on all of the above"
msgstr "basculer la police sur tous ces paramètres"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:298
msgid "&Toggle all"
msgstr "&Basculer tout"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:305
msgid "Apply each change automatically"
msgstr "Appliquer tous les changements au fur et à mesure"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:308
msgid "Apply changes &immediately"
msgstr "Appliquer les changements &immédiatement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:367
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/DocumentUi.ui:77
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:598
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:742
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/InsetParamsUi.ui:128
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:549
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:250
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefsUi.ui:80
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:330
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SendtoUi.ui:85
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SymbolsUi.ui:59
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/WrapUi.ui:163
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1915
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3177
msgid "&Apply"
msgstr "&Appliquer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CharacterUi.ui:377
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:763
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:314
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/NoteUi.ui:28
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PhantomUi.ui:28
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:243
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularCreateUi.ui:72
#: src/frontends/qt4/ButtonController.cpp:241
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCompare.cpp:190
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fermer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:30
msgid "A&vailable Citations:"
msgstr "Citations &disponibles :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:53
msgid "S&elected Citations:"
msgstr "Citations &sélectionnées :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:72
msgid "Click or press Enter to add the selected citation to the list"
msgstr "Cliquer ou presser sur Entrée pour ajouter les citations sélectionnées à la liste"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:92
msgid "Click or press Delete to delete the selected citation from the list"
msgstr "Cliquer ou appuyer sur Suppression pour enlever la citation sélectionnée de la liste"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:124
msgid "Move the selected citation up (Ctrl-Up)"
msgstr "Faire monter la citation (Ctrl-Up)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:148
msgid "Move the selected citation down (Ctrl-Down)"
msgstr "Faire descendre la citation (Ctrl-Down)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:151
msgid "&Down"
msgstr "Vers le &bas"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:174
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/DocumentUi.ui:44
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:692
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/InsetParamsUi.ui:82
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:217
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefsUi.ui:44
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/WrapUi.ui:121
msgid "&Restore"
msgstr "&Restaurer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:210
msgid "App&ly"
msgstr "&Appliquer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:242
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Mise en page"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:251
msgid "Citation st&yle:"
msgstr "&Style de citation :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:261
msgid "Natbib citation style to use"
msgstr "Style de citation Natbib"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:268
msgid "Text &before:"
msgstr "Texte a&vant :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:278
msgid "Text to place before citation"
msgstr "Texte à ajouter avant la citation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:285
msgid "Text a&fter:"
msgstr "Texte a&près :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:295
msgid "Text to place after citation"
msgstr "Texte à ajouter après la citation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:323
msgid "List all authors"
msgstr "Donne la liste de tous les auteurs"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:326
msgid "Full aut&hor list"
msgstr "&Liste complète des auteurs"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:333
msgid "Force upper case in citation"
msgstr "Force les majuscules dans la citation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:336
msgid "Force u&pper case"
msgstr "Forcer les &majuscules"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:348
msgid "Search Citation"
msgstr "Recherche citation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:363
msgid "Searc&h:"
msgstr "Rec&hercher :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:376
msgid "Enter the text to search for and press Enter or click the button to search"
msgstr "Saisir le texte à rechercher et appuyer sur Entrée ou cliquer sur le bouton pour démarrer la recherche"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:389
msgid "Click or press Enter in the search box to search"
msgstr "Cliquer ou appuyer sur Entrée pour démarrer la recherche"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:392
msgid "&Search"
msgstr "&Rechercher"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:402
msgid "Search field:"
msgstr "Champ de recherche :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:422
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCitation.cpp:323
msgid "All fields"
msgstr "Tous les champs"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:443
msgid "Regular e&xpression"
msgstr "E&xpression régulière"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:450
msgid "Case se&nsitive"
msgstr "Selon la &casse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:457
msgid "Entry types:"
msgstr "Types d'entrée :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:474
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCitation.cpp:338
msgid "All entry types"
msgstr "Toutes les entrées"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CitationUi.ui:495
msgid "Search as you &type"
msgstr "Chercher à la &volée"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:27
msgid "Font colors"
msgstr "Couleurs de police"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:38
msgid "Main text:"
msgstr "Texte principal :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:54
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:115
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:192
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:253
msgid "Click to change the color"
msgstr "Cliquer pour changer la couleur"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:57
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:195
msgid "Default..."
msgstr "Implicite..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:70
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:131
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:208
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:269
msgid "Revert the color to the default"
msgstr "Revenir à la couleur implicite"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:73
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:134
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:211
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:272
msgid "R&eset"
msgstr "Rà&Z"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:99
msgid "Greyed-out notes:"
msgstr "Notes grisées :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:118
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:256
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1542
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1572
msgid "&Change..."
msgstr "&Modifier..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:165
msgid "Background colors"
msgstr "Couleurs du fond"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:176
msgid "Page:"
msgstr "Page :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ColorUi.ui:237
msgid "Shaded boxes:"
msgstr "Boîtes ombrées :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareHistoryUi.ui:22
msgid "Compare Revisions"
msgstr "Comparer les révisions"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareHistoryUi.ui:30
msgid "&Revisions back"
msgstr "&Révisions passées"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareHistoryUi.ui:83
msgid "&Between revisions"
msgstr "&Entre révisions"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareHistoryUi.ui:96
msgid "Old:"
msgstr "Ancien :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareHistoryUi.ui:131
msgid "New:"
msgstr "Nouveau :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareUi.ui:27
msgid "&New Document:"
msgstr "&Nouveau document :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareUi.ui:60
msgid "&Old Document:"
msgstr "&Ancien document :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareUi.ui:83
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:38
msgid "Bro&wse..."
msgstr "&Parcourir..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareUi.ui:99
msgid "Copy Document Settings from:"
msgstr "Copier les paramètres du document depuis :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareUi.ui:105
msgid "N&ew Document"
msgstr "&Nouveau document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareUi.ui:112
msgid "Ol&d Document"
msgstr "&Ancien document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareUi.ui:178
msgid "Turns on the change tracking and showing changes in LaTeX output for the resulting document"
msgstr "Activer le suivi de modification et montre les modifications du résultat imprimable LaTeX pour le document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/CompareUi.ui:181
msgid "Enable &change tracking features in the output"
msgstr "Active le &suivi de modifications dans le résultat imprimable"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/DelimiterUi.ui:143
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDelimiter.cpp:278
msgid "TeX Code: "
msgstr "Code TeX : "
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/DelimiterUi.ui:167
msgid "Match delimiter types"
msgstr "Apparier les délimiteurs"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/DelimiterUi.ui:170
msgid "&Keep matched"
msgstr "&Apparier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/DelimiterUi.ui:196
msgid "&Size:"
msgstr "&Taille :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/DelimiterUi.ui:268
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SymbolsUi.ui:56
msgid "Insert the delimiters"
msgstr "Insérer les délimiteurs"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/DelimiterUi.ui:271
msgid "&Insert"
msgstr "&Insérer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/DocumentUi.ui:112
msgid "Reset to the default settings for the document class"
msgstr "Remet les valeurs implicite de la classe de document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/DocumentUi.ui:115
msgid "Use Class Defaults"
msgstr "Valeurs implicites de la classe"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/DocumentUi.ui:130
msgid "Save settings as LyX's default document settings"
msgstr "Enregistrer les réglages comme valeurs implicites de LyX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/DocumentUi.ui:133
msgid "Save as Document Defaults"
msgstr "Enregistrer comme valeurs implicites"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ERTUi.ui:28
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1231
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Affichage écran"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ERTUi.ui:40
msgid "Show ERT button only"
msgstr "Afficher seulement le bouton TeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ERTUi.ui:43
msgid "&Collapsed"
msgstr "&Fermé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ERTUi.ui:50
msgid "Show ERT contents"
msgstr "Afficher le contenu de l'insert TeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ERTUi.ui:53
msgid "O&pen"
msgstr "&Ouvert"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ErrorListUi.ui:36
msgid "For more information, refer to the complete log."
msgstr "Pour en savoir plus, voir le fichier journal complet."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ErrorListUi.ui:43
msgid "&Errors:"
msgstr "&Erreurs:"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ErrorListUi.ui:53
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Description :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ErrorListUi.ui:83
msgid "Open the LaTeX Log File dialog"
msgstr "Ouvrir le menu interactif du fichier journal LaTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ErrorListUi.ui:86
msgid "View Complete &Log..."
msgstr "Visionner le fichier &journal complet..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:35
msgid "F&ile"
msgstr "F&ichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:47
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:54
#: lib/layouts/agu_stdclass.inc:78
#: lib/layouts/agu_stdclass.inc:80
#: lib/layouts/db_stdcharstyles.inc:6
#: lib/layouts/db_stdcharstyles.inc:8
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "Nom du fichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:57
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:266
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:265
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:293
msgid "&File:"
msgstr "&Fichier :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:67
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:332
msgid "Select a file"
msgstr "Choisir un fichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:77
msgid "&Draft"
msgstr "&Brouillon"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:84
msgid "&Template"
msgstr "&Modèle"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:121
msgid "Available templates"
msgstr "Modèles disponibles"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:132
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:448
msgid "LaTe&X and LyX options"
msgstr "Options LaTe&X et LyX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:144
msgid "LaTeX Options"
msgstr "Options LaTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:162
msgid "O&ption:"
msgstr "O&ption :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:175
msgid "Forma&t:"
msgstr "Forma&t :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:191
msgid "Enable LyX to preview this material; only if graphics previewing is not disabled at application level (see Preference dialog)."
msgstr "Autoriser l'affichage de ce graphique dans la fenêtre LyX, seulement si cet affichage n'est pas inhibé au niveau applicatif (voir les Préférences)."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:194
msgid "&Show in LyX"
msgstr "Afficher dans &LyX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:212
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:234
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:559
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:566
msgid "Percentage to scale by in LyX"
msgstr "Pourcentage d'agrandissement ou de réduction dans LyX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:215
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:569
msgid "Sca&le on Screen (%):"
msgstr "Tai&lle à l'Écran (%) :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:271
msgid "Si&ze and Rotation"
msgstr "Taille et &rotation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:283
msgid "Rotate"
msgstr "Rotation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:328
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:358
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:240
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:247
msgid "Angle to rotate image by"
msgstr "Angle de rotation à appliquer à l'image"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:338
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:351
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:212
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:219
msgid "The origin of the rotation"
msgstr "Origine de la rotation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:341
msgid "Ori&gin:"
msgstr "&Origine :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:361
msgid "A&ngle:"
msgstr "A&ngle :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:376
msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Échelle"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:400
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:131
msgid "Height of image in output"
msgstr "Hauteur de l'image à la sortie"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:410
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:97
msgid "Width of image in output"
msgstr "Largeur de l'image à la sortie"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:433
msgid "Maintain aspect ratio with largest dimension"
msgstr "Conserver les proportions avec la plus grande dimension"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:436
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:177
msgid "&Maintain aspect ratio"
msgstr "&Conserver les proportions"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:459
msgid "Crop"
msgstr "Rogner"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:474
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:309
msgid "Clip to bounding box values"
msgstr "Rogner aux valeurs de la boîte de délimitation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:477
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:312
msgid "Clip to &bounding box"
msgstr "&Rogner à la boîte de délimitation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:484
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:345
msgid "&Left bottom:"
msgstr "&Bas gauche :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:497
msgid "x"
msgstr "x"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:504
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:383
msgid "Right &top:"
msgstr "&Haut droite :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:514
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:437
msgid "Get bounding box from the (EPS) file"
msgstr "Extraire la boîte de délimitation du fichier (EPS)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:517
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:440
msgid "&Get from File"
msgstr "&Extraire du fichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ExternalUi.ui:547
msgid "y"
msgstr "y"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:13
msgid "TabWidget"
msgstr "TabWidget"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:20
msgid "Sear&ch"
msgstr "&Rechercher"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:26
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LogUi.ui:28
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SearchUi.ui:28
msgid "&Find:"
msgstr "Rec&hercher :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:46
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SearchUi.ui:66
msgid "Replace &with:"
msgstr "Remplacer &par :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:72
msgid "Perform a case-sensitive search"
msgstr "Effectuer une recherche conforme à la casse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:75
msgid "Case &sensitive"
msgstr "Selon la &casse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:91
msgid "Find next occurrence [Enter]"
msgstr "Rechercher l'occurrence suivante [Entrée]"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:94
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SearchUi.ui:166
msgid "Find &Next"
msgstr "&Recherche suivante"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:107
msgid "Restrict search to whole words only"
msgstr "Restreindre la recherche aux mots complets seulement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:110
msgid "W&hole words"
msgstr "Mots &complets"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:126
msgid "Replace and find next occurrence [Enter]"
msgstr "Remplacer et rechercher l'occurrence suivante [Entrée]"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:129
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SearchUi.ui:179
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:133
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ThesaurusUi.ui:95
msgid "&Replace"
msgstr "&Remplacer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:136
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SearchUi.ui:196
msgid "Search &backwards"
msgstr "Rechercher en &arrière"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:152
msgid "Replace all occurences at once"
msgstr "Remplacer toutes les occurrences"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:155
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SearchUi.ui:189
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:165
msgid "Replace &All"
msgstr "Remplacer &tout"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:163
msgid "S&ettings"
msgstr "P&aramètres"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:178
msgid "The scope to which the search horizon is restricted"
msgstr "La portée de l'horizon de recherche est restreinte"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:184
msgid "Sco&pe"
msgstr "&Portée"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:196
msgid "Current &document"
msgstr "&Document courant"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:215
msgid "Current document and all related documents belonging to the same master document"
msgstr "Document courant et tous les autres fichiers dépendant du même document maître"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:218
msgid "&Master document"
msgstr "Document &maître"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:228
msgid "All open documents"
msgstr "Tous les documents ouverts"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:231
msgid "&Open documents"
msgstr "Document &ouverts"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:241
msgid "All ma&nuals"
msgstr "Tous les man&uels"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:254
msgid "If unchecked, the search will be limited to occurrences of the selected text and paragraph style"
msgstr "Case non cochée, la recherche sera limitée aux occurrences du texte sélectionné et du style de paragraphe"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:257
msgid "Ignore &format"
msgstr "Ignorer le &format"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:267
msgid "Keep the case of the replacement's first letter as in each matching text first letter"
msgstr "Conserver la casse de la première lettre du remplacement telle quelle dans chaque chaîne correspondante"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:270
msgid "&Preserve first case on replace"
msgstr "&Préserver la casse du premier caractère lors du remplacement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FindAndReplaceUi.ui:280
msgid "&Expand macros"
msgstr "&Déployer les macros"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FloatPlacementUi.ui:13
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:13
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:13
msgid "Form"
msgstr "Placement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FloatPlacementUi.ui:19
msgid "Float Type:"
msgstr "Type de flottant :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FloatPlacementUi.ui:36
msgid "Use &default placement"
msgstr "Utiliser le placement im&plicite"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FloatPlacementUi.ui:43
msgid "Advanced Placement Options"
msgstr "Options de placement élaborées"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FloatPlacementUi.ui:55
msgid "&Top of page"
msgstr "&Haut de la page"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FloatPlacementUi.ui:62
msgid "&Ignore LaTeX rules"
msgstr "I&gnorer les règles LaTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FloatPlacementUi.ui:69
msgid "Here de&finitely"
msgstr "Ici, à &tout prix"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FloatPlacementUi.ui:76
msgid "&Here if possible"
msgstr "&Ici, si possible"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FloatPlacementUi.ui:83
msgid "&Page of floats"
msgstr "&Page de flottants"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FloatPlacementUi.ui:90
msgid "&Bottom of page"
msgstr "&Bas de la page"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FloatPlacementUi.ui:100
msgid "&Span columns"
msgstr "&Plusieurs colonnes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FloatPlacementUi.ui:107
msgid "&Rotate sideways"
msgstr "&Rotation 90°"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:13
msgid "FontUi"
msgstr "FontUi"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:19
msgid "Use OpenType and TrueType fonts with the fontspec package (requires XeTeX or LuaTeX)"
msgstr "Utiliser les polices OpenType et TrueType via le paquetage fontspec (utilisation de XeTeX ou LuaTeX indispensable)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:22
msgid "&Use non-TeX fonts (via XeTeX/LuaTeX)"
msgstr "&Utiliser des polices non-TeX (via XeTeX/LuaTeX)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:42
msgid "&Default family:"
msgstr "Famille im&plicite :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:52
msgid "Select the default family for the document"
msgstr "Sélectionner la famille implicite pour le document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:59
msgid "&Base Size:"
msgstr "Taille de &base :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:76
msgid "LaTe&X font encoding:"
msgstr "Encodage de police LaTe&X :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:89
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:34
msgid "Specify the font encoding (e.g., T1)."
msgstr "Spécifier l'encodage de police (e.g. T1)."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:96
msgid "&Roman:"
msgstr "&Romain :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:106
msgid "Select the roman (serif) typeface"
msgstr "Sélectionner la famille romaine (avec empattements)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:113
msgid "&Sans Serif:"
msgstr "&Sans empattement :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:123
msgid "Select the Sans Serif (grotesque) typeface"
msgstr "Sélectionner la famille Sans Serif (grotesque)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:130
msgid "S&cale (%):"
msgstr "Réduc&tion (%) :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:140
msgid "Scale the Sans Serif font to match the base font's dimensions"
msgstr "Mettre à l'échelle la police sans empattements pour l'apparier aux dimensions de base de la police"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:153
msgid "&Typewriter:"
msgstr "&Chasse fixe :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:163
msgid "Select the typewriter (monospaced) typeface"
msgstr "Sélectionner la famille à chasse fixe (espacements identiques)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:170
msgid "Sc&ale (%):"
msgstr "Réd&uction (%) :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:180
msgid "Scale the Typewriter font to match the base font's dimensions"
msgstr "Mettre à l'échelle la police à chasse fixe pour l'apparier aux dimensions de base de la police"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:193
msgid "C&JK:"
msgstr "C&JK:"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:203
msgid "Input the font to be used for Chinese, Japanese or Korean (CJK) script"
msgstr "Saisir la police à utiliser pour l'écriture en Chinois, japonais ou Coréen (CJK)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:210
msgid "Use a real small caps shape, if the font provides one"
msgstr "Utiliser une vraie forme en petites capitales, si la police la connaît"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:213
msgid "Use true S&mall Caps"
msgstr "Utiliser des vraies &petites capitales"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:220
msgid "Use old style instead of lining figures"
msgstr "Utiliser l'ancien style au lieu des dessins linéaires"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/FontUi.ui:223
msgid "Use &Old Style Figures"
msgstr "Utiliser des chiffres à l'&ancienne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:43
msgid "&Graphics"
msgstr "&Graphique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:55
msgid "Select an image file"
msgstr "Choisir un fichier image"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:65
msgid "Output Size"
msgstr "Taille sortie"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:141
msgid "Sets height of graphic. Leave unchecked to set automatically."
msgstr "Fixer la hauteur du graphique. Automatique si non coché."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:144
msgid "Set &height:"
msgstr "&Hauteur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:151
msgid "&Scale Graphics (%):"
msgstr "Échelle &Graphique (%) :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:161
msgid "Sets width of graphic. Leave unchecked to set automatically."
msgstr "Fixer la largeur du graphique. Automatique si non coché."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:164
msgid "Set &width:"
msgstr "&Largeur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:174
msgid "Scale image to maximum size not exceeding width and height"
msgstr "Dilater l'image à la taille maximum sans dépasser la largeur et la hauteur spécifiées"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:187
msgid "Rotate Graphics"
msgstr "Tourner le graphique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:202
msgid "Check to change the order of rotating and scaling"
msgstr "Cocher pour changer l'ordre entre la rotation et la mise à l'échelle"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:205
msgid "Ro&tate after scaling"
msgstr "&Tourner après réduction"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:222
msgid "Or&igin:"
msgstr "Or&igine :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:250
msgid "A&ngle (Degrees):"
msgstr "A&ngle (Degrés) :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:263
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:276
msgid "File name of image"
msgstr "Nom du fichier image"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:284
msgid "&Clipping"
msgstr "&Rogner"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:393
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:400
msgid "y:"
msgstr "y :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:407
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:414
msgid "x:"
msgstr "x :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:460
msgid "Don't uncompress image before exporting to LaTeX"
msgstr "Ne pas décompresser l'image avant d'exporter en LaTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:463
msgid "Don't un&zip on export"
msgstr "Ne pas &décompresser à l'exportation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:491
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:498
msgid "Additional LaTeX options"
msgstr "Autres options LaTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:501
msgid "LaTeX &options:"
msgstr "Options LaTe&X :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:527
msgid "Enable LyX to preview this graphics, only if graphics previewing is not disabled at application level (see Preference dialog)."
msgstr "Autoriser l'affichage de ce graphique dans la fenêtre LyX, seulement si cet affichage n'est pas inhibé au niveau applicatif (voir les Préférences)."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:530
msgid "Sho&w in LyX"
msgstr "Afficher dans &LyX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:595
msgid "Assign the graphic to a group of graphics that share the same settings"
msgstr "Associer le graphique à un groupe de graphiques partageant les mêmes réglages"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:598
msgid "Graphics Group"
msgstr "Groupe de graphiques"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:637
msgid "A&ssigned to group:"
msgstr "A&ssocier au groupe :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:647
msgid "Click to define a new graphics group."
msgstr "Cliquer pour définir un nouveau groupe de graphiques."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:650
msgid "O&pen new group..."
msgstr "O&uvrir un nouveau groupe..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:657
msgid "Select an existing group for the current graphics."
msgstr "Sélectionner un groupe existant pour le graphique courant."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:670
msgid "Draft mode"
msgstr "Mode brouillon"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/GraphicsUi.ui:673
msgid "&Draft mode"
msgstr "Mode &brouillon"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HSpaceUi.ui:28
msgid "Select a fill pattern style for HFills"
msgstr "Sélectionner un modèle pour le remplissage horizontal"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HSpaceUi.ui:37
msgid "..............."
msgstr "..............."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HSpaceUi.ui:42
msgid "________"
msgstr "________"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HSpaceUi.ui:47
msgid "<-----------"
msgstr "<-----------"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HSpaceUi.ui:52
msgid "----------->"
msgstr "----------->"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HSpaceUi.ui:57
msgid "\\-----v-----/"
msgstr "\\-----v-----/"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HSpaceUi.ui:62
msgid "/-----^-----\\"
msgstr "/-----^-----\\"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HSpaceUi.ui:70
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/VSpaceUi.ui:22
msgid "&Spacing:"
msgstr "&Interligne :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HSpaceUi.ui:80
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/VSpaceUi.ui:78
msgid "Supported spacing types"
msgstr "Types d'espacement supportés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HSpaceUi.ui:87
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/VSpaceUi.ui:68
msgid "&Value:"
msgstr "&Valeur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HSpaceUi.ui:100
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/VSpaceUi.ui:61
msgid "Custom value. Needs spacing type \"Custom\"."
msgstr "Valeur réglable. Nécessite un espacement de type « réglable »."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HSpaceUi.ui:110
msgid "&Fill Pattern:"
msgstr "&Modèle de remplissage :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HSpaceUi.ui:123
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/VSpaceUi.ui:45
msgid "&Protect:"
msgstr "&Protégé :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HSpaceUi.ui:133
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:208
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:214
msgid "Insert the spacing even after a line break"
msgstr "Insérer l'espacement même après un saut de page"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HyperlinkUi.ui:19
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HyperlinkUi.ui:32
#: lib/layouts/scrlttr2.layout:207
#: lib/layouts/amsdefs.inc:153
#: lib/layouts/stdinsets.inc:336
#: lib/layouts/stdinsets.inc:339
#: lib/layouts/minimalistic.module:26
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HyperlinkUi.ui:22
msgid "&Target:"
msgstr "&Cible :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HyperlinkUi.ui:39
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HyperlinkUi.ui:52
msgid "Name associated with the URL"
msgstr "Nom associé à l'URL"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HyperlinkUi.ui:42
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefIdentityUi.ui:50
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:257
msgid "&Name:"
msgstr "&Nom :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HyperlinkUi.ui:59
msgid "Specify the link target"
msgstr "Spécifier le lien cible"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HyperlinkUi.ui:62
msgid "Link type"
msgstr "Type de lien"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HyperlinkUi.ui:74
msgid "Link to the web or to every other target"
msgstr "Lien vers le web ou vers chaque autre cible"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HyperlinkUi.ui:77
msgid "&Web"
msgstr "&Web"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HyperlinkUi.ui:87
msgid "Link to an email address"
msgstr "Lien vers une adresse électronique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HyperlinkUi.ui:90
msgid "&Email"
msgstr "&E-mail"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HyperlinkUi.ui:97
msgid "Link to a file"
msgstr "Lien vers un fichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/HyperlinkUi.ui:100
msgid "&File"
msgstr "&Fichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:36
msgid "Listing Parameters"
msgstr "Paramètre de listing"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:66
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsSettingsUi.ui:83
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:507
msgid "Check it to enter parameters that are not recognizable by LyX"
msgstr "Cocher pour entrer des paramètres non reconnus par LyX"
# Il faut choisir un autre raccourci
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:69
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsSettingsUi.ui:86
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:510
msgid "&Bypass validation"
msgstr "Éviter la &validation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:86
msgid "C&aption:"
msgstr "&Légende :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:99
msgid "La&bel:"
msgstr "É&tiquette :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:109
msgid "Mo&re parameters"
msgstr "Autres pa&ramètres"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:183
msgid "Underline spaces in generated output"
msgstr "Souligner les espaces dans la sortie produite"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:186
msgid "&Mark spaces in output"
msgstr "&Marquer les espaces"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:201
msgid "Show LaTeX preview"
msgstr "Afficher un aperçu LaTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:204
msgid "&Show preview"
msgstr "Afficher un &aperçu"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:275
msgid "File name to include"
msgstr "Choisir le fichier sous-document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:282
msgid "&Include Type:"
msgstr "Type de &sous-document :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:293
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:383
msgid "Include"
msgstr "Inclus (include)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:298
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:373
msgid "Input"
msgstr "Incorporé (input)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:303
msgid "Verbatim"
msgstr "Verbatim"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:308
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:1139
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:1145
msgid "Program Listing"
msgstr "Listing de code source"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:342
msgid "Edit the file"
msgstr "Modifier le fichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IncludeUi.ui:345
msgid "&Edit"
msgstr "Mo&difier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndexUi.ui:59
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:143
msgid "A&vailable Indexes:"
msgstr "Index &disponibles :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndexUi.ui:69
msgid "Select the index this entry should be listed in."
msgstr "Sélectionner l'index dans lequel cette entrée doit apparaître."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:19
msgid "Here you can define an alternative index processor and specify its options."
msgstr "Vous pouvez définir ici un autre processeur pour l'indexation et spécifier ses options."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:22
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:202
msgid "Index generation"
msgstr "Construction de l'index"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:64
msgid "Define program options of the selected processor."
msgstr "Définir les options du processeur sélectionné ."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:89
msgid "Check if you need multiple indexes (e.g., an Index of Names)"
msgstr "Cocher si vous avez besoin de plusieurs index (e.g., un Index de noms)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:92
msgid "&Use multiple indexes"
msgstr "&Utiliser plusieurs index"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:114
msgid "&New:[[index]]"
msgstr "&Nouvel index :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:124
msgid "Enter the name of the desired index (e.g. \"Index of Names\") and hit \"Add\""
msgstr "Saisir le nom de l'index désiré (e. g. « Index des noms ») et appuyez sur « Add »"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:131
msgid "Add a new index to the list"
msgstr "Ajoute un nouvel index à la liste"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:154
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ProgressViewUi.ui:149
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:60
msgid "1"
msgstr "1"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:162
msgid "Remove the selected index"
msgstr "Enlever l'index sélectionné"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:172
msgid "Rename the selected index"
msgstr "Renommer l'index sélectionné"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:175
msgid "R&ename..."
msgstr "&Renommer..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/IndicesUi.ui:182
msgid "Define or change button color"
msgstr "Définir ou changer la couleur du bouton"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/InfoUi.ui:24
msgid "Information Type:"
msgstr "Type d'information :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/InfoUi.ui:34
msgid "Information Name:"
msgstr "Nom de l'information :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/InsetParamsUi.ui:16
msgid "Inset Parameter Configuration"
msgstr "Paramètre de configuration d'insert"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/InsetParamsUi.ui:46
msgid "Update dialog when moving context"
msgstr "Mettre à jour le menu de dialogue au changement de contexte"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/InsetParamsUi.ui:49
msgid "S&ynchronize Dialog"
msgstr "S&ynchroniser le dialogue"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/InsetParamsUi.ui:56
msgid "Apply settings immediately"
msgstr "Appliquer les régleges immédiatement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/InsetParamsUi.ui:62
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:44
msgid "I&mmediate Apply"
msgstr "Application i&mmédiate"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/InsetParamsUi.ui:79
msgid "Restore initial values in dialog"
msgstr "Restaurer les valeurs initiales dans le fenêtre de dialogue"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/InsetParamsUi.ui:92
msgid "Push new inset into the document"
msgstr "Inclure le nouvel insert dans le document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/InsetParamsUi.ui:95
msgid "New Inset"
msgstr "Nouvel insert"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LaTeXUi.ui:19
msgid "Document &class"
msgstr "&Classe de document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LaTeXUi.ui:44
msgid "Click to select a local document class definition file"
msgstr "Cliquer pour sélectionner un fichier local de définition de format"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LaTeXUi.ui:47
msgid "&Local Layout..."
msgstr "&Format local..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LaTeXUi.ui:57
msgid "Class options"
msgstr "Options de classe"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LaTeXUi.ui:63
msgid "Enable to use the options that are predefined in the layout file"
msgstr "Autoriser l'usage des options prédéfinies dans le fichier de format"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LaTeXUi.ui:66
msgid "&Predefined:"
msgstr "P&rédéfinie :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LaTeXUi.ui:73
msgid "The options that are predefined in the layout file. Click to the left to select/deselect."
msgstr "Options prédéfinies dans le le fichier de format. Cliquer pour (dé)sélectionner."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LaTeXUi.ui:83
msgid "Cus&tom:"
msgstr "Régl&able :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LaTeXUi.ui:99
msgid "&Graphics driver:"
msgstr "Pilote &graphique :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LaTeXUi.ui:129
msgid "Select if the current document is included to a master file"
msgstr "Sélectionner si le document courant est inclus dans un document maître"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LaTeXUi.ui:135
msgid "Select de&fault master document"
msgstr "&Sélectionner le document maître implicite"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LaTeXUi.ui:150
msgid "&Master:"
msgstr "&Maître :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LaTeXUi.ui:167
msgid "Enter the name of the default master document"
msgstr "Saisir le nom du document maître implicite"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LaTeXUi.ui:186
msgid "&Suppress default date on front page"
msgstr "&Supprimer la date implicite sur la première page"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LaTeXUi.ui:206
msgid "&Use refstyle (not prettyref) for cross-references"
msgstr "Utiliser &refstyle (à la place de prettyref) pour les références croisées"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LanguageUi.ui:52
msgid "&Quote Style:"
msgstr "Style des &guillemets :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LanguageUi.ui:65
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Encodage"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LanguageUi.ui:80
msgid "Language &Default"
msgstr "Langue i&mplicite"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LanguageUi.ui:103
msgid "&Other:"
msgstr "&Autre :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LanguageUi.ui:125
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:39
msgid "Language pac&kage:"
msgstr "&Paquetage linguistique :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LanguageUi.ui:135
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:51
msgid "Select which language package LyX should use"
msgstr "Sélectionner le paquetage de langue à utiliser par LyX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LanguageUi.ui:142
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:78
msgid "Enter the command to load the language package (default: \\usepackage{babel})"
msgstr "Saisir la commande chargeant le paquetage de langue (implicitement : \\usepackage{babel})"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LineUi.ui:22
msgid "Of&fset:"
msgstr "&Décalage :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LineUi.ui:35
msgid "Value of the vertical line offset."
msgstr "Valeur du décalage vertical de la ligne."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LineUi.ui:71
msgid "Value of the line width."
msgstr "Valeur de la largeur de la ligne."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LineUi.ui:94
msgid "&Thickness:"
msgstr "&Épaisseur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LineUi.ui:107
msgid "Value of the line thickness."
msgstr "Valeur de l'épaisseur de la ligne."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsSettingsUi.ui:49
msgid "Input here the listings parameters"
msgstr "Saisir ici les paramètres des listings"
# Dialogue paramètres de listings, onglet avancé
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsSettingsUi.ui:67
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:477
msgid "Feedback window"
msgstr "Fenêtre d'information"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:13
#: src/insets/InsetCaption.cpp:332
#: src/insets/InsetListings.cpp:351
#: src/insets/InsetListings.cpp:353
msgid "Listing"
msgstr "Listing"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:23
msgid "&Main Settings"
msgstr "&Paramètres principaux"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:29
msgid "Placement"
msgstr "Emplacement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:35
msgid "Check for inline listings"
msgstr "Cocher pour un listing en ligne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:38
msgid "&Inline listing"
msgstr "Listing en &ligne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:45
msgid "Check for floating listings"
msgstr "Cocher pour un listing flottant"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:48
msgid "&Float"
msgstr "&Flottant"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:55
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/WrapUi.ui:185
msgid "&Placement:"
msgstr "&Emplacement :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:68
msgid "Specify placement (htbp) for floating listings"
msgstr "Préciser le positionnement (htbp) pour les listings flottants"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:78
msgid "Line numbering"
msgstr "Numérotation des lignes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:84
msgid "&Side:"
msgstr "&Côté :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:94
msgid "On which side should line numbers be printed?"
msgstr "De quel côté doit être placé le numéro de ligne ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:119
msgid "S&tep:"
msgstr "&Pas :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:132
msgid "Difference between two numbered lines"
msgstr "Écart entre deux numéros de ligne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:148
msgid "Font si&ze:"
msgstr "&Taille de police :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:169
msgid "Choose the font size for line numbers"
msgstr "Choisir une taille de police pour les numéros de ligne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:188
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:966
msgid "Style"
msgstr "Style"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:194
msgid "F&ont size:"
msgstr "&Taille de police :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:215
msgid "The content's base font size"
msgstr "Taille de base pour police du texte"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:231
msgid "Font Famil&y:"
msgstr "&Famille de police :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:252
msgid "The content's base font style"
msgstr "Style de base pour la police du texte"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:268
msgid "Break lines longer than the linewidth"
msgstr "Couper les lignes plus longues que la largeur de la ligne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:271
msgid "&Break long lines"
msgstr "&Couper les lignes trop longues"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:281
msgid "Make spaces visible by a special symbol"
msgstr "Rendre les espaces visibles grâce à un symbole spécial"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:284
msgid "S&pace as symbol"
msgstr "Espace représenté par un s&ymbole"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:294
msgid "Make spaces in strings visible by a special symbol"
msgstr "Rendre les espaces visibles dans les chaînes grâce à un symbole spécial"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:297
msgid "Space i&n string as symbol"
msgstr "Espace da&ns les chaînes en symbole"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:307
msgid "Tab&ulator size:"
msgstr "Taille du tab&ulateur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:323
msgid "Use extended character table"
msgstr "Utilise la table de caractères étendue"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:326
msgid "&Extended character table"
msgstr "Table de caractères étendu&e"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:345
msgid "Lan&guage:"
msgstr "Lan&gue :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:355
msgid "Select the programming language"
msgstr "Choisir le language de programmation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:362
msgid "&Dialect:"
msgstr "&Dialecte :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:372
msgid "Select the dialect of the programming language, if available"
msgstr "Choisir, s'il y a lieu, le dialecte du language de programmation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:382
msgid "Range"
msgstr "Intervalle"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:388
msgid "Fi&rst line:"
msgstr "&Première Ligne :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:401
msgid "The first line to be printed"
msgstr "La première ligne à afficher"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:414
msgid "&Last line:"
msgstr "&Dernière ligne :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:427
msgid "The last line to be printed"
msgstr "La dernière ligne à afficher"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:444
msgid "Ad&vanced"
msgstr "&Avancé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:458
msgid "More Parameters"
msgstr "Autres paramètres"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ListingsUi.ui:499
msgid "Input listing parameters here. Enter ? for a list of parameters."
msgstr "Entrer les paramètres du listing ici. Taper ? pour une liste des paramètres."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LocalLayoutUi.ui:19
msgid "Document-specific layout information"
msgstr "Informations de format spécifiques du document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LocalLayoutUi.ui:35
msgid "Errors reported in terminal."
msgstr "Erreurs affichées au terminal."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LocalLayoutUi.ui:38
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:567
msgid "Press button to check validity..."
msgstr "Appuyer sur le bouton pour vérifier la validité..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LocalLayoutUi.ui:51
msgid "&Validate"
msgstr "&Valider"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LogUi.ui:38
msgid "Hit Enter to search, or click Go!"
msgstr "Sélectionner « Entrée » pour activer la recherche, ou cliquer sur « Go » !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LogUi.ui:45
msgid "Log &Type:"
msgstr "&Type de journal :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LogUi.ui:74
msgid "Update the display"
msgstr "Mettre à jour l'affichage"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LogUi.ui:77
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:294
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ViewSourceUi.ui:82
msgid "&Update"
msgstr "Mettre à &jour"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LogUi.ui:110
msgid "Copy to Clip&board"
msgstr "Copier dans le &presse-papiers"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LogUi.ui:130
msgid "&Go!"
msgstr "&Go!"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LogUi.ui:137
msgid "Jump to the next warning message."
msgstr "Aller au message d'avertissement suivant."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LogUi.ui:140
msgid "Next &Warning"
msgstr "&Avertissement suivant"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LogUi.ui:147
msgid "Jump to the next error message."
msgstr "Aller au message d'erreur suivant."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/LogUi.ui:150
msgid "Next &Error"
msgstr "&Erreur suivante"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MarginsUi.ui:28
msgid "Use the margin settings provided by the document class"
msgstr "Utiliser les marges imposées par la classe de document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MarginsUi.ui:31
msgid "&Default Margins"
msgstr "&Marges implicites"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MarginsUi.ui:89
msgid "&Top:"
msgstr "&Haute :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MarginsUi.ui:102
msgid "&Bottom:"
msgstr "&Basse :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MarginsUi.ui:115
msgid "&Inner:"
msgstr "&Intérieure :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MarginsUi.ui:128
msgid "O&uter:"
msgstr "E&xtérieure :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MarginsUi.ui:141
msgid "Head &sep:"
msgstr "&Séparation en-tête :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MarginsUi.ui:154
msgid "Head &height:"
msgstr "&Hauteur en-tête :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MarginsUi.ui:167
msgid "&Foot skip:"
msgstr "&Espacement pied :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MarginsUi.ui:180
msgid "&Column Sep:"
msgstr "Sep. de &Colonnes :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MasterChildUi.ui:25
msgid "Master Document Output"
msgstr "Document maître résultant"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MasterChildUi.ui:40
msgid "Include only the selected subdocuments in the output"
msgstr "N'inclure que les sous-documents sélectionnés dans le résultat imprimable"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MasterChildUi.ui:43
msgid "Include only &selected children"
msgstr "N'inclure que les sous-documents sélecti&onnés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MasterChildUi.ui:50
msgid "Assure counters and references are as in the complete document (prolonges compilation)"
msgstr "Garantir que les compteurs et les références soient identiques à celles du document complet (augmente la durée de la compilation)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MasterChildUi.ui:53
msgid "&Maintain counters and references"
msgstr "&Assurer la cohérence des compteurs et des références"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MasterChildUi.ui:63
msgid "Include all subdocuments in the output"
msgstr "Inclure tous les sous-documents dans le résultat produit"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MasterChildUi.ui:66
msgid "&Include all children"
msgstr "&Inclure tous les sous-documents"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:30
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:43
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularCreateUi.ui:81
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularCreateUi.ui:123
msgid "Number of rows"
msgstr "Nombre de lignes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:33
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularCreateUi.ui:84
msgid "&Rows:"
msgstr "&Lignes :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:59
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:72
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularCreateUi.ui:110
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularCreateUi.ui:139
msgid "Number of columns"
msgstr "Nombre de colonnes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:62
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularCreateUi.ui:113
msgid "&Columns:"
msgstr "&Colonnes :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:112
msgid "Resize this to the correct table dimensions"
msgstr "Repositionner ceci à la taille de tableau correcte"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:163
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/WrapUi.ui:195
msgid "Vertical alignment"
msgstr "Alignement vertical"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:185
msgid "&Vertical:"
msgstr "&Vertical :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:204
msgid "Horizontal alignment per column (l,c,r)"
msgstr "Alignement horizontal par colonne (l,c,r)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:211
msgid "&Horizontal:"
msgstr "&Horizontal :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:224
msgid "Decoration"
msgstr "Décoration"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:230
msgid "&Type:"
msgstr "&Type :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:243
msgid "decoration type / matrix border"
msgstr "type de décor / délimiteur de matrice"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:252
msgid "[x]"
msgstr "[x]"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:257
msgid "(x)"
msgstr "(x)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:262
msgid "{x}"
msgstr "{x}"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:267
msgid "|x|"
msgstr "|x|"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathMatrixUi.ui:272
msgid "||x||"
msgstr "||x||"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathsUi.ui:19
msgid "The AMS LaTeX packages are only used if symbols from the AMS math toolbars are inserted into formulas"
msgstr "Les paquetages LaTeX AMS ne sont utilisés que si des symboles en provenance des palettes mathématiques AMS sont insérés dans des formules."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathsUi.ui:22
msgid "&Use AMS math package automatically"
msgstr "Utiliser a&utomatiquement le paquetage maths AMS"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathsUi.ui:32
msgid "The AMS LaTeX packages are always used"
msgstr "Les paquetages LaTeX AMS sont utilisés dans tous les cas."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathsUi.ui:35
msgid "Use AMS &math package"
msgstr "Utiliser le paquetage maths &AMS"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathsUi.ui:42
msgid "The LaTeX package esint is only used if special integral symbols are inserted into formulas"
msgstr "Le paquetage LaTeX esint n'est utilisé que si des symboles d'intégration spécifiques sont insérés dans des formules."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathsUi.ui:45
msgid "Use esint package &automatically"
msgstr "Utiliser a&utomatiquement le paquetage esint"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathsUi.ui:55
msgid "The LaTeX package esint is always used"
msgstr "Le paquetage LaTeX esint est utilisé dans tous les cas."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathsUi.ui:58
msgid "Use &esint package"
msgstr "Utiliser le paquetage maths &esint"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathsUi.ui:65
msgid "The LaTeX package mathdots is only used if the command \\iddots is inserted into formulas"
msgstr "Le paquetage LaTeX mathdots n'est utilisé que si la commande \\iddots est insérée dans une formule"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathsUi.ui:68
msgid "Use math&dots package automatically"
msgstr "Utiliser automatiquement le paquetage math&dots"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathsUi.ui:75
msgid "The LaTeX package mathdots is used"
msgstr "Le paquetage LaTeX mathdots est utilisé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathsUi.ui:78
msgid "Use mathdo&ts package"
msgstr "Utiliser le paquetage math&dots"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathsUi.ui:85
msgid "The LaTeX package mhchem is only used if either the command \\ce or \\cf is inserted into formulas"
msgstr "Le paquetage LaTeX mhchem n'est utilisé que si les commandes \\ce ou \\cf sont insérées dans des formules."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathsUi.ui:88
msgid "Use mhchem &package automatically"
msgstr "Utiliser a&utomatiquement le paquetage mhchem"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathsUi.ui:98
msgid "The LaTeX package mhchem is always used"
msgstr "Le paquetage LaTeX mhchem est utilisé dans tous les cas."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/MathsUi.ui:101
msgid "Use mh&chem package"
msgstr "Utiliser le paquetage mh&chem"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ModulesUi.ui:60
msgid "A&vailable:"
msgstr "&Disponible :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ModulesUi.ui:100
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefConvertersUi.ui:187
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:216
msgid "A&dd"
msgstr "A&jouter"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ModulesUi.ui:107
msgid "De&lete"
msgstr "Supprim&er"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ModulesUi.ui:151
msgid "S&elected:"
msgstr "Sél&ectionné :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/NomenclUi.ui:13
#: src/insets/InsetNomencl.cpp:162
msgid "Nomenclature"
msgstr "Glossaire"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/NomenclUi.ui:28
msgid "Sort &as:"
msgstr "&Classé comme :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/NomenclUi.ui:38
msgid "&Description:"
msgstr "&Description :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/NomenclUi.ui:48
msgid "&Symbol:"
msgstr "&Symbole :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/NoteUi.ui:48
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PhantomUi.ui:48
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/NoteUi.ui:60
msgid "LyX internal only"
msgstr "Interne à LyX seulement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/NoteUi.ui:63
msgid "LyX &Note"
msgstr "&Note LyX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/NoteUi.ui:70
msgid "Export to LaTeX/Docbook but don't print"
msgstr "Exporter vers LaTeX / Docbook mais ne pas imprimer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/NoteUi.ui:73
msgid "&Comment"
msgstr "&Commentaire"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/NoteUi.ui:80
msgid "Print as grey text"
msgstr "Imprime en texte grisé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/NoteUi.ui:83
msgid "&Greyed out"
msgstr "&Grisée"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/NumberingUi.ui:60
msgid "&List in Table of Contents"
msgstr "Dans la &table des matières"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/NumberingUi.ui:70
msgid "&Numbering"
msgstr "&Numérotation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:19
msgid "Output Format"
msgstr "Format du résultat"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:42
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:55
msgid "Specify the default output format (for view/update)"
msgstr "Spécifier le format implicite du résultat (pour visionner/mettre à jour)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:45
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefFileformatsUi.ui:177
msgid "De&fault Output Format:"
msgstr "&Format implicite du résultat :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:67
msgid "Enable forward/reverse search between editor and output (e.g., SyncTeX)"
msgstr "Activer la recherche directe/inversée entre l'éditeur et la sortie (e. g. SyncTeX)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:70
msgid "S&ynchronize with Output"
msgstr "S&ynchroniser avec le résultat imprimable"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:87
msgid "C&ustom Macro:"
msgstr "Macro pers&onnalisée :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:97
msgid "Custom LaTeX preamble macro"
msgstr "Macro du préambule LaTeX personnalisée"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:112
msgid "XHTML Output Options"
msgstr "Options export XHTML"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:121
msgid "Whether to comply strictly with XHTML 1.1."
msgstr "Se conformer strictement ou non à XHTML 1.1."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:124
msgid "&Strict XHTML 1.1"
msgstr "XHTML 1.1 &strict"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:137
msgid "&Math output:"
msgstr "Traduction des &maths :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:153
msgid "Format to use for math output."
msgstr "Format à utiliser dans l'impression des maths."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:157
msgid "MathML"
msgstr "MathML"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:162
#: lib/configure.py:647
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:167
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Images"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:172
#: lib/layouts/aapaper.layout:61
#: lib/layouts/egs.layout:615
#: lib/languages:69
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiErrorList.cpp:48
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiLog.cpp:226
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:697
msgid "LaTeX"
msgstr "LaTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:186
msgid "Math &image scaling:"
msgstr "Mise à l'échelle des &images mathématiques :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/OutputUi.ui:202
msgid "Scaling factor for images used for math output."
msgstr "Facteur d'échelle des images créées pour l'impression des maths."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:28
msgid "&Use hyperref support"
msgstr "&Utiliser le support pour hyperref"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:53
msgid "&General"
msgstr "&Général"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:91
msgid "Header Information"
msgstr "Informations sur l'en-tête"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:103
msgid "&Title:"
msgstr "&Titre :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:116
msgid "&Author:"
msgstr "&Auteur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:129
msgid "&Subject:"
msgstr "&Sujet :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:142
msgid "&Keywords:"
msgstr "Mots-&clés :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:166
msgid "If not stated explicitly, fill title and author from appropriate environments"
msgstr "Sauf mention explicite, compléter le titre et l'auteur à partir des environnements appropriés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:169
msgid "Automatically fi&ll header"
msgstr "Compléter automatiquement &l'en-tête"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:176
msgid "Enable fullscreen PDF presentation"
msgstr "Activer la présentation PDF plein écran"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:179
msgid "Load in &fullscreen mode"
msgstr "Char&ger en mode plein écran"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:189
msgid "H&yperlinks"
msgstr "H&yperlien"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:222
msgid "Allows link text to break across lines."
msgstr "Permettre la césure des liens."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:225
msgid "B&reak links over lines"
msgstr "&Césure les liens"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:232
msgid "No &frames around links"
msgstr "Pas de &cadre autour des liens"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:242
msgid "C&olor links"
msgstr "C&ouleurs des liens"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:249
msgid "Bibliographical backreferences"
msgstr "Renvois bibliographiques"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:252
msgid "B&ackreferences:"
msgstr "R&envois :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:281
msgid "&Bookmarks"
msgstr "&Signets"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:293
msgid "G&enerate Bookmarks"
msgstr "Créer les sign&ets"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:314
msgid "&Numbered bookmarks"
msgstr "Signets &numérotés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:321
msgid "&Open bookmarks"
msgstr "&Ouverture des signets"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:346
msgid "Number of levels"
msgstr "Nombre de niveaux"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:388
msgid "Additional o&ptions"
msgstr "Autres o&ptions"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PDFSupportUi.ui:417
msgid "e.g.: pdfstartview=XYZ, plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels"
msgstr "e.g. : pdfstartview=XYZ, plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PageLayoutUi.ui:19
msgid "Paper Format"
msgstr "Format papier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PageLayoutUi.ui:28
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefFileformatsUi.ui:19
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:355
msgid "&Format:"
msgstr "&Format :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PageLayoutUi.ui:44
msgid "Choose a particular paper size, or set your own with \"Custom\""
msgstr "Choisir une taille de papier spécifique, ou préciser la vôtre avec « réglable »"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PageLayoutUi.ui:125
msgid "&Orientation:"
msgstr "&Orientation :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PageLayoutUi.ui:135
msgid "&Portrait"
msgstr "&Portrait"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PageLayoutUi.ui:145
msgid "&Landscape"
msgstr "Pa&ysage"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PageLayoutUi.ui:161
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1311
msgid "Page Layout"
msgstr "Format de la page"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PageLayoutUi.ui:170
msgid "Headings &style:"
msgstr "St&yle d'en-têtes :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PageLayoutUi.ui:186
msgid "Style used for the page header and footer"
msgstr "Style des en-têtes et pieds de page"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PageLayoutUi.ui:206
msgid "Lay out the page for double-sided printing"
msgstr "Mise en page pour une impression recto-verso"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PageLayoutUi.ui:209
msgid "&Two-sided document"
msgstr "Document &recto-verso"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:54
msgid "Label Width"
msgstr "Largeur de l'étiquette"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:69
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:82
msgid "This text defines the width of the paragraph label"
msgstr "Ce texte définit la taille de l'étiquette de paragraphe"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:72
msgid "Lo&ngest label"
msgstr "Étiquette la plus &longue"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:92
msgid "Line &spacing"
msgstr "&Interligne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:120
#: src/Text.cpp:1822
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:692
msgid "Single"
msgstr "Simple"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:125
msgid "1.5"
msgstr "Un et demi"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:130
#: src/Text.cpp:1828
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:696
msgid "Double"
msgstr "Double"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:135
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:65
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1047
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1066
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1114
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/VSpaceUi.ui:107
#: lib/layouts/stdcustom.inc:8
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:686
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:690
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:698
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:802
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:854
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1020
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:54
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:63
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:851
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:878
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2131
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2154
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrintNomencl.cpp:51
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Réglable"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:146
msgid "&Indent Paragraph"
msgstr "In&denter paragraphe"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:168
msgid "&Justified"
msgstr "&Justifié"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:175
msgid "&Left"
msgstr "À &Gauche"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:182
msgid "C&enter"
msgstr "C&entré"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:189
msgid "Ri&ght"
msgstr "À d&roite"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:196
msgid "Use the default alignment for this paragraph, whatever it is."
msgstr "Utiliser l'alignement implicite pour ce paragraphe, quel qu'il soit."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ParagraphUi.ui:199
msgid "Paragraph's &Default"
msgstr "Alignement &implicite des paragraphes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PhantomUi.ui:60
msgid "Horizontal and vertical space of the phantom content"
msgstr "Espacement horizontal et vertical du contenu fantôme"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PhantomUi.ui:63
msgid "&Phantom"
msgstr "Espacement &fantôme"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PhantomUi.ui:70
msgid "Horizontal space of the phantom content"
msgstr "Espacement horizontal du contenu fantôme"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PhantomUi.ui:73
msgid "&Horizontal Phantom"
msgstr "Fantôme &horizontal"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PhantomUi.ui:80
msgid "Vertical space of the phantom content"
msgstr "Espacement vertical du contenu fantôme"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PhantomUi.ui:83
msgid "&Vertical Phantom"
msgstr "Fantôme &vertical"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefColorsUi.ui:42
msgid "A<er..."
msgstr "&Modifier..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefColorsUi.ui:62
msgid "&Use system colors"
msgstr "&Utiliser les couleurs du système"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:25
msgid "In Math"
msgstr "En mode mathématique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:40
msgid "Show the grey inline completion behind the cursor in math mode after the delay."
msgstr "Afficher la complétion en ligne grisée sous le curseur en mode mathématique, après la temporisation."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:43
msgid "Automatic in&line completion"
msgstr "Complétion automatique en &ligne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:50
msgid "Show the popup in math mode after the delay."
msgstr "Afficher la fenêtre auxiliaire en mode mathématique, après la temporisation."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:53
msgid "Automatic p&opup"
msgstr "Fenêtre auxiliaire aut&omatique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:60
msgid "Autoco&rrection"
msgstr "C&orrection auto"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:70
msgid "In Text"
msgstr "Dans le texte"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:85
msgid "Show the grey inline completion behind the cursor in text mode after the delay."
msgstr "Afficher la complétion en ligne grisée sous le curseur en mode texte, après la temporisation."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:88
msgid "Automatic &inline completion"
msgstr "Complétion automatique en l&igne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:95
msgid "Show the popup after the set delay in text mode."
msgstr "Afficher la fenêtre auxiliaire en mode texte, après la temporisation."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:98
msgid "Automatic &popup"
msgstr "Fenêtre auxiliaire &automatique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:105
msgid "Show a small triangle on the cursor if a completion is available in text mode."
msgstr "Afficher un petit triangle sur le curseur si la complétion est disponible en mode texte."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:108
msgid "Cursor i&ndicator"
msgstr "I&ndicateur curseur"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:118
#: lib/layouts/hollywood.layout:280
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:389
msgid "General"
msgstr "Général"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:141
msgid "After the cursor has not moved for this time, the inline completion is shown if it is available."
msgstr "Si le curseur ne bouge pas pendant cette durée, la complétion en ligne est affichée si elle est disponible."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:154
msgid "s inline completion dela&y"
msgstr "s temporisation de la complétion en li&gne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:187
msgid "After the cursor has not moved for this time, the completion popup is shown if it is available."
msgstr "Si le curseur ne bouge pas pendant cette durée, la fenêtre auxiliaire de complétion est affichée si elle est disponible."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:200
msgid "s popup d&elay"
msgstr "s temporisation f&enêtre auxiliaire"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:225
msgid "When the TAB completion is not unique, there won't be a delay of the popup. It will be shown right away."
msgstr "Si la complétion par TAB n'est pas unique, il n'y aura pas de temporisation de la fenêtre auxiliaire, elle sera affichée immédiatement."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:228
msgid "Sho&w popup without delay for non-unique completions"
msgstr "A&fficher la fenêtre auxiliaire sans délai pour le complétions multiples"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:235
msgid "Long completions are cut-off and shown with \"...\"."
msgstr "Les complétions longues sont tronquées et affichées avec \"...\"."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefCompletionUi.ui:238
msgid "&Use \"...\" to shorten long completions"
msgstr "&Utiliser \"...\" pour tronquer les complétions longues"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefConvertersUi.ui:81
msgid "C&onverter:"
msgstr "&Convertisseur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefConvertersUi.ui:91
msgid "E&xtra flag:"
msgstr "&Autres Options :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefConvertersUi.ui:121
msgid "&From format:"
msgstr "Depuis le &format :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefConvertersUi.ui:153
msgid "&To format:"
msgstr "&Vers le format :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefConvertersUi.ui:194
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefShortcutsUi.ui:54
msgid "&Modify"
msgstr "&Modifier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefConvertersUi.ui:209
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefShortcutsUi.ui:61
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2931
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2995
msgid "Remo&ve"
msgstr "&Enlever"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefConvertersUi.ui:239
msgid "Converter Defi&nitions"
msgstr "&Définition des convertisseurs"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefConvertersUi.ui:252
msgid "Converter File Cache"
msgstr "Fichier cache du convertisseur"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefConvertersUi.ui:272
msgid "&Enabled"
msgstr "Ac&tivé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefConvertersUi.ui:292
msgid "Maximum A&ge (in days):"
msgstr "Âge &maximum (en jours) :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefDisplayUi.ui:25
msgid "Display &Graphics"
msgstr "Affichage écran des &graphiques"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefDisplayUi.ui:45
msgid "Instant &Preview:"
msgstr "Aperçu sur le &vif :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefDisplayUi.ui:56
#: src/Font.cpp:76
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:170
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Désactivé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefDisplayUi.ui:61
msgid "No math"
msgstr "Pas de maths"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefDisplayUi.ui:66
#: src/Font.cpp:76
msgid "On"
msgstr "Activé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefDisplayUi.ui:74
msgid "Preview Si&ze:"
msgstr "Taille de l'&aperçu :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefDisplayUi.ui:92
msgid "Factor for the preview size"
msgstr "Facteur multiplicatif de la taille de l'aperçu"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefDisplayUi.ui:114
msgid "Mark end of paragraphs on screen with a pilcrow character."
msgstr "Marquer à l'écran les fins de paragraphe par un caractère « pied-de-mouche »."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefDisplayUi.ui:117
msgid "&Mark end of paragraphs"
msgstr "&Marquer la fin des paragraphes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:25
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:252
msgid "Editing"
msgstr "Saisie"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:37
msgid "Cursor &follows scrollbar"
msgstr "Le curseur suit la barre de &défilement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:46
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3147
msgid "Configure the width of the text cursor. Automatic zoom-controlled cursor width used when set to 0."
msgstr "Configurer le largeur du curseur de texte. Si la valeur vaut 0, une largeur de curseur avec zoom automatique est utilisée."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:49
msgid "Cursor width (&pixels):"
msgstr "Largeur du curseur (&pixels) :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:77
msgid "Scroll &below end of document"
msgstr "Défiler &au-delà du bas du document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:84
msgid "Sort &environments alphabetically"
msgstr "Trier les &environnements par ordre aphabétique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:91
msgid "&Group environments by their category"
msgstr "Re&grouper les environnements par catégorie"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:99
msgid "Edit Math Macros inline with a box around"
msgstr "Modifier les macros mathématiques en ligne, encadrées"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:104
msgid "Edit Math Macros inline with the name in the status bar"
msgstr "Modifier les macros mathématiques en ligne, avec le nom dans la barre d'état"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:109
msgid "Edit Math Macros with a parameter list (like in LyX < 1.6)"
msgstr "Modifier les macros mathématiques avec une liste de paramètres (comme avec LyX < 1.6)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:130
msgid "Skip trailing non-word characters"
msgstr "Sauter les caractères finaux non alphanumériques"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:133
msgid "Use Mac-style for cursor moving between &words"
msgstr "Déplacements de curseur entre &mots à la Mac"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:143
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr "Plein écran"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:161
msgid "&Hide toolbars"
msgstr "Cacher les palettes d'&outils"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:168
msgid "Hide scr&ollbar"
msgstr "Cacher l'&ascenseur"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:175
msgid "Hide &tabbar"
msgstr "Cacher la barre des &onglets"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:182
msgid "Hide &menubar"
msgstr "Cacher la barre des &menus"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:189
msgid "&Limit text width"
msgstr "&Limitation de la largeur du texte"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefEditUi.ui:201
msgid "Screen used (&pixels):"
msgstr "Écran &utilisé (pixels) :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefFileformatsUi.ui:45
msgid "&New..."
msgstr "&Nouveau..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefFileformatsUi.ui:52
msgid "Re&move"
msgstr "&Enlever"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefFileformatsUi.ui:59
msgid "&Document format"
msgstr "Format de &document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefFileformatsUi.ui:66
msgid "Check this to show the current format in the File > Export menu"
msgstr "Cocher pour afficher le format courant du menu Fichier > Exporter"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefFileformatsUi.ui:69
msgid "Sho&w in export menu"
msgstr "A&fficher dan le menu exporter"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefFileformatsUi.ui:76
msgid "Vector &graphics format"
msgstr "Format &graphique vectoriel"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefFileformatsUi.ui:83
msgid "S&hort Name:"
msgstr "Nom cour&t :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefFileformatsUi.ui:96
msgid "E&xtension:"
msgstr "E&xtension :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefFileformatsUi.ui:109
msgid "Shortc&ut:"
msgstr "&Raccourci :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefFileformatsUi.ui:132
msgid "&Viewer:"
msgstr "&Visionneuse :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefFileformatsUi.ui:152
msgid "Co&pier:"
msgstr "&Copieur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefFileformatsUi.ui:165
msgid "Specify the default output format when using (PDF)LaTeX"
msgstr "Spécifier le format implicite du résultat pour (PDF)LaTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefFileformatsUi.ui:168
msgid "Default Format"
msgstr "Format implicite"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefFileformatsUi.ui:219
msgid "Ed&itor:"
msgstr "É&diteur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefIdentityUi.ui:33
msgid "&E-mail:"
msgstr "&E-mail :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefIdentityUi.ui:43
msgid "Your name"
msgstr "Votre nom"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefIdentityUi.ui:60
msgid "Your E-mail address"
msgstr "Votre adresse électronique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefInputUi.ui:19
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Clavier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefInputUi.ui:31
msgid "Use &keyboard map"
msgstr "&Réaffectation clavier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefInputUi.ui:44
msgid "&First:"
msgstr "&Première :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefInputUi.ui:64
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefShortcutsUi.ui:83
msgid "Br&owse..."
msgstr "&Parcourir..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefInputUi.ui:90
msgid "S&econd:"
msgstr "&Deuxième :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefInputUi.ui:120
msgid "Mac OS X specific setting for use with emacs bindings. Takes effect next time LyX is launched."
msgstr "Réglage spécifique Mac OS X pour utilisation avec les raccourcis emacs. Activé lors du prochain lancement de LyX."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefInputUi.ui:123
msgid "Do not swap Apple and Control keys"
msgstr "Ne pas échanger les touches Apple et Contrôle"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefInputUi.ui:136
msgid "Mouse"
msgstr "Souris"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefInputUi.ui:148
msgid "&Wheel scrolling speed:"
msgstr "Vitesse de défilement via la &molette :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefInputUi.ui:158
msgid "1.0 is the standard scrolling speed with the mouse wheel. Higher values will speed it up, low values slow it down."
msgstr "1.0 est la vitesse de défilement standard avec la molette de la souris. Les valeurs supérieures l'accélèrent, les valeurs inférieures la ralentissent."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefInputUi.ui:202
msgid "Scroll wheel zoom"
msgstr "Zoom via la molette"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefInputUi.ui:235
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Activer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefInputUi.ui:249
msgid "Ctrl"
msgstr "Ctrl"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefInputUi.ui:254
msgid "Shift"
msgstr "Maj-"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefInputUi.ui:259
msgid "Alt"
msgstr "Alt"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:19
msgid "User &interface language:"
msgstr "Langage de l'interface &utilisateur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:29
msgid "Select the language of the user interface (menus, dialogs, etc.)"
msgstr "Sélectionner la langue de l'interface utilisateur (menus, dialogues, etc.)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:55
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1016
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:60
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1018
msgid "Always Babel"
msgstr "Toujours utiliser babel"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:70
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1022
msgid "None[[language package]]"
msgstr "Aucun[[paquetage de langue]]"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:87
msgid "Command s&tart:"
msgstr "Commande de &début :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:97
msgid "The LaTeX command that starts a switch to a foreign language"
msgstr "La commande LaTeX pour débuter un changement temporaire de langue"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:117
msgid "Command e&nd:"
msgstr "Commande de &fin :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:127
msgid "The LaTeX command that ends a switch to a foreign language"
msgstr "La commande LaTeX pour terminer changement temporaire de langue"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:134
msgid "Default Decimal &Point:"
msgstr "Caractère &décimal implicite :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:160
msgid "Check to pass the language globally (to the document class), not locally (to the language package)"
msgstr "Cocher pour passer l'option de langue globalement (à la classe du document), et non pas localement (au paquetage de langue)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:163
msgid "Set languages &globally"
msgstr "Régler les langues &globalement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:170
msgid "If checked, the document language is not explicitly set by a language switch command"
msgstr "Si cette case est cochée, la langue du document n'est pas sélectionnée explicitement par une commande de changement de langue"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:173
msgid "Auto &begin"
msgstr "Début &auto"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:180
msgid "If checked, the document language is not explicitly closed by a language switch command"
msgstr "Si cette case est cochée, la langue du document n'est pas désélectionnée explicitement par une commande de changement de langue"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:183
msgid "Auto &end"
msgstr "Fin a&uto"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:190
msgid "Check to highlight foreign languages visually in the work area"
msgstr "Cocher pour mettre les langues étrangères visuellement en évidence dans la zone de travail"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:193
msgid "Mark &foreign languages"
msgstr "&Marquer les langues étrangères"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:203
msgid "Right-to-left language support"
msgstr "Support des langues écrites de droite à gauche"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:215
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3428
msgid "Select to enable support of right-to-left languages (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic)."
msgstr "Sélectionner pour activer le support des langues écrites de droite à gauche (par ex. l'hébreu ou l'arabe)."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:218
msgid "Enable RTL su&pport"
msgstr "Activer la fonctionnalité &RTL (droite à gauche)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:233
msgid "Cursor movement:"
msgstr "Mouvement du curseur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:243
msgid "&Logical"
msgstr "&Logique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLanguageUi.ui:253
msgid "&Visual"
msgstr "&Visuel"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:24
msgid "Enable if a specific font encoding (such as T1) should be used (via fontenc)"
msgstr "Autorise l'utilisation (via fontenc) d'un encodage de police spécifique (tel que T1)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:27
msgid "Use LaTe&X font encoding:"
msgstr "Utiliser l'encodage de police LaTe&X :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:41
msgid "Default paper si&ze:"
msgstr "Taille de &papier implicite :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:57
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:855
msgid "US letter"
msgstr "Lettre US"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:62
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:856
msgid "US legal"
msgstr "Légal US"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:67
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:857
msgid "US executive"
msgstr "Executive US"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:72
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:861
msgid "A3"
msgstr "A3"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:77
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:862
msgid "A4"
msgstr "A4"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:82
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:863
msgid "A5"
msgstr "A5"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:87
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:870
msgid "B5"
msgstr "B5"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:95
msgid "&DVI viewer paper size options:"
msgstr "Option de taille du papier pour la visionneuse &DVI :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:105
msgid "Optional paper size flag (-paper) for some DVI viewers"
msgstr "Option facultative -paper pour certaines visionneuses DVI"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:162
msgid "BibTeX command and options"
msgstr "Commande et options BibTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:182
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:257
msgid "Processor for &Japanese:"
msgstr "Processeur pour le &japonais :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:192
msgid "Specific BibTeX command and options for pLaTeX (Japanese)"
msgstr "Commande et options bibtex spécifiques pour pLaTeX (japonais)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:214
msgid "Pr&ocessor:"
msgstr "Pr&ocesseur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:240
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:799
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:896
msgid "Op&tions:"
msgstr "O&ptions :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:250
msgid "Index command and options (makeindex, xindy)"
msgstr "Commande et options d'index (makeindex, xindy)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:267
msgid "Specific index command and options for pLaTeX (Japanese)"
msgstr "Commande et options d'indexation spécifiques pour pLaTeX (japonais)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:289
msgid "&Nomenclature command:"
msgstr "Commande de &nomenclature :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:299
msgid "Command and options for nomencl (usually makeindex)"
msgstr "Commande et options pour nomencl (usuellement makeindex)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:306
msgid "Chec&kTeX command:"
msgstr "Commande Chec&kTeX :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:316
msgid "CheckTeX start options and flags"
msgstr "Options et drapeaux de CheckTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:326
msgid ""
"Select whether LyX should output Windows or Cygwin style\n"
"paths to LaTeX files. Don't change the default unless the\n"
"TeX engine was not correctly detected at configure time.\n"
"Warning: Your changes here will not be saved."
msgstr ""
"Choisir le style des chemins d'accès aux fichiers LaTeX\n"
"(Windows ou Cygwin). Ne pas modifier le choix implicite,\n"
"sauf si la distribution LaTeX a été incorrectement\n"
"détectée lors de la configuration.\n"
"Attention : votre choix ne sera pas enregistré."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:332
msgid "&Use Windows-style paths in LaTeX files"
msgstr "Utiliser les &chemins Windows dans les fichiers LaTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:339
msgid "Set class options to default on class change"
msgstr "Repositionner les options de classe à leur valeur implicite quand la classe change"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefLatexUi.ui:342
msgid "R&eset class options when document class changes"
msgstr "Réinitialiser les options quand la classe de &document change"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefOutputUi.ui:21
msgid "Output &line length:"
msgstr "&Longueur de la ligne exportée :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefOutputUi.ui:37
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3094
msgid "The maximum line length of exported plain text/LaTeX/SGML files. If set to 0, paragraphs are output in a single line; if the line length is > 0, paragraphs are separated by a blank line."
msgstr "Longueur maximale des lignes pour l'exportation vers un fichier texte brut/LaTeX/HTML. Si mise à 0, les paragraphes sont exportés sous la forme d'un ligne unique ; si la longueur de ligne est > 0, les paragraphes sont séparés les uns des autres par une ligne vide."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefOutputUi.ui:64
msgid "&Date format:"
msgstr "Format de la &date :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefOutputUi.ui:80
msgid "Date format for strftime output"
msgstr "Format de la date pour la sortie strftime"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefOutputUi.ui:104
msgid "&Overwrite on export:"
msgstr "É&craser lors de l'exportation :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefOutputUi.ui:115
msgid "Ask permission"
msgstr "Demander la permission"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefOutputUi.ui:120
msgid "Main file only"
msgstr "Fichier maître seulement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefOutputUi.ui:125
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Tous les fichiers"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefOutputUi.ui:129
msgid "What to do when existing files are going to be overwritten on export."
msgstr "Quoi faire quand les fichiers existants sont susceptibles d'être écrasés lors des exportations."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefOutputUi.ui:151
msgid "Forward search"
msgstr "Recherche directe"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefOutputUi.ui:171
msgid "DV&I command:"
msgstr "Commande DV&I :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefOutputUi.ui:207
msgid "&PDF command:"
msgstr "Commande &PDF :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:41
msgid "&PATH prefix:"
msgstr "Préfixe PAT&H :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:51
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3338
msgid ""
"Specify those directories which should be prepended to the PATH environment variable.\n"
"Use the OS native format."
msgstr ""
"Spécifier les répertoires qui doivent être préfixés à la variable d'environnement PATH.\n"
"Utiliser le format natif du système d'exploitation."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:58
msgid "TEX&INPUTS prefix:"
msgstr "Préfixe TEX&INPUTS :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:68
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3497
msgid ""
"Specify those directories which should be prepended to the TEXINPUTS environment variable.\n"
"A '.' represents the current document directory. Use the OS native format."
msgstr ""
"Spécifier les répertoires qui doivent être préfixés à la variable d'environnement TEXINPUTS.\n"
"Un « . » désigne le répertoire courant. Utiliser le format natif du système d'exploitation."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:75
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:98
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:121
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:144
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:167
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:190
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:213
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:249
msgid "Browse..."
msgstr "Parcourir..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:85
msgid "T&hesaurus dictionaries:"
msgstr "Dictionnaires de s&ynonymes :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:111
msgid "&Temporary directory:"
msgstr "Répertoire tem&poraire :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:134
msgid "Ly&XServer pipe:"
msgstr "&Tube du serveur LyX :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:157
msgid "&Backup directory:"
msgstr "Répertoire de &sauvegarde :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:180
msgid "&Example files:"
msgstr "Fichiers d'&exemple :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:203
msgid "&Document templates:"
msgstr "&Modèles de document :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:226
msgid "&Working directory:"
msgstr "Répertoire de t&ravail :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPathsUi.ui:236
msgid "H&unspell dictionaries:"
msgstr "Dictionnaires h&unspell :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:41
msgid "Printer Command Options"
msgstr "Options de commande de l'imprimante"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:69
msgid "Extension to be used when printing to file."
msgstr "Extension à utiliser quand on imprime dans un fichier."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:72
msgid "File ex&tension:"
msgstr "&Extension de fichier :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:85
msgid "Option used to print to a file."
msgstr "Option utilisée pour imprimer dans un fichier."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:88
msgid "Print to &file:"
msgstr "Imprimer dans un &fichier :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:98
msgid "Option used to print to non-default printer."
msgstr "Option à transmettre au programme d'impression pour imprimer sur une imprimante donnée."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:101
msgid "Set &printer:"
msgstr "Sélectionner l'imp&rimante :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:114
msgid "Option used with spool command to set printer."
msgstr "Option à utiliser avec la commande de spoule pour désigner l'imprimante à utiliser."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:117
msgid "Spool &printer:"
msgstr "Imprim&ante de spoule :"
# Pas très clair ...
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:130
msgid "Setting causes printer command to print to file and then use this actually to print."
msgstr "Cette option fait que la commande d'impression imprime dans un fichier et utilise cette commande pour effectuer l'impression."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:136
msgid "Spool co&mmand:"
msgstr "Commande de &spoule :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:153
msgid "Option used to reverse page order."
msgstr "Imprimer à partir de la dernière page."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:156
msgid "Re&verse pages:"
msgstr "&Ordre inverse :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:169
msgid "Lan&dscape:"
msgstr "Pa&ysage :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:182
msgid "&Number of copies:"
msgstr "Nombre d'e&xemplaires :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:192
msgid "Option used to set number of copies."
msgstr "Option pour spécifier le nombre de copies à imprimer."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:199
msgid "Option used to print a range of pages."
msgstr "Option pour n'imprimer qu'un intervalle de pages."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:206
msgid "Co&llated:"
msgstr "A&ccolées :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:216
msgid "Pa&ge range:"
msgstr "Pa&ges à imprimer :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:226
msgid "Option used to collate multiple copies."
msgstr "Option utilisée pour rassembler des copies multiples."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:233
msgid "&Odd pages:"
msgstr "Pages i&mpaires :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:246
msgid "&Even pages:"
msgstr "Pages &paires :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:256
msgid "Paper t&ype:"
msgstr "T&ype de papier :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:266
msgid "Paper si&ze:"
msgstr "&Taille de papier :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:279
msgid "Any other options you'd like to use with the printer command."
msgstr "Toutes les autres options que vous voulez ajouter à la commande d'impression."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:282
msgid "E&xtra options:"
msgstr "A&utres Options :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:298
msgid "Customizes output to a given printer. Expert option."
msgstr "Personnalise la sortie sur une imprimante donnée. Option pour utilisateur expérimenté."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:301
msgid "Normally, this needs to be checked only if you are using dvips as your printer command and you have config.<printer> files installed for all your printers."
msgstr "En principe, vous n'avez besoin de cocher cette option que si vous utilisez dvips comme commande d'impression et que vous avez des fichiers config.<imprimante> installés pour toutes vos imprimantes."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:304
msgid "Adapt &output to printer"
msgstr "Adapter la s&ortie à l'imprimante"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:311
msgid "Name of the default printer"
msgstr "Nom de l'imprimante implicite"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:318
msgid "Default &printer:"
msgstr "Im&primante implicite :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefPrinterUi.ui:331
msgid "Printer co&mmand:"
msgstr "Commande d'im&pression :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:69
msgid "Sans Seri&f:"
msgstr "&Sans empattement :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:107
msgid "T&ypewriter:"
msgstr "&Chasse fixe :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:117
msgid "R&oman:"
msgstr "&Romain :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:169
msgid "&Zoom %:"
msgstr "&Zoom % :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:206
msgid "Font Sizes"
msgstr "Tailles de police"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:245
msgid "&Large:"
msgstr "&Grand :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:255
msgid "&Larger:"
msgstr "Très &grand :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:265
msgid "&Largest:"
msgstr "Très très &grand :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:278
msgid "&Huge:"
msgstr "Énorm&e :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:288
msgid "&Hugest:"
msgstr "Très très énorm&e :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:298
msgid "S&mallest:"
msgstr "Tout &petit :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:308
msgid "S&maller:"
msgstr "Très &petit :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:318
msgid "S&mall:"
msgstr "&Petit :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:328
msgid "&Normal:"
msgstr "&Normal :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:338
msgid "&Tiny:"
msgstr "Min&uscule :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:364
msgid "Checking this improves performance, but might decrease the on-screen quality of fonts"
msgstr "Cocher ceci améliore les performances, mais peut dégrader l'affichage écran des caractères"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefScreenFontsUi.ui:367
msgid "&Use pixmap cache to speed up font rendering"
msgstr "&Utiliser le cache Pixmap pour accélérer le rendu des polices"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefShortcutsUi.ui:68
msgid "&New"
msgstr "&Nouveau"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefShortcutsUi.ui:90
msgid "&Bind file:"
msgstr "Fichier de &raccourcis :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefShortcutsUi.ui:108
msgid "Show ke&y-bindings containing:"
msgstr "Afficher les raccourcis cla&viers contenant :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefSpellcheckerUi.ui:41
msgid "If unchecked, notes and comments will be excluded from spell checking"
msgstr "Case non cochée, les notes et les commentaires seront exclus de la vérification orthographique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefSpellcheckerUi.ui:44
msgid "Spellcheck ¬es and comments"
msgstr "Orthographe des ¬es et des commentaires"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefSpellcheckerUi.ui:51
msgid "&Spellchecker engine:"
msgstr "Moteur du &correcteur orthographique :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefSpellcheckerUi.ui:64
msgid "Accept words such as \"diskdrive\""
msgstr "Accepter les mots comme « diskdrive »"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefSpellcheckerUi.ui:67
msgid "Accept compound &words"
msgstr "Accepter les mots &composés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefSpellcheckerUi.ui:74
msgid "Mark misspelled words with a underline."
msgstr "Souligner les mots mal orthographiés."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefSpellcheckerUi.ui:77
msgid "S&pellcheck continuously"
msgstr "Correction &orthographique à la volée"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefSpellcheckerUi.ui:100
msgid "The characters inserted here are ignored by the spellchecker. "
msgstr "Les caractères insérés ici seront ignorés par le correcteur orthographique. "
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefSpellcheckerUi.ui:107
msgid "&Escape characters:"
msgstr "Caractères &protégés :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefSpellcheckerUi.ui:117
msgid "Override the language used for the spellchecker"
msgstr "Forcer la langue de la correction orthographique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefSpellcheckerUi.ui:124
msgid "Al&ternative language:"
msgstr "Utiliser une autre &langue :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:25
msgid "&User interface file:"
msgstr "Fichier d'&interface utilisateur :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:58
msgid "&Icon Set:"
msgstr "&Jeu d'icônes :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:68
msgid ""
"The icon set to use. Warning: normal size of icons may be\n"
"wrong until you save the preferences and restart LyX."
msgstr ""
"Le jeu d'icônes utilisé. Attention: les tailles des icônes\n"
"peuvent être incorrectes tant que vous n'avez pas enregistré\n"
"les préférences et redémarré LyX."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:75
msgid "Automatic help"
msgstr "Aide automatique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:93
msgid "Checking this allows the automatic display of helpful comments for insets in the main work area of an edited document"
msgstr "Cocher ceci permet l'affichage automatique de commentaires d'aide pour les inserts dans la zone de travail principale d'un document en cours de modification"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:96
msgid "&Enable tool tips in main work area"
msgstr "Au&toriser l'affichage des bulles d'aide dans la zone de travail principale"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:106
msgid "Session"
msgstr "Session"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:118
msgid "Restore window layouts and &geometries"
msgstr "Restaurer l'apparence et de la &géométrie des fenêtres"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:125
msgid "Restore to the cursor position when the file was last closed"
msgstr "Restaurer la position qu'avait le curseur quand le fichier a été fermé la dernière fois"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:128
msgid "Restore cursor &positions"
msgstr "Restaurer les &positions du curseur"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:135
msgid "&Load opened files from last session"
msgstr "&Charger les fichiers ouverts lors de la dernière session"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:142
msgid "&Clear all session information"
msgstr "Effacer toutes les &informations sur la session"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:165
msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Documents"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:174
msgid "Backup original documents when saving"
msgstr "Faire une sauvegarde des documents originaux lors de l'enregistrement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:181
msgid "&Backup documents, every"
msgstr "&Sauvegarde automatique, toutes les"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:198
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minutes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:218
msgid "&Save documents compressed by default"
msgstr "&Enregistrer les documents sous forme compressée"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:225
msgid "&Maximum last files:"
msgstr "&Nombre maximum de fichiers récents :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:255
msgid "&Open documents in tabs"
msgstr "&Ouvrir les documents en on&glet"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:262
msgid ""
"Whether to open documents in an already running instance of LyX.\n"
"(Set the LyXServer pipe path and restart LyX to enable this feature)"
msgstr ""
"Possibilité d'ouvrir les documents dans une session LyX existante\n"
"(positionner le chemin d'accès au tube LyXServer\n"
" et redémarrer LyX pour activer cette fonctionnalité)."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:265
msgid "S&ingle instance"
msgstr "Une seule &instance"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:272
msgid "Whether to place close button on each tab or only one in the top left."
msgstr "Placer un bouton de fermeture dans chaque onglet ou bien placer un bouton global en haut à gauche."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefUi.ui:275
msgid "&Single close-tab button"
msgstr "Bouton &unique pour fermer les onglets"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrefsUi.ui:70
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2550
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2557
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2656
msgid "&Save"
msgstr "&Enregistrer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintNomenclUi.ui:13
msgid "Nomenclature settings"
msgstr "Paramètres de nomenclature"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintNomenclUi.ui:19
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintNomenclUi.ui:32
msgid "Define hanging indentation/label length for the nomenclature list."
msgstr "Définir l'indentation du renfoncement/la longueur d'étiquette pour la nomenclature."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintNomenclUi.ui:22
msgid "&List Indentation:"
msgstr "&Indentation de liste :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintNomenclUi.ui:39
msgid "Custom &Width:"
msgstr "&Largeur réglable :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintNomenclUi.ui:52
msgid "Custom value. \"List Indentation\" needs to be set to \"Custom\"."
msgstr "Valeur réglable. Le paramètre « indentation de la liste » doit être établi à « réglable »."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:28
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Pages"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:59
msgid "Page number to print from"
msgstr "Numéro de la première page à imprimer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:66
msgid "&To:[[as in 'From page x to page y']]"
msgstr "&À :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:79
msgid "Page number to print to"
msgstr "Numéro de la dernière page à imprimer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:88
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:101
msgid "Print all pages"
msgstr "Imprime toutes les pages"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:91
msgid "Fro&m"
msgstr "&De"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:104
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ProgressViewUi.ui:226
msgid "&All"
msgstr "&Toutes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:116
msgid "Print &odd-numbered pages"
msgstr "Imprimer les pages i&mpaires"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:126
msgid "Print &even-numbered pages"
msgstr "Imprimer les pages p&aires"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:136
msgid "Print in reverse order"
msgstr "Imprimer à partir de la derniére page"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:139
msgid "Re&verse order"
msgstr "Dans l'&ordre inverse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:149
msgid "Copie&s"
msgstr "Exemplaire&s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:161
msgid "Number of copies"
msgstr "Nombre d'exemplaires"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:177
msgid "Collate copies"
msgstr "Accoler les exemplaires"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:180
msgid "&Collate"
msgstr "A&ccoler"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:230
msgid "&Print"
msgstr "&Imprimer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:258
msgid "Print Destination"
msgstr "Destination"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:270
msgid "Send output to the printer"
msgstr "Envoyer le résultat à l'imprimante"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:273
msgid "P&rinter:"
msgstr "I&mprimante :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:283
msgid "Send output to the given printer"
msgstr "Envoyer le résultat à l'imprimante spécifiée"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:290
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintUi.ui:303
msgid "Send output to a file"
msgstr "Envoyer le résultat dans un fichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintindexUi.ui:61
msgid "Check if this index should be part (e.g., a section) of the former one."
msgstr "Vérifier si cet index doit être inclus (e.g. comme une section) dans le précédent."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintindexUi.ui:64
msgid "&Subindex"
msgstr "&Sous-index"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintindexUi.ui:79
msgid "A&vailable indexes:"
msgstr "Index &disponibles :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/PrintindexUi.ui:89
msgid "Select the index that shall be printed at this place of the document."
msgstr "Sélectionner l'index qui sera imprimé à cet endroit du document."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ProgressViewUi.ui:90
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1324
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:254
msgid "Output"
msgstr "Sortie"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ProgressViewUi.ui:133
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ProgressViewUi.ui:145
msgid "Select the debug messages that should be displayed"
msgstr "Sélectionner les messages d'analyse qui doivent être affichés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ProgressViewUi.ui:173
msgid "Automatic cleanup of the window before LaTeX compilation proceeds"
msgstr "Nettoyage automatique de la la fenêtre avant le début de la compilation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ProgressViewUi.ui:176
msgid "&Clear automatically"
msgstr "&Nettoyer automatiquement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ProgressViewUi.ui:191
msgid "Debug messages"
msgstr "Messages d'analyse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ProgressViewUi.ui:203
msgid "Display no debug messages"
msgstr "Ne pas afficher de messages d'analyse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ProgressViewUi.ui:206
msgid "&None"
msgstr "&Aucun"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ProgressViewUi.ui:213
msgid "Display the debug messages selected to the right"
msgstr "Afficher à droite les messages d'analyse sélectionnés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ProgressViewUi.ui:216
msgid "S&elected"
msgstr "Sél&ectionné"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ProgressViewUi.ui:223
msgid "Display all debug messages"
msgstr "Afficher tous les messages d'analyse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ProgressViewUi.ui:236
msgid "Display statusbar messages?"
msgstr "Afficher les messages de la barre d'état ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ProgressViewUi.ui:239
msgid "&Statusbar messages"
msgstr "Messages de la barre d'éta&t"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:22
msgid "La&bels in:"
msgstr "Éti&quettes dans :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:49
msgid "&References"
msgstr "&Références"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:76
msgid "Fil&ter:"
msgstr "Fil&tre :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:89
msgid "Enter string to filter the label list"
msgstr "Saisir une chaîne de caractères pour filtrer la liste des étiquettes."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:99
msgid "Filter case-sensitively"
msgstr "Filtrer selon la casse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:102
msgid "Case-sensiti&ve"
msgstr "Selon la &casse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:127
msgid "Sort labels in alphabetical order (case-insensitively unless the Case-sensitive option is checked)"
msgstr "Trier le étiquettes par ordre alphabétique (quelle que soit la casse sauf si l'option « Selon la casse » est cochée)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:130
msgid "&Sort"
msgstr "&Trier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:140
msgid "Sort labels case-sensitively in alphabetical order"
msgstr "Trier les étiquettes par ordre alphabétique selon la casse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:143
msgid "Cas&e-sensitive"
msgstr "Selon la &casse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:150
msgid "Group labels by prefix (e.g. \"sec:\")"
msgstr "Classer les étiquettes par préfixe (e.g. « sec: »)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:153
msgid "Grou&p"
msgstr "Grou&pe"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:181
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiRef.cpp:308
msgid "&Go to Label"
msgstr "A&ller à l'étiquette"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:212
msgid "Cross-reference as it appears in output"
msgstr "Aspect de la référence croisée dans la sortie"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:216
msgid "<reference>"
msgstr "<référence>"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:221
msgid "(<reference>)"
msgstr "(<référence>)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:226
msgid "<page>"
msgstr "<page>"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:231
msgid "on page <page>"
msgstr "sur la page <page>"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:236
msgid "<reference> on page <page>"
msgstr "<référence> page <page>"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:241
msgid "Formatted reference"
msgstr "référence mise en forme"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:246
msgid "Textual reference"
msgstr "Référence textuelle"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/RefUi.ui:291
msgid "Update the label list"
msgstr "Mettre à jour la liste des étiquettes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SearchUi.ui:101
msgid "Case &sensitive[[search]]"
msgstr "Selon la &casse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SearchUi.ui:108
msgid "Match w&hole words only"
msgstr "&Mots complets seulement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SendtoUi.ui:42
msgid "Process the converted file with this command ($$FName = file name)"
msgstr "Traiter le fichier à convertir avec cette commande ($$FName pour le nom du fichier)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SendtoUi.ui:101
msgid "&Export formats:"
msgstr "&Formats d'exportation :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SendtoUi.ui:111
msgid "&Send exported file to command:"
msgstr "&Envoyer le document exporté à la commande :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ShortcutUi.ui:13
msgid "Edit shortcut"
msgstr "Modifier le raccourci"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ShortcutUi.ui:77
msgid "Enter LyX function or command sequence"
msgstr "Saisir la fonction LyX ou la séquence de commandes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ShortcutUi.ui:87
msgid "Remove last key from the shortcut sequence"
msgstr "Supprimer la dernière frappe dans la séquence du raccourci"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ShortcutUi.ui:90
msgid "&Delete Key"
msgstr "Touche Suppri&mer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ShortcutUi.ui:97
msgid "Clear current shortcut"
msgstr "Effacer le raccourci courant"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ShortcutUi.ui:100
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:956
msgid "C&lear"
msgstr "&Effacer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ShortcutUi.ui:107
msgid "&Shortcut:"
msgstr "&Raccourci :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ShortcutUi.ui:117
msgid "&Function:"
msgstr "&Fonction :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ShortcutUi.ui:130
msgid "Type shortcut after clicking on this field. You can reset the content with the 'Clear' button"
msgstr "Saisir le raccourci après un clic dans ce champ. Vous pouvez effacer le contenu à l'aide du bouton 'Effacer'"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:19
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSpellchecker.cpp:251
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSpellchecker.cpp:258
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSpellchecker.cpp:539
msgid "Spell Checker"
msgstr "Correcteur orthographique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:43
msgid "The checked language. Switching this alters the language of the checked word."
msgstr "Langue de correction. Commuter ceci modifie la langue du mot vérifié."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:59
msgid "Unknown word:"
msgstr "Mot inconnu :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:69
msgid "Current word"
msgstr "Mot actuel"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:85
msgid "&Find Next"
msgstr "&Recherche suivante"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:92
msgid "Re&placement:"
msgstr "Rem&placement :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:105
msgid "Replace with selected word"
msgstr "Remplacer par le mot sélectionné"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:130
msgid "Replace word with current choice"
msgstr "Remplacer le mot par le choix sélectionné"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:146
msgid "S&uggestions:"
msgstr "Su&ggestions :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:181
msgid "Ignore this word"
msgstr "Ignorer le mot"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:184
msgid "&Ignore"
msgstr "&Ignorer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:197
msgid "Ignore this word throughout this session"
msgstr "Ignorer le mot durant cette session"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:200
msgid "I&gnore All"
msgstr "&Tout ignorer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SpellcheckerUi.ui:213
msgid "Add the word to your personal dictionary"
msgstr "Ajouter le mot au dictionnaire personnel"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SymbolsUi.ui:83
msgid "Available categories depend on the document encoding. Select UTF-8 for the full range."
msgstr "Les catégories disponibles dépendent de l'encodage du document. Sélectionner UTF-8 pour accéder à toutes."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SymbolsUi.ui:86
msgid "Ca&tegory:"
msgstr "Ca&tegorie :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SymbolsUi.ui:116
msgid "Select this to display all available characters at once"
msgstr "Sélectionner ceci pour afficher tous les caractères à la fois"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/SymbolsUi.ui:119
msgid "&Display all"
msgstr "Tout &afficher"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:35
msgid "&Table Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres du &tableau"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:41
msgid "Column settings"
msgstr "Paramètres de colonne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:47
msgid "&Horizontal alignment:"
msgstr "Alignement &horizontal :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:57
msgid "Horizontal alignment in column"
msgstr "Alignement horizontal dans la colonne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:64
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiParagraph.cpp:108
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiTabular.cpp:792
msgid "Justified"
msgstr "Justifié"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:84
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiTabular.cpp:794
msgid "At Decimal Separator"
msgstr "Au séparateur décimal"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:110
msgid "&Decimal separator:"
msgstr "Séparateur &décimal :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:168
msgid "Fixed width of the column"
msgstr "Largeur fixe de la colonne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:196
msgid "&Vertical alignment in row:"
msgstr "Alignement &vertical dans la ligne :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:206
msgid "Specifies the vertical alignment of this cell in relation to the baseline of the row."
msgstr "Spécifier l'alignement vertical de cette cellule par rapport à la base de la ligne."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:228
msgid "Merge cells of different columns"
msgstr "Fusionner les cellules des différentes colonnes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:231
msgid "&Multicolumn"
msgstr "&Multi-colonnes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:241
msgid "Row setting"
msgstr "Paramètres de ligne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:247
msgid "Merge cells of different rows"
msgstr "Fusionner les cellules des différentes lignes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:250
msgid "M&ultirow"
msgstr "M&ulti-lignes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:262
msgid "&Vertical Offset:"
msgstr "&Espacement vertical :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:275
msgid "Optional vertical offset"
msgstr "Décalage vertical optionnel"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:293
msgid "Cell setting"
msgstr "Paramètres de cellule"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:299
msgid "Rotate this cell by 90 degrees"
msgstr "Tourner la case de 90 degrés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:302
msgid "Rotate &cell 90 degrees"
msgstr "Tourner la &case de 90°"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:312
msgid "LaTe&X argument:"
msgstr "Paramètres LaTe&X :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:322
msgid "Custom column format (LaTeX)"
msgstr "Format de colonne personnalisé (LaTeX)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:332
msgid "Table-wide settings"
msgstr "Paramètres globaux du tableau"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:338
msgid "Table w&idth:"
msgstr "Lar&geur de tableau :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:354
msgid "Verti&cal alignment:"
msgstr "Alignement &vertical :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:364
msgid "Vertical alignment of the table"
msgstr "Alignement vertical du tableau"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:408
msgid "Rotate the table by 90 degrees"
msgstr "Tourner le tableau de 90 degrés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:411
msgid "&Rotate table 90 degrees"
msgstr "Tou&rner le tableau de 90°"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:422
msgid "&Borders"
msgstr "&Bordures"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:428
msgid "Set Borders"
msgstr "Régler les bordures"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:924
msgid "Set borders of the current (selected) cell(s)"
msgstr "Régler les bordures des cases sélectionnées"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:937
msgid "All Borders"
msgstr "Toutes les bordures"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:943
msgid "Set all borders of the current (selected) cell(s)"
msgstr "Régler toutes les bordures des cases sélectionnées"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:946
msgid "&Set"
msgstr "&Fixer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:953
msgid "Unset all borders of the current (selected) cell(s)"
msgstr "Enlever toutes les bordures des cases sélectionnées"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:972
msgid "Use formal (a.k.a. booktabs) border style (no vertical borders)"
msgstr "Utiliser le style de bordures formel (c.-à-d. booktabs), sans bordures verticales"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:975
msgid "Fo&rmal"
msgstr "&Formel"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:985
msgid "Use default (grid-like) border style"
msgstr "Utiliser le style de bordures implicite (genre grille)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:988
msgid "De&fault"
msgstr "Im&plicite"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1014
msgid "Additional Space"
msgstr "Espacement vertical supplémentaire"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1020
msgid "T&op of row:"
msgstr "&Haut de ligne :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1080
msgid "Botto&m of row:"
msgstr "&Bas de ligne :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1093
msgid "Bet&ween rows:"
msgstr "E&ntre les lignes :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1142
msgid "&Longtable"
msgstr "Tableau lon&g"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1148
msgid "Select for tables that span multiple pages"
msgstr "Sélectionner pour avoir des tableaux sur plusieurs pages"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1151
msgid "&Use long table"
msgstr "&Utiliser les tableaux longs"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1161
msgid "Row settings"
msgstr "Paramètres de ligne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1167
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Statut"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1174
msgid "Border above"
msgstr "Bordure haute"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1181
msgid "Border below"
msgstr "Bordure basse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1188
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Contenu"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1195
msgid "Header:"
msgstr "En-tête :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1202
msgid "Repeat this row as header on every (except the first) page"
msgstr "Répèter cette ligne comme en-tête de toutes les pages sauf la première"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1205
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1242
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1283
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1314
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1352
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiToolbar.cpp:385
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiToolbar.cpp:394
msgid "on"
msgstr "activé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1215
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1222
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1249
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1256
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1290
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1297
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1321
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1328
msgid "double"
msgstr "double"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1229
msgid "First header:"
msgstr "Premier en-tête :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1236
msgid "This row is the header of the first page"
msgstr "Cette ligne est l'en-tête de la première page"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1263
msgid "Don't output the first header"
msgstr "Ne pas créer le premier en-tête"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1266
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1338
msgid "is empty"
msgstr "est vide"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1273
msgid "Footer:"
msgstr "Pied :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1280
msgid "Repeat this row as footer on every (except the last) page"
msgstr "Répéter cette ligne comme pied de toutes les pages sauf la dernière"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1304
msgid "Last footer:"
msgstr "Dernier pied :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1311
msgid "This row is the footer of the last page"
msgstr "Cette ligne est le pied de la dernière page"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1335
msgid "Don't output the last footer"
msgstr "Ne pas créer le dernier pied"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1345
msgid "Caption:"
msgstr "Légende :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1362
msgid "Set a page break on the current row"
msgstr "Placer un saut de page dans la ligne en cours"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1365
msgid "Page &break on current row"
msgstr "&Saut de page dans la ligne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1378
msgid "Horizontal alignment of the longtable"
msgstr "Alignement horizontal du tableau long"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1381
msgid "Longtable alignment"
msgstr "Alignement de tableau long"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1433
msgid "Current cell:"
msgstr "Case actuelle :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1455
msgid "Current row position"
msgstr "Position actuelle en lignes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TabularUi.ui:1477
msgid "Current column position"
msgstr "Position actuelle en colonnes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TexinfoUi.ui:55
msgid "Close this dialog"
msgstr "Fermer cette fenêtre"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TexinfoUi.ui:91
msgid "Rebuild the file lists"
msgstr "Reconstruire la liste des fichiers"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TexinfoUi.ui:104
msgid "Show contents of marked file. Only possible when files are shown with path"
msgstr "Afficher le contenu du fichier sélectionné. Seulement possible quand le chemin est affiché."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TexinfoUi.ui:107
msgid "&View"
msgstr "&Affichage"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TexinfoUi.ui:124
msgid "Selected classes or styles"
msgstr "Classes ou styles sélectionnés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TexinfoUi.ui:128
msgid "LaTeX classes"
msgstr "Classes LaTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TexinfoUi.ui:133
msgid "LaTeX styles"
msgstr "Styles LaTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TexinfoUi.ui:138
msgid "BibTeX styles"
msgstr "Styles BibTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TexinfoUi.ui:162
msgid "Toggles view of the file list"
msgstr "Basculer la vue de la liste des fichiers"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TexinfoUi.ui:165
msgid "Show &path"
msgstr "&Afficher le chemin"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TextLayoutUi.ui:19
msgid "Separate paragraphs with"
msgstr "Séparer les paragraphes avec"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TextLayoutUi.ui:34
msgid "Indent consecutive paragraphs"
msgstr "Les paragraphes successifs sont indentés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TextLayoutUi.ui:37
msgid "&Indentation:"
msgstr "&Indentation :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TextLayoutUi.ui:47
msgid "Size of the indentation"
msgstr "Taille de l'indentation"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TextLayoutUi.ui:115
msgid "&Vertical space:"
msgstr "&Espacement vertical :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TextLayoutUi.ui:125
msgid "Size of the vertical space"
msgstr "Taille de l'espacement vertical"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TextLayoutUi.ui:190
msgid "Spacing"
msgstr "Espacement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TextLayoutUi.ui:208
msgid "&Line spacing:"
msgstr "&Interligne :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TextLayoutUi.ui:218
msgid "Spacing type"
msgstr "Type d'espacement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TextLayoutUi.ui:231
msgid "Number of lines"
msgstr "Nombre de lignes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TextLayoutUi.ui:251
msgid "Format text into two columns"
msgstr "Mettre le texte en page sur deux colonnes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TextLayoutUi.ui:254
msgid "Two-&column document"
msgstr "Document sur &deux colonnes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ThesaurusUi.ui:32
msgid "Language of the thesaurus"
msgstr "Langue du dictionnaire des synonymes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ThesaurusUi.ui:39
msgid "Index entry"
msgstr "Entrée d'index"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ThesaurusUi.ui:42
msgid "&Keyword:"
msgstr "Mot-&Clé :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ThesaurusUi.ui:52
msgid "Word to look up"
msgstr "Mot à chercher"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ThesaurusUi.ui:65
msgid "L&ookup"
msgstr "&Recherche"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ThesaurusUi.ui:72
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ThesaurusUi.ui:85
msgid "The selected entry"
msgstr "L'entrée sélectionnée"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ThesaurusUi.ui:75
msgid "&Selection:"
msgstr "&Sélection :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ThesaurusUi.ui:92
msgid "Replace the entry with the selection"
msgstr "Remplacer l'entrée par la sélection"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ThesaurusUi.ui:102
msgid "Click to select a proposal, double click to look it up."
msgstr "Cliquer pour sélectionner un élément, double-cliquer pour le visiter."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:36
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "Filtre :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:46
msgid "Enter string to filter contents"
msgstr "Saisir une chaîne de caractères pour filtrer le contenu"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:63
msgid "Switch between available lists (table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, and others)"
msgstr "Permuter entre la table des matières, la liste des figures, la liste des tableaux, et autres"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:90
msgid "Update navigation tree"
msgstr "Mettre à jour l'arborescence"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:93
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:125
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:144
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:163
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:182
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:122
msgid "Decrease nesting depth of selected item"
msgstr "Diminuer la profondeur d'emboîtement de l'élément sélectionné"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:141
msgid "Increase nesting depth of selected item"
msgstr "Augmenter la profondeur d'emboîtement de l'élément sélectionné"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:160
msgid "Move selected item down by one"
msgstr "Descendre l'élément sélectionné d'une place"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:179
msgid "Move selected item up by one"
msgstr "Remonter l'élément sélectionné d'une place"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:225
msgid "Sort"
msgstr "Trier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:246
msgid "Try to keep persistent view of the uncollapsed nodes"
msgstr "Essayer de conserver persistante la vue des noeuds ouverts"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:249
msgid "Keep"
msgstr "Conserver"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/TocUi.ui:266
msgid "Adjust the depth of the navigation tree"
msgstr "Modifier la profondeur de l'arborescence"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ToggleWarningUi.ui:13
msgid "LyX: Enter text"
msgstr "LyX : saisir un texte"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ToggleWarningUi.ui:44
msgid "If you check this, LyX will not warn you again in the given case."
msgstr "Si vous cochez ceci, LyX ne vous avertira plus dans la même situation."
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ToggleWarningUi.ui:47
msgid "&Do not show this warning again!"
msgstr "&Ne pas afficher cet avertissement à l'avenir !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/VSpaceUi.ui:32
msgid "Insert the spacing even after a page break"
msgstr "Conserver l'espacement même après un saut de page"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/VSpaceUi.ui:82
msgid "DefSkip"
msgstr "Implicite"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/VSpaceUi.ui:87
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:687
msgid "SmallSkip"
msgstr "Petit"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/VSpaceUi.ui:92
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:688
msgid "MedSkip"
msgstr "Moyen"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/VSpaceUi.ui:97
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:689
msgid "BigSkip"
msgstr "Grand"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/VSpaceUi.ui:102
msgid "VFill"
msgstr "Ressort vertical"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ViewSourceUi.ui:32
msgid "F&ormat:"
msgstr "&Format :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ViewSourceUi.ui:45
msgid "Select the output format"
msgstr "Sélectionner le format de sortie"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ViewSourceUi.ui:56
msgid "Current Paragraph"
msgstr "Paragraphe courant"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ViewSourceUi.ui:61
msgid "Complete Source"
msgstr "Code source complet"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ViewSourceUi.ui:66
msgid "Preamble Only"
msgstr "Seulement le préambule"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ViewSourceUi.ui:71
msgid "Body Only"
msgstr "Seulement le corps"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/ViewSourceUi.ui:89
msgid "Automatic update"
msgstr "Mise à jour automatique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/WrapUi.ui:45
msgid "Unit of width value"
msgstr "Unité de largeur"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/WrapUi.ui:68
msgid "number of needed lines"
msgstr "nombre de lignes nécessaires"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/WrapUi.ui:75
msgid "use number of lines"
msgstr "utiliser nombre de lignes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/ui/WrapUi.ui:78
msgid "&Line span:"
msgstr "Portée de la &ligne :"
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msgstr "En-tête droit :"
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msgstr "Résumé :"
#: lib/layouts/apa.layout:100
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msgstr "Titre Court :"
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msgstr "DeuxAuteurs"
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# Cadre pour Frame et Diapositive pour Slide ?
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#: lib/layouts/theorems-starred.inc:176
msgid "Example."
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msgid "Examples"
msgstr "Exemples"
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msgid "Examples."
msgstr "Exemples."
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msgstr "ACTE"
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msgstr "ACTE \\arabic{act}"
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msgstr "SCÈNE \\arabic{scene}"
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msgid "SCENE*"
msgstr "SCÈNE*"
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#: lib/layouts/broadway.layout:116
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msgstr "LEVER_RIDEAU :"
# ou "Acteur" ou "Intervenant" (Hollywood/Broadway)
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#: lib/layouts/hollywood.layout:159
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msgstr "("
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#: lib/layouts/hollywood.layout:172
msgid ")"
msgstr ")"
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#: lib/layouts/broadway.layout:168
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msgstr "Adresse_À_Droite"
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msgid "Mainline"
msgstr "Ligne_Principale"
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msgid "Mainline:"
msgstr "Ligne Principale :"
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msgid "Variation"
msgstr "Variante"
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msgid "Variation:"
msgstr "Variante :"
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msgid "SubVariation"
msgstr "SousVariante"
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msgid "Subvariation:"
msgstr "Sous-Variante :"
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msgid "SubVariation2"
msgstr "SousVariante2"
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msgid "Subvariation(2):"
msgstr "Sous-Variante(2) :"
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msgid "SubVariation3"
msgstr "SousVariante3"
#: lib/layouts/chess.layout:92
msgid "Subvariation(3):"
msgstr "Sous-Variante(3) :"
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msgid "SubVariation4"
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msgid "Subvariation(4):"
msgstr "Sous-Variante(4) :"
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msgid "SubVariation5"
msgstr "SousVariante5"
#: lib/layouts/chess.layout:110
msgid "Subvariation(5):"
msgstr "Sous-Variante(5) :"
#: lib/layouts/chess.layout:117
msgid "HideMoves"
msgstr "Cache_Mouvements"
#: lib/layouts/chess.layout:122
msgid "HideMoves:"
msgstr "Cache_Mouvements :"
#: lib/layouts/chess.layout:127
msgid "ChessBoard"
msgstr "Échiquier"
#: lib/layouts/chess.layout:131
msgid "[chessboard]"
msgstr "[échiquier]"
#: lib/layouts/chess.layout:140
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msgstr "ÉchiquierCentré"
#: lib/layouts/chess.layout:145
msgid "[centered board]"
msgstr "[échiquier centré]"
#: lib/layouts/chess.layout:155
msgid "HighLight"
msgstr "Mise_en_Valeur"
#: lib/layouts/chess.layout:160
msgid "Highlights:"
msgstr "Mises en valeur :"
#: lib/layouts/chess.layout:175
msgid "Arrow"
msgstr "Flèche"
#: lib/layouts/chess.layout:180
msgid "Arrow:"
msgstr "Flèche :"
#: lib/layouts/chess.layout:186
msgid "KnightMove"
msgstr "Mouvement_Cavalier"
#: lib/layouts/chess.layout:191
msgid "KnightMove:"
msgstr "Mouvement_Cavalier :"
#: lib/layouts/dinbrief.layout:28
msgid "DinBrief"
msgstr "DinBrief"
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msgstr "Envoi à l'adresse"
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msgstr "Mon_Adresse"
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msgstr "Adresse de l'expéditeur :"
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msgid "Return address"
msgstr "Adresse de retour"
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msgstr "AdresseRetour :"
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msgid "Postal comment"
msgstr "Commentaire postal"
#: lib/layouts/dinbrief.layout:83
msgid "Postal Remark:"
msgstr "Commentaire postal :"
#: lib/layouts/dinbrief.layout:88
msgid "Handling"
msgstr "Handling"
#: lib/layouts/dinbrief.layout:90
msgid "Handling:"
msgstr "Étiquette :"
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#: lib/layouts/g-brief2.layout:757
#: lib/layouts/lettre.layout:59
#: lib/layouts/lettre.layout:450
msgid "YourRef"
msgstr "VotreRéf"
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#: lib/layouts/scrlettr.layout:206
#: lib/layouts/scrlttr2.layout:292
msgid "Your ref.:"
msgstr "Vos réf. :"
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#: lib/layouts/g-brief.layout:96
#: lib/layouts/g-brief2.layout:736
#: lib/layouts/lettre.layout:61
#: lib/layouts/lettre.layout:466
msgid "MyRef"
msgstr "MaRéf"
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#: lib/layouts/scrlettr.layout:227
#: lib/layouts/scrlttr2.layout:316
msgid "Our ref.:"
msgstr "Nos réf. :"
#: lib/layouts/dinbrief.layout:106
msgid "Writer"
msgstr "Auteur"
#: lib/layouts/dinbrief.layout:108
msgid "Writer:"
msgstr "Auteur :"
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#: lib/layouts/theorems-bytype.inc:88
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#: lib/layouts/ijmpd.layout:410
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#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-bytype.inc:292
#: lib/layouts/theorems-bytype.inc:268
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msgstr "Affirmation \\\\theclaim."
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#: lib/layouts/theorems-bytype.inc:124
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msgid "Conjecture \\theconjecture."
msgstr "Conjecture \\theconjecture."
#: lib/layouts/ijmpc.layout:420
#: lib/layouts/ijmpd.layout:444
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msgstr "Appendice \\Alph{appendix}."
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#: lib/layouts/ijmpd.layout:182
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msgstr "CommuniquéPar"
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msgid "Copyright:"
msgstr "Copyright :"
#: lib/layouts/agu_stdtitle.inc:89
msgid "Index-terms"
msgstr "Termes-d'index"
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msgid "Index-terms..."
msgstr "Termes-d'index..."
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msgstr "Terme-d'index"
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msgstr "Terme-Croisé :"
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msgid "Supplementary"
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#: lib/layouts/agu_stdtitle.inc:140
msgid "Supplementary..."
msgstr "Supplémentaire..."
#: lib/layouts/agu_stdtitle.inc:149
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#: lib/layouts/aguplus.inc:164
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#: lib/layouts/amsdefs.inc:185
msgid "Translator:"
msgstr "Traducteur :"
#: lib/layouts/amsdefs.inc:192
msgid "2000 Mathematics Subject Classification:"
msgstr "Classification des sujets mathématiques de 2000 :"
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msgstr "Appendice \\Alph{section} :"
#: lib/layouts/numrevtex.inc:18
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msgstr "AjoutSec*"
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msgstr "Éditeurs"
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msgid "Part \\Roman{part}"
msgstr "Partie \\Roman{part}"
#: lib/layouts/stdcounters.inc:14
msgid "Chapter ##"
msgstr "Chapitre # #"
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#: lib/layouts/stdcounters.inc:24
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msgstr "Paragraphe # #"
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msgid "\\arabic{enumi}."
msgstr "\\arabic{enumi}."
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msgid "\\roman{enumiii}."
msgstr "\\roman{enumiii}."
#: lib/layouts/stdcounters.inc:58
msgid "\\Alph{enumiv}."
msgstr "\\Alph{enumiv}."
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msgstr "Aperçu"
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#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:118
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msgstr "Partie \\thepart"
#: lib/layouts/stdsections.inc:42
msgid "Chapter \\thechapter"
msgstr "Chapitre \\thechapter"
#: lib/layouts/stdsections.inc:43
msgid "Appendix \\thechapter"
msgstr "Appendice \\thechapter"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:67
msgid "Front Matter"
msgstr "Préliminaires"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:83
msgid "--- Front Matter ---"
msgstr "--- Préliminaires ---"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:93
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msgstr "Corps"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:97
msgid "--- Main Matter ---"
msgstr "--- Corps ---"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:100
msgid "Back Matter"
msgstr "Compléments"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:104
msgid "--- Back Matter ---"
msgstr "--- Compléments ---"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:283
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msgstr "En-têtes courants"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:298
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msgstr "Sous-en-têtes courants"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:355
msgid "Author data:"
msgstr "Données auteur :"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:392
msgid "TOC author:"
msgstr "Auteur TdM :"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:395
msgid "Running Title"
msgstr "Titre courant"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:402
msgid "Running Author"
msgstr "Auteur courant"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:413
msgid "Running chapter:"
msgstr "Chapitre courant :"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:416
msgid "Running Section"
msgstr "Section courante"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:419
msgid "Running section:"
msgstr "Section courante :"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:443
msgid "Abstract*"
msgstr "Résumé*"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:447
msgid "Abstract* (not printed)"
msgstr "Résumé* (non imprimé)"
#: lib/layouts/svcommon.inc:595
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msgstr "Petit"
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#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-bytype.inc:166
#: lib/layouts/theorems-bytype.inc:142
#: lib/layouts/theorems-without-preamble.inc:163
msgid "Fact \\thefact."
msgstr "Fait \\thefact."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-bytype.inc:184
#: lib/layouts/theorems-bytype.inc:160
#: lib/layouts/theorems-without-preamble.inc:179
msgid "Definition \\thedefinition."
msgstr "Definition \\thedefinition."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-bytype.inc:209
#: lib/layouts/theorems-bytype.inc:185
#: lib/layouts/theorems-without-preamble.inc:203
msgid "Example \\theexample."
msgstr "Exemple \\theexample."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-bytype.inc:228
#: lib/layouts/theorems-bytype.inc:204
#: lib/layouts/theorems-without-preamble.inc:221
msgid "Problem \\theproblem."
msgstr "Problème \\theproblem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-bytype.inc:247
#: lib/layouts/theorems-bytype.inc:223
#: lib/layouts/theorems-without-preamble.inc:294
msgid "Exercise \\theexercise."
msgstr "Exercice \\theexercise."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams.inc:69
#: lib/layouts/theorems.inc:68
msgid "Corollary \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Corollaire \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams.inc:87
#: lib/layouts/theorems.inc:86
msgid "Lemma \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Lemme \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams.inc:105
#: lib/layouts/theorems.inc:104
msgid "Proposition \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Proposition \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams.inc:123
#: lib/layouts/theorems.inc:122
msgid "Conjecture \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Conjecture \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams.inc:141
#: lib/layouts/theorems.inc:140
msgid "Fact \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Note \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams.inc:159
#: lib/layouts/theorems.inc:158
msgid "Definition \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Définition \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams.inc:183
#: lib/layouts/theorems.inc:182
msgid "Example \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Exemple \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams.inc:200
#: lib/layouts/theorems.inc:199
msgid "Problem \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Problème \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams.inc:217
#: lib/layouts/theorems.inc:216
msgid "Exercise \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Exercice \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams.inc:235
#: lib/layouts/theorems.inc:234
msgid "Remark \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Remarque \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams.inc:260
#: lib/layouts/theorems.inc:259
msgid "Claim \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Affirmation \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-case.inc:12
msgid "Case \\arabic{casei}."
msgstr "Cas \\arabic{casei}."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-case.inc:16
msgid "Case \\roman{caseii}."
msgstr "Cas \\arabic{caseii}."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-case.inc:20
msgid "Case \\alph{caseiii}."
msgstr "Cas \\alph{caseiii}."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-case.inc:24
msgid "Case \\arabic{caseiv}."
msgstr "Cas \\arabic{caseiv}."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-order.inc:46
#: lib/layouts/theorems-starred.inc:173
msgid "Example*"
msgstr "Exemple*"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-order.inc:52
#: lib/layouts/theorems-starred.inc:190
msgid "Problem*"
msgstr "Problème*"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-order.inc:58
#: lib/layouts/theorems-starred.inc:207
msgid "Exercise*"
msgstr "Exercice*"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-order.inc:64
#: lib/layouts/theorems-starred.inc:224
msgid "Remark*"
msgstr "Remarque*"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-order.inc:70
#: lib/layouts/theorems-starred.inc:249
msgid "Claim*"
msgstr "Affirmation*"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-starred.inc:117
msgid "Conjecture."
msgstr "Conjecture."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-starred.inc:131
msgid "Fact*"
msgstr "Fait*"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-starred.inc:193
msgid "Problem."
msgstr "Problème."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-starred.inc:210
msgid "Exercise."
msgstr "Exercice."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-starred.inc:227
msgid "Remark."
msgstr "Remarque."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-without-preamble.inc:236
msgid "Prob"
msgstr "Prob"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-without-preamble.inc:243
msgid "\\theprob."
msgstr "\\theprob."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-without-preamble.inc:279
msgid "Sol"
msgstr "Sol"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-without-preamble.inc:283
msgid "# [number of Prob]"
msgstr "#"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-without-preamble.inc:358
msgid "Property \\theproperty."
msgstr "Propriété \\theproperty."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-without-preamble.inc:392
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:202
msgid "Note \\thenote."
msgstr "Note \\thenote."
#: lib/layouts/braille.module:2
msgid "Braille"
msgstr "Braille"
#: lib/layouts/braille.module:6
msgid "Defines an environment to typeset Braille. For more details see Braille.lyx in examples."
msgstr "Définit un environnement pour saisir le Braille. Pour les détails, voir Braille.lyx dans les exemples."
#: lib/layouts/braille.module:22
msgid "Braille (default)"
msgstr "Braille (implicite)"
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msgstr "Braille :"
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msgid "Braille (textsize)"
msgstr "Braille (taille du texte)"
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msgstr "Braille (points actifs)"
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msgstr "Braille_points_actifs"
#: lib/layouts/braille.module:92
msgid "Braille (dots off)"
msgstr "Braille (points inactifs)"
#: lib/layouts/braille.module:107
msgid "Braille_dots_off"
msgstr "Braille_points_inactifs"
#: lib/layouts/braille.module:116
msgid "Braille (mirror on)"
msgstr "Braille (miroir actif)"
#: lib/layouts/braille.module:131
msgid "Braille_mirror_on"
msgstr "Braille_miroir_actif"
#: lib/layouts/braille.module:140
msgid "Braille (mirror off)"
msgstr "Braille (miroir inactif)"
#: lib/layouts/braille.module:155
msgid "Braille_mirror_off"
msgstr "Braille_miroir_inactif"
#: lib/layouts/braille.module:163
msgid "Braillebox"
msgstr "BoîteBraille"
#: lib/layouts/braille.module:167
msgid "Braille box"
msgstr "Boîte Braille"
#: lib/layouts/customHeadersFooters.module:2
msgid "Custom Header/Footerlines"
msgstr "Personnalisation en-têtes/pieds de page"
#: lib/layouts/customHeadersFooters.module:7
msgid "Adds environments to define header and footer lines. NOTE: To use this module you must set the 'Headings style' in the menu Document Settings -> Page Layout to 'fancy'!"
msgstr "Ajoute des environnements pour définir les en-têtes et pieds de page. NOTA : pour utiliser ce module, vous devez choisir le style d'en-têtes « sophistiqué » dans le menu Documents -> Paramètres -> Format de la page !"
#: lib/layouts/customHeadersFooters.module:12
msgid "Header/Footer"
msgstr "En-tête/pied"
#: lib/layouts/customHeadersFooters.module:30
msgid "Center Header"
msgstr "En-tête central"
#: lib/layouts/customHeadersFooters.module:33
msgid "Center Header:"
msgstr "En-tête central :"
#: lib/layouts/customHeadersFooters.module:42
msgid "Left Footer"
msgstr "Pied gauche"
#: lib/layouts/customHeadersFooters.module:45
msgid "Left Footer:"
msgstr "Pied gauche :"
#: lib/layouts/customHeadersFooters.module:48
msgid "Center Footer"
msgstr "Pied central"
#: lib/layouts/customHeadersFooters.module:51
msgid "Center Footer:"
msgstr "Pied central :"
#: lib/layouts/endnotes.module:2
#: lib/layouts/endnotes.module:9
msgid "Endnote"
msgstr "Notes en fin de document"
#: lib/layouts/endnotes.module:6
msgid "Adds an endnote inset, in addition to footnotes. You will need to add \\theendnotes in TeX-code where you want the endnotes to appear."
msgstr "Ajouter un insert de groupement de notes. Vous devrez ajouter \\theendnotes en code TeX à l'endroit où vous souhaitez voir apparaître les notes regroupées."
#: lib/layouts/endnotes.module:18
msgid "endnote"
msgstr "endnote"
#: lib/layouts/enumitem.module:2
msgid "Customisable Lists (enumitem)"
msgstr "Liste personnalisable (enumitem)"
#: lib/layouts/enumitem.module:6
msgid "Controls the layout of enumerate, itemize, description, and list/labeling. See section Customized Lists of the User's Guide for a detailed description."
msgstr "Règle la disposition des listes à puces, énumérations, descriptions, et des listes étiquetées. Voir la section Listes personnalisées du Guide de l'utilisateur pour les détails."
#: lib/layouts/enumitem.module:93
msgid "Enumerate-Resume"
msgstr "Énumération-reprise"
#: lib/layouts/eqs-within-sections.module:2
msgid "Number Equations by Section"
msgstr "Numéroter les équations par section"
#: lib/layouts/eqs-within-sections.module:6
msgid "Resets the equation number at section start and prepends the section number to the equation number, as in '(2.1)'."
msgstr "Réinitialiser la numérotation des équations au début de chaque section et ajouter le numéro de section au numéro d'équation, comme dans « (2.1) »."
#: lib/layouts/eqs-within-sections.module:17
msgid "\\thesection.\\arabic{equation}"
msgstr "\\thesection.\\arabic{equation}"
#: lib/layouts/figs-within-sections.module:2
msgid "Number Figures by Section"
msgstr "Numéroter les figures par section"
#: lib/layouts/figs-within-sections.module:6
msgid "Resets the figure number at section start and prepends the section number to the figure number, as in 'fig. 2.1'."
msgstr "Réinitialiser la numérotation des figures au début de chaque section et ajouter le numéro de section au numéro de figure, comme dans « fig. 2.1 »."
#: lib/layouts/fix-cm.module:2
msgid "Fix cm"
msgstr "fix-cm"
#: lib/layouts/fix-cm.module:8
msgid "Fix-cm improves the appearance of Computer Modern fonts and makes them available with arbitrary sizes. For details see the documentation of the fix-cm.sty package: http://tug.org/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/fixltx2e.pdf"
msgstr "fix-c améliore l'apparence des polices Computer Modern et les rend disponibles dans toutes les tailles. Pour les détails voir la documentation du paquetage fix-cm : http://tug.org/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/fixltx2e.pdf"
#: lib/layouts/fixltx2e.module:2
msgid "Fix LaTeX"
msgstr "Correction LaTeX"
#: lib/layouts/fixltx2e.module:9
msgid "Loads the LaTeX package fixltx2e which contains some bug fixes for LaTeX. Those fixes are not part of the LaTeX kernel because of backward compatibility. If you use this module your typeset document may look different when you process it with future LaTeX versions, because fixltx2e may provide more bugfixes in future versions."
msgstr "Charge le paquetage LaTeX fixltx2e qui contient quelques corrections d'erreurs LaTeX. Ces corrections ne figure pas dans le noyau LaTeX pour des raisons de rétro-compatibilité. Si vous utilisez ce module, votre document imprimé pourra se présenter différemment avec de futures versions de LaTeX, parce que fixltx2e pourra proposer de nouvelles corrections dans le futur."
#: lib/layouts/foottoend.module:2
msgid "Foot to End"
msgstr "Note de bas de page en fin de document"
#: lib/layouts/foottoend.module:6
msgid "Sets all footnotes as endnotes. You will need to add \\theendnotes in TeX-code where you want the endnotes to appear."
msgstr "Positionner toutes les notes de bas de pages en notes regroupées. Vous devrez ajouter \\theendnotes en code TeX à l'endroit où vous souhaitez voir apparaître les notes regroupées."
#: lib/layouts/hanging.module:2
#: lib/layouts/hanging.module:16
msgid "Hanging"
msgstr "Renfoncement"
#: lib/layouts/hanging.module:6
msgid "Adds an environment for hanging paragraphs. Hanging paragraph is a paragraph in which the first line is set to the left margin, but all subsequent lines are indented."
msgstr "Ajouter un environnement pour les paragraphes avec renfoncement. Un paragraphe avec renfoncement est un paragraphe dans lequel la première ligne est au fer à gauche, alors que les autres lignes présentent un retrait."
#: lib/layouts/initials.module:2
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "Lettrines"
#: lib/layouts/initials.module:6
msgid "Define a style for paragraphs with an initial. See the EmbeddedObjects manual for a detailed description."
msgstr "Définir un style pour un paragraphe avec une lettrine. Voir le manuel des Objets insérés pour les détails."
#: lib/layouts/initials.module:14
#: lib/layouts/initials.module:16
#: lib/layouts/initials.module:25
#: lib/layouts/initials.module:31
msgid "Initial"
msgstr "Lettrine"
#: lib/layouts/knitr.module:2
#: lib/configure.py:592
msgid "Rnw (knitr)"
msgstr "Rnw (knitr)"
#: lib/layouts/knitr.module:6
msgid "Uses the knitr package in R for dynamic report generation. This R package has to be installed for this module to work: install.packages('knitr'). Note it depends on R >= 2.14.1. For more info see http://yihui.name/knitr"
msgstr "Utilise le paquetage « knitr » de R pour la création dynamique de rapports. Ce paquetage R doit être installé pour que ce module fonctionne, via install.packages('knitr'). Nota: la version de R doit être supérieure ou égale à 2.14.1. Pour les détails, voir http://yihui.name/knitr"
#: lib/layouts/knitr.module:6
#: lib/layouts/noweb.module:5
#: lib/layouts/sweave.module:6
msgid "literate"
msgstr "littéraire"
#: lib/layouts/knitr.module:13
#: lib/layouts/sweave.module:23
msgid "Chunk"
msgstr "Bloc"
#: lib/layouts/knitr.module:14
#: lib/layouts/sweave.module:2
#: lib/layouts/sweave.module:24
#: lib/configure.py:590
msgid "Sweave"
msgstr "Sweave"
#: lib/layouts/knitr.module:39
#: lib/layouts/sweave.module:49
msgid "Sweave Options"
msgstr "Options Sweave"
#: lib/layouts/knitr.module:40
#: lib/layouts/sweave.module:50
msgid "Sweave opts"
msgstr "Sweave opts"
#: lib/layouts/knitr.module:61
#: lib/layouts/sweave.module:71
msgid "S/R expression"
msgstr "S/R expression"
#: lib/layouts/knitr.module:62
#: lib/layouts/sweave.module:72
msgid "S/R expr"
msgstr "S/R expr"
#: lib/layouts/lilypond.module:2
msgid "LilyPond Book"
msgstr "Livre LilyPond"
#: lib/layouts/lilypond.module:6
msgid "This module adds an inset to enter LilyPond code directly into LyX. It will be processed in the output. See the lilypond.lyx example file."
msgstr "Ce module ajoute un insert pour la saisie directe du code LilyPond dans LyX. Ce code sera traité dans le résultat imprimable. Voir le fichier d'exemple lilypond.lyx."
#: lib/layouts/lilypond.module:13
#: lib/layouts/lilypond.module:14
#: lib/external_templates:251
msgid "LilyPond"
msgstr "LilyPond"
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:2
msgid "Linguistics"
msgstr "Linguistique"
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:7
msgid "Defines some special environments useful for linguistics (numbered examples, glosses, semantic markup, tableau floats). See linguistics.lyx file in examples."
msgstr "Définir certains environnements spéciaux utiles pour la linguistique (exemples numérotés, glosses, balisage sémantique, tableaux flottants). Voir le fichier linguistics.lyx dans les exemples."
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:13
msgid "Numbered Example (multiline)"
msgstr "Exemple numéroté (sur plusieurs lignes)"
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:27
msgid "Example:"
msgstr "Exemple :"
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:37
msgid "Numbered Examples (consecutive)"
msgstr "Exemples numérotés (consécutifs)"
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:41
msgid "Examples:"
msgstr "Exemples :"
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:46
msgid "Subexample"
msgstr "Sous-exemple"
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:50
msgid "Subexample:"
msgstr "Sous-exemple :"
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:65
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:67
msgid "Glosse"
msgstr "Glose"
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:94
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:96
msgid "Tri-Glosse"
msgstr "Tri-glose"
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:122
msgid "Expression"
msgstr "Expression"
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:124
msgid "expr."
msgstr "expr."
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:137
msgid "Concepts"
msgstr "Concepts"
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:139
msgid "concept"
msgstr "concept"
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:152
msgid "Meaning"
msgstr "Signification"
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:154
msgid "meaning"
msgstr "signification"
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:168
msgid "Tableau"
msgstr "Tableau"
#: lib/layouts/linguistics.module:173
msgid "List of Tableaux"
msgstr "Liste des tableaux (TO)"
#: lib/layouts/logicalmkup.module:2
msgid "Logical Markup"
msgstr "Balisage logique"
#: lib/layouts/logicalmkup.module:5
msgid "Defines some character styles for logical markup: noun, emph, strong, and code."
msgstr "Définition de quelques styles de caractères pour le balisage logique: nom, emphase, force, et code."
#: lib/layouts/logicalmkup.module:5
msgid "charstyles"
msgstr "styles de caractères"
#: lib/layouts/logicalmkup.module:11
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:82
msgid "Noun"
msgstr "Nom propre"
# à revoir, accord avec les autres mots incertain
#: lib/layouts/logicalmkup.module:13
msgid "noun"
msgstr "nom propre"
#: lib/layouts/logicalmkup.module:33
msgid "emph"
msgstr "en évidence"
#: lib/layouts/logicalmkup.module:44
msgid "Strong"
msgstr "Fort"
#: lib/layouts/logicalmkup.module:46
msgid "strong"
msgstr "fort"
#: lib/layouts/logicalmkup.module:62
msgid "code"
msgstr "code"
#: lib/layouts/minimalistic.module:2
msgid "Minimalistic"
msgstr "Minimaliste"
#: lib/layouts/minimalistic.module:5
msgid "Redefines several insets (Index, Branch, URL) as being Minimalistic."
msgstr "Redéfinir plusieurs inserts (index, branche, URL) comme minimalistes."
#: lib/layouts/noweb.module:2
msgid "Noweb"
msgstr "NoWeb"
#: lib/layouts/noweb.module:5
msgid "Allows to use Noweb as a literate programming tool."
msgstr "Autoriser l'usage de Noweb comme outil de programmation littéraire."
#: lib/layouts/sweave.module:6
msgid "Allows to use the statistical language S/R as a literate programming tool via the Sweave() function. For more info see the LyX example file sweave.lyx."
msgstr "Autoriser l'utilisation du langage statistique S/R pour la programmation littéraire via la fonction Sweave(). Voir le fichier sweave.lyx dans les exemples."
#: lib/layouts/sweave.module:93
#: lib/layouts/sweave.module:94
msgid "Sweave Input File"
msgstr "Fichier source Sweave"
#: lib/layouts/tabs-within-sections.module:2
msgid "Number Tables by Section"
msgstr "Numéroter les tableaux par section"
#: lib/layouts/tabs-within-sections.module:6
msgid "Resets the table number at section start and prepends the section number to the table number, as in 'Table 2.1'."
msgstr "Réinitialiser la numérotation des tableaux au début de chaque section et ajouter le numéro de section au numéro de tableau, comme dans « Tableau 2.1 »."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-bytype.module:2
msgid "Theorems (AMS, Numbered by Type)"
msgstr "Théorèmes (AMS, numérotation par type)"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-bytype.module:11
msgid "Defines theorem environments and the proof environment using the extended AMS machinery. Both numbered and unnumbered types are provided. Contrary to the plain AMS Theorem module, the different theorem types provided here each have a separate counter (e.g., theorem 1, theorem 2, lemma 1, proposition 1, theorem 3, lemma 2, ..., as opposed to theorem 1, theorem 2, lemma 3, proposition 4, ...). The numbering's scope is the whole document. For chapter- and section-wide numbering, use one of the 'within Sections'/'within Chapters' modules, respectively."
msgstr "Définir les environnements « preuve » et « théorème » en utilisant le mécanisme AMS étendu. Les deux types numéroté et non numéroté sont disponibles. Au contraire du module Théorème AMS ordinaire, les différents types de théorème disponibles ont un compteur séparé (e.g. théorème 1, théorème 2, lemme 1, proposition 1, théorème 3, lemme 2, ..., et non pas théorème 1, théorème 2, lemme 3, proposition 4, ...). La numérotation porte sur le document entier. Pour les numérotation par chapitre ou par section, utiliser l'un des modules « numérotation par sections » ou « numérotation par chapitres », respectivement."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:2
msgid "Theorems (AMS-Extended, Numbered by Type)"
msgstr "Théorèmes (AMS étendu, numérotation par type)"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:12
msgid "Defines some additional theorem environments for use with the AMS theorems packages. Includes Criterion, Algorithm, Axiom, Condition, Note, Notation, Summary, Acknowledgement, Conclusion, Assumption, and Case, in both numbered and non-numbered forms. Contrary to the plain AMS-Extended module, the different theorem types provided here each have a separate counter (e.g., criterion 1, criterion 2, axiom 1, assumption 1, criterion 3, ..., as opposed to criterion 1, criterion 2, axiom 3, assumption 4, ...)."
msgstr "Définir certains environnements additionnels de théorèmes pour l'usage des paquetages de théorèmes AMS. Inclut Critère, Algorithme, Axiome, Condition, Note, Notation, Résumé, Remerciements, Conclusion, Hypothèse et Cas, numérotés ou non numérotés. Au contraire du module AMS étendu ordinaire, les différents types de théorème disponibles ont un compteur séparé (e.g. critère 1, critère 2, axiome 1, hypothèse 1, critère 3, ..., et non pas critère 1, critère 2, axiome 3, hypothèse 4, ...)."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:63
msgid "Criterion \\thecriterion."
msgstr "Critère \\thecriterion."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:77
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:53
msgid "Criterion*"
msgstr "Critère*"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:80
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:56
msgid "Criterion."
msgstr "Critère."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:97
msgid "Algorithm \\thealgorithm."
msgstr "Algorithme \\thealgorithm."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:115
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:91
msgid "Algorithm."
msgstr "Algorithme."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:132
msgid "Axiom \\theaxiom."
msgstr "Axiome \\theaxiom."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:147
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:123
msgid "Axiom*"
msgstr "Axiome*"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:150
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:126
msgid "Axiom."
msgstr "Axiome."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:167
msgid "Condition \\thecondition."
msgstr "Condition \\thecondition."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:182
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:157
msgid "Condition*"
msgstr "Condition*"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:185
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:160
msgid "Condition."
msgstr "Condition."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:217
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:191
msgid "Note*"
msgstr "Note*"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:220
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:194
msgid "Note."
msgstr "Note."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:237
msgid "Notation \\thenotation."
msgstr "Notation \\thenotation."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:252
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:225
msgid "Notation*"
msgstr "Notation*"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:255
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:228
msgid "Notation."
msgstr "Notation."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:272
msgid "Summary \\thesummary."
msgstr "Résumé \\thesummary."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:287
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:259
msgid "Summary*"
msgstr "Résumé*"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:290
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:262
msgid "Summary."
msgstr "Résumé."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:307
msgid "Acknowledgement \\theacknowledgement."
msgstr "Remerciements \\theacknowledgement."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:322
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:293
msgid "Acknowledgement*"
msgstr "Remerciement*"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:342
msgid "Conclusion \\theconclusion."
msgstr "Conclusion \\theconclusion."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:357
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:327
msgid "Conclusion*"
msgstr "Conclusion*"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:360
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:330
msgid "Conclusion."
msgstr "Conclusion."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:374
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:383
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:386
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:401
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:404
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:344
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:354
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:357
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:371
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:374
msgid "Assumption"
msgstr "Hypothèse"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:377
msgid "Assumption \\theassumption."
msgstr "Hypothèse \\theassumption."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:392
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:362
msgid "Assumption*"
msgstr "Hypothèse*"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module:395
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:365
msgid "Assumption."
msgstr "Hypothèse."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:2
msgid "Theorems (AMS-Extended)"
msgstr "Théorèmes (extensions AMS)"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:9
msgid "Defines some additional theorem environments for use with the AMS theorems packages. Includes Criterion, Algorithm, Axiom, Condition, Note, Notation, Summary, Acknowledgement, Conclusion, Fact, Assumption, Case, and Question, in both numbered and non-numbered forms."
msgstr "Définir certains environnements additionnels de théorèmes pour l'usage des paquetages de théorèmes AMS. Inclut Critère, Algorithme, Axiome, Condition, Note, Notation, Résumé, Remerciements, Conclusion, Fait, Hypothèse, Cas et Question, numérotés ou non numérotés."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:10
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams.module:9
#: lib/layouts/theorems-chap.module:9
#: lib/layouts/theorems-sec.module:8
#: lib/layouts/theorems-starred.module:7
#: lib/layouts/theorems-std.module:8
msgid "theorems"
msgstr "théorèmes"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:40
msgid "Criterion \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Critère \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:74
msgid "Algorithm \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Algorithme \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:109
msgid "Axiom \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Axiome \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:143
msgid "Condition \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Condition \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:177
msgid "Note \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Note \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:211
msgid "Notation \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Notation \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:245
msgid "Summary \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Résumé \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:279
msgid "Acknowledgement \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Remerciements \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:313
msgid "Conclusion \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Conclusion \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:348
msgid "Assumption \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Hypothèse \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:382
msgid "Question \\thetheorem."
msgstr "Question \\thetheorem."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:395
msgid "Question*"
msgstr "Question*"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams-extended.module:398
msgid "Question."
msgstr "Question."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams.module:2
msgid "Theorems (AMS)"
msgstr "Théorèmes (AMS)"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-ams.module:8
msgid "Defines theorem environments and the proof environment using the extended AMS machinery. Both numbered and unnumbered types are provided. By default, the theorems are numbered consecutively throughout the document. This can be changed by loading one of the 'Theorems (Numbered by ...)' modules."
msgstr "Définir les environnements « théorème » et « preuve » à l'aide du mécanisme AMS étendu. Les types numéroté et non-numéroté sont tous deux disponibles. Implicitement, les théorèmes sont numérotés consécutivement dans tout le document. Ceci peut être modifié en chargeant un des modules « Théorèmes (numérotation par ...) »."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-bytype.module:2
msgid "Theorems (Numbered by Type)"
msgstr "Théorèmes (numérotation par type)"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-bytype.module:10
msgid "Defines some theorem environments for use with non-AMS classes. Contrary to the plain Theorem module, the different theorem types provided here each have a separate counter (e.g., theorem 1, theorem 2, lemma 1, proposition 1, theorem 3, lemma 2, ..., as opposed to theorem 1, theorem 2, lemma 3, proposition 4, ...). The numbering's scope is the whole document. For chapter- and section-wide numbering, use one of the 'within Sections'/'within Chapters' modules, respectively."
msgstr "Définir quelques environnements « théorème » pour les classes non- AMS. Au contraire du module Théorème ordinaire, les différents types de théorème disponibles ont un compteur séparé (e.g. théorème 1, théorème 2, lemme 1, proposition 1, théorème 3, lemme 2, ..., et non pas théorème 1, théorème 2, lemme 3, proposition 4, ...). La numérotation porte sur le document entier. Pour les numérotation par chapitre ou par section, utiliser l'un des modules « numérotation par sections » ou « numérotation par chapitres », respectivement."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-chap-bytype.module:2
msgid "Theorems (Numbered by Type within Chapters)"
msgstr "Théorèmes (numérotation par type et par chapitre)"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-chap-bytype.module:9
msgid "Defines some theorem environments for use with non-AMS classes. Contrary to the plain Theorem module, the different theorem types provided here each have a separate counter (e.g., theorem 1, theorem 2, lemma 1, proposition 1, theorem 3, lemma 2, ..., as opposed to theorem 1, theorem 2, lemma 3, proposition 4, ...). The numbering is reset at each chapter start."
msgstr "Définir quelques environnements « théorème » pour les classes non- AMS. Au contraire du module Théorème ordinaire, les différents types de théorème disponibles ont un compteur séparé (e.g. théorème 1, théorème 2, lemme 1, proposition 1, théorème 3, lemme 2, ..., et non pas théorème 1, théorème 2, lemme 3, proposition 4, ...). La numérotation redémarre à chaque début de chapitre."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-chap.module:2
msgid "Theorems (Numbered by Chapter)"
msgstr "Théorèmes (numérotation par chapitre)"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-chap.module:7
msgid "Numbers theorems and the like by chapter (i.e., the counter is reset at each chapter start). Use this module only with document classes that provide a chapter environment."
msgstr "Numéroter les théorèmes et similaires par chapitre (i. e., le compteur est redémarré à chaque début de chapitre). N'utiliser ce module qu'avec des classes de document fournissant une environnement de chapitre."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-named.module:3
msgid "Named Theorems"
msgstr "Théorèmes nommés"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-named.module:7
msgid "Facilitates the use of named theorems. The name of the theorem goes into the 'Short Title' inset."
msgstr "Facilite l'utilisation des théorèmes explicitement nommés. Le nom explicite est saisi dans l'insert « Titre court »."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-named.module:11
msgid "Named Theorem"
msgstr "Théorème nommé"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-named.module:14
msgid "Named Theorem."
msgstr "Théorème nommé."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-sec-bytype.module:2
msgid "Theorems (Numbered by Type within Sections)"
msgstr "Théorèmes (numérotation par type et par section)"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-sec-bytype.module:9
msgid "Defines some theorem environments for use with non-AMS classes. Contrary to the plain Theorem module, the different theorem types provided here each have a separate counter (e.g., theorem 1, theorem 2, lemma 1, proposition 1, theorem 3, lemma 2, ..., as opposed to theorem 1, theorem 2, lemma 3, proposition 4, ...). The numbering is reset at each section start."
msgstr "Définir quelques environnements « théorème » pour les classes non- AMS. Au contraire du module Théorème ordinaire, les différents types de théorème disponibles ont un compteur séparé (e.g. théorème 1, théorème 2, lemme 1, proposition 1, théorème 3, lemme 2, ..., et non pas théorème 1, théorème 2, lemme 3, proposition 4, ...). La numérotation redémarre à chaque début de section."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-sec.module:2
msgid "Theorems (Numbered by Section)"
msgstr "Théorèmes (numérotation par section)"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-sec.module:6
msgid "Numbers theorems and the like by section (i.e., the counter is reset at each section start)."
msgstr "Numéroter les théorèmes et similaires par chapitre (i. e., le compteur est redémarré à chaque début de chapitre)."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-starred.module:2
msgid "Theorems (Unnumbered)"
msgstr "Théorèmes (non numérotés)"
#: lib/layouts/theorems-starred.module:6
msgid "Defines only unnumbered theorem environments, and the proof environment, using the extended AMS machinery."
msgstr "Définir seulement des environnements de théorème non numérotés, et l'environnement de preuve, via le mécanisme AMS étendu."
#: lib/layouts/theorems-std.module:7
msgid "Defines some theorem environments for use with non-AMS classes. By default, the theorems are numbered consecutively throughout the document. This can be changed by loading one of the 'Theorems (Numbered by ...)' modules."
msgstr "Définir certains environnements de théorème utilisables avec des classes non-AMS. Implicitement, les théorèmes sont numérotés consécutivement dans tout le document. Ceci peut être modifié en chargeant un des modules « Théorèmes (numérotation par ...) »."
#: lib/languages:61
#: src/Font.cpp:61
#: src/Font.cpp:64
#: src/Font.cpp:68
#: src/Font.cpp:73
#: src/Font.cpp:76
msgid "Ignore"
msgstr "Ignorer"
#: lib/languages:79
msgid "Afrikaans"
msgstr "Afrikaans"
#: lib/languages:86
msgid "Albanian"
msgstr "Albanais"
#: lib/languages:94
msgid "English (USA)"
msgstr "Anglais (États-Unis d'Amérique)"
#: lib/languages:113
msgid "Arabic (ArabTeX)"
msgstr "Arabe (ArabTeX)"
#: lib/languages:122
msgid "Arabic (Arabi)"
msgstr "Arabe"
#: lib/languages:132
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:63
msgid "Armenian"
msgstr "Arménien"
#: lib/languages:139
msgid "German (Austria, old spelling)"
msgstr "Allemand (Autriche, ancienne orthographe)"
#: lib/languages:146
msgid "German (Austria)"
msgstr "Allemand (Autriche)"
#: lib/languages:153
msgid "Indonesian"
msgstr "Indonesien"
#: lib/languages:161
msgid "Malay"
msgstr "Malais"
#: lib/languages:169
msgid "Basque"
msgstr "Basque"
#: lib/languages:180
msgid "Belarusian"
msgstr "Biélorusse"
#: lib/languages:187
msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)"
msgstr "Portugais (Brésil)"
#: lib/languages:195
msgid "Breton"
msgstr "Breton"
#: lib/languages:203
msgid "English (UK)"
msgstr "Anglais (Royaume Uni)"
#: lib/languages:212
msgid "Bulgarian"
msgstr "Bulgare"
#: lib/languages:221
msgid "English (Canada)"
msgstr "Anglais (Canada)"
#: lib/languages:231
msgid "French (Canada)"
msgstr "Français (Canadien)"
#: lib/languages:240
msgid "Catalan"
msgstr "Catalan"
#: lib/languages:250
msgid "Chinese (simplified)"
msgstr "Chinois (simplifié)"
#: lib/languages:257
msgid "Chinese (traditional)"
msgstr "Chinois (traditionnel)"
#: lib/languages:270
msgid "Croatian"
msgstr "Croate"
#: lib/languages:278
msgid "Czech"
msgstr "Tchèque"
#: lib/languages:286
msgid "Danish"
msgstr "Danois"
#: lib/languages:301
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Néerlandais"
#: lib/languages:310
msgid "English"
msgstr "Anglais"
#: lib/languages:320
msgid "Esperanto"
msgstr "Espéranto"
#: lib/languages:328
msgid "Estonian"
msgstr "Estonien"
#: lib/languages:341
msgid "Farsi"
msgstr "Farsi"
#: lib/languages:354
msgid "Finnish"
msgstr "Finnois"
#: lib/languages:363
msgid "French"
msgstr "Français"
#: lib/languages:377
msgid "Galician"
msgstr "Galicien"
#: lib/languages:389
msgid "German (old spelling)"
msgstr "Allemand (ancienne orthographe)"
#: lib/languages:399
msgid "German"
msgstr "Allemand"
#: lib/languages:410
msgid "German (Switzerland)"
msgstr "Allemand (Suisse)"
#: lib/languages:419
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:281
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:529
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:61
msgid "Greek"
msgstr "Grec"
#: lib/languages:428
msgid "Greek (polytonic)"
msgstr "Grec (polytonique)"
#: lib/languages:438
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:64
msgid "Hebrew"
msgstr "Hébreu"
#: lib/languages:466
msgid "Icelandic"
msgstr "Islandais"
#: lib/languages:476
msgid "Interlingua"
msgstr "Interlingua"
#: lib/languages:484
msgid "Irish"
msgstr "Irlandais"
#: lib/languages:492
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Italien"
#: lib/languages:503
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Japonnais"
#: lib/languages:512
msgid "Japanese (CJK)"
msgstr "Japonnais (CJK)"
#: lib/languages:518
msgid "Kazakh"
msgstr "Kazakh"
#: lib/languages:525
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Coréen"
#: lib/languages:547
msgid "Latin"
msgstr "Latin"
#: lib/languages:557
msgid "Latvian"
msgstr "Letton"
#: lib/languages:568
msgid "Lithuanian"
msgstr "Lituanien"
# C'est un dialecte allemand
#: lib/languages:577
msgid "Lower Sorbian"
msgstr "Bas Sorabe"
#: lib/languages:585
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr "Hongrois"
#: lib/languages:602
msgid "Mongolian"
msgstr "Mongol"
#: lib/languages:610
msgid "Norwegian (Bokmaal)"
msgstr "Norvégien (Bokmaal)"
#: lib/languages:618
msgid "Norwegian (Nynorsk)"
msgstr "Norvégien (Nynorsk)"
#: lib/languages:643
msgid "Polish"
msgstr "Polonais"
#: lib/languages:651
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr "Portugais"
#: lib/languages:659
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "Roumain"
#: lib/languages:667
msgid "Russian"
msgstr "Russe"
#: lib/languages:675
msgid "North Sami"
msgstr "Nord Sami"
#: lib/languages:690
msgid "Scottish"
msgstr "Écossais"
#: lib/languages:698
msgid "Serbian"
msgstr "Serbe"
#: lib/languages:706
msgid "Serbian (Latin)"
msgstr "Serbe (latin)"
#: lib/languages:715
msgid "Slovak"
msgstr "Slovaque"
#: lib/languages:723
msgid "Slovene"
msgstr "Slovène"
#: lib/languages:731
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Espagnol"
#: lib/languages:743
msgid "Spanish (Mexico)"
msgstr "Espagnol (Mexique)"
#: lib/languages:754
msgid "Swedish"
msgstr "Suédois"
#: lib/languages:783
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:75
msgid "Thai"
msgstr "Thaï"
#: lib/languages:794
msgid "Turkish"
msgstr "Turc"
#: lib/languages:807
msgid "Turkmen"
msgstr "Turkmen"
#: lib/languages:816
msgid "Ukrainian"
msgstr "Ukrainien"
# C'est un dialecte allemand
#: lib/languages:824
msgid "Upper Sorbian"
msgstr "Haut Sorabe"
#: lib/languages:842
msgid "Vietnamese"
msgstr "Vietnamien"
#: lib/languages:851
msgid "Welsh"
msgstr "Gallois"
#: lib/encodings:14
msgid "Unicode (utf8)"
msgstr "Unicode (utf8)"
#: lib/encodings:19
msgid "Unicode (ucs-extended) (utf8x)"
msgstr "Unicode (extension ucs) (utf8x)"
#: lib/encodings:23
msgid "Armenian (ArmSCII8)"
msgstr "Arménien (ArmSCII8)"
#: lib/encodings:26
msgid "Western European (ISO 8859-1)"
msgstr "Europe occidentale (ISO 8859-1)"
#: lib/encodings:29
msgid "Central European (ISO 8859-2)"
msgstr "Europe centrale (ISO 8859-2)"
#: lib/encodings:32
msgid "South European (ISO 8859-3)"
msgstr "Europe du sud (ISO 8859-3)"
#: lib/encodings:35
msgid "Baltic (ISO 8859-4)"
msgstr "Baltique (ISO 8859-4)"
#: lib/encodings:38
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO 8859-5)"
msgstr "Cyrillique (ISO 8859-5)"
#: lib/encodings:42
msgid "Arabic (ISO 8859-6)"
msgstr "Arabe (ISO 8859-6)"
#: lib/encodings:45
msgid "Greek (ISO 8859-7)"
msgstr "Grec (ISO 8859-7)"
#: lib/encodings:48
msgid "Hebrew (ISO 8859-8)"
msgstr "Hébreu (ISO 8859-8)"
#: lib/encodings:51
msgid "Turkish (ISO 8859-9)"
msgstr "Turc (ISO 8859-9)"
#: lib/encodings:55
msgid "Baltic (ISO 8859-13)"
msgstr "Baltique (ISO 8859-13)"
#: lib/encodings:58
msgid "Western European (ISO 8859-15)"
msgstr "Europe occidentale (ISO 8859-15)"
#: lib/encodings:61
msgid "South-Eastern European (ISO 8859-16)"
msgstr "Europe du sud-est (ISO 8859-16)"
#: lib/encodings:64
msgid "Western European (Macintosh Roman)"
msgstr "Europe occidentale (romain Macintosh)"
#: lib/encodings:67
msgid "DOS (CP 437)"
msgstr "DOS (CP 437)"
#: lib/encodings:71
msgid "DOS-de (CP 437-de)"
msgstr "DOS-de (CP 437-de)"
#: lib/encodings:74
msgid "Western European (CP 850)"
msgstr "Europe occidentale (CP 850)"
#: lib/encodings:77
msgid "Central European (CP 852)"
msgstr "Europe centrale (CP 852)"
#: lib/encodings:80
msgid "Cyrillic (CP 855)"
msgstr "Cyrillique (CP 855)"
#: lib/encodings:83
msgid "Western European (CP 858)"
msgstr "Europe occidentale (CP 858)"
#: lib/encodings:86
msgid "Hebrew (CP 862)"
msgstr "Hébreu (CP 862)"
#: lib/encodings:89
msgid "Nordic languages (CP 865)"
msgstr "Langues nordiques (CP 865)"
#: lib/encodings:92
msgid "Cyrillic (CP 866)"
msgstr "Cyrillique (CP 866)"
#: lib/encodings:95
msgid "Central European (CP 1250)"
msgstr "Europe centrale (CP 1250)"
#: lib/encodings:98
msgid "Cyrillic (CP 1251)"
msgstr "Cyrillique (CP 1251)"
#: lib/encodings:102
msgid "Western European (CP 1252)"
msgstr "Europe occidentale (CP 1252)"
#: lib/encodings:105
msgid "Hebrew (CP 1255)"
msgstr "Hébreu (CP 1255)"
#: lib/encodings:109
msgid "Arabic (CP 1256)"
msgstr "Arabe (CP 1256)"
#: lib/encodings:112
msgid "Baltic (CP 1257)"
msgstr "Baltique (CP 1257)"
#: lib/encodings:115
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Cyrillique (KOI8-R)"
#: lib/encodings:118
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Cyrillique (KOI8-U)"
#: lib/encodings:121
msgid "Cyrillic (pt 154)"
msgstr "Cyrillique (pt 154)"
#: lib/encodings:124
msgid "Cyrillic (pt 254)"
msgstr "Cyrillique (pt 254)"
#: lib/encodings:149
msgid "Chinese (simplified) (EUC-CN)"
msgstr "Chinois (simplifié) (EUC-CN)"
#: lib/encodings:153
msgid "Chinese (simplified) (GBK)"
msgstr "Chinois (simplifié) (GBK)"
#: lib/encodings:157
msgid "Japanese (CJK) (JIS)"
msgstr "Japonais (CJK) (JIS)"
#: lib/encodings:161
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Coréen (EUC-KR)"
#: lib/encodings:165
msgid "Unicode (CJK) (utf8)"
msgstr "Unicode (CJK) (utf8)"
#: lib/encodings:169
msgid "Chinese (traditional) (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Chinois (traditionnel) (EUC-TW)"
#: lib/encodings:173
msgid "Japanese (CJK) (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japonais (CJK) (EUC-JP)"
#: lib/encodings:180
msgid "Japanese (non-CJK) (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japonais (non-CJK) (EUC-JP)"
#: lib/encodings:182
msgid "Japanese (non-CJK) (JIS)"
msgstr "Japonais (non-CJK) (JIS)"
#: lib/encodings:184
msgid "Japanese (non-CJK) (SJIS)"
msgstr "Japonais (non-CJK) (SJIS)"
#: lib/encodings:191
msgid "Thai (TIS 620-0)"
msgstr "Thai (TIS 620-0)"
#: lib/encodings:196
msgid "Unicode (XeTeX) (utf8)"
msgstr "Unicode (XeTeX) (utf8)"
#: lib/encodings:200
msgid "ASCII"
msgstr "ASCII"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:30
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:426
msgid "Array Environment|y"
msgstr "Environnement tableau|b"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:31
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:427
msgid "Cases Environment|C"
msgstr "Environnement cas|c"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:32
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:428
msgid "Aligned Environment|l"
msgstr "Environnement Aligné|v"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:33
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:429
msgid "AlignedAt Environment|v"
msgstr "Environnement AlignéSur|é"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:34
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:430
msgid "Gathered Environment|h"
msgstr "Environnement Rassemblé|m"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:35
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:431
msgid "Split Environment|S"
msgstr "Environnement disjoint|j"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:37
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:433
msgid "Delimiters...|r"
msgstr "Délimiteurs...|r"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:38
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:434
msgid "Matrix...|x"
msgstr "Matrice...|t"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:39
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:435
msgid "Macro|o"
msgstr "Macro|o"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:43
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:302
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:419
msgid "AMS align Environment|a"
msgstr "Environnement AMS align|S"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:44
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:303
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:420
msgid "AMS alignat Environment|t"
msgstr "Environnement AMS alignat|i"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:45
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:304
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:421
msgid "AMS flalign Environment|f"
msgstr "Environnement AMS flalign|f"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:46
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:305
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:422
msgid "AMS gather Environment|g"
msgstr "Environnement AMS gather|g"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:47
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:306
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:423
msgid "AMS multline Environment|m"
msgstr "Environnement AMS multline|u"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:51
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:299
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:415
msgid "Inline Formula|I"
msgstr "Formule en ligne|l"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:52
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:300
msgid "Displayed Formula|D"
msgstr "Formule hors ligne|h"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:53
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:301
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:418
msgid "Eqnarray Environment|E"
msgstr "Environnement tableau d'équations|E"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:54
msgid "AMS Environment|A"
msgstr "Environnement AMS|S"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:56
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:217
msgid "Number Whole Formula|N"
msgstr "Numéroter toute la formule|N"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:57
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:218
msgid "Number This Line|u"
msgstr "Numéroter cette ligne|m"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:58
msgid "Equation Label|L"
msgstr "Étiquette d'équation|é"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:59
msgid "Copy as Reference|R"
msgstr "Copier comme référence|C"
# menu éditer math
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:61
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:228
msgid "Split Cell|C"
msgstr "Fractionner cellule|u"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:63
msgid "Insert|s"
msgstr "Insertion|I"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:65
msgid "Add Line Above|o"
msgstr "Ajouter une ligne au-dessus|A"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:66
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:231
msgid "Add Line Below|B"
msgstr "Ajouter une ligne au-dessous|o"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:67
msgid "Delete Line Above|v"
msgstr "Supprimer la ligne au-dessus|S"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:68
msgid "Delete Line Below|w"
msgstr "Supprimer la ligne au-dessous|p"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:70
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:235
msgid "Add Line to Left"
msgstr "Ajouter une ligne à gauche"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:71
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:236
msgid "Add Line to Right"
msgstr "Ajouter une ligne à droite"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:72
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:237
msgid "Delete Line to Left"
msgstr "Supprimer la ligne à gauche"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:73
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:238
msgid "Delete Line to Right"
msgstr "Supprimer la ligne à droite"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:75
msgid "Show Math Toolbar"
msgstr "Afficher la barre d'outils mathématiques"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:76
msgid "Show Math-Panels Toolbar"
msgstr "Afficher la barre d'outils palette mathématique"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:77
msgid "Show Table Toolbar"
msgstr "Afficher la barre d'outils tableaux"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:79
msgid "Use Computer Algebra System|m"
msgstr "Appel à un logiciel de calcul formel|g"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:87
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:105
msgid "Next Cross-Reference|N"
msgstr "Référence croisée suivante|v"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:88
msgid "Go to Label|G"
msgstr "Aller à l'étiquette|A"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:90
msgid "<Reference>|R"
msgstr "<Référence>|r"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:91
msgid "(<Reference>)|e"
msgstr "(<Référence>)|e"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:92
msgid "<Page>|P"
msgstr "<Page>|P"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:93
msgid "On Page <Page>|O"
msgstr "Sur la page <page>|g"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:94
msgid "<Reference> on Page <Page>|f"
msgstr "<Référence> page <page>|f"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:95
msgid "Formatted Reference|t"
msgstr "Référence mise en forme|o"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:96
msgid "Textual Reference|x"
msgstr "Référence textuelle|x"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:98
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:110
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:120
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:128
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:137
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:148
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:155
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:218
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:236
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:263
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:357
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:370
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:432
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:452
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:463
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:471
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:481
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:489
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:497
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:505
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:518
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:528
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:549
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:557
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:603
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:507
msgid "Settings...|S"
msgstr "Paramètres...|m"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:106
msgid "Go Back|G"
msgstr "Revenir|R"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:108
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:449
msgid "Copy as Reference|C"
msgstr "Copier comme référence|C"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:130
msgid "Edit Database(s) Externally...|x"
msgstr "Modifier la(les) base(s) de données via une application externe...|l"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:144
msgid "Open Inset|O"
msgstr "Ouvrir l'insert|O"
# ajouter raccourci
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:145
msgid "Close Inset|C"
msgstr "Fermer l'insert|i"
# menu Editer quand on est dans un insert
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:147
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:153
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:565
msgid "Dissolve Inset|D"
msgstr "Supprimer l'insert|u"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:152
msgid "Show Label|L"
msgstr "Afficher l'étiquette|A"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:163
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:463
msgid "Frameless|l"
msgstr "Sans cadre|S"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:164
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:464
msgid "Simple Frame|F"
msgstr "Cadre simple|p"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:165
msgid "Simple Frame, Page Breaks|P"
msgstr "Cadre simple, sauts de page|a"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:166
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:465
msgid "Oval, Thin|a"
msgstr "Ovale, fin|O"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:167
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:466
msgid "Oval, Thick|v"
msgstr "Ovale, épais|v"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:168
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:467
msgid "Drop Shadow|w"
msgstr "Ombre en relief|f"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:169
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:468
msgid "Shaded Background|B"
msgstr "Fond ombré|b"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:170
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:469
msgid "Double Frame|u"
msgstr "Double cadre|D"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:178
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:473
msgid "LyX Note|N"
msgstr "Note LyX|N"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:179
msgid "Comment|m"
msgstr "Commentaire|C"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:180
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:475
msgid "Greyed Out|G"
msgstr "Grisée|G"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:182
msgid "Open All Notes|A"
msgstr "Ouvrir toutes les notes|v"
# ajouter raccourci
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:183
msgid "Close All Notes|l"
msgstr "Fermer toutes les notes|F"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:191
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:485
msgid "Phantom|P"
msgstr "Fantôme|F"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:192
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:486
msgid "Horizontal Phantom|H"
msgstr "Fantôme horizontal|z"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:193
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:487
msgid "Vertical Phantom|V"
msgstr "Fantôme vertical|c"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:200
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:395
msgid "Interword Space|w"
msgstr "Espace entre mots|t"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:201
msgid "Protected Space|o"
msgstr "Espace insécable|E"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:202
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:225
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:396
msgid "Thin Space|T"
msgstr "Espace fine|f"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:203
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:228
msgid "Negative Thin Space|N"
msgstr "Espace fine négative|v"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:204
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:231
msgid "Half Quad Space (Enskip)|k"
msgstr "Saut demi-cadratin (saut de dimension n)|S"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:205
msgid "Protected Half Quad Space (Enspace)|E"
msgstr "Espace insécable demi-cadratin (espace-n)|n"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:206
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:232
msgid "Quad Space|Q"
msgstr "Espace cadratin|c"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:207
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:233
msgid "Double Quad Space|u"
msgstr "Espace double cadratin|u"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:208
msgid "Horizontal Fill|F"
msgstr "Ressort horizontal|t"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:209
msgid "Protected Horizontal Fill|i"
msgstr "Remplissage horizontal insécable|z"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:210
msgid "Horizontal Fill (Dots)|D"
msgstr "Remplissage horizontal (points)|p"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:211
msgid "Horizontal Fill (Rule)|R"
msgstr "Remplissage horizontal (filet)|l"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:212
msgid "Horizontal Fill (Left Arrow)|L"
msgstr "Remplissage horizontal (flèche gauche)|g"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:213
msgid "Horizontal Fill (Right Arrow)|g"
msgstr "Remplissage horizontal (flèche droite)|d"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:214
msgid "Horizontal Fill (Up Brace)|p"
msgstr "Remplissage horizontal (accolade vers le haut)|h"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:215
msgid "Horizontal Fill (Down Brace)|B"
msgstr "Remplissage horizontal (accolade vers le bas)|b"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:216
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:234
msgid "Custom Length|C"
msgstr "Dimension réglable|a"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:226
msgid "Medium Space|M"
msgstr "Espace moyenne|m"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:227
msgid "Thick Space|h"
msgstr "Espace large|l"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:229
msgid "Negative Medium Space|u"
msgstr "Espace moyenne négative|n"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:230
msgid "Negative Thick Space|i"
msgstr "Espace large négative|g"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:243
msgid "DefSkip|D"
msgstr "Implicite|I"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:244
msgid "SmallSkip|S"
msgstr "Petit|P"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:245
msgid "MedSkip|M"
msgstr "Moyen|y"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:246
msgid "BigSkip|B"
msgstr "Grand|G"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:247
msgid "VFill|F"
msgstr "Ressort vertical|v"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:248
msgid "Custom|C"
msgstr "Réglable|R"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:250
msgid "Settings...|e"
msgstr "Paramètres...|e"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:257
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:512
msgid "Include|c"
msgstr "Inclus (include)|c"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:258
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:513
msgid "Input|p"
msgstr "Incorporé (input)|p"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:259
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:514
msgid "Verbatim|V"
msgstr "Verbatim|V"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:260
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:515
msgid "Verbatim (marked blanks)|b"
msgstr "Verbatim (espaces marqués)|b"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:261
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:516
msgid "Listing|L"
msgstr "Listing|L"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:265
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:520
msgid "Edit Included File...|E"
msgstr "Modifier le fichier inclus...|s"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:272
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:407
msgid "New Page|N"
msgstr "Saut de page (fer en haut)|g"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:273
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:408
msgid "Page Break|a"
msgstr "Saut de page (justifié)|S"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:274
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:409
msgid "Clear Page|C"
msgstr "Saut de page (vide le tampon)|o"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:275
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:410
msgid "Clear Double Page|D"
msgstr "Saut de page impaire|u"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:282
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:404
msgid "Ragged Line Break|R"
msgstr "Passage à la ligne (fer à gauche)|l"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:283
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:405
msgid "Justified Line Break|J"
msgstr "Passage à la ligne (justifié)|j"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:292
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:102
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:80
#: src/Text3.cpp:1224
#: src/mathed/InsetMathNest.cpp:596
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Couper"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:293
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:103
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:81
#: src/Text3.cpp:1229
#: src/mathed/InsetMathNest.cpp:605
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copier"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:294
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:104
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:82
#: src/Text3.cpp:1177
#: src/mathed/InsetMathGrid.cpp:1327
#: src/mathed/InsetMathNest.cpp:575
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Coller"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:295
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:105
msgid "Paste Recent|e"
msgstr "Coller une sélection récente|é"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:297
msgid "Jump Back to Saved Bookmark|B"
msgstr "Revenir au signet enregistré|v"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:298
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:529
msgid "Forward search|F"
msgstr "Recherche directe|d"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:300
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:114
msgid "Move Paragraph Up|o"
msgstr "Déplacer le paragraphe vers le haut|h"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:301
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:115
msgid "Move Paragraph Down|v"
msgstr "Déplacer le paragraphe vers le bas|b"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:303
msgid "Promote Section|r"
msgstr "Promouvoir la section|m"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:304
msgid "Demote Section|m"
msgstr "Rétrograder la section|g"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:305
msgid "Move Section Down|D"
msgstr "Déplacer la section vers le bas|D"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:306
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:585
msgid "Move Section Up|U"
msgstr "Déplacer la section vers le haut|u"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:307
msgid "Insert Short Title|T"
msgstr "Insérer un titre court|c"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:308
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:356
msgid "Insert Regular Expression"
msgstr "Insérer une expression régulière"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:310
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:574
msgid "Accept Change|c"
msgstr "Accepter la modification|A"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:311
msgid "Reject Change|j"
msgstr "Rejeter la modification|R"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:313
msgid "Apply Last Text Style|A"
msgstr "Appliquer le dernier style de texte|q"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:314
msgid "Text Style|x"
msgstr "Style de texte|y"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:315
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:119
msgid "Paragraph Settings...|P"
msgstr "Paramètres de paragraphe...|è"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:318
msgid "Fullscreen Mode"
msgstr "Plein écran"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:326
msgid "Anything|A"
msgstr "Tout|T"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:327
msgid "Anything Non-Empty|o"
msgstr "Une chaîne non vide quelconque|v"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:328
msgid "Any Word|W"
msgstr "Un mot quelconque|m"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:329
msgid "Any Number|N"
msgstr "Un nombre quelconque|n"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:330
msgid "User Defined|U"
msgstr "Défini par l'utilisateur|u"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:339
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:242
msgid "Append Argument"
msgstr "Ajouter un argument"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:340
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:243
msgid "Remove Last Argument"
msgstr "Supprimer le dernier argument"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:342
msgid "Make First Non-Optional Into Optional Argument"
msgstr "Rendre optionnel le premier argument non optionnel"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:343
msgid "Make Last Optional Into Non-Optional Argument"
msgstr "Rendre non optionnel le dernier argument optionnel"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:344
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:247
msgid "Insert Optional Argument"
msgstr "Insérer un argument optionnel"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:345
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:248
msgid "Remove Optional Argument"
msgstr "Supprimer un argument optionnel"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:347
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:250
msgid "Append Argument Eating From the Right"
msgstr "Ajouter l'argument en intégrant depuis la droite"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:348
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:251
msgid "Append Optional Argument Eating From the Right"
msgstr "Ajouter l'argument optionnel en intégrant depuis la droite"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:349
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:252
msgid "Remove Last Argument Spitting Out to the Right"
msgstr "Enlever le dernier argument en éjectant par la droite"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:358
msgid "Reload|R"
msgstr "Recharger|R"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:360
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:372
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:473
msgid "Edit Externally...|x"
msgstr "Modifier le fichier via une application externe...|l"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:380
msgid "Multicolumn|u"
msgstr "Multi-colonnes|n"
# Conflit raccourci avec « Au milieu » insoluble
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:381
msgid "Multirow|w"
msgstr "Multi-lignes|e"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:383
msgid "Top Line|n"
msgstr "Ligne du haut|h"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:384
msgid "Bottom Line|i"
msgstr "Ligne du bas|b"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:385
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:188
msgid "Left Line|L"
msgstr "Ligne de gauche|g"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:386
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:189
msgid "Right Line|R"
msgstr "Ligne de droite|d"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:388
msgid "Left|f"
msgstr "À gauche|À"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:389
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:198
msgid "Center|C"
msgstr "Centré|é"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:390
msgid "Right|h"
msgstr "À droite|r"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:391
msgid "Decimal"
msgstr "Décimal"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:393
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:201
msgid "Top|T"
msgstr "En haut|t"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:394
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:202
msgid "Middle|M"
msgstr "Au milieu|l"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:395
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:203
msgid "Bottom|B"
msgstr "En bas|s"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:397
msgid "Append Row|A"
msgstr "Ajouter une ligne|j"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:398
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:206
msgid "Delete Row|D"
msgstr "Supprimer la ligne|u"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:399
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:207
msgid "Copy Row|o"
msgstr "Copier la ligne|o"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:402
msgid "Append Column|p"
msgstr "Ajouter une colonne|A"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:403
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:211
msgid "Delete Column|e"
msgstr "Supprimer la colonne|p"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:404
msgid "Copy Column|y"
msgstr "Copier la colonne|i"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:407
msgid "Settings...|g"
msgstr "Paramètres...|m"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:415
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:30
msgid "File|F"
msgstr "Fichier|F"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:416
msgid "Path|P"
msgstr "Répertoires|R"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:417
msgid "Class|C"
msgstr "Classe|C"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:419
msgid "File Revision|R"
msgstr "Révision du fichier|R"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:420
msgid "Tree Revision|T"
msgstr "Révision de l'arborescence|n"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:421
msgid "Revision Author|A"
msgstr "Auteur de la révision|A"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:422
msgid "Revision Date|D"
msgstr "date de la révision|D"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:423
msgid "Revision Time|i"
msgstr "Heure de la révision|H"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:425
msgid "LyX Version|X"
msgstr "Version de LyX|X"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:429
msgid "Document Info|D"
msgstr "Informations sur le document|d"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:431
msgid "Copy Text|o"
msgstr "Copier le texte|C"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:440
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:460
msgid "Activate Branch|A"
msgstr "Activer la branche|A"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:441
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:461
msgid "Deactivate Branch|e"
msgstr "Désactiver la branche|e"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:450
msgid "Insert Reference at Cursor Position|I"
msgstr "Insérer la référence à la position du curseur|I"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:544
msgid "All Indexes|A"
msgstr "Tous les index|A"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:547
msgid "Subindex|b"
msgstr "Sous-index|S"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:575
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:514
msgid "Reject Change|R"
msgstr "Rejeter la modification|R"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:583
msgid "Promote Section|P"
msgstr "Promouvoir la section|m"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:584
msgid "Demote Section|D"
msgstr "Rétrograder la section|g"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:586
msgid "Move Section Down|w"
msgstr "Déplacer la section vers le bas|D"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:588
msgid "Select Section|S"
msgstr "Sélectionner la section|S"
#: lib/ui/stdcontext.inc:596
msgid "Wrap by Preview|y"
msgstr "Enrober par l'aperçu|p"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:31
msgid "Edit|E"
msgstr "Édition|É"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:32
msgid "View|V"
msgstr "Affichage|A"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:33
msgid "Insert|I"
msgstr "Insertion|I"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:34
msgid "Navigate|N"
msgstr "Navigation|N"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:35
msgid "Document|D"
msgstr "Document|u"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:36
msgid "Tools|T"
msgstr "Outils|O"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:37
msgid "Help|H"
msgstr "Aide|d"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:45
msgid "New|N"
msgstr "Nouveau|N"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:46
msgid "New from Template...|m"
msgstr "Nouveau avec modèle...|m"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:47
msgid "Open...|O"
msgstr "Ouvrir...|O"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:48
msgid "Open Recent|t"
msgstr "Documents récents|D"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:50
msgid "Close|C"
msgstr "Fermer|F"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:51
msgid "Close All"
msgstr "Tout fermer"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:52
msgid "Save|S"
msgstr "Enregistrer|E"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:53
msgid "Save As...|A"
msgstr "Enregistrer sous...|s"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:54
msgid "Save All|l"
msgstr "Enregistrer tout|g"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:55
msgid "Revert to Saved|R"
msgstr "Revenir à la sauvegarde|R"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:56
msgid "Version Control|V"
msgstr "Contrôle de version|v"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:58
msgid "Import|I"
msgstr "Importer|I"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:59
msgid "Export|E"
msgstr "Exporter|x"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:60
msgid "Print...|P"
msgstr "Imprimer...|p"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:61
msgid "Fax...|F"
msgstr "Fax...|a"
# Raccouci à revoir
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:63
msgid "New Window|W"
msgstr "Nouvelle fenêtre|u"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:64
msgid "Close Window|d"
msgstr "Fermer la fenêtre|t"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:66
msgid "Exit|x"
msgstr "Quitter|Q"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:74
msgid "Register...|R"
msgstr "S'inscrire...|i"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:75
msgid "Check In Changes...|I"
msgstr "Enregistrer les changements...|E"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:76
msgid "Check Out for Edit|O"
msgstr "Nouvelle version modifiable|N"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:77
msgid "Update Local Directory From Repository|d"
msgstr "Mettre à jour le répertoire local à partir du dépôt|M"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:78
msgid "Revert to Repository Version|v"
msgstr "Revenir à la version du dépôt|R"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:79
msgid "Undo Last Check In|U"
msgstr "Annuler le dernier enregistrement|A"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:80
msgid "Compare with Older Revision...|C"
msgstr "Comparer avec une révision antérieure...|C"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:81
msgid "Show History...|H"
msgstr "Afficher l'historique...|h"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:82
msgid "Use Locking Property|L"
msgstr "Utiliser la propriété de verrouillage|p"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:91
msgid "More Formats & Options...|O"
msgstr "Plus de formats et d'options...|o"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:99
msgid "Undo|U"
msgstr "Annuler|A"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:100
msgid "Redo|R"
msgstr "Refaire|R"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:106
msgid "Paste Special"
msgstr "Collage spécial"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:108
msgid "Select Whole Inset"
msgstr "Sélectionner tout l'insert"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:109
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "Sélectionner tout"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:111
msgid "Find & Replace (Quick)...|F"
msgstr "Rechercher et remplacer (simple)...|e"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:112
msgid "Find & Replace (Advanced)..."
msgstr "Rechercher et remplacer (élaboré)..."
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:117
msgid "Text Style|S"
msgstr "Style de texte|y"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:122
msgid "Table|T"
msgstr "Tableau|T"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:123
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:574
msgid "Math|M"
msgstr "Maths|M"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:124
msgid "Rows & Columns|C"
msgstr "Lignes & colonnes|L"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:131
msgid "Increase List Depth|I"
msgstr "Augmenter la profondeur de liste|f"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:132
msgid "Decrease List Depth|D"
msgstr "Réduire la profondeur de liste|u"
# menu Editer quand on est dans un insert
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:133
msgid "Dissolve Inset"
msgstr "Supprimer l'insert"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:134
msgid "TeX Code Settings...|C"
msgstr "Paramètres de code TeX...|X"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:136
msgid "Float Settings...|a"
msgstr "Paramètres de flottant...|f"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:137
msgid "Text Wrap Settings...|W"
msgstr "Paramètres d'enrobage...|e"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:138
msgid "Note Settings...|N"
msgstr "Paramètres de note...|n"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:139
msgid "Phantom Settings...|h"
msgstr "Paramètres de fantôme...|ô"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:140
msgid "Branch Settings...|B"
msgstr "Paramètres de branche...|P"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:141
msgid "Box Settings...|x"
msgstr "Paramètres de boîte...|o"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:142
msgid "Index Entry Settings...|y"
msgstr "Paramètres d'entrée d'index...|d"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:143
msgid "Index Settings...|x"
msgstr "Paramètres d'index...|x"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:144
msgid "Info Settings...|n"
msgstr "Paramètres d'information...|f"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:145
msgid "Listings Settings...|g"
msgstr "Paramètres de listing...|g"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:149
msgid "Table Settings...|a"
msgstr "Paramètres de tableau...|u"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:153
msgid "Plain Text|T"
msgstr "Texte brut|T"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:154
msgid "Plain Text, Join Lines|J"
msgstr "Texte brut par lignes|b"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:156
msgid "Selection|S"
msgstr "Sélection|S"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:157
msgid "Selection, Join Lines|i"
msgstr "Sélection par lignes|l"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:159
msgid "Paste as LinkBack PDF"
msgstr "Copier en PDF LinkBack"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:160
msgid "Paste as PDF"
msgstr "Copier en PDF"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:161
msgid "Paste as PNG"
msgstr "Copier en PNG"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:162
msgid "Paste as JPEG"
msgstr "Copier en JPEG"
# menu Editer quand on est dans un insert
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:170
msgid "Dissolve Text Style"
msgstr "Supprimer le style de caractère"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:174
msgid "Customized...|C"
msgstr "Personnalisé...|P"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:176
msgid "Capitalize|a"
msgstr "Majuscule initiale|i"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:177
msgid "Uppercase|U"
msgstr "Majuscule|j"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:178
msgid "Lowercase|L"
msgstr "Minuscules|l"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:183
msgid "Multicolumn|M"
msgstr "Multi-colonnes|n"
# Conflit raccourci avec « Au milieu » insoluble
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:184
msgid "Multirow|u"
msgstr "Multi-lignes|e"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:186
msgid "Top Line|T"
msgstr "Ligne du haut|h"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:187
msgid "Bottom Line|B"
msgstr "Ligne du bas|b"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:191
msgid "Top|p"
msgstr "En haut|t"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:192
msgid "Middle|i"
msgstr "Au milieu|l"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:193
msgid "Bottom|o"
msgstr "En bas|s"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:197
msgid "Left|L"
msgstr "À gauche|À"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:199
msgid "Right|R"
msgstr "À droite|r"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:205
msgid "Add Row|A"
msgstr "Ajouter une ligne|j"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:210
msgid "Add Column|u"
msgstr "Ajouter une colonne|A"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:212
msgid "Copy Column|p"
msgstr "Copier la colonne|i"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:219
msgid "Change Limits Type|L"
msgstr "Changer le type de limite|i"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:220
msgid "Macro Definition"
msgstr "Définition de macro"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:222
msgid "Change Formula Type|F"
msgstr "Changer le type de formule|f"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:224
msgid "Text Style|T"
msgstr "Style de texte|t"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:226
msgid "Use Computer Algebra System|S"
msgstr "Appel à un logiciel de calcul formel|g"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:230
msgid "Add Line Above|A"
msgstr "Ajouter une ligne au-dessus|A"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:232
msgid "Delete Line Above|D"
msgstr "Supprimer la ligne au-dessus|S"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:233
msgid "Delete Line Below|e"
msgstr "Supprimer la ligne au-dessous|p"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:245
msgid "Make First Non-Optional into Optional Argument"
msgstr "Rendre optionnel le premier argument non optionnel"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:246
msgid "Make Last Optional into Non-Optional Argument"
msgstr "Rendre non optionnel le dernier argument optionnel"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:256
msgid "Default|t"
msgstr "Implicite|p"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:257
msgid "Display|D"
msgstr "Hors ligne|H"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:258
msgid "Inline|I"
msgstr "En ligne|l"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:262
msgid "Math Normal Font|N"
msgstr "Math police normale|n"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:264
msgid "Math Calligraphic Family|C"
msgstr "Math famille calligraphique|c"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:265
msgid "Math Formal Script Family|o"
msgstr "Math famille Script formel|o"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:266
msgid "Math Fraktur Family|F"
msgstr "Math famille Fraktur|F"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:267
msgid "Math Roman Family|R"
msgstr "Math famille romaine|r"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:268
msgid "Math Sans Serif Family|S"
msgstr "Math famille sans empattement|e"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:270
msgid "Math Bold Series|B"
msgstr "Math série grasse|g"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:272
msgid "Text Normal Font|T"
msgstr "Texte police normale|T"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:274
msgid "Text Roman Family"
msgstr "Texte famille romaine"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:275
msgid "Text Sans Serif Family"
msgstr "Texte famille sans empattement"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:276
msgid "Text Typewriter Family"
msgstr "Texte famille chasse fixe"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:278
msgid "Text Bold Series"
msgstr "Texte série grasse"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:279
msgid "Text Medium Series"
msgstr "Texte série moyenne"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:281
msgid "Text Italic Shape"
msgstr "Texte forme italique"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:282
msgid "Text Small Caps Shape"
msgstr "Texte forme petites capitales"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:283
msgid "Text Slanted Shape"
msgstr "Texte forme inclinée"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:284
msgid "Text Upright Shape"
msgstr "Texte forme droite"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:288
msgid "Octave|O"
msgstr "Octave|O"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:289
msgid "Maxima|M"
msgstr "Maxima|M"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:290
msgid "Mathematica|a"
msgstr "Mathematica|a"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:292
msgid "Maple, Simplify|S"
msgstr "Maple, simplify|s"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:293
msgid "Maple, Factor|F"
msgstr "Maple, factor|f"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:294
msgid "Maple, Evalm|E"
msgstr "Maple, evalm|e"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:295
msgid "Maple, Evalf|v"
msgstr "Maple, evalf|v"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:314
msgid "Open All Insets|O"
msgstr "Ouvrir tous les inserts|O"
# ajouter raccourci
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:315
msgid "Close All Insets|C"
msgstr "Fermer tous les inserts|i"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:317
msgid "Unfold Math Macro|n"
msgstr "Déplier la macro mathématique|D"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:318
msgid "Fold Math Macro|d"
msgstr "Replier la macro mathématique|R"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:320
msgid "View Source|S"
msgstr "Afficher le code LaTeX|X"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:321
msgid "View Messages|g"
msgstr "Afficher les messages|g"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:324
msgid "View Master Document|M"
msgstr "Visionner le document maître|m"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:325
msgid "Update Master Document|a"
msgstr "Mettre à jour le document maître|a"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:327
msgid "Split View Into Left and Right Half|i"
msgstr "Diviser la vue gauche/droite|c"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:328
msgid "Split View Into Upper and Lower Half|e"
msgstr "Diviser la vue haut/bas|h"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:329
msgid "Close Current View|w"
msgstr "Fermer la vue active|F"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:330
msgid "Fullscreen|l"
msgstr "Plein écran|l"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:331
msgid "Toolbars|b"
msgstr "Barres d'outils|B"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:346
msgid "Math|h"
msgstr "Maths|h"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:347
msgid "Special Character|p"
msgstr "Caractère spécial|p"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:348
msgid "Formatting|o"
msgstr "Typographie spéciale|é"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:349
msgid "List / TOC|i"
msgstr "Listes & TdM|L"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:350
msgid "Float|a"
msgstr "Flottant|o"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:351
msgid "Note|N"
msgstr "Annotation|n"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:352
msgid "Branch|B"
msgstr "Branche|e"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:353
msgid "Custom Insets"
msgstr "Inserts personnalisables"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:354
msgid "File|e"
msgstr "Fichier|F"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:355
msgid "Box[[Menu]]"
msgstr "Boîte"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:358
msgid "Citation...|C"
msgstr "Citation...|a"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:359
msgid "Cross-Reference...|R"
msgstr "Référence croisée...|R"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:360
msgid "Label...|L"
msgstr "Étiquette...|q"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:363
msgid "Nomenclature Entry...|y"
msgstr "Entrée de glossaire...|s"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:365
msgid "Table...|T"
msgstr "Tableau...|T"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:366
msgid "Graphics...|G"
msgstr "Graphique...|G"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:367
msgid "URL|U"
msgstr "URL|U"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:368
msgid "Hyperlink...|k"
msgstr "Hyperlien...|y"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:369
msgid "Footnote|F"
msgstr "Note de bas de page|b"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:370
msgid "Marginal Note|M"
msgstr "Note en marge|m"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:371
msgid "Short Title|S"
msgstr "Titre court|c"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:372
msgid "TeX Code|X"
msgstr "Code TeX|X"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:373
msgid "Program Listing[[Menu]]"
msgstr "Listing de code source"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:375
msgid "Preview|w"
msgstr "Aperçu|ç"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:379
msgid "Symbols...|b"
msgstr "Symboles...|b"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:380
msgid "Ellipsis|i"
msgstr "Points de suspension|s"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:381
msgid "End of Sentence|E"
msgstr "Point final|f"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:382
msgid "Ordinary Quote|Q"
msgstr "Guillemet droit|G"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:383
msgid "Single Quote|S"
msgstr "Guillemet simple|u"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:384
msgid "Protected Hyphen|y"
msgstr "Césure protégée|r"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:385
msgid "Breakable Slash|a"
msgstr "Barre oblique sécable|a"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:386
msgid "Menu Separator|M"
msgstr "Séparateur de menu|m"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:387
msgid "Phonetic Symbols|P"
msgstr "Symboles phonétiques|y"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:391
msgid "Superscript|S"
msgstr "Exposant|x"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:392
msgid "Subscript|u"
msgstr "Indice|I"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:394
msgid "Protected Space|P"
msgstr "Espace insécable|E"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:397
msgid "Horizontal Space...|o"
msgstr "Espacement horizontal...|p"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:398
msgid "Horizontal Line...|L"
msgstr "Ligne horizontale...|z"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:399
msgid "Vertical Space...|V"
msgstr "Espacement vertical...|v"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:400
msgid "Phantom|m"
msgstr "Fantôme|m"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:402
msgid "Hyphenation Point|H"
msgstr "Point de césure|c"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:403
msgid "Ligature Break|k"
msgstr "Séparation de ligature|a"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:416
msgid "Display Formula|D"
msgstr "Formule hors ligne|h"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:417
msgid "Numbered Formula|N"
msgstr "Formule numérotée|n"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:441
msgid "Figure Wrap Float|F"
msgstr "Flottant d'enrobage de figure|i"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:442
msgid "Table Wrap Float|T"
msgstr "Flottant d'enrobage de tableau|n"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:446
msgid "Table of Contents|C"
msgstr "Table des matières|e"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:449
msgid "Nomenclature|N"
msgstr "Glossaire|G"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:450
msgid "BibTeX Bibliography...|B"
msgstr "Bibliographie BibTeX...|B"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:454
msgid "LyX Document...|X"
msgstr "Document LyX...|X"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:455
msgid "Plain Text...|T"
msgstr "Texte brut...|T"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:456
msgid "Plain Text, Join Lines...|J"
msgstr "Texte brut par lignes...|b"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:458
msgid "External Material...|M"
msgstr "Objet externe...|e"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:459
msgid "Child Document...|d"
msgstr "Sous-document...|d"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:474
msgid "Comment|C"
msgstr "Commentaire|C"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:481
msgid "Insert New Branch...|I"
msgstr "Insérer une nouvelle branche...|I"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:499
msgid "Change Tracking|C"
msgstr "Suivi des modifications|S"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:500
msgid "Build Program|B"
msgstr "Compiler|C"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:501
msgid "LaTeX Log|L"
msgstr "Fichier journal LaTeX|L"
# raccourci à revoir
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:502
msgid "Outline|O"
msgstr "Plan|n"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:503
msgid "Start Appendix Here|A"
msgstr "Début appendice ici|a"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:505
msgid "Save in Bundled Format|F"
msgstr "Enregistrer sous forme de liasse|f"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:506
msgid "Compressed|m"
msgstr "Comprimé|C"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:511
msgid "Track Changes|T"
msgstr "Suivre les modifications|S"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:512
msgid "Merge Changes...|M"
msgstr "Fusionner les modifications...|F"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:513
msgid "Accept Change|A"
msgstr "Accepter la modification|A"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:515
msgid "Accept All Changes|c"
msgstr "Accepter toutes les modifications|c"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:516
msgid "Reject All Changes|e"
msgstr "Rejeter toutes les modifications|e"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:517
msgid "Show Changes in Output|S"
msgstr "Afficher les modifications dans la sortie|h"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:524
msgid "Bookmarks|B"
msgstr "Signets|S"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:525
msgid "Next Note|N"
msgstr "Note suivante|N"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:526
msgid "Next Change|C"
msgstr "Modification suivante|M"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:527
msgid "Next Cross-Reference|R"
msgstr "Référence croisée suivante|R"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:528
msgid "Go to Label|L"
msgstr "Aller à l'étiquette|A"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:535
msgid "Save Bookmark 1|S"
msgstr "Enregistrer le signet 1|E"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:536
msgid "Save Bookmark 2"
msgstr "Enregistrer le signet 2"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:537
msgid "Save Bookmark 3"
msgstr "Enregistrer le signet 3"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:538
msgid "Save Bookmark 4"
msgstr "Enregistrer le signet 4"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:539
msgid "Save Bookmark 5"
msgstr "Enregistrer le signet 5"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:540
msgid "Clear Bookmarks|C"
msgstr "Effacer les signets|s"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:542
msgid "Navigate Back|B"
msgstr "Naviguer en arrière|r"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:551
msgid "Spellchecker...|S"
msgstr "Correcteur orthographique...|o"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:552
msgid "Thesaurus...|T"
msgstr "Dictionnaire de synonymes...|y"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:553
msgid "Statistics...|a"
msgstr "Statistiques...|a"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:554
msgid "Check TeX|h"
msgstr "Correcteur TeX|T"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:555
msgid "TeX Information|I"
msgstr "Informations TeX|X"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:556
msgid "Compare...|C"
msgstr "Comparer...|e"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:561
msgid "Reconfigure|R"
msgstr "Reconfigurer|R"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:562
msgid "Preferences...|P"
msgstr "Préférences...|P"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:569
msgid "Introduction|I"
msgstr "Introduction|I"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:570
msgid "Tutorial|T"
msgstr "Manuel d'apprentissage|a"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:571
msgid "User's Guide|U"
msgstr "Guide de l'utilisateur|u"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:572
msgid "Additional Features|F"
msgstr "Options avancées|O"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:573
msgid "Embedded Objects|O"
msgstr "Objets insérés|b"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:575
msgid "Customization|C"
msgstr "Personnalisation|P"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:576
msgid "Shortcuts|S"
msgstr "Raccourcis|c"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:577
msgid "LyX Functions|y"
msgstr "Fonctions LyX|y"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:578
msgid "LaTeX Configuration|L"
msgstr "Configuration LaTeX|X"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:579
msgid "Specific Manuals|p"
msgstr "Manuels spécifiques|s"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:581
msgid "About LyX|X"
msgstr "À propos de LyX|L"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:585
msgid "Braille Manual|B"
msgstr "Manuel de Braille|B"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:586
msgid "Feynman-diagram Manual|F"
msgstr "Manuel des diagrammes de Feynman|F"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:587
msgid "Linguistics Manual|L"
msgstr "Manuel pour Linguistique|L"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:588
msgid "Multicolumn Manual|M"
msgstr "Manuel pour multi-colonnes|m"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:589
msgid "Sweave Manual|S"
msgstr "Manuel Sweave|S"
#: lib/ui/stdmenus.inc:590
msgid "XY-pic Manual|X"
msgstr "Manuel pour XY-pic|X"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:71
msgid "New document"
msgstr "Nouveau document"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:72
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Ouvrir un document"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:73
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Enregistrer le document"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:74
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Imprimer le document"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:76
msgid "Check spelling"
msgstr "Correction orthographique"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:78
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1335
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:79
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1345
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Refaire"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:83
msgid "Find and replace"
msgstr "Rechercher et remplacer"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:84
msgid "Find and replace (advanced)"
msgstr "Rechercher et remplacer (élaboré)"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:85
msgid "Navigate back"
msgstr "Naviguer en arrière"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:87
msgid "Toggle emphasis"
msgstr "Mise en évidence"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:88
msgid "Toggle noun"
msgstr "Style nom propre"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:89
msgid "Apply last"
msgstr "Appliquer le dernier changement"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:91
msgid "Insert math"
msgstr "Insérer des maths"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:92
msgid "Insert graphics"
msgstr "Insérer un graphique"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:93
msgid "Insert table"
msgstr "Insérer un tableau"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:95
msgid "Toggle outline"
msgstr "(Dés)activer le Plan"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:96
msgid "Toggle math toolbar"
msgstr "(Dés)activer la barre d'outils mathématiques"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:97
msgid "Toggle table toolbar"
msgstr "(Dés)activer la barre d'outils tableaux"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:100
msgid "View/Update"
msgstr "Visionner/Mettre à jour"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:101
msgid "View"
msgstr "Visionner"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:102
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Mettre à jour"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:103
msgid "View master document"
msgstr "Visionner le document maître"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:104
msgid "Update master document"
msgstr "Mettre à jour le document maître"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:105
msgid "Enable Forward/Reverse Search"
msgstr "Activer la recherche directe/inversée"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:107
msgid "View other formats"
msgstr "Visionner les autres formats"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:108
msgid "Update other formats"
msgstr "Mettre à jour les autres formats"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:111
msgid "Extra"
msgstr "Autres"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:113
msgid "Numbered list"
msgstr "Liste numérotée"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:114
msgid "Itemized list"
msgstr "Liste à puces"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:117
msgid "Increase depth"
msgstr "Augmenter la profondeur"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:118
msgid "Decrease depth"
msgstr "Réduire la profondeur"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:120
msgid "Insert figure float"
msgstr "Insérer un flottant de figure"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:121
msgid "Insert table float"
msgstr "Insérer un flottant de tableau"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:122
msgid "Insert label"
msgstr "Insérer une étiquette"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:123
msgid "Insert cross-reference"
msgstr "Insérer une référence croisée"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:124
msgid "Insert citation"
msgstr "Insérer une citation"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:125
msgid "Insert index entry"
msgstr "Insérer une entrée d'index"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:126
msgid "Insert nomenclature entry"
msgstr "Insérer une entrée de glossaire"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:128
msgid "Insert footnote"
msgstr "Insérer une note de bas de page"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:129
msgid "Insert margin note"
msgstr "Insérer une note en marge"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:130
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:229
msgid "Insert note"
msgstr "Insérer une note"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:131
msgid "Insert box"
msgstr "Insérer une boîte"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:132
msgid "Insert hyperlink"
msgstr "Insérer un lien hypertexte"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:133
msgid "Insert TeX code"
msgstr "Insérer du code TeX"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:134
msgid "Insert math macro"
msgstr "Insérer une macro mathématique"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:135
msgid "Include file"
msgstr "Fichier sous-document"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:137
msgid "Text style"
msgstr "Style de texte"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:138
msgid "Paragraph settings"
msgstr "Paramètres de paragraphe"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:143
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:190
msgid "Add row"
msgstr "Ajouter une ligne"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:144
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:191
msgid "Add column"
msgstr "Ajouter une colonne"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:145
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:192
msgid "Delete row"
msgstr "Supprimer la ligne"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:146
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:193
msgid "Delete column"
msgstr "Supprimer la colonne"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:148
msgid "Set top line"
msgstr "(Dés)Activer la bordure du haut"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:149
msgid "Set bottom line"
msgstr "(Dés)Activer la bordure du bas"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:150
msgid "Set left line"
msgstr "(Dés)Activer la bordure de gauche"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:151
msgid "Set right line"
msgstr "(Dés)Activer la bordure de droite"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:152
msgid "Set border lines"
msgstr "Mettre les bordures"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:153
msgid "Set all lines"
msgstr "Mettre toutes les bordures"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:154
msgid "Unset all lines"
msgstr "Enlever toutes les bordures"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:156
msgid "Align left"
msgstr "Aligner à gauche"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:157
msgid "Align center"
msgstr "Centrer horizontalement"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:158
msgid "Align right"
msgstr "Aligner à droite"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:159
msgid "Align on decimal"
msgstr "Alignement sur le caractère décimal"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:161
msgid "Align top"
msgstr "Aligner en haut"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:162
msgid "Align middle"
msgstr "Centrer verticalement"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:163
msgid "Align bottom"
msgstr "Aligner en bas"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:165
msgid "Rotate cell"
msgstr "Tourner la case"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:166
msgid "Rotate table"
msgstr "Tourner le tableau"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:167
msgid "Set multi-column"
msgstr "Multicolonnes"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:168
msgid "Set multi-row"
msgstr "Activer multi-lignes"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:171
msgid "Math"
msgstr "Maths"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:172
msgid "Set display mode"
msgstr "Mode hors ligne"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:174
#: src/insets/InsetScript.cpp:63
msgid "Subscript"
msgstr "Indice"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:175
#: src/insets/InsetScript.cpp:64
msgid "Superscript"
msgstr "Exposant"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:176
msgid "Insert square root"
msgstr "Insérer une racine carrée"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:177
msgid "Insert root"
msgstr "Insérer une racine"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:178
msgid "Insert standard fraction"
msgstr "Insérer une fraction standard"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:179
msgid "Insert sum"
msgstr "Insérer une somme"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:180
msgid "Insert integral"
msgstr "Insérer une intégrale"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:181
msgid "Insert product"
msgstr "Insérer un produit"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:183
msgid "Insert ( )"
msgstr "Insérer des parenthèses"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:184
msgid "Insert [ ]"
msgstr "Insérer des crochets"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:185
msgid "Insert { }"
msgstr "Insérer des accolades"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:186
msgid "Insert delimiters"
msgstr "Insérer des délimiteurs"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:188
msgid "Insert matrix"
msgstr "Insérer une matrice"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:189
msgid "Insert cases environment"
msgstr "Insérer un environnement case"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:195
msgid "Toggle math panels"
msgstr "(Dés)activer les palettes mathématiques"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:198
msgid "Math Macros"
msgstr "Macros mathématiques"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:199
msgid "Remove last argument"
msgstr "Supprimer le dernier argument"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:200
msgid "Append argument"
msgstr "Ajouter un argument"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:202
msgid "Make first non-optional into optional argument"
msgstr "Rendre optionnel le premier argument non optionnel"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:203
msgid "Make last optional into non-optional argument"
msgstr "Rendre non optionnel le dernier argument optionnel"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:205
msgid "Remove optional argument"
msgstr "Supprimer un argument optionnel"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:206
msgid "Insert optional argument"
msgstr "Insérer un argument optionnel"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:208
msgid "Remove last argument spitting out to the right"
msgstr "Enlever le dernier argument en éjectant par la droite"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:209
msgid "Append argument eating from the right"
msgstr "Ajouter l'argument en intégrant depuis la droite"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:210
msgid "Append optional argument eating from the right"
msgstr "Ajouter l'argument optionnel en intégrant depuis la droite"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:213
msgid "Command Buffer"
msgstr "Zone de commande"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:217
msgid "Review[[Toolbar]]"
msgstr "Suivi des modifications[[Barre d'outils]]"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:218
msgid "Track changes"
msgstr "Suivre les modifications"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:219
msgid "Show changes in output"
msgstr "Afficher les modifications dans la sortie"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:221
msgid "Next change"
msgstr "Modification suivante"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:222
msgid "Accept change inside selection"
msgstr "Accepter la modification dans la sélection"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:223
msgid "Reject change inside selection"
msgstr "Rejeter la modification dans la sélection"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:225
msgid "Merge changes"
msgstr "Fusionner les modifications"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:226
msgid "Accept all changes"
msgstr "Accepter toutes les modifications"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:227
msgid "Reject all changes"
msgstr "Rejeter toutes les modifications"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:230
msgid "Next note"
msgstr "Note suivante"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:233
msgid "View Other Formats"
msgstr "Visionner les autres formats"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:237
msgid "Update Other Formats"
msgstr "Mettre à jour les autres formats"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:257
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiLog.cpp:243
msgid "Version Control"
msgstr "Contrôle de version"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:258
msgid "Register"
msgstr "S'inscrire"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:259
msgid "Check-out for edit"
msgstr "Créer version modifiable"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:260
msgid "Check-in changes"
msgstr "Enregistrer les changements"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:261
msgid "View revision log"
msgstr "Afficher l'historique du contrôle de version"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:262
msgid "Revert changes"
msgstr "Rejeter la modification"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:263
msgid "Compare with older revision"
msgstr "Comparer avec une révision antérieure"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:264
msgid "Compare with last revision"
msgstr "Comparer avec la dernière révision"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:265
msgid "Insert Version Info"
msgstr "Insérer l'information de versionnement"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:267
msgid "Use SVN file locking property"
msgstr "Utiliser la propriété de verrouillage SVN"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:269
msgid "Update local directory from repository"
msgstr "Mettre à jour le répertoire local à partir du dépôt"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:272
msgid "Math Panels"
msgstr "Palettes mathématiques"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:273
msgid "Math spacings"
msgstr "Espacements mathématiques"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:274
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:346
msgid "Styles"
msgstr "Styles"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:275
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:353
msgid "Fractions"
msgstr "Fractions"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:276
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:370
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1309
msgid "Fonts"
msgstr "Polices"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:277
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:293
msgid "Functions"
msgstr "Fonctions"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:278
msgid "Frame decorations"
msgstr "Décors de fenêtre"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:279
msgid "Big operators"
msgstr "Grands opérateurs"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:280
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:572
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Divers"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:282
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:423
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:89
msgid "Arrows"
msgstr "Flèches"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:283
msgid "AMS arrows"
msgstr "Flèches AMS"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:284
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:457
msgid "Operators"
msgstr "Opérateurs"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:285
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:491
msgid "Relations"
msgstr "Relations Binaires"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:286
msgid "AMS relations"
msgstr "Relations AMS"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:287
msgid "AMS negative relations"
msgstr "Négations de relations AMS"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:288
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:384
msgid "Dots"
msgstr "Points"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:289
msgid "AMS operators"
msgstr "Opérateurs AMS"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:290
msgid "AMS miscellaneous"
msgstr "Divers AMS"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:294
msgid "arccos"
msgstr "arccos"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:295
msgid "arcsin"
msgstr "arcsin"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:296
msgid "arctan"
msgstr "arctan"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:297
msgid "arg"
msgstr "arg"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:298
msgid "bmod"
msgstr "bmod"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:299
msgid "cos"
msgstr "cos"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:300
msgid "cosh"
msgstr "cosh"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:301
msgid "cot"
msgstr "cot"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:302
msgid "coth"
msgstr "coth"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:303
msgid "csc"
msgstr "csc"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:304
msgid "deg"
msgstr "deg"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:305
msgid "det"
msgstr "det"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:306
msgid "dim"
msgstr "dim"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:307
msgid "exp"
msgstr "exp"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:308
msgid "gcd"
msgstr "gcd"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:309
msgid "hom"
msgstr "hom"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:310
msgid "inf"
msgstr "inf"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:311
msgid "ker"
msgstr "ker"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:312
msgid "lg"
msgstr "lg"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:313
msgid "lim"
msgstr "lim"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:314
msgid "liminf"
msgstr "liminf"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:315
msgid "limsup"
msgstr "limsup"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:316
msgid "ln"
msgstr "ln"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:317
msgid "log"
msgstr "log"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:318
msgid "max"
msgstr "max"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:319
msgid "min"
msgstr "min"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:320
msgid "sec"
msgstr "sec"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:321
msgid "sin"
msgstr "sin"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:322
msgid "sinh"
msgstr "sinh"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:323
msgid "sup"
msgstr "sup"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:324
msgid "tan"
msgstr "tan"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:325
msgid "tanh"
msgstr "tanh"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:326
msgid "Pr"
msgstr "Pr"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:329
msgid "Spacings"
msgstr "Espacements"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:330
msgid "Thin space\t\\,"
msgstr "Espace fine\t\\,"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:331
msgid "Medium space\t\\:"
msgstr "Espace moyenne\t\\:"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:332
msgid "Thick space\t\\;"
msgstr "Espace large\t\\;"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:333
msgid "Quadratin space\t\\quad"
msgstr "Espace cadratin\t\\quad"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:334
msgid "Double quadratin space\t\\qquad"
msgstr "Espace double cadratin\t\\quad"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:335
msgid "Negative space\t\\!"
msgstr "Espace négative\t\\!"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:336
msgid "Phantom\t\\phantom"
msgstr "Fantôme\t\\phantom"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:337
msgid "Horizontal phantom\t\\hphantom"
msgstr "Fantôme horizontal\t\\hphantom"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:338
msgid "Vertical phantom\t\\vphantom"
msgstr "Fantôme vertical\t\\vphantom"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:341
msgid "Roots"
msgstr "Racines"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:342
msgid "Square root\t\\sqrt"
msgstr "Racine carrée\t\\sqrt"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:343
msgid "Other root\t\\root"
msgstr "Autre racine\t\\root"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:347
msgid "Display style\t\\displaystyle"
msgstr "Style hors ligne\t\\displaystyle"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:348
msgid "Normal text style\t\\textstyle"
msgstr "Style texte normal\t\\textstyle"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:349
msgid "Script (small) style\t\\scriptstyle"
msgstr "Style script (petit)\t\\scriptstyle"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:350
msgid "Scriptscript (smaller) style\t\\scriptscriptstyle"
msgstr "Style scriptscript (plus petit)\t\\scriptscriptstyle"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:354
msgid "Standard\t\\frac"
msgstr "Standard\t\\frac"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:355
msgid ""
"Nice fraction (3/4)\t\\n"
msgstr ""
"Fraction esthétique (3/4)\t\\n"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:356
msgid "Unit (km)\t\\unitone"
msgstr "Unité (km)\t\\unitone"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:357
msgid "Unit (864 m)\t\\unittwo"
msgstr "Unité (864 m)\t\\unittwo"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:358
msgid "Unit fraction (km/h)\t\\unitfrac"
msgstr "Fraction unité (km/h)\t\\unitfrac"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:359
msgid "Unit fraction (20 km/h)\t\\unitfracthree"
msgstr "Fraction unité (20 km/h)\t\\unitfracthree"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:360
msgid "Text fraction\t\\tfrac"
msgstr "Fraction en ligne \t\\tfrac"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:361
msgid "Display fraction\t\\dfrac"
msgstr "Fraction hors ligne\t\\dfrac"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:362
msgid "Continued fraction\t\\cfrac"
msgstr "Fraction continue\t\\cfrac"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:363
msgid "Continued fraction (left)\t\\cfracleft"
msgstr "Fraction continue (gauche)\t\\cfracleft"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:364
msgid "Continued fraction (right)\t\\cfracright"
msgstr "Fraction continue (droite)\t\\cfracright"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:365
msgid "Binomial\t\\binom"
msgstr "Binomial\t\\binom"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:366
msgid "Text binomial\t\\tbinom"
msgstr "Binomial en ligne\t\\tbinom"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:367
msgid "Display binomial\t\\dbinom"
msgstr "Binomial hors ligne\t\\dbinom"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:371
msgid "Roman\t\\mathrm"
msgstr "Romain\t\\mathrm"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:372
msgid "Bold\t\\mathbf"
msgstr "Gras\t\\mathbf"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:373
msgid "Bold symbol\t\\boldsymbol"
msgstr "Gras symbole\t\\boldsymbol"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:374
msgid "Sans serif\t\\mathsf"
msgstr "Sans empattement\t\\mathsf"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:375
msgid "Italic\t\\mathit"
msgstr "Italique\t\\mathit"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:376
msgid "Typewriter\t\\mathtt"
msgstr "Chasse fixe\t\\mathtt"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:377
msgid "Blackboard\t\\mathbb"
msgstr "Tableau noir\t\\mathbb"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:378
msgid "Fraktur\t\\mathfrak"
msgstr "Fraktur\t\\mathfrak"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:379
msgid "Calligraphic\t\\mathcal"
msgstr "Calligraphique\t\\mathcal"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:380
msgid "Formal Script\t\\mathscr"
msgstr "Script formel\t\\mathscr"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:381
msgid "Normal text mode\t\\textrm"
msgstr "Mode texte normal\t\\textrm"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:385
msgid "ldots"
msgstr "ldots"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:386
msgid "cdots"
msgstr "cdots"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:387
msgid "vdots"
msgstr "vdots"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:388
msgid "ddots"
msgstr "ddots"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:389
msgid "iddots"
msgstr "iddots"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:392
msgid "Frame Decorations"
msgstr "Décors de fenêtre"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:393
msgid "hat"
msgstr "hat"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:394
msgid "tilde"
msgstr "tilde"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:395
msgid "bar"
msgstr "bar"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:396
msgid "grave"
msgstr "grave"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:397
msgid "dot"
msgstr "dot"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:398
msgid "check"
msgstr "check"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:399
msgid "widehat"
msgstr "widehat"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:400
msgid "widetilde"
msgstr "widetilde"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:403
msgid "vec"
msgstr "vec"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:404
msgid "acute"
msgstr "acute"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:405
msgid "ddot"
msgstr "ddot"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:406
msgid "dddot"
msgstr "dddot"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:407
msgid "ddddot"
msgstr "ddddot"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:408
msgid "breve"
msgstr "breve"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:409
msgid "overline"
msgstr "overline"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:410
msgid "overbrace"
msgstr "overbrace"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:411
msgid "overleftarrow"
msgstr "overleftarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:412
msgid "overrightarrow"
msgstr "overrightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:413
msgid "overleftrightarrow"
msgstr "overleftrightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:414
msgid "overset"
msgstr "overset"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:415
msgid "underline"
msgstr "underline"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:416
msgid "underbrace"
msgstr "underbrace"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:417
msgid "underleftarrow"
msgstr "underleftarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:418
msgid "underrightarrow"
msgstr "underrightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:419
msgid "underleftrightarrow"
msgstr "underleftrightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:420
msgid "underset"
msgstr "underset"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:424
msgid "leftarrow"
msgstr "leftarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:425
msgid "rightarrow"
msgstr "rightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:426
msgid "downarrow"
msgstr "downarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:427
msgid "uparrow"
msgstr "uparrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:428
msgid "updownarrow"
msgstr "updownarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:429
msgid "leftrightarrow"
msgstr "leftrightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:430
msgid "Leftarrow"
msgstr "Leftarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:431
msgid "Rightarrow"
msgstr "Rightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:432
msgid "Downarrow"
msgstr "Downarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:433
msgid "Uparrow"
msgstr "Uparrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:434
msgid "Updownarrow"
msgstr "Updownarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:435
msgid "Leftrightarrow"
msgstr "Leftrightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:436
msgid "Longleftrightarrow"
msgstr "Longleftrightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:437
msgid "Longleftarrow"
msgstr "Longleftarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:438
msgid "Longrightarrow"
msgstr "Longrightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:439
msgid "longleftrightarrow"
msgstr "longleftrightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:440
msgid "longleftarrow"
msgstr "longleftarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:441
msgid "longrightarrow"
msgstr "longrightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:442
msgid "leftharpoondown"
msgstr "leftharpoondown"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:443
msgid "rightharpoondown"
msgstr "rightharpoondown"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:444
msgid "mapsto"
msgstr "mapsto"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:445
msgid "longmapsto"
msgstr "longmapsto"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:446
msgid "nwarrow"
msgstr "nwarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:447
msgid "nearrow"
msgstr "nearrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:448
msgid "leftharpoonup"
msgstr "leftharpoonup"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:449
msgid "rightharpoonup"
msgstr "rightharpoonup"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:450
msgid "hookleftarrow"
msgstr "hookleftarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:451
msgid "hookrightarrow"
msgstr "hookrightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:452
msgid "swarrow"
msgstr "swarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:453
msgid "searrow"
msgstr "searrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:454
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:729
msgid "rightleftharpoons"
msgstr "rightleftharpoons"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:458
msgid "pm"
msgstr "pm"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:459
msgid "cap"
msgstr "cap"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:460
msgid "diamond"
msgstr "diamond"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:461
msgid "oplus"
msgstr "oplus"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:462
msgid "mp"
msgstr "mp"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:463
msgid "cup"
msgstr "cup"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:464
msgid "bigtriangleup"
msgstr "bigtriangleup"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:465
msgid "ominus"
msgstr "ominus"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:466
msgid "times"
msgstr "times"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:467
msgid "uplus"
msgstr "uplus"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:468
msgid "bigtriangledown"
msgstr "bigtriangledown"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:469
msgid "otimes"
msgstr "otimes"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:470
msgid "div"
msgstr "div"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:471
msgid "sqcap"
msgstr "sqcap"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:472
msgid "triangleright"
msgstr "triangleright"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:473
msgid "oslash"
msgstr "oslash"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:474
msgid "cdot"
msgstr "cdot"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:475
msgid "sqcup"
msgstr "sqcup"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:476
msgid "triangleleft"
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:505
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msgstr "supseteq"
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:520
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msgstr "dans[[relation mathématique]]"
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msgstr "alpha"
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msgstr "beta"
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msgstr "gamma"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:533
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msgstr "delta"
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msgstr "varepsilon"
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msgstr "zeta"
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msgstr "eta"
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msgstr "theta"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:539
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msgstr "vartheta"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:540
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msgstr "iota"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:541
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msgstr "kappa"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:542
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msgstr "lambda"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:543
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msgstr "mu"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:544
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msgstr "nu"
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msgstr "xi"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:546
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msgstr "pi"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:547
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msgstr "varpi"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:548
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msgstr "rho"
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msgstr "sigma"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:551
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msgstr "varsigma"
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msgstr "tau"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:553
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msgstr "upsilon"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:554
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msgstr "phi"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:555
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msgstr "varphi"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:556
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msgstr "chi"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:557
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msgstr "psi"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:558
msgid "omega"
msgstr "omega"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:559
msgid "Gamma"
msgstr "Gamma"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:560
msgid "Delta"
msgstr "Delta"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:561
msgid "Theta"
msgstr "Theta"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:562
msgid "Lambda"
msgstr "Lambda"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:563
msgid "Xi"
msgstr "Xi"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:564
msgid "Pi"
msgstr "Pi"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:565
msgid "Sigma"
msgstr "Sigma"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:566
msgid "Upsilon"
msgstr "Upsilon"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:567
msgid "Phi"
msgstr "Phi"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:568
msgid "Psi"
msgstr "Psi"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:569
msgid "Omega"
msgstr "Omega"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:573
msgid "nabla"
msgstr "nabla"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:574
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msgstr "partial"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:575
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msgstr "infty"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:576
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msgstr "prime"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:577
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msgstr "ell"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:578
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msgstr "emptyset"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:579
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msgstr "exists"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:580
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msgstr "forall"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:581
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msgstr "imath"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:582
msgid "jmath"
msgstr "jmath"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:583
msgid "Re"
msgstr "Re"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:584
msgid "Im"
msgstr "Im"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:585
msgid "aleph"
msgstr "aleph"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:586
msgid "wp"
msgstr "wp"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:587
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:672
msgid "hbar"
msgstr "hbar"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:588
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:679
msgid "angle"
msgstr "angle"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:589
msgid "top"
msgstr "top"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:590
msgid "bot"
msgstr "bot"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:591
msgid "Vert"
msgstr "Vert"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:592
msgid "neg"
msgstr "neg"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:593
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msgstr "flat"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:594
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msgstr "natural"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:595
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msgstr "sharp"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:596
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msgstr "surd"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:597
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msgstr "triangle"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:598
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msgstr "diamondsuit"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:599
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msgstr "heartsuit"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:600
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msgstr "clubsuit"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:601
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msgstr "spadesuit"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:602
msgid "textrm \\AA"
msgstr "textrm \\AA"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:603
msgid "textrm \\O"
msgstr "textrm \\O"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:604
msgid "mathcircumflex"
msgstr "mathcircumflex"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:605
msgid "_"
msgstr "_"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:606
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msgstr "mathrm T"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:607
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msgstr "mathbb N"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:608
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msgstr "mathbb Z"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:609
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msgstr "mathbb Q"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:610
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msgstr "mathbb R"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:611
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msgstr "mathbb C"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:612
msgid "mathbb H"
msgstr "mathbb H"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:613
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msgstr "mathcal F"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:614
msgid "mathcal L"
msgstr "mathcal L"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:615
msgid "mathcal H"
msgstr "mathcal H"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:616
msgid "mathcal O"
msgstr "mathcal O"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:619
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msgstr "Grands Opérateurs"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:620
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msgstr "intop"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:621
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msgstr "int"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:622
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msgstr "iint"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:623
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msgstr "iintop"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:624
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msgstr "iiint"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:625
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msgstr "iiintop"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:626
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msgstr "iiiint"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:627
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msgstr "iiiintop"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:628
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msgstr "dotsint"
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msgstr "dotsintop"
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msgstr "oint"
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msgstr "oiint"
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msgstr "oiintop"
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:638
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msgstr "sqint"
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:640
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msgstr "sqiint"
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msgstr "sqiintop"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:642
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msgstr "fint"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:643
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msgstr "fintop"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:644
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:646
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:648
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:650
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:651
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:652
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msgstr "bigotimes"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:653
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msgstr "bigodot"
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msgstr "bigoplus"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:655
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msgstr "bigcap"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:656
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msgstr "bigcup"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:657
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msgstr "biguplus"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:658
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msgstr "bigvee"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:659
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msgstr "bigwedge"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:662
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msgstr "Divers AMS"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:663
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msgstr "digamma"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:664
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msgstr "varkappa"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:665
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msgstr "beth"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:666
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msgstr "daleth"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:667
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:669
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:670
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:671
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:674
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:678
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:680
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msgstr "measuredangle"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:681
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msgstr "nexists"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:682
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msgstr "mho"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:683
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msgstr "Finv"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:684
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msgstr "Game"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:685
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msgstr "Bbbk"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:686
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msgstr "backprime"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:687
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msgstr "varnothing"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:688
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msgstr "Diamond"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:689
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msgstr "blacktriangle"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:690
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msgstr "complement"
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msgstr "eth"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:697
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msgstr "diagup"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:698
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msgstr "diagdown"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:701
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msgstr "Flèches AMS"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:702
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msgstr "dashleftarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:703
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msgstr "dashrightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:704
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:705
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:707
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msgstr "rightleftarrows"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:708
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msgstr "Lleftarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:709
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msgstr "Rrightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:710
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msgstr "twoheadleftarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:711
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msgstr "twoheadrightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:712
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msgstr "leftarrowtail"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:713
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msgstr "rightarrowtail"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:714
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:716
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:718
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:719
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msgstr "circlearrowright"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:720
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msgstr "Lsh"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:721
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msgstr "Rsh"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:722
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msgstr "upuparrows"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:723
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msgstr "downdownarrows"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:724
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:728
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:730
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:732
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msgstr "nrightarrow"
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msgstr "nleftrightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:735
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msgstr "nLeftarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:736
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msgstr "nRightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:737
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msgstr "nLeftrightarrow"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:738
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msgstr "multimap"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:741
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msgstr "Relations AMS"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:742
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msgstr "leqq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:743
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msgstr "geqq"
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msgstr "leqslant"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:745
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msgstr "geqslant"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:746
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msgstr "eqslantgtr"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:748
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msgstr "lesssim"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:749
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msgstr "gtrsim"
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msgstr "lessapprox"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:751
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:753
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msgstr "triangleq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:754
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:755
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msgstr "gtrdot"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:756
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msgstr "lll"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:757
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msgstr "lessgtr"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:759
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msgstr "gtrless"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:760
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#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:763
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msgstr "gtreqqless"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:764
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msgstr "eqcirc"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:765
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msgstr "circeq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:766
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msgstr "thicksim"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:767
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msgstr "thickapprox"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:768
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msgstr "backsim"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:769
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msgstr "backsimeq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:770
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msgstr "subseteqq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:771
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msgstr "supseteqq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:772
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msgstr "Subset"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:773
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msgstr "Supset"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:774
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msgstr "sqsubset"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:775
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msgstr "sqsupset"
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msgstr "precapprox"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:783
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msgstr "succapprox"
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msgid "vartriangleleft"
msgstr "vartriangleleft"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:785
msgid "vartriangleright"
msgstr "vartriangleright"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:786
msgid "trianglelefteq"
msgstr "trianglelefteq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:787
msgid "trianglerighteq"
msgstr "trianglerighteq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:788
msgid "bumpeq"
msgstr "bumpeq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:789
msgid "Bumpeq"
msgstr "Bumpeq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:790
msgid "doteqdot"
msgstr "doteqdot"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:791
msgid "risingdotseq"
msgstr "risingdotseq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:792
msgid "fallingdotseq"
msgstr "fallingdotseq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:793
msgid "vDash"
msgstr "vDash"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:794
msgid "Vvdash"
msgstr "Vvdash"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:795
msgid "Vdash"
msgstr "Vdash"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:796
msgid "shortmid"
msgstr "shortmid"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:797
msgid "shortparallel"
msgstr "shortparallel"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:798
msgid "smallsmile"
msgstr "smallsmile"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:799
msgid "smallfrown"
msgstr "smallfrown"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:800
msgid "blacktriangleleft"
msgstr "blacktriangleleft"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:801
msgid "blacktriangleright"
msgstr "blacktriangleright"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:802
msgid "because"
msgstr "because"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:803
msgid "therefore"
msgstr "therefore"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:804
msgid "backepsilon"
msgstr "backepsilon"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:805
msgid "varpropto"
msgstr "varpropto"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:806
msgid "between"
msgstr "between"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:807
msgid "pitchfork"
msgstr "pitchfork"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:810
msgid "AMS Negative Relations"
msgstr "Négations de relations AMS"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:811
msgid "nless"
msgstr "nless"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:812
msgid "ngtr"
msgstr "ngtr"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:813
msgid "nleq"
msgstr "nleq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:814
msgid "ngeq"
msgstr "ngeq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:815
msgid "nleqslant"
msgstr "nleqslant"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:816
msgid "ngeqslant"
msgstr "ngeqslant"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:817
msgid "nleqq"
msgstr "nleqq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:818
msgid "ngeqq"
msgstr "ngeqq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:819
msgid "lneq"
msgstr "lneq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:820
msgid "gneq"
msgstr "gneq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:821
msgid "lneqq"
msgstr "lneqq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:822
msgid "gneqq"
msgstr "gneqq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:823
msgid "lvertneqq"
msgstr "lvertneqq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:824
msgid "gvertneqq"
msgstr "gvertneqq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:825
msgid "lnsim"
msgstr "lnsim"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:826
msgid "gnsim"
msgstr "gnsim"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:827
msgid "lnapprox"
msgstr "lnapprox"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:828
msgid "gnapprox"
msgstr "gnapprox"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:829
msgid "nprec"
msgstr "nprec"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:830
msgid "nsucc"
msgstr "nsucc"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:831
msgid "npreceq"
msgstr "npreceq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:832
msgid "nsucceq"
msgstr "nsucceq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:833
msgid "precnsim"
msgstr "precnsim"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:834
msgid "succnsim"
msgstr "succnsim"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:835
msgid "precnapprox"
msgstr "precnapprox"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:836
msgid "succnapprox"
msgstr "succnapprox"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:837
msgid "subsetneq"
msgstr "subsetneq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:838
msgid "supsetneq"
msgstr "supsetneq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:839
msgid "subsetneqq"
msgstr "subsetneqq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:840
msgid "supsetneqq"
msgstr "supsetneqq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:841
msgid "nsubseteq"
msgstr "nsubseteq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:842
msgid "nsupseteq"
msgstr "nsupseteq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:843
msgid "nsupseteqq"
msgstr "nsupseteqq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:844
msgid "nvdash"
msgstr "nvdash"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:845
msgid "nvDash"
msgstr "nvDash"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:846
msgid "nVDash"
msgstr "nVDash"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:847
msgid "varsubsetneq"
msgstr "varsubsetneq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:848
msgid "varsupsetneq"
msgstr "varsupsetneq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:849
msgid "varsubsetneqq"
msgstr "varsubsetneqq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:850
msgid "varsupsetneqq"
msgstr "varsupsetneqq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:851
msgid "ntriangleleft"
msgstr "ntriangleleft"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:852
msgid "ntriangleright"
msgstr "ntriangleright"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:853
msgid "ntrianglelefteq"
msgstr "ntrianglelefteq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:854
msgid "ntrianglerighteq"
msgstr "ntrianglerighteq"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:855
msgid "ncong"
msgstr "ncong"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:856
msgid "nsim"
msgstr "nsim"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:857
msgid "nmid"
msgstr "nmid"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:858
msgid "nshortmid"
msgstr "nshortmid"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:859
msgid "nparallel"
msgstr "nparallel"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:860
msgid "nshortparallel"
msgstr "nshortparallel"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:863
msgid "AMS Operators"
msgstr "Opérateurs AMS"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:864
msgid "dotplus"
msgstr "dotplus"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:865
msgid "smallsetminus"
msgstr "smallsetminus"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:866
msgid "Cap"
msgstr "Cap"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:867
msgid "Cup"
msgstr "Cup"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:868
msgid "barwedge"
msgstr "barwedge"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:869
msgid "veebar"
msgstr "veebar"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:870
msgid "doublebarwedge"
msgstr "doublebarwedge"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:871
msgid "boxminus"
msgstr "boxminus"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:872
msgid "boxtimes"
msgstr "boxtimes"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:873
msgid "boxdot"
msgstr "boxdot"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:874
msgid "boxplus"
msgstr "boxplus"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:875
msgid "divideontimes"
msgstr "divideontimes"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:876
msgid "ltimes"
msgstr "ltimes"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:877
msgid "rtimes"
msgstr "rtimes"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:878
msgid "leftthreetimes"
msgstr "leftthreetimes"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:879
msgid "rightthreetimes"
msgstr "rightthreetimes"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:880
msgid "curlywedge"
msgstr "curlywedge"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:881
msgid "curlyvee"
msgstr "curlyvee"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:882
msgid "circleddash"
msgstr "circleddash"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:883
msgid "circledast"
msgstr "circledast"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:884
msgid "circledcirc"
msgstr "circledcirc"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:885
msgid "centerdot"
msgstr "centerdot"
#: lib/ui/stdtoolbars.inc:886
msgid "intercal"
msgstr "intercal"
#: lib/external_templates:36
msgid "GnumericSpreadsheet"
msgstr "TableurGnumeric"
#: lib/external_templates:37
#: lib/external_templates:44
msgid "Spreadsheet"
msgstr "Tableur"
#: lib/external_templates:39
msgid ""
"A spreadsheet made with Gnumeric, LibreOffice, OpenOffice or Excel.\n"
"It imports as a long table, so any length\n"
"is ok. Excessive width could be a problem.\n"
"The gnumeric software is necessary for conversion,\n"
"both for gnumeric and excel files.\n"
msgstr ""
"Un tableur créé avec gnumeric, LibreOffice, OpenOffice ou Excel.\n"
"Il est importé comme une table longue, donc toutes les longueurs\n"
"sont admises. Une largeur excessive peut poser problème.\n"
"L'application gnumeric est nécessaire pour effectuer la conversion,\n"
"pour les fichiers gnumeric et excel.\n"
#: lib/external_templates:76
msgid "RasterImage"
msgstr "ImageTramée"
#: lib/external_templates:79
#: lib/external_templates:85
msgid "Bitmap: $$AbsOrRelPathParent$$Basename"
msgstr "Bitmap: $$AbsOrRelPathParent$$Basename"
# Je n'aime pas bitmap
#: lib/external_templates:84
msgid "A bitmap file.\n"
msgstr "Un fichier bitmap.\n"
#: lib/external_templates:148
msgid "XFig"
msgstr "XFig"
#: lib/external_templates:149
#: lib/external_templates:152
msgid "Xfig: $$AbsOrRelPathParent$$Basename"
msgstr "Xfig: $$AbsOrRelPathParent$$Basename"
#: lib/external_templates:151
msgid "An Xfig figure.\n"
msgstr "Une figure Xfig.\n"
#: lib/external_templates:201
msgid "ChessDiagram"
msgstr "Échiquier"
#: lib/external_templates:202
#: lib/external_templates:221
msgid "Chess: $$AbsOrRelPathParent$$Basename"
msgstr "Échiquier : $$AbsOrRelPathParent$$Basename"
# XBoard (WinBoard sous Windows) est peut-être traduit en français ?
#: lib/external_templates:204
msgid ""
"A chess position diagram.\n"
"This template will use XBoard to edit the position.\n"
"Use the 'File->Save Position' in XBoard to save\n"
"the position that you want to display.\n"
"Make sure to give it a '.fen' extension\n"
"and remember to type in a relative path\n"
"to the LyX document location.\n"
"Within XBoard, use 'Edit->Edit Position'\n"
"to enable general editing of the board.\n"
"You might also check out the\n"
"'Options->Test legality' option, and\n"
"remember to middle and right click to\n"
"insert new material in the board.\n"
"In order for this to work, you have to\n"
"put the bundled lyxskak.sty in a place\n"
"that TeX will find it, and you will need\n"
"to install the skak package from CTAN.\n"
msgstr ""
"Un échiquier.\n"
"Ce modèle utilise XBoard pour modifier les positions des pièces.\n"
"Utilisez 'File->Save Position' dans XBoard pour enregistrer\n"
"la position que vous voulez afficher.\n"
"Assurez vois de bien lui donner une extension en '.fen'\n"
"et un nom qui soit relatif à l'endroit où se trouve le document LyX.\n"
"Dans XBoard, utilisez 'Edit->Edit Position' pour autoriser lamodification générale de l'échiquier.\n"
"Vous pouvez aussi activer l'option 'Option->Test Legality',\n"
"et rappelez-vous que vous pouvez cliquer sur les boutons du\n"
"milieu et de droite pour ajouter de nouvelles pièces sur l'échiquier.\n"
#: lib/external_templates:252
#: lib/external_templates:258
msgid "Lilypond typeset music"
msgstr "Musique mise en forme avec Lilypond"
#: lib/external_templates:254
msgid ""
"Sheet music typeset by GNU LilyPond,\n"
"converted to .pdf or .eps for inclusion\n"
"Using .eps requires at least lilypond 2.6\n"
"Using .pdf requires at least lilypond 2.9\n"
msgstr ""
"Partition musicale mise en forme par GNU Lilypond,\n"
"convertie en .pdf ou .eps avant inclusion\n"
"Utiliser .eps nécessite au moins lilypond 2.6\n"
"Utiliser .pdf nécessite au moins lilypond 2.9\n"
#: lib/external_templates:300
msgid "PDFPages"
msgstr "PDFPages"
#: lib/external_templates:301
#: lib/external_templates:315
msgid "PDF pages: $$AbsOrRelPathParent$$Basename"
msgstr "PDF pages : $$AbsOrRelPathParent$$Basename"
#: lib/external_templates:303
msgid ""
"Includes PDF documents, using the 'pdfpages' package.\n"
"To include multiple pages, use the 'pages'-option,\n"
"which must be inserted to 'Options'.\n"
"* pages={x-y} (for a range of pages)\n"
"* pages={x,y,z} (for specific pages)\n"
"* pages=- (to include all pages)\n"
"* pages=last-1 (to include all pages in reverse order)\n"
"With the option 'noautoscale' the PDF pages are\n"
"inserted in their original size. \n"
"Read the documentation of the pdfpages package\n"
"for further options and details.\n"
msgstr ""
"Inclusion des documents PDF, via le paquetage « pdfpages ».\n"
"Pour inclure plusieurs pages, utiliser l'option « pages », \n"
"qui doit être insérée dans les « Options ».\n"
"Exemples :\n"
"* pages={x-y} (pages contiguës)\n"
"* pages={x,y,z} (pages spécifiques)\n"
"* pages=- (toutes les pages)\n"
"* pages=last-1 (toutes les pages en ordre inversé)\n"
"Avec l'option « noautoscale' » les pages sont insérées\n"
"avec leur taille originale. \n"
"Consulter la documentation du paquetage pdfpages\n"
"pour les autres options et les détails.\n"
#: lib/external_templates:346
msgid ""
"Today's date.\n"
"Read 'info date' for more information.\n"
msgstr ""
"Date du jour.\n"
"Lire 'info date' pour plus d'information.\n"
#: lib/external_templates:375
msgid "Dia"
msgstr "Dia"
#: lib/external_templates:376
#: lib/external_templates:379
msgid "Dia: $$AbsOrRelPathParent$$Basename"
msgstr "Dia : $$AbsOrRelPathParent$$Basename"
#: lib/external_templates:378
msgid "Dia diagram.\n"
msgstr "Diagramme Dia.\n"
#: lib/configure.py:528
msgid "Tgif"
msgstr "Tgif"
#: lib/configure.py:531
msgid "FIG"
msgstr "FIG"
#: lib/configure.py:534
msgid "DIA"
msgstr "DIA"
#: lib/configure.py:537
msgid "Grace"
msgstr "Grace"
#: lib/configure.py:540
msgid "FEN"
msgstr "FEN"
#: lib/configure.py:543
msgid "SVG"
msgstr "SVG"
#: lib/configure.py:546
#: lib/configure.py:557
#: lib/configure.py:567
msgid "BMP"
msgstr "BMP"
#: lib/configure.py:547
#: lib/configure.py:558
#: lib/configure.py:568
msgid "GIF"
msgstr "GIF"
#: lib/configure.py:548
#: lib/configure.py:559
#: lib/configure.py:569
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiClipboard.cpp:172
msgid "JPEG"
msgstr "JPEG"
#: lib/configure.py:549
#: lib/configure.py:560
#: lib/configure.py:570
msgid "PBM"
msgstr "PBM"
#: lib/configure.py:550
#: lib/configure.py:561
#: lib/configure.py:571
msgid "PGM"
msgstr "PGM"
#: lib/configure.py:551
#: lib/configure.py:562
#: lib/configure.py:572
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiClipboard.cpp:171
msgid "PNG"
msgstr "PNG"
#: lib/configure.py:552
#: lib/configure.py:563
#: lib/configure.py:573
msgid "PPM"
msgstr "PPM"
#: lib/configure.py:553
#: lib/configure.py:564
#: lib/configure.py:574
msgid "TIFF"
msgstr "TIFF"
#: lib/configure.py:554
#: lib/configure.py:565
#: lib/configure.py:575
msgid "XBM"
msgstr "XBM"
#: lib/configure.py:555
#: lib/configure.py:566
#: lib/configure.py:576
msgid "XPM"
msgstr "XPM"
#: lib/configure.py:581
msgid "Plain text (chess output)"
msgstr "Texte brut (échecs)"
#: lib/configure.py:582
msgid "Plain text (image)"
msgstr "Texte brut (image)"
#: lib/configure.py:583
msgid "Plain text (Xfig output)"
msgstr "Texte brut (Xfig)"
#: lib/configure.py:584
msgid "date (output)"
msgstr "date (sortie)"
#: lib/configure.py:585
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiErrorList.cpp:42
msgid "DocBook"
msgstr "DocBook"
#: lib/configure.py:585
msgid "DocBook|B"
msgstr "DocBook|B"
#: lib/configure.py:586
msgid "DocBook (XML)"
msgstr "DocBook (XML)"
#: lib/configure.py:587
msgid "Graphviz Dot"
msgstr "Graphviz Dot"
#: lib/configure.py:588
msgid "LaTeX (pLaTeX)"
msgstr "LaTeX (pLaTeX)"
#: lib/configure.py:589
msgid "NoWeb"
msgstr "NoWeb"
#: lib/configure.py:589
msgid "NoWeb|N"
msgstr "NoWeb|N"
#: lib/configure.py:590
msgid "Sweave|S"
msgstr "Sweave|S"
#: lib/configure.py:591
msgid "R/S code"
msgstr "R/S code"
#: lib/configure.py:593
msgid "LilyPond music"
msgstr "Format musical LilyPond"
#: lib/configure.py:594
msgid "LilyPond book (LaTeX)"
msgstr "Livre LilyPond (LaTeX)"
#: lib/configure.py:595
msgid "LaTeX (plain)"
msgstr "LaTeX (standard)"
#: lib/configure.py:595
msgid "LaTeX (plain)|L"
msgstr "LaTeX (standard)|L"
#: lib/configure.py:596
msgid "LaTeX (LuaTeX)"
msgstr "LaTeX (LuaTeX)"
#: lib/configure.py:597
msgid "LaTeX (pdflatex)"
msgstr "LaTeX (pdflatex)"
#: lib/configure.py:598
msgid "LaTeX (dviluatex)"
msgstr "LaTeX (dviluatex)"
#: lib/configure.py:599
msgid "LaTeX (XeTeX)"
msgstr "LaTeX (XeTeX)"
#: lib/configure.py:600
msgid "Plain text"
msgstr "Texte brut"
#: lib/configure.py:600
msgid "Plain text|a"
msgstr "Texte brut|r"
#: lib/configure.py:601
msgid "Plain text (pstotext)"
msgstr "Texte brut (pstotext)"
#: lib/configure.py:602
msgid "Plain text (ps2ascii)"
msgstr "Texte brut (ps2ascii)"
#: lib/configure.py:603
msgid "Plain text (catdvi)"
msgstr "Texte brut (catdvi)"
#: lib/configure.py:604
msgid "Plain Text, Join Lines"
msgstr "Texte brut par Lignes"
#: lib/configure.py:605
msgid "Info (Beamer)"
msgstr "Info (Beamer)"
#: lib/configure.py:608
msgid "Gnumeric spreadsheet"
msgstr "Tableur Gnumeric"
#: lib/configure.py:609
msgid "Excel spreadsheet"
msgstr "Tableur Excel"
#: lib/configure.py:610
msgid "OpenOffice spreadsheet"
msgstr "Tableur Openoffice"
#: lib/configure.py:613
#: lib/configure.py:615
msgid "LyXHTML"
msgstr "LyXHTML"
#: lib/configure.py:613
#: lib/configure.py:615
msgid "LyXHTML|y"
msgstr "LyXHTML|y"
#: lib/configure.py:623
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiLog.cpp:230
msgid "BibTeX"
msgstr "BibTeX"
#: lib/configure.py:628
msgid "EPS"
msgstr "EPS"
#: lib/configure.py:629
msgid "Postscript"
msgstr "Postscript"
#: lib/configure.py:629
msgid "Postscript|t"
msgstr "Postscript|t"
#: lib/configure.py:633
msgid "PDF (ps2pdf)"
msgstr "PDF (ps2pdf)"
#: lib/configure.py:633
msgid "PDF (ps2pdf)|P"
msgstr "PDF (ps2pdf)|P"
#: lib/configure.py:634
msgid "PDF (pdflatex)"
msgstr "PDF (pdflatex)"
#: lib/configure.py:634
msgid "PDF (pdflatex)|F"
msgstr "PDF (pdflatex)|F"
#: lib/configure.py:635
msgid "PDF (dvipdfm)"
msgstr "PDF (dvipdfm)"
#: lib/configure.py:635
msgid "PDF (dvipdfm)|m"
msgstr "PDF (dvipdfm)|m"
#: lib/configure.py:636
msgid "PDF (XeTeX)"
msgstr "PDF (XeTeX)"
#: lib/configure.py:636
msgid "PDF (XeTeX)|X"
msgstr "PDF (XeTeX)|X"
#: lib/configure.py:637
msgid "PDF (LuaTeX)"
msgstr "PDF (LuaTeX)"
#: lib/configure.py:637
msgid "PDF (LuaTeX)|u"
msgstr "PDF (LuaTeX)|u"
#: lib/configure.py:640
msgid "DVI"
msgstr "DVI"
#: lib/configure.py:640
msgid "DVI|D"
msgstr "DVI|D"
#: lib/configure.py:641
msgid "DVI (LuaTeX)"
msgstr "DVI (LuaTeX)"
#: lib/configure.py:641
msgid "DVI (LuaTeX)|V"
msgstr "DVI (LuaTeX)|V"
#: lib/configure.py:644
msgid "DraftDVI"
msgstr "BrouillonDVI"
#: lib/configure.py:647
msgid "HTML|H"
msgstr "HTML|H"
#: lib/configure.py:650
msgid "Noteedit"
msgstr "Noteedit"
#: lib/configure.py:653
msgid "OpenDocument"
msgstr "OpenDocument"
#: lib/configure.py:654
msgid "OpenOffice.Org (sxw)"
msgstr "OpenOffice.Org (sxw)"
#: lib/configure.py:657
msgid "Rich Text Format"
msgstr "Rich Text Format"
#: lib/configure.py:658
msgid "MS Word"
msgstr "MS Word"
#: lib/configure.py:658
msgid "MS Word|W"
msgstr "MS Word|W"
#: lib/configure.py:661
msgid "date command"
msgstr "commande 'date'"
#: lib/configure.py:662
msgid "Table (CSV)"
msgstr "Tableau (CSV)"
#: lib/configure.py:664
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1150
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1151
#: src/mathed/MathMacroTemplate.cpp:543
msgid "LyX"
msgstr "LyX"
#: lib/configure.py:665
msgid "LyX 1.3.x"
msgstr "LyX 1.3.x"
#: lib/configure.py:666
msgid "LyX 1.4.x"
msgstr "LyX 1.4.x"
#: lib/configure.py:667
msgid "LyX 1.5.x"
msgstr "LyX 1.5.x"
#: lib/configure.py:668
msgid "LyX 1.6.x"
msgstr "LyX 1.6.x"
#: lib/configure.py:669
msgid "CJK LyX 1.4.x (big5)"
msgstr "CJK LyX 1.4.x (big5)"
#: lib/configure.py:670
msgid "CJK LyX 1.4.x (euc-jp)"
msgstr "CJK LyX 1.4.x (euc-jp)"
#: lib/configure.py:671
msgid "CJK LyX 1.4.x (euc-kr)"
msgstr "CJK LyX 1.4.x (euc-kr)"
#: lib/configure.py:672
msgid "LyX Preview"
msgstr "Aperçu"
#: lib/configure.py:673
msgid "LyX Preview (LilyPond book)"
msgstr "Aperçu LyX (livre LilyPond)"
#: lib/configure.py:674
msgid "LyX Preview (pLaTeX)"
msgstr "Aperçu (pLaTeX)"
#: lib/configure.py:675
msgid "PDFTEX"
msgstr "PDFTEX"
#: lib/configure.py:676
msgid "Program"
msgstr "Listing de code source"
#: lib/configure.py:677
msgid "PSTEX"
msgstr "PSTEX"
#: lib/configure.py:678
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiClipboard.cpp:168
msgid "Windows Metafile"
msgstr "Métafichier Windows"
#: lib/configure.py:679
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiClipboard.cpp:167
msgid "Enhanced Metafile"
msgstr "Métafichier amélioré"
#: lib/configure.py:680
msgid "HTML (MS Word)"
msgstr "HTML (MS Word)"
#: lib/configure.py:776
msgid "LyXBlogger"
msgstr "LyxBlogger"
#: lib/configure.py:985
msgid "LyX Archive (zip)"
msgstr "Archive LyX (zip)"
#: lib/configure.py:988
msgid "LyX Archive (tar.gz)"
msgstr "Archive LyX (tar.gz)"
#: src/BiblioInfo.cpp:247
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1973
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s and %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s et %2$s"
#: src/BiblioInfo.cpp:251
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s et al."
msgstr "%1$s et al."
#: src/BiblioInfo.cpp:416
#: src/BiblioInfo.cpp:453
#: src/BiblioInfo.cpp:464
#: src/BiblioInfo.cpp:514
#: src/BiblioInfo.cpp:518
msgid "ERROR!"
msgstr "ERREUR !"
#: src/BiblioInfo.cpp:657
#: src/BiblioInfo.cpp:660
msgid "No year"
msgstr "Pas d'année"
#: src/BiblioInfo.cpp:733
#: src/BiblioInfo.cpp:793
msgid "Add to bibliography only."
msgstr "Ajouter seulement à la bibliographie."
#: src/BiblioInfo.cpp:789
msgid "before"
msgstr "avant"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:137
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not print the document %1$s.\n"
"Check that your printer is set up correctly."
msgstr ""
"Le document %1$s n'a pas pu être imprimé.\n"
"Vérifiez que votre imprimante est réglée correctement."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:140
msgid "Print document failed"
msgstr "Échec de l'impression du document"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:354
msgid "Disk Error: "
msgstr "Erreur disque : "
#: src/Buffer.cpp:355
#, c-format
msgid "LyX could not create the temporary directory '%1$s' (Disk is full maybe?)"
msgstr "LyX n'a pu créer le répertoire temporaire %1$s (disque plein ?)"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:467
msgid "LyX attempted to close a document that had unsaved changes!\n"
msgstr "LyX a tenté de fermer un document comportant des modifications non enregistrées !\n"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:469
msgid "Attempting to close changed document!"
msgstr "Tentative de fermeture d'un document modifié !"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:478
msgid "Could not remove temporary directory"
msgstr "Impossible d'enlever le répertoire temporaire"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:479
#, c-format
msgid "Could not remove the temporary directory %1$s"
msgstr "Impossible d'enlever le répertoire temporaire %1$s"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:831
msgid "Unknown document class"
msgstr "Classe de document inconnue"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:832
#, c-format
msgid "Using the default document class, because the class %1$s is unknown."
msgstr "Utilise la classe de document implicite, parce que la classe %1$s est inconnue."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:836
#: src/Text.cpp:487
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown token: %1$s %2$s\n"
msgstr "Élément inconnu : %1$s %2$s\n"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:840
#: src/Buffer.cpp:847
#: src/Buffer.cpp:870
msgid "Document header error"
msgstr "Erreur d'en-tête de document"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:846
msgid "\\begin_header is missing"
msgstr "il manque \\begin_header"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:869
msgid "\\begin_document is missing"
msgstr "il manque \\begin_document"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:882
#: src/Buffer.cpp:888
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1440
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1446
msgid "Changes not shown in LaTeX output"
msgstr "Modifications non affichées dans la sortie"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:883
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1441
msgid ""
"Changes will not be highlighted in LaTeX output, because neither dvipost nor xcolor/ulem are installed.\n"
"Please install these packages or redefine \\lyxadded and \\lyxdeleted in the LaTeX preamble."
msgstr ""
"Les modifications ne seront pas mises en évidence dans la sortie LaTeX, parce que ni dvipost, ni xcolor/ulem ne sont installés.\n"
"Installer ces paquetages ou redéfinir \\lyxadded et \\lyxdeleted dans le préambule LaTeX."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:889
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1447
msgid ""
"Changes will not be highlighted in LaTeX output when using pdflatex, because xcolor and ulem are not installed.\n"
"Please install both packages or redefine \\lyxadded and \\lyxdeleted in the LaTeX preamble."
msgstr ""
"Les modifications ne seront pas mises en évidence dans la sortie LaTeX si vous utilisez pdflatex, parce que xcolor et ulem ne sont pas installés.\n"
"Installer ces deux paquetages ou redéfinir \\lyxadded et \\lyxdeleted dans le préambule LaTeX."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:927
#: src/BufferParams.cpp:414
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiLog.cpp:233
#: src/insets/InsetIndex.cpp:446
#: src/insets/InsetIndex.cpp:714
msgid "Index"
msgstr "Index"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1000
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1044
msgid "Document format failure"
msgstr "Problème de format de document"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1001
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s ended unexpectedly, which means that it is probably corrupted."
msgstr "%1$s se termine de façon inattendue, ce qui signifie qu'il est sans doute corrompu."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1045
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s is not a readable LyX document."
msgstr "%1$s n'est pas un document LyX consultable."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1070
msgid "Conversion failed"
msgstr "Échec conversion"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1071
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s is from a different version of LyX, but a temporary file for converting it could not be created."
msgstr "%1$s est d'une ancienne version de LyX, et la création d'un fichier temporaire de conversion a échoué."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1081
msgid "Conversion script not found"
msgstr "Script de conversion introuvable"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1082
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s is from a different version of LyX, but the conversion script lyx2lyx could not be found."
msgstr "%1$s est d'une ancienne version de LyX, et le script de conversion lyx2lyx est introuvable."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1105
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1112
msgid "Conversion script failed"
msgstr "Échec du script de conversion"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1106
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s is from an older version of LyX and the lyx2lyx script failed to convert it."
msgstr "%1$s vient d'une ancienne version de LyX, et le script lyx2lyx n'a pas réussi à le convertir."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1113
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s is from a newer version of LyX and the lyx2lyx script failed to convert it."
msgstr "%1$s vient d'une version plus récente de LyX, et le script lyx2lyx n'a pas réussi à le convertir."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1134
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3856
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3918
msgid "File is read-only"
msgstr "Fichier en lecture seule"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1135
#, c-format
msgid "The file %1$s cannot be written because it is marked as read-only."
msgstr "Le fichier %1$s ne peut pas être écrasé parce qu'il est en lecture seule."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1144
#, c-format
msgid "Document %1$s has been externally modified. Are you sure you want to overwrite this file?"
msgstr ""
"Le document %1$s a été modifié par une application externe.\n"
"Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir écrire par dessus ce document ?"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1146
msgid "Overwrite modified file?"
msgstr "Écraser le fichier modifié ?"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1147
#: src/Buffer.cpp:2395
#: src/Exporter.cpp:50
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiClipboard.cpp:242
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2121
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2287
msgid "&Overwrite"
msgstr "É&craser"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1176
msgid "Backup failure"
msgstr "Échec de la copie de sauvegarde"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1177
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot create backup file %1$s.\n"
"Please check whether the directory exists and is writable."
msgstr ""
"LyX n'a pas pu faire de copie de sauvegarde dans %1$s.\n"
"Veuillez vérifier l'existence du répertoire et ses droits d'écriture."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1203
#, c-format
msgid "Saving document %1$s..."
msgstr "Enregistrement du document %1$s..."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1218
msgid " could not write file!"
msgstr " n'a pu enregistrer le fichier !"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1226
msgid " done."
msgstr " terminé."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1241
#, c-format
msgid "LyX: Attempting to save document %1$s\n"
msgstr "LyX : tente de sauvegarder le document %1$s\n"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1251
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1264
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1278
#, c-format
msgid "Saved to %1$s. Phew.\n"
msgstr "Enregistré comme %1$s. Ouf !\n"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1254
msgid "Save failed! Trying again...\n"
msgstr "La sauvegarde a échoué ! LyX essaie encore...\n"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1268
msgid "Save failed! Trying yet again...\n"
msgstr "La sauvegarde a échoué ! Nouvel essai...\n"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1282
msgid "Save failed! Bummer. Document is lost."
msgstr "La sauvegarde a échoué. Las ! le document est perdu."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1369
msgid "Iconv software exception Detected"
msgstr "Détection d'une exception logicielle dans le logiciel iconv"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1369
#, c-format
msgid "Please verify that the support software for your encoding (%1$s) is properly installed"
msgstr "Merci de vérifier que le support pour votre encodage (%1$s) est correctement installé"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1391
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find LaTeX command for character '%1$s' (code point %2$s)"
msgstr "Commande LaTeX pour le caractère '%1$s' introuvable (point %2$s du code)"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1394
msgid ""
"Some characters of your document are probably not representable in the chosen encoding.\n"
"Changing the document encoding to utf8 could help."
msgstr ""
"Certains caractères de votre document ne sont probablement pas représentables en utilisant l'encodage choisi.\n"
"Changer l'encodage du document pour utf8 devrait améliorer les choses."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1401
msgid "iconv conversion failed"
msgstr "Échec conversion iconv"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1406
msgid "conversion failed"
msgstr "Échec conversion"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1514
msgid "Uncodable character in file path"
msgstr "Caractère incodable dans le chemin d'accès au fichier"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1516
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The path of your document\n"
"contains glyphs that are unknown in the current document encoding (namely %2$s). This may result in incomplete output, unless TEXINPUTS contains the document directory and you don't use explicitly relative paths (i.e., paths starting with './' or '../') in the preamble or in ERT.\n"
"In case of problems, choose an appropriate document encoding\n"
"(such as utf8) or change the file path name."
msgstr ""
"Le chemin d'accès à votre document\n"
"contient des caractères inconnus \n"
"de l'encodage en cours (i. e. %2$s).\n"
"Il en résultera probablement une sortie imprimable incomplète, sauf si TEXINPUTS contient le répertoire du document\n"
"et si vous n'utilisez pas explicitement de chemins relatifs (i.e. des chemins commençant par « ./ » ou « ../ ») dans le préambule ou en code TeX.\n"
"En cas de difficultés, choisir un encodage de document approprié (par exemple utf8)\n"
"ou modifier le nom du chemin d'accès au fichier."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1828
msgid "Running chktex..."
msgstr "Exécution de chktex..."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1842
msgid "chktex failure"
msgstr "échec de chktex"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:1843
msgid "Could not run chktex successfully."
msgstr "Chktex ne s'est pas exécuté correctement."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:2097
#, c-format
msgid "Don't know how to export to format: %1$s"
msgstr "Pas d'information pour exporter au format : %1$s."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:2161
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3130
#, c-format
msgid "Error exporting to format: %1$s."
msgstr "Erreur à l'exportation au format %1$s."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:2244
#, c-format
msgid "Branch \"%1$s\" already exists."
msgstr "La branche « %1$s » existe déjà."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:2309
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to parse \"%1$s\""
msgstr "Impossible d'explorer « %1$s »"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:2316
#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized target \"%1$s\""
msgstr "Cible « %1$s » inconnue"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:2326
msgid "Error exporting to DVI."
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'exportation DVI."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:2391
#: src/Exporter.cpp:45
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The file %1$s already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite that file?"
msgstr ""
"Le fichier %1$s existe déjà.\n"
"Voulez-vous écraser ce fichier ?"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:2394
#: src/Exporter.cpp:48
msgid "Overwrite file?"
msgstr "Écraser le fichier ?"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:2411
msgid "Error running external commands."
msgstr "Erreur à l'exécution de commandes externes."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3218
#, c-format
msgid "Preview source code for paragraph %1$d"
msgstr "Visionner le code LaTeX du paragraphe %1$d"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3222
#, c-format
msgid "Preview source code from paragraph %1$s to %2$s"
msgstr "Visionner le code LaTeX des paragraphes %1$s à %2$s"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3275
msgid "Preview source code"
msgstr "Visionner le code LaTeX"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3277
msgid "Preview preamble"
msgstr "Aperçu préambule"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3279
msgid "Preview body"
msgstr "Aperçu corps"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3294
msgid "Plain text does not have a preamble."
msgstr "Le texte brut ne possède pas de préambule."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3406
#, c-format
msgid "Auto-saving %1$s"
msgstr "Sauvegarde automatique de %1$s"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3460
msgid "Autosave failed!"
msgstr "La sauvegarde automatique a échoué !"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3521
msgid "Autosaving current document..."
msgstr "Sauvegarde automatique du document..."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3611
msgid "Couldn't export file"
msgstr "Exportation du fichier impossible"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3612
#, c-format
msgid "No information for exporting the format %1$s."
msgstr "Pas d'information pour exporter au format %1$s."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3668
msgid "File name error"
msgstr "Erreur de nom de fichier"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3669
msgid "The directory path to the document cannot contain spaces."
msgstr "Le chemin des répertoires du document ne doit pas contenir d'espaces."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3753
msgid "Document export cancelled."
msgstr "Export du document annulé."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3763
#, c-format
msgid "Document exported as %1$s to file `%2$s'"
msgstr "Document exporté en tant que %1$s vers le fichier `%2$s'"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3769
#, c-format
msgid "Document exported as %1$s"
msgstr "Document exporté en tant que %1$s"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3842
#, c-format
msgid ""
"An emergency save of the document %1$s exists.\n"
"Recover emergency save?"
msgstr ""
"Il existe une sauvegarde d'urgence du document %1$s.\n"
"Voulez-vous récupérer la sauvegarde d'urgence ?"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3845
msgid "Load emergency save?"
msgstr "Charger la sauvegarde d'urgence ?"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3846
msgid "&Recover"
msgstr "&Récupérer"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3846
msgid "&Load Original"
msgstr "&Charger l'original"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3857
#, c-format
msgid "An emergency file is successfully loaded, but the original file %1$s is marked read-only. Please make sure to save the document as a different file."
msgstr "Une sauvegarde d'urgence a été correctement chargée, mais le fichier original %1$s est en lecture seule. Il faudra sauvegarder le document sous un autre nom."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3863
msgid "Document was successfully recovered."
msgstr "Le document a été récupéré correctement."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3865
msgid "Document was NOT successfully recovered."
msgstr "Le document n'a PAS été récupéré avec succès."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3866
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Remove emergency file now?\n"
msgstr ""
"Supprimer la sauvegarde d'urgence maintenant ?\n"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3870
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3882
msgid "Delete emergency file?"
msgstr "Supprimer la sauvegarde d'urgence ?"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3871
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3884
msgid "&Keep"
msgstr "&Conserver"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3875
msgid "Emergency file deleted"
msgstr "Sauvegarde d'urgence supprimée"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3876
msgid "Do not forget to save your file now!"
msgstr "N'oubliez pas d'enregistrer votre fichier maintenant !"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3883
msgid "Remove emergency file now?"
msgstr "Supprimer la sauvegarde d'urgence maintenant ?"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3906
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The backup of the document %1$s is newer.\n"
"Load the backup instead?"
msgstr ""
"La sauvegarde automatique du document %1$s est plus récente.\n"
"Voulez-vous charger la sauvegarde automatique ?"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3908
msgid "Load backup?"
msgstr "Charger la sauvegarde automatique ?"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3909
msgid "&Load backup"
msgstr "&Charger la sauvegarde"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3909
msgid "Load &original"
msgstr "Charger l'&original"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:3919
#, c-format
msgid "A backup file is successfully loaded, but the original file %1$s is marked read-only. Please make sure to save the document as a different file."
msgstr "Un fichier de sauvegarde a été correctement chargé, mais le fichier original %1$s est en lecture seule. Il faudra sauvegarder le document sous un autre nom."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:4261
#: src/insets/InsetCaption.cpp:326
msgid "Senseless!!! "
msgstr "Absurde ! "
#: src/Buffer.cpp:4461
#, c-format
msgid "Document %1$s reloaded."
msgstr "Document %1$s rechargé."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:4464
#, c-format
msgid "Could not reload document %1$s."
msgstr "Impossible de recharger le document %1$s."
#: src/Buffer.cpp:4531
msgid "Included File Invalid"
msgstr "Fichier inclus invalide"
#: src/Buffer.cpp:4532
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Saving this document to a new location has made the file:\n"
" %1$s\n"
"inaccessible. You will need to update the included filename."
msgstr ""
"La sauvegarde du document dans un nouvel emplacement a rendu le fichier\n"
" %1$s\n"
"inaccessible. Vous devrez mettre à jour le nouveau nom du fichier."
#: src/BufferParams.cpp:571
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The selected document class\n"
"requires external files that are not available.\n"
"The document class can still be used, but the\n"
"document cannot be compiled until the following\n"
"prerequisites are installed:\n"
"See section (Class Availability) of the\n"
"User's Guide for more information."
msgstr ""
"La classe de document sélectionnée\n"
"requiert des fichiers externes non disponibles.\n"
"La classe peut néanmoins être utilisée, mais le document\n"
"ne pourra pas être compilé tant que\n"
"les pré-requis suivants ne seront pas installés :\n"
"Voir le paragraphe (Disponibilité des classes) du\n"
"Guide de l'Utilisateur pour en savoir plus."
#: src/BufferParams.cpp:580
msgid "Document class not available"
msgstr "Classe de document non disponible"
#: src/BufferParams.cpp:1985
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The layout file:\n"
"could not be found. A default textclass with default\n"
"layouts will be used. LyX will not be able to produce\n"
"correct output."
msgstr ""
"Le fichier de format :\n"
" %1$s\n"
"est introuvable. Une classe implicite avec un format implicite\n"
"sera utilisée. LyX ne pourra pas produire\n"
"un résultat imprimable correct."
#: src/BufferParams.cpp:1991
msgid "Document class not found"
msgstr "Classe de document introuvable"
#: src/BufferParams.cpp:1998
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Due to some error in it, the layout file:\n"
"could not be loaded. A default textclass with default\n"
"layouts will be used. LyX will not be able to produce\n"
"correct output."
msgstr ""
"Du fait d'une erreur interne, le fichier de format :\n"
"est introuvable. Une classe implicite avec un format implicite\n"
"sera utilisée. LyX ne pourra pas produire\n"
"un résultat imprimable correct."
#: src/BufferParams.cpp:2004
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1285
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1317
msgid "Could not load class"
msgstr "Chargement de la classe impossible"
#: src/BufferParams.cpp:2038
msgid "Error reading internal layout information"
msgstr "Erreur de lecture du format interne"
#: src/BufferParams.cpp:2039
#: src/TextClass.cpp:1349
msgid "Read Error"
msgstr "Erreur de lecture"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:188
msgid "No more insets"
msgstr "Pas d'autre insert"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:731
msgid "Save bookmark"
msgstr "Enregistrer le signet"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:948
msgid "Converting document to new document class..."
msgstr "Conversion du document vers sa nouvelle classe..."
#: src/BufferView.cpp:991
msgid "Document is read-only"
msgstr "Document en lecture seule"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1000
msgid "This portion of the document is deleted."
msgstr "Cette portion du document est supprimée."
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1043
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1930
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3186
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3261
msgid "Absolute filename expected."
msgstr "Chemin absolu requis."
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1283
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1315
#, c-format
msgid "The document class `%1$s' could not be loaded."
msgstr "La classe de document « %1$s » n'a pas pu être chargée."
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1338
msgid "No further undo information"
msgstr "Pas d'information pour Annuler"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1348
msgid "No further redo information"
msgstr "Pas d'information pour Refaire"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1537
#: src/lyxfind.cpp:375
#: src/lyxfind.cpp:393
msgid "String not found!"
msgstr "Chaîne de caractères introuvable !"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1580
msgid "Mark off"
msgstr "Marque désactivée"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1586
msgid "Mark on"
msgstr "Marque activée"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1593
msgid "Mark removed"
msgstr "Marque enlevée"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1596
msgid "Mark set"
msgstr "Marque posée"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1652
msgid "Statistics for the selection:"
msgstr "Statistiques pour la sélection :"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1654
msgid "Statistics for the document:"
msgstr "Statistiques pour le document :"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1657
#, c-format
msgid "%1$d words"
msgstr "%1$d mots"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1659
msgid "One word"
msgstr "Un mot"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1662
#, c-format
msgid "%1$d characters (including blanks)"
msgstr "%1$d caractères (espaces inclus)"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1665
msgid "One character (including blanks)"
msgstr "Un caractère (espaces inclus)"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1668
#, c-format
msgid "%1$d characters (excluding blanks)"
msgstr "%1$d caractères (espaces exclus)"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1671
msgid "One character (excluding blanks)"
msgstr "Un caractère (espaces exclus)"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1673
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Statistiques"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1807
#, c-format
msgid "`inset-forall' interrupted because number of actions is larger than %1$d"
msgstr "Interruption de « inset-forall » du fait d'un nombre d'actions supérieur à %1$d"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1809
#, c-format
msgid "Applied \"%1$s\" to %2$d insets"
msgstr " \"%1$s\" appliqué à %2$d inserts"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1817
msgid "Branch name"
msgstr "Nom de la branche"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1824
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBranches.cpp:218
msgid "Branch already exists"
msgstr "La branche existe déjà"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:1956
#, c-format
msgid "Branch \"%1$s\" does not exist."
msgstr "Branche « %1$s » inexistante."
#: src/BufferView.cpp:2305
msgid "Inverse Search Failed"
msgstr "Échec de la recherche inversée"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:2306
msgid ""
"Invalid position requested by inverse search.\n"
"You need to update the viewed document."
msgstr ""
"Position requise par la recherche inversée invalide.\n"
"Vous devez mettre à jour le document dans la visionneuse."
#: src/BufferView.cpp:2685
#, c-format
msgid "Inserting document %1$s..."
msgstr "Insertion du document %1$s..."
#: src/BufferView.cpp:2696
#, c-format
msgid "Document %1$s inserted."
msgstr "Document %1$s inséré."
#: src/BufferView.cpp:2698
#, c-format
msgid "Could not insert document %1$s"
msgstr "Impossible d'insérer le document %1$s"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:2963
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not read the specified document\n"
"due to the error: %2$s"
msgstr ""
"Lecture impossible pour le document\n"
"à cause de l'erreur : %2$s"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:2965
msgid "Could not read file"
msgstr "Lecture du fichier impossible"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:2972
#, c-format
msgid ""
" is not readable."
msgstr ""
"est illisible."
#: src/BufferView.cpp:2973
#: src/output.cpp:39
msgid "Could not open file"
msgstr "Ouverture du fichier impossible"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:2980
msgid "Reading not UTF-8 encoded file"
msgstr "Lecture d'un fichier non encodé en UTF-8"
#: src/BufferView.cpp:2981
msgid ""
"The file is not UTF-8 encoded.\n"
"It will be read as local 8Bit-encoded.\n"
"If this does not give the correct result\n"
"then please change the encoding of the file\n"
"to UTF-8 with a program other than LyX.\n"
msgstr ""
"Le fichier n'est pas encodé en UTF-8.\n"
"Il va être lu comme s'il utilisait un encodage localisé en 8 bits.\n"
"Si cela ne donne pas un résultat satisfaisant\n"
"encodez le fichier en UTF-8 en utilisant un programme externe.\n"
#: src/Changes.cpp:363
#: src/Paragraph.cpp:2523
#: src/frontends/qt4/LaTeXHighlighter.cpp:108
#: src/insets/InsetBibitem.cpp:300
#: src/insets/InsetCommandParams.cpp:390
#: src/insets/InsetHyperlink.cpp:209
#: src/insets/InsetListings.cpp:182
#: src/insets/InsetListings.cpp:190
#: src/insets/InsetListings.cpp:212
#: src/insets/InsetNomencl.cpp:285
#: src/mathed/InsetMathString.cpp:161
msgid "LyX Warning: "
msgstr "Avertissement LyX : "
#: src/Changes.cpp:364
#: src/Paragraph.cpp:2524
#: src/insets/InsetBibitem.cpp:301
#: src/insets/InsetCommandParams.cpp:391
#: src/insets/InsetHyperlink.cpp:210
#: src/insets/InsetListings.cpp:183
#: src/insets/InsetListings.cpp:191
#: src/insets/InsetNomencl.cpp:286
#: src/mathed/InsetMathString.cpp:162
msgid "uncodable character"
msgstr "caractère incodable"
#: src/Changes.cpp:379
msgid "Uncodable character in author name"
msgstr "Caractère incodable dans le nom d'auteur"
#: src/Changes.cpp:380
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The author name '%1$s',\n"
"used for change tracking, contains glyphs that cannot be\n"
"represented in the current encoding. The respective glyphs\n"
"will be omitted in the exported LaTeX file.\n"
"Choose an appropriate document encoding (such as utf8)\n"
"or change the spelling of the author name."
msgstr ""
"Le nom d'auteur '%1$s',\n"
"utilisé pour le suivi de modifications, contient des caractères qui ne peuvent pas être\n"
"représentés avec l'encodage en cours d'utilisation. Ces caractères\n"
"seront omis dans le fichier LaTeX exporté.\n"
"Choisir un encodage approprié (par exemple utf8)\n"
"ou modifier l'orthographe du nom d'auteur."
#: src/Chktex.cpp:63
#, c-format
msgid "ChkTeX warning id # %1$d"
msgstr "Avertissement ChkTeX n° %1$d"
#: src/Chktex.cpp:65
msgid "ChkTeX warning id # "
msgstr "Avertissement ChkTeX n° "
# à revoir, accord avec les autres mots incertain
#: src/Color.cpp:201
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:178
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:203
msgid "none"
msgstr "aucune"
#: src/Color.cpp:202
msgid "black"
msgstr "noir"
#: src/Color.cpp:203
msgid "white"
msgstr "blanc"
#: src/Color.cpp:204
msgid "red"
msgstr "rouge"
#: src/Color.cpp:205
msgid "green"
msgstr "vert"
#: src/Color.cpp:206
msgid "blue"
msgstr "bleu"
#: src/Color.cpp:207
msgid "cyan"
msgstr "cyan"
#: src/Color.cpp:208
msgid "magenta"
msgstr "magenta"
#: src/Color.cpp:209
msgid "yellow"
msgstr "jaune"
#: src/Color.cpp:210
msgid "cursor"
msgstr "curseur"
#: src/Color.cpp:211
msgid "background"
msgstr "fond"
#: src/Color.cpp:212
msgid "text"
msgstr "texte"
#: src/Color.cpp:213
msgid "selection"
msgstr "sélection"
#: src/Color.cpp:214
msgid "selected text"
msgstr "texte sélectionné"
#: src/Color.cpp:216
msgid "LaTeX text"
msgstr "texte LaTeX"
#: src/Color.cpp:217
msgid "inline completion"
msgstr "complétion en ligne"
#: src/Color.cpp:219
msgid "non-unique inline completion"
msgstr "complétion en ligne multiple"
#: src/Color.cpp:221
msgid "previewed snippet"
msgstr "aperçu"
#: src/Color.cpp:222
msgid "note label"
msgstr "étiquette de note"
#: src/Color.cpp:223
msgid "note background"
msgstr "fond de note"
#: src/Color.cpp:224
msgid "comment label"
msgstr "étiquette de commentaire"
#: src/Color.cpp:225
msgid "comment background"
msgstr "fond de commentaire"
#: src/Color.cpp:226
msgid "greyedout inset label"
msgstr "étiquette d'insert grisé"
#: src/Color.cpp:227
msgid "greyedout inset text"
msgstr "texte d'insert grisé"
#: src/Color.cpp:228
msgid "greyedout inset background"
msgstr "fond d'insert grisé"
#: src/Color.cpp:229
msgid "phantom inset text"
msgstr "texte d'insert fantôme"
#: src/Color.cpp:230
msgid "shaded box"
msgstr "boîte ombrée"
#: src/Color.cpp:231
msgid "listings background"
msgstr "fond de listing"
#: src/Color.cpp:232
msgid "branch label"
msgstr "étiquette de branche"
#: src/Color.cpp:233
msgid "footnote label"
msgstr "étiquette de note de bas de page"
#: src/Color.cpp:234
msgid "index label"
msgstr "étiquette d'index"
#: src/Color.cpp:235
msgid "margin note label"
msgstr "étiquette de note en marge"
#: src/Color.cpp:236
msgid "URL label"
msgstr "étiquette d'URL"
#: src/Color.cpp:237
msgid "URL text"
msgstr "texte d'URL"
#: src/Color.cpp:238
msgid "depth bar"
msgstr "barre de profondeur"
#: src/Color.cpp:239
msgid "language"
msgstr "langue"
#: src/Color.cpp:240
msgid "command inset"
msgstr "insert de commande"
#: src/Color.cpp:241
msgid "command inset background"
msgstr "fond d'insert de commande"
#: src/Color.cpp:242
msgid "command inset frame"
msgstr "cadre d'insert de commande"
#: src/Color.cpp:243
msgid "special character"
msgstr "caractère spécial"
#: src/Color.cpp:244
msgid "math"
msgstr "maths"
#: src/Color.cpp:245
msgid "math background"
msgstr "fond mathématique"
#: src/Color.cpp:246
msgid "graphics background"
msgstr "fond graphique"
#: src/Color.cpp:247
#: src/Color.cpp:251
msgid "math macro background"
msgstr "fond de macro mathématique"
#: src/Color.cpp:248
msgid "math frame"
msgstr "cadre mathématique"
#: src/Color.cpp:249
msgid "math corners"
msgstr "coins mathématique"
#: src/Color.cpp:250
msgid "math line"
msgstr "ligne mathématique"
#: src/Color.cpp:252
msgid "math macro hovered background"
msgstr "fond dynamique de macro mathématique"
#: src/Color.cpp:253
msgid "math macro label"
msgstr "étiquette de macro mathématique"
#: src/Color.cpp:254
msgid "math macro frame"
msgstr "cadre de macro mathématique"
#: src/Color.cpp:255
msgid "math macro blended out"
msgstr "macro mathématique désactivée"
#: src/Color.cpp:256
msgid "math macro old parameter"
msgstr "macro mathématique : ancien paramètre"
#: src/Color.cpp:257
msgid "math macro new parameter"
msgstr "macro mathématique : nouveau paramètre"
#: src/Color.cpp:258
msgid "collapsable inset text"
msgstr "texte d'insert repliable"
#: src/Color.cpp:259
msgid "collapsable inset frame"
msgstr "cadre d'insert repliable"
#: src/Color.cpp:260
msgid "inset background"
msgstr "fond d'insert"
#: src/Color.cpp:261
msgid "inset frame"
msgstr "cadre d'insert"
#: src/Color.cpp:262
msgid "LaTeX error"
msgstr "erreur LaTeX"
#: src/Color.cpp:263
msgid "end-of-line marker"
msgstr "marqueur de fin de ligne"
#: src/Color.cpp:264
msgid "appendix marker"
msgstr "marque d'appendice"
#: src/Color.cpp:265
msgid "change bar"
msgstr "barre de changement"
#: src/Color.cpp:266
msgid "deleted text"
msgstr "texte supprimé"
#: src/Color.cpp:267
msgid "added text"
msgstr "texte ajouté"
#: src/Color.cpp:268
msgid "changed text 1st author"
msgstr "texte modifié auteur 1"
#: src/Color.cpp:269
msgid "changed text 2nd author"
msgstr "texte modifié auteur 2"
#: src/Color.cpp:270
msgid "changed text 3rd author"
msgstr "texte modifié auteur 3"
#: src/Color.cpp:271
msgid "changed text 4th author"
msgstr "texte modifié auteur 4"
#: src/Color.cpp:272
msgid "changed text 5th author"
msgstr "texte modifié auteur 5"
#: src/Color.cpp:273
msgid "deleted text modifier"
msgstr "modificateur de texte supprimé"
#: src/Color.cpp:274
msgid "added space markers"
msgstr "marqueurs d'espace ajoutée"
#: src/Color.cpp:275
msgid "table line"
msgstr "ligne de tableau"
#: src/Color.cpp:276
msgid "table on/off line"
msgstr "ligne on/off de tableau"
#: src/Color.cpp:278
msgid "bottom area"
msgstr "zone du bas"
#: src/Color.cpp:279
msgid "new page"
msgstr "saut de page"
#: src/Color.cpp:280
msgid "page break / line break"
msgstr "saut de page / saut de ligne"
#: src/Color.cpp:281
msgid "frame of button"
msgstr "bordure du bouton"
#: src/Color.cpp:282
msgid "button background"
msgstr "fond du bouton"
#: src/Color.cpp:283
msgid "button background under focus"
msgstr "fond du bouton ayant le focus"
#: src/Color.cpp:284
msgid "paragraph marker"
msgstr "marquer de paragraphe"
#: src/Color.cpp:285
msgid "preview frame"
msgstr "cadre d'aperçu"
#: src/Color.cpp:286
msgid "inherit"
msgstr "hériter"
#: src/Color.cpp:287
msgid "regexp frame"
msgstr "cadre d'expression régulière"
#: src/Color.cpp:288
msgid "ignore"
msgstr "ignorer"
#: src/Converter.cpp:344
#: src/Converter.cpp:526
#: src/Converter.cpp:549
#: src/Converter.cpp:592
msgid "Cannot convert file"
msgstr "Conversion du fichier impossible"
#: src/Converter.cpp:345
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No information for converting %1$s format files to %2$s.\n"
"Define a converter in the preferences."
msgstr ""
"Pas d'information pour convertir les fichiers\n"
"du format %1$s vers le format %2$s.\n"
"Définissez un convertisseur dans les préférences."
#: src/Converter.cpp:477
#: src/Format.cpp:317
#: src/Format.cpp:385
msgid "Executing command: "
msgstr "Exécution de la commande : "
#: src/Converter.cpp:521
msgid "Build errors"
msgstr "Erreurs de compilation"
#: src/Converter.cpp:522
msgid "There were errors during the build process."
msgstr "Il y a eu des erreurs pendant la compilation."
#: src/Converter.cpp:527
#, c-format
msgid ""
"An error occurred while running:\n"
msgstr ""
"Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'exécution :\n"
#: src/Converter.cpp:550
#, c-format
msgid "Could not move a temporary directory from %1$s to %2$s."
msgstr "Impossible de déplacer un répertoire temporaire de %1$s à %2$s."
#: src/Converter.cpp:594
#, c-format
msgid "Could not copy a temporary file from %1$s to %2$s."
msgstr "Impossible de copier un fichier temporaire de %1$s vers %2$s."
#: src/Converter.cpp:595
#, c-format
msgid "Could not move a temporary file from %1$s to %2$s."
msgstr "Impossible de déplacer un fichier temporaire de %1$s à %2$s."
#: src/Converter.cpp:651
msgid "Running LaTeX..."
msgstr "Exécution de LaTeX..."
#: src/Converter.cpp:670
#, c-format
msgid "LaTeX did not run successfully. Additionally, LyX could not locate the LaTeX log %1$s."
msgstr "LaTeX ne s'est pas exécuté correctement. En plus, LyX n'a pas pu trouver le fichier journal LaTeX %1$s."
#: src/Converter.cpp:673
msgid "LaTeX failed"
msgstr "Échec de LaTeX"
#: src/Converter.cpp:675
msgid "Output is empty"
msgstr "La sortie est vide"
#: src/Converter.cpp:676
msgid "An empty output file was generated."
msgstr "La fichier de sortie généré est vide."
#: src/CutAndPaste.cpp:345
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The pasted branch \"%1$s\" is undefined.\n"
"Do you want to add it to the document's branch list?"
msgstr ""
"La branche copiée %1$s est indéfinie.\n"
"Voulez-vous l'ajouter à la liste des branches du document ?"
#: src/CutAndPaste.cpp:348
msgid "Unknown branch"
msgstr "Branche inconnue"
#: src/CutAndPaste.cpp:349
msgid "&Don't Add"
msgstr "&Ne pas ajouter"
#: src/CutAndPaste.cpp:664
#: src/Text.cpp:366
#, c-format
msgid "Layout `%1$s' was not found."
msgstr "Format `%1$s' introuvable."
#: src/CutAndPaste.cpp:666
#: src/Text.cpp:368
msgid "Layout Not Found"
msgstr "Format introuvable"
#: src/CutAndPaste.cpp:694
#, c-format
msgid "Flex inset %1$s is undefined after reloading `%2$s' layout."
msgstr "L'insert flexible %1$s n'est pas défini après rechargement du format « %2$s »."
#: src/CutAndPaste.cpp:697
#, c-format
msgid "Flex inset %1$s is undefined because of conversion from `%2$s' layout to `%3$s'."
msgstr "L'insert flexible %1$s n'est pas défini du fait de la conversion du format « %2$s » vers « %3$s »."
# à revoir
#: src/CutAndPaste.cpp:702
msgid "Undefined flex inset"
msgstr "Insert flexible indéfini"
#: src/Exporter.cpp:50
msgid "&Keep file"
msgstr "&Conserver le fichier"
#: src/Exporter.cpp:51
msgid "Overwrite &all"
msgstr "Écraser &tout"
#: src/Exporter.cpp:51
msgid "&Cancel export"
msgstr "&Annuler l'exportation"
#: src/Exporter.cpp:96
msgid "Couldn't copy file"
msgstr "Copie du fichier impossible"
#: src/Exporter.cpp:97
#, c-format
msgid "Copying %1$s to %2$s failed."
msgstr "La copie de %1$s vers %2$s a échoué."
#: src/Font.cpp:59
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:121
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3234
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:159
msgid "Roman"
msgstr "Romain"
#: src/Font.cpp:59
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:122
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3234
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:159
msgid "Sans Serif"
msgstr "Sans empattement"
#: src/Font.cpp:59
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:123
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3234
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:159
msgid "Typewriter"
msgstr "Chasse fixe"
#: src/Font.cpp:59
msgid "Symbol"
msgstr "Symbole"
#: src/Font.cpp:61
#: src/Font.cpp:64
#: src/Font.cpp:67
#: src/Font.cpp:73
#: src/Font.cpp:76
msgid "Inherit"
msgstr "Hériter"
#: src/Font.cpp:64
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:110
msgid "Medium"
msgstr "Maigre"
#: src/Font.cpp:64
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:111
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Grasse"
#: src/Font.cpp:67
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:43
msgid "Upright"
msgstr "Droite"
#: src/Font.cpp:67
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:44
msgid "Italic"
msgstr "Italique"
#: src/Font.cpp:67
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:45
msgid "Slanted"
msgstr "Inclinée"
#: src/Font.cpp:67
msgid "Smallcaps"
msgstr "Petites capitales"
#: src/Font.cpp:72
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:66
msgid "Increase"
msgstr "Augmenter"
#: src/Font.cpp:72
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:67
msgid "Decrease"
msgstr "Diminuer"
#: src/Font.cpp:76
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr "(Dés)Activer"
#: src/Font.cpp:160
#, c-format
msgid "Emphasis %1$s, "
msgstr "En évidence %1$s, "
#: src/Font.cpp:163
#, c-format
msgid "Underline %1$s, "
msgstr "Souligné %1$s, "
#: src/Font.cpp:166
#, c-format
msgid "Strikeout %1$s, "
msgstr "Rayer %1$s, "
#: src/Font.cpp:169
#, c-format
msgid "Double underline %1$s, "
msgstr "Souligné doublement %1$s, "
#: src/Font.cpp:172
#, c-format
msgid "Wavy underline %1$s, "
msgstr "Souligner vaguement %1$s, "
#: src/Font.cpp:175
#, c-format
msgid "Noun %1$s, "
msgstr "Nom propre %1$s, "
#: src/Font.cpp:189
#, c-format
msgid "Language: %1$s, "
msgstr "Langue : %1$s, "
#: src/Font.cpp:192
#, c-format
msgid "Number %1$s"
msgstr "Numéro %1$s"
#: src/Format.cpp:265
#: src/Format.cpp:278
#: src/Format.cpp:288
msgid "Cannot view file"
msgstr "Visionnement du fichier impossible"
#: src/Format.cpp:266
#: src/Format.cpp:333
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2915
#, c-format
msgid "File does not exist: %1$s"
msgstr "Fichier inexistant : %1$s"
#: src/Format.cpp:279
#, c-format
msgid "No information for viewing %1$s"
msgstr "Pas d´information pour visionner %1$s"
#: src/Format.cpp:289
#, c-format
msgid "Auto-view file %1$s failed"
msgstr "Échec de l'auto-vision du fichier %1$s"
#: src/Format.cpp:332
#: src/Format.cpp:344
#: src/Format.cpp:357
#: src/Format.cpp:368
msgid "Cannot edit file"
msgstr "Modification du fichier impossible"
#: src/Format.cpp:345
msgid "LinkBack files can only be edited on Apple Mac OSX."
msgstr "Les fichiers LinkBack ne peuvent être modifés que sur Apple Mac OSX."
#: src/Format.cpp:358
#, c-format
msgid "No information for editing %1$s"
msgstr "Pas d´information pour modifier %1$s"
#: src/Format.cpp:369
#, c-format
msgid "Auto-edit file %1$s failed"
msgstr "Échec de l'auto-modification du fichier %1$s"
#: src/KeyMap.cpp:227
#: src/KeyMap.cpp:242
msgid "Could not find bind file"
msgstr "Fichier de raccourcis (bind) introuvable"
#: src/KeyMap.cpp:228
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to find the bind file\n"
"Please check your installation."
msgstr ""
"Fichier de raccourcis (bind)\n"
"introuvable. Veuillez vérifier votre installation."
#: src/KeyMap.cpp:235
msgid "Could not find `cua.bind' file"
msgstr "Fichier « cua.bind » introuvable"
#: src/KeyMap.cpp:236
msgid ""
"Unable to find the default bind file `cua.bind'.\n"
"Please check your installation."
msgstr ""
"Fichier de raccourcis implicite « cua.bind » introuvable.\n"
"Veuillez vérifier votre installation."
#: src/KeyMap.cpp:243
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to find the bind file\n"
"Falling back to default."
msgstr ""
"Fichier de raccourcis\n"
"introuvable. Retour au fichier implicite."
#: src/KeySequence.cpp:182
msgid " options: "
msgstr " options : "
#: src/LaTeX.cpp:58
#, c-format
msgid "Waiting for LaTeX run number %1$d"
msgstr "Attend l'exécution LaTeX n°%1$d"
#: src/LaTeX.cpp:266
#: src/LaTeX.cpp:369
msgid "Running Index Processor."
msgstr "Construction de l'index."
#: src/LaTeX.cpp:292
#: src/LaTeX.cpp:352
msgid "Running BibTeX."
msgstr "Exécution de BibTeX."
#: src/LaTeX.cpp:460
msgid "Running MakeIndex for nomencl."
msgstr "Exécution de MakeIndex pour le paquetage nomencl."
#: src/LyX.cpp:121
msgid "Could not read configuration file"
msgstr "Lecture du fichier de configuration impossible"
#: src/LyX.cpp:122
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error while reading the configuration file\n"
"Please check your installation."
msgstr ""
"Erreur dans la lecture du fichier de configuration\n"
"Veuillez vérifier votre installation."
#: src/LyX.cpp:131
msgid "LyX: reconfiguring user directory"
msgstr "LyX : reconfiguration du répertoire utilisateur"
#: src/LyX.cpp:135
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Terminé !"
#: src/LyX.cpp:378
msgid "The following files could not be loaded:"
msgstr "Les fichiers suivants n'ont pu être chargés :"
#: src/LyX.cpp:415
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s does not appear like a LyX created temporary directory."
msgstr "%1$s ne semble pas être un répertoire temporaire créé par LyX."
#: src/LyX.cpp:417
msgid "Cannot remove temporary directory"
msgstr "Impossible d'enlever le répertoire temporaire"
#: src/LyX.cpp:423
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to remove the temporary directory %1$s"
msgstr "Impossible d'enlever le répertoire temporaire %1$s"
#: src/LyX.cpp:425
msgid "Unable to remove temporary directory"
msgstr "Impossible d'enlever le répertoire temporaire"
#: src/LyX.cpp:454
#, c-format
msgid "Wrong command line option `%1$s'. Exiting."
msgstr "Mauvaise option de ligne de commande « %1$s ». Sortie du programme."
#: src/LyX.cpp:528
msgid "No textclass is found"
msgstr "Classe (textclass) introuvable"
# Je n'ai pas tout compris... en plus faut-il traduire textclass ?
# textclass->classe
#: src/LyX.cpp:529
msgid "LyX will only have minimal functionality because no textclasses have been found. You can either try to reconfigure LyX normally, try to reconfigure without checking your LaTeX installation, or continue."
msgstr "LyX aura une fonctionnalité minimale car il n'a pas trouvé de classes de documents. Vous pouvez soit reconfigurer LyX normalement, soit essayer de reconfigurer sans vérifier votre installation LaTeX, soit poursuivre."
#: src/LyX.cpp:533
msgid "&Reconfigure"
msgstr "&Reconfigurer"
#: src/LyX.cpp:534
msgid "&Without LaTeX"
msgstr "&Sans LaTeX"
#: src/LyX.cpp:535
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:845
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:849
msgid "&Continue"
msgstr "&Continuer"
#: src/LyX.cpp:638
msgid ""
"SIGHUP signal caught!\n"
msgstr ""
"Signal SIGHUP perçu !\n"
"Au revoir."
#: src/LyX.cpp:642
msgid ""
"SIGFPE signal caught!\n"
msgstr ""
"Signal SIGFPE perçu !\n"
"Au revoir."
#: src/LyX.cpp:645
msgid ""
"SIGSEGV signal caught!\n"
"Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX, hope you have not lost any data.\n"
"Please read the bug-reporting instructions in 'Help->Introduction' and send us a bug report, if necessary. Thanks!\n"
msgstr ""
"Signal SIGSEGV perçu !\n"
"Désolé, vous avez trouvé un bogue de LyX, espérons que\n"
" vous n'avez pas perdu de données.\n"
"Merci de lire les instructions sur les rapports de bogue dans\n"
"« Aide->Introduction » et d'envoyer un rapport, si nécessaire.\n"
"Merci et au revoir !"
#: src/LyX.cpp:661
msgid "LyX crashed!"
msgstr "Crash LyX !"
#: src/LyX.cpp:695
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:989
msgid "LyX: "
msgstr "LyX : "
#: src/LyX.cpp:826
msgid "Could not create temporary directory"
msgstr "Impossible de créer un répertoire temporaire"
#: src/LyX.cpp:827
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not create a temporary directory in\n"
"Make sure that this path exists and is writable and try again."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de créer un répertoire temporaire dans\n"
"Vérifier que ce chemin\n"
"existe et qu'il est ouvert en écriture, puis réessayer."
#: src/LyX.cpp:910
msgid "Missing user LyX directory"
msgstr "Répertoire utilisateur LyX manquant"
#: src/LyX.cpp:911
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You have specified a non-existent user LyX directory, %1$s.\n"
"It is needed to keep your own configuration."
msgstr ""
"Vous avez spécifié un répertoire utilisateur LyX inexistant, %1$s.\n"
"Ce répertoire est nécessaire pour conserver votre configuration."
#: src/LyX.cpp:916
msgid "&Create directory"
msgstr "&Créer un répertoire"
#: src/LyX.cpp:917
msgid "&Exit LyX"
msgstr "&Quitter LyX"
#: src/LyX.cpp:918
msgid "No user LyX directory. Exiting."
msgstr "Pas de répertoire utilisateur LyX. Sortie du programme."
#: src/LyX.cpp:922
#, c-format
msgid "LyX: Creating directory %1$s"
msgstr "LyX : création du répertoire %1$s"
#: src/LyX.cpp:927
msgid "Failed to create directory. Exiting."
msgstr "Échec de la création du répertoire. Sortie du programme."
#: src/LyX.cpp:1000
msgid "List of supported debug flags:"
msgstr "Liste des options de débogage acceptées :"
#: src/LyX.cpp:1004
#, c-format
msgid "Setting debug level to %1$s"
msgstr "Niveau de débogage %1$s"
#: src/LyX.cpp:1015
msgid ""
"Usage: lyx [ command line switches ] [ name.lyx ... ]\n"
"Command line switches (case sensitive):\n"
"\t-help summarize LyX usage\n"
"\t-userdir dir set user directory to dir\n"
"\t-sysdir dir set system directory to dir\n"
"\t-geometry WxH+X+Y set geometry of the main window\n"
"\t-dbg feature[,feature]...\n"
" select the features to debug.\n"
" Type `lyx -dbg' to see the list of features\n"
"\t-x [--execute] command\n"
" where command is a lyx command.\n"
"\t-e [--export] fmt\n"
" where fmt is the export format of choice.\n"
" Look on Tools->Preferences->File formats->Format\n"
" to get an idea which parameters should be passed.\n"
" Note that the order of -e and -x switches matters.\n"
"\t-i [--import] fmt file.xxx\n"
" where fmt is the import format of choice\n"
" and file.xxx is the file to be imported.\n"
"\t-f [--force-overwrite] what\n"
" where what is either `all', `main' or `none',\n"
" specifying whether all files, main file only, or no files,\n"
" respectively, are to be overwritten during a batch export.\n"
" Anything else is equivalent to `all', but is not consumed.\n"
"\t-n [--no-remote]\n"
" open documents in a new instance\n"
"\t-r [--remote]\n"
" open documents in an already running instance\n"
" (a working lyxpipe is needed)\n"
"\t-batch execute commands without launching GUI and exit.\n"
"\t-version summarize version and build info\n"
"Check the LyX man page for more details."
msgstr ""
"Usage: lyx [ options ] [ nom.lyx ... ]\n"
"Options (sensibles à la casse) :\n"
"\t-help résumé d'utilisation\n"
"\t-userdir rep positionne le répertoire utilisateur sur rep\n"
"\t-sysdir rep positionne le répertoire système sur rep\n"
"\t-geometry WxH+X+Y géométrie de la fenêtre principale\n"
"\t-dbg fonction[,fonction] ...\n"
" sélectionne les fonctions à déboguer.\n"
" Tapez `lyx -dbg' pour voir la liste des fonctions\n"
"\t-x [--execute] commande\n"
" où commande est une commande LyX.\n"
"\t-e [--export] fmt\n"
" où fmt est le format d'exportation choisi.\n"
" Voir Outils->Préférences->Formats de Fichiers->Format\n"
" pour avoir un idée des paramètres possibles. \n"
" Noter que l'ordre des options -x et -e importe.\n"
"\t-i [--import] fmt fichier.xxx\n"
" où fmt est le format d'importation choisi\n"
" et fichier.xxx le fichier à importer.\n"
"\t-f [--force-overwrite] ceci\n"
" où « ceci » est soit « all », soit « main », soit « none »,\n"
" spécifiant si tous les fichiers, seulement le fichier principal,\n"
" ou aucun fichier (respectivement) seront écrasés pendant \n"
" une exportation depuis la ligne de commande.\n"
" Une chaîne quelconque est équivalente à « all »,\n"
" la commande est alors exécutée sans autre avertissement.\n"
"\t-n [--no-remote]\n"
" ouvrir les documents dans une nouvelle session\n"
"\t-r [--remote]\n"
" ouvrir les documents dans une session existante\n"
" (un lyxpipe opérationnel est nécessaire)\n"
"\t-batch exécute les commandes et quitte.\n"
"\t-version résumé de la version et de la compilation de LyX.\n"
"Voir la page man de LyX pour les détails."
#: src/LyX.cpp:1067
#: src/support/Package.cpp:563
msgid "No system directory"
msgstr "Pas de répertoire système"
#: src/LyX.cpp:1068
msgid "Missing directory for -sysdir switch"
msgstr "Il manque un répertoire pour l'option -sysdir"
#: src/LyX.cpp:1079
msgid "No user directory"
msgstr "Pas de répertoire utilisateur"
#: src/LyX.cpp:1080
msgid "Missing directory for -userdir switch"
msgstr "Il manque un répertoire pour l'option -userdir"
#: src/LyX.cpp:1091
msgid "Incomplete command"
msgstr "Commande incomplète"
#: src/LyX.cpp:1092
msgid "Missing command string after --execute switch"
msgstr "Il manque une commande après l'option --execute"
#: src/LyX.cpp:1103
msgid "Missing file type [eg latex, ps...] after --export switch"
msgstr "Il manque un type de fichier [par ex. latex, ps...] après l'option --export"
#: src/LyX.cpp:1116
msgid "Missing file type [eg latex, ps...] after --import switch"
msgstr "Il manque un type de fichier [par ex. latex, ps...] après l'option --import"
#: src/LyX.cpp:1121
msgid "Missing filename for --import"
msgstr "Il manque le nom du fichier à importer pour --import"
# Trouver un meilleur exemple !
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3086
msgid "Consider run-together words, such as \"diskdrive\" for \"disk drive\", as legal words?"
msgstr "Autoriser ou non les mots composés accolés, comme « diskdrive » pour « disk drive » ?"
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3090
msgid "Specify an alternate language. The default is to use the language of the document."
msgstr "Spécifier une autre langue. La langue implicite est celle du document."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3098
msgid "De-select if you don't want the current selection to be replaced automatically by what you type."
msgstr "Désélectionner si vous ne voulez pas que le texte sélectionné soit remplacé automatiquement par ce que vous tapez."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3102
msgid "De-select if you don't want the class options to be reset to defaults after class change."
msgstr "Désélectionner si vous ne voulez pas que les options de classe soient réinitialisées aux valeurs implicites après un changement de classe."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3106
msgid "The time interval between auto-saves (in seconds). 0 means no auto-save."
msgstr "Intervalle de temps entre deux sauvegardes automatiques (en secondes). 0 signifie pas de sauvegarde automatique."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3113
msgid "The path for storing backup files. If it is an empty string, LyX will store the backup file in the same directory as the original file."
msgstr "Répertoire dans lequel mettre les copies de sauvegarde. Si laissé vide, LyX mettra la copie de sauvegarde dans le même répertoire que l'original."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3117
msgid "Define the options of bibtex (cf. man bibtex) or select an alternative compiler (e.g. mlbibtex or bibulus)."
msgstr "Définir les options de bibtex (voir man bibtex) ou sélectionner un autre compilateur (par ex. mlbibtex ou bibulus)."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3121
msgid "Define the options of the bibtex program for PLaTeX (Japanese LaTeX)."
msgstr "Définir les options du programme BibTeX pour PLaTeX (LaTeX japonais)."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3125
msgid "Keybindings file. Can either specify an absolute path, or LyX will look in its global and local bind/ directories."
msgstr "Fichier de raccourcis clavier (bind). Vous pouvez mettre son chemin absolu, ou bien LyX cherchera dans ses répertoires bind/ global et local."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3129
msgid "Select to check whether the lastfiles still exist."
msgstr "Sélectionner pour vérifier si les fichiers récents existent toujours."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3133
msgid "Define how to run chktex. E.g. \"chktex -n11 -n1 -n3 -n6 -n9 -22 -n25 -n30 -n38\" Refer to the ChkTeX documentation."
msgstr "Définir comment lancer chktex. Par ex. « chktex -n11 -n1 -n3 -n6 -n9 -n22 -n25 -n30 -n38 ». Voir la documentation de ChkTeX."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3143
msgid "LyX normally doesn't update the cursor position if you move the scrollbar. Set to true if you'd prefer to always have the cursor on screen."
msgstr "LyX normalement ne change pas la position du curseur quand vous vous déplacez avec la barre de défilement. Cochez si vous préférez avoir toujours le curseur à l'écran."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3151
msgid "LyX normally doesn't allow the user to scroll further than the bottom of the document. Set to true if you prefer to scroll the bottom of the document to the top of the screen"
msgstr "LyX ne permet pas normalement le défilement au-delà de la fin du document. Positionnez sur « vrai » si vous préférez voir la fin du document en haut de la fenêtre."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3155
msgid "Make Apple key act as Meta and Control key as Ctrl."
msgstr "Faire agir la touche Apple comme Meta et la touche Control comme Ctrl."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3159
msgid "Use the Mac OS X conventions for the word-level cursor movement"
msgstr "Utiliser la convention Mac OS X pour le mouvement du curseur au niveau des mots"
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3163
msgid "Show a small box around a Math Macro with the macro name when the cursor is inside."
msgstr "Afficher une petite boîte autour d'une macro mathématique avec le nom de la macro quand le curseur est à l'intérieur."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3168
#, no-c-format
msgid "This accepts the normal strftime formats; see man strftime for full details. E.g.\"%A, %e. %B %Y\"."
msgstr "Accepter les formats strftime normaux ; faites man strftime pour plus de détails. Par ex. « %A, %e. %B %Y »."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3172
msgid "Command definition file. Can either specify an absolute path, or LyX will look in its global and local commands/ directories."
msgstr "Fichier de définition de commandes. Vous pouvez mettre son chemin absolu, ou bien LyX cherchera dans ses répertoires commands/ global et local."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3176
msgid "The default format used with LFUN_BUFFER_[VIEW|UPDATE]."
msgstr "Format implicite utilisé avec LFUN_BUFFER_[VIEW|UPDATE]."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3180
msgid "New documents will be assigned this language."
msgstr "Langue utilisée pour les nouveaux documents."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3184
msgid "Specify the default paper size."
msgstr "Spécifier la taille de papier implicite."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3188
msgid "Iconify the dialogs when the main window is iconified. (Affects only dialogs shown after the change has been made.)"
msgstr "Iconifier les fenêtres auxiliaires quand la fenêtre principale. (N'affecte que les fenêtres affichées après que le changement a été fait.)"
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3192
msgid "Select how LyX will display any graphics."
msgstr "Déterminer comment LyX affiche tous les graphiques."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3196
msgid "The default path for your documents. An empty value selects the directory LyX was started from."
msgstr "Chemin implicite pour vos documents. Si la valeur est vide, ce sera le répertoire dans lequel LyX a été lancé."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3200
msgid "Specify additional chars that can be part of a word."
msgstr "Spécifier des caractères spéciaux pouvant faire partie d'un mot."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3204
msgid "The path that LyX will set when offering to choose an example. An empty value selects the directory LyX was started from."
msgstr "Chemin dans lequel LyX proposera un choix d'exemples. Si la valeur est vide, ce sera le répertoire dans lequel LyX a été lancé."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3208
msgid "The font encoding used for the LaTeX2e fontenc package. T1 is highly recommended for non-English languages."
msgstr "Encodage de police pour le paquetage LaTeX2e fontenc. T1 est vivement recommandé pour toutes les langues autres que l'anglais."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3212
msgid "Disable any kerning and ligatures for text drawing on screen."
msgstr "Inhiber tout crénage ou ligature dans l'affichage du texte à l'écran."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3219
msgid "Define the options of makeindex (cf. man makeindex) or select an alternative compiler. E.g., using xindy/make-rules, the command string would be \"makeindex.sh -m $$lang\"."
msgstr "Définir les options de makeindex (voir man makeindex) ou sélectionner un autre compilateur. Par ex., avec xindy / make-rules, la commande serait « makeindex.sh -m $$lang »."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3223
msgid "Define the options of the index program for PLaTeX (Japanese LaTeX)."
msgstr "Définir les options du programme d'indexation pour PLaTeX (LaTeX japonais)."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3227
msgid "Define the options of makeindex (cf. man makeindex) to be used for nomenclatures. This might differ from the index processing options."
msgstr "Définir les options de makeindex (cf. man makeindex) utilisées pour les nomenclatures. Elles peuvent différer des options utilisées pour l'index."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3236
msgid "Use this to set the correct mapping file for your keyboard. You'll need this if you for instance want to type German documents on an American keyboard."
msgstr "Choix du fichier de réaffectation clavier. Vous en avez besoin si vous tapez par exemple des documents en allemand sur un clavier français."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3240
msgid "Select if a language switching command is needed at the beginning of the document."
msgstr "Sélectionner s'il faut une commande de langue au début du document."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3244
msgid "Select if a language switching command is needed at the end of the document."
msgstr "Sélectionner s'il faut une commande de langue à la fin du document."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3248
msgid "The LaTeX command for changing from the language of the document to another language. E.g. \\selectlanguage{$$lang} where $$lang is substituted by the name of the second language."
msgstr "Commande LaTeX pour passer de la langue du document à une autre langue. Par exemple \\selectlanguage{$$lang} où $$lang est le nom de la seconde langue."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3252
msgid "The LaTeX command for changing back to the language of the document."
msgstr "Commande LaTeX pour revenir à la langue du document."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3256
msgid "The LaTeX command for local changing of the language."
msgstr "Commande LaTeX pour un changement temporaire de langue."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3260
msgid "De-select if you don't want the language(s) used as an argument to \\documentclass."
msgstr "Désélectionner si vous ne voulez pas que la langue soit un paramètre de \\documentclass."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3264
msgid "The LaTeX command for loading the language package. E.g. \"\\usepackage{babel}\", \"\\usepackage{omega}\"."
msgstr "Commande LaTeX pour charger le paquetage linguistique. Par exemple « \\usepackage{babel} », « \\usepackage{omega} »."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3268
msgid "De-select if you don't want babel to be used when the language of the document is the default language."
msgstr "Désélectionner si vous ne voulez pas utiliser babel quand la langue du document est la langue implicite."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3272
msgid "De-select if you do not want LyX to scroll to saved position."
msgstr "Désélectionner si vous ne voulez pas que LyX saute à la position qu'il a enregistré."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3276
msgid "De-select to prevent loading files opened from the last LyX session."
msgstr "Décocher pour éviter de charger les fichiers qui étaient ouverts lors de la dernière session LyX."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3280
msgid "De-select if you don't want LyX to create backup files."
msgstr "Désélectionner si vous ne voulez pas que LyX crée des copies de sauvegarde."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3284
msgid "Select to control the highlighting of words with a language foreign to that of the document."
msgstr "Sélectionner pour activer le soulignement des mots dans une langue autre que celle du document."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3288
msgid "The scrolling speed of the mouse wheel."
msgstr "Vitesse de défilement de la molette de la souris."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3293
msgid "The completion popup delay."
msgstr "Temporisation de l'affichage de la fenêtre auxiliaire de complétion."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3297
msgid "Select to display the completion popup in math mode."
msgstr "Sélectionner pour afficher la fenêtre auxiliaire de complétion en mode mathématique."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3301
msgid "Select to display the completion popup in text mode."
msgstr "Sélectionner pour afficher la fenêtre auxiliaire de complétion en mode texte."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3305
msgid "Show the completion popup without delay after non-unique completion attempt."
msgstr "Afficher la fenêtre auxiliaire de complétion sans délai après une tentative de complétion multiple."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3309
msgid "Show a small triangle on the cursor to indicate that a completion is available."
msgstr "Afficher un petit triangle sur le curseur pour indiquer qu'une complétion est disponible."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3313
msgid "The inline completion delay."
msgstr "Temporisation de complétion en ligne."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3317
msgid "Select to display the inline completion in math mode."
msgstr "Sélectionner pour afficher la complétion en ligne en mode mathématique."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3321
msgid "Select to display the inline completion in text mode."
msgstr "Sélectionner pour afficher la complétion en ligne en mode texte."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3325
msgid "Use \"...\" to shorten long completions."
msgstr "Utiliser \"...\" pour raccourcir le complétions longues."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3329
msgid "Allow TeXMacs shorthand, like => converting to \\Rightarrow."
msgstr "Autoriser les raccourcis TeXMacs, comme => convertie en \\Rightarrow."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3333
#, c-format
msgid "Maximal number of lastfiles. Up to %1$d can appear in the file menu."
msgstr "Nombre maximum de fichiers récents. On peut en avoir jusqu'à %1$d dans le menu Fichier."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3344
msgid "Shows a typeset preview of things such as math"
msgstr "Afficher un aperçu de l'aspect final de certains éléments comme les math."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3348
msgid "Previewed equations will have \"(#)\" labels rather than numbered ones"
msgstr "Les équations en aperçu auront des étiquettes « (#) » au lieu d'avoir des numéros."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3352
msgid "Scale the preview size to suit."
msgstr "Mettre l'aperçu à l'échelle pour qu'il tienne à l'écran."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3356
msgid "The option for specifying whether the copies should be collated."
msgstr "Option pour spécifier si les copies doivent être accolées."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3360
msgid "The option for specifying the number of copies to print."
msgstr "Option pour spécifier le nombre de copies à imprimer."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3364
msgid "The default printer to print on. If none is specified, LyX will use the environment variable PRINTER."
msgstr "Imprimante implicite. Si aucune n'est spécifiée, LyX se sert de la variable d'environnement PRINTER."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3368
msgid "The option to print only even pages."
msgstr "Option pour n'imprimer que les pages paires."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3372
msgid "Extra options to pass to printing program after everything else, but before the filename of the DVI file to be printed."
msgstr "Autres options à transmettre au programme d'impression, après toutes les précédentes, mais avant le nom du fichier DVI à imprimer."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3376
msgid "Extension of printer program output file. Usually \".ps\"."
msgstr "Extension du fichier de sortie du programme d'impression. D'habitude c'est « .ps »."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3380
msgid "The option to print out in landscape."
msgstr "Option pour imprimer en format paysage."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3384
msgid "The option to print only odd pages."
msgstr "Option pour n'imprimer que les pages impaires."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3388
msgid "The option for specifying a comma-separated list of pages to print."
msgstr "Option pour spécifier la liste des pages à imprimer, séparées par une virgule."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3392
msgid "Option to specify the dimensions of the print paper."
msgstr "Option pour spécifier les dimensions du papier."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3396
msgid "The option to specify paper type."
msgstr "Option pour spécifier le type de papier."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3400
msgid "The option to reverse the order of the pages printed."
msgstr "Option pour inverser l'ordre d'impression des pages."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3404
msgid "When set, this printer option automatically prints to a file and then calls a separate print spooling program on that file with the given name and arguments."
msgstr "Quand elle est définie, cette option imprime automatiquement vers un fichier puis appelle sur ce fichier un programme de spoule d'impression séparé, avec le nom et les paramètres indiqués."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3408
msgid "If you specify a printer name in the print dialog, the following argument is prepended along with the printer name after the spool command."
msgstr "Si vous spécifiez un nom d'imprimante dans la fenêtre Imprimer, cette option est transmise avec le nom de l'imprimante à la commande de spoule."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3412
msgid "Option to pass to the print program to print to a file."
msgstr "Option à transmettre au programme d'impression pour imprimer dans un fichier donné."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3416
msgid "Option to pass to the print program to print on a specific printer."
msgstr "Option à transmettre au programme d'impression pour imprimer sur une imprimante donnée."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3420
msgid "Select for LyX to pass the name of the destination printer to your print command."
msgstr "Sélectionner pour que LyX transmette le nom de l'imprimante de destination à votre commande d'impression."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3424
msgid "Your favorite print program, e.g. \"dvips\", \"dvilj4\"."
msgstr "Votre programme d'impression favori, par ex. « dvips », « dvilj4 »."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3432
msgid "Select to have visual bidi cursor movement, unselect for logical movement."
msgstr "Sélectionner pour avoir un mouvement visuel de curseur bidirectionnel, désélectionner pour un mouvement logique."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3436
msgid "DPI (dots per inch) of your monitor is auto-detected by LyX. If that goes wrong, override the setting here."
msgstr "LyX détecte tout seul la résolution de votre moniteur en DPI (points par pouce). Si ça ne va pas, changez le réglage ici."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3442
msgid "The screen fonts used to display the text while editing."
msgstr "Polices d'écran dans lesquelles s'affiche le texte en cours de modification."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3451
msgid "Allow bitmap fonts to be resized. If you are using a bitmap font, selecting this option may make some fonts look blocky in LyX. Deselecting this option makes LyX use the nearest bitmap font size available, instead of scaling."
msgstr "Permet aux polices bitmap d'être mises à l'échelle. Si vous utilisez une police bitmap, choisir cette option peut rendre certaines polices laides dans LyX. Si vous décochez cette option, LyX utilise la police bitmap de taille la plus proche disponible, au lieu de la mettre à l'échelle."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3455
msgid "The font sizes used for calculating the scaling of the screen fonts."
msgstr "Tailles de police utilisées pour calculer l'ajustement des polices d'écran."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3460
#, no-c-format
msgid "The zoom percentage for screen fonts. A setting of 100% will make the fonts roughly the same size as on paper."
msgstr "Facteur d'agrandissement des polices d'écran. Avec 100% les polices feront à peu près la même taille que sur le papier."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3464
msgid "Allow session manager to save and restore windows geometry."
msgstr "Permettre au gestionnaire de session d'enregistrer et de restaurer la position des fenêtres."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3468
msgid "This starts the lyxserver. The pipes get an additional extension \".in\" and \".out\". Only for advanced users."
msgstr "Démarrer le serveur LyX. Les tubes reçoivent l'extension supplémentaire « .in » et « .out ». Réservé aux utilisateurs expérimentés."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3475
msgid "De-select if you don't want the startup banner."
msgstr "Désélectionner pour inhiber la bannière de démarrage."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3479
msgid "LyX will place its temporary directories in this path. They will be deleted when you quit LyX."
msgstr "LyX mettra ses répertoires temporaires ici. Ils seront supprimés quand vous quitterez LyX."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3483
msgid "This is the place where the files of the thesaurus library reside."
msgstr "C'est l'endroit où résident les fichiers du dictionnaire des synonymes."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3487
msgid "The path that LyX will set when offering to choose a template. An empty value selects the directory LyX was started from."
msgstr "Chemin dans lequel LyX va chercher les modèles. Si la valeur est vide, ce sera le répertoire dans lequel LyX a été lancé."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3504
msgid "The UI (user interface) file. Can either specify an absolute path, or LyX will look in its global and local ui/ directories."
msgstr "Fichier d'interface utilisateur (UI). Vous pouvez mettre son chemin absolu, ou bien LyX cherchera dans ses répertoires ui/ global et local."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3514
msgid "Enable use the system colors for some things like main window background and selection."
msgstr "Activer les couleurs du système pour quelques objets comme la fenêtre principale et la sélection."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3518
msgid "Enable the automatic appearance of tool tips in the work area."
msgstr "Activer l'affichage automatique des bulles d'aide dans la zone de travail."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3522
msgid "Enable the pixmap cache that might improve performance on Mac and Windows."
msgstr "Activer le cache pixmap, susceptible d'améliorer les performances sur Mac et Windows."
#: src/LyXRC.cpp:3526
msgid "Specify the paper command to DVI viewer (leave empty or use \"-paper\")"
msgstr "Spécifier la commande de papier de la visionneuse DVI (laisser vide ou mettre « -paper »)"
#: src/LyXVC.cpp:86
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to retrieve the document %1$s from version control?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous reprendre le document %1$s depuis le contrôle de version ?"
#: src/LyXVC.cpp:88
msgid "Retrieve from version control?"
msgstr "Modifier le fichier sous contrôle de version ?"
#: src/LyXVC.cpp:89
msgid "&Retrieve"
msgstr "É&diter"
#: src/LyXVC.cpp:115
msgid "Document not saved"
msgstr "Le document n'a pas été enregistré"
#: src/LyXVC.cpp:116
msgid "You must save the document before it can be registered."
msgstr "Vous devez enregistrer le document avant de l'inscrire dans le contrôle de version."
#: src/LyXVC.cpp:148
msgid "LyX VC: Initial description"
msgstr "LyX CV : Description initiale"
#: src/LyXVC.cpp:149
#: src/LyXVC.cpp:156
msgid "(no initial description)"
msgstr "(pas de description initiale)"
#: src/LyXVC.cpp:165
msgid "(no log message)"
msgstr "(aucun message de journal)"
#: src/LyXVC.cpp:170
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2773
msgid "LyX VC: Log Message"
msgstr "LyX CV : Message de journal"
#: src/LyXVC.cpp:218
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Reverting to the stored version of the document %1$s will lose all current changes.\n"
"Do you want to revert to the older version?"
msgstr ""
"Revenir à la version enregistrée du document %1$s vous fera perdre toutes les modifications.\n"
"Voulez-vous revenir à l'ancienne version ?"
#: src/LyXVC.cpp:223
msgid "Revert to stored version of document?"
msgstr "Revenir à la version enregistrée du document ?"
#: src/LyXVC.cpp:224
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3299
msgid "&Revert"
msgstr "&Revenir à la Sauvegarde"
#: src/Paragraph.cpp:1967
msgid "Senseless with this layout!"
msgstr "Aucun sens avec ce style !"
#: src/Paragraph.cpp:2029
msgid "Alignment not permitted"
msgstr "Alignement non autorisé"
#: src/Paragraph.cpp:2030
msgid ""
"The new layout does not permit the alignment previously used.\n"
"Setting to default."
msgstr ""
"Le nouvel environnement ne permet pas le type d'alignement utilisé précédemment.\n"
"Utilise l'alignement implicite."
#: src/Paragraph.cpp:3109
msgid "Memory problem"
msgstr "Problème mémoire"
#: src/Paragraph.cpp:3109
msgid "Paragraph not properly initialized"
msgstr "Initialisation du paragraphe incorrecte"
#: src/Text.cpp:393
msgid "Unknown Inset"
msgstr "Insert inconnu"
#: src/Text.cpp:474
msgid "Change tracking error"
msgstr "Erreur dans le suivi des modifications"
#: src/Text.cpp:475
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown author index for change: %1$d\n"
msgstr "Index d'auteur inconnu pour le suivi : %1$d\n"
#: src/Text.cpp:486
msgid "Unknown token"
msgstr "Élément inconnu"
#: src/Text.cpp:949
msgid "You cannot insert a space at the beginning of a paragraph. Please read the Tutorial."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas entrer d'espace en début de paragraphe. Lisez le Manuel d'Apprentissage."
#: src/Text.cpp:957
msgid "You cannot type two spaces this way. Please read the Tutorial."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas entrer deux espaces ainsi. Lisez le Manuel d'Apprentissage."
#: src/Text.cpp:1788
msgid "[Change Tracking] "
msgstr "[Suivi des Modifications] "
#: src/Text.cpp:1794
msgid "Change: "
msgstr "Modification : "
#: src/Text.cpp:1798
msgid " at "
msgstr " le "
#: src/Text.cpp:1808
#, c-format
msgid "Font: %1$s"
msgstr "Police : %1$s"
#: src/Text.cpp:1813
#, c-format
msgid ", Depth: %1$d"
msgstr ", Profondeur : %1$d"
#: src/Text.cpp:1819
msgid ", Spacing: "
msgstr ", Espacement : "
#: src/Text.cpp:1825
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:694
msgid "OneHalf"
msgstr "Un et Demi"
#: src/Text.cpp:1831
msgid "Other ("
msgstr "Autre ("
#: src/Text.cpp:1840
msgid ", Inset: "
msgstr ", Insert : "
#: src/Text.cpp:1841
msgid ", Paragraph: "
msgstr ", Paragraphe : "
#: src/Text.cpp:1842
msgid ", Id: "
msgstr ", Identifiant : "
#: src/Text.cpp:1843
msgid ", Position: "
msgstr ", Position : "
#: src/Text.cpp:1849
msgid ", Char: 0x"
msgstr ", Char: 0x"
#: src/Text.cpp:1851
msgid ", Boundary: "
msgstr ", Frontière : "
#: src/Text2.cpp:364
msgid "No font change defined."
msgstr "Aucune modification de police définie."
#: src/Text2.cpp:404
msgid "Nothing to index!"
msgstr "Rien à faire !"
#: src/Text2.cpp:406
msgid "Cannot index more than one paragraph!"
msgstr "Impossible d'indexer plus d'un paragraphe !"
#: src/Text3.cpp:193
msgid "Math editor mode"
msgstr "Mode éditeur mathématique"
#: src/Text3.cpp:195
msgid "No valid math formula"
msgstr "Pas de formule mathématique valide"
#: src/Text3.cpp:203
#: src/mathed/InsetMathNest.cpp:1029
msgid "Already in regular expression mode"
msgstr "Déjà en mode « expression régulière »"
#: src/Text3.cpp:216
msgid "Regexp editor mode"
msgstr "Mode « expression régulière »"
#: src/Text3.cpp:1289
msgid "Layout "
msgstr "Environnement "
#: src/Text3.cpp:1290
msgid " not known"
msgstr " inconnu"
#: src/Text3.cpp:1760
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:1388
msgid "Missing argument"
msgstr "Paramètre manquant"
#: src/Text3.cpp:1916
#: src/Text3.cpp:1928
msgid "Character set"
msgstr "Encodage"
#: src/Text3.cpp:2135
#: src/Text3.cpp:2146
msgid "Paragraph layout set"
msgstr "Style du paragraphe redéfini"
#: src/TextClass.cpp:155
msgid "Plain Layout"
msgstr "Format ordinaire"
#: src/TextClass.cpp:741
msgid "Missing File"
msgstr "Fichier manquant"
#: src/TextClass.cpp:742
msgid "Could not find stdinsets.inc! This may lead to data loss!"
msgstr "Fichier stdinsets.inc introuvable. Ceci peut provoquer une perte de données !"
#: src/TextClass.cpp:745
msgid "Corrupt File"
msgstr "Fichier corrompu"
#: src/TextClass.cpp:746
msgid "Could not read stdinsets.inc! This may lead to data loss!"
msgstr "Fichier stdinsets.inc illisible ! Ceci peut provoquer une perte de données !"
#: src/TextClass.cpp:1326
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The module %1$s has been requested by\n"
"this document but has not been found in the list of\n"
"available modules. If you recently installed it, you\n"
"probably need to reconfigure LyX.\n"
msgstr ""
"Le module %1$s a été requis par ce\n"
"document mais n'a pas été trouvé dans la liste des modules disponibles.\n"
"Si vous l'avez installé récemment, vous devez probablement reconfigurer LyX.\n"
#: src/TextClass.cpp:1330
msgid "Module not available"
msgstr "Module non disponible"
#: src/TextClass.cpp:1336
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The module %1$s requires a package that is not\n"
"available in your LaTeX installation, or a converter that\n"
"you have not installed. LaTeX output may not be possible.\n"
"Missing prerequisites:\n"
"See section (Modules) of the User's Guide for more information."
msgstr ""
"Le module %1$s requiert un paquetage qui n'est\n"
" pas disponible dans votre installation LaTeX, ou un convertisseur que vous\n"
"n'avez pas installé. La compilation LaTeX peut ne pas être possible.\n"
"Pré-requis manquants :\n"
"Voir le paragraphe (Modules) du\n"
"Guide de l'Utilisateur pour en savoir plus."
#: src/TextClass.cpp:1343
msgid "Package not available"
msgstr "Paquetage indisponible"
#: src/TextClass.cpp:1348
#, c-format
msgid "Error reading module %1$s\n"
msgstr "Erreur de lecture du module %1$s\n"
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:60
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:752
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:757
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:805
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:866
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:927
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:935
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1143
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1236
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1242
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1263
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2735
msgid "Revision control error."
msgstr "Erreur de contrôle de version."
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:61
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Some problem occured while running the command:\n"
msgstr ""
"Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'exécution de la commande :\n"
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:431
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1086
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1132
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1253
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1290
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1346
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1464
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1517
msgid "Error: Could not generate logfile."
msgstr " Erreur : échec de la génération du fichier journal."
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:557
msgid "Up-to-date"
msgstr "Mis à jour"
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:559
msgid "Locally Modified"
msgstr "Modifié localement"
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:561
msgid "Locally Added"
msgstr "Ajouté localement"
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:563
msgid "Needs Merge"
msgstr "Nécessite une fusion"
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:565
msgid "Needs Checkout"
msgstr "Nécessite un téléchargement"
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:567
msgid "No CVS file"
msgstr "Pas de fichier CVS"
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:569
msgid "Cannot retrieve CVS status"
msgstr "Téléchargement de l'état CVS impossible"
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:753
msgid ""
"The repository version is newer then the current check out.\n"
"You have to update from repository first or revert your changes."
msgstr ""
"Le version du dépôt est plus récente que l'enregistrement proposé.\n"
"Vous devez effectuer une mise à jour à partir du dépôt d'abord, ou abandonner vos modifications."
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:758
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Bad status when checking in changes.\n"
msgstr ""
"État incorrect lors du téléchargement.\n"
"« %1$s »\n"
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:806
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1264
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error when updating from repository.\n"
"You have to manually resolve the conflicts NOW!\n"
"After pressing OK, LyX will try to reopen the resolved document."
msgstr ""
"Erreur de mise à jour depuis le dépôt.\n"
"Vous devez résoudre manuellement les conflits MAINTENANT !.\n"
"Après appui sur OK, LyX tentera de réouvrir le document fusionné."
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:840
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There were detected changes in the working directory:\n"
"Possible file conflicts must be then resolved manually or you will need to revert back to the repository version."
msgstr ""
"Des modifications ont été détectées dans le répertoire de travail :\n"
"En cas de conflit de fichier, il faut résoudre manuellement ou vous devrez revenir à la version du dépôt."
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:844
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:848
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1305
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1309
msgid "Changes detected"
msgstr "Modifications détectées"
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:845
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:849
msgid "&Abort"
msgstr "&Interrompu"
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:845
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1306
msgid "View &Log ..."
msgstr "Visionner le fichier &journal..."
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:867
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error when updating document %1$s from repository.\n"
"You have to manually resolve the conflicts NOW!\n"
"After pressing OK, LyX will try to reopen the resolved document."
msgstr ""
"Erreur de mise à jour du document %1$s depuis le dépôt.\n"
"Vous devez résoudre manuellement les conflits MAINTENANT !\n"
"« %2$s ».\n"
"Après appui sur OK, LyX tentera de réouvrir le document fusionné."
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:928
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The document %1$s is not in repository.\n"
"You have to check in the first revision before you can revert."
msgstr ""
"Le document %1$s n'est pas dans le dépôt.\n"
"Vous devez enregistrer une première révision pour pouvoir télécharger."
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:936
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot revert document %1$s to repository version.\n"
"The status '%2$s' is unexpected."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de remettre le document %1$s dans le dépôt;\n"
"L'état « %2$s » est inattendu."
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1144
msgid ""
"Error when committing to repository.\n"
"You have to manually resolve the problem.\n"
"LyX will reopen the document after you press OK."
msgstr ""
"Erreur de propagation dans le dépôt.\n"
"Vous devez résoudre manuellement le problème.\n"
"Après appui sur OK, LyX rouvrira le document."
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1237
msgid ""
"Error while acquiring write lock.\n"
"Another user is most probably editing\n"
"the current document now!\n"
"Also check the access to the repository."
msgstr ""
"Erreur lors de la prise de contrôle de la version.\n"
"Un autre utilisateur est sans doute en train\n"
"de modifier le document courant !\n"
"Vérifier également les droits d'accès au dépôt."
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1243
msgid ""
"Error while releasing write lock.\n"
"Check the access to the repository."
msgstr ""
"Erreur lors de la restitution du contrôle de la version.\n"
"Vérifier les droits d'accès au dépôt."
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1300
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There were detected changes in the working directory:\n"
"In case of file conflict version of the local directory files will be preferred.\n"
msgstr ""
"Des modifications ont été détectées dans le répertoire de travail :\n"
"En cas de conflit, c'est la version du répertoire local qui sera retenue;\n"
"Poursuivre ?"
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1306
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1310
#: src/frontends/qt4/FindAndReplace.cpp:346
msgid "&Yes"
msgstr "&Oui"
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1306
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1310
#: src/frontends/qt4/FindAndReplace.cpp:346
msgid "&No"
msgstr "&Non"
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1372
msgid "VCN File Locking"
msgstr "Verrouillage de fichier VCN"
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1373
msgid "Locking property unset."
msgstr "Propriété de verrouillage non positionnée."
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1373
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1377
msgid "Locking property set."
msgstr "Propriété de verrouillage positionnée."
#: src/VCBackend.cpp:1374
msgid "Do not forget to commit the locking property into the repository."
msgstr "Ne pas oublier de propager la propriété de verrouillage dans le dépôt."
#: src/VSpace.cpp:468
msgid "Default skip"
msgstr "Implicite"
#: src/VSpace.cpp:471
msgid "Small skip"
msgstr "Petit"
#: src/VSpace.cpp:474
msgid "Medium skip"
msgstr "Moyen"
#: src/VSpace.cpp:477
msgid "Big skip"
msgstr "Grand"
#: src/VSpace.cpp:480
msgid "Vertical fill"
msgstr "Ressort vertical"
#: src/VSpace.cpp:487
msgid "protected"
msgstr "protégé"
#: src/buffer_funcs.cpp:73
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The document %1$s is already loaded and has unsaved changes.\n"
"Do you want to abandon your changes and reload the version on disk?"
msgstr ""
"Le document %1$s est déjà chargé et a été modifié.\n"
"Voulez-vous revenir à la version enregistrée et ignorer vos modifications ?"
#: src/buffer_funcs.cpp:75
msgid "Reload saved document?"
msgstr "Revenir à la sauvegarde ?"
#: src/buffer_funcs.cpp:76
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2684
msgid "&Reload"
msgstr "&Recharger"
#: src/buffer_funcs.cpp:76
msgid "&Keep Changes"
msgstr "&Garder les modifications"
#: src/buffer_funcs.cpp:86
#, c-format
msgid "The file %1$s exists but is not readable by the current user."
msgstr "Le fichier %1$s existe, mais est illisible pour l'utilisateur courant."
#: src/buffer_funcs.cpp:89
msgid "File not readable!"
msgstr "Fichier illisible !"
#: src/buffer_funcs.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The document %1$s does not yet exist.\n"
"Do you want to create a new document?"
msgstr ""
"Le document %1$s n'existe pas encore.\n"
"Voulez-vous en créer un nouveau ?"
#: src/buffer_funcs.cpp:109
msgid "Create new document?"
msgstr "Créer un nouveau document ?"
#: src/buffer_funcs.cpp:110
msgid "&Create"
msgstr "&Créer"
#: src/buffer_funcs.cpp:138
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The specified document template\n"
"could not be read."
msgstr ""
"Le document n'a pas pu être enregistré !Le modèle de document\n"
"n'a pas pu être ouvert."
#: src/buffer_funcs.cpp:140
msgid "Could not read template"
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le modèle"
#: src/frontends/qt4/BulletsModule.cpp:41
msgid "Standard[[Bullets]]"
msgstr "Standard"
#: src/frontends/qt4/BulletsModule.cpp:42
msgid "Maths"
msgstr "Maths"
#: src/frontends/qt4/BulletsModule.cpp:43
msgid "Dings 1"
msgstr "Dings 1"
#: src/frontends/qt4/BulletsModule.cpp:44
msgid "Dings 2"
msgstr "Dings 2"
#: src/frontends/qt4/BulletsModule.cpp:45
msgid "Dings 3"
msgstr "Dings 3"
#: src/frontends/qt4/BulletsModule.cpp:46
msgid "Dings 4"
msgstr "Dings 4"
#: src/frontends/qt4/FileDialog.cpp:181
msgid "Directories"
msgstr "Répertoires"
#: src/frontends/qt4/FindAndReplace.cpp:259
msgid "File"
msgstr "Fichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/FindAndReplace.cpp:262
msgid "Master document"
msgstr "Document maître"
#: src/frontends/qt4/FindAndReplace.cpp:265
msgid "Open files"
msgstr "Ouvrir les fichiers"
#: src/frontends/qt4/FindAndReplace.cpp:268
msgid "Manuals"
msgstr "Manuels"
#: src/frontends/qt4/FindAndReplace.cpp:272
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: the end was reached while searching forward.\n"
"Continue searching from the beginning?"
msgstr ""
"%1$s : fin atteinte lors de la recherche en avant.\n"
"Continuer la recherche depuis le début ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/FindAndReplace.cpp:275
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%1$s: the beginning was reached while searching backward.\n"
"Continue searching from the end?"
msgstr ""
"%1$s : début atteint lors de la recherche en arrière.\n"
"Continuer la recherche depuis la fin ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/FindAndReplace.cpp:345
msgid "Wrap search?"
msgstr "Recherche récursive ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/FindAndReplace.cpp:390
msgid "Nothing to search"
msgstr "Rien à rechercher"
#: src/frontends/qt4/FindAndReplace.cpp:430
msgid "No open document(s) in which to search"
msgstr "Aucun document ouvert dans lequel rechercher"
#: src/frontends/qt4/FindAndReplace.cpp:530
msgid "Advanced Find and Replace"
msgstr "Rechercher et remplacer (élaboré)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiAbout.cpp:51
msgid "ERROR: LyX wasn't able to read CREDITS file\n"
msgstr "ERREUR : LyX n'a pas pu lire le fichier CREDITS\n"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiAbout.cpp:52
msgid "Please install correctly to estimate the great\n"
msgstr "Veuillez l'installer correctement pour apprécier\n"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiAbout.cpp:53
msgid "amount of work other people have done for the LyX project."
msgstr "la somme de travail de ceux qui ont travaillé sur le projet LyX."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiAbout.cpp:84
#, c-format
msgid ""
"LyX is Copyright (C) 1995 by Matthias Ettrich,\n"
"1995--%1$s LyX Team"
msgstr ""
"LyX est Copyright (C) 1995 par Matthias Ettrich,\n"
"Équipe LyX 1995--%1$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiAbout.cpp:92
msgid "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version."
msgstr "Ce programme est un logiciel libre ; vous pouvez le redistribuer et/ou le modifier selon les termes de la Licence Publique Générale GNU telle qu'elle est publiée par la Free Software Foundation ; soit la version 2 de la Licence, ou (si vous le souhaitez) n'importe quelle version ultérieure."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiAbout.cpp:98
msgid ""
"LyX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n"
"See the GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA."
msgstr "LyX est distribué en espérant qu'il sera utile, mais SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE ; sans même la garantie implicite qu'il est COMMERCIALEMENT VALABLE ou qu'il est ADAPTÉ À UNE TÂCHE DONNÉE. Reportez-vous à la Licence Publique Générale GNU pour plus de détails. Vous devez avoir reçu une copie de la Licence Publique Générale GNU en même temps que ce programme ; si ce n'est pas le cas, écrivez à la Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiAbout.cpp:111
msgid "not released yet"
msgstr "pas encore publié"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiAbout.cpp:116
#, c-format
msgid ""
"LyX Version %1$s\n"
msgstr ""
"Version LyX %1$s\n"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiAbout.cpp:122
msgid "Library directory: "
msgstr "Répertoire système : "
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiAbout.cpp:125
msgid "User directory: "
msgstr "Répertoire utilisateur : "
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiAbout.cpp:143
msgid "About LyX"
msgstr "À propos de LyX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiAlert.cpp:93
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiAlert.cpp:149
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiAlert.cpp:193
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiAlert.cpp:230
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiAlert.cpp:271
#, c-format
msgid "LyX: %1$s"
msgstr "LyX : %1$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:489
msgid "About %1"
msgstr "À propos de %1"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:489
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3200
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Préférences"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:490
msgid "Reconfigure"
msgstr "Reconfigurer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:490
msgid "Quit %1"
msgstr "Quitter %1"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:869
msgid "Nothing to do"
msgstr "Rien à faire"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:875
msgid "Unknown action"
msgstr "Action inconnue"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:919
msgid "Command not handled"
msgstr "Commande non gérée"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:925
msgid "Command disabled"
msgstr "Commande désactivée"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:1214
msgid "Running configure..."
msgstr "Lancement de configure..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:1225
msgid "Reloading configuration..."
msgstr "Rechargement de la configuration..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:1231
msgid "System reconfiguration failed"
msgstr "Échec de la reconfiguration"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:1232
msgid ""
"The system reconfiguration has failed.\n"
"Default textclass is used but LyX may not be able to work properly.\n"
"Please reconfigure again if needed."
msgstr ""
"La reconfiguration a échoué.\n"
"Les classes implicites sont utilisées, mais LyX ne pourra peut-être pas fonctionner correctement.\n"
"Merci de reconfigurer de nouveau si c'est la cas."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:1237
msgid "System reconfigured"
msgstr "Système reconfiguré"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:1238
msgid ""
"The system has been reconfigured.\n"
"You need to restart LyX to make use of any\n"
"updated document class specifications."
msgstr ""
"Le système a été reconfiguré.\n"
"Il faut redémarrer LyX pour utiliser\n"
"les classes de document mises à jour."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:1318
msgid "Exiting."
msgstr "Quitte."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:1400
#, c-format
msgid "Opening help file %1$s..."
msgstr "Ouverture du fichier d'aide %1$s..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:1419
msgid "Syntax: set-color <lyx_name> <x11_name>"
msgstr "Syntaxe : set-color <nom_lyx> <nom_x11>"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:1435
#, c-format
msgid "Set-color \"%1$s\" failed - color is undefined or may not be redefined"
msgstr "Set-color « %1$s » a échoué - la couleur n'est pas définie ou ne peut pas être redéfinie"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:1614
#, c-format
msgid "Document defaults saved in %1$s"
msgstr "Les valeurs implicites du document ont été enregistrées dans %1$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:1618
msgid "Unable to save document defaults"
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer les valeurs implicites du document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:1758
msgid "Unknown function."
msgstr "Fonction inconnue."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:2184
msgid "The current document was closed."
msgstr "Le document courant était fermé."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:2194
msgid ""
"LyX has caught an exception, it will now attempt to save all unsaved documents and exit.\n"
"Exception: "
msgstr ""
"LyX a reçu une exception, et va maintenant essayer d'enregistrer tous les documents en cours de modification avant de quitter.\n"
"Exception : "
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:2198
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:2204
msgid "Software exception Detected"
msgstr "Détection d'une exception logicielle"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:2202
msgid "LyX has caught some really weird exception, it will now attempt to save all unsaved documents and exit."
msgstr "LyX a reçu une exception vraiment sérieuse, il va maintenant essayer d'enregistrer tous les documents en cours de modification avant de quitter."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:2467
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:2479
msgid "Could not find UI definition file"
msgstr "Fichier descriptif d'interface utilisateur introuvable"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:2468
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error while reading the included file\n"
"Please check your installation."
msgstr ""
"Erreur à la lecture du fichier inclus\n"
"Veuillez vérifier votre installation."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:2474
msgid "Could not find default UI file"
msgstr "Fichier interface utilisateur implicite introuvable"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:2475
msgid ""
"LyX could not find the default UI file!\n"
"Please check your installation."
msgstr ""
"LyX n'a pu trouver le fichier interface utilisateur implicite !\n"
"Veuillez vérifier votre installation."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiApplication.cpp:2480
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error while reading the configuration file\n"
"Falling back to default.\n"
"Please look under Tools>Preferences>User Interface and\n"
"check which User Interface file you are using."
msgstr ""
"Erreur à la lecture du fichier de configuration\n"
"Retour à la configuration implicite.\n"
"Merci d'ouvrir Outils>Préférences>Interface utilisateur\n"
"et de vérifier le fichier d'interface utilisé."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBibtex.cpp:53
msgid "BibTeX Bibliography"
msgstr "Bibliographie BibTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBibtex.cpp:435
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBibtex.cpp:445
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCompare.cpp:162
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCompare.cpp:166
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1881
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiExternal.cpp:637
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:799
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiInclude.cpp:332
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1873
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1930
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2071
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2193
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2236
msgid "Documents|#o#O"
msgstr "Documents|#D"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBibtex.cpp:437
msgid "BibTeX Databases (*.bib)"
msgstr "Bases de Données BibTeX (*.bib)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBibtex.cpp:439
msgid "Select a BibTeX database to add"
msgstr "Choisir une base de D. BibTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBibtex.cpp:447
msgid "BibTeX Styles (*.bst)"
msgstr "*Styles BibTeX (*.bst)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBibtex.cpp:449
msgid "Select a BibTeX style"
msgstr "Choisir un style BibTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:54
msgid "No frame"
msgstr "Aucun cadre tracé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:54
msgid "Simple rectangular frame"
msgstr "Cadre rectangulaire simple"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:55
msgid "Oval frame, thin"
msgstr "Cadre oval, fin"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:55
msgid "Oval frame, thick"
msgstr "Cadre oval, épais"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:56
msgid "Drop shadow"
msgstr "Ombre en relief"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:56
msgid "Shaded background"
msgstr "Fond ombré"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:57
msgid "Double rectangular frame"
msgstr "Cadre rectangulaire dédoublé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:70
msgid "Height"
msgstr "Hauteur"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:70
msgid "Depth"
msgstr "Profondeur"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:71
msgid "Total Height"
msgstr "Hauteur totale"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:71
msgid "Width"
msgstr "Largeur"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:315
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBox.cpp:390
#: src/insets/InsetBox.cpp:137
msgid "Makebox"
msgstr "Makebox"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBranches.cpp:53
#: src/insets/Inset.cpp:108
msgid "Branch"
msgstr "Branche"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBranches.cpp:54
msgid "Activated"
msgstr "Activées"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBranches.cpp:55
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Couleurs"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBranches.cpp:56
msgid "Filename Suffix"
msgstr "Suffixe du fichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBranches.cpp:135
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBranches.cpp:143
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2123
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3120
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiProgressView.cpp:123
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiProgressView.cpp:137
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiProgressView.cpp:158
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Oui"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBranches.cpp:135
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBranches.cpp:143
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2122
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3119
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiProgressView.cpp:89
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiProgressView.cpp:122
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiProgressView.cpp:158
msgid "No"
msgstr "Non"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBranches.cpp:210
msgid "Enter new branch name"
msgstr "Saisir un nouveau nom de branche"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBranches.cpp:215
#, c-format
msgid ""
"A branch with the name \"%1$s\" already exists.\n"
"Do you want to merge branch \"%2$s\" with that one?"
msgstr ""
"Une branche dénommée « %1$s » existe déjà.\n"
"Voulez-vous fusionner la branche « %2$s » avec celle-là ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBranches.cpp:219
msgid "&Merge"
msgstr "&Fusionner"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBranches.cpp:227
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiIndices.cpp:221
msgid "Renaming failed"
msgstr "Échec de la modification du nom"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiBranches.cpp:228
msgid "The branch could not be renamed."
msgstr "Impossible de renommer la branche."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiChanges.cpp:40
msgid "Merge Changes"
msgstr "Fusionner les modifications"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiChanges.cpp:64
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Change by %1$s\n"
msgstr ""
"Modifié par %1$s\n"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiChanges.cpp:66
#, c-format
msgid "Change made at %1$s\n"
msgstr "Modifié le %1$s\n"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:42
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:55
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:76
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:91
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:109
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:120
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:191
msgid "No change"
msgstr "Inchangé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:46
msgid "Small Caps"
msgstr "Petites capitales"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:47
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:68
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:83
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:101
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:112
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:124
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:190
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "RàZ"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:78
msgid "Underbar"
msgstr "Souligné"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:79
msgid "Double underbar"
msgstr "Doublement souligné"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:80
msgid "Wavy underbar"
msgstr "Vaguement souligné"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:81
msgid "Strikeout"
msgstr "Rayé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:92
msgid "No color"
msgstr "Pas de couleur"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:93
msgid "Black"
msgstr "Noir"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:94
msgid "White"
msgstr "Blanc"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:95
msgid "Red"
msgstr "Rouge"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:96
msgid "Green"
msgstr "Vert"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:97
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "Bleu"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:98
msgid "Cyan"
msgstr "Cyan"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:99
msgid "Magenta"
msgstr "Magenta"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:100
msgid "Yellow"
msgstr "Jaune"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCharacter.cpp:162
msgid "Text Style"
msgstr "Style de texte"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCitation.cpp:324
msgid "Keys"
msgstr "Clés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiClipboard.cpp:169
msgid "LinkBack PDF"
msgstr "LinkBack PDF"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiClipboard.cpp:170
msgid "PDF"
msgstr "PDF"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiClipboard.cpp:181
msgid "pasted"
msgstr "collé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiClipboard.cpp:190
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s Files"
msgstr "Fichiers %1$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiClipboard.cpp:200
msgid "Choose a filename to save the pasted graphic as"
msgstr "Choisir le nom de fichier sous lequel enregistrer le graphique collé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiClipboard.cpp:210
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1949
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2091
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2107
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2124
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2210
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3274
msgid "Canceled."
msgstr "Annulé."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiClipboard.cpp:240
msgid "Overwrite external file?"
msgstr "Écraser le fichier externe ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiClipboard.cpp:241
#, c-format
msgid "File %1$s already exists, do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Le fichier %1$s existe déjà, voulez-vous l'écraser ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCommandBuffer.cpp:98
msgid "List of previous commands"
msgstr "Liste des commandes précédentes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCommandBuffer.cpp:101
msgid "Next command"
msgstr "Commande suivante"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCompare.cpp:43
msgid "Compare LyX files"
msgstr "Comparer les fichiers LyX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCompare.cpp:154
msgid "Select document"
msgstr "Sélectionner le document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCompare.cpp:156
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1877
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1934
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2199
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2244
msgid "LyX Documents (*.lyx)"
msgstr "Documents LyX (*.lyx)"
# Format du texte
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCompare.cpp:198
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1852
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1927
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3185
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erreur"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCompare.cpp:198
msgid "Error while comparing documents."
msgstr "Erreur durant la comparaison de documents."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCompare.cpp:217
msgid "Aborted"
msgstr "Interrompu"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCompare.cpp:229
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Terminé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCompare.cpp:263
msgid "Aborting process..."
msgstr "Interruption du traitement..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCompare.cpp:299
msgid "differences"
msgstr "différences"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiCompareHistory.cpp:35
msgid "Compare different revisions"
msgstr "Comparer des révisions différentes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDelimiter.cpp:57
msgid "big[[delimiter size]]"
msgstr "big"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDelimiter.cpp:58
msgid "Big[[delimiter size]]"
msgstr "Big"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDelimiter.cpp:59
msgid "bigg[[delimiter size]]"
msgstr "bigg"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDelimiter.cpp:60
msgid "Bigg[[delimiter size]]"
msgstr "Bigg"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDelimiter.cpp:165
msgid "Math Delimiter"
msgstr "Délimiteurs mathématiques"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDelimiter.cpp:206
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDelimiter.cpp:207
msgid "(None)"
msgstr "(Aucun)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDelimiter.cpp:209
msgid "Variable"
msgstr "Variable"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:127
msgid "Computer Modern Roman"
msgstr "Computer Modern Roman"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:127
msgid "Latin Modern Roman"
msgstr "Latin Modern Roman"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:128
msgid "AE (Almost European)"
msgstr "AE (Almost European)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:128
msgid "Times Roman"
msgstr "Times Roman"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:128
msgid "Palatino"
msgstr "Palatino"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:129
msgid "Bitstream Charter"
msgstr "Bitstream Charter"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:129
msgid "New Century Schoolbook"
msgstr "New Century Schoolbook"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:129
msgid "Bookman"
msgstr "Bookman"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:130
msgid "Utopia"
msgstr "Utopia"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:130
msgid "Bera Serif"
msgstr "Bera Serif"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:130
msgid "Concrete Roman"
msgstr "Concrete Roman"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:130
msgid "Zapf Chancery"
msgstr "Zapf Chancery"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:143
msgid "Computer Modern Sans"
msgstr "Computer Modern Sans"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:143
msgid "Latin Modern Sans"
msgstr "Latin Modern Sans"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:144
msgid "Helvetica"
msgstr "Helvetica"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:144
msgid "Avant Garde"
msgstr "Avant Garde"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:144
msgid "Bera Sans"
msgstr "Bera Sans"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:144
msgid "CM Bright"
msgstr "CM Bright"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:156
msgid "Computer Modern Typewriter"
msgstr "Computer Modern Typewriter"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:157
msgid "Latin Modern Typewriter"
msgstr "Latin Modern Typewriter"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:157
msgid "Courier"
msgstr "Courier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:157
msgid "Bera Mono"
msgstr "Bera Mono"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:158
msgid "LuxiMono"
msgstr "LuxiMono"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:158
msgid "CM Typewriter Light"
msgstr "CM chasse fixe léger"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:170
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Page"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:236
msgid "Module not found!"
msgstr "Module introuvable !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:577
msgid "Layout is valid!"
msgstr "Le format est valide !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:581
msgid "Layout is invalid!"
msgstr "Format invalide !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:613
msgid "Document Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres du document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:720
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiInclude.cpp:48
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1398
msgid "Child Document"
msgstr "Sous-document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:721
msgid "Include to Output"
msgstr "Inclus dans le résultat"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:797
msgid "10"
msgstr "10"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:798
msgid "11"
msgstr "11"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:799
msgid "12"
msgstr "12"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:803
msgid "None (no fontenc)"
msgstr "Aucune (pas de fontenc)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:811
msgid ""
"Use OpenType and TrueType fonts directly (requires XeTeX or LuaTeX)\n"
"You need to install the package \"fontspec\" to use this feature"
msgstr ""
"Utiliser directement les polices OpenType et TrueType (utilisation de XeTeX ou LuaTeX indispensable).\n"
"Vous devez installer le paquetage « fontspec » pour utiliser cette fonctionnalité."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:843
msgid "empty"
msgstr "vide"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:844
msgid "plain"
msgstr "ordinaire"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:845
msgid "headings"
msgstr "en-têtes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:846
msgid "fancy"
msgstr "sophistiqué"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:858
msgid "A0"
msgstr "A0"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:859
msgid "A1"
msgstr "A1"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:860
msgid "A2"
msgstr "A2"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:864
msgid "A6"
msgstr "A6"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:865
msgid "B0"
msgstr "B0"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:866
msgid "B1"
msgstr "B1"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:867
msgid "B2"
msgstr "B2"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:868
msgid "B3"
msgstr "B3"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:869
msgid "B4"
msgstr "B4"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:871
msgid "B6"
msgstr "B6"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:872
msgid "C0"
msgstr "C0"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:873
msgid "C1"
msgstr "C1"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:874
msgid "C2"
msgstr "C2"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:875
msgid "C3"
msgstr "C3"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:876
msgid "C4"
msgstr "C4"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:877
msgid "C5"
msgstr "C5"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:878
msgid "C6"
msgstr "C6"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:879
msgid "JIS B0"
msgstr "JIS B0"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:880
msgid "JIS B1"
msgstr "JIS B1"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:881
msgid "JIS B2"
msgstr "JIS B2"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:882
msgid "JIS B3"
msgstr "JIS B3"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:883
msgid "JIS B4"
msgstr "JIS B4"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:884
msgid "JIS B5"
msgstr "JIS B5"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:885
msgid "JIS B6"
msgstr "JIS B6"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:997
msgid "Language Default (no inputenc)"
msgstr "Langue implicite (pas de recours à inputenc)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1006
msgid "``text''"
msgstr "``text''"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1007
msgid "''text''"
msgstr "''text''"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1008
msgid ",,text``"
msgstr ",,text``"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1009
msgid ",,text''"
msgstr ",,text''"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1010
msgid "<<text>>"
msgstr "«texte»"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1011
msgid ">>text<<"
msgstr "»texte«"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1057
msgid "Numbered"
msgstr "Numéroté"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1058
msgid "Appears in TOC"
msgstr "Apparaît dans la TdM"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1086
msgid "Author-year"
msgstr "Auteur-année"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1087
msgid "Numerical"
msgstr "Numéroté"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1184
#, c-format
msgid "Unavailable: %1$s"
msgstr "Indisponible : %1$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1301
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1402
msgid "Input listings parameters below. Enter ? for a list of parameters."
msgstr "Saisir les paramètres du listing ci-dessous. Taper ? pour une liste des paramètres."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1305
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1326
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2875
msgid "Document Class"
msgstr "Classe de document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1306
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2873
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2874
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2877
#: src/frontends/qt4/qt_helpers.cpp:553
msgid "Child Documents"
msgstr "Sous-documents"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1307
msgid "Modules"
msgstr "Modules"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1308
msgid "Local Layout"
msgstr "Format local"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1310
msgid "Text Layout"
msgstr "Format du texte"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1312
msgid "Page Margins"
msgstr "Marges"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1314
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1109
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Couleurs"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1315
msgid "Numbering & TOC"
msgstr "Numérotation & TdM"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1317
msgid "Indexes"
msgstr "Index"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1318
msgid "PDF Properties"
msgstr "Propriétés du PDF"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1319
msgid "Math Options"
msgstr "Options mode math"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1320
msgid "Float Placement"
msgstr "Placement des flottants"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1322
msgid "Bullets"
msgstr "Puces"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1323
msgid "Branches"
msgstr "Branches"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1325
msgid "LaTeX Preamble"
msgstr "Préambule LaTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1555
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1585
msgid "&Default..."
msgstr "&Implicite..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1734
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1740
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1746
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2908
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2916
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2924
msgid " (not installed)"
msgstr " (pas installé)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1821
msgid "Layouts|#o#O"
msgstr "Format|#t#T"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1823
msgid "LyX Layout (*.layout)"
msgstr "Formats LyX (*.layout)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1825
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1834
msgid "Local layout file"
msgstr "Fichier de format local"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1835
msgid ""
"The layout file you have selected is a local layout\n"
"file, not one in the system or user directory. Your\n"
"document may not work with this layout if you do not\n"
"keep the layout file in the document directory."
msgstr ""
"Le fichier de format sélectionné est un fichier\n"
"local, il n'est pas dans le répertoire système\n"
"ni dans le répertoire utilisateur.\n"
"Votre document peut ne plus fonctionner avec ce format si vous ne\n"
"conservez pas le fichier de format dans le répertoire du document."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1839
msgid "&Set Layout"
msgstr "&Sélectionner le format"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1853
msgid "Unable to read local layout file."
msgstr "Échec de la lecture d'un fichier de format local."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1875
msgid "Select master document"
msgstr "Sélectionner le document maître"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1879
msgid "LyX Files (*.lyx)"
msgstr "Documents LyX (*.lyx)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1912
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3174
msgid "Unapplied changes"
msgstr "Modifications non appliquées"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1913
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3175
msgid ""
"Some changes in the dialog were not yet applied.\n"
"If you do not apply now, they will be lost after this action."
msgstr "Certaines modifications dans le dialogue n'ont pas encore été appliquées. Si vous ne la appliquez pas maintenant, elles seront perdues après cette action."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1915
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3177
msgid "&Dismiss"
msgstr "Aban&donner"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1927
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3185
msgid "Unable to set document class."
msgstr "Impossible d'appliquer la classe du document."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1980
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s, %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s, %2$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1985
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s, %2$s, and %3$s"
msgstr "%1$s, %2$s and %3$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:1999
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s (unavailable)"
msgstr "%1$s (indisponible)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2074
msgid "Module provided by document class."
msgstr "Module fourni par la classe de document."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2082
#, c-format
msgid "Package(s) required: %1$s."
msgstr "Paquetage(s) requis : %1$s."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2088
msgid "or"
msgstr "ou"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2091
#, c-format
msgid "Modules required: %1$s."
msgstr "Modules requis : %1$s."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2100
#, c-format
msgid "Modules excluded: %1$s."
msgstr "Modules exclus : %1$s."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2106
msgid "WARNING: Some required packages are unavailable!"
msgstr "AVERTISSEMENT : certains paquetages ne sont pas disponibles !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:2850
msgid "[No options predefined]"
msgstr "[Aucune option prédéfinie]"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3046
msgid "C&ustomize Hyperref Options"
msgstr "Personnaliser les options h&yperref"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3048
msgid "&Use Hyperref Support"
msgstr "&Utiliser le support pour hyperref"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3197
msgid "Can't set layout!"
msgstr "Impossible d'appliquer le format !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3198
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to set layout for ID: %1$s"
msgstr "Impossible d'appliquer le format pour ID : %1$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3291
msgid "Not Found"
msgstr "Introuvable"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3345
msgid "Assigned master does not include this file"
msgstr "Le document maître désigné n'inclut pas ce fichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3346
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You must include this file in the document\n"
"'%1$s' in order to use the master document\n"
msgstr ""
"Vous devez inclure ce fichier dans le document\n"
"%1$s' pour pouvoir utiliser les fonctionnalités\n"
"« document maître »."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3350
msgid "Could not load master"
msgstr "Chargement du document maître impossible"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiDocument.cpp:3351
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The master document '%1$s'\n"
"could not be loaded."
msgstr ""
"Le document maître %1$s\n"
" n'a pas pu être chargé."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiErrorList.cpp:44
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiLog.cpp:237
msgid "Literate"
msgstr "Littéraire"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiErrorList.cpp:46
msgid "pLaTeX"
msgstr "pLaTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiErrorList.cpp:58
msgid "Error List"
msgstr "Liste des erreurs"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiErrorList.cpp:142
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s Errors (%2$s)"
msgstr "Erreurs %1$s (%2$s)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiExternal.cpp:76
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:71
msgid "Top left"
msgstr "Haut gauche"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiExternal.cpp:76
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:71
msgid "Bottom left"
msgstr "Bas gauche"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiExternal.cpp:76
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:71
msgid "Baseline left"
msgstr "Ligne de base gauche"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiExternal.cpp:77
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:72
msgid "Top center"
msgstr "Haut centre"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiExternal.cpp:77
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:72
msgid "Bottom center"
msgstr "Bas centre"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiExternal.cpp:77
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:72
msgid "Baseline center"
msgstr "Ligne de Base Centre"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiExternal.cpp:78
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:73
msgid "Top right"
msgstr "Haut droite"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiExternal.cpp:78
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:73
msgid "Bottom right"
msgstr "Bas Droite"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiExternal.cpp:78
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:73
msgid "Baseline right"
msgstr "Ligne de base droite"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiExternal.cpp:95
msgid "External Material"
msgstr "Objet externe"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiExternal.cpp:209
msgid "Scale%"
msgstr "Échelle%"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiExternal.cpp:633
msgid "Select external file"
msgstr "Choisir le fichier externe"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:77
msgid "automatically"
msgstr "automatiquement"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:112
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "Graphique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:262
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:278
msgid "Dissolve previous group?"
msgstr "Supprimer le groupe précédent ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:263
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you assign this graphic to group '%2$s',\n"
"the previously assigned group '%1$s' will be dissolved,\n"
"because this graphic was its only member.\n"
"How do you want to proceed?"
msgstr ""
"Si vous associez ce graphique au groupe '%2$s',\n"
"le groupe précédemment associé '%1$s' sera supprimé,\n"
"parce que ce graphique y est seul.\n"
"Comment voulez-vous poursuivre ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:269
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:285
#, c-format
msgid "Stick with group '%1$s'"
msgstr "Rester dans le groupe '%1$s'"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:271
#, c-format
msgid "Assign to group '%1$s' anyway"
msgstr "Associer au groupe '%1$s' quand même"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:279
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you sign off this graphic from group '%1$s',\n"
"the group will be dissolved,\n"
"because this graphic was its only member.\n"
"How do you want to proceed?"
msgstr ""
"Si vous enlevez ce graphique du groupe '%1$s',\n"
"le groupe sera supprimé,\n"
"parce que ce graphique y est seul.\n"
"Comment voulez-vous poursuivre ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:287
#, c-format
msgid "Sign off from group '%1$s'"
msgstr "Enlever du groupe '%1$s'"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:327
msgid "Enter unique group name:"
msgstr "Saisir un nom de groupe unique :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:332
msgid "Group already defined!"
msgstr "Groupe déjà défini !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:333
#, c-format
msgid "A graphics group with the name '%1$s' already exists."
msgstr "Un groupe de graphiques dénommé '%1$s' existe déjà."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:475
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:37
msgid "bp"
msgstr "bp"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:475
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:37
msgid "cm"
msgstr "cm"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:475
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:38
msgid "mm"
msgstr "mm"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:475
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:38
msgid "in[[unit of measure]]"
msgstr "in[[unité de mesure]]"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:786
msgid "Select graphics file"
msgstr "Choisir le fichier graphique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiGraphics.cpp:798
msgid "Clipart|#C#c"
msgstr "Clipart|#C"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:45
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:57
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:74
msgid "Thin Space"
msgstr "Espace fine"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:46
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:77
msgid "Medium Space"
msgstr "Espace moyenne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:47
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:80
msgid "Thick Space"
msgstr "Espace large"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:48
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:58
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:95
msgid "Negative Thin Space"
msgstr "Espace fine négative"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:49
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:98
msgid "Negative Medium Space"
msgstr "Espace moyenne négative"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:50
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:101
msgid "Negative Thick Space"
msgstr "Espace large négative"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:51
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:59
msgid "Half Quad (0.5 em)"
msgstr "Demi-cadratin (0.5 em)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:52
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:60
msgid "Quad (1 em)"
msgstr "Cadratin (1 em)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:53
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:61
msgid "Double Quad (2 em)"
msgstr "Double cadratin (2 em)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:56
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:68
msgid "Interword Space"
msgstr "Espace entre mots"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:62
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:104
msgid "Horizontal Fill"
msgstr "Ressort horizontal"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiHSpace.cpp:210
msgid ""
"Insert the spacing even after a line break.\n"
"Note that a protected Half Quad will be turned into\n"
"a vertical space if used at the beginning of a paragraph!"
msgstr ""
"Insérer l'espace même après un saut de ligne.\n"
"Notez qu'un espace insécable demi-cadratin apparaîtra comme un espacement vertical s'il est utilisé au début d'un paragraphe !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiInclude.cpp:120
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiInclude.cpp:182
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:239
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:375
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:450
msgid "Input listing parameters on the right. Enter ? for a list of parameters."
msgstr "Mettez les paramètres du listing à droite. Tapez ? pour une liste des paramètres disponibles."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiInclude.cpp:315
msgid "Select document to include"
msgstr "Choisir le sous-document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiInclude.cpp:322
msgid "LaTeX/LyX Documents (*.tex *.lyx)"
msgstr "Documents LaTeX/LyX (*.tex *.lyx)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiIndex.cpp:34
msgid "Index Entry Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres d'entrée d'index"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiIndices.cpp:52
msgid "Label Color"
msgstr "Couleur de l'étiquette"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiIndices.cpp:193
msgid "Cannot remove standard index"
msgstr "Impossible d'enlever l'index standard"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiIndices.cpp:194
msgid "The default index cannot be removed."
msgstr "L'index implicite ne peut être supprimé."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiIndices.cpp:214
msgid "Enter new index name"
msgstr "Saisir le nouveau nom d'index"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiIndices.cpp:222
msgid "The index could not be renamed. Check if the new name already exists."
msgstr "L'index n'a pu être renommé. Vérifier is le nouveau nom existe déjà."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiInfo.cpp:46
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "inconnu"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiInfo.cpp:46
msgid "shortcut"
msgstr "raccourci"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiInfo.cpp:46
msgid "shortcuts"
msgstr "raccourcis"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiInfo.cpp:46
msgid "lyxrc"
msgstr "lyxrc"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiInfo.cpp:46
msgid "package"
msgstr "package"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiInfo.cpp:46
msgid "textclass"
msgstr "textclass"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiInfo.cpp:47
msgid "menu"
msgstr "menu"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiInfo.cpp:47
msgid "icon"
msgstr "icon"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiInfo.cpp:47
msgid "buffer"
msgstr "buffer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiInfo.cpp:47
msgid "lyxinfo"
msgstr "lyxinfo"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiKeySymbol.cpp:711
msgid "Shift-"
msgstr "Maj-"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiKeySymbol.cpp:712
msgid "Control-"
msgstr "Control-"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiKeySymbol.cpp:713
msgid "Option-"
msgstr "Option-"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiKeySymbol.cpp:714
msgid "Command-"
msgstr "Command-"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:60
msgid "No language"
msgstr "Pas de language"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:164
msgid "Program Listing Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres de listing de programme"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiListings.cpp:414
msgid "No dialect"
msgstr "Pas de dialecte"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiLog.cpp:112
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiLog.cpp:265
msgid "LaTeX Log"
msgstr "Fichier journal LaTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiLog.cpp:240
msgid "LyX2LyX"
msgstr "LyX2LyX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiLog.cpp:267
msgid "Literate Programming Build Log"
msgstr "Fichier journal de compilation en programmation littéraire"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiLog.cpp:269
msgid "lyx2lyx Error Log"
msgstr "Fichier journal d'erreurs lyx2lyx"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiLog.cpp:271
msgid "Version Control Log"
msgstr "Historique du contrôle de version"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiLog.cpp:297
msgid "Log file not found."
msgstr "Fichier journal introuvable."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiLog.cpp:300
msgid "No literate programming build log file found."
msgstr "Fichier journal de compilation de programmation littéraire introuvable."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiLog.cpp:303
msgid "No lyx2lyx error log file found."
msgstr "Fichier journal d'erreurs lyx2lyx introuvable."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiLog.cpp:306
msgid "No version control log file found."
msgstr "Fichier journal du contrôle de version introuvable."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiMathMatrix.cpp:31
msgid "Math Matrix"
msgstr "Matrice mathématique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiNote.cpp:26
msgid "Note Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres de note"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiParagraph.cpp:48
msgid "Paragraph Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres de paragraphe"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiParagraph.cpp:78
msgid ""
"As described in the User Guide, the width of this text determines the width of the label part of each item in environments like List and Description.\n"
" Normally, you won't need to set this, since the largest label width of all the items is used."
msgstr ""
"Comme expliqué dans le Guide de l'Utilisateur, la largeur de ce texte détermine la taille de l'étiquette de chaque élément dans les environnements comme Liste et Description.\n"
"En principe, vous n'avez pas à le modifier puisqu'on utilise la plus grande largeur d'étiquette de tous les éléments."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPhantom.cpp:25
msgid "Phantom Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres fantôme"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:141
msgid "System files|#S#s"
msgstr "Fichiers système|#S#s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:145
msgid "User files|#U#u"
msgstr "Fichiers utilisateur|#U#u"
# ou ergonomie ?
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:251
msgid "Look & Feel"
msgstr "Apparence"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:253
msgid "Language Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres de langue"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:255
msgid "File Handling"
msgstr "Gestion des fichiers"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:481
msgid "Keyboard/Mouse"
msgstr "Clavier/Souris"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:611
msgid "Input Completion"
msgstr "Complétion de saisie"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:758
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:783
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:873
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:900
msgid "Co&mmand:"
msgstr "&Commande :"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:932
msgid "Screen Fonts"
msgstr "Polices d'écran"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1305
msgid "Paths"
msgstr "Répertoires"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1392
msgid "Select directory for example files"
msgstr "Choisir le répertoire des fichiers d'exemple"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1401
msgid "Select a document templates directory"
msgstr "Choisir un répertoire de modèles de document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1410
msgid "Select a temporary directory"
msgstr "Choisir un répertoire temporaire"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1419
msgid "Select a backups directory"
msgstr "Choisir un répertoire de sauvegardes automatiques"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1428
msgid "Select a document directory"
msgstr "Choisir un répertoire de documents"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1437
msgid "Set the path to the thesaurus dictionaries"
msgstr "Positionner le chemin vers les dictionnaires de synonymes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1446
msgid "Set the path to the Hunspell dictionaries"
msgstr "Saisir le chemin d'accès au dictionnaire hunspell"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1455
msgid "Give a filename for the LyX server pipe"
msgstr "Donnez un nom de fichier au tube du serveur LyX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1468
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSpellchecker.cpp:592
msgid "Spellchecker"
msgstr "Correcteur Orthographique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1474
msgid "Native"
msgstr "natif"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1480
msgid "Aspell"
msgstr "Aspell"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1483
msgid "Enchant"
msgstr "Enchant"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1486
msgid "Hunspell"
msgstr "Hunspell"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1559
msgid "Converters"
msgstr "Convertisseurs"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:1873
msgid "File Formats"
msgstr "Formats de fichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2059
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2211
msgid "Format in use"
msgstr "Format utilisé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2060
msgid "You cannot change a format's short name if the format is used by a converter. Please remove the converter first."
msgstr "Impossible de modifier le nom abrégé d'un format utilisé par un convertisseur. Enlever d'abord le convertisseur."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2212
msgid "Cannot remove a Format used by a Converter. Remove the converter first."
msgstr "Impossible d'enlever un Format utilisé par un Convertisseur. Enlevez d'abord le convertisseur."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2302
msgid "LyX needs to be restarted!"
msgstr "LyX doit être redémarré !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2303
msgid "The change of user interface language will be fully effective only after a restart."
msgstr "La modification de la langue de l'interface ne sera complètement effective qu'après un redémarrage de LyX."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2374
msgid "Printer"
msgstr "Imprimante"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2490
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3243
msgid "User Interface"
msgstr "Interface utilisateur"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2534
msgid "Classic"
msgstr "Classique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2535
msgid "Oxygen"
msgstr "Oxygen"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2613
msgid "Control"
msgstr "Contrôle"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2701
msgid "Shortcuts"
msgstr "Raccourcis"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2706
msgid "Function"
msgstr "Fonction"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2707
msgid "Shortcut"
msgstr "Raccourci"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2786
msgid "Cursor, Mouse and Editing Functions"
msgstr "Contrôle du curseur, de la souris et de la saisie"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2790
msgid "Mathematical Symbols"
msgstr "Symboles mathématiques"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2794
msgid "Document and Window"
msgstr "Document et fenêtre"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2798
msgid "Font, Layouts and Textclasses"
msgstr "Polices, formats et classes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2802
msgid "System and Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Système et divers"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2929
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:2975
msgid "Res&tore"
msgstr "&Restaurer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3086
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3093
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3113
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3132
msgid "Failed to create shortcut"
msgstr "Échec de la création du raccourci"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3087
msgid "Unknown or invalid LyX function"
msgstr "Fonction LyX inconnue ou invalide"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3094
msgid "Invalid or empty key sequence"
msgstr "Séquence de touches invalide ou vide"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3114
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Shortcut `%1$s' is already bound to:\n"
"You need to remove that binding before creating a new one."
msgstr ""
"Le raccourci `%1$s' est déjà relié à :\n"
"Vous devez supprimer ce lien avant d'en créer un nouveau."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3133
msgid "Can not insert shortcut to the list"
msgstr "Échec de l'insertion du raccourci à la liste"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3164
msgid "Identity"
msgstr "Identité"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3373
msgid "Choose bind file"
msgstr "Choisir un fichier de raccourcis"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3374
msgid "LyX bind files (*.bind)"
msgstr "Fichiers de raccourcis LyX (*.bind)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3380
msgid "Choose UI file"
msgstr "Choisir un fichier d'interface"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3381
msgid "LyX UI files (*.ui)"
msgstr "Fichiers d'interface LyX (*.ui)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3387
msgid "Choose keyboard map"
msgstr "Choisir une réaffectation clavier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrefs.cpp:3388
msgid "LyX keyboard maps (*.kmap)"
msgstr "Réaffectations clavier LyX (*.kmap)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrint.cpp:43
msgid "Print Document"
msgstr "Imprimer le document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrint.cpp:87
msgid "Print to file"
msgstr "Imprimer vers"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrint.cpp:88
msgid "PostScript files (*.ps)"
msgstr "Fichiers PostScript (*.ps)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrintNomencl.cpp:49
msgid "Longest label width"
msgstr "Taille de l'étiquette la plus longue"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrintindex.cpp:37
msgid "Index Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres d'index"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiPrintindex.cpp:69
msgid "<All indexes>"
msgstr "<Tous les index>"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiProgressView.cpp:52
msgid "Progress/Debug Messages"
msgstr "Messages de progression ou d'analyse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiProgressView.cpp:82
msgid "Debug Level"
msgstr "Niveau d'analyse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiProgressView.cpp:83
msgid "Set"
msgstr "Fixer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiRef.cpp:44
msgid "Cross-reference"
msgstr "Référence croisée"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiRef.cpp:300
msgid "&Go Back"
msgstr "&Revenir"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiRef.cpp:302
msgid "Jump back"
msgstr "Revient en arrière"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiRef.cpp:310
msgid "Jump to label"
msgstr "Sauter à l'étiquette"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiRef.cpp:365
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiRef.cpp:384
msgid "<No prefix>"
msgstr "<Sans prefixe>"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSearch.cpp:41
msgid "Find and Replace"
msgstr "Rechercher et remplacer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSendto.cpp:40
msgid "Export or Send Document"
msgstr "Exporter ou envoyer le document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiShowFile.cpp:30
msgid "Show File"
msgstr "Afficher le fichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiShowFile.cpp:47
msgid "Error -> Cannot load file!"
msgstr "Erreur -> Impossible de charger le fichier !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSpellchecker.cpp:252
msgid "Spell check of the selection done, did not find any errors."
msgstr "Correction orthographique terminée, aucune erreur trouvée."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSpellchecker.cpp:259
msgid "We reached the end of the document, would you like to continue from the beginning?"
msgstr "Fin du document atteinte, continuer au début ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSpellchecker.cpp:540
msgid "Spell checker has no dictionaries."
msgstr "Le correcteur orthographique ne connaît aucun dictionnaire."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:54
msgid "Basic Latin"
msgstr "Latin de base"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:55
msgid "Latin-1 Supplement"
msgstr "Supplément Latin-1"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:56
msgid "Latin Extended-A"
msgstr "Latin étendu A"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:57
msgid "Latin Extended-B"
msgstr "Latin étendu B"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:58
msgid "IPA Extensions"
msgstr "Alphabet phonétique international"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:59
msgid "Spacing Modifier Letters"
msgstr "Lettres modificatives avec chasse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:60
msgid "Combining Diacritical Marks"
msgstr "Diacritiques"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:62
msgid "Cyrillic"
msgstr "Cyrillique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:65
msgid "Arabic"
msgstr "Arabe"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:66
msgid "Devanagari"
msgstr "Dévanâgarî"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:67
msgid "Bengali"
msgstr "Bengali"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:68
msgid "Gurmukhi"
msgstr "Gourmoukhî"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:69
msgid "Gujarati"
msgstr "Goudjarati"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:70
msgid "Oriya"
msgstr "Oriya"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:71
msgid "Tamil"
msgstr "Tamoul"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:72
msgid "Telugu"
msgstr "Télougou"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:73
msgid "Kannada"
msgstr "Kannara"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:74
msgid "Malayalam"
msgstr "Malayalam"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:76
msgid "Lao"
msgstr "Lao"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:77
msgid "Tibetan"
msgstr "Tibétain"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:78
msgid "Georgian"
msgstr "Géorgien"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:79
msgid "Hangul Jamo"
msgstr "Jamos hangûl"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:80
msgid "Phonetic Extensions"
msgstr "Supplément phonétique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:81
msgid "Latin Extended Additional"
msgstr "Latin étendu additionnel"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:82
msgid "Greek Extended"
msgstr "Grec étendu"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:83
msgid "General Punctuation"
msgstr "Ponctuation générale"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:84
msgid "Superscripts and Subscripts"
msgstr "Exposant et indices"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:85
msgid "Currency Symbols"
msgstr "Symboles monétaires"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:86
msgid "Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols"
msgstr "Signes combinatoires pour symboles"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:87
msgid "Letterlike Symbols"
msgstr "Symboles de type lettre"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:88
msgid "Number Forms"
msgstr "Formes numérales"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:90
msgid "Mathematical Operators"
msgstr "Opérateurs mathématiques"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:91
msgid "Miscellaneous Technical"
msgstr "Signes techniques divers"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:92
msgid "Control Pictures"
msgstr "Pictogrammes de commande"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:93
msgid "Optical Character Recognition"
msgstr "Reconnaissance optique de caractères"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:94
msgid "Enclosed Alphanumerics"
msgstr "Alphanumériques cerclés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:95
msgid "Box Drawing"
msgstr "Filets"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:96
msgid "Block Elements"
msgstr "Pavés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:97
msgid "Geometric Shapes"
msgstr "Formes géométriques"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:98
msgid "Miscellaneous Symbols"
msgstr "Symboles divers"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:99
msgid "Dingbats"
msgstr "Casseau"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:100
msgid "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A"
msgstr "Divers symboles mathématiques - A"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:101
msgid "CJK Symbols and Punctuation"
msgstr "Symboles et ponctuation CJC"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:102
msgid "Hiragana"
msgstr "Hiragana"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:103
msgid "Katakana"
msgstr "Katakana"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:104
msgid "Bopomofo"
msgstr "Bopomofo"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:105
msgid "Hangul Compatibility Jamo"
msgstr "Jamos de compatibilité hangûl"
# à revoir, accord avec les autres mots incertain
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:106
msgid "Kanbun"
msgstr "Kanbuon"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:107
msgid "Enclosed CJK Letters and Months"
msgstr "Lettres et mois CJK cerclés"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:108
msgid "CJK Compatibility"
msgstr "Compatibilité CJC"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:109
msgid "CJK Unified Ideographs"
msgstr "Idéogrammes unifiés CJC"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:110
msgid "Hangul Syllables"
msgstr "Syllabes hangûl"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:111
msgid "High Surrogates"
msgstr "Demi-zone haute"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:112
msgid "Private Use High Surrogates"
msgstr "Partie à usage privé de la demi-zone haute"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:113
msgid "Low Surrogates"
msgstr "Demi-zone basse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:114
msgid "Private Use Area"
msgstr "Zone à usage privé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:115
msgid "CJK Compatibility Ideographs"
msgstr "Idéogrammes de compatibilité CJC"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:116
msgid "Alphabetic Presentation Forms"
msgstr "Formes de présentation alphabétiques"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:117
msgid "Arabic Presentation Forms-A"
msgstr "Formes A de présentation arabes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:118
msgid "Combining Half Marks"
msgstr "Demi-signes combinatoires"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:119
msgid "CJK Compatibility Forms"
msgstr "Formes de compatibilité CJC"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:120
msgid "Small Form Variants"
msgstr "Petites variantes de forme"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:121
msgid "Arabic Presentation Forms-B"
msgstr "Formes B de présentation arabes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:122
msgid "Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms"
msgstr "Formes de demi et pleine chasse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:123
msgid "Specials"
msgstr "Caractères spéciaux"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:124
msgid "Linear B Syllabary"
msgstr "Syllabaire linéaire B"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:125
msgid "Linear B Ideograms"
msgstr "Idéogrammes du linéaire B"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:126
msgid "Aegean Numbers"
msgstr "Nombres égéens"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:127
msgid "Ancient Greek Numbers"
msgstr "Nombres grecs anciens"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:128
msgid "Old Italic"
msgstr "Alphabet italique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:129
msgid "Gothic"
msgstr "Gotique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:130
msgid "Ugaritic"
msgstr "Ougaritique"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:131
msgid "Old Persian"
msgstr "Vieux perse"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:132
msgid "Deseret"
msgstr "Déséret"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:133
msgid "Shavian"
msgstr "Shavien"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:134
msgid "Osmanya"
msgstr "Osmanya"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:135
msgid "Cypriot Syllabary"
msgstr "Syllabaire chypriote"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:136
msgid "Kharoshthi"
msgstr "Kharochthî"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:137
msgid "Byzantine Musical Symbols"
msgstr "Symboles musicaux byzantins"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:138
msgid "Musical Symbols"
msgstr "Symboles musicaux occidentaux"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:139
msgid "Ancient Greek Musical Notation"
msgstr "Notation musicale grecque ancienne"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:140
msgid "Tai Xuan Jing Symbols"
msgstr "Symboles du Classique du mystère suprême"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:141
msgid "Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols"
msgstr "Symboles mathématiques alphanumériques"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:142
msgid "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B"
msgstr "Supplément B aux idéogrammes unifiés CJC"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:143
msgid "CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement"
msgstr "Supplément aux idéogrammes de compatibilité CJC"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:144
msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Étiquettes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:145
msgid "Variation Selectors Supplement"
msgstr "Supplément de sélecteurs de variante"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:146
msgid "Supplementary Private Use Area-A"
msgstr "Zone supplémentaire A à usage privé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:147
msgid "Supplementary Private Use Area-B"
msgstr "Zone supplémentaire B à usage privé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:226
msgid "Character: "
msgstr "Caractère : "
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:227
msgid "Code Point: "
msgstr "Code point : "
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiSymbols.cpp:270
msgid "Symbols"
msgstr "Symboles"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiTabularCreate.cpp:29
msgid "Insert Table"
msgstr "Insérer un tableau"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiTexinfo.cpp:51
msgid "TeX Information"
msgstr "Informations TeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiThesaurus.cpp:207
msgid "No thesaurus available for this language!"
msgstr "Aucun dictionnaire des synonymes défini pour cette langue !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiToc.cpp:36
msgid "Outline"
msgstr "Plan"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiToolbar.cpp:377
#: src/frontends/qt4/Toolbars.cpp:376
msgid "auto"
msgstr "auto"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiToolbar.cpp:382
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiToolbar.cpp:391
msgid "off"
msgstr "désactivé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiToolbar.cpp:398
#, c-format
msgid "Toolbar \"%1$s\" state set to %2$s"
msgstr "État de la barre d'outils \"%1$s\" fixé à %2$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:158
msgid "version "
msgstr "version "
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:158
msgid "unknown version"
msgstr "version inconnue"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:268
msgid "Small-sized icons"
msgstr "Icônes de petite taille"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:275
msgid "Normal-sized icons"
msgstr "Icônes de taille normale"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:282
msgid "Big-sized icons"
msgstr "Icônes de grande taille"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:823
msgid "Exit LyX"
msgstr "Quitter LyX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:824
msgid "LyX could not be closed because documents are being processed by LyX."
msgstr "Impossible de fermer LyX, des documents sont en cours de traitement."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1070
msgid "Welcome to LyX!"
msgstr "Bienvenue dans LyX !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1541
msgid "Automatic save done."
msgstr "Sauvegarde automatique effective."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1542
msgid "Automatic save failed!"
msgstr "La sauvegarde automatique a échoué !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1588
msgid "Command not allowed without any document open"
msgstr "Commande non autorisée si aucun document n'est ouvert"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1690
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown toolbar \"%1$s\""
msgstr "Barre d'outils inconnue \"%1$s\""
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1872
msgid "Select template file"
msgstr "Choisir le modèle"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1874
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2237
msgid "Templates|#T#t"
msgstr "Modèles|#M#m"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1901
msgid "Document not loaded."
msgstr "Le document n'a pas été chargé."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1929
msgid "Select document to open"
msgstr "Choisir le document à ouvrir"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1931
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2072
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2194
msgid "Examples|#E#e"
msgstr "Exemples|#E#e"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1935
msgid "LyX-1.3.x Documents (*.lyx13)"
msgstr "Documents LyX-1.3.x (*.lyx)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1936
msgid "LyX-1.4.x Documents (*.lyx14)"
msgstr "Documents LyX-1.4.x (*.lyx)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1937
msgid "LyX-1.5.x Documents (*.lyx15)"
msgstr "Documents LyX-1.5.x (*.lyx)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1938
msgid "LyX-1.6.x Documents (*.lyx16)"
msgstr "Documents LyX-1.6.x (*.lyx16)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1963
#: src/frontends/qt4/Validator.cpp:200
#: src/insets/ExternalSupport.cpp:368
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:290
#: src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp:596
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:535
msgid "Invalid filename"
msgstr "Nom de fichier invalide"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1964
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The directory in the given path\n"
"does not exist."
msgstr ""
"Le répertoire figurant dans le chemin soumis\n"
"n'existe pas."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1980
#, c-format
msgid "Opening document %1$s..."
msgstr "Ouverture du document %1$s..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1985
#, c-format
msgid "Document %1$s opened."
msgstr "Document %1$s ouvert."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1988
msgid "Version control detected."
msgstr "Contrôle de version détecté."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:1990
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open document %1$s"
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le document %1$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2019
msgid "Couldn't import file"
msgstr "Impossible d'importer le fichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2020
#, c-format
msgid "No information for importing the format %1$s."
msgstr "Pas d'information pour importer le format %1$s."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2067
#, c-format
msgid "Select %1$s file to import"
msgstr "Choisir le fichier %1$s à importer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2118
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2282
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The document %1$s already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite that document?"
msgstr ""
"Le document %1$s existe déjà.\n"
"Voulez-vous écrire par dessus ce document ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2120
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2286
msgid "Overwrite document?"
msgstr "Écraser le document ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2129
#, c-format
msgid "Importing %1$s..."
msgstr "Importe %1$s..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2132
msgid "imported."
msgstr "importé."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2134
msgid "file not imported!"
msgstr "fichier non importé !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2159
msgid "newfile"
msgstr "nouveau"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2192
msgid "Select LyX document to insert"
msgstr "Choisir le document à insérer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2234
msgid "Choose a filename to save document as"
msgstr "Choisir le nom sous lequel enregistrer le fichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2267
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The file\n"
"is already open in your current session.\n"
"Please close it before attempting to overwrite it.\n"
"Do you want to choose a new filename?"
msgstr ""
"Le fichier\n"
"est déjà ouvert dans votre session courante.\n"
"Merci de le fermer avant d'essayer de l'écraser.\n"
"Vouez-vous définir un nouveau nom de fichier ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2271
msgid "Chosen File Already Open"
msgstr "Fichier sélectionné déjà ouvert"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2272
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2287
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2335
msgid "&Rename"
msgstr "&Renommer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2331
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The document %1$s could not be saved.\n"
"Do you want to rename the document and try again?"
msgstr ""
"Le document %1$s n'a pas pu être enregistré.\n"
"Voulez-vous renommer le document et essayer à nouveau ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2334
msgid "Rename and save?"
msgstr "Renommer et enregistrer ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2335
msgid "&Retry"
msgstr "&Réessayer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2441
msgid "Close document"
msgstr "Fermer le document"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2442
msgid "Document could not be closed because it is being processed by LyX."
msgstr "Impossible de fermer le document, il est en cours de traitement par LyX."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2546
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2651
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The document %1$s has not been saved yet.\n"
"Do you want to save the document?"
msgstr ""
"Le document %1$s n'a pas encore été enregistré.\n"
"Voulez-vous enregistrer le document ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2549
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2654
msgid "Save new document?"
msgstr "Enregistrer le nouveau document ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2554
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The document %1$s has unsaved changes.\n"
"Do you want to save the document or discard the changes?"
msgstr ""
"Le document %1$s a des modifications non enregistrées.\n"
"Voulez-vous enregistrer le document ou ignorer ces modifications ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2556
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2648
msgid "Save changed document?"
msgstr "Enregistrer le document modifié ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2557
msgid "&Discard"
msgstr "I&gnorer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2645
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The document %1$s has unsaved changes.\n"
"Do you want to save the document?"
msgstr ""
"Le document %1$s a des modifications non enregistrées.\n"
"Voulez-vous enregistrer le document ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2680
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Document \n"
" has been externally modified. Reload now? Any local changes will be lost."
msgstr ""
"Le document \n"
"a été modifié par une application externe. Le recharger maintenant ? Toutes les modifications locales seront perdues."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2683
msgid "Reload externally changed document?"
msgstr "Recharger le document modifié par une application externe ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2736
msgid "Error when setting the locking property."
msgstr "Erreur lors du positionnement de la propriété de verrouillage."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2782
msgid "Directory is not accessible."
msgstr "Répertoire inaccessible."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2858
#, c-format
msgid "Opening child document %1$s..."
msgstr "Ouverture du sous-document %1$s..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2922
#, c-format
msgid "No buffer for file: %1$s."
msgstr "Pas de tampon pour le fichier : %1$s."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2949
#, c-format
msgid "Successful preview of format: %1$s"
msgstr "Succès de l'aperçu du format : %1$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2950
#, c-format
msgid "Error while previewing format: %1$s"
msgstr "Erreur au visionnement du format : %1$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2953
#, c-format
msgid "Successful export to format: %1$s"
msgstr "Succès de l'exportation au format : %1$s."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:2954
#, c-format
msgid "Error while exporting format: %1$s"
msgstr "Erreur à l'exportation au format : %1$s."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3138
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3150
msgid "Exporting ..."
msgstr "Exportation en cours..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3159
msgid "Previewing ..."
msgstr "Visionnement en cours..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3193
msgid "Document not loaded"
msgstr "Le document n'a pas été chargé"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3267
msgid "Select file to insert"
msgstr "Choisir le fichier à insérer"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3271
msgid "All Files (*)"
msgstr "Tous les fichiers (*)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3295
#, c-format
msgid "Any changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to revert to the saved version of the document %1$s?"
msgstr "Toutes les modifications seront perdues. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir revenir à la dernière version enregistrée du document %1$s ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3298
msgid "Revert to saved document?"
msgstr "Revenir à la sauvegarde ?"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3324
msgid "Saving all documents..."
msgstr "Enregistrement de tous les documents..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3334
msgid "All documents saved."
msgstr "Tous les documents sont enregistrés."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3434
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s unknown command!"
msgstr "%1$s : commande inconnue !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3552
msgid "Please, preview the document first."
msgstr "Merci d'afficher d'abord un aperçu du document."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiView.cpp:3572
msgid "Couldn't proceed."
msgstr "Impossible de poursuivre."
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiViewSource.cpp:222
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiViewSource.cpp:265
msgid "LaTeX Source"
msgstr "Source LaTeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiViewSource.cpp:267
msgid "DocBook Source"
msgstr "Source DocBook"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiViewSource.cpp:269
msgid "Literate Source"
msgstr "Source Literate"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiWorkArea.cpp:1325
msgid " (version control, locking)"
msgstr " (contrôle de version, verrouillage)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiWorkArea.cpp:1327
msgid " (version control)"
msgstr " (contrôle de version)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiWorkArea.cpp:1330
msgid " (changed)"
msgstr " (modifié)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiWorkArea.cpp:1334
msgid " (read only)"
msgstr " (en lecture seule)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiWorkArea.cpp:1485
msgid "Close File"
msgstr "Fermer le fichier"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiWorkArea.cpp:1929
msgid "Hide tab"
msgstr "Cacher l'onglet"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiWorkArea.cpp:1931
msgid "Close tab"
msgstr "Fermer l'onglet"
#: src/frontends/qt4/GuiWrap.cpp:32
msgid "Wrap Float Settings"
msgstr "Paramètres d'encapsulation de flottant"
#: src/frontends/qt4/IconPalette.cpp:39
msgid "Click to detach"
msgstr "Cliquer pour désolidariser"
#: src/frontends/qt4/LayoutBox.cpp:389
#, c-format
msgid "Filtering layouts with \"%1$s\". Press ESC to remove filter."
msgstr "Fitrage des formats (layouts) avec \"%1$s\". Presser ESC pour supprimer le filtre."
#: src/frontends/qt4/LayoutBox.cpp:393
#: src/frontends/qt4/LayoutBox.cpp:443
msgid "Enter characters to filter the layout list."
msgstr "Saisir des caractères pour filtrer la liste des formats."
#: src/frontends/qt4/LayoutBox.cpp:565
msgid " (unknown)"
msgstr "(inconnu)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:664
msgid "More...|M"
msgstr "Plus...|P"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:748
msgid "No Group"
msgstr "Aucun groupe défini"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:778
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:779
msgid "More Spelling Suggestions"
msgstr "Autres suggestions orthographiques"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:801
msgid "Add to personal dictionary|n"
msgstr "Ajouter au dictionnaire personnel|c"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:803
msgid "Ignore all|I"
msgstr "Tout ignorer|i"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:811
msgid "Remove from personal dictionary|r"
msgstr "Supprimer du dictionnaire personnel|s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:852
msgid "Language|L"
msgstr "Langue|g"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:854
msgid "More Languages ...|M"
msgstr "Autres langues...|A"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:924
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:925
msgid "Hidden|H"
msgstr "Caché|é"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:929
msgid "<No Documents Open>"
msgstr "<Aucun document ouvert>"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:992
msgid "<No Bookmarks Saved Yet>"
msgstr "<Aucun signet enregistré pour le moment>"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1029
msgid "View (Other Formats)|F"
msgstr "Visionner (autres formats)|a"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1030
msgid "Update (Other Formats)|p"
msgstr "Mettre à jour (autres formats)|j"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1063
#, c-format
msgid "View [%1$s]|V"
msgstr "Visionner [%1$s]|V"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1064
#, c-format
msgid "Update [%1$s]|U"
msgstr "Mettre à jour [%1$s]|u"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1175
msgid "No Custom Insets Defined!"
msgstr "Aucun insert paramétrable défini !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1247
msgid "<No Document Open>"
msgstr "<Aucun document ouvert>"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1257
msgid "Master Document"
msgstr "Document maître"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1274
msgid "Open Navigator..."
msgstr "Ouvrir le navigateur..."
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1295
msgid "Other Lists"
msgstr "Autres listes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1308
msgid "<Empty Table of Contents>"
msgstr "<Table des matières vide>"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1343
msgid "Other Toolbars"
msgstr "Autres barres d'outils"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1358
msgid "No Branches Set for Document!"
msgstr "Pas de branche sélectionnée dans le document !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1414
msgid "Index List|I"
msgstr "Index|I"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1419
msgid "Index Entry|d"
msgstr "Entrée d'index|i"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1434
#, c-format
msgid "Index: %1$s"
msgstr "Index : %1$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1439
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1468
#, c-format
msgid "Index Entry (%1$s)"
msgstr "Entrée d'index (%1$s)"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:1485
msgid "No Citation in Scope!"
msgstr "Aucune citation accessible !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Menus.cpp:2093
msgid "No Action Defined!"
msgstr "Aucune action définie !"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Toolbars.cpp:217
#, c-format
msgid "Export %1$s"
msgstr "Exporter %1$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Toolbars.cpp:221
#, c-format
msgid "Import %1$s"
msgstr "Importer %1$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Toolbars.cpp:225
#, c-format
msgid "Update %1$s"
msgstr "Mettre à jour %1$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Toolbars.cpp:229
#, c-format
msgid "View %1$s"
msgstr "Visionner %1$s"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Validator.cpp:173
msgid "space"
msgstr "espace"
#: src/frontends/qt4/Validator.cpp:201
msgid "LyX does not provide LaTeX support for file names containing any of these characters:\n"
msgstr "LyX ne fournit pas de support LaTeX pour les noms de fichier contenant l'un de ces caractères :\n"
#: src/frontends/qt4/qt_helpers.cpp:225
msgid "Could not update TeX information"
msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour l'information TeX"
#: src/frontends/qt4/qt_helpers.cpp:226
#, c-format
msgid "The script `%1$s' failed."
msgstr "Le script `%1$s' a échoué."
#: src/frontends/qt4/qt_helpers.cpp:478
msgid "All Files "
msgstr "Tous les fichiers "
#: src/frontends/qt4/qt_helpers.cpp:551
#: src/insets/InsetTOC.cpp:58
#: src/insets/InsetTOC.cpp:113
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "Table des matières"
#: src/frontends/qt4/qt_helpers.cpp:555
msgid "List of Graphics"
msgstr "Liste des figures"
#: src/frontends/qt4/qt_helpers.cpp:557
msgid "List of Equations"
msgstr "Liste des équations"
#: src/frontends/qt4/qt_helpers.cpp:559
msgid "List of Footnotes"
msgstr "Liste des notes de bas de page"
#: src/frontends/qt4/qt_helpers.cpp:561
msgid "List of Listings"
msgstr "Liste des listings"
#: src/frontends/qt4/qt_helpers.cpp:563
msgid "List of Index Entries"
msgstr "Liste des entrées d'index"
#: src/frontends/qt4/qt_helpers.cpp:565
msgid "List of Marginal notes"
msgstr "Liste des notes en marge"
#: src/frontends/qt4/qt_helpers.cpp:567
msgid "List of Notes"
msgstr "Liste des notes"
#: src/frontends/qt4/qt_helpers.cpp:569
msgid "List of Citations"
msgstr "Liste des citations"
#: src/frontends/qt4/qt_helpers.cpp:571
msgid "Labels and References"
msgstr "Étiquettes et références"
#: src/frontends/qt4/qt_helpers.cpp:573
msgid "List of Branches"
msgstr "Liste des branches"
#: src/frontends/qt4/qt_helpers.cpp:575
msgid "List of Changes"
msgstr "Liste des modifications"
#: src/insets/ExternalSupport.cpp:369
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:291
#: src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp:597
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:536
msgid "The following filename will cause troubles when running the exported file through LaTeX: "
msgstr "Le nom de fichier suivant risque de causer des problèmes quand le fichier exporté sera traité avec LaTeX : "
#: src/insets/ExternalSupport.cpp:374
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:296
#: src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp:604
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:541
msgid "Problematic filename for DVI"
msgstr "Nom de fichier problématique pour DVI"
#: src/insets/ExternalSupport.cpp:375
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:297
#: src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp:605
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:542
msgid "The following filename can cause troubles when running the exported file through LaTeX and opening the resulting DVI: "
msgstr "Le nom de fichier suivant risque de causer des problèmes quand le fichier exporté sera traité avec LaTeX, à l'ouverture du fichier DVI : "
#: src/insets/Inset.cpp:88
msgid "Bibliography Entry"
msgstr "Entrée bibliographique"
#: src/insets/Inset.cpp:91
msgid "TeX Code"
msgstr "Code TeX"
#: src/insets/Inset.cpp:94
msgid "Float"
msgstr "Flottant"
#: src/insets/Inset.cpp:109
#: src/insets/InsetBox.cpp:130
msgid "Box"
msgstr "Boîte"
#: src/insets/Inset.cpp:111
msgid "Horizontal Space"
msgstr "Espacement horizontal"
#: src/insets/Inset.cpp:112
#: src/insets/InsetVSpace.cpp:112
msgid "Vertical Space"
msgstr "Espacement vertical"
#: src/insets/Inset.cpp:115
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Info"
#: src/insets/Inset.cpp:158
msgid "Horizontal Math Space"
msgstr "Espacement horizontal mathématique"
#: src/insets/InsetBibitem.cpp:92
msgid "Keys must be unique!"
msgstr "Les clés de citation doivent être uniques !"
#: src/insets/InsetBibitem.cpp:93
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The key %1$s already exists,\n"
"it will be changed to %2$s."
msgstr ""
"La clé de citation %1$s existe déjà,\n"
"elle va être remplacés par %2$s."
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:144
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The BibTeX inset includes %1$s databases.\n"
"If you proceed, all of them will be opened."
msgstr ""
"L'insert BibTeX inclut %1$s bases de données.\n"
"Si vous poursuivez, elles seront toutes ouvertes."
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:147
msgid "Open Databases?"
msgstr "Ouvrir les bases de données ?"
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:148
msgid "&Proceed"
msgstr "&Poursuivre"
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:166
msgid "BibTeX Generated Bibliography"
msgstr "Bibliographie BibTeX"
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:173
msgid "Databases:"
msgstr "Bases de données :"
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:198
msgid "Style File:"
msgstr "Fichier de style :"
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:205
msgid "Lists:"
msgstr "Listes :"
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:216
msgid "included in TOC"
msgstr "inclus dans la TDM"
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:318
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:364
msgid "Export Warning!"
msgstr "Alerte d'exportation !"
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:319
msgid ""
"There are spaces in the paths to your BibTeX databases.\n"
"BibTeX will be unable to find them."
msgstr ""
"Il y a des espaces dans les chemins de vos bases de données BibTeX.\n"
"BibTeX n'arrivera pas à les trouver."
#: src/insets/InsetBibtex.cpp:365
msgid ""
"There are spaces in the path to your BibTeX style file.\n"
"BibTeX will be unable to find it."
msgstr ""
"Il y a des espaces dans le chemin de votre base de données BibTeX.\n"
"BibTeX n'arrivera pas à les trouver."
#: src/insets/InsetBox.cpp:66
msgid "simple frame"
msgstr "cadre simple"
#: src/insets/InsetBox.cpp:67
msgid "frameless"
msgstr "sans cadre"
#: src/insets/InsetBox.cpp:68
msgid "simple frame, page breaks"
msgstr "cadre simple, sauts de page"
#: src/insets/InsetBox.cpp:69
msgid "oval, thin"
msgstr "ovale, fin"
#: src/insets/InsetBox.cpp:70
msgid "oval, thick"
msgstr "ovale, épais"
#: src/insets/InsetBox.cpp:71
msgid "drop shadow"
msgstr "ombre en relief"
#: src/insets/InsetBox.cpp:72
msgid "shaded background"
msgstr "fond ombré"
#: src/insets/InsetBox.cpp:73
msgid "double frame"
msgstr "double cadre"
#: src/insets/InsetBox.cpp:150
#: src/insets/InsetBox.cpp:153
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s (%2$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s)"
#: src/insets/InsetBox.cpp:156
#, c-format
msgid "%1$s (%2$s, %3$s)"
msgstr "%1$s (%2$s, %3$s)"
#: src/insets/InsetBranch.cpp:68
msgid "active"
msgstr "actif"
#: src/insets/InsetBranch.cpp:68
#: src/insets/InsetIndex.cpp:454
msgid "non-active"
msgstr "non-actif"
#: src/insets/InsetBranch.cpp:70
#, c-format
msgid "Branch (%1$s): %2$s"
msgstr "Branche (%1$s) : %2$s"
#: src/insets/InsetBranch.cpp:79
msgid "Branch: "
msgstr "Branche : "
#: src/insets/InsetBranch.cpp:84
msgid "Branch (child only): "
msgstr "Branche (sous-document seulement) : "
#: src/insets/InsetBranch.cpp:86
msgid "Branch (undefined): "
msgstr "Branche (indéfinie) : "
#: src/insets/InsetBranch.cpp:91
msgid "Undef: "
msgstr "Undef : "
#: src/insets/InsetCaption.cpp:338
#, c-format
msgid "Sub-%1$s"
msgstr "Sous-%1$s"
#: src/insets/InsetCitation.cpp:121
msgid "No bibliography defined!"
msgstr "Aucune bibliographie définie !"
#: src/insets/InsetCitation.cpp:125
msgid "No citations selected!"
msgstr "Aucune citation sélectionnée !"
#: src/insets/InsetCitation.cpp:296
msgid "not cited"
msgstr "non cité"
#: src/insets/InsetCommand.cpp:131
msgid "LaTeX Command: "
msgstr "Commande LaTeX : "
#: src/insets/InsetCommandParams.cpp:264
msgid "InsetCommand Error: "
msgstr "Erreur de commande d'insert : "
#: src/insets/InsetCommandParams.cpp:265
#: src/insets/InsetCommandParams.cpp:282
msgid "Incompatible command name."
msgstr "Nom de commande incompatible."
#: src/insets/InsetCommandParams.cpp:281
#: src/insets/InsetCommandParams.cpp:312
msgid "InsetCommandParams Error: "
msgstr "Erreur de paramètres de commande d'insert : "
#: src/insets/InsetCommandParams.cpp:304
msgid "InsetCommandParams: "
msgstr "Paramètres de commande d'insert : "
#: src/insets/InsetCommandParams.cpp:305
msgid "Unknown parameter name: "
msgstr "Nom de paramètre inconnu : "
#: src/insets/InsetCommandParams.cpp:313
msgid "Missing \\end_inset at this point: "
msgstr "Il manque un \\end_inset à cet endroit : "
#: src/insets/InsetCommandParams.cpp:401
#: src/insets/InsetHyperlink.cpp:220
msgid "Uncodable characters"
msgstr "Caractères incodables"
#: src/insets/InsetCommandParams.cpp:402
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following characters that are used in the inset %1$s are not\n"
"representable in the current encoding and therefore have been omitted:\n"
msgstr ""
"Les caractères suivants utilisés dans l'insert %1$s ne sont\n"
"pas représentables dans l'encodage courant et on donc été omis :\n"
#: src/insets/InsetExternal.cpp:502
#, c-format
msgid "External template %1$s is not installed"
msgstr "Le modèle externe %1$s n'est pas installé"
#: src/insets/InsetFloat.cpp:275
#: src/insets/InsetFloat.cpp:456
msgid "float: "
msgstr "flottant : "
#: src/insets/InsetFloat.cpp:277
#, c-format
msgid "ERROR: Unknown float type: %1$s"
msgstr "ERREUR : type de flottant non existant : %1$s"
#: src/insets/InsetFloat.cpp:394
msgid "float"
msgstr "flottant"
#: src/insets/InsetFloat.cpp:459
msgid "subfloat: "
msgstr "sous-flottant : "
#: src/insets/InsetFloat.cpp:467
msgid " (sideways)"
msgstr " (couché)"
#: src/insets/InsetFloatList.cpp:78
msgid "ERROR: Nonexistent float type!"
msgstr "ERREUR : type de flottant non existant !"
#: src/insets/InsetFloatList.cpp:133
#, c-format
msgid "LyX cannot generate a list of %1$s"
msgstr "LyX ne peut créer une liste de %1$s"
#: src/insets/InsetFoot.cpp:112
msgid "footnote"
msgstr "note de bas de page"
#: src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp:474
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:672
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not copy the file\n"
"into the temporary directory."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de copier le fichier\n"
"dans le répertoire temporaire."
#: src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp:719
#: src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp:934
#, c-format
msgid "No conversion of %1$s is needed after all"
msgstr "Aucune conversion de %1$s n'est nécessaire"
#: src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp:811
#, c-format
msgid "Graphics file: %1$s"
msgstr "Fichier graphique : %1$s"
#: src/insets/InsetHyperlink.cpp:221
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following characters that are used in the href inset are not\n"
"representable in the current encoding and therefore have been omitted:\n"
msgstr ""
"Les caractères suivants utilisés dans l'insert href ne sont\n"
"pas représentables dans l'encodage courant et on donc été omis :\n"
#: src/insets/InsetHyperlink.cpp:296
msgid "www"
msgstr "www"
#: src/insets/InsetHyperlink.cpp:300
msgid "file"
msgstr "fichier"
#: src/insets/InsetHyperlink.cpp:301
#, c-format
msgid "Hyperlink (%1$s) to %2$s"
msgstr "Hyperlien (%1$s) : %2$s"
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:376
msgid "Verbatim Input"
msgstr "Incorporation verbatim"
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:379
msgid "Verbatim Input*"
msgstr "Incorporation verbatim*"
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:385
msgid "Include (excluded)"
msgstr "Inclure (exclus)"
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:501
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:772
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:838
msgid "Recursive input"
msgstr "Inclusions récursives"
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:502
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:773
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:839
#, c-format
msgid "Attempted to include file %1$s in itself! Ignoring inclusion."
msgstr "Tentative d'incorporer le fichier %1$s dans lui-même ! Inclusion ignorée."
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:562
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not load included file\n"
"Please, check whether it actually exists."
msgstr ""
"Échec du chargement du fichierinclus\n"
"« %1$s ».\n"
"Veuillez vérifier l'existence effective du fichier."
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:566
msgid "Missing included file"
msgstr "Fichier inclus manquant"
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:572
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Included file `%1$s'\n"
"has textclass `%2$s'\n"
"while parent file has textclass `%3$s'."
msgstr ""
"Le fichier sous-document '%1$s'\n"
"est de la classe '%2$s'\n"
"alors que le document est de la classe '%3$s'."
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:578
msgid "Different textclasses"
msgstr "Classes de document différentes"
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:593
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Included file `%1$s'\n"
"uses module `%2$s'\n"
"which is not used in parent file."
msgstr ""
"Le fichier incorporé '%1$s'\n"
"utilise le module '%2$s'\n"
"qui n'est pas utilisé par le document parent."
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:597
msgid "Module not found"
msgstr "Module introuvable"
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:624
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:648
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Included file `%1$s' was not exported correctly.\n"
"Warning: LaTeX export is probably incomplete."
msgstr ""
"Le fichier inclus « %1$s » n'a pas été correctement exporté.\n"
"Attention : l'exportation LaTeX est probablement incomplète."
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:633
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:656
msgid "Export failure"
msgstr "Échec de l'exportation"
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:760
msgid "Unsupported Inclusion"
msgstr "Inclusion non acceptée"
#: src/insets/InsetInclude.cpp:761
#, c-format
msgid ""
"LyX does not know how to include non-LyX files when generating HTML output. Offending file:\n"
msgstr ""
"LyX ignore comment inclure des fichiers autres que LyX lors de la génération HTML. Fichier incorrect :\n"
#: src/insets/InsetIndex.cpp:147
msgid "Index sorting failed"
msgstr "Échec du tri d'index"
#: src/insets/InsetIndex.cpp:148
#, c-format
msgid ""
"LyX's automatic index sorting algorithm faced\n"
"problems with the entry '%1$s'.\n"
"Please specify the sorting of this entry manually, as\n"
"explained in the User Guide."
msgstr ""
"L'algorithme d'indexation automatique de LyX\n"
"a rencontré des problèmes avec l'entrée '%1$s'.\n"
"Merci de préciser la position de tri de cette entrée manuellement,\n"
"comme expliqué dans le Guide d'utilisation."
#: src/insets/InsetIndex.cpp:275
msgid "Index Entry"
msgstr "Entrée d'index"
#: src/insets/InsetIndex.cpp:282
#: src/insets/InsetIndex.cpp:303
msgid "unknown type!"
msgstr "type inconnu !"
#: src/insets/InsetIndex.cpp:451
msgid "Unknown index type!"
msgstr "Type d'index inconnu !"
#: src/insets/InsetIndex.cpp:452
msgid "All indexes"
msgstr "Tous les index"
#: src/insets/InsetIndex.cpp:456
msgid "subindex"
msgstr "sous-index"
#: src/insets/InsetInfo.cpp:118
#, c-format
msgid "Information regarding %1$s '%2$s'"
msgstr "Information concernant %1$s '%2$s'"
#: src/insets/InsetInfo.cpp:142
msgid "Missing \\end_inset at this point."
msgstr "Il manque un \\end_inset à cet endroit."
#: src/insets/InsetInfo.cpp:303
#: src/insets/InsetInfo.cpp:315
#: src/insets/InsetInfo.cpp:321
#: src/insets/InsetInfo.cpp:328
msgid "undefined"
msgstr "indéfini"
#: src/insets/InsetInfo.cpp:342
#: src/insets/InsetInfo.cpp:351
msgid "yes"
msgstr "oui"
#: src/insets/InsetInfo.cpp:342
#: src/insets/InsetInfo.cpp:351
msgid "no"
msgstr "non"
#: src/insets/InsetInfo.cpp:435
msgid "No version control"
msgstr "Pas de contrôle de version"
#: src/insets/InsetLabel.cpp:76
msgid "Label names must be unique!"
msgstr "Les étiquettes doivent être uniques !"
#: src/insets/InsetLabel.cpp:77
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The label %1$s already exists,\n"
"it will be changed to %2$s."
msgstr ""
"L'étiquette %1$s existe déjà,\n"
"elle va être remplacée par %2$s."
#: src/insets/InsetLabel.cpp:149
msgid "DUPLICATE: "
msgstr "DUPLICATION : "
#: src/insets/InsetLine.cpp:64
msgid "Horizontal line"
msgstr "Ligne horizontale"
#: src/insets/InsetListings.cpp:213
msgid "no more lstline delimiters available"
msgstr "il n'y a plus de délimiteurs lstline disponibles"
#: src/insets/InsetListings.cpp:218
msgid "Running out of delimiters"
msgstr "Plus de délimiteurs disponibles"
#: src/insets/InsetListings.cpp:219
msgid ""
"For inline program listings, one character must be reserved\n"
"as a delimiter. One of the listings, however, uses all available\n"
"characters, so none is left for delimiting purposes.\n"
"For the time being, I have replaced '!' by a warning, but you\n"
"must investigate!"
msgstr ""
"Pour les listings de code en ligne, un caractère doit être réservé\n"
"comme délimiteur. Un des listings utilise cependant tous les\n"
"caractères disponibles, et il n'en reste aucun pour délimiter.\n"
"Pour le moment, '!' a été remplacé par un avertissement,\n"
"mais vous devez approfondir !"
#: src/insets/InsetListings.cpp:259
msgid "Uncodable characters in listings inset"
msgstr "Caractère incodable dans un insert de listing"
#: src/insets/InsetListings.cpp:260
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The following characters in one of the program listings are\n"
"not representable in the current encoding and have been omitted:\n"
msgstr ""
"Les caractères suivants dans un des listings de code ne sont\n"
"pas représentables dans l'encodage courant et on été omis:\n"
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:121
msgid "A value is expected."
msgstr "Il faut une valeur."
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:124
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:137
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:150
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:163
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:190
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:223
msgid "Unbalanced braces!"
msgstr "Accolades non appariées !"
# A condition que ce soit traduit !
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:132
msgid "Please specify true or false."
msgstr "Veuillez répondre par vrai ou faux."
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:135
msgid "Only true or false is allowed."
msgstr "Seuls vrai ou faux sont autorisés."
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:145
msgid "Please specify an integer value."
msgstr "Veuillez donner une valeur entière."
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:148
msgid "An integer is expected."
msgstr "Il faut un entier."
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:158
msgid "Please specify a LaTeX length expression."
msgstr "Veuillez donner une expression de longueur compatible avec LaTeX."
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:161
msgid "Invalid LaTeX length expression."
msgstr "Expression de longueur invalide pour LaTeX."
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:171
#, c-format
msgid "Please specify one of %1$s."
msgstr "Veuillez donner un des éléments suivants : %1$s."
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:205
#, c-format
msgid "Try one of %1$s."
msgstr "Essayez un des éléments suivants : %1$s."
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:207
#, c-format
msgid "I guess you mean %1$s."
msgstr "Je pense que vous voulez dire %1$s."
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:215
#, c-format
msgid "Please specify one or more of '%1$s'."
msgstr "Merci de préciser un '%1$s' ou plus."
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:220
#, c-format
msgid "Should be composed of one or more of %1$s."
msgstr "Devrait être composé de un %1$s ou plus."
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:283
msgid "Use \\footnotesize, \\small, \\itshape, \\ttfamily or something like that"
msgstr "Utiliser \\footnotesize, \\small, \\itshape, \\ttfamily ou quelque chose du même genre"
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:285
msgid "none, leftline, topline, bottomline, lines, single, shadowbox or subset of trblTRBL"
msgstr "none, leftline, topline, bottomline, lines, single, shadowbox or subset of trblTRBL"
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:287
msgid "Enter four letters (either t = round or f = square) for top right, bottom right, bottom left and top left corner."
msgstr "Entrer quatre lettres (soit t = arrondi ou f = carré) pour respectivement les angles en haut à droite, en bas à droite, en bas à gauche et en haut à gauche."
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:290
msgid "Enter something like \\color{white}"
msgstr "Taper quelque chose comme \\color{white}"
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:318
msgid "Expect a number with an optional * before it"
msgstr "Il faut un nombre avec un * optionnel devant"
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:402
msgid "auto, last or a number"
msgstr "automatique, dernier saisi ou un chiffre"
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:412
msgid "This parameter should not be entered here. Please use the caption edit box (when using the child document dialog) or menu Insert->Caption (when defining a listing inset)"
msgstr "Ce paramètre ne doit pas être entré ici. Utilisez la boîte de modification de la légende (si vous utilisez la fenêtre de dialogue Sous-document) ou utilisez Insertion->Légende (si vous définissez un insert de listing)."
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:418
msgid "This parameter should not be entered here. Please use the label edit box (when using the child document dialog) or menu Insert->Label (when defining a listing inset)"
msgstr "Ce paramètre ne doit pas être entré ici. Utilisez la boîte d'édition de l'étiquette (si vous utilisez la fenêtre de dialogue Sous-document) ou utilisez Insertion->Étiquette (si vous définissez un insert de listing)."
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:623
msgid "Invalid (empty) listing parameter name."
msgstr "Nom de paramètre de listing invalide (vide)."
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:639
#, c-format
msgid "Available listing parameters are %1$s"
msgstr "Les paramètre de listing disponibles sont %1$s"
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:642
#, c-format
msgid "Available listings parameters containing string \"%1$s\" are %2$s"
msgstr "Les paramètres de listings disponibles contenant la chaîne \"%1$s\" sont %2$s"
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:653
#, c-format
msgid "Parameter %1$s: "
msgstr "Paramètre %1$s : "
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:666
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown listing parameter name: %1$s"
msgstr "Paramètre de listing inconnu : %1$s"
#: src/insets/InsetListingsParams.cpp:669
#, c-format
msgid "Parameters starting with '%1$s': %2$s"
msgstr "Paramètres commençant par '%1$s': %2$s"
#: src/insets/InsetNewpage.cpp:181
#: src/insets/InsetNewpage.cpp:193
msgid "New Page"
msgstr "Saut de page (fer en haut)"
#: src/insets/InsetNewpage.cpp:184
msgid "Page Break"
msgstr "Saut de page (justifié)"
#: src/insets/InsetNewpage.cpp:187
msgid "Clear Page"
msgstr "Saut de page (vide le tampon)"
#: src/insets/InsetNewpage.cpp:190
msgid "Clear Double Page"
msgstr "Saut de page impaire"
# Entrée de glossaire (boîte grise)
#: src/insets/InsetNomencl.cpp:76
msgid "Nom: "
msgstr "Nom : "
#: src/insets/InsetNomencl.cpp:87
msgid "Nomenclature Symbol: "
msgstr "Symbole de nomenclature : "
#: src/insets/InsetNomencl.cpp:88
msgid "Description: "
msgstr "Description : "
#: src/insets/InsetNomencl.cpp:91
msgid "Sorting: "
msgstr "Tri : "
#: src/insets/InsetNote.cpp:268
msgid "note"
msgstr "note"
#: src/insets/InsetPhantom.cpp:65
msgid "Phantom"
msgstr "Fantôme"
#: src/insets/InsetPhantom.cpp:66
msgid "HPhantom"
msgstr "HFantôme"
#: src/insets/InsetPhantom.cpp:67
msgid "VPhantom"
msgstr "VFantôme"
#: src/insets/InsetPhantom.cpp:327
msgid "phantom"
msgstr "fantôme"
#: src/insets/InsetPhantom.cpp:329
msgid "hphantom"
msgstr "hfantôme"
#: src/insets/InsetPhantom.cpp:331
msgid "vphantom"
msgstr "vfantôme"
#: src/insets/InsetRef.cpp:221
msgid "elsewhere"
msgstr "ailleurs"
#: src/insets/InsetRef.cpp:300
msgid "BROKEN: "
msgstr "CASSÉ : "
#: src/insets/InsetRef.cpp:340
#: src/mathed/InsetMathRef.cpp:225
msgid "Ref: "
msgstr "Réf : "
#: src/insets/InsetRef.cpp:341
#: src/mathed/InsetMathRef.cpp:226
msgid "Equation"
msgstr "Équation"
#: src/insets/InsetRef.cpp:341
#: src/mathed/InsetMathRef.cpp:226
msgid "EqRef: "
msgstr "RéfÉq : "
#: src/insets/InsetRef.cpp:342
#: src/mathed/InsetMathRef.cpp:227
msgid "Page Number"
msgstr "Numéro de page"
#: src/insets/InsetRef.cpp:342
#: src/mathed/InsetMathRef.cpp:227
msgid "Page: "
msgstr "Page : "
#: src/insets/InsetRef.cpp:343
#: src/mathed/InsetMathRef.cpp:228
msgid "Textual Page Number"
msgstr "N° de page du texte"
#: src/insets/InsetRef.cpp:343
#: src/mathed/InsetMathRef.cpp:228
msgid "TextPage: "
msgstr "Page du texte : "
#: src/insets/InsetRef.cpp:344
#: src/mathed/InsetMathRef.cpp:229
msgid "Standard+Textual Page"
msgstr "Standard + N° de page du texte"
#: src/insets/InsetRef.cpp:344
#: src/mathed/InsetMathRef.cpp:229
msgid "Ref+Text: "
msgstr "Réf+Texte : "
#: src/insets/InsetRef.cpp:345
msgid "Formatted"
msgstr "Mis en page"
#: src/insets/InsetRef.cpp:345
msgid "Format: "
msgstr "Format : "
#: src/insets/InsetRef.cpp:346
msgid "Reference to Name"
msgstr "Référence au nom"
#: src/insets/InsetRef.cpp:346
msgid "NameRef:"
msgstr "NomRef :"
#: src/insets/InsetScript.cpp:366
msgid "subscript"
msgstr "indice"
#: src/insets/InsetScript.cpp:376
msgid "superscript"
msgstr "exposant"
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:71
msgid "Protected Space"
msgstr "Espace insécable"
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:83
msgid "Quad Space"
msgstr "Espace cadratin"
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:86
msgid "Double Quad Space"
msgstr "Espace double cadratin"
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:89
msgid "Enspace"
msgstr "Espace de largeur en"
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:92
msgid "Enskip"
msgstr "Saut de hauteur en"
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:107
msgid "Protected Horizontal Fill"
msgstr "Remplissage horizontal insécable"
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:110
msgid "Horizontal Fill (Dots)"
msgstr "Remplissage horizontal (points)"
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:113
msgid "Horizontal Fill (Rule)"
msgstr "Remplissage horizontal (filet)"
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:116
msgid "Horizontal Fill (Left Arrow)"
msgstr "Remplissage horizontal (flèche gauche)"
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:119
msgid "Horizontal Fill (Right Arrow)"
msgstr "Remplissage horizontal (flèche droite)"
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:122
msgid "Horizontal Fill (Up Brace)"
msgstr "Remplissage horizontal (accolade vers le haut)"
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:125
msgid "Horizontal Fill (Down Brace)"
msgstr "Remplissage horizontal (accolade vers le bas)"
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:129
#, c-format
msgid "Horizontal Space (%1$s)"
msgstr "Espace horizontale (%1$s)"
#: src/insets/InsetSpace.cpp:134
#, c-format
msgid "Protected Horizontal Space (%1$s)"
msgstr "Espace horizontal insécable (%1$s)"
#: src/insets/InsetTOC.cpp:59
msgid "Unknown TOC type"
msgstr "Type de TDM inconnu"
#: src/insets/InsetTabular.cpp:4769
msgid "Selection size should match clipboard content."
msgstr "La taille de la sélection doit correspondre au contenu du presse-papier."
#: src/insets/InsetWrap.cpp:46
#: src/insets/InsetWrap.cpp:121
msgid "wrap: "
msgstr "enrober : "
#: src/insets/InsetWrap.cpp:206
msgid "wrap"
msgstr "enrober"
#: src/insets/RenderGraphic.cpp:83
#: src/insets/RenderGraphic.cpp:87
msgid "Not shown."
msgstr "Non affiché."
#: src/insets/RenderGraphic.cpp:90
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Chargement..."
#: src/insets/RenderGraphic.cpp:93
msgid "Converting to loadable format..."
msgstr "Conversion vers un format lisible..."
#: src/insets/RenderGraphic.cpp:96
msgid "Loaded into memory. Generating pixmap..."
msgstr "Chargé en mémoire. Génère une pixmap..."
#: src/insets/RenderGraphic.cpp:99
msgid "Scaling etc..."
msgstr "Mise à l'échelle..."
#: src/insets/RenderGraphic.cpp:102
msgid "Ready to display"
msgstr "Prêt à afficher"
#: src/insets/RenderGraphic.cpp:105
msgid "No file found!"
msgstr "Fichier introuvable !"
#: src/insets/RenderGraphic.cpp:108
msgid "Error converting to loadable format"
msgstr "Erreur lors de la conversion vers un format lisible"
#: src/insets/RenderGraphic.cpp:111
msgid "Error loading file into memory"
msgstr "Erreur en chargeant le fichier en mémoire"
#: src/insets/RenderGraphic.cpp:114
msgid "Error generating the pixmap"
msgstr "Erreur lors de la génération du pixmap"
#: src/insets/RenderGraphic.cpp:117
msgid "No image"
msgstr "Pas d'image"
#: src/insets/RenderPreview.cpp:95
msgid "Preview loading"
msgstr "Chargement de l'aperçu"
#: src/insets/RenderPreview.cpp:98
msgid "Preview ready"
msgstr "Aperçu prêt"
#: src/insets/RenderPreview.cpp:101
msgid "Preview failed"
msgstr "Échec de l'aperçu"
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:37
msgid "cc[[unit of measure]]"
msgstr "cc"
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:37
msgid "dd"
msgstr "dd"
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:37
msgid "em"
msgstr "em"
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:38
msgid "ex"
msgstr "ex"
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:38
msgid "mu[[unit of measure]]"
msgstr "mu[[unité de mesure]]"
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:38
msgid "pc"
msgstr "pc"
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:39
msgid "pt"
msgstr "pt"
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:39
msgid "sp"
msgstr "sp"
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:39
msgid "Text Width %"
msgstr "Largeur texte %"
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:40
msgid "Column Width %"
msgstr "Largeur colonne %"
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:40
msgid "Page Width %"
msgstr "Largeur page %"
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:40
msgid "Line Width %"
msgstr "Largeur ligne %"
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:41
msgid "Text Height %"
msgstr "Hauteur texte %"
#: src/lengthcommon.cpp:41
msgid "Page Height %"
msgstr "Hauteur page %"
#: src/lyxfind.cpp:144
msgid "Search error"
msgstr "Erreur de recherche"
#: src/lyxfind.cpp:144
msgid "Search string is empty"
msgstr "La chaîne de caractères à chercher est vide"
#: src/lyxfind.cpp:378
msgid "String found."
msgstr "Chaîne de caractères trouvée."
#: src/lyxfind.cpp:380
msgid "String has been replaced."
msgstr "Chaîne remplacée."
#: src/lyxfind.cpp:383
#, c-format
msgid "%1$d strings have been replaced."
msgstr "%1$d chaînes remplacées."
#: src/lyxfind.cpp:1429
msgid "Invalid regular expression!"
msgstr "Expression régulière invalide !"
#: src/lyxfind.cpp:1434
msgid "Match not found!"
msgstr "Chaîne de caractères introuvable !"
#: src/lyxfind.cpp:1438
msgid "Match found!"
msgstr "Chaîne de caractères reconnue !"
#: src/mathed/InsetFormulaMacro.cpp:122
#, c-format
msgid " Macro: %1$s: "
msgstr "Macro %1$s : "
#: src/mathed/InsetMathAMSArray.cpp:119
#: src/mathed/InsetMathHull.cpp:1685
#: src/mathed/InsetMathSplit.cpp:82
#: src/mathed/InsetMathSubstack.cpp:76
#, c-format
msgid "Can't add vertical grid lines in '%1$s'"
msgstr "Ne peut pas ajouter de lignes de grille verticales dans '%1$s'"
# pas sûr, on peut aussi utiliser fonction. Je n'ai jamais vu ce message.
#: src/mathed/InsetMathCases.cpp:110
#, c-format
msgid "No vertical grid lines in 'cases': feature %1$s"
msgstr "Pas de lignes de grille verticales dans 'cases' : option %1$s"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathCases.cpp:117
#, c-format
msgid "Changing number of columns not allowed in 'cases': feature %1$s"
msgstr "Interdiction de changer le nombre de colonnes dans 'cases' : fonctionnalité %1$s"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathGrid.cpp:1453
msgid "Cursor not in table"
msgstr "Le curseur n'est pas dans le tableau"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathGrid.cpp:1459
msgid "Only one row"
msgstr "Une seule ligne"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathGrid.cpp:1465
msgid "Only one column"
msgstr "Une seule colonne"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathGrid.cpp:1473
msgid "No hline to delete"
msgstr "Pas de ligne horizontale à supprimer"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathGrid.cpp:1482
msgid "No vline to delete"
msgstr "Pas de ligne verticale à supprimer"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathGrid.cpp:1511
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown tabular feature '%1$s'"
msgstr "Option de tableau inconnue '%1$s'"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathHull.cpp:1278
msgid "Bad math environment"
msgstr "Environnement mathématique incorrect"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathHull.cpp:1279
msgid ""
"Computation cannot be performed for AMS math environments.\n"
"Change the math formula type and try again."
msgstr ""
"Le calcul ne peut pas être effectué pour l'environnement mathématique AMS.\n"
"Modifier le type de formule mathématique et réessayer."
#: src/mathed/InsetMathHull.cpp:1385
#: src/mathed/InsetMathHull.cpp:1394
msgid "No number"
msgstr "Pas de numéro"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathHull.cpp:1385
#: src/mathed/InsetMathHull.cpp:1394
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Numéro"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathHull.cpp:1658
#, c-format
msgid "Can't change number of rows in '%1$s'"
msgstr "Impossible de changer le nombre de lignes dans '%1$s'"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathHull.cpp:1668
#, c-format
msgid "Can't change number of columns in '%1$s'"
msgstr "Impossible de changer le nombre de colonnes dans '%1$s'"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathHull.cpp:1678
#, c-format
msgid "Can't add horizontal grid lines in '%1$s'"
msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter les lignes de grille horizontales dans '%1$s'"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathNest.cpp:1015
msgid "create new math text environment ($...$)"
msgstr "créé un nouvel environnement texte math ($...$)"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathNest.cpp:1018
msgid "entered math text mode (textrm)"
msgstr "entré en mode texte math (textrm)"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathNest.cpp:1040
msgid "Regular expression editor mode"
msgstr "Mode d'édition « expression régulière »"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathNest.cpp:1665
#: src/mathed/InsetMathNest.cpp:1810
msgid "Autocorrect Off ('!' to enter)"
msgstr "Autocorrection inhibée ('!' pour commencer)"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathNest.cpp:1670
#: src/mathed/InsetMathNest.cpp:1812
msgid "Autocorrect On (<space> to exit)"
msgstr "Autocorrection active (<espace> pour quitter)"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathRef.cpp:225
msgid "Standard[[mathref]]"
msgstr "Standard"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathRef.cpp:230
msgid "PrettyRef"
msgstr "PrettyRef"
#: src/mathed/InsetMathRef.cpp:230
msgid "FormatRef: "
msgstr "FormatRef : "
#: src/mathed/InsetMathSubstack.cpp:85
#, c-format
msgid "Can't change horizontal alignment in '%1$s'"
msgstr "Impossible de modifier l'alignement horizontal dans « %1$s »"
#: src/mathed/MathMacroTemplate.cpp:495
msgid "optional"
msgstr "optionnel"
#: src/mathed/MathMacroTemplate.cpp:538
msgid "TeX"
msgstr "TeX"
#: src/mathed/MathMacroTemplate.cpp:1258
msgid "math macro"
msgstr "macro mathématique"
#: src/output.cpp:37
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not open the specified document\n"
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'ouvrir le document\n"
#: src/output_plaintext.cpp:136
msgid "Abstract: "
msgstr "Résumé : "
#: src/output_plaintext.cpp:148
msgid "References: "
msgstr "Références : "
#: src/support/Messages.cpp:108
msgid "[[Replace with the code of your language]]"
msgstr "fr"
#: src/support/Package.cpp:444
msgid "LyX binary not found"
msgstr "Binaire de LyX introuvable"
#: src/support/Package.cpp:445
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to determine the path to the LyX binary from the command line %1$s"
msgstr "N'a pas pu déterminer le chemin vers l'exécutable LyX dans la ligne de commande %1$s"
#: src/support/Package.cpp:564
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to determine the system directory having searched\n"
"Use the '-sysdir' command line parameter or set the environment variable\n"
"%2$s to the LyX system directory containing the file `chkconfig.ltx'."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de déterminer le répertoire système après avoir exploré\n"
"Utiliser l'option de ligne de commande '-sysdir' ou positionner la variable d'environnement\n"
" %2$s sur le répertoire système LyX qui contient le fichier 'chkconfig.ltx'."
#: src/support/Package.cpp:645
#: src/support/Package.cpp:672
msgid "File not found"
msgstr "Fichier introuvable"
#: src/support/Package.cpp:646
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid %1$s switch.\n"
"Directory %2$s does not contain %3$s."
msgstr ""
"Option %1$s non valable.\n"
"Le répertoire %2$s ne contient pas %3$s."
#: src/support/Package.cpp:673
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid %1$s environment variable.\n"
"Directory %2$s does not contain %3$s."
msgstr ""
"Variable d'environnement %1$s non valable.\n"
"Le répertoire %2$s ne contient pas %3$s."
#: src/support/Package.cpp:697
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid %1$s environment variable.\n"
"%2$s is not a directory."
msgstr ""
"Variable d'environnement %1$s non valable.\n"
"%2$s n'est pas un répertoire."
#: src/support/Package.cpp:699
msgid "Directory not found"
msgstr "Répertoire introuvable"
#: src/support/Systemcall.cpp:374
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The command\n"
"has not yet completed.\n"
"Do you want to stop it?"
msgstr ""
"La commande\n"
" %1$s\n"
"n'est pas encore terminée.\n"
"Voulez-vous l'interrompre ?"
#: src/support/Systemcall.cpp:376
msgid "Stop command?"
msgstr "Interrompre la commande ?"
#: src/support/Systemcall.cpp:377
msgid "&Stop it"
msgstr "&Interrompre"
#: src/support/Systemcall.cpp:377
msgid "Let it &run"
msgstr "Laisser &tourner"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:42
msgid "No debugging messages"
msgstr "Pas de message d'analyse"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:43
msgid "General information"
msgstr "Information générale"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:44
msgid "Program initialisation"
msgstr "Initialisation du programme"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:45
msgid "Keyboard events handling"
msgstr "Gestion des événements clavier"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:46
msgid "GUI handling"
msgstr "Gestion de l'interface graphique"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:47
msgid "Lyxlex grammar parser"
msgstr "Parseur grammatical lyxlex"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:48
msgid "Configuration files reading"
msgstr "Lecture des fichiers de configuration"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:49
msgid "Custom keyboard definition"
msgstr "Définition d'un clavier personnalisé"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:50
msgid "LaTeX generation/execution"
msgstr "Generation/Exécution de LaTeX"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:51
msgid "Math editor"
msgstr "Éditeur mathématique"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:52
msgid "Font handling"
msgstr "Gestion des polices"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:53
msgid "Textclass files reading"
msgstr "Lecture des fichiers de classe"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:54
msgid "Version control"
msgstr "Contrôle de version"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:55
msgid "External control interface"
msgstr "Interface de contrôle externe"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:56
msgid "Undo/Redo mechanism"
msgstr "Mécanisme défaire/refaire"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:57
msgid "User commands"
msgstr "Commandes utilisateur"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:58
msgid "The LyX Lexer"
msgstr "Le lexeur LyX"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:59
msgid "Dependency information"
msgstr "Information sur les dépendances"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:60
msgid "LyX Insets"
msgstr "Inserts LyX"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:61
msgid "Files used by LyX"
msgstr "Fichiers utilisés par LyX"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:62
msgid "Workarea events"
msgstr "Événements de la zone de travail"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:63
msgid "Insettext/tabular messages"
msgstr "Messages d'insert/tabulaire"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:64
msgid "Graphics conversion and loading"
msgstr "Conversion et chargement du graphique"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:65
msgid "Change tracking"
msgstr "Suivi des modifications"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:66
msgid "External template/inset messages"
msgstr "Messages des modèles/inserts externes"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:67
msgid "RowPainter profiling"
msgstr "Profilage de RowPainter"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:68
msgid "Scrolling debugging"
msgstr "Déverminage déroulant"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:69
msgid "Math macros"
msgstr "Macros mathématiques"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:70
msgid "RTL/Bidi"
msgstr "RTL/Bidi"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:71
msgid "Locale/Internationalisation"
msgstr "Locale/internationalisation"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:72
msgid "Selection copy/paste mechanism"
msgstr "Mécanisme de sélection copier/coller"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:73
msgid "Find and replace mechanism"
msgstr "Rechercher et remplacer"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:74
msgid "Developers' general debug messages"
msgstr "Messages de débogage généraux pour les développeurs"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:75
msgid "All debugging messages"
msgstr "Tous les messages de débogage"
#: src/support/debug.cpp:154
#, c-format
msgid "Debugging `%1$s' (%2$s)"
msgstr "Débogage de '%1$s' (%2$s)"
#: src/support/os_win32.cpp:482
msgid "System file not found"
msgstr "Fichier système introuvable !"
#: src/support/os_win32.cpp:483
msgid ""
"Unable to load shfolder.dll\n"
"Please install."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de charger shfolder.dll\n"
"Veuillez l'installer."
#: src/support/os_win32.cpp:488
msgid "System function not found"
msgstr "Fonction système introuvable !"
#: src/support/os_win32.cpp:489
msgid ""
"Unable to find SHGetFolderPathA in shfolder.dll\n"
"Don't know how to proceed. Sorry."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de trouver SHGetFolderPathA dans shfolder.dll\n"
"Je ne sais pas comment continuer. Désolé."
#: src/support/userinfo.cpp:45
msgid "Unknown user"
msgstr "Utilisateur inconnu"
#~ msgid "CopNum"
#~ msgstr "NumCopie"
#~ msgid "&Output Format:"
#~ msgstr "&Format de la sortie :"
#~ msgid "*"
#~ msgstr "*"
#~ msgid "MM"
#~ msgstr "MM"
#~ msgid "MMMMM"
#~ msgstr "MMMMM"
#~ msgid "Theorem \\thetheorem"
#~ msgstr "Théorème \\thetheorem"
#~ msgid "Corollary \\thecorollary"
#~ msgstr "Corollaire \\thecorollary"
#~ msgid "Lemma \\thelemma"
#~ msgstr "Lemme \\thelemma"
#~ msgid "Proposition \\theproposition"
#~ msgstr "Proposition \\theproposition"
#~ msgid "Conjecture \\theconjecture"
#~ msgstr "Conjecture \\theconjecture"
#~ msgid "Definition \\thedefinition"
#~ msgstr "Définition \\thedefinition"
#~ msgid "Example \\theexample"
#~ msgstr "Exemple \\theexample"
#~ msgid "Problem \\theproblem"
#~ msgstr "Problème \\theproblem"
#~ msgid "Exercise \\theexercise"
#~ msgstr "Exercice \\theexercise"
#~ msgid "Remark \\theremark"
#~ msgstr "Remark \\theremark"
#~ msgid "Case \\thecase"
#~ msgstr "Cas \\thecase"
#~ msgid "Question \\thequestion"
#~ msgstr "Question \\thequestion"
#~ msgid "Note \\thenote"
#~ msgstr "Note \\thenote"
#~ msgid "&New:"
#~ msgstr "&Nouvelle :"
#~ msgid "Enter the command to load the language package (default: babel)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Saisir la commande chargeant le paquetage de langue (implicitement : "
#~ "babel)"
#~ msgid "Preface:"
#~ msgstr "Préface :"
#~ msgid "Contributor \\Roman{svmultlsti}:"
#~ msgstr "Collaborateur \\Roman{svmultlsti}:"
#~ msgid "Institute and e-mail: "
#~ msgstr "Institution et e-mail : "
#~ msgid "MiniTOC"
#~ msgstr "MiniTDM"
#~ msgid "TOC depth (provide a number):"
#~ msgstr "Profondeur de TdM (fournir un nombre) :"
#~ msgid "List of Abbreviations & Symbols"
#~ msgstr "Liste des abréviations & symboles"
#~ msgid "Inst"
#~ msgstr "Inst"
#~ msgid "Institute #"
#~ msgstr "Num. institut"
#~ msgid "Headnote"
#~ msgstr "Note d'en-tête"
#~ msgid "Headnote (optional):"
#~ msgstr "Note d'en-tête (optionnelle) :"
#~ msgid "Corr Author:"
#~ msgstr "Auteur réf. :"
#~ msgid "Offprints"
#~ msgstr "Tirés à part"
#~ msgid "Offprints:"
#~ msgstr "Tirés à part :"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Define character style for initials. Hint: try to use math and its "
#~ "artistic font styles like Fractur or the Calligraphic one."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Définir le style de caractères pour les lettrines. Suggestion : essayer "
#~ "d'utiliser les polices artistiques comme Fraktur ou Calligraphique"
#~ msgid "branch"
#~ msgstr "branche"
#~ msgid "Step"
#~ msgstr "Étape"
#~ msgid "Step \\thestep."
#~ msgstr "Étape \\thestep."
#~ msgid "Appendices Section"
#~ msgstr "Section d'appendices"
#~ msgid "--- Appendices ---"
#~ msgstr "--- Appendices ---"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Select if LyX should output Windows-style paths rather than Posix-style "
#~ "paths to LaTeX files. Useful if you're using the native Windows MikTeX "
#~ "rather than the Cygwin teTeX."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Sélectionner pour que LyX utilise des chemins du type Windows et non du "
#~ "type Posix pour les fichiers LaTeX. Utile si vous utilisez le MikTeX "
#~ "spécifique à Windows au lieu du teTeX de Cygwin."
#~ msgid "List of %1$s"
#~ msgstr "Liste des %1$s"
#~ msgid "Liber"
#~ msgstr "Liber"
#~ msgid "%1$s unknown"
#~ msgstr "%1$s inconnu"
#~ msgid "Layout|L"
#~ msgstr "Format|t"
#~ msgid "Documents|D"
#~ msgstr "Documents|D"
#~ msgid "New from Template...|T"
#~ msgstr "Nouveau avec modèle...|m"
#~ msgid "Revert|R"
#~ msgstr "Revenir à la sauvegarde|R"
#~ msgid "Custom...|C"
#~ msgstr "Personnaliser...|e"
#~ msgid "Redo|d"
#~ msgstr "Refaire|R"
#~ msgid "Cut|C"
#~ msgstr "Couper|o"
#~ msgid "Copy|o"
#~ msgstr "Copier|C"
#~ msgid "Paste|a"
#~ msgstr "Coller|l"
#~ msgid "Paste External Selection|x"
#~ msgstr "Copier une sélection extérieure|s"
#~ msgid "Find & Replace...|F"
#~ msgstr "Rechercher et remplacer...|e"
#~ msgid "Tabular|T"
#~ msgstr "Tableau|T"
#~ msgid "Thesaurus..."
#~ msgstr "Dictionnaire de Synonymes..."
#~ msgid "Statistics...|i"
#~ msgstr "Statistiques...|i"
#~ msgid "Change Tracking|g"
#~ msgstr "Suivi des modifications|S"
#~ msgid "Selection as Lines|L"
#~ msgstr "Sélection par lignes|l"
#~ msgid "Selection as Paragraphs|P"
#~ msgstr "Sélection par paragraphes|p"
#~ msgid "Line Top|T"
#~ msgstr "Bord haut|h"
#~ msgid "Line Bottom|B"
#~ msgstr "Bord bas|b"
#~ msgid "Line Left|L"
#~ msgstr "Bord gauche|g"
#~ msgid "Line Right|R"
#~ msgstr "Bord droit|d"
#~ msgid "Alignment|i"
#~ msgstr "Alignement|i"
#~ msgid "Delete Row|w"
#~ msgstr "Supprimer la ligne|u"
#~ msgid "Copy Row"
#~ msgstr "Copier la ligne"
#~ msgid "Swap Rows"
#~ msgstr "Échanger les lignes"
#~ msgid "Delete Column|D"
#~ msgstr "Supprimer la colonne|p"
#~ msgid "Copy Column"
#~ msgstr "Copier la colonne"
#~ msgid "Swap Columns"
#~ msgstr "Échanger les colonnes"
#~ msgid "Toggle Numbering|N"
#~ msgstr "(Dés)Activer numérotation|N"
#~ msgid "Toggle Numbering of Line|u"
#~ msgstr "(Dés)Activer numérotation de cette ligne|m"
#~ msgid "Alignment|A"
#~ msgstr "Alignement|A"
#~ msgid "Add Row|R"
#~ msgstr "Ajouter une ligne|j"
#~ msgid "Add Column|C"
#~ msgstr "Ajouter une colonne|o"
#~ msgid "Octave"
#~ msgstr "Octave"
#~ msgid "Maxima"
#~ msgstr "Maxima"
#~ msgid "Mathematica"
#~ msgstr "Mathematica"
#~ msgid "Maple, simplify"
#~ msgstr "Maple, simplify"
#~ msgid "Maple, factor"
#~ msgstr "Maple, factor"
#~ msgid "Maple, evalm"
#~ msgstr "Maple, evalm"
#~ msgid "Maple, evalf"
#~ msgstr "Maple, evalf"
#~ msgid "Eqnarray Environment|q"
#~ msgstr "Environnement tableau d'équations|q"
#~ msgid "Align Environment|A"
#~ msgstr "Environnement align|a"
#~ msgid "AlignAt Environment"
#~ msgstr "Environnement alignat"
#~ msgid "Flalign Environment|F"
#~ msgstr "Environnement flalign|f"
#~ msgid "Gather Environment"
#~ msgstr "Environnement gather"
#~ msgid "Multline Environment"
#~ msgstr "Environnement multline"
#~ msgid "Special Character|S"
#~ msgstr "Caractère spécial|s"
#~ msgid "Cross-reference...|r"
#~ msgstr "Référence croisée...|R"
#~ msgid "Short Title"
#~ msgstr "Titre court"
#~ msgid "Index Entry|I"
#~ msgstr "Entrée d'index|i"
#~ msgid "Nomenclature Entry"
#~ msgstr "Entrée de glossaire"
#~ msgid "URL...|U"
#~ msgstr "URL...|U"
#~ msgid "Lists & TOC|O"
#~ msgstr "Listes & TdM|L"
#~ msgid "TeX Code|T"
#~ msgstr "Code TeX|T"
#~ msgid "Minipage|p"
#~ msgstr "Minipage|p"
#~ msgid "Tabular Material...|b"
#~ msgstr "Tableau...|b"
#~ msgid "Floats|a"
#~ msgstr "Flottants|o"
#~ msgid "Include File...|d"
#~ msgstr "Fichier Sous-document...|S"
#~ msgid "Insert File|e"
#~ msgstr "Insérer fichier|I"
#~ msgid "External Material...|x"
#~ msgstr "Objet externe...|e"
#~ msgid "Hyphenation Point|P"
#~ msgstr "Point de césure|c"
#~ msgid "Protected Space|r"
#~ msgstr "Espace insécable|E"
#~ msgid "Vertical Space..."
#~ msgstr "Espacement vertical..."
#~ msgid "Line Break|L"
#~ msgstr "Passage à la ligne|l"
#~ msgid "Protected Dash|D"
#~ msgstr "Tiret protégé|E"
#~ msgid "Single Quote|Q"
#~ msgstr "Guillemet simple|u"
#~ msgid "Ordinary Quote|O"
#~ msgstr "Guillemet droit|G"
#~ msgid "Horizontal Line"
#~ msgstr "Ligne horizontale"
#~ msgid "Font Change|o"
#~ msgstr "Changement de police|o"
#~ msgid "Math Normal Font"
#~ msgstr "Math police normale"
#~ msgid "Math Calligraphic Family"
#~ msgstr "Math famille calligraphique"
#~ msgid "Math Fraktur Family"
#~ msgstr "Math famille Fraktur"
#~ msgid "Math Roman Family"
#~ msgstr "Math famille romaine"
#~ msgid "Math Sans Serif Family"
#~ msgstr "Math famille sans empattement"
#~ msgid "Math Bold Series"
#~ msgstr "Math série grasse"
#~ msgid "Text Normal Font"
#~ msgstr "Texte police normale"
#~ msgid "Floatflt Figure"
#~ msgstr "Figure floatflt"
#~ msgid "Accept All Changes|A"
#~ msgstr "Accepter toutes les modifications|A"
#~ msgid "Reject All Changes|R"
#~ msgstr "Rejeter toutes les modifications|R"
#~ msgid "Character...|C"
#~ msgstr "Caractère...|C"
#~ msgid "Paragraph...|P"
#~ msgstr "Paragraphe...|P"
#~ msgid "Document...|D"
#~ msgstr "Document...|D"
#~ msgid "Tabular...|T"
#~ msgstr "Tableau...|T"
#~ msgid "Emphasize Style|E"
#~ msgstr "En évidence|E"
#~ msgid "Noun Style|N"
#~ msgstr "Nom propre|N"
#~ msgid "Bold Style|B"
#~ msgstr "Gras|G"
#~ msgid "Decrease Environment Depth|v"
#~ msgstr "Réduire la profondeur d'environnement|f"
#~ msgid "Increase Environment Depth|i"
#~ msgstr "Augmenter la profondeur d'environnement|g"
#~ msgid "Start Appendix Here|S"
#~ msgstr "Début appendice ici|a"
#~ msgid "Update|U"
#~ msgstr "Mettre à jour|j"
#~ msgid "TeX Information|X"
#~ msgstr "Informations TeX|X"
#~ msgid "Go to Bookmark 1|1"
#~ msgstr "Aller au signet 1|1"
#~ msgid "Go to Bookmark 2|2"
#~ msgstr "Aller au signet 2|2"
#~ msgid "Go to Bookmark 3|3"
#~ msgstr "Aller au signet 3|3"
#~ msgid "Go to Bookmark 4|4"
#~ msgstr "Aller au signet 4|4"
#~ msgid "Go to Bookmark 5|5"
#~ msgstr "Aller au signet 5|5"
#~ msgid "Extended Features|E"
#~ msgstr "Options avancées|O"
#~ msgid "Embedded Objects|m"
#~ msgstr "Objets insérés|b"
#~ msgid "Preferences..."
#~ msgstr "Préférences..."
#~ msgid "Quit LyX"
#~ msgstr "Quitter LyX"
#~ msgid "%1$d words checked."
#~ msgstr "%1$d mots vérifiés."
#~ msgid "One word checked."
#~ msgstr "Un mot vérifié."
#~ msgid "Spelling check completed"
#~ msgstr "Correction orthographique terminée"
#~ msgid "Basi&c"
#~ msgstr "&Basique"
#~ msgid "&Command:"
#~ msgstr "&Commande :"
#~ msgid "Search text is empty!"
#~ msgstr "La chaîne de caractères à rechercher est vide !"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Use to define an external program to render tables in plain text output. "
#~ "E.g. \"groff -t -Tlatin1 $$FName\" where $$FName is the input file. If "
#~ "\"\" is specified, an internal routine is used."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Désigner un programme externe pour sortir les tableaux au format texte "
#~ "brut. Par ex. « groff -t -Tlatin1 $$FName » où $$FName est le fichier "
#~ "d'entrée. Si vous ne mettez rien, LyX utilise une fonction interne."
#~ msgid "Custom value. Needs spacing type "Custom"."
#~ msgstr "Valeur réglable. Nécessite un espacement de type « réglable »."
#~ msgid "Affilation:"
#~ msgstr "Affiliation :"
#~ msgid "varGamma"
#~ msgstr "varGamma"
#~ msgid "varDelta"
#~ msgstr "varDelta"
#~ msgid "varTheta"
#~ msgstr "varTheta"
#~ msgid "varLambda"
#~ msgstr "varLambda"
#~ msgid "varXi"
#~ msgstr "varXi"
#~ msgid "varPi"
#~ msgstr "varPi"
#~ msgid "varSigma"
#~ msgstr "varSigma"
#~ msgid "varUpsilon"
#~ msgstr "varUpsilon"
#~ msgid "varPhi"
#~ msgstr "varPhi"
#~ msgid "varPsi"
#~ msgstr "varPsi"
#~ msgid "varOmega"
#~ msgstr "varOmega"
#~ msgid "Group labels by prefix (e.g. "sec:")"
#~ msgstr "Classer les étiquettes par préfixe (e.g. « sec: »)"
#~ msgid "DockWidget"
#~ msgstr "DockWidget"
#~ msgid "X; "
#~ msgstr "X; "
#~ msgid "value of the optional vertical offset"
#~ msgstr "valeur du décalage vertical optionnel"
#~ msgid "comment"
#~ msgstr "commentaire"
#~ msgid "greyedout"
#~ msgstr "grisé"
#~ msgid "Open Target...|O"
#~ msgstr "Ouvrir la cible...|O"
#~ msgid "&Use Defaults"
#~ msgstr "&Utiliser les réglages implicites"
#~ msgid "Note[[InsetNote]]"
#~ msgstr "Note"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "{%author%[[%author%, ]][[{%editor%[[%editor%, ed., ]]}]]}\"%title%"
#~ "\"{%journal%[[, {!<i>!}%journal%{!</i>!}]][[{%publisher%[[, %publisher%]]"
#~ "[[{%institution%[[, %institution%]]}]]}]]}{%year%[[ (%year%)]]}{%pages"
#~ "%[[, %pages%]]}."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "{%author%[[%author%, ]][[{%editor%[[%editor%, ed., ]]}]]}\"%title%"
#~ "\"{%journal%[[, {!<i>!}%journal%{!</i>!}]][[{%publisher%[[, %publisher%]]"
#~ "[[{%institution%[[, %institution%]]}]]}]]}{%year%[[ (%year%)]]}{%pages"
#~ "%[[, %pages%]]}."
#~ msgid "Use the XeTeX processing engine"
#~ msgstr "Utiliser le moteur de traitement XeTeX"
#~ msgid "Use &XeTeX"
#~ msgstr "Utiliser &XeTeX"
#~ msgid "Use the babel package for multilingual support"
#~ msgstr "Utiliser la paquetage babel pour le support multilingue"
#~ msgid "&Use babel"
#~ msgstr "Utiliser &babel"
#~ msgid "&Global"
#~ msgstr "&Global"
#~ msgid "Flex:Institute"
#~ msgstr "Flex : institution"
#~ msgid "Flex:E-Mail"
#~ msgstr "Fles : e-mail"
#~ msgid "scheme"
#~ msgstr "schéma"
#~ msgid "chart"
#~ msgstr "diagramme"
#~ msgid "graph"
#~ msgstr "graphique"
#~ msgid "Flex:Alert"
#~ msgstr "Flex : alerte"
#~ msgid "Flex:Structure"
#~ msgstr "Flex : structure"
#~ msgid "Flex:ArticleMode"
#~ msgstr "Flex : modeArticle"
#~ msgid "Flex:PresentationMode"
#~ msgstr "Flex : modePrésentation"
#~ msgid "Flex:Firstname"
#~ msgstr "Flex : prénom"
#~ msgid "Flex:Fname"
#~ msgstr "Flex : prénom"
#~ msgid "Flex:Surname"
#~ msgstr "Flex : nom"
#~ msgid "Flex:Filename"
#~ msgstr "Flex : nom de fichier"
#~ msgid "Flex:Literal"
#~ msgstr "Flex : Littéral"
#~ msgid "Flex:Emph"
#~ msgstr "Flex : en évidence"
#~ msgid "Flex:Abbrev"
#~ msgstr "Flex : abrévié"
#~ msgid "Flex:Citation-number"
#~ msgstr "Flex : numéro de citation"
#~ msgid "Flex:Volume"
#~ msgstr "Flex : volume"
#~ msgid "Flex:Day"
#~ msgstr "Flex : jour"
#~ msgid "Flex:Month"
#~ msgstr "Flex : mois"
#~ msgid "Flex:Year"
#~ msgstr "Flex : année"
#~ msgid "Flex:Issue-number"
#~ msgstr "Flex : numéro d'émission"
#~ msgid "Flex:Issue-day"
#~ msgstr "Flex : date de publication"
#~ msgid "Flex:Issue-months"
#~ msgstr "Flex : mois de publication"
#~ msgid "Flex:ISSN"
#~ msgstr "Flex : ISSN"
#~ msgid "Flex:CODEN"
#~ msgstr "Flex : CODEN"
#~ msgid "Flex:SS-Code"
#~ msgstr "Flex : code SS"
#~ msgid "Flex:SS-Title"
#~ msgstr "Flex : titre SS"
#~ msgid "Flex:CCC-Code"
#~ msgstr "Flex : code CCC"
#~ msgid "Flex:Code"
#~ msgstr "Flex : code"
#~ msgid "Flex:Dscr"
#~ msgstr "Flex : Dscr"
#~ msgid "Flex:Keyword"
#~ msgstr "Flex : mot-clé"
#~ msgid "Flex:Orgdiv"
#~ msgstr "Flex : division organisation"
#~ msgid "Flex:Orgname"
#~ msgstr "Flex : nom organisation"
#~ msgid "Flex:Street"
#~ msgstr "Flex : rue"
#~ msgid "Flex:City"
#~ msgstr "Flex : ville"
#~ msgid "Flex:State"
#~ msgstr "Flex : état"
#~ msgid "Flex:Postcode"
#~ msgstr "Flex : code postal"
#~ msgid "Flex:Country"
#~ msgstr "Flex : pays"
#~ msgid "Flex:Directory"
#~ msgstr "Flex : répertoire"
#~ msgid "Flex:Email"
#~ msgstr "Flex : e-mail"
#~ msgid "Flex:KeyCombo"
#~ msgstr "Flex : combinaison de touches"
#~ msgid "Flex:KeyCap"
#~ msgstr "Flex : touche majuscules"
#~ msgid "Flex:GuiMenu"
#~ msgstr "Flex : menu d'interface"
#~ msgid "Flex:GuiMenuItem"
#~ msgstr "Flex : élément du menu d'interface"
#~ msgid "Flex:GuiButton"
#~ msgstr "Flex : bouton d'interface"
#~ msgid "Flex:MenuChoice"
#~ msgstr "Flex : choix de menu"
#~ msgid "Flex"
#~ msgstr "Flex"
#~ msgid "Foot"
#~ msgstr "NoteDeBasDePage"
#~ msgid "Note:Comment"
#~ msgstr "Note : commentaire"
#~ msgid "Note:Note"
#~ msgstr "Note : note"
#~ msgid "Note:Greyedout"
#~ msgstr "Note : grisée"
#~ msgid "Box:Shaded"
#~ msgstr "Boîte : ombrée"
#~ msgid "Wrap"
#~ msgstr "Enrober"
#~ msgid "Argument"
#~ msgstr "Argument"
#~ msgid "Info:menu"
#~ msgstr "Info : menu"
#~ msgid "Info:shortcut"
#~ msgstr "Info : raccourci"
#~ msgid "Info:shortcuts"
#~ msgstr "Info : raccourcis"
#~ msgid "Flex:Endnote"
#~ msgstr "Flex : notes en fin de document"
#~ msgid "Flex:Initial"
#~ msgstr "Flex : initial"
#~ msgid "Flex:Glosse"
#~ msgstr "Flex : glose"
#~ msgid "Flex:Tri-Glosse"
#~ msgstr "Flex : tri-glose"
#~ msgid "Flex:Expression"
#~ msgstr "Flex : expression"
#~ msgid "Flex:Concepts"
#~ msgstr "Flex : concepts"
#~ msgid "Flex:Meaning"
#~ msgstr "Flex : signification"
#~ msgid "Flex:Noun"
#~ msgstr "Flex : nom prop"