Richard Heck 0a7e9018e5 Fix up the revert_mathdots routine. I think this is right, but I could
not really follow the logic of the original routine and don't know why
we would load mathdots for \ddots when we do not load it in 2.0 for the
same command.

git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2010-11-04 21:38:32 +00:00

2113 lines
70 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of lyx2lyx
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2010 The LyX team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
""" Convert files to the file format generated by lyx 2.0"""
import re, string
import unicodedata
import sys, os
from parser_tools import find_token, find_end_of, find_tokens, \
find_end_of_inset, find_end_of_layout, find_token_backwards, \
get_containing_inset, get_value, get_value_string
from lyx2lyx_tools import add_to_preamble, insert_to_preamble, \
put_cmd_in_ert, lyx2latex, latex_length, revert_flex_inset, \
revert_font_attrs, revert_layout_command, hex2ratio
# Private helper functions
def remove_option(lines, m, option):
''' removes option from line m. returns whether we did anything '''
l = lines[m].find(option)
if l == -1:
return False
val = lines[m][l:].split('"')[1]
lines[m] = lines[m][:l - 1] + lines[m][l+len(option + '="' + val + '"'):]
return True
# DO NOT USE THIS ROUTINE ANY MORE. Better yet, replace the uses that
# have been made of it with uses of put_cmd_in_ert.
def old_put_cmd_in_ert(string):
for rep in unicode_reps:
string = string.replace(rep[1], rep[0].replace('\\\\', '\\'))
string = string.replace('\\', "\\backslash\n")
string = "\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\\begin_layout Plain Layout\n" \
+ string + "\n\\end_layout\n\\end_inset"
return string
### Conversion and reversion routines
def revert_swiss(document):
" Set language german-ch to ngerman "
i = 0
if document.language == "german-ch":
document.language = "ngerman"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language ngerman"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang german-ch", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang german-ch", "\\lang ngerman")
j = j + 1
def revert_tabularvalign(document):
" Revert the tabular valign option "
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Tabular", i)
if i == -1:
end = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if end == -1:
document.warning("Can't find end of inset at line " + str(i))
i += 1
fline = find_token(document.body, "<features", i, end)
if fline == -1:
document.warning("Can't find features for inset at line " + str(i))
i += 1
p = document.body[fline].find("islongtable")
if p != -1:
q = document.body[fline].find("tabularvalignment")
if q != -1:
# This seems wrong: It removes everything after
# tabularvalignment, too.
document.body[fline] = document.body[fline][:q - 1] + '>'
i += 1
# no longtable
tabularvalignment = 'c'
# which valignment is specified?
m = document.body[fline].find('tabularvalignment="top"')
if m != -1:
tabularvalignment = 't'
m = document.body[fline].find('tabularvalignment="bottom"')
if m != -1:
tabularvalignment = 'b'
# delete tabularvalignment
q = document.body[fline].find("tabularvalignment")
if q != -1:
# This seems wrong: It removes everything after
# tabularvalignment, too.
document.body[fline] = document.body[fline][:q - 1] + '>'
# don't add a box when centered
if tabularvalignment == 'c':
i = end
subst = ['\\end_layout', '\\end_inset']
document.body[end:end] = subst # just inserts those lines
subst = ['\\begin_inset Box Frameless',
'position "' + tabularvalignment +'"',
'hor_pos "c"',
'has_inner_box 1',
'inner_pos "c"',
'use_parbox 0',
# we don't know the width, assume 50%
'width "50col%"',
'special "none"',
'height "1in"',
'height_special "totalheight"',
'status open',
'\\begin_layout Plain Layout']
document.body[i:i] = subst # this just inserts the array at i
# since there could be a tabular inside a tabular, we cannot
# jump to end
i += len(subst)
def revert_phantom_types(document, ptype, cmd):
" Reverts phantom to ERT "
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Phantom " + ptype, i)
if i == -1:
end = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if end == -1:
document.warning("Can't find end of inset at line " + str(i))
i += 1
blay = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", i, end)
if blay == -1:
document.warning("Can't find layout for inset at line " + str(i))
i = end
bend = find_token(document.body, "\\end_layout", blay, end)
if bend == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of Phantom inset's layout.")
i = end
substi = ["\\begin_inset ERT", "status collapsed", "",
"\\begin_layout Plain Layout", "", "", "\\backslash",
cmd + "{", "\\end_layout", "", "\\end_inset"]
substj = ["\\size default", "", "\\begin_inset ERT", "status collapsed", "",
"\\begin_layout Plain Layout", "", "}", "\\end_layout", "", "\\end_inset"]
# do the later one first so as not to mess up the numbering
document.body[bend:end + 1] = substj
document.body[i:blay + 1] = substi
i = end + len(substi) + len(substj) - (end - bend) - (blay - i) - 2
def revert_phantom(document):
revert_phantom_types(document, "Phantom", "phantom")
def revert_hphantom(document):
revert_phantom_types(document, "HPhantom", "hphantom")
def revert_vphantom(document):
revert_phantom_types(document, "VPhantom", "vphantom")
def revert_xetex(document):
" Reverts documents that use XeTeX "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\use_xetex', 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\use_xetex.")
if get_value(document.header, "\\use_xetex", i) == 'false':
del document.header[i]
del document.header[i]
# 1.) set doc encoding to utf8-plain
i = find_token(document.header, "\\inputencoding", 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\inputencoding.")
document.header[i] = "\\inputencoding utf8-plain"
# 2.) check font settings
l = find_token(document.header, "\\font_roman", 0)
if l == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\font_roman.")
line = document.header[l]
l = re.compile(r'\\font_roman (.*)$')
m = l.match(line)
roman =
l = find_token(document.header, "\\font_sans", 0)
if l == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\font_sans.")
line = document.header[l]
l = re.compile(r'\\font_sans (.*)$')
m = l.match(line)
sans =
l = find_token(document.header, "\\font_typewriter", 0)
if l == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\font_typewriter.")
line = document.header[l]
l = re.compile(r'\\font_typewriter (.*)$')
m = l.match(line)
typewriter =
osf = get_value(document.header, '\\font_osf', 0) == "true"
sf_scale = float(get_value(document.header, '\\font_sf_scale', 0))
tt_scale = float(get_value(document.header, '\\font_tt_scale', 0))
# 3.) set preamble stuff
pretext = '%% This document must be processed with xelatex!\n'
pretext += '\\usepackage{fontspec}\n'
if roman != "default":
pretext += '\\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{' + roman + '}\n'
if sans != "default":
pretext += '\\setsansfont['
if sf_scale != 100:
pretext += 'Scale=' + str(sf_scale / 100) + ','
pretext += 'Mapping=tex-text]{' + sans + '}\n'
if typewriter != "default":
pretext += '\\setmonofont'
if tt_scale != 100:
pretext += '[Scale=' + str(tt_scale / 100) + ']'
pretext += '{' + typewriter + '}\n'
if osf:
pretext += '\\defaultfontfeatures{Numbers=OldStyle}\n'
pretext += '\usepackage{xunicode}\n'
pretext += '\usepackage{xltxtra}\n'
insert_to_preamble(0, document, pretext)
# 4.) reset font settings
i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_roman", 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\font_roman.")
document.header[i] = "\\font_roman default"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_sans", 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\font_sans.")
document.header[i] = "\\font_sans default"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_typewriter", 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\font_typewriter.")
document.header[i] = "\\font_typewriter default"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_osf", 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\font_osf.")
document.header[i] = "\\font_osf false"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_sc", 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\font_sc.")
document.header[i] = "\\font_sc false"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_sf_scale", 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\font_sf_scale.")
document.header[i] = "\\font_sf_scale 100"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_tt_scale", 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\font_tt_scale.")
document.header[i] = "\\font_tt_scale 100"
def revert_outputformat(document):
" Remove default output format param "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\default_output_format', 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\default_output_format.")
del document.header[i]
def revert_backgroundcolor(document):
" Reverts background color to preamble code "
i = find_token(document.header, "\\backgroundcolor", 0)
if i == -1:
colorcode = get_value(document.header, '\\backgroundcolor', i)
del document.header[i]
# don't clutter the preamble if backgroundcolor is not set
if colorcode == "#ffffff":
red = hex2ratio(colorcode[1:3])
green = hex2ratio(colorcode[3:5])
blue = hex2ratio(colorcode[5:7])
insert_to_preamble(0, document,
'% Commands inserted by lyx2lyx to set the background color\n'
+ '\\@ifundefined{definecolor}{\\usepackage{color}}{}\n'
+ '\\definecolor{page_backgroundcolor}{rgb}{'
+ red + ',' + green + ',' + blue + '}\n'
+ '\\pagecolor{page_backgroundcolor}\n')
def revert_splitindex(document):
" Reverts splitindex-aware documents "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\use_indices', 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\use_indices.")
indices = get_value(document.header, "\\use_indices", i)
preamble = ""
useindices = (indices == "true")
if useindices:
preamble += "\\usepackage{splitidx}\n"
del document.header[i]
# deal with index declarations in the preamble
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.header, "\\index", i)
if i == -1:
k = find_token(document.header, "\\end_index", i)
if k == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\end_index.")
if useindices:
line = document.header[i]
l = re.compile(r'\\index (.*)$')
m = l.match(line)
iname =
ishortcut = get_value(document.header, '\\shortcut', i, k)
if ishortcut != "":
preamble += "\\newindex[" + iname + "]{" + ishortcut + "}\n"
del document.header[i:k + 1]
if preamble != "":
insert_to_preamble(0, document, preamble)
# deal with index insets
# these need to have the argument removed
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Index", i)
if i == -1:
line = document.body[i]
l = re.compile(r'\\begin_inset Index (.*)$')
m = l.match(line)
itype =
if itype == "idx" or indices == "false":
document.body[i] = "\\begin_inset Index"
k = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if k == -1:
document.warning("Can't find end of index inset!")
i += 1
content = lyx2latex(document, document.body[i:k])
# escape quotes
content = content.replace('"', r'\"')
subst = put_cmd_in_ert("\\sindex[" + itype + "]{" + content + "}")
document.body[i:k + 1] = subst
i = i + 1
# deal with index_print insets
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset index_print", i)
if i == -1:
k = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
ptype = get_value(document.body, 'type', i, k).strip('"')
if ptype == "idx":
j = find_token(document.body, "type", i, k)
del document.body[j]
elif not useindices:
del document.body[i:k + 1]
subst = put_cmd_in_ert("\\printindex[" + ptype + "]{}")
document.body[i:k + 1] = subst
i = i + 1
def convert_splitindex(document):
" Converts index and printindex insets to splitindex-aware format "
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Index", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace("\\begin_inset Index",
"\\begin_inset Index idx")
i = i + 1
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset index_print", i)
if i == -1:
if document.body[i + 1].find('LatexCommand printindex') == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Incomplete printindex inset.")
subst = ["LatexCommand printindex",
"type \"idx\""]
document.body[i + 1:i + 2] = subst
i = i + 1
def revert_subindex(document):
" Reverts \\printsubindex CommandInset types "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\use_indices', 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\use_indices.")
indices = get_value(document.header, "\\use_indices", i)
useindices = (indices == "true")
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset index_print", i)
if i == -1:
k = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
ctype = get_value(document.body, 'LatexCommand', i, k)
if ctype != "printsubindex":
i = k + 1
ptype = get_value(document.body, 'type', i, k).strip('"')
if not useindices:
del document.body[i:k + 1]
subst = put_cmd_in_ert("\\printsubindex[" + ptype + "]{}")
document.body[i:k + 1] = subst
i = i + 1
def revert_printindexall(document):
" Reverts \\print[sub]index* CommandInset types "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\use_indices', 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\use_indices.")
indices = get_value(document.header, "\\use_indices", i)
useindices = (indices == "true")
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset index_print", i)
if i == -1:
k = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
ctype = get_value(document.body, 'LatexCommand', i, k)
if ctype != "printindex*" and ctype != "printsubindex*":
i = k
if not useindices:
del document.body[i:k + 1]
subst = put_cmd_in_ert("\\" + ctype + "{}")
document.body[i:k + 1] = subst
i = i + 1
def revert_strikeout(document):
" Reverts \\strikeout font attribute "
changed = revert_font_attrs(document, "\\uuline", "\\uuline")
changed = revert_font_attrs(document, "\\uwave", "\\uwave") or changed
changed = revert_font_attrs(document, "\\strikeout", "\\sout") or changed
if changed == True:
insert_to_preamble(0, document,
'% Commands inserted by lyx2lyx for proper underlining\n'
+ '\\PassOptionsToPackage{normalem}{ulem}\n'
+ '\\usepackage{ulem}\n')
def revert_ulinelatex(document):
" Reverts \\uline font attribute "
i = find_token(document.body, '\\bar under', 0)
if i == -1:
insert_to_preamble(0, document,
'% Commands inserted by lyx2lyx for proper underlining\n'
+ '\\PassOptionsToPackage{normalem}{ulem}\n'
+ '\\usepackage{ulem}\n'
+ '\\let\\cite@rig\\cite\n'
+ '\\newcommand{\\b@xcite}[2][\\%]{\\def\\def@pt{\\%}\\def\\pas@pt{#1}\n'
+ ' \\mbox{\\ifx\\def@pt\\pas@pt\\cite@rig{#2}\\else\\cite@rig[#1]{#2}\\fi}}\n'
+ '\\renewcommand{\\underbar}[1]{{\\let\\cite\\b@xcite\\uline{#1}}}\n')
def revert_custom_processors(document):
" Remove bibtex_command and index_command params "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\bibtex_command', 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\bibtex_command.")
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, '\\index_command', 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\index_command.")
del document.header[i]
def convert_nomencl_width(document):
" Add set_width param to nomencl_print "
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset nomencl_print", i)
if i == -1:
document.body.insert(i + 2, "set_width \"none\"")
i = i + 1
def revert_nomencl_width(document):
" Remove set_width param from nomencl_print "
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset nomencl_print", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
l = find_token(document.body, "set_width", i, j)
if l == -1:
document.warning("Can't find set_width option for nomencl_print!")
i = j
del document.body[l]
i = j - 1
def revert_nomencl_cwidth(document):
" Remove width param from nomencl_print "
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset nomencl_print", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
l = find_token(document.body, "width", i, j)
if l == -1:
document.warning("Can't find width option for nomencl_print!")
i = j
width = get_value(document.body, "width", i, j).strip('"')
del document.body[l]
add_to_preamble(document, ["% this command was inserted by lyx2lyx"])
add_to_preamble(document, ["\\setlength{\\nomlabelwidth}{" + width + "}"])
i = j - 1
def revert_applemac(document):
" Revert applemac encoding to auto "
if document.encoding != "applemac":
document.encoding = "auto"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\encoding", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\encoding auto"
def revert_longtable_align(document):
" Remove longtable alignment setting "
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Tabular", i)
if i == -1:
end = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if end == -1:
document.warning("Can't find end of inset at line " + str(i))
i += 1
fline = find_token(document.body, "<features", i, end)
if fline == -1:
document.warning("Can't find features for inset at line " + str(i))
i += 1
j = document.body[fline].find("longtabularalignment")
if j == -1:
i += 1
# FIXME Is this correct? It wipes out everything after the
# one we found.
document.body[fline] = document.body[fline][:j - 1] + '>'
# since there could be a tabular inside this one, we
# cannot jump to end.
i += 1
def revert_branch_filename(document):
" Remove \\filename_suffix parameter from branches "
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.header, "\\filename_suffix", i)
if i == -1:
del document.header[i]
def revert_paragraph_indentation(document):
" Revert custom paragraph indentation to preamble code "
i = find_token(document.header, "\\paragraph_indentation", 0)
if i == -1:
length = get_value(document.header, "\\paragraph_indentation", i)
# we need only remove the line if indentation is default
if length != "default":
# handle percent lengths
length = latex_length(length)[1]
add_to_preamble(document, ["% this command was inserted by lyx2lyx"])
add_to_preamble(document, ["\\setlength{\\parindent}{" + length + "}"])
del document.header[i]
def revert_percent_skip_lengths(document):
" Revert relative lengths for paragraph skip separation to preamble code "
i = find_token(document.header, "\\defskip", 0)
if i == -1:
length = get_value(document.header, "\\defskip", i)
# only revert when a custom length was set and when
# it used a percent length
if length in ('smallskip', 'medskip', 'bigskip'):
# handle percent lengths
percent, length = latex_length(length)
if percent:
add_to_preamble(document, ["% this command was inserted by lyx2lyx"])
add_to_preamble(document, ["\\setlength{\\parskip}{" + length + "}"])
# set defskip to medskip as default
document.header[i] = "\\defskip medskip"
def revert_percent_vspace_lengths(document):
" Revert relative VSpace lengths to ERT "
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset VSpace", i)
if i == -1:
# only revert if a custom length was set and if
# it used a percent length
r = re.compile(r'\\begin_inset VSpace (.*)$')
m = r.match(document.body[i])
length =
if length in ('defskip', 'smallskip', 'medskip', 'bigskip', 'vfill'):
i += 1
# check if the space has a star (protected space)
protected = (document.body[i].rfind("*") != -1)
if protected:
length = length.rstrip('*')
# handle percent lengths
percent, length = latex_length(length)
# revert the VSpace inset to ERT
if percent:
if protected:
subst = put_cmd_in_ert("\\vspace*{" + length + "}")
subst = put_cmd_in_ert("\\vspace{" + length + "}")
document.body[i:i + 2] = subst
i += 1
def revert_percent_hspace_lengths(document):
" Revert relative HSpace lengths to ERT "
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset space \\hspace", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Can't find end of inset at line " + str(i))
i += 1
# only revert if a custom length was set...
length = get_value(document.body, '\\length', i + 1, j)
if length == '':
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\length' in Space inset.")
i = j
protected = ""
if document.body[i].find("\\hspace*{}") != -1:
protected = "*"
# ...and if it used a percent length
percent, length = latex_length(length)
# revert the HSpace inset to ERT
if percent:
subst = put_cmd_in_ert("\\hspace" + protected + "{" + length + "}")
document.body[i:j + 1] = subst
# if we did a substitution, this will still be ok
i = j
def revert_hspace_glue_lengths(document):
" Revert HSpace glue lengths to ERT "
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset space \\hspace", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Can't find end of inset at line " + str(i))
i += 1
length = get_value(document.body, '\\length', i + 1, j)
if length == '':
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\length' in Space inset.")
i = j
protected = ""
if document.body[i].find("\\hspace*{}") != -1:
protected = "*"
# only revert if the length contains a plus or minus at pos != 0
if length.find('-',1) != -1 or length.find('+',1) != -1:
# handle percent lengths
length = latex_length(length)[1]
# revert the HSpace inset to ERT
subst = put_cmd_in_ert("\\hspace" + protected + "{" + length + "}")
document.body[i:j+1] = subst
i = j
def convert_author_id(document):
" Add the author_id to the \\author definition and make sure 0 is not used"
i = 0
anum = 1
re_author = re.compile(r'(\\author) (\".*\")\s*(.*)$')
while True:
i = find_token(document.header, "\\author", i)
if i == -1:
m = re_author.match(document.header[i])
if m:
name =
email =
document.header[i] = "\\author %i %s %s" % (anum, name, email)
# FIXME Should this really be incremented if we didn't match?
anum += 1
i += 1
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\change_", i)
if i == -1:
change = document.body[i].split(' ');
if len(change) == 3:
type = change[0]
author_id = int(change[1])
time = change[2]
document.body[i] = "%s %i %s" % (type, author_id + 1, time)
i += 1
def revert_author_id(document):
" Remove the author_id from the \\author definition "
i = 0
anum = 0
rx = re.compile(r'(\\author)\s+(\d+)\s+(\".*\")\s*(.*)$')
idmap = dict()
while True:
i = find_token(document.header, "\\author", i)
if i == -1:
m = rx.match(document.header[i])
if m:
author_id = int(
idmap[author_id] = anum
name =
email =
document.header[i] = "\\author %s %s" % (name, email)
i += 1
# FIXME Should this be incremented if we didn't match?
anum += 1
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\change_", i)
if i == -1:
change = document.body[i].split(' ');
if len(change) == 3:
type = change[0]
author_id = int(change[1])
time = change[2]
document.body[i] = "%s %i %s" % (type, idmap[author_id], time)
i += 1
def revert_suppress_date(document):
" Revert suppressing of default document date to preamble code "
i = find_token(document.header, "\\suppress_date", 0)
if i == -1:
# remove the preamble line and write to the preamble
# when suppress_date was true
date = get_value(document.header, "\\suppress_date", i)
if date == "true":
add_to_preamble(document, ["% this command was inserted by lyx2lyx"])
add_to_preamble(document, ["\\date{}"])
del document.header[i]
def revert_mhchem(document):
"Revert mhchem loading to preamble code"
mhchem = "off"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_mhchem", 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find mhchem setting.")
mhchem = "auto"
val = get_value(document.header, "\\use_mhchem", i)
if val == "1":
mhchem = "auto"
elif val == "2":
mhchem = "on"
del document.header[i]
if mhchem == "auto":
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Formula", i)
if i == -1:
line = document.body[i]
if line.find("\\ce{") != -1 or line.find("\\cf{") != 1:
mhchem = "on"
i += 1
if mhchem == "on":
pre = ["% lyx2lyx mhchem commands",
add_to_preamble(document, pre)
def revert_fontenc(document):
" Remove fontencoding param "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\fontencoding', 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing \\fontencoding.")
del document.header[i]
def merge_gbrief(document):
" Merge g-brief-en and g-brief-de to one class "
if document.textclass != "g-brief-de":
if document.textclass == "g-brief-en":
document.textclass = "g-brief"
obsoletedby = { "Brieftext": "Letter",
"Unterschrift": "Signature",
"Strasse": "Street",
"Zusatz": "Addition",
"Ort": "Town",
"Land": "State",
"RetourAdresse": "ReturnAddress",
"MeinZeichen": "MyRef",
"IhrZeichen": "YourRef",
"IhrSchreiben": "YourMail",
"Telefon": "Phone",
"BLZ": "BankCode",
"Konto": "BankAccount",
"Postvermerk": "PostalComment",
"Adresse": "Address",
"Datum": "Date",
"Betreff": "Reference",
"Anrede": "Opening",
"Anlagen": "Encl.",
"Verteiler": "cc",
"Gruss": "Closing"}
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i)
if i == -1:
layout = document.body[i][14:]
if layout in obsoletedby:
document.body[i] = "\\begin_layout " + obsoletedby[layout]
i += 1
document.textclass = "g-brief"
def revert_gbrief(document):
" Revert g-brief to g-brief-en "
if document.textclass == "g-brief":
document.textclass = "g-brief-en"
def revert_html_options(document):
" Remove html options "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\html_use_mathml', 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, '\\html_be_strict', 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
def revert_includeonly(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.header, "\\begin_includeonly", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of(document.header, i, "\\begin_includeonly", "\\end_includeonly")
if j == -1:
document.warning("Unable to find end of includeonly section!!")
document.header[i : j + 1] = []
def revert_includeall(document):
" Remove maintain_unincluded_children param "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\maintain_unincluded_children', 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
def revert_multirow(document):
" Revert multirow cells in tables to TeX-code"
i = 0
multirow = False
while True:
# cell type 3 is multirow begin cell
i = find_token(document.body, '<cell multirow="3"', i)
if i == -1:
# a multirow cell was found
multirow = True
# remove the multirow tag, set the valignment to top
# and remove the bottom line
# FIXME Are we sure these always have space around them?
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace(' multirow="3" ', ' ')
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('valignment="middle"', 'valignment="top"')
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace(' bottomline="true" ', ' ')
# write ERT to create the multirow cell
# use 2 rows and 2cm as default with because the multirow span
# and the column width is only hardly accessible
cend = find_token(document.body, "</cell>", i)
if cend == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of tabular cell.")
i += 1
blay = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i, cend)
if blay == -1:
document.warning("Can't find layout for cell!")
i = j
bend = find_end_of_layout(document.body, blay)
if blay == -1:
document.warning("Can't find end of layout for cell!")
i = cend
# do the later one first, so as not to mess up the numbering
# we are wrapping the whole cell in this ert
# so before the end of the layout...
document.body[bend:bend] = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
# ...and after the beginning
document.body[blay+1:blay+1] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\multirow{2}{2cm}{")
while True:
# cell type 4 is multirow part cell
k = find_token(document.body, '<cell multirow="4"', cend)
if k == -1:
# remove the multirow tag, set the valignment to top
# and remove the top line
# FIXME Are we sure these always have space around them?
document.body[k] = document.body[k].replace(' multirow="4" ', ' ')
document.body[k] = document.body[k].replace('valignment="middle"', 'valignment="top"')
document.body[k] = document.body[k].replace(' topline="true" ', ' ')
k += 1
# this will always be ok
i = cend
if multirow == True:
["% lyx2lyx multirow additions ", "\\usepackage{multirow}"])
def convert_math_output(document):
" Convert \html_use_mathml to \html_math_output "
i = find_token(document.header, "\\html_use_mathml", 0)
if i == -1:
rgx = re.compile(r'\\html_use_mathml\s+(\w+)')
m = rgx.match(document.header[i])
newval = "0" # MathML
if m:
val =
if val != "true":
newval = "2" # Images
document.warning("Can't match " + document.header[i])
document.header[i] = "\\html_math_output " + newval
def revert_math_output(document):
" Revert \html_math_output to \html_use_mathml "
i = find_token(document.header, "\\html_math_output", 0)
if i == -1:
rgx = re.compile(r'\\html_math_output\s+(\d)')
m = rgx.match(document.header[i])
newval = "true"
if m:
val =
if val == "1" or val == "2":
newval = "false"
document.warning("Unable to match " + document.header[i])
document.header[i] = "\\html_use_mathml " + newval
def revert_inset_preview(document):
" Dissolves the preview inset "
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Preview", i)
if i == -1:
iend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if iend == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of Preview inset.")
i += 1
# This has several issues.
# We need to do something about the layouts inside InsetPreview.
# If we just leave the first one, then we have something like:
# \begin_layout Standard
# ...
# \begin_layout Standard
# and we get a "no \end_layout" error. So something has to be done.
# Ideally, we would check if it is the same as the layout we are in.
# If so, we just remove it; if not, we end the active one. But it is
# not easy to know what layout we are in, due to depth changes, etc,
# and it is not clear to me how much work it is worth doing. In most
# cases, the layout will probably be the same.
# For the same reason, we have to remove the \end_layout tag at the
# end of the last layout in the inset. Again, that will sometimes be
# wrong, but it will usually be right. To know what to do, we would
# again have to know what layout the inset is in.
blay = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i, iend)
if blay == -1:
document.warning("Can't find layout for preview inset!")
# always do the later one first...
del document.body[iend]
del document.body[i]
# deletions mean we do not need to reset i
# This is where we would check what layout we are in.
# The check for Standard is definitely wrong.
# lay = document.body[blay].split(None, 1)[1]
# if lay != oldlayout:
# # record a boolean to tell us what to do later....
# # better to do it later, since (a) it won't mess up
# # the numbering and (b) we only modify at the end.
# we want to delete the last \\end_layout in this inset, too.
# note that this may not be the \\end_layout that goes with blay!!
bend = find_end_of_layout(document.body, blay)
while True:
tmp = find_token(document.body, "\\end_layout", bend + 1, iend)
if tmp == -1:
bend = tmp
if bend == blay:
document.warning("Unable to find last layout in preview inset!")
del document.body[iend]
del document.body[i]
# deletions mean we do not need to reset i
# always do the later one first...
del document.body[iend]
del document.body[bend]
del document.body[i:blay + 1]
# we do not need to reset i
def revert_equalspacing_xymatrix(document):
" Revert a Formula with xymatrix@! to an ERT inset "
i = 0
has_preamble = False
has_equal_spacing = False
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Formula", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of Formula inset.")
i += 1
for curline in range(i,j):
found = document.body[curline].find("\\xymatrix@!")
if found != -1:
if found != -1:
has_equal_spacing = True
content = [document.body[i][21:]]
content += document.body[i + 1:j]
subst = put_cmd_in_ert(content)
document.body[i:j + 1] = subst
i += len(subst) - (j - i) + 1
for curline in range(i,j):
l = document.body[curline].find("\\xymatrix")
if l != -1:
has_preamble = True;
i = j + 1
if has_equal_spacing and not has_preamble:
add_to_preamble(document, ['% lyx2lyx xymatrix addition', '\\usepackage[all]{xy}'])
def revert_notefontcolor(document):
" Reverts greyed-out note font color to preamble code "
i = find_token(document.header, "\\notefontcolor", 0)
if i == -1:
# are there any grey notes?
if find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Note Greyedout", 0) == -1:
# no need to do anything, and \renewcommand will throw an error
# since lyxgreyedout will not exist.
colorcode = get_value(document.header, '\\notefontcolor', i)
del document.header[i]
# the color code is in the form #rrggbb where every character denotes a hex number
red = hex2ratio(colorcode[1:3])
green = hex2ratio(colorcode[3:5])
blue = hex2ratio(colorcode[5:7])
# write the preamble
insert_to_preamble(0, document,
['% Commands inserted by lyx2lyx to set the font color',
'% for greyed-out notes',
'\\definecolor{note_fontcolor}{rgb}{%s,%s,%s}' % (red, green, blue),
' {\\textcolor{note_fontcolor}\\bgroup}{\\egroup}'])
def revert_turkmen(document):
"Set language Turkmen to English"
if document.language == "turkmen":
document.language = "english"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language english"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang turkmen", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang turkmen", "\\lang english")
j += 1
def revert_fontcolor(document):
" Reverts font color to preamble code "
i = find_token(document.header, "\\fontcolor", 0)
if i == -1:
colorcode = get_value(document.header, '\\fontcolor', i)
del document.header[i]
# don't clutter the preamble if font color is not set
if colorcode == "#000000":
# the color code is in the form #rrggbb where every character denotes a hex number
red = hex2ratio(colorcode[1:3])
green = hex2ratio(colorcode[3:5])
blue = hex2ratio(colorcode[5:7])
# write the preamble
insert_to_preamble(0, document,
['% Commands inserted by lyx2lyx to set the font color',
'\\definecolor{document_fontcolor}{rgb}{%s,%s,%s}' % (red, green, blue),
def revert_shadedboxcolor(document):
" Reverts shaded box color to preamble code "
i = find_token(document.header, "\\boxbgcolor", 0)
if i == -1:
colorcode = get_value(document.header, '\\boxbgcolor', i)
del document.header[i]
# the color code is in the form #rrggbb
red = hex2ratio(colorcode[1:3])
green = hex2ratio(colorcode[3:5])
blue = hex2ratio(colorcode[5:7])
# write the preamble
insert_to_preamble(0, document,
['% Commands inserted by lyx2lyx to set the color of boxes with shaded background',
"\\definecolor{shadecolor}{rgb}{%s,%s,%s}" % (red, green, blue)])
def revert_lyx_version(document):
" Reverts LyX Version information from Inset Info "
version = "LyX version"
import lyx2lyx_version
version = lyx2lyx_version.version
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Info', i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of Info inset.")
i += 1
# We expect:
# \begin_inset Info
# type "lyxinfo"
# arg "version"
# \end_inset
# but we shall try to be forgiving.
arg = typ = ""
for k in range(i, j):
if document.body[k].startswith("arg"):
arg = document.body[k][3:].strip().strip('"')
if document.body[k].startswith("type"):
typ = document.body[k][4:].strip().strip('"')
if arg != "version" or typ != "lyxinfo":
i = j + 1
# We do not actually know the version of LyX used to produce the document.
# But we can use our version, since we are reverting.
s = [version]
# Now we want to check if the line after "\end_inset" is empty. It normally
# is, so we want to remove it, too.
lastline = j + 1
if document.body[j + 1].strip() == "":
lastline = j + 2
document.body[i: lastline] = s
i = i + 1
def revert_math_scale(document):
" Remove math scaling and LaTeX options "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\html_math_img_scale', 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, '\\html_latex_start', 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, '\\html_latex_end', 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
def revert_pagesizes(document):
" Revert page sizes to default "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\papersize', 0)
if i != -1:
size = document.header[i][11:]
if size == "a0paper" or size == "a1paper" or size == "a2paper" \
or size == "a6paper" or size == "b0paper" or size == "b1paper" \
or size == "b2paper" or size == "b6paper" or size == "b0j" \
or size == "b1j" or size == "b2j" or size == "b3j" or size == "b4j" \
or size == "b5j" or size == "b6j":
del document.header[i]
def revert_DIN_C_pagesizes(document):
" Revert DIN C page sizes to default "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\papersize', 0)
if i != -1:
size = document.header[i][11:]
if size == "c0paper" or size == "c1paper" or size == "c2paper" \
or size == "c3paper" or size == "c4paper" or size == "c5paper" \
or size == "c6paper":
del document.header[i]
def convert_html_quotes(document):
" Remove quotes around html_latex_start and html_latex_end "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\html_latex_start', 0)
if i != -1:
line = document.header[i]
l = re.compile(r'\\html_latex_start\s+"(.*)"')
m = l.match(line)
if m:
document.header[i] = "\\html_latex_start " +
i = find_token(document.header, '\\html_latex_end', 0)
if i != -1:
line = document.header[i]
l = re.compile(r'\\html_latex_end\s+"(.*)"')
m = l.match(line)
if m:
document.header[i] = "\\html_latex_end " +
def revert_html_quotes(document):
" Remove quotes around html_latex_start and html_latex_end "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\html_latex_start', 0)
if i != -1:
line = document.header[i]
l = re.compile(r'\\html_latex_start\s+(.*)')
m = l.match(line)
if not m:
document.warning("Weird html_latex_start line: " + line)
del document.header[i]
document.header[i] = "\\html_latex_start \"" + + "\""
i = find_token(document.header, '\\html_latex_end', 0)
if i != -1:
line = document.header[i]
l = re.compile(r'\\html_latex_end\s+(.*)')
m = l.match(line)
if not m:
document.warning("Weird html_latex_end line: " + line)
del document.header[i]
document.header[i] = "\\html_latex_end \"" + + "\""
def revert_output_sync(document):
" Remove forward search options "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\output_sync_macro', 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, '\\output_sync', 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
def revert_align_decimal(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Tabular", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Unable to find end of Tabular inset at line " + str(i))
i += 1
cell = find_token(document.body, "<cell", i, j)
if cell == -1:
document.warning("Can't find any cells in Tabular inset at line " + str(i))
i = j
k = i + 1
while True:
k = find_token(document.body, "<column", k, cell)
if k == -1:
if document.body[k].find('alignment="decimal"') == -1:
k += 1
remove_option(document.body, k, 'decimal_point')
document.body[k] = \
document.body[k].replace('alignment="decimal"', 'alignment="center"')
k += 1
def convert_optarg(document):
" Convert \\begin_inset OptArg to \\begin_inset Argument "
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset OptArg', i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = "\\begin_inset Argument"
i += 1
def revert_argument(document):
" Convert \\begin_inset Argument to \\begin_inset OptArg "
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Argument', i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = "\\begin_inset OptArg"
i += 1
def revert_makebox(document):
" Convert \\makebox to TeX code "
i = 0
while 1:
# only revert frameless boxes without an inner box
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Box Frameless', i)
if i == -1:
z = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if z == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of box inset.")
i += 1
blay = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i, z)
if blay == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find layout in box.")
i = z
# by looking before the layout we make sure we're actually finding
# an option, not text.
j = find_token(document.body, 'use_makebox', i, blay)
if j == -1:
i = z
val = get_value(document.body, 'use_makebox', j)
if val != "1":
del document.body[j]
i = z
bend = find_end_of_layout(document.body, blay)
if bend == -1 or bend > z:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of layout in box.")
i = z
# determine the alignment
align = get_value(document.body, 'hor_pos', i, blay, "c").strip('"')
# determine the width
length = get_value(document.body, 'width', i, blay, "50col%").strip('"')
length = latex_length(length)[1]
# remove the \end_layout \end_inset pair
document.body[bend:z + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
subst = "\\makebox[" + length + "][" \
+ align + "]{"
document.body[i:blay + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert(subst)
i += 1
def convert_use_makebox(document):
" Adds use_makebox option for boxes "
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Box', i)
if i == -1:
# all of this is to make sure we actually find the use_parbox
# that is an option for this box, not some text elsewhere.
z = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if z == -1:
document.warning("Can't find end of box inset!!")
i += 1
blay = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i, z)
if blay == -1:
document.warning("Can't find layout in box inset!!")
i = z
# so now we are looking for use_parbox before the box's layout
k = find_token(document.body, 'use_parbox', i, blay)
if k == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find use_parbox statement in box.")
i = z
document.body.insert(k + 1, "use_makebox 0")
i = z + 1
def revert_IEEEtran(document):
" Convert IEEEtran layouts and styles to TeX code "
if document.textclass != "IEEEtran":
revert_flex_inset(document, "IEEE membership", "\\IEEEmembership", 0)
revert_flex_inset(document, "Lowercase", "\\MakeLowercase", 0)
layouts = ("Special Paper Notice", "After Title Text", "Publication ID",
"Page headings", "Biography without photo")
latexcmd = {"Special Paper Notice": "\\IEEEspecialpapernotice",
"After Title Text": "\\IEEEaftertitletext",
"Publication ID": "\\IEEEpubid"}
obsoletedby = {"Page headings": "MarkBoth",
"Biography without photo": "BiographyNoPhoto"}
for layout in layouts:
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_layout ' + layout, i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of " + layout + " layout.")
i += 1
if layout in obsoletedby:
document.body[i] = "\\begin_layout " + obsoletedby[layout]
i = j
content = lyx2latex(document, document.body[i:j + 1])
add_to_preamble(document, [latexcmd[layout] + "{" + content + "}"])
del document.body[i:j + 1]
# no need to reset i
def convert_prettyref(document):
" Converts prettyref references to neutral formatted refs "
re_ref = re.compile("^\s*reference\s+\"(\w+):(\S+)\"")
nm_ref = re.compile("^\s*name\s+\"(\w+):(\S+)\"")
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset ref", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: No end of InsetRef!")
i += 1
k = find_token(document.body, "LatexCommand prettyref", i, j)
if k != -1:
document.body[k] = "LatexCommand formatted"
i = j + 1
document.header.insert(-1, "\\use_refstyle 0")
def revert_refstyle(document):
" Reverts neutral formatted refs to prettyref "
re_ref = re.compile("^reference\s+\"(\w+):(\S+)\"")
nm_ref = re.compile("^\s*name\s+\"(\w+):(\S+)\"")
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset ref", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: No end of InsetRef")
i += 1
k = find_token(document.body, "LatexCommand formatted", i, j)
if k != -1:
document.body[k] = "LatexCommand prettyref"
i = j + 1
i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_refstyle", 0)
if i != -1:
def revert_nameref(document):
" Convert namerefs to regular references "
cmds = ["Nameref", "nameref"]
foundone = False
rx = re.compile(r'reference "(.*)"')
for cmd in cmds:
i = 0
oldcmd = "LatexCommand " + cmd
while 1:
# It seems better to look for this, as most of the reference
# insets won't be ones we care about.
i = find_token(document.body, oldcmd, i)
if i == -1:
cmdloc = i
i += 1
# Make sure it is actually in an inset!
# A normal line could begin with "LatexCommand nameref"!
stins, endins = get_containing_inset(document.body, cmdloc, \
"\\begin_inset CommandInset ref")
if stins == -1:
# ok, so it is in an InsetRef
refline = find_token(document.body, "reference", stins, endins)
if refline == -1:
document.warning("Can't find reference for inset at line " + stinst + "!!")
m = rx.match(document.body[refline])
if not m:
document.warning("Can't match reference line: " + document.body[ref])
foundone = True
ref =
newcontent = put_cmd_in_ert('\\' + cmd + '{' + ref + '}')
document.body[stins:endins + 1] = newcontent
if foundone:
add_to_preamble(document, "\usepackage{nameref}")
def remove_Nameref(document):
" Convert Nameref commands to nameref commands "
i = 0
while 1:
# It seems better to look for this, as most of the reference
# insets won't be ones we care about.
i = find_token(document.body, "LatexCommand Nameref" , i)
if i == -1:
cmdloc = i
i += 1
# Make sure it is actually in an inset!
stins, endins = get_containing_inset(document.body, \
cmdloc, "\\begin_inset CommandInset ref")
if stins == -1:
document.body[cmdloc] = "LatexCommand nameref"
def revert_mathrsfs(document):
" Load mathrsfs if \mathrsfs us use in the document "
i = 0
for line in document.body:
if line.find("\\mathscr{") != -1:
add_to_preamble(document, ["% lyx2lyx mathrsfs addition", "\\usepackage{mathrsfs}"])
def convert_flexnames(document):
"Convert \\begin_inset Flex Custom:Style to \\begin_inset Flex Style and similarly for CharStyle and Element."
i = 0
rx = re.compile(r'^\\begin_inset Flex (?:Custom|CharStyle|Element):(.+)$')
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Flex", i)
if i == -1:
m = rx.match(document.body[i])
if m:
document.body[i] = "\\begin_inset Flex " +
i += 1
flex_insets = {
"Alert" : "CharStyle:Alert",
"Code" : "CharStyle:Code",
"Concepts" : "CharStyle:Concepts",
"E-Mail" : "CharStyle:E-Mail",
"Emph" : "CharStyle:Emph",
"Expression" : "CharStyle:Expression",
"Initial" : "CharStyle:Initial",
"Institute" : "CharStyle:Institute",
"Meaning" : "CharStyle:Meaning",
"Noun" : "CharStyle:Noun",
"Strong" : "CharStyle:Strong",
"Structure" : "CharStyle:Structure",
"ArticleMode" : "Custom:ArticleMode",
"Endnote" : "Custom:Endnote",
"Glosse" : "Custom:Glosse",
"PresentationMode" : "Custom:PresentationMode",
"Tri-Glosse" : "Custom:Tri-Glosse"
flex_elements = {
"Abbrev" : "Element:Abbrev",
"CCC-Code" : "Element:CCC-Code",
"Citation-number" : "Element:Citation-number",
"City" : "Element:City",
"Code" : "Element:Code",
"CODEN" : "Element:CODEN",
"Country" : "Element:Country",
"Day" : "Element:Day",
"Directory" : "Element:Directory",
"Dscr" : "Element:Dscr",
"Email" : "Element:Email",
"Emph" : "Element:Emph",
"Filename" : "Element:Filename",
"Firstname" : "Element:Firstname",
"Fname" : "Element:Fname",
"GuiButton" : "Element:GuiButton",
"GuiMenu" : "Element:GuiMenu",
"GuiMenuItem" : "Element:GuiMenuItem",
"ISSN" : "Element:ISSN",
"Issue-day" : "Element:Issue-day",
"Issue-months" : "Element:Issue-months",
"Issue-number" : "Element:Issue-number",
"KeyCap" : "Element:KeyCap",
"KeyCombo" : "Element:KeyCombo",
"Keyword" : "Element:Keyword",
"Literal" : "Element:Literal",
"MenuChoice" : "Element:MenuChoice",
"Month" : "Element:Month",
"Orgdiv" : "Element:Orgdiv",
"Orgname" : "Element:Orgname",
"Postcode" : "Element:Postcode",
"SS-Code" : "Element:SS-Code",
"SS-Title" : "Element:SS-Title",
"State" : "Element:State",
"Street" : "Element:Street",
"Surname" : "Element:Surname",
"Volume" : "Element:Volume",
"Year" : "Element:Year"
def revert_flexnames(document):
if document.backend == "latex":
flexlist = flex_insets
flexlist = flex_elements
rx = re.compile(r'^\\begin_inset Flex\s+(.+)$')
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Flex", i)
if i == -1:
m = rx.match(document.body[i])
if not m:
document.warning("Illegal flex inset: " + document.body[i])
i += 1
style =
if style in flexlist:
document.body[i] = "\\begin_inset Flex " + flexlist[style]
i += 1
def convert_mathdots(document):
" Load mathdots automatically "
i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_esint" , 0)
if i != -1:
document.header.insert(i + 1, "\\use_mathdots 1")
def revert_mathdots(document):
" Load mathdots if used in the document "
mathdots = find_token(document.header, "\\use_mathdots" , 0)
usedots = 1
if mathdots == -1:
document.warning("No \\usemathdots line. Assuming auto.")
del document.header[mathdots]
val = get_value(document.header, "\\use_mathdots", mathdots)
usedots = int(val)
document.warning("Invalid \\use_mathdots value: " + val)
if mathdots == 0:
# do not load case
if mathdots == 2:
# force load case
add_to_preamble(["% lyx2lyx mathdots addition", "\\usepackage{mathdots}"])
# so we are in the auto case. we want to load mathdots if \iddots is used.
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Formula', i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Formula inset at line " + str(i))
i += 1
code = "\n".join(document.body[i:j])
if code.find("\\iddots") != -1:
add_to_preamble(document, ["% lyx2lyx mathdots addition",
i = j
def convert_rule(document):
" Convert \\lyxline to CommandInset line "
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\lyxline" , i)
if i == -1:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\color" , i - 2)
if j == i - 2:
color = document.body[j] + '\n'
color = ''
k = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Standard" , i - 4)
# we need to handle the case that \lyxline is in a separate paragraph and that it is colored
# the result is then an extra empty paragraph which we get by adding an empty ERT inset
if k == i - 4 and j == i - 2 and document.body[i - 1] == '':
layout = '\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\n\\begin_layout Plain Layout\n\n\n\\end_layout\n\n\\end_inset\n' \
+ '\\end_layout\n\n' \
+ '\\begin_layout Standard\n'
elif k == i - 2 and document.body[i - 1] == '':
layout = ''
layout = '\\end_layout\n\n' \
+ '\\begin_layout Standard\n'
l = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Standard" , i + 4)
if l == i + 4 and document.body[i + 1] == '':
layout2 = ''
layout2 = '\\end_layout\n' \
+ '\n\\begin_layout Standard\n'
subst = layout \
+ '\\noindent\n\n' \
+ color \
+ '\\begin_inset CommandInset line\n' \
+ 'LatexCommand rule\n' \
+ 'offset "0.5ex"\n' \
+ 'width "100line%"\n' \
+ 'height "1pt"\n' \
+ '\n\\end_inset\n\n\n' \
+ layout2
document.body[i] = subst
i += 1
def revert_rule(document):
" Revert line insets to Tex code "
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset line" , i)
if i == -1:
# find end of inset
j = find_token(document.body, "\\end_inset" , i)
# assure we found the end_inset of the current inset
if j > i + 6 or j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of line inset.")
# determine the optional offset
k = find_token(document.body, 'offset', i, j)
if k != -1:
offset = document.body[k][8:-1]
offset = ""
# determine the width
l = find_token(document.body, 'width', i, j)
if l != -1:
width = document.body[l][7:-1]
width = "100col%"
# determine the height
m = find_token(document.body, 'height', i, j)
if m != -1:
height = document.body[m][8:-1]
height = "1pt"
# output the \rule command
if offset:
subst = "\\rule[" + offset + "]{" + width + "}{" + height + "}"
subst = "\\rule{" + width + "}{" + height + "}"
document.body[i:j + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert(subst)
i += 1
def revert_diagram(document):
" Add the feyn package if \\Diagram is used in math "
i = 0
re_diagram = re.compile(r'\\begin_inset Formula .*\\Diagram', re.DOTALL)
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Formula', i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Formula inset.")
m ="\n".join(document.body[i:j]))
if not m:
i += 1
add_to_preamble(document, ["% this command was inserted by lyx2lyx"])
add_to_preamble(document, "\\usepackage{feyn}")
# only need to do it once!
def convert_bibtex_clearpage(document):
" insert a clear(double)page bibliographystyle if bibtotoc option is used "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\papersides', 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find papersides definition.")
sides = int(document.header[i][12])
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset bibtex", j)
if j == -1:
k = find_end_of_inset(document.body, j)
if k == -1:
document.warning("Can't find end of Bibliography inset at line " + str(j))
j += 1
# only act if there is the option "bibtotoc"
m = find_token(document.body, 'options', j, k)
if m == -1:
document.warning("Can't find options for bibliography inset at line " + str(j))
j = k
optline = document.body[m]
idx = optline.find("bibtotoc")
if idx == -1:
j = k
# so we want to insert a new page right before the paragraph that
# this bibliography thing is in. we'll look for it backwards.
lay = j - 1
while lay >= 0:
if document.body[lay].startswith("\\begin_layout"):
lay -= 1
if lay < 0:
document.warning("Can't find layout containing bibliography inset at line " + str(j))
j = k
subst1 = '\\begin_layout Standard\n' \
+ '\\begin_inset Newpage clearpage\n' \
+ '\\end_inset\n\n\n' \
+ '\\end_layout\n'
subst2 = '\\begin_layout Standard\n' \
+ '\\begin_inset Newpage cleardoublepage\n' \
+ '\\end_inset\n\n\n' \
+ '\\end_layout\n'
if sides == 1:
document.body.insert(lay, subst1)
document.body.insert(lay, subst2)
j = k
# Conversion hub
supported_versions = ["2.0.0","2.0"]
convert = [[346, []],
[347, []],
[348, []],
[349, []],
[350, []],
[351, []],
[352, [convert_splitindex]],
[353, []],
[354, []],
[355, []],
[356, []],
[357, []],
[358, []],
[359, [convert_nomencl_width]],
[360, []],
[361, []],
[362, []],
[363, []],
[364, []],
[365, []],
[366, []],
[367, []],
[368, []],
[369, [convert_author_id]],
[370, []],
[371, []],
[372, []],
[373, [merge_gbrief]],
[374, []],
[375, []],
[376, []],
[377, []],
[378, []],
[379, [convert_math_output]],
[380, []],
[381, []],
[382, []],
[383, []],
[384, []],
[385, []],
[386, []],
[387, []],
[388, []],
[389, [convert_html_quotes]],
[390, []],
[391, []],
[392, []],
[393, [convert_optarg]],
[394, [convert_use_makebox]],
[395, []],
[396, []],
[397, [remove_Nameref]],
[398, []],
[399, [convert_mathdots]],
[400, [convert_rule]],
[401, []],
[402, [convert_bibtex_clearpage]],
[403, [convert_flexnames]],
[404, [convert_prettyref]]
revert = [[403, [revert_refstyle]],
[402, [revert_flexnames]],
[401, []],
[400, [revert_diagram]],
[399, [revert_rule]],
[398, [revert_mathdots]],
[397, [revert_mathrsfs]],
[396, []],
[395, [revert_nameref]],
[394, [revert_DIN_C_pagesizes]],
[393, [revert_makebox]],
[392, [revert_argument]],
[391, []],
[390, [revert_align_decimal, revert_IEEEtran]],
[389, [revert_output_sync]],
[388, [revert_html_quotes]],
[387, [revert_pagesizes]],
[386, [revert_math_scale]],
[385, [revert_lyx_version]],
[384, [revert_shadedboxcolor]],
[383, [revert_fontcolor]],
[382, [revert_turkmen]],
[381, [revert_notefontcolor]],
[380, [revert_equalspacing_xymatrix]],
[379, [revert_inset_preview]],
[378, [revert_math_output]],
[377, []],
[376, [revert_multirow]],
[375, [revert_includeall]],
[374, [revert_includeonly]],
[373, [revert_html_options]],
[372, [revert_gbrief]],
[371, [revert_fontenc]],
[370, [revert_mhchem]],
[369, [revert_suppress_date]],
[368, [revert_author_id]],
[367, [revert_hspace_glue_lengths]],
[366, [revert_percent_vspace_lengths, revert_percent_hspace_lengths]],
[365, [revert_percent_skip_lengths]],
[364, [revert_paragraph_indentation]],
[363, [revert_branch_filename]],
[362, [revert_longtable_align]],
[361, [revert_applemac]],
[360, []],
[359, [revert_nomencl_cwidth]],
[358, [revert_nomencl_width]],
[357, [revert_custom_processors]],
[356, [revert_ulinelatex]],
[355, []],
[354, [revert_strikeout]],
[353, [revert_printindexall]],
[352, [revert_subindex]],
[351, [revert_splitindex]],
[350, [revert_backgroundcolor]],
[349, [revert_outputformat]],
[348, [revert_xetex]],
[347, [revert_phantom, revert_hphantom, revert_vphantom]],
[346, [revert_tabularvalign]],
[345, [revert_swiss]]
if __name__ == "__main__":