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synced 2024-12-27 14:29:21 +00:00
This commit does a bulk fix of incorrect annotations (comments) at the end of namespaces. The commit was generated by initially running clang-format, and then from the diff of the result extracting the hunks corresponding to fixes of namespace comments. The changes being applied and all the results have been manually reviewed. The source code successfully builds on macOS. Further details on the steps below, in case they're of interest to someone else in the future. 1. Checkout a fresh and up to date version of src/ git pull && git checkout -- src && git status src 2. Ensure there's a suitable .clang-format in place, i.e. with options to fix the comment at the end of namespaces, including: FixNamespaceComments: true SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1 and that clang-format is >= 5.0.0, by doing e.g.: clang-format -dump-config | grep Comments: clang-format --version 3. Apply clang-format to the source: clang-format -i $(find src -name "*.cpp" -or -name "*.h") 4. Create and filter out hunks related to fixing the namespace git diff -U0 src > tmp.patch grepdiff '^} // namespace' --output-matching=hunk tmp.patch > fix_namespace.patch 5. Filter out hunks corresponding to simple fixes into to a separate patch: pcregrep -M -e '^diff[^\n]+\nindex[^\n]+\n--- [^\n]+\n\+\+\+ [^\n]+\n' \ -e '^@@ -[0-9]+ \+[0-9]+ @@[^\n]*\n-\}[^\n]*\n\+\}[^\n]*\n' \ fix_namespace.patch > fix_namespace_simple.patch 6. Manually review the simple patch and then apply it, after first restoring the source. git checkout -- src patch -p1 < fix_namespace_simple.path 7. Manually review the (simple) changes and then stage the changes git diff src git add src 8. Again apply clang-format and filter out hunks related to any remaining fixes to the namespace, this time filter with more context. There will be fewer hunks as all the simple cases have already been handled: clang-format -i $(find src -name "*.cpp" -or -name "*.h") git diff src > tmp.patch grepdiff '^} // namespace' --output-matching=hunk tmp.patch > fix_namespace2.patch 9. Manually review/edit the resulting patch file to remove hunks for files which need to be dealt with manually, noting the file names and line numbers. Then restore files to as before applying clang-format and apply the patch: git checkout src patch -p1 < fix_namespace2.patch 10. Manually fix the files noted in the previous step. Stage files, review changes and commit.
368 lines
8.9 KiB
368 lines
8.9 KiB
* \file lengthcommon.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes
* \author Matthias Ettrich
* \author John Levon
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include "Length.h"
#include "support/convert.h"
#include "support/gettext.h"
#include "support/lassert.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace lyx::support;
namespace lyx {
// I am not sure if "mu" should be possible to select (Lgb)
// the latex units
char const * const unit_name[] = {
"bp", "cc", "cm", "dd", "em", "ex", "in", "mm", "mu",
"pc", "pt", "sp",
"text%", "col%", "page%", "line%",
"theight%", "pheight%", "baselineskip%", "" };
int const num_units = int(sizeof(unit_name) / sizeof(unit_name[0]) - 1);
// the LyX gui units
char const * const unit_name_gui[] = {
N_("bp"), N_("cc[[unit of measure]]"), N_("cm"), N_("dd"), N_("em"),
N_("ex"), N_("in[[unit of measure]]"), N_("mm"), N_("mu[[unit of measure]]"), N_("pc"),
N_("pt"), N_("sp"), N_("Text Width %"),
N_("Column Width %"), N_("Page Width %"), N_("Line Width %"),
N_("Text Height %"), N_("Page Height %"), N_("Line Distance %"), "" };
Length::UNIT unitFromString(string const & data)
int i = 0;
while (i < num_units && data != unit_name[i])
return static_cast<Length::UNIT>(i);
namespace {
/// skip n characters of input
inline void lyx_advance(string & data, size_t n)
data.erase(0, n);
/// return true when the input is at the end
inline bool isEndOfData(string const & data)
return ltrim(data).empty();
* nextToken - return the next token in the input
* @param data input string
* @param number_index the current position in the number array
* @param unit_index the current position in the unit array
* @return a char representing the type of token returned
* The possible return values are :
* + stretch indicator for glue length
* - shrink indicator for glue length
* n a numeric value (stored in number array)
* u a unit type (stored in unit array)
* E parse error
char nextToken(string & data, double * number, int & number_index,
Length::UNIT * unit, int & unit_index)
data = ltrim(data);
if (data.empty())
return '\0';
if (data[0] == '+') {
lyx_advance(data, 1);
return '+';
if (prefixIs(data, "plus")) {
lyx_advance(data, 4);
return '+';
if (data[0] == '-') {
lyx_advance(data, 1);
return '-';
if (prefixIs(data, "minus")) {
lyx_advance(data, 5);
return '-';
size_t i = data.find_first_not_of("0123456789.");
if (i != 0) {
if (number_index > 3)
return 'E';
string buffer;
// we have found some number
if (i == string::npos) {
buffer = data;
i = data.size() + 1;
} else {
buffer = data.substr(0, i);
lyx_advance(data, i);
if (isStrDbl(buffer)) {
number[number_index] = convert<double>(buffer);
return 'n';
return 'E';
i = data.find_first_not_of("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%");
if (i != 0) {
if (unit_index > 3)
return 'E';
string buffer;
// we have found some alphabetical string
if (i == string::npos) {
buffer = data;
i = data.size() + 1;
} else {
buffer = data.substr(0, i);
// possibly we have "mmplus" string or similar
if (buffer.size() > 5 &&
(buffer.substr(2, 4) == string("plus") ||
buffer.substr(2, 5) == string("minus")))
lyx_advance(data, 2);
unit[unit_index] = unitFromString(buffer.substr(0, 2));
} else {
lyx_advance(data, i);
unit[unit_index] = unitFromString(buffer);
if (unit[unit_index] != Length::UNIT_NONE) {
return 'u';
return 'E'; // Error
return 'E'; // Error
/// latex representation of a vspace
struct LaTeXLength {
char const * pattern;
int plus_val_index;
int minus_val_index;
int plus_uni_index;
int minus_uni_index;
/// the possible formats for a vspace string
LaTeXLength table[] = {
{ "nu", 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "nu+nu", 2, 0, 2, 0 },
{ "nu+nu-nu", 2, 3, 2, 3 },
{ "nu+-nu", 2, 2, 2, 2 },
{ "nu-nu", 0, 2, 0, 2 },
{ "nu-nu+nu", 3, 2, 3, 2 },
{ "nu-+nu", 2, 2, 2, 2 },
{ "n+nu", 2, 0, 1, 0 },
{ "n+n-nu", 2, 3, 1, 1 },
{ "n+-nu", 2, 2, 1, 1 },
{ "n-nu", 0, 2, 0, 1 },
{ "n-n+nu", 3, 2, 1, 1 },
{ "n-+nu", 2, 2, 1, 1 },
{ "", 0, 0, 0, 0 } // sentinel, must be empty
} // namespace
const char * stringFromUnit(int unit)
if (unit < 0 || unit > num_units)
return 0;
return unit_name[unit];
bool isValidGlueLength(string const & data, GlueLength * result)
// This parser is table-driven. First, it constructs a "pattern"
// that describes the sequence of tokens in "data". For example,
// "n-nu" means: number, minus sign, number, unit. As we go along,
// numbers and units are stored into static arrays. Then, "pattern"
// is searched in the "table". If it is found, the associated
// table entries tell us which number and unit should go where
// in the Length structure. Example: if "data" has the "pattern"
// "nu+nu-nu", the associated table entries are "2, 3, 2, 3".
// That means, "plus_val" is the second number that was seen
// in the input, "minus_val" is the third number, and "plus_uni"
// and "minus_uni" are the second and third units, respectively.
// ("val" and "uni" are always the first items seen in "data".)
// This is the most elegant solution I could find -- a straight-
// forward approach leads to very long, tedious code that would be
// much harder to understand and maintain. (AS)
if (data.empty()) {
if (result)
*result = GlueLength();
return true;
string buffer = ltrim(data);
// To make isValidGlueLength recognize negative values as
// the first number this little hack is needed:
int val_sign = 1; // positive as default
switch (buffer[0]) {
case '-':
lyx_advance(buffer, 1);
val_sign = -1;
case '+':
lyx_advance(buffer, 1);
// end of hack
// used to return numeric values in parsing vspace
double number[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// used to return unit types in parsing vspace
Length::UNIT unit[4] = {Length::UNIT_NONE, Length::UNIT_NONE,
Length::UNIT_NONE, Length::UNIT_NONE};
int number_index = 1; // entries at index 0 are sentinels
int unit_index = 1; // entries at index 0 are sentinels
// construct "pattern" from "data"
size_t const pattern_max_size = 20;
string pattern;
while (!isEndOfData(buffer)) {
if (pattern.size() > pattern_max_size)
return false;
char const c = nextToken(buffer, number, number_index, unit,
if (c == 'E')
return false;
// search "pattern" in "table"
size_t table_index = 0;
while (pattern != table[table_index].pattern) {
if (!*table[table_index].pattern)
return false;
// Get the values from the appropriate places. If an index
// is zero, the corresponding array value is zero or UNIT_NONE,
// so we needn't check this.
if (result) {
result->len_.value (number[1] * val_sign);
result->len_.unit (unit[1]);
result->plus_.value (number[table[table_index].plus_val_index]);
result->plus_.unit (unit [table[table_index].plus_uni_index]);
result->minus_.unit (unit [table[table_index].minus_uni_index]);
return true;
bool isValidLength(string const & data, Length * result)
// This is a trimmed down version of isValidGlueLength.
// The parser may seem overkill for lengths without
// glue, but since we already have it, using it is
// easier than writing something from scratch.
if (data.empty()) {
if (result)
*result = Length();
return true;
string buffer = data;
// To make isValidLength recognize negative values
// this little hack is needed:
int val_sign = 1; // positive as default
switch (buffer[0]) {
case '-':
lyx_advance(buffer, 1);
val_sign = -1;
case '+':
lyx_advance(buffer, 1);
// fall through
// no action
// end of hack
// used to return numeric values in parsing vspace
double number[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// used to return unit types in parsing vspace
Length::UNIT unit[4] = {Length::UNIT_NONE, Length::UNIT_NONE,
Length::UNIT_NONE, Length::UNIT_NONE};
int number_index = 1; // entries at index 0 are sentinels
int unit_index = 1; // entries at index 0 are sentinels
// construct "pattern" from "data"
string pattern;
while (!isEndOfData(buffer)) {
if (pattern.size() > 2)
return false;
char const token = nextToken(buffer, number,
number_index, unit, unit_index);
if (token == 'E')
return false;
pattern += token;
// only the most basic pattern is accepted here
if (pattern != "nu")
return false;
// It _was_ a correct length string.
// Store away the values we found.
if (result) {
result->val_ = number[1] * val_sign;
result->unit_ = unit[1];
return true;
} // namespace lyx