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synced 2024-12-27 14:29:21 +00:00
471 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
471 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file gen_lfuns.py
# This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
# Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
# author Ewan Davies
# Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS
# Usage:
# gen_lfuns.py <path/to/LyXAction.cpp> <where/to/save/LFUNs.lyx>
import sys,re,os.path
import io
def error(message):
sys.stderr.write(message + '\n')
def usage(prog_name):
return "Usage: %s <path/to/LyXAction.cpp> [<where/to/save/LFUNs.lyx>]" % prog_name
LYX_NEWLINE = u"\n\\begin_inset Newline newline\n\\end_inset\n\n"
LYX_BACKSLASH = u"\n\\backslash\n"
HTMLONLY_START = u"\\htmlonly"
HTMLONLY_END = u"\\endhtmlonly"
LFUN_NAME_ID = u"\\var lyx::FuncCode lyx::"
LFUN_ACTION_ID = u"\\li Action: "
LFUN_NOTION_ID = u"\\li Notion: "
LFUN_SYNTAX_ID = u"\\li Syntax: "
LFUN_PARAMS_ID = u"\\li Params: "
LFUN_SAMPLE_ID = u"\\li Sample: "
LFUN_ORIGIN_ID = u"\\li Origin: "
LFUN_ENDVAR = u"\\endvar"
LFUNS_HEADER = u"""# gen_lfuns.py generated this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\\lyxformat 509
\\save_transient_properties true
\\origin /systemlyxdir/doc/
\\textclass article
\\renewcommand{\\descriptionlabel}[1]{\\hspace\\labelsep\\upshape\\bfseries #1:}
\\advance\\leftmargini6\\p@ \\itemindent-12\\p@
\\labelwidth\\z@ \\let\\makelabel\\descriptionlabel}%
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LabelIndent MM
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\\begin_layout Title
\\SpecialChar LyX
Functions (LFUNs)
\\begin_layout Author
The \\SpecialChar LyX
LFUNS_INTRO = u"""\\begin_layout Section*
About this manual
\\begin_layout Standard
This manual documents the
\\begin_inset Quotes eld
LyX Functions
\\begin_inset Quotes erd
(abbreviated LFUNs).
These are commands that are used to make \\SpecialChar LyX
perform specific actions.
\\SpecialChar LyX
itself uses these functions internally, and every internal action is
bound to an LFUN.
\\begin_layout Standard
LFUNs are also used in the files that define keyboard shortcuts, menu or
toolbar items.
So if you want to change\\SpecialChar breakableslash
customize the user interface, you need to deal
with LFUNs.
Furthermore, external programs can use LFUNs to communicate with and
\\begin_inset Quotes eld
\\begin_inset Quotes erd
\\SpecialChar LyX
Finally, you can also issue LFUNs directly via the so called mini-buffer
which can be opened via
\\begin_inset Info
type "shortcuts"
arg "command-execute"
\\begin_layout Standard
In the following, all LFUNs are listed, categorized by function.
LFUNS_FOOTER = u"""\\end_body
def parse_lfun(str):
"""Takes a comment block (str) and parses it for fields describing the LFUN. Returns a dict containing the fields."""
lfun = dict(action="", notion="", syntax="", params="", sample="", origin="")
field = ""
lines = str.splitlines()
# strip leading whitespace and * from the lines of the comment to get
# rid of unimportant characters
for i in range(0, len(lines)):
lines[i] = lines[i].strip(" *")
for i in range(0, len(lines) - 1):
# work out what field is being read if none of these is found, the line will be added
# to the last field edited
# since the field identifier is not included skip it out if it's found, otherwise skip
# nothing as an existing field is being added to
# if a field id is found, then its the first line of the field so set the pre_space to ""
# so that the first line isn't prespaced
if lines[i].startswith(LFUN_ACTION_ID):
field = "action"
pre_space = ""
skip = len(ID_DICT[field])
elif lines[i].startswith(LFUN_NOTION_ID):
field = "notion"
pre_space = ""
skip = len(ID_DICT[field])
elif lines[i].startswith(LFUN_SYNTAX_ID):
field = "syntax"
pre_space = ""
skip = len(ID_DICT[field])
elif lines[i].startswith(LFUN_PARAMS_ID):
field = "params"
pre_space = ""
skip = len(ID_DICT[field])
elif lines[i].startswith(LFUN_SAMPLE_ID):
field = "sample"
pre_space = ""
skip = len(ID_DICT[field])
elif lines[i].startswith(LFUN_ORIGIN_ID):
field = "origin"
pre_space = ""
skip = len(ID_DICT[field])
elif lines[i].startswith(LFUN_ENDVAR):
skip = 0
# if a manual line break was found last line, don't prespace this line
if i > 1 and lines[i-1].endswith("\\n"):
pre_space = ""
pre_space = " "
# add the line to the field, processing it for \ characters and \n
# which, if occurring at the end of a line, must become a LYX_NEWLINE
line = lines[i][skip:]
# deal with \htmlonly
# TODO: convert chars found in htmlonly to unicode
start = line.find(HTMLONLY_START)
if start > 0:
# if removing the htmlonly element leaves a double space, go back one to remove it
if line[start-1] == " ":
start = start - 1
end = line.find(HTMLONLY_END)
if end > start:
end = line.find(HTMLONLY_END) + len(HTMLONLY_END)
line = line[:start] + line[end:]
# TODO: if HTMLONLY_END is not found, look on the next line
# TODO: in the current LyXAction.cpp there are no htmlonly fields which go over a line break
# deal with \ but leave \n if at the end of the line
slash_idx = line.find("\\")
while slash_idx >= 0:
if slash_idx < len(line)-2 \
or slash_idx == len(line)-1:
# true when the \ is not the last or second last char
# or when the slash is the last char of the line
# slash must be interpreted literaly so swap it for a LYX_BACKSLASH
line = line[:slash_idx] + LYX_BACKSLASH + line[slash_idx+1:]
# skip the index ahead beyond the added text
slash_idx = slash_idx + len(LYX_BACKSLASH)
elif line[slash_idx+1] != "n": # only evaluated if the line ends "\x" where 'x' != 'n'
line = line[:slash_idx] + LYX_BACKSLASH + line[slash_idx+1:]
# skip the index ahead beyond the added text
slash_idx = slash_idx + len(LYX_BACKSLASH)
# look for the next \
slash_idx = line.find("\\", slash_idx+1)
# \n at the end of lines will not be processed by the above while loop
# so sort those out now
# sometime lines end " \n" so chop the space if its there
if line.endswith(" \\n"):
line = line[:len(line)-3] + LYX_NEWLINE
elif line.endswith("\\n"):
line = line[:len(line)-2] + LYX_NEWLINE
# any references to other LFUNs need the # removing
# TODO: actually insert a cross-reference here
line = line.replace("#LFUN", "LFUN")
# handle the few #lyx:: cases
line = line.replace("#lyx::", "lyx::")
# the first line might not have a field in it in which
# case the variable field won't have a value, so check
# to avoid an error
if field != "":
lfun[field] = lfun[field] + pre_space + line
# TODO: sort out chopping lines of more that 80 chars in length
return lfun
def write_fields(file, lfun):
"""Writes the LFUN contained in the dict lfun to the file. Does not write a the file header or footer"""
# add lfun to LFUNs.lyx
file.write(u"\\begin_layout Subsection*\n")
file.write(lfun["name"] + "\n")
if lfun["action"] != "":
file.write(u"\\begin_layout Description\n")
file.write("Action " + lfun["action"] + "\n")
if lfun["notion"] != "":
file.write(u"\\begin_layout Description\n")
file.write("Notion " + lfun["notion"] + "\n")
if lfun["syntax"] != "":
file.write(u"\\begin_layout Description\n")
file.write("Syntax " + lfun["syntax"] + "\n")
if lfun["params"] != "":
file.write(u"\\begin_layout Description\n")
file.write("Params " + lfun["params"] + "\n")
if lfun["sample"] != "":
file.write(u"\\begin_layout Description\n")
file.write("Sample " + lfun["sample"] + "\n")
if lfun["origin"] != "":
file.write(u"\\begin_layout Description\n")
file.write("Origin " + lfun["origin"] + "\n")
def write_sections(file,lfuns):
"""Write sections of LFUNs"""
sections = ["Layout", "Edit", "Math", "Buffer", "System", "Hidden"]
section_headings = {
"Layout": u"Layout Functions (Font, Layout and Textclass related)",
"Edit": u"Editing Functions (Cursor and Mouse Movement, Copy/Paste etc.)",
"Math": u"Math Editor Functions",
"Buffer": u"Buffer Fuctions (File and Window related)",
"System": u"System Functions (Preferences, LyX Server etc.)",
"Hidden": u"Hidden Functions (not listed for configuration)"
# write the lfuns to the file
for val in sections:
file.write(u"\\begin_layout Section\n")
file.write(section_headings[val] + "\n")
for lf in lfuns:
if lf["type"] == val:
write_fields(file, lf)
def main(argv):
# parse command line arguments
script_path, script_name = os.path.split(argv[0])
if len(argv) < 2:
# input file
lyxaction_path = argv[1]
if not os.path.isfile(lyxaction_path):
error(script_name + ": %s is not a valid path" % lyxaction_path)
# output file
if len(argv) == 3:
lfuns_path = argv[2]
if os.path.isdir(lfuns_path):
lfuns_path = lfuns_path + "LFUNs.lyx"
elif os.path.exists(lfuns_path):
error(script_name + ": %s already exists, delete it and rerun the script" % lfuns_path)
lfuns_file = io.open(lfuns_path, 'w', encoding='utf_8')
lfuns_file = sys.stdout
sys.stderr.write(script_name + ": Start processing " + argv[1] + '\n')
# Read the input file and write the output file
lyxaction_file = io.open(lyxaction_path, 'r', encoding='utf_8')
lyxaction_text = lyxaction_file.read()
# An introductory section
# seek to the important bit of LyXAction.cpp
start = lyxaction_text.index("ev_item const items[] = {")
except ValueError:
error(script_name + ": LFUNs not found in " + lyxaction_file)
done = count = 0
lfun_list_unsorted = []
while done == 0:
# look for a doxygen comment
start = lyxaction_text.find(DOXYGEN_START, start)
end = lyxaction_text.find(DOXYGEN_END, start) + len(DOXYGEN_END)
name = ""
atype = ""
snippet = lyxaction_text[start:end]
defline = snippet.replace("\n", "")
match = re.match(r'.*\s*\{\s*(.+),\s*"(.*)",\s*([\w\|\s]+),\s*(\w+)\s*\},.*$', defline)
if match:
name = match.group(2)
atype = match.group(4)
# parse the lfun if it is found
if start > 0:
if name:
count = count + 1
lfun = parse_lfun(snippet)
lfun["name"] = name
lfun["type"] = atype
# save the lfun (we sort it before writing)
# get the next one
start = end
# if no more lfuns are found, EOF reached
done = 1
lfun_list = sorted(lfun_list_unsorted, key=lambda k: k['name'])
# write the lfuns to the file
write_sections(lfuns_file, lfun_list)
sys.stderr.write(script_name + ": Created documentation for " + str(count) + " LFUNs\n")
# write the last part of LFUNs.lyx
sys.stderr.write(script_name + ": Finished\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":