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* lib/doc/Customization.lyx: * lib/doc/UserGuide.lyx: * lib/examples/multicol.lyx: fix typo "can not" => "cannot" git-svn-id: svn://svn.lyx.org/lyx/lyx-devel/trunk@15980 a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
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% chess.sty
% ---------
% Style file for writing about chess games
% Author : Piet Tutelaers (internet: rcpt@urc.tue.nl)
% Version: 1.2 (Febr. 1992)
% Improvements over version 1.1
% - added `\v{S}ahovski Informator' symbols
% -`en passant capture' bug fixed (reported by Jonathan Mestel)
% -change {--} into \hbox{--} to prevent hyphenation within move
% -\move's lined up on last row (or digit in case of castling)
% -handling of promotion improved
% * Black promotion problem solved (plain TeX)
% * comment allowed also with promotion
% * if no promotion piece is provided a default Q(ueen) is supposed
% Thanks to: Jan Jaap Spreij (puls@cs.rug.nl)
% -improved interface to plain TeX
% -language support using the babel package from Johannes Braams
% (currently support for english, dutch, german and french but you
% can add an extra language `foreign' by:
% 1. creating `foreign.sty' for cooperating with `babel'
% 2. search for FOREIGN and follow the instructions in the comments)
% - \begin{nochess} ... \end{nochess}
% -chessfig10 renamed to chessf10 (service to MSDOS users)
% Version: 1.1 (17 Nov 1990)
% Improvements over version 1.0:
% -TeX code cleaned up (thanks to TeX-wizzard Victor Eijkhout)
% -moving a King does not generate a castling move when this
% King already moved
% -renamed internal macro `\\' because LaTeX uses that
% -better hooks for foreign languages (look for lines marked with
% %%FOREIGN%%)
% Torture test:
% If you change something in the chess.sty style check if everything
% else is still working with torture-test.ltx (LaTeX) or
% torture-test.tex (plain TeX).
% Known problems:
% -The analysis mode cannot be used within arguments of macros
% not: \centerline{|21.N5*f3|} but: |\centerline{21.N5*f3}|
% Version: 1.0 (5 Jan 1990)
% Macro specific initialisations
\ifcat/@ \gdef\makeatletter{\catcode`@=11\relax}
\gdef\Box{\vbox{\hrule height .1pt\hbox{\vrule width .1pt\kern3pt
\vbox{\kern6pt}\kern3pt\vrule width .1pt}\hrule height .1pt}}
\gdef\line#1{\hbox to \textwidth{#1}}
% Do we have language support? Otherwise take default language!
% \ifx\undefined\babel@core@loaded\input english.sty\fi
\def\@set[#1#2](#3){%arguments: [a-h1-8](<letter>)
\newcount\@c % column
\newcount\@r % row
\newcount\@sum % row+column
\def\@col{\ifcase\@c\or a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or f\or g\or h\fi}
\if\piece E \ifodd\@sum 0\else Z\fi\else
\if\piece P \ifodd\@sum P\else O\fi\else
\if\piece p \ifodd\@sum p\else o\fi\else
\if\piece R \ifodd\@sum R\else S\fi\else
\if\piece B \ifodd\@sum B\else A\fi\else
\if\piece N \ifodd\@sum N\else M\fi\else
\if\piece r \ifodd\@sum r\else s\fi\else
\if\piece b \ifodd\@sum b\else a\fi\else
\if\piece n \ifodd\@sum n\else m\fi\else
\if\piece K \ifodd\@sum K\else J\fi\else
\if\piece Q \ifodd\@sum Q\else L\fi\else
\if\piece k \ifodd\@sum k\else j\fi\else
\if\piece q \ifodd\@sum q\else l\fi\else
\@sum=\@r\advance\@sum by\@c
\ifnum\@c<8 \advance\@c by1\advance\@sum by1
\hrule height1pt
\hbox{\vrule width1pt\Chess
\vrule width1pt}
\hrule height1pt}
% inner loop needs extra { ... }
\ifnum\@c<8 \advance\@c by1
\ifnum\@r<8 \advance\@r by 1
% empty squares
\ifnum\@c<8 \advance\@c by1
\ifnum\@r<6 \advance\@r by 1
% pawns
\ifnum\@c<8 \advance\@c by1
% pieces
% The next part defines a user friendly notation for chess moves.
% Some examples: |21. Nf3-e5, Ke8*f8 22. 0-0-0+, Bh8*a1|
% : |21.: Ke8*f8 22. Bh8*a1, 0-0|
% : |21 Nfe5 K*f8 22 0-0-0! B*a1|
% : |21: K*f8 22 B*a1 0-0|
\gdef\@king{{\Fig K}}
\gdef\@queen{{\Fig Q}}
\gdef\@rook{{\Fig R}}
\gdef\@bishop{{\Fig B}}
\gdef\@knight{{\Fig N}}
\gdef\@dot{\char46 }
% Make character codes for pieces depending on current language.
% (I cann't derive the Black values from the White using `\lowercase'!)
\def\define@White@pieces#1#2#3#4#5#6{% define character codes for White pieces
\chardef\king@=`#1 \def\uc@king{#1}
\chardef\queen@=`#2 \def\uc@queen{#2}
\chardef\rook@=`#3 \def\uc@rook{#3}
\chardef\pawn@=`#6 \def\uc@pawn{#6}}
\def\define@Black@pieces#1#2#3#4#5#6{% and now the Black pieces
\def\activate@pieces{% make them active
\def\deactivate@pieces{% make them inactive
\def\ifcurrentlanguage#1#2{%if language defined then compare with \language
\expandafter\ifx\csname l@#1\endcsname\relax%
\else\ifnum\language=\expandafter\csname l@#1\endcsname\relax#2\fi\fi}
\def\select@pieces{% select pieces depending on language
% Define here your language and choose an unique set of uppercase letters
% for the White pieces (KING, QUEEN, etc.) and the corresponding lowercase
% letters for the Black pieces (king, queen, etc.).
% \ifcurrentlanguage{FOREIGN}{%
% \define@White@pieces{KING}{QUEEN}{ROOK}{BISHOP}{KNIGHT}{PAWN}
% \define@Black@pieces{king}{queen}{rook}{bishop}{knight}{pawn}}
\def\let@pieces#1#2#3#4#5{% let character codes be macros
% I would like to say ``\let\king@=\@king'' but how?
% Fill in your language and the uppercase letters for KING, QUEEN, etc.
% \ifcurrentlanguage{FOREIGN}{\let@pieces{KING}{QUEEN}{ROOK}{BISHOP}{KNIGHT}}%
% Your language will be activated by FOREIGN.sty.
% Provide a `nochess' environment in which the `|' character becomes
% inactive for situations where the `|' is already in use (like in
% the LaTeX `tabular' environment for example).
\catcode`:=12 \catcode`.=12 \catcode`*=12 \catcode`-=12
% Next part provides a ply (half move) generator
\newif\ifWhite \newif\ifFigure \newif\ifcapture
% next newif's needed for castling
\newif\ifKnotmoved \newif\ifknotmoved
\newif\ifcastling \newif\ifoo
% Globals for special pawn moves (en passant capture and promotion)
\newif\ifenpassant \newif\ifpromotion
\def\@color#1{ % Color of a piece 0: none, -1: black, 1: white
\if #1E0\else
% No checking is done for validity of moves, only legal moves behave well!!
\def\@ply#1#2#3#4#5 {% Syntax: [a-h][1-8][a-h][1-8]{Q|R|B|N}{Comment}
\if\capture E\capturefalse\else\capturetrue\fi
\if\piece P\Figurefalse
\if\piece K% check for possible castling
\ifoo 0\@dash0\rlap{#5}\@set[f1](R)\@set[h1](E)%
\else 0\@dash0\@dash0\rlap{#5}\@set[d1](R)\@set[a1](E)\fi
\else % ``same'' for Black
\if\piece p\Figurefalse
\if\piece k
\ifoo 0\@dash0\rlap{#5}\@set[f8](r)\@set[h8](E)%
\else 0\@dash0\@dash0\rlap{#5}\@set[d8](r)\@set[a8](E)\fi%
\ifFigure{\Fig\if\piece rR\else\if\piece bB\else\if\piece nN\else
\if\piece qQ\else K\fi\fi\fi\fi}\fi
% Promovendus: treat first char of argument as promotion piece if queen,
% rook, knight or bishop; otherwise consider it as comment and take queen
% as default promotion. Leave in \PROM White promoting piece (Q|R|B|N)
% and in \prom Black's version (q|r|b|n).
\ifnum`#1=\queen@ \gdef\PROM{Q}\gdef\prom{q}\def\C{\@comment#2}\else
\ifnum`#1=\rook@ \gdef\PROM{R}\gdef\prom{r}\def\C{\@comment#2}\else
\newcount\movecount \movecount=0
\line{\strut\hbox to1cm{\hfil\the\movecount.}%
\hbox to2.8cm{\hfil#1}\hbox to2.8cm{\hfil#2}\hfil}\par}
\def\move#1 #2 {
\advance\movecount by 1
\showmove{\@ply#1 }{\@ply#2 }}
\def\ply#1 {
\advance\movecount by 1
\showmove{\@ply#1 }{}
\showmove{$\ldots$}{\@ply#1 }
\def\newgame{\vskip0pt\movecount=0 \@initboard
\def\@dolist{\afterassignment\@dodolist\let\@@next= } % Answer 11.5 TeXbook
\def\@dodolist{\ifx\@@next\@endlist \let\@@next\relax % adapted to generate
\else \@nextitem\let\@@next\@dolist \fi % chess diagrams
\if\@@next\space \@set[\@col\the\@r](E)\else
\if\@@next * \@set[\@col\the\@r](E)\else
\if\@@next\uc@pawn \@set[\@col\the\@r](P)\else
\if\@@next\lc@pawn \@set[\@col\the\@r](p)\else
\if\@@next\uc@rook \@set[\@col\the\@r](R)\else
\if\@@next\lc@rook \@set[\@col\the\@r](r)\else
\if\@@next\uc@bishop \@set[\@col\the\@r](B)\else
\if\@@next\lc@bishop \@set[\@col\the\@r](b)\else
\if\@@next\uc@knight \@set[\@col\the\@r](N)\else
\if\@@next\lc@knight \@set[\@col\the\@r](n)\else
\if\@@next\uc@queen \@set[\@col\the\@r](Q)\else
\if\@@next\lc@queen \@set[\@col\the\@r](q)\else
\if\@@next\uc@king \@set[\@col\the\@r](K)\else
\if\@@next\lc@king \@set[\@col\the\@r](k)\else
\advance\@c by1}
% For setting up a position
% Next macros for defining chess position (thanks to Victor Eijkhout)
\ifx\temp\match \else \WhitePieceOrPawn#1XY \expandafter\xWhite \fi}
\if#3X \@set[#1#2](P)
\else\ifnum`#1=\king@ \@set[#2#3](K)\else % King
\ifnum`#1=\queen@ \@set[#2#3](Q)\else % Queen
\ifnum`#1=\rook@ \@set[#2#3](R)\else % Rook
\ifnum`#1=\bishop@\@set[#2#3](B)\else % Bishop
\ifnum`#1=\knight@\@set[#2#3](N)\else % kNight
\ifx\temp\match \else \BlackPieceOrPawn#1XY \expandafter\xBlack \fi}
\else\ifnum`#1=\king@ \@set[#2#3](k)\else % King
\ifnum`#1=\queen@ \@set[#2#3](q)\else % Queen
\ifnum`#1=\rook@ \@set[#2#3](r)\else % Rook
\ifnum`#1=\bishop@\@set[#2#3](b)\else % Bishop
\ifnum`#1=\knight@\@set[#2#3](n)\else % kNight
% And now we define most symbols that are used in `\v{S}ahovski Informator'
% (Chess Informant). For a complete list see Informant#51 (1991) pp 10-12.
% If you add symbols realize that the macros should be usable by plain TeX
% and LaTeX and that the (La)TeX names should be suggestive and clear!
% But don't use uppercase letters or existing names (center)!
% Thanks go to John Saba (saba@ccit.arizona.edu) and Henry Thomas
% (hthomas@irisa.fr) for their help in defining next symbols.
\font\symbolten=cmsy10 \font\smrm=cmr6 \font\symbolsix=cmsy6
\hbox{\kern.056em\vbox{\hrule width0.89em\kern0.35ex\hrule width0.89em}}
% next symbol should be build using METAFONT
\vrule width 2.4pt height6pt depth-5.6pt
\vrule width .4pt height8pt depth-5.6pt\kern2.4pt}
\vrule width2ex height1.18ex depth-1.1ex\kern-2ex
\vrule width2ex height.52ex depth-.44ex\kern-1.381ex
\vrule width.08ex height1.8ex depth.2ex\kern0.615ex
\vrule width.08ex height1.8ex depth.2ex\kern0.406ex}\kern.4pt}
$\vcenter{\vbox{\hbox{$\frown$}\kern-0.35ex\hrule width0.95em}}$}}
% next symbol should be build using METAFONT
% John Saba's method:
\def\blackbox{\vrule height .8ex width 1.2ex depth 0ex}
\def\whitebox{\vbox{\hrule height .1pt\hbox{\vrule width .1pt\kern.6ex
\vbox{\kern.8ex}\kern.6ex\vrule width .1pt}\hrule height .1pt}}
% My method
% \vrule width1.4ex height1ex depth-.92ex\kern-1.4ex
% \vrule width1.4ex height.08ex depth0pt\kern-1.4ex
% \vrule width.08ex height1ex depth0ex\kern1.24ex
% \vrule width.08ex height1ex depth0ex}%
% \kern.4pt\mbox{\copy0\kern-.6ex\raise0.56ex\box0}\kern.4pt}
% \vrule width1.4ex height1ex depth-.92ex\kern-1.4ex
% \vrule width1.4ex height.08ex depth0pt\kern-1.4ex
% \vrule width.08ex height1ex depth0ex\kern1.24ex
% \vrule width.08ex height1ex depth0ex\kern-.6ex
% \vrule width1.4ex height1.56ex depth-0.56ex}\kern.4pt }
% \vrule width1.4ex height1ex depth0ex\kern-.6ex
% \vrule width1.4ex height1.56ex depth-0.56ex}\kern.4pt}
% Next symbol still not perfect ...
\def\novelty{{\sc N}}
\def\comment{{\sc RR}}
\def\various{{\sc R}}
\vrule width 1ex height.08ex depth0ex\kern-0.08ex
\vrule width0.08ex height1.5ex depth0ex}\kern.4pt}
\vrule width 0.08ex height1.5ex depth0ex\kern-0.08ex
\vrule width 1ex height.08ex depth0ex}\kern.4pt}
\def\see{\kern.4pt\mbox{\vrule width 1em height.54ex depth-.46ex}\kern.4pt}