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synced 2024-12-22 13:18:28 +00:00
This code has issues and there is no evidence that it improves performance. Remove LyXRC variable \use_pixmap_cache and update rc format to 29. Now the global pixmap cache is only used by GuiCompleter. Therefore there is no need to reset it when fonts change.
469 lines
13 KiB
469 lines
13 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file prefs2prefs-prefs.py
# This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
# Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
# author Richard Heck
# Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS
# This file houses conversion information for the preferences file.
# The converter functions take a line as argument and return a list:
# (Bool, NewLine),
# where the Bool says if we've modified anything and the NewLine is
# the new line, if so, which will be used to replace the old line.
# Incremented to format 2, r39670 by jrioux
# Support for multiple file extensions per format.
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 3, r39705 by tommaso
# Support for file formats that are natively (g)zipped.
# We must add the flag zipped=native to formats that
# were previously hardcoded in the C++ source: dia.
# Incremented to format 4, r40028 by vfr
# Remove support for default paper size.
# Incremented to format 5, r40030 by vfr
# Add a default length unit.
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 6, r40515 by younes
# Add use_qimage option.
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 7, r40789 by gb
# Add mime type to file format
# Incremented to format 8, 288c1e0f by rgh
# Add "nice" flag for converters
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 9, a18af620 by spitz
# Remove default_language rc.
# Incremented to format 10, 4985015 by tommaso
# Add close_buffer_with_last_view in preferences.
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 11, by gb
# Split pdf format into pdf and pdf6
# Incremented to format 12, by vfr
# Add option to use the system's theme icons
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 13, by bh
# Rename mac_like_word_movement to mac_like_cursor_movement
# Incremented to format 14, by spitz
# New RC default_otf_view_format
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 15, by prannoy
# Add fullscreen_statusbar
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 16, by lasgouttes
# Remove force_paint_single_char rc.
# Incremented to format 17, by lasgouttes
# Remove rtl_support rc.
# Incremented to format 18, by ef
# Add option to allow saving the document directory
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 19, by rgh
# remove print support
# Incremented to format 20, by tommaso
# Add options to forbid/ignore 'needauth' option
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 21, by spitz
# Add jbibtex_alternatives, allow "automatic" value
# of bibtex_command and jbibtex_command (actually the
# default now)
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 22, by ef
# Add pygmentize_command for the python pygments syntax highlighter
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 23, by spitz
# Add default_platex_view_format, a default output format for
# Japanese documents via pLaTeX.
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 24, by spitz
# Rename collapsable to collapsible
# Incremented to format 25, by lasgouttes
# Remove use_qimage preference
# Incremented to format 26, by spitz
# Rename font_encoding preference
# Incremented to format 27, by spitz
# Add optional flavor value to needaux flag
# Incremented to format 28, by spitz
# Remove date_insert_format
# Incremented to format 29, by lasgouttes
# Remove use_pixmap_cache
# NOTE: The format should also be updated in LYXRC.cpp and
# in configure.py.
import re
# Conversion chain
def get_format(line):
entries = []
i = 0
while i < len(line):
if line[i] == '"':
beg = i + 1
i = i + 1
while i < len(line) and line[i] != '"':
if line[i] == '\\' and i < len(line) - 1 and line[i+1] == '"':
# convert \" to "
i = i + 1
i = i + 1
end = i
entries.append(line[beg:end].replace('\\"', '"'))
elif line[i] == '#':
return entries
elif not line[i].isspace():
beg = i
while i < len(line) and not line[i].isspace():
i = i + 1
end = i
i = i + 1
return entries
def simple_renaming(line, old, new):
i = line.lower().find(old.lower())
if i == -1:
return no_match
line = line[:i] + new + line[i+len(old):]
return (True, line)
no_match = (False, [])
### Format 1 conversions (for LyX 2.0)
def remove_obsolete(line):
tags = ("\\use_tempdir", "\\spell_command", "\\personal_dictionary",
"\\plaintext_roff_command", "\\use_alt_language",
"\\use_escape_chars", "\\use_input_encoding",
"\\use_personal_dictionary", "\\use_pspell",
line = line.lower().lstrip()
for tag in tags:
if line.lower().startswith(tag):
return (True, "")
return no_match
def language_use_babel(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\language_use_babel"):
return no_match
re_lub = re.compile(r'^\\language_use_babel\s+"?(true|false)', re.IGNORECASE)
m = re_lub.match(line)
val = m.group(1)
newval = '0'
if val == 'false':
newval = '3'
newline = "\\language_package_selection " + newval
return (True, newline)
def language_package(line):
return simple_renaming(line, "\\language_package", "\\language_custom_package")
lfre = re.compile(r'^\\converter\s+"?(\w+)"?\s+"?(\w+)"?\s+"([^"]*?)"\s+"latex"', re.IGNORECASE)
def latex_flavor(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\converter"):
return no_match
m = lfre.match(line)
if not m:
return no_match
conv = m.group(1)
fmat = m.group(2)
args = m.group(3)
conv2fl = {
"luatex": "lualatex",
"pplatex": "latex",
"xetex": "xelatex",
if conv in conv2fl.keys():
flavor = conv2fl[conv]
flavor = conv
if flavor == "latex":
return no_match
return (True,
"\\converter \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"latex=%s\"" % (conv, fmat, args, flavor))
emre = re.compile(r'^\\format\s+(.*)\s+"(document[^"]*?)"', re.IGNORECASE)
def export_menu(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\format"):
return no_match
m = emre.match(line)
if not m:
return no_match
fmat = m.group(1)
opts = m.group(2)
return (True,
"\\Format %s \"%s,menu=export\"" % (fmat, opts))
# End format 1 conversions (for LyX 2.0)
# Conversions from LyX 2.0 to 2.1
zipre = re.compile(r'^\\format\s+("?dia"?\s+.*)\s+"([^"]*?)"', re.IGNORECASE)
def zipped_native(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\format"):
return no_match
m = zipre.match(line)
if not m:
return no_match
fmat = m.group(1)
opts = m.group(2)
return (True,
"\\Format %s \"%s,zipped=native\"" % (fmat, opts))
def remove_default_papersize(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\default_papersize"):
return no_match
return (True, "")
def add_mime_types(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\format"):
return no_match
entries = get_format(line)
converted = line
i = len(entries)
while i < 7:
converted = converted + ' ""'
i = i + 1
formats = {'tgif':'application/x-tgif', \
'fig':'application/x-xfig', \
'dia':'application/x-dia-diagram', \
'odg':'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics', \
'svg':'image/svg+xml', \
'bmp':'image/x-bmp', \
'gif':'image/gif', \
'jpg':'image/jpeg', \
'pbm':'image/x-portable-bitmap', \
'pgm':'image/x-portable-graymap', \
'png':'image/x-png', \
'ppm':'image/x-portable-pixmap', \
'tiff':'image/tiff', \
'xbm':'image/x-xbitmap', \
'xpm':'image/x-xpixmap', \
'docbook-xml':'application/docbook+xml', \
'dot':'text/vnd.graphviz', \
'ly':'text/x-lilypond', \
'latex':'text/x-tex', \
'text':'text/plain', \
'gnumeric':'application/x-gnumeric', \
'excel':'application/vnd.ms-excel', \
'oocalc':'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet', \
'xhtml':'application/xhtml+xml', \
'bib':'text/x-bibtex', \
'eps':'image/x-eps', \
'ps':'application/postscript', \
'pdf':'application/pdf', \
'dvi':'application/x-dvi', \
'html':'text/html', \
'odt':'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', \
'sxw':'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer', \
'rtf':'application/rtf', \
'doc':'application/msword', \
'csv':'text/csv', \
'lyx':'application/x-lyx', \
'wmf':'image/x-wmf', \
if entries[1] in formats.keys():
converted = converted + ' "' + formats[entries[1]] + '"'
converted = converted + ' ""'
return (True, converted)
re_converter = re.compile(r'^\\converter\s+', re.IGNORECASE)
def split_pdf_format(line):
# strictly speaking, a new format would not require to bump the
# version number, but the old pdf format was hardcoded at several
# places in the C++ code, so an update seemed like a good idea.
if line.lower().startswith("\\format"):
entries = get_format(line)
if entries[1] == 'pdf':
if len(entries) < 6:
viewer = ''
viewer = entries[5]
converted = line.replace('application/pdf', '') + '''
\Format pdf6 pdf "PDF (graphics)" "" "''' + viewer + '" "" "vector" "application/pdf"'
return (True, converted)
elif line.lower().startswith("\\viewer_alternatives") or \
entries = get_format(line)
if entries[1] == 'pdf':
converted = line + "\n" + entries[0] + ' pdf6 "' + entries[2] + '"'
return (True, converted)
elif re_converter.match(line):
entries = get_format(line)
# The only converter from pdf that is touched is pdf->eps:
# All other converters are likely meant for further processing on export.
# The only converter to pdf that stays untouched is dvi->pdf:
# All other converters are likely meant for graphics.
if len(entries) > 2 and \
((entries[1] == 'pdf' and entries[2] == 'eps') or \
(entries[1] != 'ps' and entries[2] == 'pdf')):
if entries[1] == 'pdf':
converted = entries[0] + ' pdf6 ' + entries[2]
converted = entries[0] + ' ' + entries[1] + ' pdf6'
i = 3
while i < len(entries):
converted = converted + ' "' + entries[i] + '"'
i = i + 1
return (True, converted)
return no_match
def remove_default_language(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\default_language"):
return no_match
return (True, "")
def mac_cursor_movement(line):
return simple_renaming(line, "\\mac_like_word_movement", "\\mac_like_cursor_movement")
# End conversions for LyX 2.0 to 2.1
# Conversions from LyX 2.1 to 2.2
def remove_force_paint_single_char(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\force_paint_single_char"):
return no_match
return (True, "")
def remove_rtl(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\rtl "):
return no_match
return (True, "")
def remove_print_support(line):
tags = ("\\printer", "\\print_adapt_output", "\\print_command",
"\\print_evenpage_flag", "\\print_oddpage_flag", "\\print_pagerange_flag",
"\\print_copies_flag", "\\print_collcopies_flag", "\\print_reverse_flag",
"\\print_to_printer", "\\print_to_file", "\\print_file_extension")
line = line.lower().lstrip()
for tag in tags:
if line.lower().startswith(tag):
return (True, "")
return no_match
# End conversions for LyX 2.1 to 2.2
# Conversions from LyX 2.2 to 2.3
def rename_collapsible(line):
return simple_renaming(line, "\\set_color \"collapsable", "\\set_color \"collapsible")
# End conversions for LyX 2.2 to 2.3
# Conversions from LyX 2.3 to 2.4
def remove_use_qimage(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\use_qimage "):
return no_match
return (True, "")
def remove_font_encoding(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\font_encoding "):
return no_match
return (True, "")
def remove_date_insert_format(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\date_insert_format "):
return no_match
return (True, "")
def remove_use_pixmap_cache(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\use_pixmap_cache "):
return no_match
return (True, "")
# End conversions for LyX 2.3 to 2.4
# Format-conversion map. Also add empty format changes here.
conversions = [
[ 1, [ # there were several conversions for format 1
[ 2, []],
[ 3, [ zipped_native ]],
[ 4, [ remove_default_papersize ]],
[ 5, []],
[ 6, []],
[ 7, [add_mime_types]],
[ 8, []],
[ 9, [ remove_default_language ]],
[ 10, []],
[ 11, [split_pdf_format]],
[ 12, []],
[ 13, [mac_cursor_movement]],
[ 14, []],
[ 15, []],
[ 16, [remove_force_paint_single_char]],
[ 17, [remove_rtl]],
[ 18, []],
[ 19, [remove_print_support]],
[ 20, []],
[ 21, []],
[ 22, []],
[ 23, []],
[ 24, [rename_collapsible]],
[ 25, [remove_use_qimage]],
[ 26, [remove_font_encoding]],
[ 27, []],
[ 28, [remove_date_insert_format]],
[ 29, [remove_use_pixmap_cache]]