Uwe Stöhr e447cdbd6b installer: clarify a message
It is possible to install a newer lyX over an existing older LyX installation, but we cannot allow to install over the same lyX version. Therefore output the version number if this error message is shown
2012-11-10 07:21:00 +01:00

105 lines
6.2 KiB

!insertmacro LANGFILE_EXT "Norwegian"
${LangFileString} TEXT_INSTALL_CURRENTUSER "(Installed for Current User)"
${LangFileString} TEXT_WELCOME "Denne veiviseren installerer LyX på datamaskinen din.$\r$\n\
${LangFileString} TEXT_CONFIGURE_MIKTEXFNDB "Updating MiKTeX filename database..."
${LangFileString} TEXT_CONFIGURE_LYX "Configuring LyX (MiKTeX may download missing packages, this can take some time) ..."
${LangFileString} TEXT_CONFIGURE_PYTHON "Compiling Python scripts..."
${LangFileString} TEXT_FINISH_DESKTOP "Create desktop shortcut"
${LangFileString} TEXT_FINISH_WEBSITE "Visit for the latest news, support and tips"
${LangFileString} FileTypeTitle "LyX-Document"
${LangFileString} SecInstJabRefTitle "JabRef"
${LangFileString} SecAllUsersTitle "Installere for alle brukere?"
${LangFileString} SecFileAssocTitle "Fil-assosiasjoner"
${LangFileString} SecDesktopTitle "Skrivebordsikon"
${LangFileString} SecCoreDescription "LyX-filene."
${LangFileString} SecInstJabRefDescription "Bibliography reference manager and editor for BibTeX files."
${LangFileString} SecAllUsersDescription "Installere LyX for alle brukere, eller kun den aktuelle brukeren."
${LangFileString} SecFileAssocDescription "Files med endelsen .lyx åpnes automatisk i LyX."
${LangFileString} SecDesktopDescription "Et LyX-ikon på skrivebordet."
${LangFileString} EnterLaTeXHeader1 'LaTeX-distribusjon'
${LangFileString} EnterLaTeXHeader2 'Velg LaTeX-distribusjonen LyX skal bruke.'
${LangFileString} EnterLaTeXFolder 'You can optionally set here the path to the file $\"latex.exe$\" and therewith set the \
LaTeX-distribution that should be used by LyX.$\r$\n\
If you don$\'t use LaTeX, LyX cannot output documents!$\r$\n\
The installer has detected the LaTeX-distribution \
$\"$LaTeXName$\" on your system. Displayed below is its path.'
${LangFileString} EnterLaTeXFolderNone 'Set below the path to the file $\"latex.exe$\". Therewith you set which \
LaTeX-distribution should be used by LyX.$\r$\n\
If you don$\'t use LaTeX, LyX cannot output documents!$\r$\n\
The installer couldn$\'t find a LaTeX-distribution on your system.'
${LangFileString} PathName 'Path to the file $\"latex.exe$\"'
${LangFileString} DontUseLaTeX "Ikke bruk LaTeX"
${LangFileString} InvalidLaTeXFolder 'Filen $\"latex.exe$\" fins ikke i den oppgitte mappa.'
${LangFileString} LatexInfo 'Nå starter installasjon av LaTeX-distribusjonen $\"MiKTeX$\"$\r$\n\
For å installere programmet, klikk $\"Neste$\"-knappen i installasjonsveiviseren til installasjonen begynner.$\r$\n\
!!! Vennligst bruk standardopsjonene for MiKTeX-instasjonen !!!'
${LangFileString} LatexError1 'Fant ikke noen LaTeX-distribusjon!$\r$\n\
LyX kan ikke brukes uten en LaTeX-distribusjion som $\"MiKTeX$\"!$\r$\n\
Derfor avbrytes installasjonen.'
${LangFileString} HunspellFailed 'Download of dictionary for language $\"$R3$\" failed.'
${LangFileString} ThesaurusFailed 'Download of thesaurus for language $\"$R3$\" failed.'
${LangFileString} JabRefInfo 'Now the installer of the program $\"JabRef$\" will be launched.$\r$\n\
You can use all default options of the JabRef-installer.'
${LangFileString} JabRefError 'The program $\"JabRef$\" could not successfully be installed!$\r$\n\
The installer will continue anyway.$\r$\n\
Try to install JabRef again later.'
${LangFileString} LatexConfigInfo "Konfigurasjon av LyX vil ta en stund."
${LangFileString} MiKTeXPathInfo "In order that every user is later able to customize MiKTeX for his needs$\r$\n\
it is necessary to set write permissions for all users to MiKTeX's installation folder$\r$\n\
$MiKTeXPath $\r$\n\
and its subfolders."
${LangFileString} MiKTeXInfo 'The LaTeX-distribution $\"MiKTeX$\" will be used together with LyX.$\r$\n\
It is recommended to install available MiKTeX-updates using the program $\"MiKTeX Update Wizard$\"$\r$\n\
before you use LyX for the first time.$\r$\n\
Would you now check for MiKTeX updates?'
${LangFileString} ModifyingConfigureFailed "Forsøket på å stille inn 'path_prefix' i konfigurasjonsscriptet mislyktes"
${LangFileString} RunConfigureFailed "Fikk ikke kjørt konfigurasjonsscriptet"
${LangFileString} NotAdmin "Du trenger administratorrettigheter for å installere LyX!"
${LangFileString} InstallRunning "Installasjonsprogrammet er allerede i gang!"
${LangFileString} StillInstalled "LyX ${APP_SERIES_KEY2} er allerede installert! Fjern LyX først."
${LangFileString} MultipleIndexesNotAvailable "The support for using several indexes in a document will not be available because$\r$\n\
MiKTeX was installed with administrator privileges but you are installing LyX without them."
${LangFileString} MetafileNotAvailable "The LyX support for images in the format EMF or WMF will not be$\r$\n\
available because that requires to install a software printer to$\r$\n\
Windows which is only possible with administrator privileges."
${LangFileString} FinishPageMessage "Gratulerer!! LyX er installert.$\r$\n\
(Første gangs oppstart av LyX kan ta noen sekunder.)"
${LangFileString} FinishPageRun "Start LyX"
${LangFileString} UnNotInRegistryLabel "Fant ikke LyX i registeret.$\r$\n\
Snarveier på skrivebordet og i startmenyen fjernes ikke."
${LangFileString} UnInstallRunning "Du må avslutte LyX først!"
${LangFileString} UnNotAdminLabel "Du må ha administratorrettigheter for å fjerne LyX!"
${LangFileString} UnReallyRemoveLabel "Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne LyX og alle tilhørende komponenter?"
${LangFileString} UnLyXPreferencesTitle 'LyX$\'s user preferences'
${LangFileString} SecUnMiKTeXDescription "Uninstalls the LaTeX-distribution MiKTeX."
${LangFileString} SecUnJabRefDescription "Uninstalls the bibliography manager JabRef."
${LangFileString} SecUnPreferencesDescription 'Deletes LyX$\'s configuration folder$\r$\n\
for all users.'
${LangFileString} SecUnProgramFilesDescription "Uninstall LyX and all of its components."