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#! /usr/bin/env perl
# -*- mode: perl; -*-
# file useSystemFonts.pl
# 1.) Copies lyx-files to another location
# 2.) While copying,
# 2a.) searches for relative references to files and
# replaces them with absolute ones
# 2b.) In order to be able to compile with luatex or xetex
# changes default fonts to use non-tex-fonts instead
# Syntax: perl useSystemFonts.pl sourceFile destFile format
# Each param represents a path to a file
# sourceFile: full path to a lyx file
# destFile: destination path
# Each subdocument will be copied into a subdirectory of dirname(destFile)
# format: any string of the form '[a-zA-Z0-9]+', e.g. pdf5
# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Copyright (c) 2013 Kornel Benko <kornel@lyx.org>
# (c) 2013 Scott Kostyshak <skotysh@lyx.org>
use strict;
use File::Spec;
my $p = File::Spec->rel2abs( __FILE__ );
$p =~ s/[\/\\]?[^\/\\]+$//;
unshift(@INC, "$p");
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use File::Copy "cp";
use File::Temp qw/ :POSIX /;
use lyxStatus;
# Prototypes
sub printCopiedDocuments($);
sub interpretedCopy($$$$);
sub copyFoundSubdocuments($);
sub copyJob($$);
sub isrelativeFix($$$);
sub isrelative($$$);
sub createTemporaryFileName($$);
sub copyJobPending($$);
sub addNewJob($$$$$);
sub addFileCopyJob($$$$);
sub getNewNameOf($$);
sub getlangs($$);
sub simplifylangs($);
sub getLangEntry();
# convert lyx file to be compilable with xetex
my ($source, $dest, $format, $fontT, $languageFile, $rest) = @ARGV;
my %encodings = (); # Encoding with TeX fonts, depending on language tag
diestack("Too many arguments") if (defined($rest));
diestack("Sourcefilename not defined") if (! defined($source));
diestack("Destfilename not defined") if (! defined($dest));
diestack("Format (e.g. pdf4) not defined") if (! defined($format));
diestack("Font type (e.g. texF) not defined") if (! defined($fontT));
$source = File::Spec->rel2abs($source);
$dest = File::Spec->rel2abs($dest);
my %font = ();
my $lang = "main";
if ($source =~ /\/([a-z][a-z](_[A-Z][A-Z])?)[\/_]/) {
$lang = $1;
my $inputEncoding = undef;
if ($fontT eq "systemF") {
if ($lang =~ /^(ru|uk|sk|el)$/) {
$font{roman} = "DejaVu Serif";
$font{sans} = "DejaVu Sans";
$font{typewriter} = "DejaVu Sans Mono";
elsif ($lang =~ /^(he)$/) {
$font{roman} = "FreeSans";
$font{sans} = "FreeSans";
$font{typewriter} = "FreeSans";
elsif ($lang eq "fa") {
$font{roman} = "FreeFarsi";
$font{sans} = "FreeFarsi";
$font{typewriter} = "FreeFarsi Monospace";
elsif ($lang eq "zh_CN") {
$font{roman} = "WenQuanYi Micro Hei";
$font{sans} = "WenQuanYi Micro Hei";
$font{typewriter} = "WenQuanYi Micro Hei";
elsif ($lang eq "ko" ) {
$font{roman} = "NanumGothic"; # NanumMyeongjo, NanumGothic Eco, NanumGothicCoding
$font{sans} = "NanumGothic";
$font{typewriter} = "NanumGothic";
elsif ($lang eq "ar" ) {
# available in 'fonts-sil-scheherazade' package
$font{roman} = "Scheherazade";
$font{sans} = "Scheherazade";
$font{typewriter} = "Scheherazade";
else {
# default system fonts
$font{roman} = "FreeSerif";
$font{sans} = "FreeSans";
$font{typewriter} = "FreeMono";
elsif (0) { # set to '1' to enable setting of inputencoding
# use tex font here
my %encoding = ();
if (defined($languageFile)) {
# The 2 lines below does not seem to have any effect
#&getlangs($languageFile, \%encoding);
if ($format =~ /^(pdf4)$/) { # xelatex
# set input encoding to 'ascii' always
$inputEncoding = {
"search" => '.*', # this will be substituted from '\inputencoding'-line
"out" => "ascii",
elsif ($format =~ /^(dvi3|pdf5)$/) { # (dvi)?lualatex
# when to set input encoding to 'ascii'?
if (defined($encoding{$lang})) {
$inputEncoding = {
"search" => '.*', # this will be substituted from '\inputencoding'-line
"out" => $encoding{$lang},
my $sourcedir = dirname($source);
my $destdir = dirname($dest);
if (! -d $destdir) {
diestack("could not make dir \"$destdir\"") if (! mkpath $destdir);
my $destdirOfSubdocuments;
my ($name, $pat, $suffix) = fileparse($source, qr/\.[^.]*/);
my $ext = $format . "_$lang";
$destdirOfSubdocuments = "$destdir/tmp_$ext" . "_$name"; # Global var, something TODO here
if(-d $destdirOfSubdocuments) {
mkdir($destdirOfSubdocuments); # for possibly included files
my %IncludedFiles = ();
my %type2hash = (
"copy_only" => "copyonly",
"interpret" => "interpret");
addNewJob($source, $dest, "interpret", {}, \%IncludedFiles);
sub printCopiedDocuments($)
my ($rFiles) = @_;
for my $k (keys %{$rFiles}) {
my $rJob = $rFiles->{$k};
for my $j ( values %type2hash) {
if (defined($rJob->{$j})) {
print "$j: $k->$rJob->{$j}, " . $rJob->{$j . "copied"} . "\n";
sub interpretedCopy($$$$)
my ($source, $dest, $destdirOfSubdocuments, $rFiles) = @_;
my $sourcedir = dirname($source);
my $res = 0;
diestack("could not read \"$source\"") if (!open(FI, $source));
diestack("could not write \"$dest\"") if (! open(FO, '>', $dest));
initLyxStack(\%font, $fontT, $inputEncoding);
while (my $l = <FI>) {
$l =~ s/[\n\r]+$//;
my $rStatus = checkLyxLine($l);
if ($rStatus->{found}) {
my $rF = $rStatus->{result};
if ($rStatus->{"filetype"} eq "replace_only") {
# e.g. if no files involved (font chage etc)
$l = join('', @{$rF});
else {
my $filelist = $rStatus->{filelist};
my $fidx = $rStatus->{fileidx};
my $separator = $rStatus->{"separator"};
my $foundrelative = 0;
for my $f (@{$filelist}) {
my @isrel = isrelative($f,
if ($isrel[0]) {
$foundrelative = 1;
my $ext = $isrel[1];
if ($rStatus->{"filetype"} eq "prefix_only") {
$f = getNewNameOf("$sourcedir/$f", $rFiles);
else {
my ($newname, $res1);
($newname, $res1) = addFileCopyJob("$sourcedir/$f$ext",
print "Added ($res1) file \"$sourcedir/$f$ext\" to be copied to \"$newname\"\n";
if ($ext ne "") {
$newname =~ s/$ext$//;
$f = $newname;
$res += $res1;
if ($foundrelative) {
$rF->[$fidx] = join($separator, @{$filelist});
$l = join('', @{$rF});
print FO "$l\n";
sub copyFoundSubdocuments($)
my ($rFiles) = @_;
my $res = 0;
do {
$res = 0;
my %copylist = ();
for my $filename (keys %{$rFiles}) {
next if (! copyJobPending($filename, $rFiles));
$copylist{$filename} = 1;
for my $f (keys %copylist) {
# Second loop needed, because here $rFiles may change
my ($res1, @destfiles) = copyJob($f, $rFiles);
$res += $res1;
for my $destfile (@destfiles) {
print "res1 = $res1 for \"$f\" to be copied to $destfile\n";
} while($res > 0); # loop, while $rFiles changed
sub copyJob($$)
my ($source, $rFiles) = @_;
my $sourcedir = dirname($source);
my $res = 0;
my @dest = ();
for my $k (values %type2hash) {
if ($rFiles->{$source}->{$k}) {
if (! $rFiles->{$source}->{$k . "copied"}) {
$rFiles->{$source}->{$k . "copied"} = 1;
my $dest = $rFiles->{$source}->{$k};
push(@dest, $dest);
if ($k eq "copyonly") {
diestack("Could not copy \"$source\" to \"$dest\"") if (! cp($source, $dest));
else {
interpretedCopy($source, $dest, $destdirOfSubdocuments, $rFiles);
$res += 1;
return($res, @dest);
# Trivial check
sub isrelativeFix($$$)
my ($f, $sourcedir, $ext) = @_;
return(1, $ext) if (-e "$sourcedir/$f$ext");
sub isrelative($$$)
my ($f, $sourcedir, $ext) = @_;
if (ref($ext) eq "ARRAY") {
for my $ext2 (@{$ext}) {
my @res = isrelativeFix($f, $sourcedir, $ext2);
if ($res[0]) {
else {
return(isrelativeFix($f, $sourcedir, $ext));
sub createTemporaryFileName($$)
my ($source, $destdir) = @_;
# get the basename to be used for the template
my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($source, qr/\.[^.]*/);
#print "source = $source, name = $name, path = $path, suffix = $suffix\n";
my $template = "xx_$name" . "_";
my $fname = File::Temp::tempnam($destdir, $template);
# Append extension from source
if ($suffix ne "") {
$fname .= "$suffix";
# Check, if file not copied yet
sub copyJobPending($$)
my ($f, $rFiles) = @_;
for my $t (values %type2hash) {
if (defined($rFiles->{$f}->{$t})) {
return 1 if (! $rFiles->{$f}->{$t . "copied"});
return 0;
sub addNewJob($$$$$)
my ($source, $newname, $hashname, $rJob, $rFiles) = @_;
$rJob->{$hashname} = $newname;
$rJob->{$hashname . "copied"} = 0;
$rFiles->{$source} = $rJob;
sub addFileCopyJob($$$$)
my ($source, $destdirOfSubdocuments, $filetype, $rFiles) = @_;
my ($res, $newname) = (0, undef);
my $rJob = $rFiles->{$source};
my $hashname = $type2hash{$filetype};
if (! defined($hashname)) {
diestack("unknown filetype \"$filetype\"");
if (!defined($rJob->{$hashname})) {
createTemporaryFileName($source, $destdirOfSubdocuments),
"$hashname", $rJob, $rFiles);
$res = 1;
$newname = $rJob->{$hashname};
return($newname, $res);
sub getNewNameOf($$)
my ($f, $rFiles) = @_;
my $resultf = $f;
if (defined($rFiles->{$f})) {
for my $t (values %type2hash) {
if (defined($rFiles->{$f}->{$t})) {
$resultf = $rFiles->{$f}->{$t};
sub getlangs($$)
my ($languagefile, $rencoding) = @_;
if (open(FI, $languagefile)) {
while (my $l = <FI>) {
if ($l =~ /^Language/) {
my ($lng, $enc) = &getLangEntry();
if (defined($lng)) {
$rencoding->{$lng} = $enc;
sub simplifylangs($)
my ($rencoding) = @_;
my $base = "";
my $enc = "";
my $differ = 0;
my @klist = ();
my @klist2 = ();
for my $k (reverse sort keys %{$rencoding}) {
my @tag = split('_', $k);
if ($tag[0] eq $base) {
push(@klist, $k);
if ($rencoding->{$k} ne $enc) {
$differ = 1;
else {
# new base, check that old base was OK
if ($base ne "") {
if ($differ == 0) {
$rencoding->{$base} = $enc;
push(@klist2, @klist);
@klist = ($k);
$base = $tag[0];
$enc = $rencoding->{$k};
$differ = 0;
if ($base ne "") {
# close handling for last entry too
if ($differ == 0) {
$rencoding->{$base} = $enc;
push(@klist2, @klist);
for my $k (@klist2) {
sub getLangEntry()
my ($lng, $enc) = (undef, undef);
while (my $l = <FI>) {
if ($l =~ /^\s*Encoding\s+([^ ]+)\s*$/) {
$enc = $1;
elsif ($l =~ /^\s*LangCode\s+([^ ]+)\s*$/) {
$lng = $1;
elsif ($l =~ /^\s*End\s*$/) {
if (defined($lng) && defined($enc)) {
return($lng, $enc);
else {
return(undef, undef);