Kornel Benko d8a31f1ee6 Cmake export tests: Collect list of all used wrong paths before terminating
Also try to ignore references for files that are part of latex. If they are wrong, so
latex should handle the errors.
2017-10-27 13:22:17 +02:00

529 lines
13 KiB

#! /usr/bin/env perl
# -*- mode: perl; -*-
# file
# 1.) Copies lyx-files to another location
# 2.) While copying,
# 2a.) searches for relative references to files and
# replaces them with absolute ones
# 2b.) In order to be able to compile with luatex or xetex
# changes default fonts to use non-tex-fonts instead
# Syntax: perl sourceFile destFile format
# Each param represents a path to a file
# sourceFile: full path to a lyx file
# destFile: destination path
# Each subdocument will be copied into a subdirectory of dirname(destFile)
# format: any string of the form '[a-zA-Z0-9]+', e.g. pdf5
# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
# License along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Copyright (c) 2013 Kornel Benko <>
# (c) 2013 Scott Kostyshak <>
use strict;
use File::Spec;
my $p = File::Spec->rel2abs( __FILE__ );
$p =~ s/[\/\\]?[^\/\\]+$//;
unshift(@INC, "$p");
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use File::Copy "cp";
use File::Temp qw/ :POSIX /;
use lyxStatus;
# Prototypes
sub printCopiedDocuments($);
sub interpretedCopy($$$$);
sub copyFoundSubdocuments($);
sub copyJob($$);
sub isrelativeFix($$$);
sub isrelative($$$);
sub createTemporaryFileName($$);
sub copyJobPending($$);
sub addNewJob($$$$$);
sub addFileCopyJob($$$$);
sub getNewNameOf($$);
sub getlangs($$);
sub simplifylangs($);
sub getLangEntry();
# convert lyx file to be compilable with xetex
my ($source, $dest, $format, $fontT, $encodingT, $languageFile, $rest) = @ARGV;
my %encodings = (); # Encoding with TeX fonts, depending on language tag
diestack("Too many arguments") if (defined($rest));
diestack("Sourcefilename not defined") if (! defined($source));
diestack("Destfilename not defined") if (! defined($dest));
diestack("Format (e.g. pdf4) not defined") if (! defined($format));
diestack("Font type (e.g. texF) not defined") if (! defined($fontT));
diestack("Encoding (e.g. ascii) not defined") if (! defined($encodingT));
$source = File::Spec->rel2abs($source);
$dest = File::Spec->rel2abs($dest);
my %font = ();
my $lang = "main";
if ($source =~ /\/([a-z][a-z](_[A-Z][A-Z])?)[\/_]/) {
$lang = $1;
my $inputEncoding = undef;
if ($fontT eq "systemF") {
if ($lang =~ /^(ru|uk|sk|el)$/) {
$font{roman} = "DejaVu Serif";
$font{sans} = "DejaVu Sans";
$font{typewriter} = "DejaVu Sans Mono";
elsif ($lang =~ /^(he)$/) {
$font{roman} = "FreeSans";
$font{sans} = "FreeSans";
$font{typewriter} = "FreeSans";
elsif ($lang eq "fa") {
$font{roman} = "FreeFarsi";
$font{sans} = "FreeFarsi";
$font{typewriter} = "FreeFarsi Monospace";
elsif ($lang eq "zh_CN") {
$font{roman} = "WenQuanYi Micro Hei";
$font{sans} = "WenQuanYi Micro Hei";
$font{typewriter} = "WenQuanYi Micro Hei";
elsif ($lang eq "ko" ) {
$font{roman} = "NanumGothic"; # NanumMyeongjo, NanumGothic Eco, NanumGothicCoding
$font{sans} = "NanumGothic";
$font{typewriter} = "NanumGothic";
elsif ($lang eq "ar" ) {
# available in 'fonts-sil-scheherazade' package
$font{roman} = "Scheherazade";
$font{sans} = "Scheherazade";
$font{typewriter} = "Scheherazade";
else {
# default system fonts
$font{roman} = "FreeSerif";
$font{sans} = "FreeSans";
$font{typewriter} = "FreeMono";
elsif ($encodingT ne "default") {
# set input encoding to the requested value
$inputEncoding = {
"search" => '.*', # this will be substituted from '\inputencoding'-line
"out" => $encodingT,
elsif (0) { # set to '1' to enable setting of inputencoding
# use tex font here
my %encoding = ();
if (defined($languageFile)) {
# The 2 lines below does not seem to have any effect
#&getlangs($languageFile, \%encoding);
if ($format =~ /^(pdf4)$/) { # xelatex
# set input encoding to 'ascii' always
$inputEncoding = {
"search" => '.*', # this will be substituted from '\inputencoding'-line
"out" => "ascii",
elsif ($format =~ /^(dvi3|pdf5)$/) { # (dvi)?lualatex
# when to set input encoding to 'ascii'?
if (defined($encoding{$lang})) {
$inputEncoding = {
"search" => '.*', # this will be substituted from '\inputencoding'-line
"out" => $encoding{$lang},
my $sourcedir = dirname($source);
my $destdir = dirname($dest);
if (! -d $destdir) {
diestack("could not make dir \"$destdir\"") if (! mkpath $destdir);
my $destdirOfSubdocuments;
my ($name, $pat, $suffix) = fileparse($source, qr/\.[^.]*/);
my $ext = $format . "_$lang";
$destdirOfSubdocuments = "$destdir/tmp_$ext" . "_$name"; # Global var, something TODO here
if(-d $destdirOfSubdocuments) {
mkpath($destdirOfSubdocuments); # for possibly included files
my %IncludedFiles = ();
my %type2hash = (
"copy_only" => "copyonly",
"interpret" => "interpret");
addNewJob($source, $dest, "interpret", {}, \%IncludedFiles);
sub printCopiedDocuments($)
my ($rFiles) = @_;
for my $k (keys %{$rFiles}) {
my $rJob = $rFiles->{$k};
for my $j ( values %type2hash) {
if (defined($rJob->{$j})) {
print "$j: $k->$rJob->{$j}, " . $rJob->{$j . "copied"} . "\n";
sub interpretedCopy($$$$)
my ($source, $dest, $destdirOfSubdocuments, $rFiles) = @_;
my $sourcedir = dirname($source);
my $res = 0;
diestack("could not read \"$source\"") if (!open(FI, $source));
diestack("could not write \"$dest\"") if (! open(FO, '>', $dest));
initLyxStack(\%font, $fontT, $inputEncoding);
my $fi_line_no = 0;
my @path_errors = ();
while (my $l = <FI>) {
$fi_line_no += 1;
$l =~ s/[\n\r]+$//;
my $rStatus = checkLyxLine($l);
if ($rStatus->{found}) {
my $rF = $rStatus->{result};
if ($rStatus->{"filetype"} eq "replace_only") {
# e.g. if no files involved (font chage etc)
$l = join('', @{$rF});
else {
my $filelist = $rStatus->{filelist};
my $fidx = $rStatus->{fileidx};
my $separator = $rStatus->{"separator"};
my $foundrelative = 0;
for my $f (@{$filelist}) {
my @isrel = isrelative($f,
if ($isrel[0]) {
$foundrelative = 1;
my $ext = $isrel[1];
if ($rStatus->{"filetype"} eq "prefix_only") {
$f = getNewNameOf("$sourcedir/$f", $rFiles);
else {
my ($newname, $res1);
($newname, $res1) = addFileCopyJob("$sourcedir/$f$ext",
print "Added ($res1) file \"$sourcedir/$f$ext\" to be copied to \"$newname\"\n";
if ($ext ne "") {
$newname =~ s/$ext$//;
$f = $newname;
$res += $res1;
else {
if (! -e "$f") {
# Non relative (e.g. with absolute path) file should exist
if ($rStatus->{"filetype"} eq "interpret") {
# filetype::interpret should be interpreted by lyx or latex and therefore emit error
# We prinnt a warning instead
print "WARNING: Interpreted file \"$f\" not found, at \"$source:$fi_line_no\"\n";
elsif ($rStatus->{"filetype"} eq "prefix_only") {
# filetype::prefix_only should be interpreted by latex
print "WARNING: Prefixed file \"$f\" not found, at \"$source:$fi_line_no\"\n";
else {
# Collect the path-error-messages
push(@path_errors, "File \"$f(" . $rStatus->{"filetype"} . ")\" not found, at \"$source:$fi_line_no\"");
if ($foundrelative) {
$rF->[$fidx] = join($separator, @{$filelist});
$l = join('', @{$rF});
print FO "$l\n";
if (@path_errors > 0) {
for my $entry (@path_errors) {
print "ERROR: $entry\n";
diestack("Aborted because of path errors in \"$source\"");
sub copyFoundSubdocuments($)
my ($rFiles) = @_;
my $res = 0;
do {
$res = 0;
my %copylist = ();
for my $filename (keys %{$rFiles}) {
next if (! copyJobPending($filename, $rFiles));
$copylist{$filename} = 1;
for my $f (keys %copylist) {
# Second loop needed, because here $rFiles may change
my ($res1, @destfiles) = copyJob($f, $rFiles);
$res += $res1;
for my $destfile (@destfiles) {
print "res1 = $res1 for \"$f\" to be copied to $destfile\n";
} while($res > 0); # loop, while $rFiles changed
sub copyJob($$)
my ($source, $rFiles) = @_;
my $sourcedir = dirname($source);
my $res = 0;
my @dest = ();
for my $k (values %type2hash) {
if ($rFiles->{$source}->{$k}) {
if (! $rFiles->{$source}->{$k . "copied"}) {
$rFiles->{$source}->{$k . "copied"} = 1;
my $dest = $rFiles->{$source}->{$k};
push(@dest, $dest);
if ($k eq "copyonly") {
diestack("Could not copy \"$source\" to \"$dest\"") if (! cp($source, $dest));
else {
interpretedCopy($source, $dest, $destdirOfSubdocuments, $rFiles);
$res += 1;
return($res, @dest);
# Trivial check
sub isrelativeFix($$$)
my ($f, $sourcedir, $ext) = @_;
return(1, $ext) if (-e "$sourcedir/$f$ext");
sub isrelative($$$)
my ($f, $sourcedir, $ext) = @_;
if (ref($ext) eq "ARRAY") {
for my $ext2 (@{$ext}) {
my @res = isrelativeFix($f, $sourcedir, $ext2);
if ($res[0]) {
else {
return(isrelativeFix($f, $sourcedir, $ext));
sub createTemporaryFileName($$)
my ($source, $destdir) = @_;
# get the basename to be used for the template
my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($source, qr/\.[^.]*/);
#print "source = $source, name = $name, path = $path, suffix = $suffix\n";
my $template = "xx_$name" . "_";
my $fname = File::Temp::tempnam($destdir, $template);
# Append extension from source
if ($suffix ne "") {
$fname .= "$suffix";
# Check, if file not copied yet
sub copyJobPending($$)
my ($f, $rFiles) = @_;
for my $t (values %type2hash) {
if (defined($rFiles->{$f}->{$t})) {
return 1 if (! $rFiles->{$f}->{$t . "copied"});
return 0;
sub addNewJob($$$$$)
my ($source, $newname, $hashname, $rJob, $rFiles) = @_;
$rJob->{$hashname} = $newname;
$rJob->{$hashname . "copied"} = 0;
$rFiles->{$source} = $rJob;
sub addFileCopyJob($$$$)
my ($source, $destdirOfSubdocuments, $filetype, $rFiles) = @_;
my ($res, $newname) = (0, undef);
my $rJob = $rFiles->{$source};
my $hashname = $type2hash{$filetype};
if (! defined($hashname)) {
diestack("unknown filetype \"$filetype\"");
if (!defined($rJob->{$hashname})) {
createTemporaryFileName($source, $destdirOfSubdocuments),
"$hashname", $rJob, $rFiles);
$res = 1;
$newname = $rJob->{$hashname};
return($newname, $res);
sub getNewNameOf($$)
my ($f, $rFiles) = @_;
my $resultf = $f;
if (defined($rFiles->{$f})) {
for my $t (values %type2hash) {
if (defined($rFiles->{$f}->{$t})) {
$resultf = $rFiles->{$f}->{$t};
sub getlangs($$)
my ($languagefile, $rencoding) = @_;
if (open(FI, $languagefile)) {
while (my $l = <FI>) {
if ($l =~ /^Language/) {
my ($lng, $enc) = &getLangEntry();
if (defined($lng)) {
$rencoding->{$lng} = $enc;
sub simplifylangs($)
my ($rencoding) = @_;
my $base = "";
my $enc = "";
my $differ = 0;
my @klist = ();
my @klist2 = ();
for my $k (reverse sort keys %{$rencoding}) {
my @tag = split('_', $k);
if ($tag[0] eq $base) {
push(@klist, $k);
if ($rencoding->{$k} ne $enc) {
$differ = 1;
else {
# new base, check that old base was OK
if ($base ne "") {
if ($differ == 0) {
$rencoding->{$base} = $enc;
push(@klist2, @klist);
@klist = ($k);
$base = $tag[0];
$enc = $rencoding->{$k};
$differ = 0;
if ($base ne "") {
# close handling for last entry too
if ($differ == 0) {
$rencoding->{$base} = $enc;
push(@klist2, @klist);
for my $k (@klist2) {
sub getLangEntry()
my ($lng, $enc) = (undef, undef);
while (my $l = <FI>) {
if ($l =~ /^\s*Encoding\s+([^ ]+)\s*$/) {
$enc = $1;
elsif ($l =~ /^\s*LangCode\s+([^ ]+)\s*$/) {
$lng = $1;
elsif ($l =~ /^\s*End\s*$/) {
if (defined($lng) && defined($enc)) {
return($lng, $enc);
else {
return(undef, undef);