Juergen Spitzmueller d3ec77c633 Reorganize templates and example folders
Re-structure and rename files in a transparent way. Most template/example
names now correspond to the (verbose GUI) name of their layouts.

Note that this, most prominently, also changes [LANG/]splash.lyx to
something less insiderish, namely "Welcome.lyx".
2019-03-19 07:13:18 +01:00

410 lines
6.0 KiB

#LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
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This is a template \SpecialChar LyX
file for articles to be submitted to the Journal of
Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A).
How to install the A&A \SpecialChar LaTeX
class to your \SpecialChar LaTeX
system is explained in
\begin_inset Flex URL
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\family roman
\size normal
\series medium
If you use accented characters in your document, you must use the predefined
document class option
\series default
\series medium
in the document settings.
\begin_layout Standard
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A&A document class offers the following optional (custom) document class
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status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
In this template the options
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
are preset.
\begin_layout Description
referee for a referee version
\begin_layout Description
onecolumn for a paper on 1 column
\begin_layout Description
longauth for the long lists of affiliations
\begin_layout Description
rnote for the research notes
\begin_layout Description
letter for the letters
\begin_layout Description
bibyear if the references are not structured according to the author-year
natbib style
\begin_layout Title
This is your Title
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your subtitle
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first author
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second author
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Address of first author
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email of first author
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Address of second author
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status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
email of second author
\begin_layout Offprint
\begin_layout Date
Received ...; Accepted...
\begin_layout Abstract (structured)
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
This template uses the structured abstract style.
You can alternatively use the unstructured abstract as used in the
\family sans
\family default
example file that comes with \SpecialChar LyX
\begin_inset Argument 1
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
context (optional: leave void)
\begin_inset Argument 2
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\begin_inset Argument 4
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
conclusions (optional: leave void)
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\begin_layout Section
\begin_layout Standard
bla bla
\begin_layout Subsection
a subsection
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_layout Subsubsection
a subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
A citation:
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LatexCommand cite
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literal "true"
\begin_layout Acknowledgement
Part of this work was supported by
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options "aa"