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git-svn-id: svn://svn.lyx.org/lyx/lyx-devel/trunk@15731 a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
1318 lines
43 KiB
Executable File
1318 lines
43 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
file generate_contributions.py
This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
author Angus Leeming
Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS
This script both stores and manipulates the raw data needed to
create CREDITS, credits.php and blanket-permission.php
$ python generate_contributions.py \
credits.php \
where the arguments are the names of the generated files.
import codecs, sys, textwrap
def xml_escape(s):
s = s.replace("&", "&")
s = s.replace("<", "<")
s = s.replace(">", ">")
s = s.replace('"', '"')
return s
class contributer:
def __init__(self,
self.name = name
self.contact = contact
self.licence = licence
self.permission_title = permission_title
self.archive_id = archive_id
self.permission_date = permission_date
self.credit = credit
def as_txt_credits(self):
result = [ '@b%s\n' % self.name ]
if len(self.contact) != 0:
if self.contact.find("http") != -1:
result.append('@i%s\n' % self.contact)
ename, address = self.contact.split(" () ", 1)
address = address.replace(" ! ", ".")
contact = "%s@%s" % (ename, address)
result.append('@iE-mail: %s\n' % contact)
result.append(' %s\n' % self.credit.replace('\n', '\n '))
return "".join(result)
def as_php_credits(self, wrapper):
return '''
''' % ( xml_escape(self.name),
"\n".join(wrapper.wrap(xml_escape(self.credit))) )
def as_php_blanket(self):
return '''
''' % ( xml_escape(self.name),
xml_escape(self.permission_date) )
def error(message):
if message:
sys.stderr.write(message + '\n')
def usage(prog_name):
return "Usage: %s <CREDITS> <credits.php> <blanket-permission.php>" % prog_name
def collate_incomplete(contributers):
missing_credit = []
missing_licence = []
for contributer in contributers:
if len(contributer.credit) == 0:
if len(contributer.licence) == 0:
return '''WARNING!
The following contributers do not have a CREDITS entry:
These ones have no explicit licence statement:
''' % ( ",\n ".join(missing_credit), ",\n ".join(missing_licence))
def as_txt_credits(contributers):
results = []
for contributer in contributers:
if len(contributer.credit) != 0:
If your name doesn't appear here although you've done
something for LyX, or your entry is wrong or incomplete,
just drop some e-mail to lyx@lyx.org. Thanks.
return "".join(results)
def header(title, file):
return '''<?php
// WARNING! This file is autogenerated.
// Any changes to it will be lost.
// Please modify generate_contributions.py direct.
// What's the title of the page?
$title = "%s";
// Who is the author?
// Full name of this file (relative path from LyX home page)
''' % ( title, file )
def footer():
return '''
def as_php_credits(contributers, file):
results = []
results.append(header("CREDITS", file))
function contrib($name, $email, $msg) {
echo "
if (isset($email) && $email != "")
echo " <i><${email}></i>";
$msg = ereg_replace("\\n *", "\\n ", ltrim($msg));
echo "
If your name doesn't appear here although you've done
something for LyX, or your entry is wrong or incomplete,
just drop an e-mail to the
<a href="mailto:lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org">lyx-devel</a>
mailing list. Thanks.
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=60, subsequent_indent=" ")
for contributer in contributers:
if len(contributer.credit) != 0:
return "".join(results)
def as_php_blanket(contributers, file):
results = []
results.append(header("Permissions", file))
function contrib($name, $email, $msg_title, $msg_ref, $date) {
echo "
See the lyx-devel mailing list message
if (isset($msg_ref) && $msg_ref != "") {
$msg_ref = htmlspecialchars("$msg_ref");
echo "<a href=\\"http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=lyx-devel&${msg_ref}\\">${msg_title}</a>";
} else {
echo "${msg_title}";
echo ""
of $date.
The following people hereby grant permission to licence their
contributions to LyX under the
<a href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php">
Gnu General Public Licence</a>, version 2 or later.
for contributer in contributers:
if contributer.licence == "GPL":
The following people hereby grant permission to licence their
contributions to LyX under the
<a href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license.php">
Artistic Licence</a>.
for contributer in contributers:
if contributer.licence == "Artistic":
return "".join(results)
def main(argv, contributers):
if len(argv) != 4:
txt_credits_data = unicode(as_txt_credits(contributers)).encode("utf-8")
txt_credits = open(argv[1], "w")
php_credits_data = unicode(as_php_credits(contributers, argv[2])).encode("utf-8")
php_credits = open(argv[2], "w")
php_blanket_data = unicode(as_php_blanket(contributers, argv[3])).encode("utf-8")
php_blanket = open(argv[3], "w")
warning_data = unicode(collate_incomplete(contributers) + '\n').encode("utf-8")
# Store the raw data.
contributers = [
contributer(u"Maarten Afman",
"info () afman ! net",
"Fwd: Re: The LyX licence",
"27 February 2005",
u"Dutch translation team member"),
contributer(u"Asger Alstrup",
"aalstrup () laerdal ! dk",
"Re: Licensing of tex2lyx (and perhaps LyX itself?)",
"21 February 2005",
u"General hacking of user interface stuff and those other bits and pieces"),
contributer(u"Pascal André",
"andre () via ! ecp ! fr",
"Re: The LyX licence --- a gentle nudge",
"1 April 2005",
u"External style definition files, linuxdoc sgml support and more ftp-site ftp.lyx.org"),
contributer(u"João Luis Meloni Assirati",
"assirati () nonada ! if ! usp ! br",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"23 February 2005",
u"Added support for unix sockets and thence the 'inverse DVI' feature"),
contributer(u"Özgür Uğraş Baran",
"ugras.baran () gmail ! com",
"Re: [patch] new InsetCommandParams",
"19 October 2006",
u"New commandparams structure, Nomenclature inset"),
contributer(u"Yves Bastide",
"yves.bastide () irisa ! fr",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"28 February 2005",
u"Bug fixes"),
contributer(u"Heinrich Bauer",
"heinrich.bauer () t-mobile ! de",
"Fwd: Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Fixes for dvi output original version of page selection for printing"),
contributer(u"Georg Baum",
"georg.baum () post ! rwth-aachen ! de",
"Re: Licensing of tex2lyx (and perhaps LyX itself?)",
"21 February 2005",
u"tex2lyx improvements"),
contributer(u"Hans Bausewein",
"hans () comerwell ! xs4all ! nl",
"Re: The LyX licence --- a gentle nudge",
"2 April 2005",
'"case insensitive" and "complete word" search'),
contributer(u"Graham Biswell",
"graham () gbiswell ! com",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"5 April 2005",
u"Small bugfixes that were very hard to find"),
contributer(u"Lars Gullik Bjønnes",
"larsbj () gullik ! net",
"Re: Licensing of tex2lyx (and perhaps LyX itself?)",
"22 February 2005",
u"Improvements to user interface (menus and keyhandling) including a configurable toolbar and a few other (not so) minor things, like rewriting most of the LyX kernel. Also current source maintainer"),
contributer(u"Alfredo Braunstein",
"abraunst () lyx ! org",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"24 February 2005",
u"A (pseudo) threaded graphics loader queue, lots of fixes, etc."),
contributer(u"Christian Buescher",
"christian.buescher () uni-bielefeld ! de",
u"User-definable keys, lyxserver and more"),
contributer(u"Johnathan Burchill",
"jkerrb () users ! sourceforge ! net",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Ported John Levon's original 'change tracking' code to later versions of LyX. Numerous bug fixes thereof."),
contributer(u"Francesc Burrull i Mestres",
"fburrull () mat ! upc ! es",
u"Catalan translation"),
contributer(u"Humberto Nicolás Castejón",
"beconico () gmail ! com",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"9 June 2005",
u"Spanish translation of the Windows installer"),
contributer(u"Matěj Cepl",
"matej () ceplovi ! cz",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Improvements to the czech keymaps"),
contributer(u"Albert Chin",
"lyx-devel () mlists ! thewrittenword ! com",
"Re: The LyX licence --- a gentle nudge",
"30 March 2005",
u"Bug fixes"),
contributer(u"Jean-Pierre Chrétien",
"chretien () cert ! fr",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"10 June 2005",
u"French translation of the Windows installer"),
contributer(u"Claudio Coco",
"lacocio () libero ! it",
"Agreement to GNU General Public licence",
"17 January 2006",
u"Italian translation"),
contributer(u"Matthias Kalle Dalheimer",
"kalle () kdab ! net",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Qt2 port"),
contributer(u"Anders Ekberg",
"anek () chalmers ! se",
"License agreement",
"14 January 2006",
u"Improvements to the Swedish translation of the Windows Installer"),
contributer(u"Matthias Ettrich",
"ettrich () trolltech ! com",
"Fwd: Re: The LyX licence",
"28 February 2005",
u"Started the project, implemented the early versions, various improvements including undo/redo, tables, and much, much more"),
contributer(u"Baruch Even",
"baruch () ev-en ! org",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"25 February 2005",
u"New graphics handling scheme and more"),
contributer(u"Ronald Florence",
"ron () 18james ! com",
"Re: The LyX licence --- a gentle nudge",
"31 March 2005",
u"Maintainer of the OS X port(s)"),
contributer(u"José Ramom Flores d'as Seixas",
"fa2ramon () usc ! es",
"Re: Galician translation",
"20 October 2006",
u"Galician documentation and localization"),
contributer(u"John Michael Floyd",
"jmf () pwd ! nsw ! gov ! au",
u"Bug fix to the spellchecker"),
contributer(u"Enrico Forestieri",
"forenr () tlc ! unipr ! it",
"Re: lyxpreview2ppm.py",
"16 June 2005",
u"Italian translation of the Windows installer"),
contributer(u"Eitan Frachtenberg",
"sky8an () gmail ! com",
"Re: [PATCH] BibTeX annotation support",
"20 March 2005",
u"BibTeX annotation support"),
contributer(u"Edscott Wilson Garcia",
"edscott () xfce ! org",
"Re: The LyX licence --- a gentle nudge",
"30 March 2005",
u"Bug fixes"),
contributer(u"Michael Gerz",
"michael.gerz () teststep ! org",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Change tracking, German localization, bug fixes"),
contributer(u"Stefano Ghirlanda",
"stefano.ghirlanda () unibo ! it",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"28 February 2005",
u"Improvements to lyxserver"),
contributer(u"Hartmut Goebel",
"h.goebel () crazy-compilers ! com",
"Re: The LyX licence --- a gentle nudge",
"30 March 2005",
u"Improvements to Koma-Script classes"),
contributer(u"Hartmut Haase",
"hha4491 () atomstromfrei ! de",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"23 February 2005",
u"German translation of the documentation"),
contributer(u"Helge Hafting",
"helgehaf () aitel ! hist ! no",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"23 February 2005",
u"Norwegian documentation and localization"),
contributer(u"Bennett Helm",
"bennett.helm () fandm ! edu",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Maintainer of the OSX ports, taking over from Ronald Florence"),
contributer(u"Claus Hentschel",
"claus.hentschel () mbau ! fh-hannover ! de",
u"Win32 port of LyX 1.1.x"),
contributer(u"Claus Hindsgaul",
"claus_h () image ! dk",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Danish translation"),
contributer(u"Bernard Hurley",
"bernard () fong-hurley ! org ! uk",
"Re: The LyX licence --- a gentle nudge",
"30 March 2005",
u"Fixes to literate programming support"),
contributer(u"Marius Ionescu",
"felijohn () gmail ! com",
"permission to licence",
"27 September 2006",
u"Romanian localization"),
contributer(u"Bernhard Iselborn",
"bernhard.iselborn () sap ! com",
"RE: The LyX licence",
"5 April 2005",
u"Some minor bug-fixes, FAQ, linuxdoc sgml support"),
contributer(u"Michal Jaegermann",
"michal () ellpspace ! math ! ualberta ! ca",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Fix to a very hard-to-find egcs bug that crashed LyX on alpha architecture"),
contributer(u"David L. Johnson",
"david.johnson () lehigh ! edu",
"22 February 2005",
u"Public relations, feedback, documentation and support"),
contributer(u"Robert van der Kamp",
"robnet () wxs ! nl",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"5 April 2005",
u"Various small things and code simplifying"),
contributer(u"Amir Karger",
"amirkarger () gmail ! com",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"23 February 2005",
u"Tutorial, reLyX: the LaTeX to LyX translator"),
contributer(u"Carmen Kauffmann",
u"Original name that is now two character shorter"),
contributer(u"KDE Artists",
u"Authors of several of the icons LyX uses"),
contributer(u"Andreas Klostermann",
"andreas_klostermann () web ! de",
"11 March 2005",
u"Gtk reference insertion dialog"),
"ciclope10 () alice ! it",
"Permission granted",
"9 August 2006",
u"Italian localization of the interface"),
contributer(u"Michael Koziarski",
"koziarski () gmail ! com",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Gnome port"),
contributer(u"Peter Kremer",
"kremer () bme-tel ! ttt ! bme ! hu",
u"Hungarian translation and bind file for menu shortcuts"),
contributer(u"Peter Kümmel",
"syntheticpp () gmx ! net",
"7 June 2006",
u"Qt4 coding, CMake build system, bug fixing, testing, clean ups, and profiling"),
contributer(u"Bernd Kümmerlen",
"bkuemmer () gmx ! net",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"25 February 2005",
u"Initial version of the koma-script textclasses"),
contributer(u"Felix Kurth",
"felix () fkurth ! de",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Support for textclass g-brief2"),
contributer(u"Rob Lahaye",
"lahaye () snu ! ac ! kr",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Xforms dialogs and GUI related code"),
contributer(u"Jean-Marc Lasgouttes",
"lasgouttes () lyx ! org",
"Re: Licensing of tex2lyx (and perhaps LyX itself?)",
"21 February 2005",
u"configure and Makefile-stuff and more"),
contributer(u"Victor Lavrenko",
"lyx () lavrenko ! pp ! ru",
u"Russian translation"),
contributer(u"Angus Leeming",
"leeming () lyx ! org",
"Re: Licensing of tex2lyx (and perhaps LyX itself?)",
"21 February 2005",
u"GUI-I-fication of insets and more"),
contributer(u"Edwin Leuven",
"e.leuven () uva ! nl",
"Re: Licensing of tex2lyx (and perhaps LyX itself?)",
"21 February 2005",
u"Qt2 frontend GUI-I-fication of several popups.\nDutch translation of the Windows installer"),
contributer(u"John Levon",
"levon () movementarian ! org",
"Re: Licensing of tex2lyx (and perhaps LyX itself?)",
"21 February 2005",
u"Qt2 frontend, GUII work, bugfixes"),
contributer(u"Ling Li",
"ling () caltech ! edu",
"Re: LyX 1.4cvs crash on Fedora Core 3",
"28 March 2005",
u"Added native support for \makebox to mathed. Several bug fixes, both to the source code and to the llncs layout file"),
contributer(u"Tomasz Łuczak",
"tlu () technodat ! com ! pl",
"Re: [Cvslog] lyx-devel po/: ChangeLog pl.po lib/: CREDITS",
"28 December 2005",
u"Polish translation and mw* layouts files"),
contributer(u"José Matos",
"jamatos () fc ! up ! pt",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"linuxdoc sgml support"),
contributer(u"Roman Maurer",
"roman.maurer () amis ! net",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"27 February 2005",
u"Slovenian translation coordinator"),
contributer(u"Tino Meinen",
"a.t.meinen () chello ! nl",
"Re: Licensing your contributions to LyX",
"31 October 2005",
u"Dutch translation coordinator"),
contributer(u"Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio",
"dooteo () euskalgnu ! org",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Basque documentation and localization"),
contributer(u"Daniel Naber",
"daniel.naber () t-online ! de",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Improvements to the find&replace dialog"),
contributer(u"Pablo De Napoli",
"pdenapo () mate ! dm ! uba ! ar",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Math panel dialogs"),
contributer(u"Dirk Niggemann",
"dabn100 () cam ! ac ! uk",
u"config. handling enhancements, bugfixes, printer enhancements path mingling"),
contributer(u"Carl Ollivier-Gooch",
"cfog () mech ! ubc ! ca",
"Re: The LyX licence --- a gentle nudge",
"30 March 2005",
u"Support for two-column figure (figure*) and table (table*) environments. Fixed minibuffer entry of floats."),
contributer(u'Panayotis "PAP" Papasotiriou',
"papasot () upatras ! gr",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"25 February 2005",
u"Support for kluwer and ijmpd document classes"),
contributer(u'Sanda Pavel',
"ps () ucw !cz",
"Re: czech translation",
"10 august 2006",
u"Czech translation"),
contributer(u'Bo Peng',
"ben.bob () gmail ! com",
"Re: Python version of configure script (preview version)",
"15 September 2005",
u"Conversion of all shell scripts to Python, session, view-source, auto-view features and scons build system."),
contributer(u"Joacim Persson",
"sp2joap1 () ida ! his ! se",
u"po-file for Swedish, a tool for picking shortcuts, bug reports and hacking atrandom"),
contributer(u"Zvezdan Petkovic",
"zpetkovic () acm ! org",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"6 April 2005",
u"Better support for serbian and serbocroatian"),
contributer(u"Geoffroy Piroux",
"piroux () fyma ! ucl ! ac ! be",
u"Mathematica backend for mathed"),
contributer(u"Neoklis Polyzotis",
"alkis () soe ! ucsc ! edu",
"Fwd: Re: The LyX licence",
"9 March 2005",
u"Keymap work"),
contributer(u"André Pönitz",
"andre.poenitz () mathematik ! tu-chemnitz ! de",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"21 March 2005",
u"mathed rewrite to use STL file io with streams --export and --import command line options"),
contributer(u"Kornelia Pönitz",
"kornelia.poenitz () mathematik ! tu-chemnitz ! de",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"19 March 2005",
u"heavy mathed testing; provided siamltex document class"),
contributer(u"Bernhard Psaier",
u"Designer of the LyX-Banner"),
contributer(u"Thomas Pundt",
"thomas () pundt ! de",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"6 April 2005",
u"initial configure script"),
contributer(u"Allan Rae",
"rae () itee ! uq ! edu ! au",
"lyx-1.3.6cvs configure.in patch",
"21 February 2005",
u"GUI-I architect, LyX PR head, LDN, bug reports/fixes, Itemize Bullet Selection, xforms-0.81 + gcc-2.6.3 compatibility"),
contributer(u"Adrien Rebollo",
"adrien.rebollo () gmx ! fr",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"23 February 2005",
u"French translation of the docs; latin 3, 4 and 9 support"),
contributer(u"Garst R. Reese",
"garstr () isn ! net",
"22 February 2005",
u"provided hollywood and broadway classes for writing screen scripts and plays"),
contributer(u"Bernhard Reiter",
"ockham () gmx ! net",
"Re: RFC: GThesaurus.C et al.",
"12 October 2005",
u"Gtk frontend"),
contributer(u"Ruurd Reitsma",
"rareitsma () yahoo ! com",
"Fwd: Re: The LyX licence",
"28 February 2005",
u"Creator of the native port of LyX to Windows"),
contributer(u"Bernd Rellermeyer",
"bernd.rellermeyer () arcor ! de",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"10 April 2005",
u"Support for Koma-Script family of classes"),
contributer(u"Michael Ressler",
"mike.ressler () alum ! mit ! edu",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"24 February 2005",
u"documentation maintainer, AASTeX support"),
contributer(u"Christian Ridderström",
"christian.ridderstrom () home ! se",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"The driving force behind, and maintainer of, the LyX wiki wiki.\nSwedish translation of the Windows installer"),
contributer(u"Ran Rutenberg",
"ran.rutenberg () gmail ! com",
"The New Hebrew Translation of the Introduction",
"24 October 2006",
u"Hebrew translation"),
contributer(u"Szõke Sándor",
"alex () lyx ! hu",
"Contribution to LyX",
"13 December 2005",
u"Hungarian translation"),
contributer(u"Janus Sandsgaard",
"janus () janus ! dk",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"10 June 2005",
u"Danish translation of the Windows installer"),
contributer(u"Eulogio Serradilla Rodríguez",
"eulogio.sr () terra ! es",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"23 February 2005",
u"contribution to the spanish internationalization"),
contributer(u"Hubert Schreier",
"schreier () sc ! edu",
u"spellchecker (ispell frontend); beautiful document-manager based on the simple table of contents (removed)"),
contributer(u"Ivan Schreter",
"schreter () kdk ! sk",
u"international support and kbmaps for slovak, czech, german, ... wysiwyg figure"),
contributer(u"Miyata Shigeru",
"miyata () kusm ! kyoto-u ! ac ! jp",
u"OS/2 port"),
contributer(u"Alejandro Aguilar Sierra",
"asierra () servidor ! unam ! mx",
"Fwd: Re: The LyX licence",
"23 February 2005",
u"Fast parsing with lyxlex, pseudoactions, mathpanel, Math Editor, combox and more"),
contributer(u"Lior Silberman",
"lior () princeton ! edu",
"Fwd: Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Tweaks to various XForms dialogs. Implemented the --userdir command line option, enabling LyX to run with multiple configurations for different users. Implemented the original code to make colours for diferent inset properties configurable."),
contributer(u"Andre Spiegel",
"spiegel () gnu ! org",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"vertical spaces"),
contributer(u"Jürgen Spitzmüller",
"juergen.sp () t-online ! de",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Qt frontend, bugfixes"),
contributer(u"John Spray",
"jcs116 () york ! ac ! uk",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Gtk frontend"),
contributer(u"Ben Stanley",
"ben.stanley () exemail ! com ! au",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"24 February 2005",
u"fix bugs with error insets placement"),
contributer(u"Uwe Stöhr",
"uwestoehr () web ! de",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"9 June 2005",
u"German translation of the Windows installer"),
contributer(u"David Suárez de Lis",
"excalibor () iname ! com",
u"maintaining es.po since v1.0.0 and other small i18n issues small fixes"),
contributer(u"Peter Sütterlin",
"p.suetterlin () astro ! uu ! nl",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"23 February 2005",
u"aapaper support, german documentation translation, bug reports"),
contributer(u"Kayvan Aghaiepour Sylvan",
"kayvan () sylvan ! com",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"noweb2lyx and reLyX integration of noweb files. added Import->Noweb and key bindings to menus"),
contributer(u"Reuben Thomas",
"rrt () sc3d ! org",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"encts document class lots of useful bug reports"),
contributer(u"Dekel Tsur",
"dtsur () cs ! ucsd ! edu",
"Fwd: Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Hebrew support, general file converter, many many bug fixes"),
contributer(u"Matthias Urlichs",
"smurf () smurf ! noris ! de",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"bug reports and small fixes"),
contributer(u"H. Turgut Uyar",
"uyar () ce ! itu ! edu ! tr",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"23 February 2005",
u"turkish kbmaps"),
contributer(u"Marko Vendelin",
"markov () ioc ! ee",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Gnome frontend"),
contributer(u"Joost Verburg",
"joostverburg () users ! sourceforge ! net",
"Re: New Windows Installer",
"6 June 2006",
u"A new and improved Windows installer"),
contributer(u"Martin Vermeer",
"martin.vermeer () hut ! fi",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"support for optional argument in sections/captions svjour/svjog, egs and llncs document classes. Lot of bug hunting (and fixing!)"),
contributer(u"Jürgen Vigna",
"jug () lyx ! org",
"Re: Licensing of tex2lyx (and perhaps LyX itself?)",
"21 February 2005",
u"complete rewrite of the tabular, text inset; fax- and Ascii-Export support; iletter and dinbrief support"),
contributer(u"Pauli Virtanen",
"pauli.virtanen () hut ! fi",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"23 February 2005",
u"Finnish localization of the interface"),
contributer(u"Herbert Voß",
"herbert.voss () alumni ! tu-berlin ! de",
"Fwd: Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"The one who answers all questions on lyx-users mailing list and maintains www.lyx.org/help/ Big insetgraphics and bibliography cleanups"),
contributer(u"Andreas Vox",
"avox () arcor ! de",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"Bug fixes, feedback on LyX behaviour on the Mac, and improvements to DocBook export"),
contributer(u"John P. Weiss",
"jpweiss () frontiernet ! net",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"23 February 2005",
u"Bugreports and suggestions, slides class support, editor of the documentationproject, 6/96-9/97. Tutorial chapter 1"),
contributer(u"Edmar Wienskoski",
"edmar () freescale ! com",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"6 April 2005",
u"literate programming support; various bug fixes"),
contributer(u"Mate Wierdl",
"mw () wierdlmpc ! msci ! memphis ! edu",
u"Maintainer of the @lists.lyx.org mailing-lists"),
contributer(u"Serge Winitzki",
"winitzki () erebus ! phys ! cwru ! edu",
u"updates to the Scientific Word bindings"),
contributer(u"Stephan Witt",
"stephan.witt () beusen ! de",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"support for page selection for printing support for number of copies"),
contributer(u"Huang Ying",
"huangy () sh ! necas ! nec ! com ! cn",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"28 February 2005",
u"Gtk frontend"),
contributer(u"Abdelrazak Younes",
"younes.a () free ! fr",
"Re: [Patch] RFQ: ParagraphList Rewrite",
"14 February 2006",
u"Qt4 frontend, editing optimisations"),
contributer(u"Henner Zeller",
"henner.zeller () freiheit ! com",
"Re: The LyX licence",
"22 February 2005",
u"rotation of wysiwyg figures"),
contributer(u"Xiaokun Zhu",
"xiaokun () aero ! gla ! ac ! uk",
u"bug reports and small fixes") ]
if __name__ == "__main__":
main(sys.argv, contributers)