mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 18:19:42 +00:00
This makes the defaults of Inset::inheritFont() and Inset::resetFontEdit() compatible. There is no user visible change except for the Chunk inset which does not produce invalid LaTeX after editing operations anymore. This is the safe version for 2.1.0, for later there are still open questions: - All insets with ResetsFont true should be audited: Is this really needed, or do they show similar editing problems as the Chunk inset? - Does inheritFont() need to be customizable in the layout file as well? - Is resetFontEdit() != !inheritFont() needed at all? I did not use change tracking for the docs, since I updated all existing translations.
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# \DeclareLyXModule[jurabib.sty]{Jurabib}
# DescriptionBegin
# Loads the LaTeX package jurabib, a citation engine. Jurabib supports annotations,
# author-year style citations and hyphenation patterns for bibliography entries in
# English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish and Italian.
# DescriptionEnd
# Excludes: basic | natbib
# Category: Citation engine
# Author: Julien Rioux <jrioux@lyx.org>
Format 49
Requires jurabib
CiteEngineType authoryear
DefaultBiblio jurabib
# FIXME: support for these jurabib styles (fileformat)
# citefield []{}
# footcite [][]
# footcitetitle [][]
# footcitet [][]
# footcitep [][]
# footcitealt [][]
# footcitealp [][]
# footciteauthor [][]
# footciteyear [][]
# footciteyearpar [][]
# footfullcite [][]
CiteEngine authoryear
# \cite* is not implemented: use \cite instead, it's the same
cite [][]
citetitle [][]
citet [][]
citep [][]
citealt [][]
citealp [][]
citeauthor [][]
citeyear [][]
citeyearpar [][]
fullcite [][]
CiteFormat authoryear
# translatable bits
_notcited not cited
_addtobib Add to bibliography only.
_fullcite bibliography entry
_bibentry Bibliography entry.
_before before
_shorttitle short title
# macros
!open (
!sep ;
!close )
!startlink {!<a href='#LyXCite-%clean:key%'>!}
!endlink {!</a>!}
!cite %!startlink%%!shortauthor%%!endlink%%!textbefore2%%!textafter2%%!nextcite%
!citetitle %!startlink%%!shortauthor%%!endlink%%!textbefore2%%!shorttitle%%!textafter2%%!nextcitetitle%
!citet %!textbefore%%!startlink%%!shortauthor%%!endlink% %!open%%!year%%!textafter%%!close%%!nextcitet%
!citep %!open%%!citealp%%!close%
!citealt %!textbefore%%!startlink%%!shortauthor% %!year%%!endlink%%!textafter%%!nextcitealt%
!citealp %!textbefore%%!startlink%%!shortauthor%, %!year%%!endlink%%!textafter%%!nextcitealp%
!citeauthor %!textbefore%%!startlink%%!shortauthor%%!endlink%%!textafter%%!nextauthor%
!citeyear %!textbefore%%!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!textafter%%!nextyear%
!citeyearpar %!textbefore%%!open%%!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!close%%!textafter%%!nextyearpar%
!fullcite {%textbefore%[[%textbefore% in: ]]}%bibentry%{%textafter%[[ %textafter%]]}%!nextfullcite%
!nextcite {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%%!shortauthor%%!endlink%%!textafter2%%!nextcite%]]}
!nextcitetitle {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%%!shortauthor%%!endlink%%!shorttitle%%!textafter2%%!nextcitetitle%]]}
!nextcitet {%next%[[%!sep% %!citet%]]}
!nextcitealt {%next%[[%!sep% %!citealt%]]}
!nextcitealp {%next%[[%!sep% %!citealp%]]}
!nextauthor {%next%[[%!sep% %!citeauthor%]]}
!nextyear {%next%[[%!sep% %!citeyear%]]}
!nextyearpar {%next%[[%!sep% %!citeyearpar%]]}
!nextfullcite {%next%[[%!sep% %bibentry%{%textafter%[[ %textafter%]]}%!nextfullcite%]]}
!nextkey {%next%[[%!sep% %key%%!nextkey%]]}
!shortauthor {%shortauthor%[[%shortauthor%]][[??]]}
!shorttitle {%shorttitle%[[ %shorttitle%]][[{%dialog%[[ <%_shorttitle%>]]}]]}
!textbefore {%textbefore%[[%textbefore% ]]}
!textbefore2 {%textbefore%[[/%textbefore%]][[{%dialog%[[/<%_before%>]]}]]}
!textafter {%textafter%[[, %textafter%]]}
!textafter2 {%textafter%[[ %textafter%]]}
!year {%year%[[%year%]][[??]]}{%modifier%[[%modifier%]]}
# cite styles
cite %!cite%
citetitle %!citetitle%
citet %!citet%
citep %!citep%
citealt %!citealt%
citealp %!citealp%
citeauthor %!citeauthor%
citeyear %!citeyear%
citeyearpar %!citeyearpar%
fullcite {%dialog%[[%_bibentry%]][[{%label%[[%!fullcite%]][[%key%%!nextkey% (%_fullcite%)]]}]]}
nocite {%dialog%[[%_addtobib%]][[%key%%!nextkey% (%_notcited%)]]}