Juergen Spitzmueller fcd61f90e7 Cut excessively long author lists before parsing them for the GUI
as they will be truncated anyway.

Fixes performance issues with long author lists in bib files.

(cherry picked from commit 7d2d26132b)
2024-07-05 18:54:27 +02:00

303 lines
12 KiB

// -*- C++ -*-
* \file BiblioInfo.h
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Angus Leeming
* \author Herbert Voß
* \author Richard Kimberly Heck
* \author Julien Rioux
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include "support/docstring.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
namespace lyx {
class Buffer;
class BufferParams;
class CitationStyle;
class CiteItem;
class XMLStream;
/// \param latex_str a LaTeX command, "cite", "Citep*", etc
CitationStyle citationStyleFromString(std::string const & latex_str,
BufferParams const &);
/// the other way round
std::string citationStyleToString(CitationStyle const &, bool const latex = false);
/// Transforms the information about authors into a <authorgroup> (directly written to a XMLStream).
/// Type: "author" or empty means author of the entry (article, book, etc.); "book" means author of the book
/// (but not necessarily of this entry in particular).
void authorsToDocBookAuthorGroup(docstring const & authorsString, XMLStream & xs, Buffer const & buf,
std::string type);
/// Class to represent information about a BibTeX or
/// bibliography entry.
/// This class basically wraps a std::map, and many of its
/// methods simply delegate to the corresponding methods of
/// std::map.
class BibTeXInfo {
/// The keys are BibTeX fields (e.g., author, title, etc),
/// and the values are the associated field values.
typedef std::map<docstring, docstring>::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef std::vector<BibTeXInfo const *> const BibTeXInfoList;
BibTeXInfo() : is_bibtex_(true), num_bib_key_(0), modifier_(0) {}
/// argument sets isBibTeX_, so should be false only if it's coming
/// from a bibliography environment
BibTeXInfo(bool ib) : is_bibtex_(ib), num_bib_key_(0), modifier_(0) {}
/// constructor that sets the entryType
BibTeXInfo(docstring const & key, docstring const & type);
/// \return an author or editor list (short form by default),
/// used for sorting.
/// This will be translated to the UI language if buf is null
/// otherwise, it will be translated to the buffer language.
docstring const getAuthorOrEditorList(Buffer const * buf = nullptr,
size_t const max_key_size = 128,
bool full = false, bool forceshort = false) const;
/// Same for a specific author role (editor, author etc.)
docstring const getAuthorList(Buffer const * buf, docstring const & author, size_t const max_key_size,
bool const full = false, bool const forceshort = false,
bool const allnames = false, bool const beginning = true) const;
docstring const getYear() const;
void getLocators(docstring & doi, docstring & url, docstring & file) const;
/// \return formatted BibTeX data suitable for framing.
/// \param vector of pointers to crossref/xdata information
docstring const & getInfo(BibTeXInfoList const & xrefs,
Buffer const & buf, CiteItem const & ci,
docstring const & format = docstring()) const;
/// \return formatted BibTeX data for a citation label
docstring const getLabel(BibTeXInfoList const & xrefs,
Buffer const & buf, docstring const & format,
CiteItem const & ci, bool next = false, bool second = false) const;
const_iterator find(docstring const & f) const { return bimap_.find(f); }
const_iterator end() const { return bimap_.end(); }
/// \return value for field f
/// note that this will create an empty field if it does not exist
docstring & operator[](docstring const & f)
{ return bimap_[f]; }
/// \return value for field f
/// this one, since it is const, will simply return docstring() if
/// we don't have the field and will NOT create an empty field
docstring const & operator[](docstring const & field) const;
docstring const & operator[](std::string const & field) const;
docstring const & allData() const { return all_data_; }
void setAllData(docstring const & d) { all_data_ = d; }
void label(docstring const & d) { label_= d; }
void key(docstring const & d) { bib_key_= d; }
/// Record the number of occurences of the same key
/// (duplicates are allowed with qualified citation lists)
void numKey(int const i) { num_bib_key_ = i; }
docstring const & label() const { return label_; }
docstring const & key() const { return bib_key_; }
/// numerical key for citing this entry. currently used only
/// by XHTML output routines.
docstring citeNumber() const { return cite_number_; }
void setCiteNumber(docstring const & num) { cite_number_ = num; }
/// a,b,c, etc, for author-year. currently used only by XHTML
/// output routines.
char modifier() const { return modifier_; }
void setModifier(char c) { modifier_ = c; }
docstring entryType() const { return entry_type_; }
bool isBibTeX() const { return is_bibtex_; }
/// like operator[], except, if the field is empty, it will attempt
/// to get the data from xref BibTeXInfo objects, which would normally
/// be the one referenced in the crossref or xdata field.
docstring getValueForKey(std::string const & key, Buffer const & buf,
CiteItem const & ci, BibTeXInfoList const & xrefs, size_t maxsize = 4096) const;
/// replace %keys% in a format string with their values
/// called from getInfo()
/// format strings may contain:
/// %key%, which represents a key
/// {%key%[[format]]}, which prints format if key is non-empty
/// the latter may optionally contain an `else' clause as well:
/// {%key%[[if format]][[else format]]}
/// Material intended only for rich text (HTML) output should be
/// wrapped in "{!" and "!}". These markers are to be postprocessed
/// by processRichtext(); this step is left as a separate routine since
/// expandFormat() is recursive while postprocessing should be done
/// only once on the final string (just like convertLaTeXCommands).
/// a simple macro facility is also available. keys that look like
/// "%!key%" are substituted with their definition.
/// moreover, keys that look like "%_key%" are treated as translatable
/// so that things like "pp." and "vol." can be translated.
docstring expandFormat(docstring const & fmt,
BibTeXInfoList const & xrefs, int & counter,
Buffer const & buf, CiteItem const & ci,
bool next = false, bool second = false) const;
/// true if from BibTeX; false if from bibliography environment
bool is_bibtex_;
/// the BibTeX key for this entry
docstring bib_key_;
/// Number of occurences of the same key
int num_bib_key_;
/// the label that will appear in citations
/// this is easily set from bibliography environments, but has
/// to be calculated for entries we get from BibTeX
docstring label_;
/// a single string containing all BibTeX data associated with this key
docstring all_data_;
/// the BibTeX entry type (article, book, incollection, ...)
docstring entry_type_;
/// a cache for getInfo()
mutable docstring info_;
/// a cache for getInfo(richtext = true)
mutable docstring info_richtext_;
/// cache for last format pattern
mutable docstring format_;
docstring cite_number_;
char modifier_;
/// our map: <field, value>
std::map <docstring, docstring> bimap_;
/// Class to represent a collection of bibliographical data, whether
/// from BibTeX or from bibliography environments.
class BiblioInfo {
typedef std::vector<BibTeXInfo const *> BibTeXInfoList;
/// bibliography key --> data for that key
typedef std::map<docstring, BibTeXInfo>::const_iterator const_iterator;
/// Get a vector with all external data (crossref, xdata)
std::vector<docstring> const getXRefs(BibTeXInfo const & data,
bool const nested = false) const;
/// \return a sorted vector of bibliography keys
std::vector<docstring> const getKeys() const;
/// \return a sorted vector of present BibTeX fields
std::vector<docstring> const getFields() const;
/// \return a sorted vector of BibTeX entry types in use
std::vector<docstring> const getEntries() const;
/// \return author or editor list (abbreviated form by default)
docstring const getAuthorOrEditorList(docstring const & key, Buffer const & buf,
size_t const max_key_size) const;
/// \return the year from the bibtex data record for \param key
/// if \param use_modifier is true, then we will also append any
/// modifier for this entry (e.g., 1998b).
/// If no legacy year field is present, check for date (common in
/// biblatex) and extract the year from there.
/// Note further that this will get the year from the crossref or xdata
/// if it's not present in the record itself.
docstring const getYear(docstring const & key,
bool use_modifier = false) const;
/// \return the year from the bibtex data record for \param key
/// if \param use_modifier is true, then we will also append any
/// modifier for this entry (e.g., 1998b).
/// If no legacy year field is present, check for date (common in
/// biblatex) and extract the year from there.
/// Note further that this will get the year from the crossref or xdata
/// if it's not present in the record itself.
/// If no year is found, \return "No year" translated to the buffer
/// language.
docstring const getYear(docstring const & key, Buffer const & buf,
bool use_modifier = false) const;
/// get either local pdf or web location of the citation referenced by key.
/// DOI/file are prefixed so they form proper URL for generic qt handler
void getLocators(docstring const & key, docstring & doi, docstring & url, docstring & file) const;
docstring const getCiteNumber(docstring const & key) const;
/// \return formatted BibTeX data associated with a given key.
/// Empty if no info exists.
/// Note that this will retrieve data from the crossref or xdata as needed.
/// \param ci contains further context information, such as if it should
/// output any richtext tags marked in the citation format and escape < and >
/// elsewhere, and the general output context.
docstring const getInfo(docstring const & key, Buffer const & buf,
CiteItem const & ci, docstring const & format = docstring()) const;
/// \return formatted BibTeX data for citation labels.
/// Citation labels can have more than one key.
docstring const getLabel(std::vector<docstring> keys, Buffer const & buf,
std::string const & style, CiteItem const & ci) const;
/// Is this a reference from a bibtex database
/// or from a bibliography environment?
bool isBibtex(docstring const & key) const;
/// A vector holding a pair of lyx cite command and the respective
/// output for a given (list of) key(s).
typedef std::vector<std::pair<docstring,docstring>> CiteStringMap;
/// Translates the available citation styles into strings for a given
/// list of keys, using either numerical or author-year style depending
/// upon the active engine. The function returns a CiteStringMap with the first
/// element being the lyx cite command, the second being the formatted
/// citation reference.
CiteStringMap const getCiteStrings(
std::vector<docstring> const & keys,
std::vector<CitationStyle> const & styles, Buffer const & buf,
CiteItem const & ci) const;
/// A list of BibTeX keys cited in the current document, sorted by
/// the last name of the author.
/// Make sure you have called collectCitedEntries() before you try to
/// use this. You should probably call it just before you use this.
std::vector<docstring> const & citedEntries() const
{ return cited_entries_; }
void makeCitationLabels(Buffer const & buf);
const_iterator begin() const { return bimap_.begin(); }
void clear() { bimap_.clear(); }
bool empty() const { return bimap_.empty(); }
const_iterator end() const { return bimap_.end(); }
const_iterator find(docstring const & f) const { return bimap_.find(f); }
void mergeBiblioInfo(BiblioInfo const & info);
BibTeXInfo & operator[](docstring const & f) { return bimap_[f]; }
void addFieldName(docstring const & f) { field_names_.insert(f); }
void addEntryType(docstring const & f) { entry_types_.insert(f); }
/// Collects the cited entries from buf.
void collectCitedEntries(Buffer const & buf);
std::set<docstring> field_names_;
std::set<docstring> entry_types_;
/// our map: keys --> BibTeXInfo
std::map<docstring, BibTeXInfo> bimap_;
/// a possibly sorted list of entries cited in our Buffer.
/// do not try to make this a vector<BibTeXInfo *> or anything of
/// the sort, because reloads will invalidate those pointers.
std::vector<docstring> cited_entries_;
} // namespace lyx
#endif // BIBLIOINFO_H