mirror of
synced 2024-11-08 10:51:03 +00:00
Oldname, newname, classes src/pspell.C src/PSpell.cpp PSpell src/ParagraphMetrics.h src/ParagraphMetrics.h ParagraphMetrics src/author.C src/Author.cpp ['Author', 'AuthorList'] src/Floating.C src/Floating.cpp Floating src/lyxvc.C src/LyXVC.cpp LyXVC src/intl.C src/Intl.cpp Intl src/paragraph.h src/Paragraph.h ['FontSpan', 'Paragraph'] src/LyXAction.C src/LyXAction.cpp LyXAction src/SpellBase.C src/SpellBase.cpp SpellBase src/TextMetrics.C src/TextMetrics.cpp TextMetrics src/LaTeXFeatures.C src/LaTeXFeatures.cpp LaTeXFeatures src/buffer_funcs.h src/buffer_funcs.h NOCLASSES src/Variables.h src/Variables.h Variables src/cursor.C src/LCursor.cpp LCursor src/lyx_cb.C src/lyx_cb.cpp NOCLASSES src/DepTable.C src/DepTable.cpp ['DepTable', 'dep_info'] src/vspace.C src/VSpace.cpp VSpace src/Thesaurus.C src/Thesaurus.cpp Thesaurus src/Color.h src/color.h NOCLASSES src/Spacing.C src/Spacing.cpp Spacing src/dociterator.h src/DocIterator.h ['DocIterator', 'StableDocIterator'] src/trans.C src/Trans.cpp Trans src/metricsinfo.h src/MetricsInfo.h ['MetricsBase', 'MetricsInfo', 'PainterInfo', 'TextMetricsInfo', 'ViewMetricsInfo', 'Changer', 'FontChanger', 'FontSetChanger', 'StyleChanger', 'ScriptChanger', 'FracChanger', 'ArrayChanger', 'ShapeChanger', 'WidthChanger', 'ColorChanger'] src/box.C src/Box.cpp Box src/language.h src/Language.h ['Language', 'Languages'] src/output_plaintext.C src/output_plaintext.cpp NOCLASSES src/coordcache.C src/CoordCache.cpp ['Point', 'CoordCache'] src/lyxlex.h src/LyXLex.h ['LyXLex', 'pushpophelper'] src/encoding.h src/Encoding.h ['Encoding', 'Encodings', 'const_iterator'] src/debug.h src/debug.h lyx_debug_trait src/Chktex.h src/Chktex.h Chktex src/output.C src/output.cpp NOCLASSES src/output_latex.h src/output_latex.h NOCLASSES src/sgml.C src/sgml.cpp NOCLASSES src/pspell.h src/PSpell.h PSpell src/bufferlist.C src/BufferList.cpp BufferList src/author.h src/Author.h ['Author', 'AuthorList'] src/Bidi.C src/Bidi.cpp Bidi src/exporter.C src/Exporter.cpp ['Exporter', 'ExportedFile', 'ExportData'] src/Floating.h src/Floating.h Floating src/lyxvc.h src/LyXVC.h LyXVC src/intl.h src/Intl.h Intl src/lyxlength.C src/LyXLength.cpp LyXLength src/LyXAction.h src/LyXAction.h LyXAction src/SpellBase.h src/SpellBase.h SpellBase src/TextMetrics.h src/TextMetrics.h TextMetrics src/LaTeXFeatures.h src/LaTeXFeatures.h LaTeXFeatures src/cursor.h src/LCursor.h LCursor src/layout.h src/layout.h NOCLASSES src/DepTable.h src/DepTable.h ['DepTable', 'dep_info'] src/lyx_cb.h src/lyx_cb.h NOCLASSES src/vspace.h src/VSpace.h VSpace src/PrinterParams.C src/PrinterParams.cpp PrinterParams src/tex-strings.C src/tex-strings.cpp NOCLASSES src/Thesaurus.h src/Thesaurus.h Thesaurus src/Spacing.h src/Spacing.h Spacing src/BranchList.C src/BranchList.cpp ['Branch', 'BranchList', 'BranchNamesEqual'] src/trans.h src/Trans.h Trans src/output_plaintext.h src/output_plaintext.h NOCLASSES src/box.h src/Box.h Box src/coordcache.h src/CoordCache.h ['Point', 'CoordCache'] src/graph.C src/Graph.cpp ['Graph', 'Vertex'] src/lyxserver.C src/LyXServer.cpp ['LyXComm', 'LyXServer'] src/undo.C src/Undo.cpp Undo src/output.h src/output.h NOCLASSES src/text2.C src/text2.cpp NOCLASSES src/ParagraphList_fwd.h src/ParagraphList_fwd.h NOCLASSES src/sgml.h src/sgml.h NOCLASSES src/converter.C src/Converter.cpp ['Converter', 'Converters'] src/factory.C src/factory.cpp NOCLASSES src/RowList_fwd.h src/RowList_fwd.h NOCLASSES src/buffer.C src/Buffer.cpp Buffer src/bufferlist.h src/BufferList.h BufferList src/CutAndPaste.C src/CutAndPaste.cpp NOCLASSES src/Bidi.h src/Bidi.h Bidi src/exporter.h src/Exporter.h ['Exporter', 'ExportedFile', 'ExportData'] src/InsetList.C src/InsetList.cpp ['InsetList', 'InsetTable'] src/FontIterator.C src/FontIterator.cpp FontIterator src/session.C src/Session.cpp ['SessionSection', 'LastFilesSection', 'LastOpenedSection', 'LastFilePosSection', 'BookmarksSection', 'Bookmark', 'ToolbarSection', 'ToolbarInfo', 'SessionInfoSection', 'Session'] src/lyxlength.h src/LyXLength.h LyXLength src/main.C src/main.cpp LyXLength src/lyxsocket.C src/LyXServerSocket.cpp ['LyXServerSocket', 'LyXDataSocket'] src/errorlist.C src/ErrorList.cpp ['ErrorItem', 'ErrorList'] src/lyxtext.h src/LyXText.h LyXText src/lyxfunc.C src/LyXFunc.cpp LyXFunc src/format.C src/Format.cpp ['Format', 'Formats'] src/lengthcommon.C src/lengthcommon.cpp NOCLASSES src/tex-strings.h src/tex-strings.h NOCLASSES src/PrinterParams.h src/PrinterParams.h PrinterParams src/insetiterator.C src/InsetIterator.cpp InsetIterator src/vc-backend.C src/VCBackend.cpp ['VCS', 'RCS', 'CVS'] src/TocBackend.C src/TocBackend.cpp ['TocItem', 'TocList', 'TocBackend'] src/BranchList.h src/BranchList.h ['Branch', 'BranchList', 'BranchNamesEqual'] src/FuncStatus.C src/FuncStatus.cpp FuncStatus src/Sectioning.C src/Section.cpp ['Section', 'SectioningList'] src/counters.C src/Counters.cpp ['Counter', 'Counters'] src/graph.h src/Graph.h ['Graph', 'Vertex'] src/lyxserver.h src/LyXServer.h ['LyXComm', 'LyXServer'] src/undo.h src/Undo.h Undo src/paper.h src/paper.h NOCLASSES src/converter.h src/Converter.h ['Converter', 'Converters'] src/factory.h src/factory.h NOCLASSES src/LaTeX.C src/LaTeX.cpp ['TeXErrors', 'Error', 'Aux_Info', 'LaTeX'] src/bufferparams.C src/BufferParams.cpp ['BufferParams', 'MemoryTraits'] src/buffer.h src/Buffer.h Buffer src/CutAndPaste.h src/CutAndPaste.h NOCLASSES src/InsetList.h src/InsetList.h ['InsetList', 'InsetTable'] src/kbsequence.C src/kb_sequence.cpp kb_sequence src/FontIterator.h src/FontIterator.h FontIterator src/dimension.C src/Dimension.cpp Dimension src/Bullet.C src/Bullet.cpp Bullet src/texrow.C src/TexRow.cpp ['TexRow', 'RowItem'] src/session.h src/Session.h ['SessionSection', 'LastFilesSection', 'LastOpenedSection', 'LastFilePosSection', 'BookmarksSection', 'Bookmark', 'ToolbarSection', 'ToolbarInfo', 'SessionInfoSection', 'Session'] src/ParagraphParameters.C src/ParagraphParameters.cpp ParagraphParameters src/lyxsocket.h src/LyXServerSocket.h ['LyXServerSocket', 'LyXDataSocket'] src/errorlist.h src/ErrorList.h ['ErrorItem', 'ErrorList'] src/tabular.C src/LyXTabular.cpp ['LyXTabular', 'ltType', 'cellstruct', 'rowstruct', 'columnstruct'] src/pariterator.C src/ParIterator.cpp ['ParIterator', 'ParConstIterator'] src/lyxfunc.h src/LyXFunc.h LyXFunc src/format.h src/Format.h ['Format', 'Formats'] src/aspell_local.h src/ASpell_local.h ASpell src/lengthcommon.h src/lengthcommon.h NOCLASSES src/insetiterator.h src/InsetIterator.h InsetIterator src/lyxrc.C src/LyXRC.cpp ['LyXRC', 'LyXRC_PreviewStatus'] src/TocBackend.h src/TocBackend.h ['TocItem', 'TocList', 'TocBackend'] src/vc-backend.h src/VCBackend.h ['VCS', 'RCS', 'CVS'] src/dispatchresult.h src/DispatchResult.h DispatchResult src/lyxtextclasslist.C src/LyXTextClassList.cpp LyXTextClassList src/paragraph_funcs.C src/paragraph_funcs.cpp NOCLASSES src/funcrequest.C src/FuncRequest.cpp FuncRequest src/FuncStatus.h src/FuncStatus.h FuncStatus src/UpdateFlags.h src/UpdateFlags.h NOCLASSES src/lyxrow.C src/Row.cpp ['Row', 'RowMetrics'] src/outputparams.C src/OutputParams.cpp OutputParams src/counters.h src/Counters.h ['Counter', 'Counters'] src/Sectioning.h src/Section.h ['Section', 'SectioningList'] src/text3.C src/text3.cpp ['Section', 'SectioningList'] src/lyxlayout.C src/LyXLayout.cpp LyXLayout src/lyxfind.C src/lyxfind.cpp NOCLASSES src/bufferparams.h src/BufferParams.h ['BufferParams', 'MemoryTraits'] src/LaTeX.h src/LaTeX.h ['TeXErrors', 'Error', 'Aux_Info', 'LaTeX'] src/trans_decl.h src/KmodInfo.h KmodInfo src/gettext.C src/gettext.cpp NOCLASSES src/dimension.h src/Dimension.h Dimension src/kbmap.C src/kb_keymap.cpp kb_keymap src/kbsequence.h src/kb_sequence.h kb_sequence src/rowpainter.C src/rowpainter.cpp NOCLASSES src/ConverterCache.C src/ConverterCache.cpp ConverterCache src/lyxgluelength.C src/LyXGlueLength.cpp LyXGlueLength src/tex-accent.C src/tex-accent.cpp NOCLASSES src/Bullet.h src/Bullet.h Bullet src/texrow.h src/TexRow.h ['TexRow', 'RowItem'] src/ParagraphParameters.h src/ParagraphParameters.h ParagraphParameters src/tabular.h src/LyXTabular.h ['LyXTabular', 'ltType', 'cellstruct', 'rowstruct', 'columnstruct'] src/importer.C src/Importer.cpp Importer src/pariterator.h src/ParIterator.h ['ParIterator', 'ParConstIterator'] src/lyxfont.C src/LyXFont.cpp ['LyXFont', 'LyXFont_size'] src/BufferView.C src/BufferView.cpp BufferView src/ParagraphList.h src/ParagraphList.h NOCLASSES src/lyxrc.h src/LyXRC.h ['LyXRC', 'LyXRC_PreviewStatus'] src/lyxtextclass.C src/LyXTextClass.cpp ['CharStyle', 'LyXTextClass'] src/changes.C src/Changes.cpp ['Change', 'Changes', 'Range', 'ChangeRange'] src/lyxtextclasslist.h src/LyXTextClassList.h LyXTextClassList src/paragraph_funcs.h src/paragraph_funcs.h NOCLASSES src/funcrequest.h src/FuncRequest.h FuncRequest src/lyxrow.h src/Row.h ['Row', 'RowMetrics'] src/outputparams.h src/OutputParams.h OutputParams src/MenuBackend.C src/MenuBackend.cpp ['MenuItem', 'Menu', 'MenuBackend'] src/lyxlayout.h src/LyXLayout.h LyXLayout src/lyxfind.h src/lyxfind.h NOCLASSES src/gettext.h src/gettext.h NOCLASSES src/LColor.C src/LColor.cpp ['LColor', 'LColor_color'] src/version.h src/version.h NOCLASSES src/cursor_slice.C src/CursorSlice.cpp CursorSlice src/WordLangTuple.h src/WordLangTuple.h WordLangTuple src/lfuns.h src/lfuns.h NOCLASSES src/trans_mgr.C src/TransState.cpp ['TransState', 'TransFSMData', 'TransInitState', 'TransDeadkeyState', 'TransCombinedState', 'TransFSM', 'TransManager'] src/kbmap.h src/kb_keymap.h kb_keymap src/rowpainter.h src/rowpainter.h NOCLASSES src/ConverterCache.h src/ConverterCache.h ConverterCache src/lyxgluelength.h src/LyXGlueLength.h LyXGlueLength src/output_docbook.C src/output_docbook.cpp NOCLASSES src/tex-accent.h src/tex-accent.h NOCLASSES src/FloatList.C src/FloatList.cpp FloatList src/bufferview_funcs.C src/bufferview_funcs.cpp NOCLASSES src/importer.h src/Importer.h Importer src/messages.C src/Messages.cpp Messages src/lyxfont.h src/LyXFont.h ['LyXFont', 'LyXFont_size'] src/BufferView.h src/BufferView.h BufferView src/ToolbarBackend.C src/ToolbarBackend.cpp ['ToolbarItem', 'ToolbarInfo', 'ToolbarBackend'] src/lyx_sty.C src/lyx_sty.cpp NOCLASSES src/lyxtextclass.h src/LyXTextClass.h ['CharStyle', 'LyXTextClass'] src/changes.h src/Changes.h ['Change', 'Changes', 'Range', 'ChangeRange'] src/aspell.C src/ASpell.cpp src/lyx_main.C src/LyX.cpp LyX src/MenuBackend.h src/MenuBackend.h ['MenuItem', 'Menu', 'MenuBackend'] src/toc.C src/toc.cpp NOCLASSES src/boost.C src/boost.cpp NOCLASSES src/ispell.C src/ISpell.cpp ISpell src/mover.C src/Mover.cpp ['Mover', 'SpecialisedMover', 'Movers'] src/ParagraphMetrics.C src/ParagraphMetrics.cpp ParagraphMetrics src/LColor.h src/LColor.h ['LColor', 'LColor_color'] src/cursor_slice.h src/CursorSlice.h CursorSlice src/trans_mgr.h src/TransState.h ['TransState', 'TransFSMData', 'TransInitState', 'TransDeadkeyState', 'TransCombinedState', 'TransFSM', 'TransManager'] src/lyxlayout_ptr_fwd.h src/lyxlayout_ptr_fwd.h NOCLASSES src/output_docbook.h src/output_docbook.h NOCLASSES src/paragraph.C src/Paragraph.cpp ['FontSpan', 'Paragraph'] src/FloatList.h src/FloatList.h FloatList src/bufferview_funcs.h src/bufferview_funcs.h NOCLASSES src/buffer_funcs.C src/buffer_funcs.cpp NOCLASSES src/Variables.C src/Variables.cpp Variables src/messages.h src/Messages.h Messages src/Color.C src/color.cpp NOCLASSES src/dociterator.C src/DocIterator.cpp ['DocIterator', 'StableDocIterator'] src/ToolbarBackend.h src/ToolbarBackend.h ['ToolbarItem', 'ToolbarInfo', 'ToolbarBackend'] src/lyx_sty.h src/lyx_sty.h NOCLASSES src/metricsinfo.C src/MetricsInfo.cpp ['MetricsBase', 'MetricsInfo', 'PainterInfo', 'TextMetricsInfo', 'ViewMetricsInfo', 'Changer', 'FontChanger', 'FontSetChanger', 'StyleChanger', 'ScriptChanger', 'FracChanger', 'ArrayChanger', 'ShapeChanger', 'WidthChanger', 'ColorChanger'] src/language.C src/Language.cpp ['Language', 'Languages'] src/text.C src/text.cpp ['Language', 'Languages'] src/lyx_main.h src/LyX.h LyX src/lyxlex.C src/LyXLex.cpp ['LyXLex', 'pushpophelper'] src/encoding.C src/Encoding.cpp ['Encoding', 'Encodings', 'const_iterator'] src/debug.C src/debug.cpp lyx_debug_trait src/Chktex.C src/Chktex.cpp Chktex src/toc.h src/toc.h NOCLASSES src/ispell.h src/ISpell.h ISpell src/mover.h src/Mover.h ['Mover', 'SpecialisedMover', 'Movers'] src/output_latex.C src/output_latex.cpp NOCLASSES git-svn-id: svn://svn.lyx.org/lyx/lyx-devel/trunk@18019 a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
340 lines
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340 lines
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* \file Counters.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes
* \author Martin Vermeer
* \author André Pönitz
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include "Counters.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include "support/convert.h"
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <sstream>
namespace lyx {
using std::endl;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::string;
void Counter::set(int v)
value_ = v;
void Counter::addto(int v)
value_ += v;
int Counter::value() const
return value_;
void Counter::step()
void Counter::reset()
value_ = 0;
docstring const & Counter::master() const
return master_;
void Counter::setMaster(docstring const & m)
master_ = m;
void Counters::newCounter(docstring const & newc)
// First check if newc already exist
CounterList::iterator const cit = counterList.find(newc);
// if already exist give warning and return
if (cit != counterList.end()) {
lyxerr << "New counter already exists: "
<< to_utf8(newc)
<< endl;
void Counters::newCounter(docstring const & newc,
docstring const & masterc)
// First check if newc already exists
CounterList::iterator const cit = counterList.find(newc);
// if already existant give warning and return
if (cit != counterList.end()) {
lyxerr << "New counter already exists: "
<< to_utf8(newc)
<< endl;
// then check if masterc exists
CounterList::iterator const it = counterList.find(masterc);
// if not give warning and return
if (it == counterList.end()) {
lyxerr << "Master counter does not exist: "
<< to_utf8(masterc)
<< endl;
void Counters::set(docstring const & ctr, int const val)
CounterList::iterator const it = counterList.find(ctr);
if (it == counterList.end()) {
lyxerr << "set: Counter does not exist: "
<< to_utf8(ctr) << endl;
void Counters::addto(docstring const & ctr, int const val)
CounterList::iterator const it = counterList.find(ctr);
if (it == counterList.end()) {
lyxerr << "addto: Counter does not exist: "
<< to_utf8(ctr) << endl;
int Counters::value(docstring const & ctr) const
CounterList::const_iterator const cit = counterList.find(ctr);
if (cit == counterList.end()) {
lyxerr << "value: Counter does not exist: "
<< to_utf8(ctr) << endl;
return 0;
return cit->second.value();
void Counters::step(docstring const & ctr)
CounterList::iterator it = counterList.find(ctr);
if (it == counterList.end()) {
lyxerr << "step: Counter does not exist: "
<< to_utf8(ctr) << endl;
it = counterList.begin();
CounterList::iterator const end = counterList.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
if (it->second.master() == ctr) {
void Counters::reset()
CounterList::iterator it = counterList.begin();
CounterList::iterator const end = counterList.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
void Counters::reset(docstring const & match)
CounterList::iterator it = counterList.begin();
CounterList::iterator end = counterList.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
if (it->first.find(match) != string::npos)
void Counters::copy(Counters & from, Counters & to, docstring const & match)
CounterList::iterator it = counterList.begin();
CounterList::iterator end = counterList.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
if (it->first.find(match) != string::npos || match == "") {
to.set(it->first, from.value(it->first));
namespace {
char loweralphaCounter(int const n)
if (n < 1 || n > 26)
return '?';
return 'a' + n - 1;
char alphaCounter(int const n)
if (n < 1 || n > 26)
return '?';
return 'A' + n - 1;
char hebrewCounter(int const n)
static const char hebrew[22] = {
'à', 'á', 'â', 'ã', 'ä', 'å', 'æ', 'ç', 'è',
'é', 'ë', 'ì', 'î', 'ð', 'ñ', 'ò', 'ô', 'ö',
'÷', 'ø', 'ù', 'ú'
if (n < 1 || n > 22)
return '?';
return hebrew[n - 1];
docstring const lowerromanCounter(int const n)
static char const * const roman[20] = {
"i", "ii", "iii", "iv", "v",
"vi", "vii", "viii", "ix", "x",
"xi", "xii", "xiii", "xiv", "xv",
"xvi", "xvii", "xviii", "xix", "xx"
if (n < 1 || n > 20)
return from_ascii("??");
return from_ascii(roman[n - 1]);
docstring const romanCounter(int const n)
static char const * const roman[20] = {
"I", "II", "III", "IV", "V",
"VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X",
"XI", "XII", "XIII", "XIV", "XV",
"XVI", "XVII", "XVIII", "XIX", "XX"
if (n < 1 || n > 20)
return from_ascii("??");
return from_ascii(roman[n - 1]);
} // namespace anon
docstring Counters::labelItem(docstring const & ctr,
docstring const & numbertype)
CounterList::const_iterator const cit = counterList.find(ctr);
if (cit == counterList.end()) {
lyxerr << "Counter "
<< to_utf8(ctr)
<< " does not exist." << endl;
return docstring();
int val = cit->second.value();
if (numbertype == "hebrew")
return docstring(1, hebrewCounter(val));
if (numbertype == "alph")
return docstring(1, loweralphaCounter(val));
if (numbertype == "Alph")
return docstring(1, alphaCounter(val));
if (numbertype == "roman")
return lowerromanCounter(val);
if (numbertype == "Roman")
return romanCounter(val);
return convert<docstring>(val);
docstring Counters::counterLabel(docstring const & format)
docstring label = format;
while (true) {
#warning Using boost::regex or boost::spirit would make this code a lot simpler... (Lgb)
size_t const i = label.find('\\', 0);
if (i == docstring::npos)
size_t const j = label.find('{', i + 1);
if (j == docstring::npos)
size_t const k = label.find('}', j + 1);
if (k == docstring::npos)
docstring const numbertype(label, i + 1, j - i - 1);
docstring const counter(label, j + 1, k - j - 1);
docstring const rep = labelItem(counter, numbertype);
label = docstring(label, 0, i) + rep
+ docstring(label, k + 1, docstring::npos);
//lyxerr << " : " << " (" << counter << ","
// << numbertype << ") -> " << label << endl;
//lyxerr << "counterLabel: " << format << " -> " << label << endl;
return label;
} // namespace lyx