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synced 2025-01-10 02:54:09 +00:00
The log file generated by latex can contain strings encoded in whatever supported encoding. Instead of guessing the encoding, it is better to open it in binary mode and then performing the necessary comparisons as "bytes". In order to do this, the strings are encoded in utf8, so that, for example, b"pythön" is encoded as "pyth\xc3\xb6n" (7 bytes). Of course, this means that we can only successfully perform comparisons with ascii strings. However, this is what we actually do, as we only search for ascii strings in the log file.
359 lines
11 KiB
359 lines
11 KiB
# file lyxpreview_tools.py
# This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
# Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
# author Angus Leeming
# Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS
# and with much help testing the code under Windows from
# Paul A. Rubin, rubin@msu.edu.
# A repository of the following functions, used by the lyxpreview2xyz scripts.
# copyfileobj, error, find_exe, find_exe_or_terminate, make_texcolor,
# progress, run_command, run_latex, warning
# Requires python 2.4 or later (subprocess module).
import os, re, subprocess, sys, tempfile
# Control the output to stdout
debug = False
verbose = False
# Known flavors of latex and bibtex
bibtex_commands = ("bibtex", "bibtex8", "biber")
latex_commands = ("latex", "pplatex", "platex", "latex2e")
pdflatex_commands = ("pdflatex", "xelatex", "lualatex")
# Pre-compiled regular expressions
latex_file_re = re.compile(r"\.tex$")
# PATH and PATHEXT environment variables
path = os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep)
extlist = ['']
if "PATHEXT" in os.environ:
extlist += os.environ["PATHEXT"].split(os.pathsep)
use_win32_modules = 0
if os.name == "nt":
use_win32_modules = 1
import pywintypes
import win32con
import win32event
import win32file
import win32pipe
import win32process
import win32security
import winerror
sys.stderr.write("Consider installing the PyWin extension modules " \
"if you're irritated by windows appearing briefly.\n")
use_win32_modules = 0
def progress(message):
global verbose
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write("Progress: %s\n" % message)
def warning(message):
sys.stderr.write("Warning: %s\n" % message)
def error(message):
sys.stderr.write("Error: %s\n" % message)
def make_texcolor(hexcolor, graphics):
# Test that the input string contains 6 hexadecimal chars.
hexcolor_re = re.compile(b"^[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$")
if not hexcolor_re.match(hexcolor):
error("Cannot convert color '%s'" % hexcolor)
red = float(int(hexcolor[0:2], 16)) / 255.0
green = float(int(hexcolor[2:4], 16)) / 255.0
blue = float(int(hexcolor[4:6], 16)) / 255.0
if graphics:
return b"%f,%f,%f" % (red, green, blue)
return b"rgb %f %f %f" % (red, green, blue)
def find_exe(candidates):
global extlist, path
for command in candidates:
prog = command.split()[0]
for directory in path:
for ext in extlist:
full_path = os.path.join(directory, prog + ext)
if os.access(full_path, os.X_OK):
# The thing is in the PATH already (or we wouldn't
# have found it). Return just the basename to avoid
# problems when the path to the executable contains
# spaces.
if full_path.lower().endswith('.py'):
return command.replace(prog, '"%s" "%s"'
% (sys.executable, full_path))
return command
return None
def find_exe_or_terminate(candidates):
exe = find_exe(candidates)
if exe == None:
error("Unable to find executable from '%s'" % " ".join(candidates))
return exe
def run_command_popen(cmd, stderr2stdout):
if os.name == 'nt':
unix = False
unix = True
if stderr2stdout:
pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=unix, close_fds=unix, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, \
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
cmd_stdout = pipe.communicate()[0]
pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=unix, close_fds=unix, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, \
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
(cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr) = pipe.communicate()
if cmd_stderr:
cmd_status = pipe.returncode
global debug
if debug:
return cmd_status, cmd_stdout
def run_command_win32(cmd):
sa = win32security.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES()
sa.bInheritHandle = True
stdout_r, stdout_w = win32pipe.CreatePipe(sa, 0)
si = win32process.STARTUPINFO()
si.dwFlags = (win32process.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES
si.wShowWindow = win32con.SW_HIDE
si.hStdOutput = stdout_w
process, thread, pid, tid = \
win32process.CreateProcess(None, cmd, None, None, True,
0, None, None, si)
if process == None:
return -1, ""
# Must close the write handle in this process, or ReadFile will hang.
# Read the pipe until we get an error (including ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE,
# which is okay because it happens when child process ends).
data = ""
error = 0
while 1:
hr, buffer = win32file.ReadFile(stdout_r, 4096)
if hr != winerror.ERROR_IO_PENDING:
data = data + buffer
except pywintypes.error as e:
if e.args[0] != winerror.ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE:
error = 1
if error:
return -2, ""
# Everything is okay --- the called process has closed the pipe.
# For safety, check that the process ended, then pick up its exit code.
win32event.WaitForSingleObject(process, win32event.INFINITE)
if win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(process):
return -3, ""
global debug
if debug:
return 0, data
def run_command(cmd, stderr2stdout = True):
progress("Running %s" % cmd)
if use_win32_modules:
return run_command_win32(cmd)
return run_command_popen(cmd, stderr2stdout)
def copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst, rewind=0, length=16*1024):
"""copy data from file-like object fsrc to file-like object fdst"""
if rewind:
while 1:
buf = fsrc.read(length)
if not buf:
def write_metrics_info(metrics_info, metrics_file):
metrics = open(metrics_file, 'w')
for metric in metrics_info:
metrics.write("Snippet %s %f\n" % metric)
# Reads a .tex files and create an identical file but only with
# pages whose index is in pages_to_keep
def filter_pages(source_path, destination_path, pages_to_keep):
def_re = re.compile(b"(\\\\newcommandx|\\\\renewcommandx|\\\\global\\\\long\\\\def)(\\[a-zA-Z]+)(.+)")
source_file = open(source_path, "rb")
destination_file = open(destination_path, "wb")
page_index = 0
skip_page = False
macros = []
for line in source_file:
# We found a new page
if line.startswith(b"\\begin{preview}"):
page_index += 1
# If the page index isn't in pages_to_keep we don't copy it
skip_page = page_index not in pages_to_keep
if not skip_page:
match = def_re.match(line)
if match != None:
definecmd = match.group(1)
macroname = match.group(2)
if not macroname in macros:
if definecmd == b"\\renewcommandx":
line = line.replace(definecmd, b"\\newcommandx")
# End of a page, we reset the skip_page bool
if line.startswith(b"\\end{preview}"):
skip_page = False
# Joins two metrics list, that is a list of tuple (page_index, metric)
# new_page_indexes contains the original page number of the pages in new_metrics
# e.g. new_page_indexes[3] == 14 means that the 4th item in new_metrics is the 15th in the original counting
# original_bitmap and destination_bitmap are file name models used to rename the new files
# e.g. image_new%d.png and image_%d.png
def join_metrics_and_rename(original_metrics, new_metrics, new_page_indexes, original_bitmap, destination_bitmap):
legacy_index = 0
for (index, metric) in new_metrics:
# If the file exists we rename it
if os.path.isfile(original_bitmap % (index)):
os.rename(original_bitmap % (index), destination_bitmap % new_page_indexes[index-1])
# Extract the original page index
index = new_page_indexes[index-1]
# Goes through the array until the end is reached or the correct index is found
while legacy_index < len(original_metrics) and original_metrics[legacy_index][0] < index:
legacy_index += 1
# Add or update the metric for this page
if legacy_index < len(original_metrics) and original_metrics[legacy_index][0] == index:
original_metrics[legacy_index] = (index, metric)
original_metrics.insert(legacy_index, (index, metric))
def run_latex(latex, latex_file, bibtex = None):
# Run latex
latex_status, latex_stdout = run_tex(latex, latex_file)
if bibtex is None:
return latex_status, latex_stdout
# The aux and log output file names
aux_file = latex_file_re.sub(".aux", latex_file)
log_file = latex_file_re.sub(".log", latex_file)
# Run bibtex/latex if necessary
progress("Checking if a bibtex run is necessary")
if string_in_file(r"\bibdata", aux_file):
bibtex_status, bibtex_stdout = run_tex(bibtex, aux_file)
latex_status, latex_stdout = run_tex(latex, latex_file)
# Rerun latex if necessary
progress("Checking if a latex rerun is necessary")
if string_in_file("Warning: Citation", log_file):
latex_status, latex_stdout = run_tex(latex, latex_file)
return latex_status, latex_stdout
def run_tex(tex, tex_file):
tex_call = '%s "%s"' % (tex, tex_file)
tex_status, tex_stdout = run_command(tex_call)
if tex_status:
progress("Warning: %s had problems compiling %s" \
% (os.path.basename(tex), tex_file))
return tex_status, tex_stdout
def string_in_file(string, infile):
if not os.path.isfile(infile):
return False
f = open(infile, 'rb')
for line in f.readlines():
if string.encode() in line:
return True
return False
# Returns a list of indexes of pages giving errors extracted from the latex log
def check_latex_log(log_file):
error_re = re.compile(b"^! ")
snippet_re = re.compile(b"^Preview: Snippet ")
data_re = re.compile(b"([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)")
found_error = False
error_pages = []
for line in open(log_file, 'rb').readlines():
if not found_error:
match = error_re.match(line)
if match != None:
found_error = True
match = snippet_re.match(line)
if match == None:
found_error = False
match = data_re.search(line)
if match == None:
error("Unexpected data in %s\n%s" % (log_file, line))
warning('check_latex_log: Unable to open "%s"' % log_file)
warning(repr(sys.exc_info()[0]) + ',' + repr(sys.exc_info()[1]))
return error_pages