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\begin_layout Title
Spreadsheets External Inset
\begin_layout Author
Helge Hafting
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset CommandInset toc
LatexCommand tableofcontents
\begin_layout Standard
Test of spreadsheet external inset in \SpecialChar LyX
Spreadsheets (created with Gnumeric, LibreOffice, OpenOffice.org, or Excel)
gets converted to .tex with the
\family typewriter
\family default
program that is distributed together with Gnumeric.
They are then imported as longtables.
As the spreadsheet is
\begin_inset Quotes eld
External material
\begin_inset Quotes erd
, any changes to the spreadsheet will be reflected in \SpecialChar LyX
's output too.
Thus, the \SpecialChar LyX
document is always up to date.
\begin_layout Section
How to do it
\begin_layout Enumerate
Make a spreadsheet.
\begin_layout Enumerate
In \SpecialChar LyX
use the menu Insert\SpecialChar menuseparator
File\SpecialChar menuseparator
External Material.
\begin_layout Enumerate
In the dialog, set template to
\family sans
\family default
and select your spreadsheet file.
\begin_layout Section
Simple examples
\begin_layout Standard
First, the file
\emph on
\emph default
a spreadsheet created with Gnumeric:
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset External
template GnumericSpreadsheet
filename sheet1.gnumeric
\begin_layout Standard
\emph on
\emph default
which was made with LibreOffice:
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset External
template GnumericSpreadsheet
filename sheet2.ods
\begin_layout Standard
\emph on
\emph default
which was made for Excel.
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset External
template GnumericSpreadsheet
filename sheet3.xls
\begin_layout Section
Long spreadsheets
\begin_layout Standard
A multi-page spreadsheet called
\emph on
\emph default
Notice that page breaking works fine:
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset External
template GnumericSpreadsheet
filename longsheet.gnumeric
\begin_layout Section
Necessary software
\begin_layout Standard
\SpecialChar LyX
needs the converter program
\family typewriter
\family default
that is distributed with Gnumeric.
It is therefore necessary to install Gnumeric, even if other software is
used to create and edit the spreadsheets.
\begin_layout Section
\begin_layout Standard
Spreadsheet inclusion have some limitations.
I don't know all of them, but have seen problem with this:
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring Wide~spreadsheets
\begin_inset space ~
spreadsheets Unlike long spreadsheets, a spreadsheet wider than the margins
doesn't work well.
There is no attempt at breaking up such spreadsheets.
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring Wide~spreadsheets
\begin_inset space ~
formatting Some types of formatting doesn't work.
The red and green texts in the long spreadsheet are underlined.
The underlining doesn't show, but the texts is otherwise printed correctly.
\begin_layout Standard
These limitations come from
\family typewriter
\family default
Feature requests for better spreadsheet conversions should therefore go
to the Gnumeric developers.