mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 02:05:48 +00:00
The function call 'search-ignore deleted false' makes findadv to search also deleted parts, while 'search-ignore deleted true' will omit these parts.
1087 lines
32 KiB
1087 lines
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* \file InsetIndex.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes
* \author Jürgen Spitzmüller
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include "InsetIndex.h"
#include "Buffer.h"
#include "BufferParams.h"
#include "BufferView.h"
#include "ColorSet.h"
#include "Cursor.h"
#include "DispatchResult.h"
#include "Encoding.h"
#include "FuncRequest.h"
#include "FuncStatus.h"
#include "IndicesList.h"
#include "Language.h"
#include "LaTeXFeatures.h"
#include "Lexer.h"
#include "output_latex.h"
#include "output_xhtml.h"
#include "xml.h"
#include "texstream.h"
#include "TextClass.h"
#include "TocBackend.h"
#include "support/debug.h"
#include "support/docstream.h"
#include "support/FileName.h"
#include "support/gettext.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include "frontends/alert.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <ostream>
#include <QThreadStorage>
using namespace std;
using namespace lyx::support;
namespace lyx {
// InsetIndex
InsetIndex::InsetIndex(Buffer * buf, InsetIndexParams const & params)
: InsetCollapsible(buf), params_(params)
void InsetIndex::latex(otexstream & ios, OutputParams const & runparams_in) const
OutputParams runparams(runparams_in);
runparams.inIndexEntry = true;
otexstringstream os;
if (buffer().masterBuffer()->params().use_indices && !params_.index.empty()
&& params_.index != "idx") {
os << "\\sindex[";
os << escape(params_.index);
os << "]{";
} else {
os << "\\index";
os << '{';
odocstringstream ourlatex;
otexstream ots(ourlatex);
InsetText::latex(ots, runparams);
if (runparams.for_searchAdv != OutputParams::NoSearch) {
// No need for special handling, if we are only searching for some patterns
os << ourlatex.str() << "}";
// get contents of InsetText as LaTeX and plaintext
odocstringstream ourplain;
InsetText::plaintext(ourplain, runparams);
// FIXME: do Tex/Row correspondence (I don't currently understand what is
// being generated from latexstr below)
docstring latexstr = ourlatex.str();
docstring plainstr = ourplain.str();
// this will get what follows | if anything does
docstring cmd;
// check for the | separator
// FIXME This would go wrong on an escaped "|", but
// how far do we want to go here?
size_t pos = latexstr.find(from_ascii("|"));
if (pos != docstring::npos) {
// put the bit after "|" into cmd...
cmd = latexstr.substr(pos + 1);
// ...and erase that stuff from latexstr
latexstr = latexstr.erase(pos);
// ...and similarly from plainstr
size_t ppos = plainstr.find(from_ascii("|"));
if (ppos < plainstr.size())
LYXERR0("The `|' separator was not found in the plaintext version!");
// Separate the entries and subentries, i.e., split on "!"
// FIXME This would do the wrong thing with escaped ! characters
std::vector<docstring> const levels =
getVectorFromString(latexstr, from_ascii("!"), true);
std::vector<docstring> const levels_plain =
getVectorFromString(plainstr, from_ascii("!"), true);
vector<docstring>::const_iterator it = levels.begin();
vector<docstring>::const_iterator end = levels.end();
vector<docstring>::const_iterator it2 = levels_plain.begin();
bool first = true;
for (; it != end; ++it) {
// write the separator except the first time
if (!first)
os << '!';
first = false;
// correctly sort macros and formatted strings
// if we do find a command, prepend a plain text
// version of the content to get sorting right,
// e.g. \index{LyX@\LyX}, \index{text@\textbf{text}}
// Don't do that if the user entered '@' himself, though.
if (contains(*it, '\\') && !contains(*it, '@')) {
// Plaintext might return nothing (e.g. for ERTs)
docstring const spart =
(it2 < levels_plain.end() && !(*it2).empty())
? *it2 : *it;
// Now we need to validate that all characters in
// the sorting part are representable in the current
// encoding. If not try the LaTeX macro which might
// or might not be a good choice, and issue a warning.
pair<docstring, docstring> spart_latexed =
runparams.encoding->latexString(spart, runparams.dryrun);
if (!spart_latexed.second.empty())
LYXERR0("Uncodable character in index entry. Sorting might be wrong!");
if (spart != spart_latexed.first && !runparams.dryrun) {
// FIXME: warning should be passed to the error dialog
frontend::Alert::warning(_("Index sorting failed"),
bformat(_("LyX's automatic index sorting algorithm faced\n"
"problems with the entry '%1$s'.\n"
"Please specify the sorting of this entry manually, as\n"
"explained in the User Guide."), spart));
// remove remaining \'s for the sorting part
docstring const ppart =
subst(spart_latexed.first, from_ascii("\\"), docstring());
os << ppart;
os << '@';
docstring const tpart = *it;
os << tpart;
if (it2 < levels_plain.end())
// write the bit that followed "|"
if (!cmd.empty()) {
os << "|" << cmd;
os << '}';
// In macros with moving arguments, such as \section,
// we store the index and output it after the macro (#2154)
if (runparams_in.postpone_fragile_stuff)
runparams_in.post_macro += os.str();
ios << os.release();
void InsetIndex::docbook(XMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & runparams) const
// Get the content of the inset as LaTeX, as some things may be encoded as ERT (like {}).
odocstringstream odss;
otexstream ots(odss);
InsetText::latex(ots, runparams);
docstring latexString = trim(odss.str());
// Check whether there are unsupported things.
if (latexString.find(from_utf8("@")) != latexString.npos) {
docstring error = from_utf8("Unsupported feature: an index entry contains an @. "
"Complete entry: \"") + latexString + from_utf8("\"");
xs << XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << (from_utf8("<!-- Output Error: ") + error + from_utf8(" -->\n"));
// TODO: implement @ using the sortas attribute (on primary, secondary, tertiary).
// Handle several indices.
docstring indexType = from_utf8("");
if (buffer().masterBuffer()->params().use_indices) {
indexType += " type=\"" + params_.index + "\"";
// Split the string into its main constituents: terms, and command (see, see also, range).
size_t positionVerticalBar = latexString.find(from_ascii("|")); // What comes before | is (sub)(sub)entries.
docstring indexTerms = latexString.substr(0, positionVerticalBar);
docstring command = latexString.substr(positionVerticalBar + 1);
// Handle primary, secondary, and tertiary terms (entries, subentries, and subsubentries, for LaTeX).
vector<docstring> terms = getVectorFromString(indexTerms, from_ascii("!"), false);
// Handle ranges. Happily, (| and |) can only be at the end of the string! However, | may be trapped by the
bool hasStartRange = latexString.find(from_ascii("|(")) != latexString.npos;
bool hasEndRange = latexString.find(from_ascii("|)")) != latexString.npos;
if (hasStartRange || hasEndRange) {
// Remove the ranges from the command if they do not appear at the beginning.
size_t index = 0;
while ((index = command.find(from_utf8("|("), index)) != std::string::npos)
command.erase(index, 1);
index = 0;
while ((index = command.find(from_utf8("|)"), index)) != std::string::npos)
command.erase(index, 1);
// Remove the ranges when they are the only vertical bar in the complete string.
if (command[0] == '(' || command[0] == ')')
command.erase(0, 1);
// Handle see and seealso. As "see" is a prefix of "seealso", the order of the comparisons is important.
// Both commands are mutually exclusive!
docstring see = from_utf8("");
vector<docstring> seeAlsoes;
if (command.substr(0, 3) == "see") {
// Unescape brackets.
size_t index = 0;
while ((index = command.find(from_utf8("\\{"), index)) != std::string::npos)
command.erase(index, 1);
index = 0;
while ((index = command.find(from_utf8("\\}"), index)) != std::string::npos)
command.erase(index, 1);
// Retrieve the part between brackets, and remove the complete seealso.
size_t positionOpeningBracket = command.find(from_ascii("{"));
size_t positionClosingBracket = command.find(from_ascii("}"));
docstring list = command.substr(positionOpeningBracket + 1, positionClosingBracket - positionOpeningBracket - 1);
// Parse the list of referenced entries (or a single one for see).
if (command.substr(0, 7) == "seealso") {
seeAlsoes = getVectorFromString(list, from_ascii(","), false);
} else {
see = list;
if (see.find(from_ascii(",")) != see.npos) {
docstring error = from_utf8("Several index terms found as \"see\"! Only one is acceptable. "
"Complete entry: \"") + latexString + from_utf8("\"");
xs << XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << (from_utf8("<!-- Output Error: ") + error + from_utf8(" -->\n"));
// Remove the complete see/seealso from the commands, in case there is something else to parse.
command = command.substr(positionClosingBracket + 1);
// Some parts of the strings are not parsed, as they do not have anything matching in DocBook: things like
// formatting the entry or the page number, other strings for sorting. https://wiki.lyx.org/Tips/Indexing
// If there are such things in the index entry, then this code may miserably fail. For example, for "Peter|(textbf",
// no range will be detected.
// TODO: Could handle formatting as significance="preferred"?
// Write all of this down.
if (terms.empty() && !hasEndRange) {
docstring error = from_utf8("No index term found! Complete entry: \"") + latexString + from_utf8("\"");
xs << XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << (from_utf8("<!-- Output Error: ") + error + from_utf8(" -->\n"));
} else {
// Generate the attributes for ranges. It is based on the terms that are indexed, but the ID must be unique
// to this indexing area (xml::cleanID does not guarantee this: for each call with the same arguments,
// the same legal ID is produced; here, as the input would be the same, the output must be, by design).
// Hence the thread-local storage, as the numbers must strictly be unique, and thus cannot be shared across
// a paragraph (making the solution used for HTML worthless). This solution is very similar to the one used in
// xml::cleanID.
// indexType can only be used for singular and startofrange types!
docstring attrs;
if (!hasStartRange && !hasEndRange) {
attrs = indexType;
} else {
// Append an ID if uniqueness is not guaranteed across the document.
static QThreadStorage<set<docstring>> tKnownTermLists;
static QThreadStorage<int> tID;
set<docstring> &knownTermLists = tKnownTermLists.localData();
int &ID = tID.localData();
if (!tID.hasLocalData()) {
tID.localData() = 0;
// Modify the index terms to add the unique ID if needed.
docstring newIndexTerms = indexTerms;
if (knownTermLists.find(indexTerms) != knownTermLists.end()) {
newIndexTerms += from_ascii(string("-") + to_string(ID));
// Only increment for the end of range, so that the same number is used for the start of range.
if (hasEndRange) {
// Term list not yet known: add it to the set AFTER the end of range. After
if (knownTermLists.find(indexTerms) == knownTermLists.end() && hasEndRange) {
// Generate the attributes.
docstring id = xml::cleanID(newIndexTerms);
if (hasStartRange) {
attrs = indexType + " class=\"startofrange\" xml:id=\"" + id + "\"";
} else {
attrs = " class=\"endofrange\" startref=\"" + id + "\"";
// Handle the index terms (including the specific index for this entry).
if (hasEndRange) {
xs << xml::CompTag("indexterm", attrs);
} else {
xs << xml::StartTag("indexterm", attrs);
if (!terms.empty()) { // hasEndRange has no content.
xs << xml::StartTag("primary");
xs << terms[0];
xs << xml::EndTag("primary");
if (terms.size() > 1) {
xs << xml::StartTag("secondary");
xs << terms[1];
xs << xml::EndTag("secondary");
if (terms.size() > 2) {
xs << xml::StartTag("tertiary");
xs << terms[2];
xs << xml::EndTag("tertiary");
// Handle see and see also.
if (!see.empty()) {
xs << xml::StartTag("see");
xs << see;
xs << xml::EndTag("see");
if (!seeAlsoes.empty()) {
for (auto &entry : seeAlsoes) {
xs << xml::StartTag("seealso");
xs << entry;
xs << xml::EndTag("seealso");
// Close the entry.
xs << xml::EndTag("indexterm");
docstring InsetIndex::xhtml(XMLStream & xs, OutputParams const &) const
// we just print an anchor, taking the paragraph ID from
// our own interior paragraph, which doesn't get printed
std::string const magic = paragraphs().front().magicLabel();
std::string const attr = "id='" + magic + "'";
xs << xml::CompTag("a", attr);
return docstring();
bool InsetIndex::showInsetDialog(BufferView * bv) const
bv->showDialog("index", params2string(params_),
const_cast<InsetIndex *>(this));
return true;
void InsetIndex::doDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd)
switch (cmd.action()) {
if (cmd.getArg(0) == "changetype") {
params_.index = from_utf8(cmd.getArg(1));
InsetIndexParams params;
InsetIndex::string2params(to_utf8(cmd.argument()), params);
params_.index = params.index;
// what we really want here is a TOC update, but that means
// a full buffer update
cur.bv().updateDialog("index", params2string(params_));
InsetCollapsible::doDispatch(cur, cmd);
bool InsetIndex::getStatus(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd,
FuncStatus & flag) const
switch (cmd.action()) {
if (cmd.getArg(0) == "changetype") {
docstring const newtype = from_utf8(cmd.getArg(1));
Buffer const & realbuffer = *buffer().masterBuffer();
IndicesList const & indiceslist = realbuffer.params().indiceslist();
Index const * index = indiceslist.findShortcut(newtype);
flag.setEnabled(index != 0);
from_utf8(cmd.getArg(1)) == params_.index);
return true;
return InsetCollapsible::getStatus(cur, cmd, flag);
Buffer const & realbuffer = *buffer().masterBuffer();
return true;
return InsetCollapsible::getStatus(cur, cmd, flag);
ColorCode InsetIndex::labelColor() const
if (params_.index.empty() || params_.index == from_ascii("idx"))
return InsetCollapsible::labelColor();
ColorCode c = lcolor.getFromLyXName(to_utf8(params_.index)
+ "@" + buffer().fileName().absFileName());
if (c == Color_none)
c = InsetCollapsible::labelColor();
return c;
docstring InsetIndex::toolTip(BufferView const &, int, int) const
docstring tip = _("Index Entry");
if (buffer().params().use_indices && !params_.index.empty()) {
Buffer const & realbuffer = *buffer().masterBuffer();
IndicesList const & indiceslist = realbuffer.params().indiceslist();
tip += " (";
Index const * index = indiceslist.findShortcut(params_.index);
if (!index)
tip += _("unknown type!");
tip += index->index();
tip += ")";
tip += ": ";
return toolTipText(tip);
docstring const InsetIndex::buttonLabel(BufferView const & bv) const
InsetLayout const & il = getLayout();
docstring label = translateIfPossible(il.labelstring());
if (buffer().params().use_indices && !params_.index.empty()) {
Buffer const & realbuffer = *buffer().masterBuffer();
IndicesList const & indiceslist = realbuffer.params().indiceslist();
label += " (";
Index const * index = indiceslist.findShortcut(params_.index);
if (!index)
label += _("unknown type!");
label += index->index();
label += ")";
if (!il.contentaslabel() || geometry(bv) != ButtonOnly)
return label;
return getNewLabel(label);
void InsetIndex::write(ostream & os) const
os << to_utf8(layoutName());
void InsetIndex::read(Lexer & lex)
string InsetIndex::params2string(InsetIndexParams const & params)
ostringstream data;
data << "index";
return data.str();
void InsetIndex::string2params(string const & in, InsetIndexParams & params)
params = InsetIndexParams();
if (in.empty())
istringstream data(in);
Lexer lex;
lex >> "index";
void InsetIndex::addToToc(DocIterator const & cpit, bool output_active,
UpdateType utype, TocBackend & backend) const
DocIterator pit = cpit;
pit.push_back(CursorSlice(const_cast<InsetIndex &>(*this)));
docstring str;
string type = "index";
if (buffer().masterBuffer()->params().use_indices)
type += ":" + to_utf8(params_.index);
// this is unlikely to be terribly long
text().forOutliner(str, INT_MAX);
TocBuilder & b = backend.builder(type);
b.pushItem(pit, str, output_active);
// Proceed with the rest of the inset.
InsetCollapsible::addToToc(cpit, output_active, utype, backend);
void InsetIndex::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const
if (buffer().masterBuffer()->params().use_indices
&& !params_.index.empty()
&& params_.index != "idx")
string InsetIndex::contextMenuName() const
return "context-index";
bool InsetIndex::hasSettings() const
return buffer().masterBuffer()->params().use_indices;
// InsetIndexParams
void InsetIndexParams::write(ostream & os) const
os << ' ';
if (!index.empty())
os << to_utf8(index);
os << "idx";
os << '\n';
void InsetIndexParams::read(Lexer & lex)
if (lex.eatLine())
index = lex.getDocString();
index = from_ascii("idx");
// InsetPrintIndex
InsetPrintIndex::InsetPrintIndex(Buffer * buf, InsetCommandParams const & p)
: InsetCommand(buf, p)
ParamInfo const & InsetPrintIndex::findInfo(string const & /* cmdName */)
static ParamInfo param_info_;
if (param_info_.empty()) {
param_info_.add("type", ParamInfo::LATEX_OPTIONAL,
param_info_.add("name", ParamInfo::LATEX_OPTIONAL,
param_info_.add("literal", ParamInfo::LYX_INTERNAL);
return param_info_;
docstring InsetPrintIndex::screenLabel() const
bool const printall = suffixIs(getCmdName(), '*');
bool const multind = buffer().masterBuffer()->params().use_indices;
if ((!multind
&& getParam("type") == from_ascii("idx"))
|| (getParam("type").empty() && !printall))
return _("Index");
Buffer const & realbuffer = *buffer().masterBuffer();
IndicesList const & indiceslist = realbuffer.params().indiceslist();
Index const * index = indiceslist.findShortcut(getParam("type"));
if (!index && !printall)
return _("Unknown index type!");
docstring res = printall ? _("All indexes") : index->index();
if (!multind)
res += " (" + _("non-active") + ")";
else if (contains(getCmdName(), "printsubindex"))
res += " (" + _("subindex") + ")";
return res;
bool InsetPrintIndex::isCompatibleCommand(string const & s)
return s == "printindex" || s == "printsubindex"
|| s == "printindex*" || s == "printsubindex*";
void InsetPrintIndex::doDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd)
switch (cmd.action()) {
if (cmd.argument() == from_ascii("toggle-subindex")) {
string scmd = getCmdName();
if (contains(scmd, "printindex"))
scmd = subst(scmd, "printindex", "printsubindex");
scmd = subst(scmd, "printsubindex", "printindex");
} else if (cmd.argument() == from_ascii("check-printindex*")) {
string scmd = getCmdName();
if (suffixIs(scmd, '*'))
scmd += '*';
setParam("type", docstring());
InsetCommandParams p(INDEX_PRINT_CODE);
InsetCommand::string2params(to_utf8(cmd.argument()), p);
if (p.getCmdName().empty()) {
InsetCommand::doDispatch(cur, cmd);
bool InsetPrintIndex::getStatus(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd,
FuncStatus & status) const
switch (cmd.action()) {
if (cmd.argument() == from_ascii("toggle-subindex")) {
status.setOnOff(contains(getCmdName(), "printsubindex"));
return true;
} else if (cmd.argument() == from_ascii("check-printindex*")) {
status.setOnOff(suffixIs(getCmdName(), '*'));
return true;
} if (cmd.getArg(0) == "index_print"
&& cmd.getArg(1) == "CommandInset") {
InsetCommandParams p(INDEX_PRINT_CODE);
InsetCommand::string2params(to_utf8(cmd.argument()), p);
if (suffixIs(p.getCmdName(), '*')) {
return true;
Buffer const & realbuffer = *buffer().masterBuffer();
IndicesList const & indiceslist =
Index const * index = indiceslist.findShortcut(p["type"]);
status.setEnabled(index != 0);
status.setOnOff(p["type"] == getParam("type"));
return true;
} else
return InsetCommand::getStatus(cur, cmd, status);
return true;
return InsetCommand::getStatus(cur, cmd, status);
void InsetPrintIndex::updateBuffer(ParIterator const &, UpdateType, bool const /*deleted*/)
Index const * index =
if (index)
setParam("name", index->index());
void InsetPrintIndex::latex(otexstream & os, OutputParams const & runparams_in) const
if (!buffer().masterBuffer()->params().use_indices) {
if (getParam("type") == from_ascii("idx"))
os << "\\printindex" << termcmd;
OutputParams runparams = runparams_in;
os << getCommand(runparams);
void InsetPrintIndex::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const
if (buffer().masterBuffer()->params().use_indices)
string InsetPrintIndex::contextMenuName() const
return buffer().masterBuffer()->params().use_indices ?
"context-indexprint" : string();
bool InsetPrintIndex::hasSettings() const
return buffer().masterBuffer()->params().use_indices;
namespace {
void parseItem(docstring & s, bool for_output)
// this does not yet check for escaped things
size_type loc = s.find(from_ascii("@"));
if (loc != string::npos) {
if (for_output)
s.erase(0, loc + 1);
loc = s.find(from_ascii("|"));
if (loc != string::npos)
void extractSubentries(docstring const & entry, docstring & main,
docstring & sub1, docstring & sub2)
if (entry.empty())
size_type const loc = entry.find(from_ascii(" ! "));
if (loc == string::npos)
main = entry;
else {
main = trim(entry.substr(0, loc));
size_t const locend = loc + 3;
size_type const loc2 = entry.find(from_ascii(" ! "), locend);
if (loc2 == string::npos) {
sub1 = trim(entry.substr(locend));
} else {
sub1 = trim(entry.substr(locend, loc2 - locend));
sub2 = trim(entry.substr(loc2 + 3));
struct IndexEntry
IndexEntry(docstring const & s, DocIterator const & d)
: dit(d)
extractSubentries(s, main, sub, subsub);
parseItem(main, false);
parseItem(sub, false);
parseItem(subsub, false);
bool equal(IndexEntry const & rhs) const
return main == rhs.main && sub == rhs.sub && subsub == rhs.subsub;
bool same_sub(IndexEntry const & rhs) const
return main == rhs.main && sub == rhs.sub;
bool same_main(IndexEntry const & rhs) const
return main == rhs.main;
docstring main;
docstring sub;
docstring subsub;
DocIterator dit;
bool operator<(IndexEntry const & lhs, IndexEntry const & rhs)
int comp = compare_no_case(lhs.main, rhs.main);
if (comp == 0)
comp = compare_no_case(lhs.sub, rhs.sub);
if (comp == 0)
comp = compare_no_case(lhs.subsub, rhs.subsub);
return (comp < 0);
} // namespace
docstring InsetPrintIndex::xhtml(XMLStream &, OutputParams const & op) const
BufferParams const & bp = buffer().masterBuffer()->params();
// we do not presently support multiple indices, so we refuse to print
// anything but the main index, so as not to generate multiple indices.
// NOTE Multiple index support would require some work. The reason
// is that the TOC does not know about multiple indices. Either it would
// need to be told about them (not a bad idea), or else the index entries
// would need to be collected differently, say, during validation.
if (bp.use_indices && getParam("type") != from_ascii("idx"))
return docstring();
shared_ptr<Toc const> toc = buffer().tocBackend().toc("index");
if (toc->empty())
return docstring();
// Collect the index entries in a form we can use them.
Toc::const_iterator it = toc->begin();
Toc::const_iterator const en = toc->end();
vector<IndexEntry> entries;
for (; it != en; ++it)
if (it->isOutput())
entries.push_back(IndexEntry(it->str(), it->dit()));
if (entries.empty())
// not very likely that all the index entries are in notes or
// whatever, but....
return docstring();
stable_sort(entries.begin(), entries.end());
Layout const & lay = bp.documentClass().htmlTOCLayout();
string const & tocclass = lay.defaultCSSClass();
string const tocattr = "class='index " + tocclass + "'";
// we'll use our own stream, because we are going to defer everything.
// that's how we deal with the fact that we're probably inside a standard
// paragraph, and we don't want to be.
odocstringstream ods;
XMLStream xs(ods);
xs << xml::StartTag("div", tocattr);
xs << xml::StartTag(lay.htmltag(), lay.htmlattr())
<< translateIfPossible(from_ascii("Index"),
<< xml::EndTag(lay.htmltag());
xs << xml::StartTag("ul", "class='main'");
Font const dummy;
vector<IndexEntry>::const_iterator eit = entries.begin();
vector<IndexEntry>::const_iterator const een = entries.end();
// tracks whether we are already inside a main entry (1),
// a sub-entry (2), or a sub-sub-entry (3). see below for the
// details.
int level = 1;
// the last one we saw
IndexEntry last;
int entry_number = -1;
for (; eit != een; ++eit) {
Paragraph const & par = eit->dit.innerParagraph();
if (entry_number == -1 || !eit->equal(last)) {
if (entry_number != -1) {
// not the first time through the loop, so
// close last entry or entries, depending.
if (level == 3) {
// close this sub-sub-entry
xs << xml::EndTag("li") << xml::CR();
// is this another sub-sub-entry within the same sub-entry?
if (!eit->same_sub(last)) {
// close this level
xs << xml::EndTag("ul") << xml::CR();
level = 2;
// the point of the second test here is that we might get
// here two ways: (i) by falling through from above; (ii) because,
// though the sub-entry hasn't changed, the sub-sub-entry has,
// which means that it is the first sub-sub-entry within this
// sub-entry. In that case, we do not want to close anything.
if (level == 2 && !eit->same_sub(last)) {
// close sub-entry
xs << xml::EndTag("li") << xml::CR();
// is this another sub-entry with the same main entry?
if (!eit->same_main(last)) {
// close this level
xs << xml::EndTag("ul") << xml::CR();
level = 1;
// again, we can get here two ways: from above, or because we have
// found the first sub-entry. in the latter case, we do not want to
// close the entry.
if (level == 1 && !eit->same_main(last)) {
// close entry
xs << xml::EndTag("li") << xml::CR();
// we'll be starting new entries
entry_number = 0;
// We need to use our own stream, since we will have to
// modify what we get back.
odocstringstream ent;
XMLStream entstream(ent);
OutputParams ours = op;
ours.for_toc = true;
par.simpleLyXHTMLOnePar(buffer(), entstream, ours, dummy);
// these will contain XHTML versions of the main entry, etc
// remember that everything will already have been escaped,
// so we'll need to use NextRaw() during output.
docstring main;
docstring sub;
docstring subsub;
extractSubentries(ent.str(), main, sub, subsub);
parseItem(main, true);
parseItem(sub, true);
parseItem(subsub, true);
if (level == 3) {
// another subsubentry
xs << xml::StartTag("li", "class='subsubentry'")
<< XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << subsub;
} else if (level == 2) {
// there are two ways we can be here:
// (i) we can actually be inside a sub-entry already and be about
// to output the first sub-sub-entry. in this case, our sub
// and the last sub will be the same.
// (ii) we can just have closed a sub-entry, possibly after also
// closing a list of sub-sub-entries. here our sub and the last
// sub are different.
// only in the latter case do we need to output the new sub-entry.
// note that in this case, too, though, the sub-entry might already
// have a sub-sub-entry.
if (eit->sub != last.sub)
xs << xml::StartTag("li", "class='subentry'")
<< XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << sub;
if (!subsub.empty()) {
// it's actually a subsubentry, so we need to start that list
xs << xml::CR()
<< xml::StartTag("ul", "class='subsubentry'")
<< xml::StartTag("li", "class='subsubentry'")
<< XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << subsub;
level = 3;
} else {
// there are also two ways we can be here:
// (i) we can actually be inside an entry already and be about
// to output the first sub-entry. in this case, our main
// and the last main will be the same.
// (ii) we can just have closed an entry, possibly after also
// closing a list of sub-entries. here our main and the last
// main are different.
// only in the latter case do we need to output the new main entry.
// note that in this case, too, though, the main entry might already
// have a sub-entry, or even a sub-sub-entry.
if (eit->main != last.main)
xs << xml::StartTag("li", "class='main'") << main;
if (!sub.empty()) {
// there's a sub-entry, too
xs << xml::CR()
<< xml::StartTag("ul", "class='subentry'")
<< xml::StartTag("li", "class='subentry'")
<< XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << sub;
level = 2;
if (!subsub.empty()) {
// and a sub-sub-entry
xs << xml::CR()
<< xml::StartTag("ul", "class='subsubentry'")
<< xml::StartTag("li", "class='subsubentry'")
<< XMLStream::ESCAPE_NONE << subsub;
level = 3;
// finally, then, we can output the index link itself
string const parattr = "href='#" + par.magicLabel() + "'";
xs << (entry_number == 0 ? ":" : ",");
xs << " " << xml::StartTag("a", parattr)
<< ++entry_number << xml::EndTag("a");
last = *eit;
// now we have to close all the open levels
while (level > 0) {
xs << xml::EndTag("li") << xml::EndTag("ul") << xml::CR();
xs << xml::EndTag("div") << xml::CR();
return ods.str();
} // namespace lyx