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synced 2025-01-29 20:58:50 +00:00
Xe/LuaTeX convert \AA to the deprecated character u212B (which is missing in the default LatinModern font) instead of the recommended u00C5. Also fix some of the "missing character" errors in Math.lyx if compiled with Xe/LuaTeX which were caused by the replacement of \AA with literal u212B characters in math-insets due to the old definitions in unicodesymbols. Update the minimal example for failures of Math.lyx with system fonts.
759 lines
12 KiB
759 lines
12 KiB
#LyX 2.4 created this file. For more info see https://www.lyx.org/
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\begin_layout Section*
Minimal failing example for Math.lyx
\begin_layout Standard
Compiling \SpecialChar LyX
's detailed Math manual fails with non-TeX fonts due to missing
The documents uses the default set for LyX documentation:
\emph on
Latin Modern
\emph default
as text and
\emph on
Computer Modern
\emph default
for maths.
\begin_layout Standard
There is no easy solution because of the nature of the Maths documentation:
\begin_layout Enumerate
Changing only the text font results in a bad font mix — LyX documentation
must not give a bad example/showcase.
\begin_layout Enumerate
Changing the math font does not work for Math.lyx:
\begin_layout Itemize
Some of the documented packages and examples only work with the default
math font (no
maltese in
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
, package incompatibilities with unicode-math, ...).
\begin_layout Itemize
Besides: support for most math fonts is of inferiour quality (missing optical
sizes for indices, limited set of symbols)
\begin_layout Subsection*
Missing characters with Latin Modern
\begin_layout Standard
Excerpts from Math.lyx that lead to
\begin_inset Quotes eld
missing character
\begin_inset Quotes erd
errors and discussion of reasons and possible workarounds:
\begin_layout Quote
Bold Formulas
\begin_layout Quote
To make a complete formula bold, the command
\series bold
\series default
from the previous subsection cannot be used, because it doesn't work for
small Greek letters.
Furthermore it prints Latin letters always upright, like in the following
\begin_inset Formula
\mathbf{\int_{n}^{2}f(\theta)=\Gamma}\qquad\textrm{equation with \textbackslash mathbf}
\begin_layout Standard
Capital Greek characters in
mathbf lead to
\begin_inset Quotes eld
missing character
\begin_inset Quotes erd
errors with non-TeX fonts.
Small Greek characters are not bolded, because TeX treats them as symbols,
not letters (unless you load the package
\emph on
\emph default
\emph on
\emph default
\begin_layout Quote
Accents in Text
\begin_layout Quote
With the following commands all letters can be accented.
The commands must be inserted in \SpecialChar TeX
\begin_layout Quote
\begin_inset Tabular
<lyxtabular version="3" rows="8" columns="2">
<features booktabs="true" tabularvalignment="middle">
<column alignment="left" valignment="top" width="0pt">
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<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
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\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
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\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset space \textvisiblespace{}
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
H e
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Index idx
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset space \textvisiblespace{}
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
v e
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset space \textvisiblespace{}
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
d e
<cell alignment="left" valignment="top" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset space \textvisiblespace{}
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" leftline="true" rightline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset ERT
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
c e
\begin_layout Standard
Accented characters missing in Latin Modern:
\begin_layout Quote
\family typewriter
c e
\family default
leads to
\begin_layout Quote
Missing character: There is no
\begin_inset Note Note
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
(U+0327) in font [lmroman12-regular]:+tlig;!
\begin_layout Standard
OTOH, examples for ERT commands to get accented text letters are not really
helpfull in a
\emph on
\emph default
documentation even when mathematical text can be (ab)used to get them.
\begin_layout Standard
BTW: If keeping them, the following parts of Math.lyx should be corrected
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00
- The accents
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
can in combination with vowels directly be inserted with the keyboard without
using \SpecialChar TeX
The same applies for the tilde
\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
This only applies for keyboards where the tilde is defined as accent.
\series bold
\series default
in combination with
\emph on
\emph default
\emph on
\emph default
, or
\emph on
\emph default
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00
+ If the keyboard defines them as
\begin_inset Quotes eld
dead keys
\begin_inset Quotes erd
, the accents
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
, ^, and ~ can in combination with supported characters directly be inserted
with the keyboard without using \SpecialChar TeX
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00
- The commands
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
and accents that are inserted directly with the keyboard are also available
in mathematical text.
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00
+ Like any LaTeX commands,
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
\series bold
\series default
are available in mathematical text without the need to wrap them in a
\begin_inset Quotes eld
TeX Code
\begin_inset Quotes erd
(ERT) inset .
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00
- Example
c e
\begin_layout Labeling
\labelwidthstring 00
+ Example
c c or
c s (converted to pre-composed character available in LatinModern).