Guillaume Munch bb344452c8 Consistency of ellipses across the UI
Use the function support:truncateWithEllipsis() to shorten a docstring with
... at the end. Actually we use U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS instead of "..." when
automatically shortening strings. This is to be consistent with Qt's own
truncation and is much nicer on the screen.

This includes the bugs #9575 and #9572 regarding broken text elision in the

Known issues (non-regressions):

* TocBackend::updateItem() should be rewritten to update all TOCs. (#8386)

* "..." should be replaced with … everywhere else on the interface (including
  translation strings).

* We should prefer to rely on QFontMetrics::elidedText() to truncate strings
  with an ellipsis whenever possible, or an equivalent for the buffer view
  dependent on the font metrics. See the warning in src/support/lstrings.h.
2015-10-05 21:16:16 +01:00

298 lines
7.6 KiB

* \file InsetHyperlink.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author José Matos
* \author Uwe Stöhr
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include "InsetHyperlink.h"
#include "Buffer.h"
#include "DispatchResult.h"
#include "Encoding.h"
#include "Format.h"
#include "FuncRequest.h"
#include "FuncStatus.h"
#include "LaTeXFeatures.h"
#include "OutputParams.h"
#include "output_xhtml.h"
#include "support/docstream.h"
#include "support/FileName.h"
#include "support/filetools.h"
#include "support/gettext.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include "frontends/alert.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace lyx::support;
namespace lyx {
InsetHyperlink::InsetHyperlink(Buffer * buf, InsetCommandParams const & p)
: InsetCommand(buf, p)
ParamInfo const & InsetHyperlink::findInfo(string const & /* cmdName */)
static ParamInfo param_info_;
if (param_info_.empty()) {
param_info_.add("name", ParamInfo::LATEX_OPTIONAL);
param_info_.add("target", ParamInfo::LATEX_REQUIRED);
param_info_.add("type", ParamInfo::LATEX_REQUIRED);
return param_info_;
docstring InsetHyperlink::screenLabel() const
docstring const temp = _("Hyperlink: ");
docstring url;
url += getParam("name");
if (url.empty())
url += getParam("target");
// elide if long
if (url.length() > 30) {
docstring end = url.substr(url.length() - 17, url.length());
support::truncateWithEllipsis(url, 13);
url += end;
return temp + url;
void InsetHyperlink::doDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd)
switch (cmd.action()) {
InsetCommand::doDispatch(cur, cmd);
bool InsetHyperlink::getStatus(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd,
FuncStatus & flag) const
switch (cmd.action()) {
flag.setEnabled(getParam("type").empty() || getParam("type") == "file:");
return true;
return InsetCommand::getStatus(cur, cmd, flag);
void InsetHyperlink::viewTarget() const
if (getParam("type") == "file:") {
FileName url = makeAbsPath(to_utf8(getParam("target")), buffer().filePath());
string const format = formats.getFormatFromFile(url);
formats.view(buffer(), url, format);
void InsetHyperlink::latex(otexstream & os,
OutputParams const & runparams) const
docstring url = getParam("target");
docstring name = getParam("name");
static docstring const backslash = from_ascii("\\");
static docstring const braces = from_ascii("{}");
static char_type const chars_url[2] = {'%', '#'};
static char_type const chars_name[6] = {
'&', '_', '$', '%', '#', '^'};
// For the case there is no name given, the target is set as name.
// Do this before !url.empty() and !name.empty() to handle characters
// like the "%" correctly.
if (name.empty())
name = url;
if (!url.empty()) {
// Replace the "\" character by its ASCII code according to the
// URL specifications because "\" is not allowed in URLs and by
// \href. Only do this when the following character is not also
// a "\", because "\\" is valid code
for (size_t i = 0, pos;
(pos = url.find('\\', i)) != string::npos;
i = pos + 2) {
if (url[pos + 1] != '\\')
url.replace(pos, 1, from_ascii("%5C"));
// The characters in chars_url[] need to be escaped in the url
// field because otherwise LaTeX will fail when the hyperlink is
// within an argument of another command, e.g. in a \footnote. It
// is important that they are escaped as "\#" and not as "\#{}".
for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
for (size_t i = 0, pos;
(pos = url.find(chars_url[k], i)) != string::npos;
i = pos + 2)
url.replace(pos, 1, backslash + chars_url[k]);
// add "http://" when the type is web (type = empty)
// and no "://" or "run:" is given
docstring type = getParam("type");
if (url.find(from_ascii("://")) == string::npos
&& url.find(from_ascii("run:")) == string::npos
&& type.empty())
url = from_ascii("http://") + url;
} // end if (!url.empty())
// The characters in chars_name[] need to be changed to a command when
// they are in the name field.
if (!name.empty()) {
// handle the "\" character, but only when the following character
// is not also a "\", because "\\" is valid code
docstring const textbackslash = from_ascii("\\textbackslash{}");
for (size_t i = 0, pos;
(pos = name.find('\\', i)) != string::npos;
i = pos + 2) {
if (name[pos + 1] != '\\')
name.replace(pos, 1, textbackslash);
// The characters in chars_name[] need to be changed to a command
// when they are in the name field.
// Therefore the treatment of "\" must be the first thing
for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++)
for (size_t i = 0, pos;
(pos = name.find(chars_name[k], i)) != string::npos;
i = pos + 2)
name.replace(pos, 1, backslash + chars_name[k] + braces);
// replace the tilde by the \sim character as suggested in the
// LaTeX FAQ for URLs
docstring const sim = from_ascii("$\\sim$");
for (size_t i = 0, pos;
(pos = name.find('~', i)) != string::npos;
i = pos + 1)
name.replace(pos, 1, sim);
pair<docstring, docstring> name_latexed =
runparams.encoding->latexString(name, runparams.dryrun);
name = name_latexed.first;
if (!name_latexed.second.empty() && !runparams.silent) {
// issue a warning about omitted characters
// FIXME: should be passed to the error dialog
frontend::Alert::warning(_("Uncodable characters"),
bformat(_("The following characters that are used in the href inset are not\n"
"representable in the current encoding and therefore have been omitted:\n%1$s."),
} // end if (!name.empty())
if (runparams.moving_arg)
os << "\\protect";
// output the ready \href command
os << "\\href{" << getParam("type") << url << "}{" << name << '}';
int InsetHyperlink::plaintext(odocstringstream & os,
OutputParams const &, size_t) const
odocstringstream oss;
oss << '[' << getParam("target");
if (getParam("name").empty())
oss << ']';
oss << "||" << getParam("name") << ']';
docstring const str = oss.str();
os << str;
return str.size();
int InsetHyperlink::docbook(odocstream & os, OutputParams const &) const
os << "<ulink url=\""
<< subst(getParam("target"), from_ascii("&"), from_ascii("&amp;"))
<< "\">"
<< getParam("name")
<< "</ulink>";
return 0;
docstring InsetHyperlink::xhtml(XHTMLStream & xs, OutputParams const &) const
docstring const & target =
html::htmlize(getParam("target"), XHTMLStream::ESCAPE_AND);
docstring const & name = getParam("name");
xs << html::StartTag("a", to_utf8("href=\"" + target + "\""));
xs << (name.empty() ? target : name);
xs << html::EndTag("a");
return docstring();
void InsetHyperlink::toString(odocstream & os) const
odocstringstream ods;
plaintext(ods, OutputParams(0), INT_MAX);
os << ods.str();
void InsetHyperlink::forOutliner(docstring & os, size_t const, bool const) const
docstring const & n = getParam("name");
if (!n.empty()) {
os += n;
os += getParam("target");
docstring InsetHyperlink::toolTip(BufferView const & /*bv*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/) const
docstring url = getParam("target");
docstring type = getParam("type");
docstring guitype = _("www");
if (type == "mailto:")
guitype = _("email");
else if (type == "file:")
guitype = _("file");
return bformat(_("Hyperlink (%1$s) to %2$s"), guitype, url);
void InsetHyperlink::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const
string InsetHyperlink::contextMenuName() const
return "context-hyperlink";
} // namespace lyx