mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 01:46:27 +00:00
chess-workshop-symbols.sty is no longer (on an updated TL 2018) included in the TL package "skak". This commit replaces the loading of chess-workshop-symbols in the custom preamble with the loading of the package chessfss. chessfss is in TL 2016 and TL 2018, and the example file now compiles with both TL installations. Before this commit, compilation of chessgame.lyx was possible if chess-workshop-symbols.sty were installed manually (i.e., outside of TL), but it is preferred to keep dependencies to only TL if possible.
435 lines
5.9 KiB
435 lines
5.9 KiB
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\begin_layout Title
Email Chess Game analyzed
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Kayvan A.
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\begin_layout Date
\emph on
Game start 05/29/2001
\begin_layout Standard
The following game was played at the IECC (International Email Chess Club).
It is presented as an example of the fun you can have with \SpecialChar LyX
's new chess
You must have xboard installed on your machine to be able to open and view
the chess positions from \SpecialChar LyX
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\noun on
Sylvan, Kayvan
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Wakeham, Marc
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\begin_layout Mainline
e4 c5 2.
Nc3 d6 3.
g3 Nc6 4.
Bg2 e6 5.
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filename iecc05.fen
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So far, so good.
This is all according to theory.
\begin_layout Mainline
\begin_layout Variation
Nge7 [
equal{} ]
\begin_layout Mainline
d4 cxd4 7.
Nxd4 a6
\begin_layout Standard
With 7...
\begin_inset space ~
a6, we are back in the well-trodden theory of this opening.
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\begin_inset ERT
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template ChessDiagram
filename iecc07.fen
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\begin_layout Mainline
Nxc6 bxc6 9.
O-O Bb7 10.
Qg4 Bf6 11.
Bf4 Ne7 12.
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White continues to develop pieces and also sets a trap for Black.
\begin_layout Mainline
12...O-O? [ This move loses instantly.
\begin_layout Variation
e5 13.
Be3 Qc7 14.
Na4 O-O [
wbetter{} is best ]
\begin_layout Mainline
\begin_layout Standard
Black's knight and bishop are in each other's way.
The bishop is doomed.
\begin_layout Mainline
Nd5!? 14.
Bxd5 cxd5 15.
exf6 Qxf6 16.
Bxd6 Rfd8 17.
Bc7 Rd7 18.
Bf4 1-0
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