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synced 2025-01-17 21:36:00 +00:00
From John Perry. See bug #10803.
537 lines
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\begin_layout Title
Sample Article Title
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Abbreviated Article Title
\begin_layout Author
Woodrow Wilson and Herbert Hoover
\begin_layout Abstract
An abstract should not contain concrete mathematics, but rather should be
Be brief and avoid using mathematical notation except where absolutely
necessary, since this brief synopsis will be used by search engines to
identify your article!
\begin_layout Standard
\emph on
American Mathematical Monthly
\emph default
style incorporates the following
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be included in the document header.
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Use of other
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packages should be minimized as much as possible.
Math notation, like
\begin_inset Formula $c=\sqrt{a^{2}+b^{2}}$
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's default Computer Modern typefaces for manuscript preparation; or, if
you have the appropriate fonts installed, the
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These links will be active and stylized in the online publication.
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First-level section heading.
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Section headings use an initial capital letter on the first word, with subsequen
t words lowercase.
In general, the style of the journal is to leave all section headings unnumbere
Consult the journal editor if you wish to depart from this and other convention
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Second-level heading.
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The same goes for second-level headings.
It is not necessary to add font commands to make the math within heads
bold and sans serif; this change will occur automatically when the production
style is applied.
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Generally, color graphics will be used for the online publication, and
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We recommend using whatever graphics program you are most comfortable with,
so long as the submitted graphic is provided as a separate file using a
standard file format.
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For best results, please follow the following guidelines:
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Bitmapped file formats---preferably TIFF or JPEG, but not BMP---are appropriate
for photographs, using a resolution of at least 300 dpi at the final scaled
size of the image.
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Line art will reproduce best if provided in vector form, preferably EPS.
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Alternatively, both photographs and line art can be provided as PDF files.
Note that creating a PDF does not affect whether the graphic is a bitmap
or vector; saving a scanned piece of line art as PDF does not convert it
to scalable line art.
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If you generating graphics using a
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package, please be sure to provide a PDF of the manuscript.
In the production process,
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-generated graphics will eventually be converted to more conventional graphics
so the
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can be delivered in e-reader formats.
\begin_layout Enumerate
For photos of contributing authors, we prefer photos that are not cropped
tight to the author's profile, so that production staff can crop the head
shot to an equal height and width.
If possible, avoid photographs that have excess shadows or glare.
\begin_layout Section
Theorems, definitions, proofs, and all that.
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Following the defaults of the
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package, styling is provided for
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styles, although the latter two use the same styling.
\begin_layout Theorem
\begin_inset Argument 1
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
Pythagorean Theorem
Theorems, lemmas, axioms, and the like are stylized using italicized text.
These environments can be numbered or unnumbered, at the author's discretion.
\begin_layout Proof
Proofs set in roman (upright) text, and conclude with an
\begin_inset Quotes eld
end of proof
\begin_inset Quotes erd
(q.e.d.) symbol that is set automatically when you end the proof environment.
When the proof ends with an equation or other non-text element, you need
to add
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to the element to set the end of proof symbol; see the
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package documentation for more details.
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
Secant Line
Definitions, remarks, and notation are stylized as roman text.
They are typically unnumbered, but there are no hard-and-fast rules about
\begin_layout Remark*
Remarks stylize the same as definitions.
\begin_layout Acknowledgments
\begin_inset Argument 1
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
The authors wish to thank the Greek polymath Anonymous, whose prolific works
are an endless source of inspiration.
\begin_layout Bibliography
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key "parker13"
Adam Parker, Who solved the Bernoulli equation and how did they do it?
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\emph default
\series bold
\series default
(2013) 89–97.
\begin_layout Bibliography
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LatexCommand bibitem
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Brian Hopkins, ed.,
\emph on
Resources for Teaching Discrete Mathematics
\emph default
, Mathematical Association of America, Washington DC, 2009.
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\begin_layout Biographies
\begin_layout Author Biography
\begin_inset Argument 1
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
Woodrow Wilson
received his Ph.D.
in history and political science from Johns Hopkins University.
He held visiting positions at Cornell and Wesleyan before joining the faculty
at Princeton, where he was eventually appointed president of the university.
Among his proudest accomplishments was the abolition of eating clubs at
Princeton on the grounds that they were elitist.
\begin_layout Affiliation
Office of the President, Princeton University, Princeton NJ 08544
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_layout Author Biography
\begin_inset Argument 1
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\begin_layout Plain Layout
Herbert Hoover
entered Stanford University in 1891, after failing all of the entrance exams
except mathematics.
He received his B.S.
degree in geology in 1895, spent time as a mining engineer, then was appointed
by his co-author to the U.S.
Food Administration and the Supreme Economic Council, where he orchestrated
the greatest famine relief efforts of all time.
\begin_layout Affiliation
Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305
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