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synced 2025-01-13 20:09:59 +00:00
The original use case for this bug is entering an overset inset when there is a selection. The expected result was to have the selection pasted in main text, but the result was to have it in the cell. Insets already have idxFirst() that is able to set cursor to the "entry" cell of an inset. This patch introduces firstIdx(), which is the index of this cell and uses it in idxFirst() (idem for lastIdx/idxLast). As a consequence, several instances of idxFirst/idxLast can be removed. Now for the real fix: the two places where the cell in which selection is inserted seem to be: * Cursor::macroModeClose * Cursor::handleNest These two methods are changed to insert material in the entry cell instead of cell 0. idxFirst/Last methods are added to InsetMathRoot and InsetMathStackrel so that the natural entry point is the nucleus of those insets. Finallly, a typo is fixed in InsetMathNest::edit() where enter_front computation was incorrect.
301 lines
7.8 KiB
301 lines
7.8 KiB
// -*- C++ -*-
* \file InsetMathGrid.h
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author André Pönitz
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#ifndef MATH_GRID_H
#define MATH_GRID_H
#include "InsetMathNest.h"
#include "Length.h"
namespace lyx {
/** Gridded math inset base class.
* This is the base to all grid-like editable math objects
class InsetMathGrid : public InsetMathNest {
enum Multicolumn {
/// A normal cell
/// A multicolumn cell. The number of columns is <tt>1 + number
/// of CELL_PART_OF_MULTICOLUMN cells</tt> that follow directly
/// This is a dummy cell (part of a multicolumn cell)
/// additional per-cell information
class CellInfo {
/// multicolumn flag
Multicolumn multi_;
/// special multi colums alignment
docstring align_;
/// additional per-row information
class RowInfo {
int skipPixels(MetricsInfo const & mi) const;
/// cached descent
mutable int descent_;
/// cached ascent
mutable int ascent_;
/// cached offset
mutable int offset_;
/// how many hlines above this row?
unsigned int lines_;
/// parameter to the line break
Length crskip_;
/// extra distance between lines
int skip_;
/// Is a page break allowed after this row?
bool allow_newpage_;
// additional per-row information
class ColInfo {
/// currently possible: 'l', 'c', 'r'
char align_;
/// cached width
mutable int width_;
/// cached offset
mutable int offset_;
/// how many lines to the left of this column?
unsigned int lines_;
/// additional amount to the right to be skipped when drawing
int skip_;
/// Special alignment.
/// This does also contain align_ and lines_ if it is nonempty.
/// It needs to be in sync with align_ and lines_ because some
/// code only uses align_ and lines_.
docstring special_;
/// sets nrows and ncols to 1, vertical alingment to 'c'
InsetMathGrid(Buffer * buf);
/// Note: columns first!
InsetMathGrid(Buffer * buf, col_type m, row_type n);
InsetMathGrid(Buffer * buf, col_type m, row_type n, char valign,
docstring const & halign);
marker_type marker(BufferView const *) const { return MARKER2; };
void metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension &) const;
void draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const;
void metricsT(TextMetricsInfo const & mi, Dimension & dim) const;
void drawT(TextPainter & pi, int x, int y) const;
void updateBuffer(ParIterator const &, UpdateType);
/// extract number of columns from alignment string
static col_type guessColumns(docstring const & halign);
/// accepts some LaTeX column codes: p,m,!,@,M,<,>
void setHorizontalAlignments(docstring const & align);
void setHorizontalAlignment(char c, col_type col);
char horizontalAlignment(col_type col) const;
docstring horizontalAlignments() const;
/// 't', 'b', or 'm'
void setVerticalAlignment(char c);
char verticalAlignment() const;
void vcrskip(Length const &, row_type row);
Length vcrskip(row_type row) const;
void resize(short int type, col_type cols);
const RowInfo & rowinfo(row_type row) const;
/// returns topmost row if passed (-1)
RowInfo & rowinfo(row_type row);
const CellInfo & cellinfo(idx_type idx) const { return cellinfo_[idx]; }
CellInfo & cellinfo(idx_type idx) { return cellinfo_[idx]; }
/// identifies GridInset
InsetMathGrid * asGridInset() { return this; }
/// identifies GridInset
InsetMathGrid const * asGridInset() const { return this; }
bool isTable() const { return true; }
col_type ncols() const;
row_type nrows() const;
col_type col(idx_type idx) const;
row_type row(idx_type idx) const;
/// number of columns of cell \p idx
col_type ncellcols(idx_type idx) const;
bool idxUpDown(Cursor &, bool up) const;
bool idxBackward(Cursor &) const;
bool idxForward(Cursor &) const;
idx_type firstIdx() const;
idx_type lastIdx() const;
bool idxDelete(idx_type & idx);
/// pulls cell after pressing erase
void idxGlue(idx_type idx);
/// add a row, one row down
virtual void addRow(row_type r);
/// delete a row
virtual void delRow(row_type r);
/// copy a row
virtual void copyRow(row_type r);
/// swap two rows
virtual void swapRow(row_type r);
/// add a column, here
virtual void addCol(col_type c);
/// delete a column
virtual void delCol(col_type c);
/// copy a column
virtual void copyCol(col_type c);
/// swap two columns
virtual void swapCol(col_type c);
idx_type index(row_type r, col_type c) const;
bool idxBetween(idx_type idx, idx_type from, idx_type to) const;
virtual int defaultColSpace(col_type) { return 0; }
virtual char defaultColAlign(col_type) { return 'c'; }
void setDefaults();
virtual bool interpretString(Cursor & cur, docstring const & str);
virtual int colsep() const;
virtual int rowsep() const;
virtual int hlinesep() const;
virtual int vlinesep() const;
virtual int border() const;
virtual bool handlesMulticolumn() const { return false; }
void write(WriteStream & os) const;
void write(WriteStream & os,
row_type beg_row, col_type beg_col,
row_type end_row, col_type end_col) const;
void normalize(NormalStream &) const;
//void maple(MapleStream &) const;
void mathmlize(MathStream &) const;
void htmlize(HtmlStream &) const;
void htmlize(HtmlStream &, std::string attrib) const;
void validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const;
//void octave(OctaveStream &) const;
void doDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd);
bool getStatus(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd,
FuncStatus & flag) const;
/// returns x offset of cell compared to inset
int cellXOffset(BufferView const &, idx_type idx) const;
/// returns y offset of cell compared to inset
int cellYOffset(idx_type idx) const;
/// Width of cell, taking combined columns into account
int cellWidth(idx_type idx) const;
virtual int leftMargin() const { return 0; }
virtual int rightMargin() const { return 0; }
/// returns proper 'end of line' code for LaTeX
virtual docstring eolString(row_type row, bool fragile, bool latex,
bool last_eoln) const;
/// returns proper 'end of column' code for LaTeX
virtual docstring eocString(col_type col, col_type lastcol) const;
/// splits cells and shifts right part to the next cell
void splitCell(Cursor & cur);
/// Column alignment for display of cell \p idx.
/// Must not be written to file!
virtual char displayColAlign(idx_type idx) const;
/// Column spacing for display of column \p col.
/// Must not be written to file!
virtual int displayColSpace(col_type col) const;
// The following two functions are used in InsetMathHull and
// InsetMathSplit.
/// The value of a fixed col align for a certain hull type
static char colAlign(HullType type, col_type col);
/// The value of a fixed col spacing for a certain hull type
static int colSpace(HullType type, col_type col);
/// positions of vertical and horizontal lines
int vLineHOffset(col_type col, unsigned int line) const;
int hLineVOffset(row_type row, unsigned int line) const;
/// row info.
/// rowinfo_[nrows()] is a dummy row used only for hlines.
std::vector<RowInfo> rowinfo_;
/// column info.
/// colinfo_[ncols()] is a dummy column used only for vlines.
std::vector<ColInfo> colinfo_;
/// cell info
std::vector<CellInfo> cellinfo_;
InsetCode lyxCode() const { return MATH_GRID_CODE; }
char v_align_; // FIXME: add approp. type
Inset * clone() const;
} // namespace lyx