Juergen Spitzmueller 7f4c4cd548 Improve AllowedOccurrences
This does now apply to the whole inset or paragraph group (not to the
current paragraph only) unless the new boolean AllowedOccurrencesPerItem
is set and we are in a list-type environment.

Amends 729ab602ca
2023-07-26 09:53:25 +02:00

463 lines
12 KiB

// -*- C++ -*-
* \file InsetLayout.h
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Martin Vermeer
* \author Richard Kimberly Heck
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include "ColorCode.h"
#include "FontInfo.h"
#include "Layout.h"
#include "support/docstring.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
namespace lyx {
class Lexer;
class TextClass;
enum class InsetDecoration : int {
enum class InsetLyXType : int {
enum class InsetLaTeXType : int {
class InsetLayout {
InsetLayout() { labelfont_.setColor(Color_insetlabel); }
bool read(Lexer & lexrc, TextClass const & tclass,
bool validating = false);
docstring name() const { return name_; }
void setName(docstring const & n) { name_ = n; }
InsetLyXType lyxtype() const { return lyxtype_; }
docstring labelstring() const { return labelstring_; }
docstring menustring() const { return menustring_; }
bool contentaslabel() const { return contentaslabel_; }
InsetDecoration decoration() const { return decoration_; }
InsetLaTeXType latextype() const { return latextype_; }
std::string latexname() const { return latexname_; }
std::string latexparam() const { return latexparam_; }
docstring leftdelim() const { return leftdelim_; }
docstring rightdelim() const { return rightdelim_; }
bool inheritFont() const { return inheritfont_; }
FontInfo font() const { return font_; }
FontInfo labelfont() const { return labelfont_; }
ColorCode bgcolor() const { return bgcolor_; }
Layout::LaTeXArgMap const & latexargs() const { return latexargs_; }
Layout::LaTeXArgMap const & postcommandargs() const { return postcommandargs_; }
/// Returns latexargs() + postcommandargs().
/// But note that it returns a *copy*, not a reference, so do not do
/// anything like:
/// Layout::LaTeXArgMap::iterator it = args().begin();
/// Layout::LaTeXArgMap::iterator en = args().end();
/// Those are iterators for different containers.
Layout::LaTeXArgMap args() const;
int optArgs() const;
int requiredArgs() const;
docstring preamble() const { return preamble_; }
/// Get language dependent macro definitions needed for this inset
docstring const langpreamble() const { return langpreamble_; }
/// Get language and babel dependent macro definitions needed for
/// this inset
docstring const babelpreamble() const { return babelpreamble_; }
bool fixedwidthpreambleencoding() const { return fixedwidthpreambleencoding_; }
docstring counter() const { return counter_; }
docstring refprefix() const { return refprefix_; }
/// The tag enclosing all the material in this inset. Default is "span".
std::string const & htmltag() const;
/// Additional attributes for inclusion with the start tag. Default (if
/// a tag is provided) is: class="name".
std::string const & htmlattr() const { return htmlattr_; }
std::string const & htmlclass() const;
std::string const & htmlGetAttrString() const;
/// Tag for individual paragraphs in the inset. Default is none.
std::string const & htmlinnertag() const { return htmlinnertag_; }
/// Attributes for that tag. Default (if a tag is provided) is:
/// class="name_inner".
std::string const & htmlinnerattr() const;
/// A label for this environment, possibly including a reference
/// to a counter. E.g., for footnote, it might be:
/// \arabic{footnote}
/// No default.
/// FIXME Could we get this from the layout?
std::string const & htmllabel() const { return htmllabel_; }
inline std::string htmllabeltag() const { return "span"; }
std::string htmllabelattr() const
{ return "class=\"" + defaultCSSClass() + "_label\""; }
/// CSS associated with this inset.
docstring htmlstyle() const;
/// Additional material for the header.
docstring htmlpreamble() const { return htmlpreamble_; }
/// Whether this inset represents a "block" of material, i.e., a set
/// of paragraphs of its own (true), or should be run into the previous
/// paragraph (false). Examples:
/// For branches, this is false.
/// For footnotes, this is true.
/// Defaults to true.
bool htmlisblock() const { return htmlisblock_; }
std::string docbooktag() const { return docbooktag_; }
std::string docbooktagtype() const;
std::string docbookattr() const { return docbookattr_; }
std::string docbookinnertag() const { return docbookinnertag_; }
std::string docbookinnertagtype() const;
std::string docbookinnerattr() const { return docbookinnerattr_; }
std::string const & docbookininfo() const;
bool docbooksection() const { return docbooksection_; }
bool docbooknotinpara() const { return docbooknotinpara_; }
bool docbookargumentbeforemaintag() const { return docbookargumentbeforemaintag_; }
bool docbookargumentaftermaintag() const { return docbookargumentaftermaintag_; }
std::string docbookwrappertag() const { return docbookwrappertag_; }
std::string docbookwrappertagtype() const;
std::string docbookwrapperattr() const { return docbookwrapperattr_; }
std::string docbookitemwrappertag() const { return docbookitemwrappertag_; }
std::string docbookitemwrappertagtype() const;
std::string docbookitemwrapperattr() const { return docbookitemwrapperattr_; }
std::string docbookitemtag() const { return docbookitemtag_; }
std::string docbookitemtagtype() const;
std::string docbookitemattr() const { return docbookitemattr_; }
bool docbooknofontinside() const { return docbooknofontinside_; }
bool docbookrenderasimage() const { return docbookrenderasimage_; }
std::set<std::string> required() const { return required_; }
bool isMultiPar() const { return multipar_; }
bool forcePlainLayout() const { return forceplain_; }
bool allowParagraphCustomization() const { return custompars_; }
bool isPassThru() const { return passthru_; }
docstring passThruChars() const { return passthru_chars_; }
std::string newlineCmd() const { return newline_cmd_; }
bool parbreakIsNewline() const { return parbreakisnewline_; }
bool parbreakIgnored() const { return parbreakignored_; }
bool isNeedProtect() const { return needprotect_; }
bool needsCProtect() const { return needcprotect_; }
/// Protection of some elements such as \ref and \cite
/// in \mbox (needed by commands building on soul or ulem)
bool isNeedMBoxProtect() const { return needmboxprotect_; }
bool isFreeSpacing() const { return freespacing_; }
bool isKeepEmpty() const { return keepempty_; }
bool forceLTR() const { return forceltr_; }
bool forceOwnlines() const { return forceownlines_; }
bool isInToc() const { return intoc_; }
bool spellcheck() const { return spellcheck_; }
bool resetsFont() const { return resetsfont_; }
bool isDisplay() const { return display_; }
bool forceLocalFontSwitch() const { return forcelocalfontswitch_; }
docstring const & obsoleted_by() const { return obsoleted_by_; }
bool addToToc() const { return add_to_toc_; }
std::string tocType() const { return toc_type_; }
bool isTocCaption() const { return is_toc_caption_; }
bool editExternally () const { return edit_external_; }
std::set<docstring> const & allowedInInsets() const { return allowed_in_insets_; }
std::set<docstring> const & allowedInLayouts() const { return allowed_in_layouts_; }
int allowedOccurrences() const { return allowed_occurrences_; }
bool allowedOccurrencesPerItem() const { return allowed_occurrences_per_item_; }
void makeDefaultCSS() const;
std::string defaultCSSClass() const;
void readArgument(Lexer &);
docstring name_ = from_ascii("undefined");
* This is only used (at present) to decide where to put them on the menus.
* Values are 'charstyle', 'custom' (things that by default look like a
* footnote), 'standard'.
InsetLyXType lyxtype_ = InsetLyXType::STANDARD;
docstring labelstring_ = from_ascii("UNDEFINED");
docstring menustring_;
bool contentaslabel_ = false;
InsetDecoration decoration_ = InsetDecoration::DEFAULT;
InsetLaTeXType latextype_ = InsetLaTeXType::NOLATEXTYPE;
std::string latexname_;
std::string latexparam_;
docstring leftdelim_;
docstring rightdelim_;
FontInfo font_ = inherit_font;
FontInfo labelfont_ = sane_font;
bool inheritfont_ = true;
ColorCode bgcolor_ = Color_error;
docstring counter_;
docstring preamble_;
/// Language dependent macro definitions needed for this inset
docstring langpreamble_;
/// Language and babel dependent macro definitions needed for this inset
docstring babelpreamble_;
bool fixedwidthpreambleencoding_ = false;
docstring refprefix_;
mutable std::string htmltag_;
mutable std::string htmlattr_;
mutable std::string htmlclass_;
/// cache
mutable std::string htmlfullattrs_;
std::string htmlinnertag_;
mutable std::string htmlinnerattr_;
std::string htmllabel_;
docstring htmlstyle_;
/// Cache for default CSS info for this inset.
mutable docstring htmldefaultstyle_;
/// Cache for default CSS class.
mutable std::string defaultcssclass_;
/// Whether to force generation of default CSS even if some is given.
/// False by default.
bool htmlforcecss_ = false;
docstring htmlpreamble_;
bool htmlisblock_ = true;
std::string docbooktag_;
mutable std::string docbooktagtype_;
std::string docbookattr_;
std::string docbookinnertag_;
mutable std::string docbookinnertagtype_;
std::string docbookinnerattr_;
mutable std::string docbookininfo_;
bool docbooknotinpara_ = false;
bool docbookargumentbeforemaintag_ = false;
bool docbookargumentaftermaintag_ = false;
bool docbooksection_ = false;
std::string docbookwrappertag_;
mutable std::string docbookwrappertagtype_;
std::string docbookwrapperattr_;
std::string docbookitemtag_;
mutable std::string docbookitemtagtype_;
std::string docbookitemattr_;
std::string docbookitemwrappertag_;
mutable std::string docbookitemwrappertagtype_;
std::string docbookitemwrapperattr_;
bool docbooknofontinside_ = false;
bool docbookrenderasimage_ = false;
std::set<std::string> required_;
bool multipar_ = true;
bool custompars_ = true;
bool forceplain_ = false;
bool passthru_ = false;
docstring passthru_chars_;
std::string newline_cmd_;
bool parbreakisnewline_ = false;
bool parbreakignored_ = false;
bool freespacing_ = false;
bool keepempty_ = false;
bool forceltr_ = false;
bool forceownlines_ = false;
bool needprotect_ = false;
bool needcprotect_ = false;
bool needmboxprotect_ = false;
/// should the contents be written to TOC strings?
bool intoc_ = false;
/// check spelling of this inset?
bool spellcheck_ = true;
bool resetsfont_ = false;
bool display_ = true;
bool forcelocalfontswitch_ = false;
/** Name of an insetlayout that has replaced this insetlayout.
This is used to rename an insetlayout, while keeping backward
docstring obsoleted_by_;
Layout::LaTeXArgMap latexargs_;
Layout::LaTeXArgMap postcommandargs_;
bool add_to_toc_ = false;
std::string toc_type_;
bool is_toc_caption_ = false;
bool edit_external_ = false;
/// Insets that can hold insets with this InsetLayout
std::set<docstring> allowed_in_insets_;
/// Layouts that can hold insets with this InsetLayout
std::set<docstring> allowed_in_layouts_;
int allowed_occurrences_ = -1;
bool allowed_occurrences_per_item_ = false;
InsetLyXType translateLyXType(std::string const & str);
InsetDecoration translateDecoration(std::string const & str);
} // namespace lyx