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synced 2024-12-11 08:22:44 +00:00
Set suitable non-TeX fonts in the test document. Use "kotex" language package.
165 lines
3.3 KiB
165 lines
3.3 KiB
#LyX 2.4 created this file. For more info see https://www.lyx.org/
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\begin_layout Standard
LyX 는 훌륭한 문서를 동반합니다 - 사용하세요!
\begin_layout Standard
문서에 대한 간략한 소개를 제공하는
\family sans
도움말\SpecialChar menuseparator
\family default
메뉴에서 시작하세요.
그 다음
\family sans
도움말\SpecialChar menuseparator
\family default
를 통해 LyX 사용법을 익히세요.
\begin_layout Itemize
The CJK default font for Korean (mj) works with CJKutf8 but fails with the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
legacy input encoding (Debian/stable with TeXLive17).
\begin_layout Itemize
The Debian documentation for the
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\begin_inset Quotes erd
package (/usr/share/doc/latex-cjk-common/examples/KS.tex ) tells:
\begin_layout Quote
% ko.tex-extra
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% Works: ph bm jsr jmj jnv sh pg yt gs pn
\begin_layout Quote
% ko.tex-extra-hlfont
\begin_layout Quote
% Does not work: dn [tries outdn* Unicode fonts, fails] pga [tries outpga*
Unicode fonts, fails]
\begin_layout Quote
% Standard
\begin_layout Quote
% Does not work: mj gt [do not seem to be packaged anymore]
\begin_layout Standard
However, also the ko.tex-extra fonts fail here (with Debian/stretch).
\begin_layout Standard
Recommendation: Make utf8 the default language encoding for Korean!