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synced 2024-11-14 06:57:01 +00:00
The "save-as" part of the bug is fixed by extending the \textclass tag such that, if a local layout file is used, its path relative to the document directory is now stored together with the name. If a relative path cannot be used, an absolute one is used but, in this case, the document is not usable on a different platform. The "copy" part is fixed by introducing a new \origin tag, which is written when the file is saved. This tag stores the absolute path of the document directory. If the document is manually copied to a different location, the local layout file is retrivied by using \origin (which is only updated on save). This new tag may prove useful also for locating other files when the document is manually moved to a different directory. As in the original implementation the files needed for the layout (for example, a latex class) had to be in the same directory as the layout file, this directory has also to be added to TEXINPUTS.
692 lines
15 KiB
692 lines
15 KiB
* \file ForkedCalls.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Asger Alstrup
* \author Angus Leeming
* \author Alfredo Braunstein
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include "support/ForkedCalls.h"
#include "support/debug.h"
#include "support/filetools.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include "support/lyxlib.h"
#include "support/os.h"
#include "support/Timeout.h"
#include "support/bind.h"
#include <cerrno>
#include <queue>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#ifdef _WIN32
# define SIGHUP 1
# define SIGKILL 9
# include <windows.h>
# include <process.h>
# undef max
# include <csignal>
# include <cstdlib>
# include <unistd.h>
# endif
# include <sys/wait.h>
using namespace std;
namespace lyx {
namespace support {
namespace {
// Murder
class Murder : public boost::signals::trackable {
static void killItDead(int secs, pid_t pid)
if (secs > 0)
new Murder(secs, pid);
else if (pid != 0)
support::kill(pid, SIGKILL);
void kill()
if (pid_ != 0)
support::kill(pid_, SIGKILL);
lyxerr << "Killed " << pid_ << endl;
delete this;
Murder(int secs, pid_t pid)
: timeout_(1000*secs, Timeout::ONETIME), pid_(pid)
timeout_.timeout.connect(lyx::bind(&Murder::kill, this));
Timeout timeout_;
pid_t pid_;
} // namespace anon
// ForkedProcess
: pid_(0), retval_(0)
bool ForkedProcess::IAmAChild = false;
void ForkedProcess::emitSignal()
if (signal_) {
signal_->operator()(pid_, retval_);
// Spawn the child process
int ForkedProcess::run(Starttype type)
retval_ = 0;
pid_ = generateChild();
if (pid_ <= 0) { // child or fork failed.
retval_ = 1;
if (pid_ == 0)
//we also do this in fork(), too, but maybe someone will try
//to bypass that
IAmAChild = true;
return retval_;
switch (type) {
case Wait:
retval_ = waitForChild();
case DontWait: {
// Integrate into the Controller
return retval_;
bool ForkedProcess::running() const
if (pid() <= 0)
return false;
#if !defined (_WIN32)
// Un-UNIX like, but we don't have much use for
// knowing if a zombie exists, so just reap it first.
int waitstatus;
waitpid(pid(), &waitstatus, WNOHANG);
// Racy of course, but it will do.
if (support::kill(pid(), 0) && errno == ESRCH)
return false;
return true;
void ForkedProcess::kill(int tol)
lyxerr << "ForkedProcess::kill(" << tol << ')' << endl;
if (pid() <= 0) {
lyxerr << "Can't kill non-existent process!" << endl;
int const tolerance = max(0, tol);
if (tolerance == 0) {
// Kill it dead NOW!
Murder::killItDead(0, pid());
} else {
int ret = support::kill(pid(), SIGHUP);
// The process is already dead if wait_for_death is false
bool const wait_for_death = (ret == 0 && errno != ESRCH);
if (wait_for_death)
Murder::killItDead(tolerance, pid());
pid_t ForkedProcess::fork() {
#if !defined (HAVE_FORK)
return -1;
pid_t pid = ::fork();
if (pid == 0)
IAmAChild = true;
return pid;
// Wait for child process to finish. Returns returncode from child.
int ForkedProcess::waitForChild()
// We'll pretend that the child returns 1 on all error conditions.
retval_ = 1;
#if defined (_WIN32)
HANDLE const hProcess = HANDLE(pid_);
DWORD const wait_status = ::WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, INFINITE);
switch (wait_status) {
case WAIT_OBJECT_0: {
DWORD exit_code = 0;
if (!GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, &exit_code)) {
lyxerr << "GetExitCodeProcess failed waiting for child\n"
<< getChildErrorMessage() << endl;
} else
retval_ = exit_code;
lyxerr << "WaitForSingleObject failed waiting for child\n"
<< getChildErrorMessage() << endl;
int status;
bool wait = true;
while (wait) {
pid_t waitrpid = waitpid(pid_, &status, WUNTRACED);
if (waitrpid == -1) {
lyxerr << "LyX: Error waiting for child:"
<< strerror(errno) << endl;
wait = false;
} else if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
// Child exited normally. Update return value.
retval_ = WEXITSTATUS(status);
wait = false;
} else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
lyxerr << "LyX: Child didn't catch signal "
<< WTERMSIG(status)
<< "and died. Too bad." << endl;
wait = false;
} else if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {
lyxerr << "LyX: Child (pid: " << pid_
<< ") stopped on signal "
<< WSTOPSIG(status)
<< ". Waiting for child to finish." << endl;
} else {
lyxerr << "LyX: Something rotten happened while "
"waiting for child " << pid_ << endl;
wait = false;
return retval_;
// ForkedCall
ForkedCall::ForkedCall(string const & path, string const & lpath)
: cmd_prefix_(to_filesystem8bit(from_utf8(latexEnvCmdPrefix(path, lpath))))
int ForkedCall::startScript(Starttype wait, string const & what)
if (wait != Wait) {
retval_ = startScript(what, SignalTypePtr());
return retval_;
command_ = commandPrep(trim(what));
return run(Wait);
int ForkedCall::startScript(string const & what, SignalTypePtr signal)
command_ = commandPrep(trim(what));
signal_ = signal;
return run(DontWait);
// generate child in background
int ForkedCall::generateChild()
if (command_.empty())
return 1;
// Make sure that a V2 python is run, if available.
string const line = cmd_prefix_ +
(prefixIs(command_, "python -tt")
? os::python() + command_.substr(10) : command_);
#if !defined (_WIN32)
// Split the input command up into an array of words stored
// in a contiguous block of memory. The array contains pointers
// to each word.
// Don't forget the terminating `\0' character.
char const * const c_str = line.c_str();
vector<char> vec(c_str, c_str + line.size() + 1);
// Splitting the command up into an array of words means replacing
// the whitespace between words with '\0'. Life is complicated
// however, because words protected by quotes can contain whitespace.
// The strategy we adopt is:
// 1. If we're not inside quotes, then replace white space with '\0'.
// 2. If we are inside quotes, then don't replace the white space
// but do remove the quotes themselves. We do this naively by
// replacing the quote with '\0' which is fine if quotes
// delimit the entire word. However, if quotes do not delimit the
// entire word (i.e., open quote is inside word), simply discard
// them such as not to break the current word.
char inside_quote = 0;
char c_before_open_quote = ' ';
vector<char>::iterator it = vec.begin();
vector<char>::iterator itc = vec.begin();
vector<char>::iterator const end = vec.end();
for (; it != end; ++it, ++itc) {
char const c = *it;
if (!inside_quote) {
if (c == '\'' || c == '"') {
if (c_before_open_quote == ' ')
*itc = '\0';
inside_quote = c;
} else {
if (c == ' ')
*itc = '\0';
*itc = c;
c_before_open_quote = c;
} else if (c == inside_quote) {
if (c_before_open_quote == ' ')
*itc = '\0';
inside_quote = 0;
} else
*itc = c;
// Clear what remains.
for (; itc != end; ++itc)
*itc = '\0';
// Build an array of pointers to each word.
it = vec.begin();
vector<char *> argv;
char prev = '\0';
for (; it != end; ++it) {
if (*it != '\0' && prev == '\0')
prev = *it;
// Debug output.
if (lyxerr.debugging(Debug::FILES)) {
vector<char *>::iterator ait = argv.begin();
vector<char *>::iterator const aend = argv.end();
lyxerr << "<command>\n\t" << line
<< "\n\tInterpreted as:\n\n";
for (; ait != aend; ++ait)
if (*ait)
lyxerr << '\t'<< *ait << '\n';
lyxerr << "</command>" << endl;
pid_t const cpid = ::fork();
if (cpid == 0) {
// Child
execvp(argv[0], &*argv.begin());
// If something goes wrong, we end up here
lyxerr << "execvp of \"" << command_ << "\" failed: "
<< strerror(errno) << endl;
// Windows
pid_t cpid = -1;
memset(&startup, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
memset(&process, 0, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
startup.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
if (CreateProcess(0, (LPSTR)line.c_str(), 0, 0, FALSE,
CREATE_NO_WINDOW, 0, 0, &startup, &process)) {
cpid = (pid_t)process.hProcess;
if (cpid < 0) {
// Error.
lyxerr << "Could not fork: " << strerror(errno) << endl;
return cpid;
// ForkedCallQueue
namespace ForkedCallQueue {
/// A process in the queue
typedef pair<string, ForkedCall::SignalTypePtr> Process;
/** Add a process to the queue. Processes are forked sequentially
* only one is running at a time.
* Connect to the returned signal and you'll be informed when
* the process has ended.
ForkedCall::SignalTypePtr add(string const & process);
/// in-progress queue
static queue<Process> callQueue_;
/// flag whether queue is running
static bool running_ = 0;
void startCaller();
void stopCaller();
void callback(pid_t, int);
ForkedCall::SignalTypePtr add(string const & process)
ForkedCall::SignalTypePtr ptr;
ptr.reset(new ForkedCall::SignalType);
callQueue_.push(Process(process, ptr));
if (!running_)
return ptr;
void callNext()
if (callQueue_.empty())
Process pro = callQueue_.front();
// Bind our chain caller
pro.second->connect(lyx::bind(&ForkedCallQueue::callback, _1, _2));
ForkedCall call;
//If we fail to fork the process, then emit the signal
//to tell the outside world that it failed.
if (call.startScript(pro.first, pro.second) > 0)
void callback(pid_t, int)
if (callQueue_.empty())
void startCaller()
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "ForkedCallQueue: waking up");
running_ = true ;
void stopCaller()
running_ = false ;
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "ForkedCallQueue: I'm going to sleep");
bool running()
return running_;
} // namespace ForkedCallsQueue
// ForkedCallsController
#if defined(_WIN32)
string const getChildErrorMessage()
DWORD const error_code = ::GetLastError();
HLOCAL t_message = 0;
bool const ok = ::FormatMessage(
0, error_code,
(LPTSTR) &t_message, 0, 0
) != 0;
ostringstream ss;
ss << "LyX: Error waiting for child: " << error_code;
if (ok) {
ss << ": " << (LPTSTR)t_message;
} else
ss << ": Error unknown.";
return ss.str();
namespace ForkedCallsController {
typedef shared_ptr<ForkedProcess> ForkedProcessPtr;
typedef list<ForkedProcessPtr> ListType;
typedef ListType::iterator iterator;
/// The child processes
static ListType forkedCalls;
iterator find_pid(pid_t pid)
return find_if(forkedCalls.begin(), forkedCalls.end(),
lyx::bind(&ForkedCall::pid, _1),
void addCall(ForkedProcess const & newcall)
// Check the list of dead children and emit any associated signals.
void handleCompletedProcesses()
ListType::iterator it = forkedCalls.begin();
ListType::iterator end = forkedCalls.end();
while (it != end) {
ForkedProcessPtr actCall = *it;
bool remove_it = false;
#if defined(_WIN32)
HANDLE const hProcess = HANDLE(actCall->pid());
DWORD const wait_status = ::WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, 0);
switch (wait_status) {
// Still running
case WAIT_OBJECT_0: {
DWORD exit_code = 0;
if (!GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, &exit_code)) {
lyxerr << "GetExitCodeProcess failed waiting for child\n"
<< getChildErrorMessage() << endl;
// Child died, so pretend it returned 1
} else {
remove_it = true;
lyxerr << "WaitForSingleObject failed waiting for child\n"
<< getChildErrorMessage() << endl;
remove_it = true;
pid_t pid = actCall->pid();
int stat_loc;
pid_t const waitrpid = waitpid(pid, &stat_loc, WNOHANG);
if (waitrpid == -1) {
lyxerr << "LyX: Error waiting for child: "
<< strerror(errno) << endl;
// Child died, so pretend it returned 1
remove_it = true;
} else if (waitrpid == 0) {
// Still running. Move on to the next child.
} else if (WIFEXITED(stat_loc)) {
// Ok, the return value goes into retval.
remove_it = true;
} else if (WIFSIGNALED(stat_loc)) {
// Child died, so pretend it returned 1
remove_it = true;
} else if (WIFSTOPPED(stat_loc)) {
lyxerr << "LyX: Child (pid: " << pid
<< ") stopped on signal "
<< WSTOPSIG(stat_loc)
<< ". Waiting for child to finish." << endl;
} else {
lyxerr << "LyX: Something rotten happened while "
"waiting for child " << pid << endl;
// Child died, so pretend it returned 1
remove_it = true;
if (remove_it) {
/* start all over: emiting the signal can result
* in changing the list (Ab)
it = forkedCalls.begin();
} else {
// Kill the process prematurely and remove it from the list
// within tolerance secs
void kill(pid_t pid, int tolerance)
ListType::iterator it = find_pid(pid);
if (it == forkedCalls.end())
} // namespace ForkedCallsController
} // namespace support
} // namespace lyx