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It is helpful to group logically-linked equations.
For example, the one-speed one-dimensional integro-differential equation
\begin_inset Formula $0\le x\le X$
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shown in Eq.
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has associated boundary conditions shown in Eqs.
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\mu\frac{d\psi\left(x,\mu\right)}{dx}+\Sigma_{t}\left(x\right)\psi\left(x,\mu\right) & =\intop_{-1}^{1}\frac{\Sigma_{s}\left(x,\mu'\to\mu\right)}{2}\psi\left(x,\mu'\right)d\mu'+\frac{Q\left(x,\mu\right)}{2},\label{eq:odoglbe}\\
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As an alternative to cross-referencing each subequation directly, the group
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reference "eq:odoglbeset_aligned"
and/or Eq.
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) can be referenced by placing a label within the subequation inset but
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