José Matox c7b7331315 Do not reload unicode symbols each time they are used
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2008-10-28 16:00:42 +00:00

3203 lines
114 KiB

# This file is part of lyx2lyx
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 The LyX Team <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
""" Convert files to the file format generated by lyx 1.6"""
import re
import unicodedata
import sys, os
from parser_tools import find_token, find_end_of, find_tokens, get_value, get_value_string
# Private helper functions
def find_end_of_inset(lines, i):
" Find end of inset, where lines[i] is included."
return find_end_of(lines, i, "\\begin_inset", "\\end_inset")
# DO NOT do this:
# document.body[i] = wrap_insert_ert(...)
# wrap_into_ert may returns a multiline string, which should NOT appear
# in document.body. Insetad, do something like this:
# subst = wrap_inset_ert(...)
# subst = subst.split('\n')
# document.body[i:i+1] = subst
# i+= len(subst) - 1
# where the last statement resets the counter to accord with the added
# lines.
def wrap_into_ert(string, src, dst):
'''Within string, replace occurrences of src with dst, wrapped into ERT
E.g.: wrap_into_ert('sch\"on', "\\", "\\backslash") is:
return string.replace(src, '\n\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\\begin_layout Standard\n'
+ dst + '\n\\end_layout\n\\end_inset\n')
def put_cmd_in_ert(string):
string = string.replace('\\', "\\backslash\n")
string = "\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\\begin_layout Standard\n" \
+ string + "\n\\end_layout\n\\end_inset"
return string
def add_to_preamble(document, text):
""" Add text to the preamble if it is not already there.
Only the first line is checked!"""
if find_token(document.preamble, text[0], 0) != -1:
def insert_to_preamble(index, document, text):
""" Insert text to the preamble at a given line"""
document.preamble.insert(index, text)
# Convert a LyX length into a LaTeX length
def convert_len(len):
units = {"text%":"\\backslash\ntextwidth", "col%":"\\backslash\ncolumnwidth",
"page%":"\\backslash\npagewidth", "line%":"\\backslash\nlinewidth",
"theight%":"\\backslash\ntextheight", "pheight%":"\\backslash\npageheight"}
# Convert LyX units to LaTeX units
for unit in units.keys():
if len.find(unit) != -1:
len = '%f' % (len2value(len) / 100)
len = len.strip('0') + units[unit]
return len
# Return the value of len without the unit in numerical form.
def len2value(len):
result ='([+-]?[0-9.]+)', len)
if result:
return float(
# No number means 1.0
return 1.0
# Unfortunately, this doesn't really work, since Standard isn't always default.
# But it's as good as we can do right now.
def find_default_layout(document, start, end):
l = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Standard", start, end)
if l == -1:
l = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout PlainLayout", start, end)
if l == -1:
l = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", start, end)
return l
def get_option(document, m, option, default):
l = document.body[m].find(option)
val = default
if l != -1:
val = document.body[m][l:].split('"')[1]
return val
def remove_option(document, m, option):
l = document.body[m].find(option)
if l != -1:
val = document.body[m][l:].split('"')[1]
document.body[m] = document.body[m][:l-1] + document.body[m][l+len(option + '="' + val + '"'):]
return l
def set_option(document, m, option, value):
l = document.body[m].find(option)
if l != -1:
oldval = document.body[m][l:].split('"')[1]
l = l + len(option + '="')
document.body[m] = document.body[m][:l] + value + document.body[m][l+len(oldval):]
document.body[m] = document.body[m][:-1] + ' ' + option + '="' + value + '">'
return l
def read_unicodesymbols():
" Read the unicodesymbols list of unicode characters and corresponding commands."
pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
fp = open(os.path.join(pathname.strip('lyx2lyx'), 'unicodesymbols'))
spec_chars = []
# Two backslashes, followed by some non-word character, and then a character
# in brackets. The idea is to check for constructs like: \"{u}, which is how
# they are written in the unicodesymbols file; but they can also be written
# as: \"u.
r = re.compile(r'\\\\(\W)\{(\w)\}')
for line in fp.readlines():
if line[0] != '#' and line.strip() != "":
line=line.replace(' "',' ') # remove all quotation marks with spaces before
line=line.replace('" ',' ') # remove all quotation marks with spaces after
line=line.replace(r'\"','"') # replace \" by " (for characters with diaeresis)
[ucs4,command,dead] = line.split(None,2)
if command[0:1] != "\\":
spec_chars.append([command, unichr(eval(ucs4))])
m = r.match(command)
if m != None:
command = "\\\\"
# If the character is a double-quote, then we need to escape it, too,
# since it is done that way in the LyX file.
if == "\"":
command += "\\"
command += +
spec_chars.append([command, unichr(eval(ucs4))])
return spec_chars
def extract_argument(line):
'Extracts a LaTeX argument from the start of line. Returns (arg, rest).'
if not line:
return (None, "")
bracere = re.compile("(\s*)(.*)")
n = bracere.match(line)
whitespace =
stuff =
brace = stuff[:1]
if brace != "[" and brace != "{":
return (None, line)
# find closing brace
remain = stuff[1:]
pos = 0
num = 1
term = "}"
if brace == "[":
term = "]"
skip = False
for c in remain:
if skip:
skip = False
elif c == "\\":
skip = True
elif c == brace:
num += 1
elif c == term:
num -= 1
if c == 0:
pos += 1
if num != 0:
# We never found the matching brace
# So, to be on the safe side, let's just return everything
# which will then get wrapped as ERT
return (line, "")
return (line[:pos + 1], line[pos + 1:])
def latex2ert(line):
'''Converts LaTeX commands into ERT. line may well be a multi-line
string when it is returned.'''
if not line:
return line
retval = ""
## FIXME Escaped \ ??
# This regex looks for a LaTeX command---i.e., something of the form
# "\alPhaStuFF", or "\X", where X is any character---where the command
# may also be preceded by an additional backslash, which is how it would
# appear (e.g.) in an InsetIndex.
labelre = re.compile(r'(.*?)\\?(\\(?:[a-zA-Z]+|.))(.*)')
m = labelre.match(line)
while m != None:
retval +=
cmd =
end =
while True:
(arg, rest) = extract_argument(end)
if arg == None:
cmd += arg
end = rest
# If we wanted to put labels into an InsetLabel, for example, then we
# would just need to test here for cmd == "label" and then take some
# appropriate action, i.e., to use arg to get the content and then
# wrap it appropriately.
cmd = put_cmd_in_ert(cmd)
retval += "\n" + cmd + "\n"
line = end
m = labelre.match(line)
retval += line
return retval
unicode_reps = read_unicodesymbols()
#Bug 5022....
#Might should do latex2ert first, then deal with stuff that DOESN'T
#end up inside ERT. That routine could be modified so that it returned
#a list of lines, and we could then skip ERT bits and only deal with
#the other bits.
def latex2lyx(data):
'''Takes a string, possibly multi-line, and returns the result of
converting LaTeX constructs into LyX constructs. Returns a list of
lines, suitable for insertion into document.body.'''
if not data:
return [""]
retval = []
# Convert LaTeX to Unicode
# Commands of this sort need to be checked to make sure they are
# followed by a non-alpha character, lest we replace too much.
hardone = re.compile(r'^\\\\[a-zA-Z]+$')
for rep in unicode_reps:
if hardone.match(rep[0]):
pos = 0
while True:
pos = data.find(rep[0], pos)
if pos == -1:
nextpos = pos + len(rep[0])
if nextpos < len(data) and data[nextpos].isalpha():
# not the end of that command
pos = nextpos
data = data[:pos] + rep[1] + data[nextpos:]
pos = nextpos
data = data.replace(rep[0], rep[1])
# Generic, \" -> ":
data = wrap_into_ert(data, r'\"', '"')
# Math:
mathre = re.compile('^(.*?)(\$.*?\$)(.*)')
lines = data.split('\n')
for line in lines:
#document.warning("LINE: " + line)
#document.warning(str(i) + ":" + document.body[i])
#document.warning("LAST: " + document.body[-1])
g = line
m = mathre.match(g)
while m != None:
s =
f ='\\\\', '\\')
g =
if s:
# this is non-math!
s = latex2ert(s)
subst = s.split('\n')
retval += subst
retval.append("\\begin_inset Formula " + f)
m = mathre.match(g)
# Handle whatever is left, which is just text
g = latex2ert(g)
subst = g.split('\n')
retval += subst
return retval
def lyx2latex(document, lines):
'Convert some LyX stuff into corresponding LaTeX stuff, as best we can.'
# clean up multiline stuff
content = ""
ert_end = 0
for curline in range(len(lines)):
line = lines[curline]
if line.startswith("\\begin_inset ERT"):
# We don't want to replace things inside ERT, so figure out
# where the end of the inset is.
ert_end = find_end_of_inset(lines, curline + 1)
elif line.startswith("\\begin_inset Formula"):
line = line[20:]
elif line.startswith("\\begin_inset Quotes"):
# For now, we do a very basic reversion. Someone who understands
# quotes is welcome to fix it up.
qtype = line[20:].strip()
# lang = qtype[0]
side = qtype[1]
dbls = qtype[2]
if side == "l":
if dbls == "d":
line = "``"
line = "`"
if dbls == "d":
line = "''"
line = "'"
elif line.isspace() or \
line.startswith("\\begin_layout") or \
line.startswith("\\end_layout") or \
line.startswith("\\begin_inset") or \
line.startswith("\\end_inset") or \
line.startswith("\\lang") or \
line.strip() == "status collapsed" or \
line.strip() == "status open":
#skip all that stuff
# this needs to be added to the preamble because of cases like
# \textmu, \textbackslash, etc.
add_to_preamble(document, ['% added by lyx2lyx for converted index entries',
' {\\usepackage{textcomp}}{}'])
# a lossless reversion is not possible
# try at least to handle some common insets and settings
if ert_end >= curline:
line = line.replace(r'\backslash', r'\\')
line = line.replace('&', '\\&{}')
line = line.replace('#', '\\#{}')
line = line.replace('^', '\\^{}')
line = line.replace('%', '\\%{}')
line = line.replace('_', '\\_{}')
line = line.replace('$', '\\${}')
# Do the LyX text --> LaTeX conversion
for rep in unicode_reps:
line = line.replace(rep[1], rep[0] + "{}")
line = line.replace(r'\backslash', r'\textbackslash{}')
line = line.replace(r'\series bold', r'\bfseries{}').replace(r'\series default', r'\mdseries{}')
line = line.replace(r'\shape italic', r'\itshape{}').replace(r'\shape smallcaps', r'\scshape{}')
line = line.replace(r'\shape slanted', r'\slshape{}').replace(r'\shape default', r'\upshape{}')
line = line.replace(r'\emph on', r'\em{}').replace(r'\emph default', r'\em{}')
line = line.replace(r'\noun on', r'\scshape{}').replace(r'\noun default', r'\upshape{}')
line = line.replace(r'\bar under', r'\underbar{').replace(r'\bar default', r'}')
line = line.replace(r'\family sans', r'\sffamily{}').replace(r'\family default', r'\normalfont{}')
line = line.replace(r'\family typewriter', r'\ttfamily{}').replace(r'\family roman', r'\rmfamily{}')
line = line.replace(r'\InsetSpace ', r'').replace(r'\SpecialChar ', r'')
content += line
return content
def convert_ltcaption(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Tabular", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of tabular.")
nrows = int(document.body[i+1].split('"')[3])
ncols = int(document.body[i+1].split('"')[5])
m = i + 1
for k in range(nrows):
m = find_token(document.body, "<row", m)
r = m
caption = 'false'
for k in range(ncols):
m = find_token(document.body, "<cell", m)
if (k == 0):
mend = find_token(document.body, "</cell>", m + 1)
# first look for caption insets
mcap = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Caption", m + 1, mend)
# then look for ERT captions
if mcap == -1:
mcap = find_token(document.body, "caption", m + 1, mend)
if mcap > -1:
mcap = find_token(document.body, "\\backslash", mcap - 1, mcap)
if mcap > -1:
caption = 'true'
if caption == 'true':
if (k == 0):
set_option(document, r, 'caption', 'true')
set_option(document, m, 'multicolumn', '1')
set_option(document, m, 'bottomline', 'false')
set_option(document, m, 'topline', 'false')
set_option(document, m, 'rightline', 'false')
set_option(document, m, 'leftline', 'false')
#j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, j + 1)
set_option(document, m, 'multicolumn', '2')
m = m + 1
m = m + 1
i = j + 1
#FIXME Use of wrap_into_ert can confuse lyx2lyx
def revert_ltcaption(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Tabular", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of tabular.")
m = i + 1
nrows = int(document.body[i+1].split('"')[3])
ncols = int(document.body[i+1].split('"')[5])
for k in range(nrows):
m = find_token(document.body, "<row", m)
caption = get_option(document, m, 'caption', 'false')
if caption == 'true':
remove_option(document, m, 'caption')
for k in range(ncols):
m = find_token(document.body, "<cell", m)
remove_option(document, m, 'multicolumn')
if k == 0:
m = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Caption", m)
if m == -1:
m = find_end_of_inset(document.body, m + 1)
document.body[m] += wrap_into_ert("","","\\backslash\n\\backslash\n%")
m = m + 1
m = m + 1
i = j + 1
def convert_tablines(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Tabular", i)
if i == -1:
# LyX 1.3 inserted an extra space between \begin_inset
# and Tabular so let us try if this is the case and fix it.
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Tabular", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = "\\begin_inset Tabular"
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of tabular.")
m = i + 1
nrows = int(document.body[i+1].split('"')[3])
ncols = int(document.body[i+1].split('"')[5])
col_info = []
for k in range(ncols):
m = find_token(document.body, "<column", m)
left = get_option(document, m, 'leftline', 'false')
right = get_option(document, m, 'rightline', 'false')
col_info.append([left, right])
remove_option(document, m, 'leftline')
remove_option(document, m, 'rightline')
m = m + 1
row_info = []
for k in range(nrows):
m = find_token(document.body, "<row", m)
top = get_option(document, m, 'topline', 'false')
bottom = get_option(document, m, 'bottomline', 'false')
row_info.append([top, bottom])
remove_option(document, m, 'topline')
remove_option(document, m, 'bottomline')
m = m + 1
m = i + 1
mc_info = []
for k in range(nrows*ncols):
m = find_token(document.body, "<cell", m)
mc_info.append(get_option(document, m, 'multicolumn', '0'))
m = m + 1
m = i + 1
for l in range(nrows):
for k in range(ncols):
m = find_token(document.body, '<cell', m)
if mc_info[l*ncols + k] == '0':
r = set_option(document, m, 'topline', row_info[l][0])
r = set_option(document, m, 'bottomline', row_info[l][1])
r = set_option(document, m, 'leftline', col_info[k][0])
r = set_option(document, m, 'rightline', col_info[k][1])
elif mc_info[l*ncols + k] == '1':
s = k + 1
while s < ncols and mc_info[l*ncols + s] == '2':
s = s + 1
if s < ncols and mc_info[l*ncols + s] != '1':
r = set_option(document, m, 'rightline', col_info[k][1])
if k > 0 and mc_info[l*ncols + k - 1] == '0':
r = set_option(document, m, 'leftline', col_info[k][0])
m = m + 1
i = j + 1
def revert_tablines(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Tabular", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of tabular.")
m = i + 1
nrows = int(document.body[i+1].split('"')[3])
ncols = int(document.body[i+1].split('"')[5])
lines = []
for k in range(nrows*ncols):
m = find_token(document.body, "<cell", m)
top = get_option(document, m, 'topline', 'false')
bottom = get_option(document, m, 'bottomline', 'false')
left = get_option(document, m, 'leftline', 'false')
right = get_option(document, m, 'rightline', 'false')
lines.append([top, bottom, left, right])
m = m + 1
# we will want to ignore longtable captions
m = i + 1
caption_info = []
for k in range(nrows):
m = find_token(document.body, "<row", m)
caption = get_option(document, m, 'caption', 'false')
m = m + 1
m = i + 1
col_info = []
for k in range(ncols):
m = find_token(document.body, "<column", m)
left = 'true'
for l in range(nrows):
left = lines[l*ncols + k][2]
if left == 'false' and caption_info[l] == 'false':
set_option(document, m, 'leftline', left)
right = 'true'
for l in range(nrows):
right = lines[l*ncols + k][3]
if right == 'false' and caption_info[l] == 'false':
set_option(document, m, 'rightline', right)
m = m + 1
row_info = []
for k in range(nrows):
m = find_token(document.body, "<row", m)
top = 'true'
for l in range(ncols):
top = lines[k*ncols + l][0]
if top == 'false':
if caption_info[k] == 'false':
top = 'false'
set_option(document, m, 'topline', top)
bottom = 'true'
for l in range(ncols):
bottom = lines[k*ncols + l][1]
if bottom == 'false':
if caption_info[k] == 'false':
bottom = 'false'
set_option(document, m, 'bottomline', bottom)
m = m + 1
i = j + 1
def fix_wrong_tables(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Tabular", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of tabular.")
m = i + 1
nrows = int(document.body[i+1].split('"')[3])
ncols = int(document.body[i+1].split('"')[5])
for l in range(nrows):
prev_multicolumn = 0
for k in range(ncols):
m = find_token(document.body, '<cell', m)
if document.body[m].find('multicolumn') != -1:
multicol_cont = int(document.body[m].split('"')[1])
if multicol_cont == 2 and (k == 0 or prev_multicolumn == 0):
document.body[m] = document.body[m][:5] + document.body[m][21:]
prev_multicolumn = 0
prev_multicolumn = multicol_cont
prev_multicolumn = 0
i = j + 1
def close_begin_deeper(document):
i = 0
depth = 0
while True:
i = find_tokens(document.body, ["\\begin_deeper", "\\end_deeper"], i)
if i == -1:
if document.body[i][:13] == "\\begin_deeper":
depth += 1
depth -= 1
i += 1
document.body[-2:-2] = ['\\end_deeper' for i in range(depth)]
def long_charstyle_names(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CharStyle", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace("CharStyle ", "CharStyle CharStyle:")
i += 1
def revert_long_charstyle_names(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CharStyle", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace("CharStyle CharStyle:", "CharStyle ")
i += 1
def axe_show_label(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CharStyle", i)
if i == -1:
if document.body[i + 1].find("show_label") != -1:
if document.body[i + 1].find("true") != -1:
document.body[i + 1] = "status open"
del document.body[ i + 2]
if document.body[i + 1].find("false") != -1:
document.body[i + 1] = "status collapsed"
del document.body[ i + 2]
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: show_label neither false nor true.")
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: show_label missing in CharStyle.")
i += 1
def revert_show_label(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CharStyle", i)
if i == -1:
if document.body[i + 1].find("status open") != -1:
document.body.insert(i + 1, "show_label true")
if document.body[i + 1].find("status collapsed") != -1:
document.body.insert(i + 1, "show_label false")
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: no legal status line in CharStyle.")
i += 1
def revert_begin_modules(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.header, "\\begin_modules", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of(document.header, i, "\\begin_modules", "\\end_modules")
if j == -1:
# this should not happen
document.header[i : j + 1] = []
def convert_flex(document):
"Convert CharStyle to Flex"
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CharStyle", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset CharStyle', '\\begin_inset Flex')
def revert_flex(document):
"Convert Flex to CharStyle"
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Flex", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset Flex', '\\begin_inset CharStyle')
# Discard PDF options for hyperref
def revert_pdf_options(document):
"Revert PDF options for hyperref."
# store the PDF options and delete the entries from the Lyx file
i = 0
hyperref = False
title = ""
author = ""
subject = ""
keywords = ""
bookmarks = ""
bookmarksnumbered = ""
bookmarksopen = ""
bookmarksopenlevel = ""
breaklinks = ""
pdfborder = ""
colorlinks = ""
backref = ""
pagebackref = ""
pagemode = ""
otheroptions = ""
i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_hyperref", i)
if i != -1:
hyperref = get_value(document.header, "\\use_hyperref", i) == 'true'
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_store_options", i)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_title", 0)
if i != -1:
title = get_value_string(document.header, '\\pdf_title', 0, 0, True)
title = ' pdftitle={' + title + '}'
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_author", 0)
if i != -1:
author = get_value_string(document.header, '\\pdf_author', 0, 0, True)
if title == "":
author = ' pdfauthor={' + author + '}'
author = ',\n pdfauthor={' + author + '}'
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_subject", 0)
if i != -1:
subject = get_value_string(document.header, '\\pdf_subject', 0, 0, True)
if title == "" and author == "":
subject = ' pdfsubject={' + subject + '}'
subject = ',\n pdfsubject={' + subject + '}'
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_keywords", 0)
if i != -1:
keywords = get_value_string(document.header, '\\pdf_keywords', 0, 0, True)
if title == "" and author == "" and subject == "":
keywords = ' pdfkeywords={' + keywords + '}'
keywords = ',\n pdfkeywords={' + keywords + '}'
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_bookmarks", 0)
if i != -1:
bookmarks = get_value_string(document.header, '\\pdf_bookmarks', 0)
bookmarks = ',\n bookmarks=' + bookmarks
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_bookmarksnumbered", i)
if i != -1:
bookmarksnumbered = get_value_string(document.header, '\\pdf_bookmarksnumbered', 0)
bookmarksnumbered = ',\n bookmarksnumbered=' + bookmarksnumbered
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_bookmarksopen", i)
if i != -1:
bookmarksopen = get_value_string(document.header, '\\pdf_bookmarksopen', 0)
bookmarksopen = ',\n bookmarksopen=' + bookmarksopen
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_bookmarksopenlevel", i)
if i != -1:
bookmarksopenlevel = get_value_string(document.header, '\\pdf_bookmarksopenlevel', 0, 0, True)
bookmarksopenlevel = ',\n bookmarksopenlevel=' + bookmarksopenlevel
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_breaklinks", i)
if i != -1:
breaklinks = get_value_string(document.header, '\\pdf_breaklinks', 0)
breaklinks = ',\n breaklinks=' + breaklinks
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_pdfborder", i)
if i != -1:
pdfborder = get_value_string(document.header, '\\pdf_pdfborder', 0)
if pdfborder == 'true':
pdfborder = ',\n pdfborder={0 0 0}'
pdfborder = ',\n pdfborder={0 0 1}'
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_colorlinks", i)
if i != -1:
colorlinks = get_value_string(document.header, '\\pdf_colorlinks', 0)
colorlinks = ',\n colorlinks=' + colorlinks
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_backref", i)
if i != -1:
backref = get_value_string(document.header, '\\pdf_backref', 0)
backref = ',\n backref=' + backref
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_pagebackref", i)
if i != -1:
pagebackref = get_value_string(document.header, '\\pdf_pagebackref', 0)
pagebackref = ',\n pagebackref=' + pagebackref
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_pagemode", 0)
if i != -1:
pagemode = get_value_string(document.header, '\\pdf_pagemode', 0)
pagemode = ',\n pdfpagemode=' + pagemode
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_quoted_options", 0)
if i != -1:
otheroptions = get_value_string(document.header, '\\pdf_quoted_options', 0, 0, True)
if title == "" and author == "" and subject == "" and keywords == "":
otheroptions = ' ' + otheroptions
otheroptions = ',\n ' + otheroptions
del document.header[i]
# write to the preamble when hyperref was used
if hyperref == True:
# preamble write preparations
# bookmark numbers are only output when they are turned on
if bookmarksopen == ',\n bookmarksopen=true':
bookmarksopen = bookmarksopen + bookmarksopenlevel
if bookmarks == ',\n bookmarks=true':
bookmarks = bookmarks + bookmarksnumbered + bookmarksopen
bookmarks = bookmarks
# hypersetup is only output when there are things to be set up
setupstart = '\\hypersetup{%\n'
setupend = ' }\n'
if otheroptions == "" and title == "" and author == ""\
and subject == "" and keywords == "":
setupstart = ""
setupend = ""
# write the preamble
# babel must be loaded before hyperref and hyperref the first part
# of the preamble, like in LyX 1.6
insert_to_preamble(0, document,
'% Commands inserted by lyx2lyx for PDF properties\n'
+ '\\usepackage{babel}\n'
+ '\\usepackage[unicode=true'
+ bookmarks
+ breaklinks
+ pdfborder
+ backref
+ pagebackref
+ colorlinks
+ pagemode
+ ']\n'
+ ' {hyperref}\n'
+ setupstart
+ title
+ author
+ subject
+ keywords
+ otheroptions
+ setupend)
def remove_inzip_options(document):
"Remove inzipName and embed options from the Graphics inset"
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Graphics", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
if j == -1:
# should not happen
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of graphics inset.")
# If there's a inzip param, just remove that
k = find_token(document.body, "\tinzipName", i + 1, j)
if k != -1:
del document.body[k]
# embed option must follow the inzipName option
del document.body[k+1]
i = i + 1
def convert_inset_command(document):
\begin_inset LatexCommand cmd
\begin_inset CommandInset InsetType
LatexCommand cmd
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset LatexCommand", i)
if i == -1:
line = document.body[i]
r = re.compile(r'\\begin_inset LatexCommand (.*)$')
m = r.match(line)
cmdName =
insetName = ""
#this is adapted from factory.cpp
if cmdName[0:4].lower() == "cite":
insetName = "citation"
elif cmdName == "url" or cmdName == "htmlurl":
insetName = "url"
elif cmdName[-3:] == "ref":
insetName = "ref"
elif cmdName == "tableofcontents":
insetName = "toc"
elif cmdName == "printnomenclature":
insetName = "nomencl_print"
elif cmdName == "printindex":
insetName = "index_print"
insetName = cmdName
insertion = ["\\begin_inset CommandInset " + insetName, "LatexCommand " + cmdName]
document.body[i : i+1] = insertion
def revert_inset_command(document):
\begin_inset CommandInset InsetType
LatexCommand cmd
\begin_inset LatexCommand cmd
Some insets may end up being converted to insets earlier versions of LyX
will not be able to recognize. Not sure what to do about that.
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset", i)
if i == -1:
nextline = document.body[i+1]
r = re.compile(r'LatexCommand\s+(.*)$')
m = r.match(nextline)
if not m:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing LatexCommand in " + document.body[i] + ".")
cmdName =
insertion = ["\\begin_inset LatexCommand " + cmdName]
document.body[i : i+2] = insertion
def convert_wrapfig_options(document):
"Convert optional options for wrap floats (wrapfig)."
# adds the tokens "lines", "placement", and "overhang"
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Wrap figure", i)
if i == -1:
document.body.insert(i + 1, "lines 0")
j = find_token(document.body, "placement", i)
# placement can be already set or not; if not, set it
if j == i+2:
document.body.insert(i + 3, "overhang 0col%")
document.body.insert(i + 2, "placement o")
document.body.insert(i + 3, "overhang 0col%")
i = i + 1
def revert_wrapfig_options(document):
"Revert optional options for wrap floats (wrapfig)."
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Wrap figure", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Can't find end of Wrap inset at line " + str(i))
i += 1
k = find_default_layout(document, i, j)
if k == -1:
document.warning("Can't find default layout for Wrap figure!")
i = j
# Options should be between i and k now
l = find_token(document.body, "lines", i, k)
if l == -1:
document.warning("Can't find lines option for Wrap figure!")
i = k
m = find_token(document.body, "overhang", i + 1, k)
if m == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Couldn't find overhang parameter of wrap float!")
i = k
# Do these in reverse order
del document.body[m]
del document.body[l]
i = k
def convert_latexcommand_index(document):
"Convert from LatexCommand form to collapsable form."
i = 0
r1 = re.compile('name "(.*)"')
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset index", i)
if i == -1:
if document.body[i + 1] != "LatexCommand index": # Might also be index_print
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 2)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Unable to find end of index inset at line " + i + "!")
i += 2
m = r1.match(document.body[i + 2])
if m == None:
document.warning("Unable to match: " + document.body[i+2])
# this can happen with empty index insets!
linelist = [""]
fullcontent =
linelist = latex2lyx(fullcontent)
linelist = ["\\begin_inset Index", "status collapsed", "\\begin_layout Standard", ""] + \
linelist + ["\\end_layout"]
document.body[i : j] = linelist
i += len(linelist) - (j - i)
def revert_latexcommand_index(document):
"Revert from collapsable form to LatexCommand form."
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Index", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
if j == -1:
content = lyx2latex(document, document.body[i:j])
# escape quotes
content = content.replace('"', r'\"')
document.body[i:j] = ["\\begin_inset CommandInset index", "LatexCommand index",
"name " + '"' + content + '"', ""]
i += 5
def revert_wraptable(document):
"Revert wrap table to wrap figure."
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Wrap table", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset Wrap table', '\\begin_inset Wrap figure')
i = i + 1
def revert_vietnamese(document):
"Set language Vietnamese to English"
# Set document language from Vietnamese to English
i = 0
if document.language == "vietnamese":
document.language = "english"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language english"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang vietnamese", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang vietnamese", "\\lang english")
j = j + 1
def convert_japanese_cjk(document):
"Set language japanese to japanese-cjk"
# Set document language from japanese-plain to japanese
i = 0
if document.language == "japanese":
document.language = "japanese-cjk"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language japanese-cjk"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang japanese", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang japanese", "\\lang japanese-cjk")
j = j + 1
def revert_japanese(document):
"Set language japanese-plain to japanese"
# Set document language from japanese-plain to japanese
i = 0
if document.language == "japanese-plain":
document.language = "japanese"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language japanese"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang japanese-plain", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang japanese-plain", "\\lang japanese")
j = j + 1
def revert_japanese_cjk(document):
"Set language japanese-cjk to japanese"
# Set document language from japanese-plain to japanese
i = 0
if document.language == "japanese-cjk":
document.language = "japanese"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language japanese"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang japanese-cjk", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang japanese-cjk", "\\lang japanese")
j = j + 1
def revert_japanese_encoding(document):
"Set input encoding form EUC-JP-plain to EUC-JP etc."
# Set input encoding form EUC-JP-plain to EUC-JP etc.
i = 0
i = find_token(document.header, "\\inputencoding EUC-JP-plain", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\inputencoding EUC-JP"
j = 0
j = find_token(document.header, "\\inputencoding JIS-plain", 0)
if j != -1:
document.header[j] = "\\inputencoding JIS"
k = 0
k = find_token(document.header, "\\inputencoding SJIS-plain", 0)
if k != -1: # convert to UTF8 since there is currently no SJIS encoding
document.header[k] = "\\inputencoding UTF8"
def revert_inset_info(document):
'Replace info inset with its content'
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Info', i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
if j == -1:
# should not happen
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of Info inset.")
type = 'unknown'
arg = ''
for k in range(i, j+1):
if document.body[k].startswith("arg"):
arg = document.body[k][3:].strip().strip('"')
if document.body[k].startswith("type"):
type = document.body[k][4:].strip().strip('"')
# I think there is a newline after \\end_inset, which should be removed.
if document.body[j + 1].strip() == "":
document.body[i : (j + 2)] = [type + ':' + arg]
document.body[i : (j + 1)] = [type + ':' + arg]
def convert_pdf_options(document):
# Set the pdfusetitle tag, delete the pdf_store_options,
# set quotes for bookmarksopenlevel"
has_hr = get_value(document.header, "\\use_hyperref", 0, default = "0")
if has_hr == "1":
k = find_token(document.header, "\\use_hyperref", 0)
document.header.insert(k + 1, "\\pdf_pdfusetitle true")
k = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_store_options", 0)
if k != -1:
del document.header[k]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_bookmarksopenlevel", k)
if i == -1: return
document.header[i] = document.header[i].replace('"', '')
def revert_pdf_options_2(document):
# reset the pdfusetitle tag, set quotes for bookmarksopenlevel"
k = find_token(document.header, "\\use_hyperref", 0)
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_pdfusetitle", k)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_bookmarksopenlevel", k)
if i == -1: return
values = document.header[i].split()
values[1] = ' "' + values[1] + '"'
document.header[i] = ''.join(values)
def convert_htmlurl(document):
'Convert "htmlurl" to "href" insets for docbook'
if document.backend != "docbook":
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset url", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = "\\begin_inset CommandInset href"
document.body[i + 1] = "LatexCommand href"
i = i + 1
def convert_url(document):
'Convert url insets to url charstyles'
if document.backend == "docbook":
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset url", i)
if i == -1:
n = find_token(document.body, "name", i)
if n == i + 2:
# place the URL name in typewriter before the new URL insert
# grab the name 'bla' from the e.g. the line 'name "bla"',
# therefore start with the 6th character
name = document.body[n][6:-1]
newname = [name + " "]
document.body[i:i] = newname
i = i + 1
j = find_token(document.body, "target", i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find target for url inset")
i = j
target = document.body[j][8:-1]
k = find_token(document.body, "\\end_inset", j)
if k == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of url inset")
i = k
newstuff = ["\\begin_inset Flex URL",
"status collapsed", "",
"\\begin_layout Standard",
document.body[i:k] = newstuff
i = k
def convert_ams_classes(document):
tc = document.textclass
if (tc != "amsart" and tc != "amsart-plain" and
tc != "amsart-seq" and tc != "amsbook"):
if tc == "amsart-plain":
document.textclass = "amsart"
document.add_module("Theorems (Starred)")
if tc == "amsart-seq":
document.textclass = "amsart"
document.add_module("Theorems (AMS)")
#Now we want to see if any of the environments in the extended theorems
#module were used in this document. If so, we'll add that module, too.
layouts = ["Criterion", "Algorithm", "Axiom", "Condition", "Note", \
"Notation", "Summary", "Acknowledgement", "Conclusion", "Fact", \
r = re.compile(r'^\\begin_layout (.*?)\*?\s*$')
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i)
if i == -1:
m = r.match(document.body[i])
if m == None:
# This is an empty layout
# document.warning("Weirdly formed \\begin_layout at line %d of body!" % i)
i += 1
m =
if layouts.count(m) != 0:
document.add_module("Theorems (AMS-Extended)")
i += 1
def revert_href(document):
'Reverts hyperlink insets (href) to url insets (url)'
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset href", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i : i + 2] = \
["\\begin_inset CommandInset url", "LatexCommand url"]
i = i + 2
def revert_url(document):
'Reverts Flex URL insets to old-style URL insets'
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Flex URL", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Can't find end of inset in revert_url!")
k = find_default_layout(document, i, j)
if k == -1:
document.warning("Can't find default layout in revert_url!")
i = j
l = find_end_of(document.body, k, "\\begin_layout", "\\end_layout")
if l == -1 or l >= j:
document.warning("Can't find end of default layout in revert_url!")
i = j
# OK, so the inset's data is between lines k and l.
data = " ".join(document.body[k+1:l])
data = data.strip()
newinset = ["\\begin_inset LatexCommand url", "target \"" + data + "\"",\
"", "\\end_inset"]
document.body[i:j+1] = newinset
i = i + len(newinset)
def convert_include(document):
'Converts include insets to new format.'
i = 0
r = re.compile(r'\\begin_inset Include\s+\\([^{]+){([^}]*)}(?:\[(.*)\])?')
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Include", i)
if i == -1:
line = document.body[i]
previewline = document.body[i + 1]
m = r.match(line)
if m == None:
document.warning("Unable to match line " + str(i) + " of body!")
i += 1
cmd =
fn =
opt =
insertion = ["\\begin_inset CommandInset include",
"LatexCommand " + cmd, previewline,
"filename \"" + fn + "\""]
newlines = 2
if opt:
insertion.append("lstparams " + '"' + opt + '"')
newlines += 1
document.body[i : i + 2] = insertion
i += newlines
def revert_include(document):
'Reverts include insets to old format.'
i = 0
r0 = re.compile('preview.*')
r1 = re.compile('LatexCommand (.+)')
r2 = re.compile('filename "(.+)"')
r3 = re.compile('lstparams "(.*)"')
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset include", i)
if i == -1:
nextline = i + 1
m = r1.match(document.body[nextline])
if m == None:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: No LatexCommand line for `" +
document.body[i] + "' on line " + str(i) + ".")
i += 1
cmd =
nextline += 1
if r0.match(document.body[nextline]):
previewline = document.body[nextline]
nextline += 1
previewline = ""
m = r2.match(document.body[nextline])
if m == None:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: No filename line for `" + \
document.body[i] + "' on line " + str(i) + ".")
i += 2
fn =
nextline += 1
options = ""
if (cmd == "lstinputlisting"):
m = r3.match(document.body[nextline])
if m != None:
options =
numlines = 5
nextline += 1
newline = "\\begin_inset Include \\" + cmd + "{" + fn + "}"
if options:
newline += ("[" + options + "]")
insertion = [newline]
if previewline != "":
document.body[i : nextline] = insertion
i += 2
def revert_albanian(document):
"Set language Albanian to English"
i = 0
if document.language == "albanian":
document.language = "english"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language english"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang albanian", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang albanian", "\\lang english")
j = j + 1
def revert_lowersorbian(document):
"Set language lower Sorbian to English"
i = 0
if document.language == "lowersorbian":
document.language = "english"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language english"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang lowersorbian", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang lowersorbian", "\\lang english")
j = j + 1
def revert_uppersorbian(document):
"Set language uppersorbian to usorbian as this was used in LyX 1.5"
i = 0
if document.language == "uppersorbian":
document.language = "usorbian"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language usorbian"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang uppersorbian", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang uppersorbian", "\\lang usorbian")
j = j + 1
def convert_usorbian(document):
"Set language usorbian to uppersorbian"
i = 0
if document.language == "usorbian":
document.language = "uppersorbian"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language uppersorbian"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang usorbian", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang usorbian", "\\lang uppersorbian")
j = j + 1
def convert_macro_global(document):
"Remove TeX code command \global when it is in front of a macro"
# math macros are nowadays already defined \global, so that an additional
# \global would make the document uncompilable, see
# We're looking for something like this:
# \begin_inset ERT
# status collapsed
# \begin_layout Plain Layout
# \backslash
# global
# \end_layout
# \end_inset
# \begin_inset FormulaMacro
# \renewcommand{\foo}{123}
# \end_inset
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset FormulaMacro", i)
if i == -1:
# if i <= 13, then there isn't enough room for the ERT
if i <= 12:
i += 1
if document.body[i-6] == "global":
del document.body[i-13 : i]
i = i - 12
i += 1
def revert_macro_optional_params(document):
"Convert macro definitions with optional parameters into ERTs"
# Stub to convert macro definitions with one or more optional parameters
# into uninterpreted ERT insets
def revert_hyperlinktype(document):
'Reverts hyperlink type'
i = 0
j = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "target", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_token(document.body, "type", i)
if j == -1:
if j == i + 1:
del document.body[j]
i = i + 1
def revert_pagebreak(document):
'Reverts pagebreak to ERT'
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\pagebreak", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = '\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\n' \
'\\begin_layout Standard\n\n\n\\backslash\n' \
i = i + 1
def revert_linebreak(document):
'Reverts linebreak to ERT'
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\linebreak", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = '\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\n' \
'\\begin_layout Standard\n\n\n\\backslash\n' \
i = i + 1
def revert_latin(document):
"Set language Latin to English"
i = 0
if document.language == "latin":
document.language = "english"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language english"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang latin", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang latin", "\\lang english")
j = j + 1
def revert_samin(document):
"Set language North Sami to English"
i = 0
if document.language == "samin":
document.language = "english"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language english"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang samin", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang samin", "\\lang english")
j = j + 1
def convert_serbocroatian(document):
"Set language Serbocroatian to Croatian as this was really Croatian in LyX 1.5"
i = 0
if document.language == "serbocroatian":
document.language = "croatian"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language croatian"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang serbocroatian", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang serbocroatian", "\\lang croatian")
j = j + 1
def convert_framed_notes(document):
"Convert framed notes to boxes. "
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_tokens(document.body, ["\\begin_inset Note Framed", "\\begin_inset Note Shaded"], i)
if i == -1:
subst = [document.body[i].replace("\\begin_inset Note", "\\begin_inset Box"),
'position "t"',
'hor_pos "c"',
'has_inner_box 0',
'inner_pos "t"',
'use_parbox 0',
'width "100col%"',
'special "none"',
'height "1in"',
'height_special "totalheight"']
document.body[i:i+1] = subst
i = i + 9
def convert_module_names(document):
modulemap = { 'Braille' : 'braille', 'Endnote' : 'endnotes', 'Foot to End' : 'foottoend',\
'Hanging' : 'hanging', 'Linguistics' : 'linguistics', 'Logical Markup' : 'logicalmkup', \
'Theorems (AMS-Extended)' : 'theorems-ams-extended', 'Theorems (AMS)' : 'theorems-ams', \
'Theorems (Order By Chapter)' : 'theorems-chap', 'Theorems (Order By Section)' : 'theorems-sec', \
'Theorems (Starred)' : 'theorems-starred', 'Theorems' : 'theorems-std' }
modlist = document.get_module_list()
if len(modlist) == 0:
newmodlist = []
for mod in modlist:
if modulemap.has_key(mod):
document.warning("Can't find module %s in the module map!" % mod)
def revert_module_names(document):
modulemap = { 'braille' : 'Braille', 'endnotes' : 'Endnote', 'foottoend' : 'Foot to End',\
'hanging' : 'Hanging', 'linguistics' : 'Linguistics', 'logicalmkup' : 'Logical Markup', \
'theorems-ams-extended' : 'Theorems (AMS-Extended)', 'theorems-ams' : 'Theorems (AMS)', \
'theorems-chap' : 'Theorems (Order By Chapter)', 'theorems-sec' : 'Theorems (Order By Section)', \
'theorems-starred' : 'Theorems (Starred)', 'theorems-std' : 'Theorems'}
modlist = document.get_module_list()
if len(modlist) == 0:
newmodlist = []
for mod in modlist:
if modulemap.has_key(mod):
document.warning("Can't find module %s in the module map!" % mod)
def revert_colsep(document):
i = find_token(document.header, "\\columnsep", 0)
if i == -1:
colsepline = document.header[i]
r = re.compile(r'\\columnsep (.*)')
m = r.match(colsepline)
if not m:
document.warning("Malformed column separation line!")
colsep =
del document.header[i]
#it seems to be safe to add the package even if it is already used
pretext = ["\\usepackage{geometry}", "\\geometry{columnsep=" + colsep + "}"]
add_to_preamble(document, pretext)
def revert_framed_notes(document):
"Revert framed boxes to notes. "
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_tokens(document.body, ["\\begin_inset Box Framed", "\\begin_inset Box Shaded"], i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
if j == -1:
# should not happen
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of Box inset.")
k = find_token(document.body, "status", i + 1, j)
if k == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `status' tag in Box inset.")
status = document.body[k]
l = find_default_layout(document, i + 1, j)
if l == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\begin_layout' in Box inset.")
m = find_token(document.body, "\\end_layout", i + 1, j)
if m == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\end_layout' in Box inset.")
ibox = find_token(document.body, "has_inner_box 1", i + 1, k)
pbox = find_token(document.body, "use_parbox 1", i + 1, k)
if ibox == -1 and pbox == -1:
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace("\\begin_inset Box", "\\begin_inset Note")
del document.body[i+1:k]
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace("\\begin_inset Box Shaded", "\\begin_inset Box Frameless")
subst1 = [document.body[l],
"\\begin_inset Note Shaded",
'\\begin_layout Standard']
document.body[l:l + 1] = subst1
subst2 = [document.body[m], "\\end_layout", "\\end_inset"]
document.body[m:m + 1] = subst2
i = i + 1
def revert_slash(document):
'Revert \\SpecialChar \\slash{} to ERT'
r = re.compile(r'\\SpecialChar \\slash{}')
i = 0
while i < len(document.body):
m = r.match(document.body[i])
if m:
subst = ['\\begin_inset ERT',
'status collapsed', '',
'\\begin_layout Standard',
'', '', '\\backslash',
'\\end_layout', '',
'\\end_inset', '']
document.body[i: i+1] = subst
i = i + len(subst)
i = i + 1
def revert_nobreakdash(document):
'Revert \\SpecialChar \\nobreakdash- to ERT'
i = 0
while i < len(document.body):
line = document.body[i]
r = re.compile(r'\\SpecialChar \\nobreakdash-')
m = r.match(line)
if m:
subst = ['\\begin_inset ERT',
'status collapsed', '',
'\\begin_layout Standard', '', '',
'\\end_layout', '',
'\\end_inset', '']
document.body[i:i+1] = subst
i = i + len(subst)
j = find_token(document.header, "\\use_amsmath", 0)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing '\\use_amsmath'.")
document.header[j] = "\\use_amsmath 2"
i = i + 1
#Returns number of lines added/removed
def revert_nocite_key(body, start, end):
'key "..." -> \nocite{...}'
r = re.compile(r'^key "(.*)"')
i = start
j = end
while i < j:
m = r.match(body[i])
if m:
body[i:i+1] = ["\\backslash", "nocite{" + + "}"]
j += 1 # because we added a line
i += 2 # skip that line
del body[i]
j -= 1 # because we deleted a line
# no need to change i, since it now points to the next line
return j - end
def revert_nocite(document):
"Revert LatexCommand nocite to ERT"
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset citation", i)
if i == -1:
if (document.body[i+1] != "LatexCommand nocite"):
# note that we already incremented i
i = i + 1
insetEnd = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if insetEnd == -1:
#this should not happen
document.warning("End of CommandInset citation not found in revert_nocite!")
paramLocation = i + 2 #start of the inset's parameters
addedLines = 0
document.body[i:i+2] = \
["\\begin_inset ERT", "status collapsed", "", "\\begin_layout Standard"]
# that added two lines
paramLocation += 2
insetEnd += 2
#print insetEnd, document.body[i: insetEnd + 1]
insetEnd += revert_nocite_key(document.body, paramLocation, insetEnd)
#print insetEnd, document.body[i: insetEnd + 1]
document.body.insert(insetEnd, "\\end_layout")
document.body.insert(insetEnd + 1, "")
i = insetEnd + 1
def revert_btprintall(document):
"Revert (non-bibtopic) btPrintAll option to ERT \nocite{*}"
i = find_token(document.header, '\\use_bibtopic', 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\use_bibtopic'.")
if get_value(document.header, '\\use_bibtopic', 0) == "false":
i = 0
while i < len(document.body):
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset CommandInset bibtex", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i + 1)
if j == -1:
#this should not happen
document.warning("End of CommandInset bibtex not found in revert_btprintall!")
j = len(document.body)
# this range isn't really right, but it should be OK, since we shouldn't
# see more than one matching line in each inset
addedlines = 0
for k in range(i, j):
if (document.body[k] == 'btprint "btPrintAll"'):
del document.body[k]
subst = ["\\begin_inset ERT",
"status collapsed", "",
"\\begin_layout Standard", "",
document.body[i:i] = subst
addlines = addedlines + len(subst) - 1
i = j + addedlines
def revert_bahasam(document):
"Set language Bahasa Malaysia to Bahasa Indonesia"
i = 0
if document.language == "bahasam":
document.language = "bahasa"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language bahasa"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang bahasam", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang bahasam", "\\lang bahasa")
j = j + 1
def revert_interlingua(document):
"Set language Interlingua to English"
i = 0
if document.language == "interlingua":
document.language = "english"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language english"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang interlingua", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang interlingua", "\\lang english")
j = j + 1
def revert_serbianlatin(document):
"Set language Serbian-Latin to Croatian"
i = 0
if document.language == "serbian-latin":
document.language = "croatian"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language croatian"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang serbian-latin", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang serbian-latin", "\\lang croatian")
j = j + 1
def revert_rotfloat(document):
" Revert sideways custom floats. "
i = 0
while 1:
# whitespace intended (exclude \\begin_inset FloatList)
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Float ", i)
if i == -1:
line = document.body[i]
r = re.compile(r'\\begin_inset Float (.*)$')
m = r.match(line)
if m == None:
document.warning("Unable to match line " + str(i) + " of body!")
i += 1
floattype =
if floattype == "figure" or floattype == "table":
i += 1
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\end_inset' in revert_rotfloat.")
i += 1
addedLines = 0
if get_value(document.body, 'sideways', i, j) == "false":
i += 1
l = find_default_layout(document, i + 1, j)
if l == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\begin_layout' in Float inset.")
subst = ['\\begin_layout Standard',
'\\begin_inset ERT',
'status collapsed', '',
'\\begin_layout Standard', '', '',
'\\backslash', '',
'end{sideways' + floattype + '}',
'\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset']
document.body[j : j+1] = subst
addedLines = len(subst) - 1
del document.body[i+1 : l]
addedLines -= (l-1) - (i+1)
subst = ['\\begin_inset ERT', 'status collapsed', '',
'\\begin_layout Standard', '', '', '\\backslash',
'begin{sideways' + floattype + '}',
'\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '',
'\\end_layout', '']
document.body[i : i+1] = subst
addedLines += len(subst) - 1
if floattype == "algorithm":
['% Commands inserted by lyx2lyx for sideways algorithm float',
document.warning("Cannot create preamble definition for custom float" + floattype + ".")
i += addedLines + 1
def revert_widesideways(document):
" Revert wide sideways floats. "
i = 0
while 1:
# whitespace intended (exclude \\begin_inset FloatList)
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Float ', i)
if i == -1:
line = document.body[i]
r = re.compile(r'\\begin_inset Float (.*)$')
m = r.match(line)
if m == None:
document.warning("Unable to match line " + str(i) + " of body!")
i += 1
floattype =
if floattype != "figure" and floattype != "table":
i += 1
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\end_inset' in revert_widesideways.")
i += 1
if get_value(document.body, 'sideways', i, j) == "false" or \
get_value(document.body, 'wide', i, j) == "false":
i += 1
l = find_default_layout(document, i + 1, j)
if l == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\begin_layout' in Float inset.")
subst = ['\\begin_layout Standard', '\\begin_inset ERT',
'status collapsed', '',
'\\begin_layout Standard', '', '', '\\backslash',
'end{sideways' + floattype + '*}',
'\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset']
document.body[j : j+1] = subst
addedLines = len(subst) - 1
del document.body[i+1:l-1]
addedLines -= (l-1) - (i+1)
subst = ['\\begin_inset ERT', 'status collapsed', '',
'\\begin_layout Standard', '', '', '\\backslash',
'begin{sideways' + floattype + '*}', '\\end_layout', '',
'\\end_inset', '', '\\end_layout', '']
document.body[i : i+1] = subst
addedLines += len(subst) - 1
add_to_preamble(document, ['\\usepackage{rotfloat}\n'])
i += addedLines + 1
def revert_inset_embedding(document, type):
' Remove embed tag from certain type of insets'
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset %s" % type, i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\end_inset' in revert_inset_embedding.")
i = i + 1
k = find_token(document.body, "\tembed", i, j)
if k == -1:
k = find_token(document.body, "embed", i, j)
if k != -1:
del document.body[k]
i = i + 1
def revert_external_embedding(document):
' Remove embed tag from external inset '
revert_inset_embedding(document, 'External')
def convert_subfig(document):
" Convert subfigures to subfloats. "
i = 0
while 1:
addedLines = 0
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Graphics', i)
if i == -1:
endInset = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if endInset == -1:
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\end_inset' in convert_subfig.")
i += 1
k = find_token(document.body, '\tsubcaption', i, endInset)
if k == -1:
i = endInset
l = find_token(document.body, '\tsubcaptionText', i, endInset)
if l == -1:
caption = ""
caption = document.body[l][16:].strip('"')
del document.body[l]
addedLines -= 1
del document.body[k]
addedLines -= 1
subst = ['\\begin_inset Float figure', 'wide false', 'sideways false',
'status open', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout', '\\begin_inset Caption',
'', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout'] + latex2lyx(caption) + \
[ '\\end_layout', '', '\\end_inset', '',
'\\end_layout', '', '\\begin_layout Plain Layout']
document.body[i : i] = subst
addedLines += len(subst)
endInset += addedLines
subst = ['', '\\end_inset', '', '\\end_layout']
document.body[endInset : endInset] = subst
addedLines += len(subst)
i += addedLines + 1
def revert_subfig(document):
" Revert subfloats. "
i = 0
while 1:
# whitespace intended (exclude \\begin_inset FloatList)
i = find_tokens(document.body, ['\\begin_inset Float ', '\\begin_inset Wrap'], i)
if i == -1:
j = 0
addedLines = 0
while j != -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\end_inset' (float) at line " + str(i + len(document.header)) + ".\n\t" + document.body[i])
# document.warning(document.body[i-1] + "\n" + document.body[i+1])
i += 1
continue # this will get us back to the outer loop, since j == -1
# look for embedded float (= subfloat)
# whitespace intended (exclude \\begin_inset FloatList)
k = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Float ', i + 1, j)
if k == -1:
# is the subfloat aligned?
al = find_token(document.body, '\\align ', k - 1)
alignment_beg = ""
alignment_end = ""
if al != -1:
if get_value(document.body, '\\align', al) == "center":
alignment_beg = "\\backslash\nbegin{centering}"
alignment_end = "\\backslash\npar\\backslash\nend{centering}"
elif get_value(document.body, '\\align', al) == "left":
alignment_beg = "\\backslash\nbegin{raggedright}"
alignment_end = "\\backslash\npar\\backslash\nend{raggedright}"
elif get_value(document.body, '\\align', al) == "right":
alignment_beg = "\\backslash\nbegin{raggedleft}"
alignment_end = "\\backslash\npar\\backslash\nend{raggedleft}"
l = find_end_of_inset(document.body, k)
if l == -1:
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\end_inset' (embedded float).")
i += 1
j == -1
continue # escape to the outer loop
m = find_default_layout(document, k + 1, l)
# caption?
cap = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Caption', k + 1, l)
caption = ''
shortcap = ''
capend = cap
if cap != -1:
capend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, cap)
if capend == -1:
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\end_inset' (caption).")
# label?
label = ''
lbl = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset CommandInset label', cap, capend)
if lbl != -1:
lblend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, lbl + 1)
if lblend == -1:
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\end_inset' (label).")
for line in document.body[lbl:lblend + 1]:
if line.startswith('name '):
label = line.split()[1].strip('"')
lbl = capend
lblend = capend
label = ''
# opt arg?
opt = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset OptArg', cap, capend)
if opt != -1:
optend = find_end_of_inset(document.body, opt)
if optend == -1:
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\end_inset' (OptArg).")
optc = find_default_layout(document, opt, optend)
if optc == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\begin_layout' in Float inset.")
optcend = find_end_of(document.body, optc, "\\begin_layout", "\\end_layout")
for line in document.body[optc:optcend]:
if not line.startswith('\\'):
shortcap += line.strip()
opt = capend
optend = capend
for line in document.body[cap:capend]:
if line in document.body[lbl:lblend]:
elif line in document.body[opt:optend]:
elif not line.startswith('\\'):
caption += line.strip()
if len(label) > 0:
caption += "\\backslash\nlabel{" + label + "}"
subst = '\\begin_layout Plain Layout\n\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\n' \
'\\begin_layout Plain Layout\n\n}' + alignment_end + \
'\n\\end_layout\n\n\\end_inset\n\n' \
'\\end_layout\n\n\\begin_layout Plain Layout\n'
subst = subst.split('\n')
document.body[l : l+1] = subst
addedLines = len(subst) - 1
# this is before l and so is unchanged by the multiline insertion
if cap != capend:
del document.body[cap:capend+1]
addedLines -= (capend + 1 - cap)
del document.body[k+1:m-1]
addedLines -= (m - 1 - (k + 1))
insertion = '\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\n' \
'\\begin_layout Plain Layout\n\n' + alignment_beg + '\\backslash\n' \
if len(shortcap) > 0:
insertion = insertion + "[" + shortcap + "]"
if len(caption) > 0:
insertion = insertion + "[" + caption + "]"
insertion = insertion + '{%\n\\end_layout\n\n\\end_inset\n\n\\end_layout\n'
insertion = insertion.split('\n')
document.body[k : k + 1] = insertion
addedLines += len(insertion) - 1
if al != -1:
del document.body[al]
addedLines -= 1
add_to_preamble(document, ['\\usepackage{subfig}\n'])
i += addedLines + 1
def revert_wrapplacement(document):
" Revert placement options wrap floats (wrapfig). "
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Wrap figure", i)
if i == -1:
e = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
j = find_token(document.body, "placement", i + 1, e)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Couldn't find placement parameter of wrap float.")
i += 1
r = re.compile("placement (o|i|l|r)")
m = r.match(document.body[j])
if m == None:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Placement option isn't O|I|R|L!")
document.body[j] = "placement " +
i = j
def remove_extra_embedded_files(document):
" Remove \extra_embedded_files from buffer params "
i = find_token(document.header, '\\extra_embedded_files', 0)
if i == -1:
def convert_spaceinset(document):
" Convert '\\InsetSpace foo' to '\\begin_inset Space foo\n\\end_inset' "
i = 0
while i < len(document.body):
m = re.match(r'(.*)\\InsetSpace (.*)', document.body[i])
if m:
before =
after =
subst = [before, "\\begin_inset Space " + after, "\\end_inset"]
document.body[i: i+1] = subst
i = i + len(subst)
i = i + 1
def revert_spaceinset(document):
" Revert '\\begin_inset Space foo\n\\end_inset' to '\\InsetSpace foo' "
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Space", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of space inset.")
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset Space', '\\InsetSpace')
del document.body[j]
def convert_hfill(document):
" Convert hfill to space inset "
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\hfill", i)
if i == -1:
subst = document.body[i].replace('\\hfill', \
'\n\\begin_inset Space \\hfill{}\n\\end_inset')
subst = subst.split('\n')
document.body[i : i+1] = subst
i += len(subst)
def revert_hfills(document):
' Revert \\hfill commands '
hfill = re.compile(r'\\hfill')
dotfill = re.compile(r'\\dotfill')
hrulefill = re.compile(r'\\hrulefill')
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\InsetSpace", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = \
document.body[i].replace('\\InsetSpace \\hfill{}', '\\hfill')
i += 1
subst = document.body[i].replace('\\InsetSpace \\dotfill{}', \
'\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\n' \
'\\begin_layout Standard\n\n\n\\backslash\n' \
subst = subst.split('\n')
document.body[i : i+1] = subst
i += len(subst)
subst = document.body[i].replace('\\InsetSpace \\hrulefill{}', \
'\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\n' \
'\\begin_layout Standard\n\n\n\\backslash\n' \
subst = subst.split('\n')
document.body[i : i+1] = subst
i += len(subst)
i += 1
def revert_hspace(document):
' Revert \\InsetSpace \\hspace{} to ERT '
i = 0
hspace = re.compile(r'\\hspace{}')
hstar = re.compile(r'\\hspace\*{}')
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\InsetSpace \\hspace", i)
if i == -1:
length = get_value(document.body, '\\length', i+1)
if length == '':
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\length' in Space inset.")
del document.body[i+1]
addedLines = -1
subst = document.body[i].replace('\\InsetSpace \\hspace*{}', \
'\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\n' \
'\\begin_layout Standard\n\n\n\\backslash\n' \
'hspace*{' + length + '}\n\\end_layout\n\n\\end_inset\n\n')
subst = subst.split('\n')
document.body[i : i+1] = subst
addedLines += len(subst) - 1
i += addedLines + 1
subst = document.body[i].replace('\\InsetSpace \\hspace{}', \
'\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\n' \
'\\begin_layout Standard\n\n\n\\backslash\n' \
'hspace{' + length + '}\n\\end_layout\n\n\\end_inset\n\n')
subst = subst.split('\n')
document.body[i : i+1] = subst
addedLines += len(subst) - 1
i += addedLines + 1
i += 1
def revert_protected_hfill(document):
' Revert \\begin_inset Space \\hspace*{\\fill} to ERT '
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Space \\hspace*{\\fill}', i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of space inset.")
del document.body[j]
subst = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset Space \\hspace*{\\fill}', \
'\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\n' \
'\\begin_layout Standard\n\n\n\\backslash\n' \
subst = subst.split('\n')
document.body[i : i+1] = subst
i += len(subst)
def revert_leftarrowfill(document):
' Revert \\begin_inset Space \\leftarrowfill{} to ERT '
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Space \\leftarrowfill{}', i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of space inset.")
del document.body[j]
subst = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset Space \\leftarrowfill{}', \
'\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\n' \
'\\begin_layout Standard\n\n\n\\backslash\n' \
subst = subst.split('\n')
document.body[i : i+1] = subst
i += len(subst)
def revert_rightarrowfill(document):
' Revert \\begin_inset Space \\rightarrowfill{} to ERT '
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Space \\rightarrowfill{}', i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of space inset.")
del document.body[j]
subst = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset Space \\rightarrowfill{}', \
'\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\n' \
'\\begin_layout Standard\n\n\n\\backslash\n' \
subst = subst.split('\n')
document.body[i : i+1] = subst
i += len(subst)
def revert_upbracefill(document):
' Revert \\begin_inset Space \\upbracefill{} to ERT '
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Space \\upbracefill{}', i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of space inset.")
del document.body[j]
subst = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset Space \\upbracefill{}', \
'\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\n' \
'\\begin_layout Standard\n\n\n\\backslash\n' \
subst = subst.split('\n')
document.body[i : i+1] = subst
i += len(subst)
def revert_downbracefill(document):
' Revert \\begin_inset Space \\downbracefill{} to ERT '
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Space \\downbracefill{}', i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of space inset.")
del document.body[j]
subst = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset Space \\downbracefill{}', \
'\\begin_inset ERT\nstatus collapsed\n\n' \
'\\begin_layout Standard\n\n\n\\backslash\n' \
subst = subst.split('\n')
document.body[i : i+1] = subst
i += len(subst)
def revert_local_layout(document):
' Revert local layout headers.'
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.header, "\\begin_local_layout", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of(document.header, i, "\\begin_local_layout", "\\end_local_layout")
if j == -1:
# this should not happen
document.header[i : j + 1] = []
def convert_pagebreaks(document):
' Convert inline Newpage insets to new format '
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\newpage', i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i:i+1] = ['\\begin_inset Newpage newpage',
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\pagebreak', i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i:i+1] = ['\\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak',
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\clearpage', i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i:i+1] = ['\\begin_inset Newpage clearpage',
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\cleardoublepage', i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i:i+1] = ['\\begin_inset Newpage cleardoublepage',
def revert_pagebreaks(document):
' Revert \\begin_inset Newpage to previous inline format '
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Newpage', i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of Newpage inset.")
del document.body[j]
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset Newpage newpage', '\\newpage')
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak', '\\pagebreak')
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset Newpage clearpage', '\\clearpage')
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset Newpage cleardoublepage', '\\cleardoublepage')
def convert_linebreaks(document):
' Convert inline Newline insets to new format '
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\newline', i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i:i+1] = ['\\begin_inset Newline newline',
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\linebreak', i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i:i+1] = ['\\begin_inset Newline linebreak',
def revert_linebreaks(document):
' Revert \\begin_inset Newline to previous inline format '
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Newline', i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Could not find end of Newline inset.")
del document.body[j]
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset Newline newline', '\\newline')
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset Newline linebreak', '\\linebreak')
def convert_japanese_plain(document):
' Set language japanese-plain to japanese '
i = 0
if document.language == "japanese-plain":
document.language = "japanese"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language japanese"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang japanese-plain", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang japanese-plain", "\\lang japanese")
j = j + 1
def revert_pdfpages(document):
' Revert pdfpages external inset to ERT '
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset External", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\end_inset' in revert_pdfpages.")
i = i + 1
if get_value(document.body, 'template', i, j) == "PDFPages":
filename = get_value(document.body, 'filename', i, j)
extra = ''
r = re.compile(r'\textra PDFLaTeX \"(.*)\"$')
for k in range(i, j):
m = r.match(document.body[k])
if m:
extra =
angle = get_value(document.body, 'rotateAngle', i, j)
width = get_value(document.body, 'width', i, j)
height = get_value(document.body, 'height', i, j)
scale = get_value(document.body, 'scale', i, j)
keepAspectRatio = find_token(document.body, "\tkeepAspectRatio", i, j)
options = extra
if angle != '':
if options != '':
options += ",angle=" + angle
options += "angle=" + angle
if width != '':
if options != '':
options += ",width=" + convert_len(width)
options += "width=" + convert_len(width)
if height != '':
if options != '':
options += ",height=" + convert_len(height)
options += "height=" + convert_len(height)
if scale != '':
if options != '':
options += ",scale=" + scale
options += "scale=" + scale
if keepAspectRatio != '':
if options != '':
options += ",keepaspectratio"
options += "keepaspectratio"
if options != '':
options = '[' + options + ']'
del document.body[i+1:j+1]
document.body[i:i+1] = ['\\begin_inset ERT',
'status collapsed',
'\\begin_layout Standard',
'includepdf' + options + '{' + filename + '}',
add_to_preamble(document, ['\\usepackage{pdfpages}\n'])
i = i + 1
i = i + 1
def revert_mexican(document):
' Set language Spanish(Mexico) to Spanish '
i = 0
if document.language == "spanish-mexico":
document.language = "spanish"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language spanish"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang spanish-mexico", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang spanish-mexico", "\\lang spanish")
j = j + 1
def remove_embedding(document):
' Remove embed tag from all insets '
revert_inset_embedding(document, 'Graphics')
revert_inset_embedding(document, 'External')
revert_inset_embedding(document, 'CommandInset include')
revert_inset_embedding(document, 'CommandInset bibtex')
def revert_master(document):
' Remove master param '
i = find_token(document.header, "\\master", 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
def revert_graphics_group(document):
' Revert group information from graphics insets '
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Graphics", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
if j == -1:
document.warning("Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\end_inset' in revert_graphics_group.")
i = i + 1
k = find_token(document.body, " groupId", i, j)
if k == -1:
i = i + 1
del document.body[k]
i = i + 1
def update_apa_styles(document):
' Replace obsolete styles '
if document.textclass != "apa":
obsoletedby = { "Acknowledgments": "Acknowledgements",
"Section*": "Section",
"Subsection*": "Subsection",
"Subsubsection*": "Subsubsection",
"Paragraph*": "Paragraph",
"Subparagraph*": "Subparagraph"}
i = 0
while 1:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i)
if i == -1:
layout = document.body[i][14:]
if layout in obsoletedby:
document.body[i] = "\\begin_layout " + obsoletedby[layout]
i += 1
def convert_paper_sizes(document):
' exchange size options legalpaper and executivepaper to correct order '
# routine is needed to fix
i = 0
j = 0
i = find_token(document.header, "\\papersize executivepaper", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\papersize legalpaper"
j = find_token(document.header, "\\papersize legalpaper", 0)
if j != -1:
document.header[j] = "\\papersize executivepaper"
def revert_paper_sizes(document):
' exchange size options legalpaper and executivepaper to correct order '
i = 0
j = 0
i = find_token(document.header, "\\papersize executivepaper", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\papersize legalpaper"
j = find_token(document.header, "\\papersize legalpaper", 0)
if j != -1:
document.header[j] = "\\papersize executivepaper"
def convert_InsetSpace(document):
" Convert '\\begin_inset Space foo' to '\\begin_inset space foo'"
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Space", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset Space', '\\begin_inset space')
def revert_InsetSpace(document):
" Revert '\\begin_inset space foo' to '\\begin_inset Space foo'"
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset space", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_inset space', '\\begin_inset Space')
def convert_display_enum(document):
" Convert 'display foo' to 'display false/true'"
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\tdisplay", i)
if i == -1:
val = get_value(document.body, 'display', i)
if val == "none":
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('none', 'false')
if val == "default":
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('default', 'true')
if val == "monochrome":
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('monochrome', 'true')
if val == "grayscale":
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('grayscale', 'true')
if val == "color":
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('color', 'true')
if val == "preview":
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('preview', 'true')
i += 1
def revert_display_enum(document):
" Revert 'display false/true' to 'display none/color'"
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\tdisplay", i)
if i == -1:
val = get_value(document.body, 'display', i)
if val == "false":
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('false', 'none')
if val == "true":
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('true', 'default')
i += 1
def remove_fontsCJK(document):
' Remove font_cjk param '
i = find_token(document.header, "\\font_cjk", 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
def convert_plain_layout(document):
" Convert 'PlainLayout' to 'Plain Layout'"
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_layout PlainLayout', i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_layout PlainLayout', \
'\\begin_layout Plain Layout')
i += 1
def revert_plain_layout(document):
" Convert 'PlainLayout' to 'Plain Layout'"
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_layout Plain Layout', i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_layout Plain Layout', \
'\\begin_layout PlainLayout')
i += 1
def revert_plainlayout(document):
" Convert 'PlainLayout' to 'Plain Layout'"
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_layout PlainLayout', i)
if i == -1:
# This will be incorrect for some document classes, since Standard is not always
# the default. But (a) it is probably the best we can do and (b) it will actually
# work, in fact, since an unknown layout will be converted to default.
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace('\\begin_layout PlainLayout', \
'\\begin_layout Standard')
i += 1
def revert_polytonicgreek(document):
"Set language polytonic Greek to Greek"
i = 0
if document.language == "polutonikogreek":
document.language = "greek"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language greek"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang polutonikogreek", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang polutonikogreek", "\\lang greek")
j = j + 1
def revert_removed_modules(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.header, "\\begin_remove_modules", i)
if i == -1:
j = find_end_of(document.header, i, "\\begin_remove_modules", "\\end_remove_modules")
if j == -1:
# this should not happen
document.header[i : j + 1] = []
def add_plain_layout(document):
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout", i)
if i == -1:
if len(document.body[i].split()) == 1:
document.body[i] = "\\begin_layout Plain Layout"
i += 1
def revert_tabulators(document):
"Revert tabulators to 4 spaces"
i = 0
while True:
i = find_token(document.body, "\t", i)
if i == -1:
document.body[i] = document.body[i].replace("\t", " ")
i += 1
def revert_tabsize(document):
"Revert the tabsize parameter of listings"
i = 0
j = 0
while True:
# either it is the only parameter
i = find_token(document.body, 'lstparams "tabsize=4"', i)
if i != -1:
del document.body[i]
# or the last one
j = find_token(document.body, "lstparams", j)
if j == -1:
pos = document.body[j].find(",tabsize=")
document.body[j] = document.body[j][:pos] + '"'
i += 1
j += 1
def revert_mongolian(document):
"Set language Mongolian to English"
i = 0
if document.language == "mongolian":
document.language = "english"
i = find_token(document.header, "\\language", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\language english"
j = 0
while True:
j = find_token(document.body, "\\lang mongolian", j)
if j == -1:
document.body[j] = document.body[j].replace("\\lang mongolian", "\\lang english")
j = j + 1
def revert_default_options(document):
' Remove param use_default_options '
i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_default_options", 0)
if i != -1:
del document.header[i]
def convert_default_options(document):
' Add param use_default_options and set it to false '
i = find_token(document.header, "\\textclass", 0)
if i == -1:
document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Missing `\\textclass'.")
document.header.insert(i, '\\use_default_options false')
def revert_backref_options(document):
' Revert option pdf_backref=page to pagebackref '
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_backref page", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\pdf_pagebackref true"
def convert_backref_options(document):
' We have changed the option pagebackref to backref=true '
i = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_pagebackref true", 0)
if i != -1:
document.header[i] = "\\pdf_backref page"
j = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_pagebackref false", 0)
if j != -1:
del document.header[j]
# backref=true was not a valid option, we meant backref=section
k = find_token(document.header, "\\pdf_backref true", 0)
if k != -1 and i != -1:
del document.header[k]
elif k != -1 and j != -1:
document.header[k] = "\\pdf_backref section"
# Conversion hub
supported_versions = ["1.6.0","1.6"]
convert = [[277, [fix_wrong_tables]],
[278, [close_begin_deeper]],
[279, [long_charstyle_names]],
[280, [axe_show_label]],
[281, []],
[282, []],
[283, [convert_flex]],
[284, []],
[285, []],
[286, []],
[287, [convert_wrapfig_options]],
[288, [convert_inset_command]],
[289, [convert_latexcommand_index]],
[290, []],
[291, []],
[292, [convert_japanese_cjk]],
[293, []],
[294, [convert_pdf_options]],
[295, [convert_htmlurl, convert_url]],
[296, [convert_include]],
[297, [convert_usorbian]],
[298, [convert_macro_global]],
[299, []],
[300, []],
[301, []],
[302, []],
[303, [convert_serbocroatian]],
[304, [convert_framed_notes]],
[305, []],
[306, []],
[307, []],
[308, []],
[309, []],
[310, []],
[311, [convert_ams_classes]],
[312, []],
[313, [convert_module_names]],
[314, []],
[315, []],
[316, [convert_subfig]],
[317, []],
[318, []],
[319, [convert_spaceinset, convert_hfill]],
[320, []],
[321, [convert_tablines]],
[322, [convert_plain_layout]],
[323, [convert_pagebreaks]],
[324, [convert_linebreaks]],
[325, [convert_japanese_plain]],
[326, []],
[327, []],
[328, [remove_embedding, remove_extra_embedded_files, remove_inzip_options]],
[329, []],
[330, []],
[331, [convert_ltcaption]],
[332, []],
[333, [update_apa_styles]],
[334, [convert_paper_sizes]],
[335, [convert_InsetSpace]],
[336, []],
[337, [convert_display_enum]],
[338, []],
[339, []],
[340, [add_plain_layout]],
[341, []],
[342, []],
[343, [convert_default_options]],
[344, [convert_backref_options]]
revert = [[343, [revert_backref_options]],
[342, [revert_default_options]],
[341, [revert_mongolian]],
[340, [revert_tabulators, revert_tabsize]],
[339, []],
[338, [revert_removed_modules]],
[337, [revert_polytonicgreek]],
[336, [revert_display_enum]],
[335, [remove_fontsCJK]],
[334, [revert_InsetSpace]],
[333, [revert_paper_sizes]],
[332, []],
[331, [revert_graphics_group]],
[330, [revert_ltcaption]],
[329, [revert_leftarrowfill, revert_rightarrowfill, revert_upbracefill, revert_downbracefill]],
[328, [revert_master]],
[327, []],
[326, [revert_mexican]],
[325, [revert_pdfpages]],
[324, []],
[323, [revert_linebreaks]],
[322, [revert_pagebreaks]],
[321, [revert_local_layout, revert_plain_layout]],
[320, [revert_tablines]],
[319, [revert_protected_hfill]],
[318, [revert_spaceinset, revert_hfills, revert_hspace]],
[317, [remove_extra_embedded_files]],
[316, [revert_wrapplacement]],
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[313, []],
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[283, []],
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if __name__ == "__main__":