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This is a template LyX file for articles to be submitted to the International
Journal of Modern Physics section C (IJMPC).
How to install the IJMPC LaTeX class to your LaTeX system is explained
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The abstract should summarize the context, content and conclusions of the
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Four or five keywords; separated by semicolon
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The Main Text
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Contributions to the
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International Journal of Modern Physics C
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are to be in English.
Authors are encouraged to have their contribution checked for grammar.
American spelling should be used.
Abbreviations are allowed but should be spelt out in full when first used.
Integers ten and below are to be spelt out.
Italicize foreign language phrases (e.
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Latin, French).
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A lemma
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A proof
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Illustrations and Photographs
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Figures are to be inserted in the text nearest their first reference.
If the author requires the publisher to reduce the figures, ensure that
the figures (including letterings and numbers) are large enough to be clearly
seen after reduction.
If photographs are to be used, only black and white ones are acceptable.
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A schematic illustration of dissociative recombination.
The direct mechanism, 4m
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is initiated when the molecular ion S
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captures an electron with kinetic energy.
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A footnote
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This section should come before the References.
Dedications and funding information may also be included here.
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An Appendix section
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Appendices should be used only when absolutely necessary.
They should come before the References.Note that appendices should be placed
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the Acknowledgments and
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the References.
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