mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 06:15:16 +00:00
- revert the previous layout change where inputenc was mentioned. This was not wrong but too intrusive for a change in branch - mention that the aa class loads natbib to avoid compilation errors - aa_sample.lyx: the aa package contains an outdated an customized version of natbib.sty. This file only woks with aa, but breaks the compilation of many other files on your system, therefore remove the bibliography and replace it by BibTeX; also clean up the preamble and add a note about the encoding - aa.lyx: add a note about the encoding and set it in the document settings
312 lines
4.3 KiB
312 lines
4.3 KiB
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This is a template LyX file for articles to be submitted to the Journal
of Astronomy & Astrophysicssing (A&A).
How to install the A&A LaTeX class to your LaTeX system is explained in
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If you use accented characters in your document, you must add the custom
document class option
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in the document settings.
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This is your Title
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your subtitle
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Address of second author
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email of second author
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\begin_layout Date
Received ...; Accepted...
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\begin_inset Note Note
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This template uses the structured abstract style.
If you want to use the traditional, unstructured abstract, you have to
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to the document options in
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See the
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example file that comes with LyX.
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