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420 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file prefs2prefs-prefs.py
# This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
# Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
# author Richard Heck
# Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS
# This file houses conversion information for the preferences file.
# The converter functions take a line as argument and return a list:
# (Bool, NewLine),
# where the Bool says if we've modified anything and the NewLine is
# the new line, if so, which will be used to replace the old line.
# Incremented to format 2, r39670 by jrioux
# Support for multiple file extensions per format.
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 3, r39705 by tommaso
# Support for file formats that are natively (g)zipped.
# We must add the flag zipped=native to formats that
# were previously hardcoded in the C++ source: dia.
# Incremented to format 4, r40028 by vfr
# Remove support for default paper size.
# Incremented to format 5, r40030 by vfr
# Add a default length unit.
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 6, r40515 by younes
# Add use_qimage option.
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 7, r40789 by gb
# Add mime type to file format
# Incremented to format 8, 288c1e0f by rgh
# Add "nice" flag for converters
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 9, a18af620 by spitz
# Remove default_language rc.
# Incremented to format 10, 4985015 by tommaso
# Add close_buffer_with_last_view in preferences.
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 11, by gb
# Split pdf format into pdf and pdf6
# Incremented to format 12, by vfr
# Add option to use the system's theme icons
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 13, by bh
# Rename mac_like_word_movement to mac_like_cursor_movement
# Incremented to format 14, by spitz
# New RC default_otf_view_format
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 15, by prannoy
# Add fullscreen_statusbar
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 16, by lasgouttes
# Remove force_paint_single_char rc.
# Incremented to format 17, by lasgouttes
# Remove rtl_support rc.
# Incremented to format 18, by ef
# Add option to allow saving the document directory
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 19, by rgh
# remove print support
# Incremented to format 20, by tommaso
# Add options to forbid/ignore 'needauth' option
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 21, by spitz
# Add jbibtex_alternatives, allow "automatic" value
# of bibtex_command and jbibtex_command (actually the
# default now)
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 22, by ef
# Add pygmentize_command for the python pygments syntax highlighter
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 23, by spitz
# Add default_platex_view_format, a default output format for
# Japanese documents via pLaTeX.
# No conversion necessary.
# Incremented to format 24, by spitz
# Rename collapsable to collapsible
# NOTE: The format should also be updated in LYXRC.cpp and
# in configure.py.
import re
# Conversion chain
def get_format(line):
entries = []
i = 0
while i < len(line):
if line[i] == '"':
beg = i + 1
i = i + 1
while i < len(line) and line[i] != '"':
if line[i] == '\\' and i < len(line) - 1 and line[i+1] == '"':
# convert \" to "
i = i + 1
i = i + 1
end = i
entries.append(line[beg:end].replace('\\"', '"'))
elif line[i] == '#':
return entries
elif not line[i].isspace():
beg = i
while i < len(line) and not line[i].isspace():
i = i + 1
end = i
i = i + 1
return entries
def simple_renaming(line, old, new):
i = line.lower().find(old.lower())
if i == -1:
return no_match
line = line[:i] + new + line[i+len(old):]
return (True, line)
no_match = (False, [])
### Format 1 conversions (for LyX 2.0)
def remove_obsolete(line):
tags = ("\\use_tempdir", "\\spell_command", "\\personal_dictionary",
"\\plaintext_roff_command", "\\use_alt_language",
"\\use_escape_chars", "\\use_input_encoding",
"\\use_personal_dictionary", "\\use_pspell",
line = line.lower().lstrip()
for tag in tags:
if line.lower().startswith(tag):
return (True, "")
return no_match
def language_use_babel(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\language_use_babel"):
return no_match
re_lub = re.compile(r'^\\language_use_babel\s+"?(true|false)', re.IGNORECASE)
m = re_lub.match(line)
val = m.group(1)
newval = '0'
if val == 'false':
newval = '3'
newline = "\\language_package_selection " + newval
return (True, newline)
def language_package(line):
return simple_renaming(line, "\\language_package", "\\language_custom_package")
lfre = re.compile(r'^\\converter\s+"?(\w+)"?\s+"?(\w+)"?\s+"([^"]*?)"\s+"latex"', re.IGNORECASE)
def latex_flavor(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\converter"):
return no_match
m = lfre.match(line)
if not m:
return no_match
conv = m.group(1)
fmat = m.group(2)
args = m.group(3)
conv2fl = {
"luatex": "lualatex",
"pplatex": "latex",
"xetex": "xelatex",
if conv in conv2fl.keys():
flavor = conv2fl[conv]
flavor = conv
if flavor == "latex":
return no_match
return (True,
"\\converter \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"latex=%s\"" % (conv, fmat, args, flavor))
emre = re.compile(r'^\\format\s+(.*)\s+"(document[^"]*?)"', re.IGNORECASE)
def export_menu(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\format"):
return no_match
m = emre.match(line)
if not m:
return no_match
fmat = m.group(1)
opts = m.group(2)
return (True,
"\\Format %s \"%s,menu=export\"" % (fmat, opts))
# End format 1 conversions (for LyX 2.0)
# Conversions from LyX 2.0 to 2.1
zipre = re.compile(r'^\\format\s+("?dia"?\s+.*)\s+"([^"]*?)"', re.IGNORECASE)
def zipped_native(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\format"):
return no_match
m = zipre.match(line)
if not m:
return no_match
fmat = m.group(1)
opts = m.group(2)
return (True,
"\\Format %s \"%s,zipped=native\"" % (fmat, opts))
def remove_default_papersize(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\default_papersize"):
return no_match
return (True, "")
def add_mime_types(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\format"):
return no_match
entries = get_format(line)
converted = line
i = len(entries)
while i < 7:
converted = converted + ' ""'
i = i + 1
formats = {'tgif':'application/x-tgif', \
'fig':'application/x-xfig', \
'dia':'application/x-dia-diagram', \
'odg':'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics', \
'svg':'image/svg+xml', \
'bmp':'image/x-bmp', \
'gif':'image/gif', \
'jpg':'image/jpeg', \
'pbm':'image/x-portable-bitmap', \
'pgm':'image/x-portable-graymap', \
'png':'image/x-png', \
'ppm':'image/x-portable-pixmap', \
'tiff':'image/tiff', \
'xbm':'image/x-xbitmap', \
'xpm':'image/x-xpixmap', \
'docbook-xml':'application/docbook+xml', \
'dot':'text/vnd.graphviz', \
'ly':'text/x-lilypond', \
'latex':'text/x-tex', \
'text':'text/plain', \
'gnumeric':'application/x-gnumeric', \
'excel':'application/vnd.ms-excel', \
'oocalc':'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet', \
'xhtml':'application/xhtml+xml', \
'bib':'text/x-bibtex', \
'eps':'image/x-eps', \
'ps':'application/postscript', \
'pdf':'application/pdf', \
'dvi':'application/x-dvi', \
'html':'text/html', \
'odt':'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', \
'sxw':'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer', \
'rtf':'application/rtf', \
'doc':'application/msword', \
'csv':'text/csv', \
'lyx':'application/x-lyx', \
'wmf':'image/x-wmf', \
if entries[1] in formats.keys():
converted = converted + ' "' + formats[entries[1]] + '"'
converted = converted + ' ""'
return (True, converted)
re_converter = re.compile(r'^\\converter\s+', re.IGNORECASE)
def split_pdf_format(line):
# strictly speaking, a new format would not require to bump the
# version number, but the old pdf format was hardcoded at several
# places in the C++ code, so an update seemed like a good idea.
if line.lower().startswith("\\format"):
entries = get_format(line)
if entries[1] == 'pdf':
if len(entries) < 6:
viewer = ''
viewer = entries[5]
converted = line.replace('application/pdf', '') + '''
\Format pdf6 pdf "PDF (graphics)" "" "''' + viewer + '" "" "vector" "application/pdf"'
return (True, converted)
elif line.lower().startswith("\\viewer_alternatives") or \
entries = get_format(line)
if entries[1] == 'pdf':
converted = line + "\n" + entries[0] + ' pdf6 "' + entries[2] + '"'
return (True, converted)
elif re_converter.match(line):
entries = get_format(line)
# The only converter from pdf that is touched is pdf->eps:
# All other converters are likely meant for further processing on export.
# The only converter to pdf that stays untouched is dvi->pdf:
# All other converters are likely meant for graphics.
if len(entries) > 2 and \
((entries[1] == 'pdf' and entries[2] == 'eps') or \
(entries[1] != 'ps' and entries[2] == 'pdf')):
if entries[1] == 'pdf':
converted = entries[0] + ' pdf6 ' + entries[2]
converted = entries[0] + ' ' + entries[1] + ' pdf6'
i = 3
while i < len(entries):
converted = converted + ' "' + entries[i] + '"'
i = i + 1
return (True, converted)
return no_match
def remove_default_language(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\default_language"):
return no_match
return (True, "")
def mac_cursor_movement(line):
return simple_renaming(line, "\\mac_like_word_movement", "\\mac_like_cursor_movement")
# End conversions for LyX 2.0 to 2.1
# Conversions from LyX 2.1 to 2.2
def remove_force_paint_single_char(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\force_paint_single_char"):
return no_match
return (True, "")
def remove_rtl(line):
if not line.lower().startswith("\\rtl "):
return no_match
return (True, "")
def remove_print_support(line):
tags = ("\\printer", "\\print_adapt_output", "\\print_command",
"\\print_evenpage_flag", "\\print_oddpage_flag", "\\print_pagerange_flag",
"\\print_copies_flag", "\\print_collcopies_flag", "\\print_reverse_flag",
"\\print_to_printer", "\\print_to_file", "\\print_file_extension")
line = line.lower().lstrip()
for tag in tags:
if line.lower().startswith(tag):
return (True, "")
return no_match
# End conversions for LyX 2.1 to 2.2
# Conversions from LyX 2.2 to 2.3
def rename_collapsible(line):
return simple_renaming(line, "\\set_color \"collapsable", "\\set_color \"collapsible")
# End conversions for LyX 2.2 to 2.3
# Format-conversion map. Also add empty format changes here.
conversions = [
[ 1, [ # there were several conversions for format 1
[ 2, []],
[ 3, [ zipped_native ]],
[ 4, [ remove_default_papersize ]],
[ 5, []],
[ 6, []],
[ 7, [add_mime_types]],
[ 8, []],
[ 9, [ remove_default_language ]],
[ 10, []],
[ 11, [split_pdf_format]],
[ 12, []],
[ 13, [mac_cursor_movement]],
[ 14, []],
[ 15, []],
[ 16, [remove_force_paint_single_char]],
[ 17, [remove_rtl]],
[ 18, []],
[ 19, [remove_print_support]],
[ 20, []],
[ 21, []],
[ 22, []],
[ 23, []],
[ 24, [rename_collapsible]]