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synced 2024-12-17 02:05:48 +00:00
When a raster image with an advertised pixel density different from 72 dpi is included in a latex file, the output image dimensions are scaled by the ratio 72/pixel_density. Hence, if a clipping bounding box is specified, it has to be scaled by the same ratio, otherwise the images will be clipped differently on screen and output. Here we use the extractbb command (present in any TeX distribution) to ask about the output dimensions of the image as dictated by the pixel density and compute the scaling ratio by the knowledge of the actual dimensions. If, for whatever reason, extractbb is not found, everything goes as before, because the clipping bounding box will simply not be corrected.
1269 lines
37 KiB
1269 lines
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* \file InsetGraphics.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Baruch Even
* \author Herbert Voß
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
* What advanced features the users want to do?
Implement them in a non latex dependent way, but a logical way.
LyX should translate it to latex or any other fitting format.
* When loading, if the image is not found in the expected place, try
to find it in the clipart, or in the same directory with the image.
* The image choosing dialog could show thumbnails of the image formats
it knows of, thus selection based on the image instead of based on
* Add support for the 'picins' package.
* Add support for the 'picinpar' package.
* Fileformat:
* The filename is kept in the lyx file in a relative way, so as to allow
* moving the document file and its images with no problem.
* Conversions:
* Postscript output means EPS figures.
* PDF output is best done with PDF figures if it's a direct conversion
* or PNG figures otherwise.
* Image format
* from to
* EPS epstopdf
* PS ps2pdf
* JPG/PNG direct
* PDF direct
* others PNG
#include <config.h>
#include "insets/InsetGraphics.h"
#include "insets/RenderGraphic.h"
#include "Buffer.h"
#include "BufferView.h"
#include "Converter.h"
#include "Cursor.h"
#include "DispatchResult.h"
#include "ErrorList.h"
#include "Exporter.h"
#include "Format.h"
#include "FuncRequest.h"
#include "FuncStatus.h"
#include "InsetIterator.h"
#include "LaTeXFeatures.h"
#include "Length.h"
#include "Lexer.h"
#include "MetricsInfo.h"
#include "Mover.h"
#include "OutputParams.h"
#include "output_xhtml.h"
#include "sgml.h"
#include "texstream.h"
#include "TocBackend.h"
#include "frontends/alert.h"
#include "frontends/Application.h"
#include "graphics/GraphicsCache.h"
#include "graphics/GraphicsCacheItem.h"
#include "graphics/GraphicsImage.h"
#include "support/convert.h"
#include "support/debug.h"
#include "support/docstream.h"
#include "support/ExceptionMessage.h"
#include "support/filetools.h"
#include "support/gettext.h"
#include "support/lyxlib.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include "support/os.h"
#include "support/qstring_helpers.h"
#include "support/Systemcall.h"
#include <QProcess>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <tuple>
using namespace std;
using namespace lyx::support;
namespace lyx {
namespace Alert = frontend::Alert;
namespace {
/// Find the most suitable image format for images in \p format
/// Note that \p format may be unknown (i. e. an empty string)
string findTargetFormat(string const & format, OutputParams const & runparams)
// Are we using latex or XeTeX/LuaTeX/pdflatex?
if (runparams.flavor == OutputParams::PDFLATEX
|| runparams.flavor == OutputParams::XETEX
|| runparams.flavor == OutputParams::LUATEX) {
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "findTargetFormat: PDF mode");
Format const * const f = theFormats().getFormat(format);
// Convert vector graphics to pdf
if (f && f->vectorFormat())
return "pdf6";
// pdflatex can use jpeg, png and pdf directly
if (format == "jpg")
return format;
// Convert everything else to png
return "png";
// for HTML, we leave the known formats and otherwise convert to png
if (runparams.flavor == OutputParams::HTML) {
Format const * const f = theFormats().getFormat(format);
// Convert vector graphics to svg
if (f && f->vectorFormat() && theConverters().isReachable(format, "svg"))
return "svg";
// Leave the known formats alone
if (format == "jpg" || format == "png" || format == "gif")
return format;
// Convert everything else to png
return "png";
// If it's postscript, we always do eps.
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "findTargetFormat: PostScript mode");
if (format != "ps")
// any other than ps is changed to eps
return "eps";
// let ps untouched
return format;
void readInsetGraphics(Lexer & lex, Buffer const & buf, bool allowOrigin,
InsetGraphicsParams & params)
bool finished = false;
while (lex.isOK() && !finished) {
string const token = lex.getString();
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "Token: '" << token << '\'');
if (token.empty())
if (token == "\\end_inset") {
finished = true;
} else {
if (!params.Read(lex, token, buf, allowOrigin))
lyxerr << "Unknown token, "
<< token
<< ", skipping."
<< endl;
} // namespace
InsetGraphics::InsetGraphics(Buffer * buf)
: Inset(buf), graphic_label(sgml::uniqueID(from_ascii("graph"))),
graphic_(new RenderGraphic(this))
InsetGraphics::InsetGraphics(InsetGraphics const & ig)
: Inset(ig),
graphic_(new RenderGraphic(*ig.graphic_, this))
Inset * InsetGraphics::clone() const
return new InsetGraphics(*this);
hideDialogs("graphics", this);
delete graphic_;
void InsetGraphics::doDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd)
switch (cmd.action()) {
InsetGraphicsParams p = params();
if (!cmd.argument().empty())
string2params(to_utf8(cmd.argument()), buffer(), p);
if (cmd.getArg(0) != "graphics") {
Inset::doDispatch(cur, cmd);
InsetGraphicsParams p;
string2params(to_utf8(cmd.argument()), buffer(), p);
if (p.filename.empty()) {
// if the inset is part of a graphics group, all the
// other members should be updated too.
if (!params_.groupId.empty())
cur.bv().updateDialog("graphics", params2string(params(), buffer()));
Inset::doDispatch(cur, cmd);
bool InsetGraphics::getStatus(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd,
FuncStatus & flag) const
switch (cmd.action()) {
if (cmd.getArg(0) != "graphics")
return Inset::getStatus(cur, cmd, flag);
// fall through
return true;
return Inset::getStatus(cur, cmd, flag);
bool InsetGraphics::showInsetDialog(BufferView * bv) const
bv->showDialog("graphics", params2string(params(), bv->buffer()),
const_cast<InsetGraphics *>(this));
return true;
void InsetGraphics::metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension & dim) const
graphic_->metrics(mi, dim);
void InsetGraphics::draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const
graphic_->draw(pi, x, y);
void InsetGraphics::write(ostream & os) const
os << "Graphics\n";
params().Write(os, buffer());
void InsetGraphics::read(Lexer & lex)
//lex >> "Graphics";
readInsetGraphics(lex, buffer(), true, params_);
void InsetGraphics::outBoundingBox(graphics::BoundingBox & bbox) const
if (bbox.empty())
FileName const file(params().filename.absFileName());
// No correction is necessary for a postscript image
bool const zipped = theFormats().isZippedFile(file);
FileName const unzipped_file = zipped ? unzipFile(file) : file;
string const format = theFormats().getFormatFromFile(unzipped_file);
if (zipped)
if (Formats::isPostScriptFileFormat(format))
// Get the actual image dimensions in pixels
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
graphics::Cache & gc = graphics::Cache::get();
if (gc.inCache(file)) {
graphics::Image const * image = gc.item(file)->image();
if (image) {
width = image->width();
height = image->height();
if (width == 0 || height == 0)
// Use extractbb to find the dimensions in the typeset output
QProcess extractbb;
extractbb.start("extractbb", QStringList() << "-O" << toqstr(file.absFileName()));
if (!extractbb.waitForStarted() || !extractbb.waitForFinished()) {
LYXERR0("Cannot read output bounding box of " << file);
string const result = extractbb.readAll().constData();
size_t i = result.find("%%BoundingBox:");
if (i == string::npos) {
LYXERR0("Cannot find output bounding box of " << file);
string const bb = result.substr(i);
int out_width = convert<int>(token(bb, ' ', 3));
int out_height = convert<int>(token(bb, ' ', 4));
// Compute the scaling ratio and correct the bounding box
double scalex = out_width / double(width);
double scaley = out_height / double(height);
bbox.xl.value(scalex * bbox.xl.value());
bbox.xr.value(scalex * bbox.xr.value());
bbox.yb.value(scaley * bbox.yb.value());
bbox.yt.value(scaley * bbox.yt.value());
string InsetGraphics::createLatexOptions(bool const ps) const
// Calculate the options part of the command, we must do it to a string
// stream since we might have a trailing comma that we would like to remove
// before writing it to the output stream.
ostringstream options;
if (!params().bbox.empty()) {
graphics::BoundingBox out_bbox = params().bbox;
string const key = ps ? "bb=" : "viewport=";
options << key << out_bbox.xl.asLatexString() << ' '
<< out_bbox.yb.asLatexString() << ' '
<< out_bbox.xr.asLatexString() << ' '
<< out_bbox.yt.asLatexString() << ',';
if (params().draft)
options << "draft,";
if (params().clip)
options << "clip,";
ostringstream size;
double const scl = convert<double>(params().scale);
if (!params().scale.empty() && !float_equal(scl, 0.0, 0.05)) {
if (!float_equal(scl, 100.0, 0.05))
size << "scale=" << scl / 100.0 << ',';
} else {
if (!params().width.zero())
size << "width=" << params().width.asLatexString() << ',';
if (!params().height.zero())
size << "height=" << params().height.asLatexString() << ',';
if (params().keepAspectRatio)
size << "keepaspectratio,";
if (params().scaleBeforeRotation && !size.str().empty())
options << size.str();
// Make sure rotation angle is not very close to zero;
// a float can be effectively zero but not exactly zero.
if (!params().rotateAngle.empty()
&& !float_equal(convert<double>(params().rotateAngle), 0.0, 0.001)) {
options << "angle=" << params().rotateAngle << ',';
if (!params().rotateOrigin.empty()) {
options << "origin=" << params().rotateOrigin[0];
if (contains(params().rotateOrigin,"Top"))
options << 't';
else if (contains(params().rotateOrigin,"Bottom"))
options << 'b';
else if (contains(params().rotateOrigin,"Baseline"))
options << 'B';
options << ',';
if (!params().scaleBeforeRotation && !size.str().empty())
options << size.str();
if (!params().special.empty())
options << params().special << ',';
string opts = options.str();
// delete last ','
if (suffixIs(opts, ','))
opts = opts.substr(0, opts.size() - 1);
return opts;
docstring InsetGraphics::toDocbookLength(Length const & len) const
odocstringstream result;
switch (len.unit()) {
case Length::SP: // Scaled point (65536sp = 1pt) TeX's smallest unit.
result << len.value() * 65536.0 * 72 / 72.27 << "pt";
case Length::PT: // Point = 1/72.27in = 0.351mm
result << len.value() * 72 / 72.27 << "pt";
case Length::BP: // Big point (72bp = 1in), also PostScript point
result << len.value() << "pt";
case Length::DD: // Didot point = 1/72 of a French inch, = 0.376mm
result << len.value() * 0.376 << "mm";
case Length::MM: // Millimeter = 2.845pt
result << len.value() << "mm";
case Length::PC: // Pica = 12pt = 4.218mm
result << len.value() << "pc";
case Length::CC: // Cicero = 12dd = 4.531mm
result << len.value() * 4.531 << "mm";
case Length::CM: // Centimeter = 10mm = 2.371pc
result << len.value() << "cm";
case Length::IN: // Inch = 25.4mm = 72.27pt = 6.022pc
result << len.value() << "in";
case Length::EX: // Height of a small "x" for the current font.
// Obviously we have to compromise here. Any better ratio than 1.5 ?
result << len.value() / 1.5 << "em";
case Length::EM: // Width of capital "M" in current font.
result << len.value() << "em";
case Length::MU: // Math unit (18mu = 1em) for positioning in math mode
result << len.value() * 18 << "em";
case Length::PTW: // Percent of TextWidth
case Length::PCW: // Percent of ColumnWidth
case Length::PPW: // Percent of PageWidth
case Length::PLW: // Percent of LineWidth
case Length::PTH: // Percent of TextHeight
case Length::PPH: // Percent of PaperHeight
case Length::BLS: // Percent of BaselineSkip
// Sigh, this will go wrong.
result << len.value() << "%";
result << len.asDocstring();
return result.str();
docstring InsetGraphics::createDocBookAttributes() const
// Calculate the options part of the command, we must do it to a string
// stream since we copied the code from createLatexParams() ;-)
// FIXME: av: need to translate spec -> Docbook XSL spec
// (http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/ImageSizing.html)
// Right now it only works with my version of db2latex :-)
odocstringstream options;
double const scl = convert<double>(params().scale);
if (!params().scale.empty() && !float_equal(scl, 0.0, 0.05)) {
if (!float_equal(scl, 100.0, 0.05))
options << " scale=\""
<< support::iround(scl)
<< "\" ";
} else {
if (!params().width.zero()) {
options << " width=\"" << toDocbookLength(params().width) << "\" ";
if (!params().height.zero()) {
options << " depth=\"" << toDocbookLength(params().height) << "\" ";
if (params().keepAspectRatio) {
// This will be irrelevant unless both width and height are set
options << "scalefit=\"1\" ";
if (!params().special.empty())
options << from_ascii(params().special) << " ";
// trailing blanks are ok ...
return options.str();
namespace {
enum GraphicsCopyStatus {
pair<GraphicsCopyStatus, FileName> const
copyFileIfNeeded(FileName const & file_in, FileName const & file_out)
LYXERR(Debug::FILES, "Comparing " << file_in << " and " << file_out);
unsigned long const checksum_in = file_in.checksum();
unsigned long const checksum_out = file_out.checksum();
if (checksum_in == checksum_out)
// Nothing to do...
return make_pair(IDENTICAL_CONTENTS, file_out);
Mover const & mover = getMover(theFormats().getFormatFromFile(file_in));
bool const success = mover.copy(file_in, file_out);
if (!success) {
to_utf8(bformat(_("Could not copy the file\n%1$s\n"
"into the temporary directory."),
GraphicsCopyStatus status = success ? SUCCESS : FAILURE;
return make_pair(status, file_out);
pair<GraphicsCopyStatus, FileName> const
copyToDirIfNeeded(DocFileName const & file, string const & dir)
string const file_in = file.absFileName();
string const only_path = onlyPath(file_in);
if (rtrim(only_path, "/") == rtrim(dir, "/"))
return make_pair(IDENTICAL_PATHS, FileName(file_in));
string mangled = file.mangledFileName();
if (theFormats().isZippedFile(file)) {
// We need to change _eps.gz to .eps.gz. The mangled name is
// still unique because of the counter in mangledFileName().
// We can't just call mangledFileName() with the zip
// extension removed, because base.eps and base.eps.gz may
// have different content but would get the same mangled
// name in this case.
string const base = removeExtension(file.unzippedFileName());
string::size_type const ext_len = file_in.length() - base.length();
mangled[mangled.length() - ext_len] = '.';
FileName const file_out(makeAbsPath(mangled, dir));
return copyFileIfNeeded(file, file_out);
string const stripExtensionIfPossible(string const & file, bool nice)
// Remove the extension so the LaTeX compiler will use whatever
// is appropriate (when there are several versions in different
// formats).
// Do this only if we are not exporting for internal usage, because
// pdflatex prefers png over pdf and it would pick up the png images
// that we generate for preview.
// This works only if the filename contains no dots besides
// the just removed one. We can fool here by replacing all
// dots with a macro whose definition is just a dot ;-)
// The automatic format selection does not work if the file
// name is escaped.
string const latex_name = latex_path(file, EXCLUDE_EXTENSION);
if (!nice || contains(latex_name, '"'))
return latex_name;
return latex_path(removeExtension(file), PROTECT_EXTENSION, ESCAPE_DOTS);
string const stripExtensionIfPossible(string const & file, string const & to, bool nice)
// No conversion is needed. LaTeX can handle the graphic file as is.
// This is true even if the orig_file is compressed.
string const to_format = theFormats().getFormat(to)->extension();
string const file_format = getExtension(file);
// for latex .ps == .eps
if (to_format == file_format ||
(to_format == "eps" && file_format == "ps") ||
(to_format == "ps" && file_format == "eps"))
return stripExtensionIfPossible(file, nice);
return latex_path(file, EXCLUDE_EXTENSION);
} // namespace
string InsetGraphics::prepareFile(OutputParams const & runparams) const
// The following code depends on non-empty filenames
if (params().filename.empty())
return string();
string const orig_file = params().filename.absFileName();
// this is for dryrun and display purposes, do not use latexFilename
string const rel_file = params().filename.relFileName(buffer().filePath());
// previewing source code, no file copying or file format conversion
if (runparams.dryrun)
return stripExtensionIfPossible(rel_file, runparams.nice);
// The master buffer. This is useful when there are multiple levels
// of include files
Buffer const * masterBuffer = buffer().masterBuffer();
// Return the output name if we are inside a comment or the file does
// not exist.
// We are not going to change the extension or using the name of the
// temporary file, the code is already complicated enough.
if (runparams.inComment || !params().filename.isReadableFile())
return params().filename.outputFileName(masterBuffer->filePath());
// We place all temporary files in the master buffer's temp dir.
// This is possible because we use mangled file names.
// This is necessary for DVI export.
string const temp_path = masterBuffer->temppath();
// temp_file will contain the file for LaTeX to act on if, for example,
// we move it to a temp dir or uncompress it.
FileName temp_file;
GraphicsCopyStatus status;
tie(status, temp_file) = copyToDirIfNeeded(params().filename, temp_path);
if (status == FAILURE)
return orig_file;
// a relative filename should be relative to the master buffer.
// "nice" means that the buffer is exported to LaTeX format but not
// run through the LaTeX compiler.
string output_file = runparams.nice ?
params().filename.outputFileName(masterBuffer->filePath()) :
if (runparams.nice) {
if (!isValidLaTeXFileName(output_file)) {
frontend::Alert::warning(_("Invalid filename"),
_("The following filename will cause troubles "
"when running the exported file through LaTeX: ") +
// only show DVI-specific warning when export format is plain latex
if (!isValidDVIFileName(output_file)
&& runparams.flavor == OutputParams::LATEX) {
frontend::Alert::warning(_("Problematic filename for DVI"),
_("The following filename can cause troubles "
"when running the exported file through LaTeX "
"and opening the resulting DVI: ") +
from_utf8(output_file), true);
FileName source_file = runparams.nice ? FileName(params().filename) : temp_file;
// determine the export format
string const tex_format = flavor2format(runparams.flavor);
if (theFormats().isZippedFile(params().filename)) {
FileName const unzipped_temp_file =
output_file = unzippedFileName(output_file);
source_file = FileName(unzippedFileName(source_file.absFileName()));
if (compare_timestamps(unzipped_temp_file, temp_file) > 0) {
// temp_file has been unzipped already and
// orig_file has not changed in the meantime.
temp_file = unzipped_temp_file;
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\twas already unzipped to " << temp_file);
} else {
// unzipped_temp_file does not exist or is too old
temp_file = unzipFile(temp_file);
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tunzipped to " << temp_file);
string const from = theFormats().getFormatFromFile(temp_file);
if (from.empty())
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tCould not get file format.");
string const to = findTargetFormat(from, runparams);
string const ext = theFormats().extension(to);
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\t we have: from " << from << " to " << to);
// We're going to be running the exported buffer through the LaTeX
// compiler, so must ensure that LaTeX can cope with the graphics
// file format.
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tthe orig file is: " << orig_file);
if (from == to) {
// source and destination formats are the same
if (!runparams.nice && !FileName(temp_file).hasExtension(ext)) {
// The LaTeX compiler will not be able to determine
// the file format from the extension, so we must
// change it.
FileName const new_file =
FileName(changeExtension(temp_file.absFileName(), ext));
if (temp_file.moveTo(new_file)) {
temp_file = new_file;
output_file = changeExtension(output_file, ext);
source_file =
FileName(changeExtension(source_file.absFileName(), ext));
} else {
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "Could not rename file `"
<< temp_file << "' to `" << new_file << "'.");
// The extension of temp_file might be != ext!
runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile(tex_format, source_file,
runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile("dvi", source_file,
return stripExtensionIfPossible(output_file, to, runparams.nice);
// so the source and destination formats are different
FileName const to_file = FileName(changeExtension(temp_file.absFileName(), ext));
string const output_to_file = changeExtension(output_file, ext);
// Do we need to perform the conversion?
// Yes if to_file does not exist or if temp_file is newer than to_file
if (compare_timestamps(temp_file, to_file) < 0) {
to_utf8(bformat(_("No conversion of %1$s is needed after all"),
runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile(tex_format, to_file,
runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile("dvi", to_file,
return stripExtensionIfPossible(output_to_file, runparams.nice);
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS,"\tThe original file is " << orig_file << "\n"
<< "\tA copy has been made and convert is to be called with:\n"
<< "\tfile to convert = " << temp_file << '\n'
<< "\t from " << from << " to " << to);
// FIXME (Abdel 12/08/06): Is there a need to show these errors?
ErrorList el;
Converters::RetVal const rv =
theConverters().convert(&buffer(), temp_file, to_file, params().filename,
from, to, el,
Converters::try_default | Converters::try_cache);
if (rv == Converters::KILLED) {
LYXERR0("Graphics preparation killed.");
if (buffer().isClone() && buffer().isExporting())
throw ConversionException();
} else if (rv == Converters::SUCCESS) {
to_file, output_to_file);
to_file, output_to_file);
return stripExtensionIfPossible(output_to_file, runparams.nice);
void InsetGraphics::latex(otexstream & os,
OutputParams const & runparams) const
// If there is no file specified or not existing,
// just output a message about it in the latex output.
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "insetgraphics::latex: Filename = "
<< params().filename.absFileName());
bool const file_exists = !params().filename.empty()
&& params().filename.isReadableFile();
string message;
if (!file_exists) {
if (params().bbox.empty())
message = "bb = 0 0 200 100";
if (!params().draft) {
if (!message.empty())
message += ", ";
message += "draft";
if (!message.empty())
message += ", ";
message += "type=eps";
// If no existing file "filename" was found LaTeX
// draws only a rectangle with the above bb and the
// not found filename in it.
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tMessage = \"" << message << '\"');
// These variables collect all the latex code that should be before and
// after the actual includegraphics command.
string before;
string after;
if (runparams.moving_arg)
before += "\\protect";
// We never use the starred form, we use the "clip" option instead.
before += "\\includegraphics";
// Write the options if there are any.
bool const ps = runparams.flavor == OutputParams::LATEX
|| runparams.flavor == OutputParams::DVILUATEX;
string const opts = createLatexOptions(ps);
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tOpts = " << opts);
if (!opts.empty() && !message.empty())
before += ('[' + opts + ',' + message + ']');
else if (!opts.empty() || !message.empty())
before += ('[' + opts + message + ']');
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tBefore = " << before << "\n\tafter = " << after);
string latex_str = before + '{';
// Convert the file if necessary.
// Remove the extension so LaTeX will use whatever is appropriate
// (when there are several versions in different formats)
string file_path = prepareFile(runparams);
latex_str += file_path;
latex_str += '}' + after;
os << from_utf8(latex_str);
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "InsetGraphics::latex outputting:\n" << latex_str);
int InsetGraphics::plaintext(odocstringstream & os,
OutputParams const &, size_t) const
// No graphics in ascii output. Possible to use gifscii to convert
// images to ascii approximation.
// 1. Convert file to ascii using gifscii
// 2. Read ascii output file and add it to the output stream.
// at least we send the filename
// FIXME: We have no idea what the encoding of the filename is
docstring const str = bformat(buffer().B_("Graphics file: %1$s"),
os << '<' << str << '>';
return 2 + str.size();
static int writeImageObject(char const * format, odocstream & os,
OutputParams const & runparams, docstring const & graphic_label,
docstring const & attributes)
if (runparams.flavor != OutputParams::XML)
os << "<![ %output.print." << format
<< "; [" << endl;
os <<"<imageobject><imagedata fileref=\"&"
<< graphic_label
<< ";."
<< format
<< "\" "
<< attributes;
if (runparams.flavor == OutputParams::XML)
os << " role=\"" << format << "\"/>" ;
os << " format=\"" << format << "\">" ;
os << "</imageobject>";
if (runparams.flavor != OutputParams::XML)
os << endl << "]]>" ;
return runparams.flavor == OutputParams::XML ? 0 : 2;
// For explanation on inserting graphics into DocBook checkout:
// http://en.tldp.org/LDP/LDP-Author-Guide/html/inserting-pictures.html
// See also the docbook guide at http://www.docbook.org/
int InsetGraphics::docbook(odocstream & os,
OutputParams const & runparams) const
// In DocBook v5.0, the graphic tag will be eliminated from DocBook, will
// need to switch to MediaObject. However, for now this is sufficient and
// easier to use.
if (runparams.flavor == OutputParams::XML)
os << "<inlinemediaobject>";
int r = 0;
docstring attributes = createDocBookAttributes();
r += writeImageObject("png", os, runparams, graphic_label, attributes);
r += writeImageObject("pdf", os, runparams, graphic_label, attributes);
r += writeImageObject("eps", os, runparams, graphic_label, attributes);
r += writeImageObject("bmp", os, runparams, graphic_label, attributes);
os << "</inlinemediaobject>";
return r;
string InsetGraphics::prepareHTMLFile(OutputParams const & runparams) const
// The following code depends on non-empty filenames
if (params().filename.empty())
return string();
if (!params().filename.isReadableFile())
return string();
// The master buffer. This is useful when there are multiple levels
// of include files
Buffer const * masterBuffer = buffer().masterBuffer();
// We place all temporary files in the master buffer's temp dir.
// This is possible because we use mangled file names.
// FIXME We may want to put these files in some special temporary
// directory.
string const temp_path = masterBuffer->temppath();
// Copy to temporary directory.
FileName temp_file;
GraphicsCopyStatus status;
tie(status, temp_file) = copyToDirIfNeeded(params().filename, temp_path);
if (status == FAILURE)
return string();
string const from = theFormats().getFormatFromFile(temp_file);
if (from.empty()) {
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tCould not get file format.");
return string();
string const to = findTargetFormat(from, runparams);
string const ext = theFormats().extension(to);
string const orig_file = params().filename.absFileName();
string output_file = onlyFileName(temp_file.absFileName());
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\t we have: from " << from << " to " << to);
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "\tthe orig file is: " << orig_file);
if (from == to) {
// source and destination formats are the same
runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile("xhtml", temp_file, output_file);
return output_file;
// so the source and destination formats are different
FileName const to_file = FileName(changeExtension(temp_file.absFileName(), ext));
string const output_to_file = changeExtension(output_file, ext);
// Do we need to perform the conversion?
// Yes if to_file does not exist or if temp_file is newer than to_file
if (compare_timestamps(temp_file, to_file) < 0) {
to_utf8(bformat(_("No conversion of %1$s is needed after all"),
runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile("xhtml", to_file, output_to_file);
return output_to_file;
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS,"\tThe original file is " << orig_file << "\n"
<< "\tA copy has been made and convert is to be called with:\n"
<< "\tfile to convert = " << temp_file << '\n'
<< "\t from " << from << " to " << to);
// FIXME (Abdel 12/08/06): Is there a need to show these errors?
ErrorList el;
Converters::RetVal const rv =
theConverters().convert(&buffer(), temp_file, to_file, params().filename,
from, to, el, Converters::try_default | Converters::try_cache);
if (rv == Converters::KILLED) {
if (buffer().isClone() && buffer().isExporting())
throw ConversionException();
return string();
if (rv != Converters::SUCCESS)
return string();
runparams.exportdata->addExternalFile("xhtml", to_file, output_to_file);
return output_to_file;
docstring InsetGraphics::xhtml(XHTMLStream & xs, OutputParams const & op) const
string const output_file = op.dryrun ? string() : prepareHTMLFile(op);
if (output_file.empty() && !op.dryrun) {
LYXERR0("InsetGraphics::xhtml: Unable to prepare file `"
<< params().filename << "' for output. File missing?");
string const attr = "src='" + params().filename.absFileName()
+ "' alt='image: " + output_file + "'";
xs << html::CompTag("img", attr);
return docstring();
// We aren't doing anything with the crop and rotate parameters, and it would
// really be better to do width and height conversion, rather than to output
// these parameters here.
string imgstyle;
bool const havewidth = !params().width.zero();
bool const haveheight = !params().height.zero();
if (havewidth || haveheight) {
if (havewidth)
imgstyle += "width:" + params().width.asHTMLString() + ";";
if (haveheight)
imgstyle += " height:" + params().height.asHTMLString() + ";";
} else if (params().scale != "100") {
// Note that this will not have the same effect as in LaTeX export:
// There, the image will be scaled from its original size. Here, the
// percentage will be interpreted by the browser, and the image will
// be scaled to a percentage of the window size.
imgstyle = "width:" + params().scale + "%;";
if (!imgstyle.empty())
imgstyle = "style='" + imgstyle + "' ";
string const attr = imgstyle + "src='" + output_file + "' alt='image: "
+ output_file + "'";
xs << html::CompTag("img", attr);
return docstring();
void InsetGraphics::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const
// If we have no image, we should not require anything.
if (params().filename.empty())
if (features.runparams().nice) {
string const rel_file = params().filename.onlyFileNameWithoutExt();
if (contains(rel_file, "."))
bool InsetGraphics::setParams(InsetGraphicsParams const & p)
// If nothing is changed, just return and say so.
if (params() == p && !p.filename.empty())
return false;
// Copy the new parameters.
params_ = p;
// Update the display using the new parameters.
// We have changed data, report it.
return true;
InsetGraphicsParams const & InsetGraphics::params() const
return params_;
void InsetGraphics::editGraphics(InsetGraphicsParams const & p) const
theFormats().edit(buffer(), p.filename,
void InsetGraphics::addToToc(DocIterator const & cpit, bool output_active,
UpdateType, TocBackend & backend) const
docstring const str = from_utf8(params_.filename.onlyFileName());
TocBuilder & b = backend.builder("graphics");
b.pushItem(cpit, str, output_active);
string InsetGraphics::contextMenuName() const
return "context-graphics";
void InsetGraphics::string2params(string const & in, Buffer const & buffer,
InsetGraphicsParams & params)
if (in.empty())
istringstream data(in);
Lexer lex;
lex >> "graphics";
params = InsetGraphicsParams();
readInsetGraphics(lex, buffer, false, params);
string InsetGraphics::params2string(InsetGraphicsParams const & params,
Buffer const & buffer)
ostringstream data;
data << "graphics" << ' ';
params.Write(data, buffer);
data << "\\end_inset\n";
return data.str();
docstring InsetGraphics::toolTip(BufferView const &, int, int) const
return from_utf8(params().filename.onlyFileName());
namespace graphics {
void getGraphicsGroups(Buffer const & b, set<string> & ids)
Inset & inset = b.inset();
InsetIterator it = inset_iterator_begin(inset);
InsetIterator const end = inset_iterator_end(inset);
for (; it != end; ++it) {
InsetGraphics const * ins = it->asInsetGraphics();
if (!ins)
InsetGraphicsParams const & inspar = ins->getParams();
if (!inspar.groupId.empty())
int countGroupMembers(Buffer const & b, string const & groupId)
int n = 0;
if (groupId.empty())
return n;
Inset & inset = b.inset();
InsetIterator it = inset_iterator_begin(inset);
InsetIterator const end = inset_iterator_end(inset);
for (; it != end; ++it) {
InsetGraphics const * ins = it->asInsetGraphics();
if (!ins)
if (ins->getParams().groupId == groupId)
return n;
string getGroupParams(Buffer const & b, string const & groupId)
if (groupId.empty())
return string();
Inset & inset = b.inset();
InsetIterator it = inset_iterator_begin(inset);
InsetIterator const end = inset_iterator_end(inset);
for (; it != end; ++it) {
InsetGraphics const * ins = it->asInsetGraphics();
if (!ins)
InsetGraphicsParams const & inspar = ins->getParams();
if (inspar.groupId == groupId) {
InsetGraphicsParams tmp = inspar;
return InsetGraphics::params2string(tmp, b);
return string();
void unifyGraphicsGroups(Buffer & b, string const & argument)
InsetGraphicsParams params;
InsetGraphics::string2params(argument, b, params);
// This handles undo groups automagically
UndoGroupHelper ugh(&b);
Inset & inset = b.inset();
InsetIterator it = inset_iterator_begin(inset);
InsetIterator const end = inset_iterator_end(inset);
for (; it != end; ++it) {
InsetGraphics * ins = it->asInsetGraphics();
if (!ins)
InsetGraphicsParams const & inspar = ins->getParams();
if (params.groupId == inspar.groupId) {
params.filename = inspar.filename;
InsetGraphics * getCurrentGraphicsInset(Cursor const & cur)
Inset * instmp = &cur.inset();
if (!instmp->asInsetGraphics())
instmp = cur.nextInset();
if (!instmp || !instmp->asInsetGraphics())
return 0;
return instmp->asInsetGraphics();
} // namespace graphics
} // namespace lyx