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\begin_layout Title
Short introduction to install LyX 2.0

\begin_layout Date
\begin_inset space \thinspace{}


\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Standard
To install LyX, do the following:

\begin_layout Enumerate
Prepare your system for LyX.

\begin_layout Itemize
If this is your first time installing LyX, make sure you have installed
 a recent version of MacTeX: 
\begin_inset Flex URL
status collapsed

\begin_layout Plain Layout



 Since LyX relies on LaTeX to typeset documents, it is not intended to produce
 output without it.

\begin_layout Itemize
If you have previously used LyX-1.6 and want to continue to use your Preferences
 do the following:

\begin_layout Itemize
In the Finder, navigate from your home folder => Library => Application
 Support, and select the LyX-1.6 folder.

\begin_layout Itemize
Duplicate this folder (File > Duplicate).

\begin_layout Itemize
Rename the copy to LyX-2.0.

\begin_layout Enumerate
Open the LyX-2.0 disk image (you probably did it already if you are reading

\begin_layout Enumerate
Drag the LyX icon to Applications folder.

\begin_layout Enumerate
Start LyX.

\begin_layout Enumerate
Visit the list of new features at 
\begin_inset Flex URL
status collapsed

\begin_layout Plain Layout



