mirror of https://git.lyx.org/repos/lyx.git synced 2025-01-11 19:14:51 +00:00
Guillaume Munch 10cbed2abe Examples: remove parbreak and latexpar separators
The difference has been validated with diffpdf.

The following could not be tested and were left unchanged:


The following is the script that I used (in lib/examples):

$LYX -E pdf2 $1.old.pdf $1
sed -i "s/^\\\\begin_inset Separator parbreak$/\\\\begin_inset Separator plain/" $1
sed -i "/^\\\\begin_inset Separator latexpar$/ { N; d; }" $1
$LYX -e lyx $1
$LYX -E pdf2 $1.pdf $1
diffpdf $1.old.pdf $1.pdf
2016-05-08 22:14:46 +01:00

4406 lines
64 KiB
Raw Blame History

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