mirror of
synced 2024-12-12 16:50:39 +00:00
And add remark about multiple optional arguments.
(cherry picked from commit 29be057a07
9229 lines
177 KiB
9229 lines
177 KiB
#LyX 2.4 created this file. For more info see https://www.lyx.org/
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\author -584632292 "Richard Kimberly Heck"
\begin_layout Title
\SpecialChar LyX
Functions (LFUNs)
\begin_layout Author
The \SpecialChar LyX
\begin_layout Section*
About this manual
\begin_layout Standard
This manual documents the
\begin_inset Quotes eld
LyX Functions
\begin_inset Quotes erd
(abbreviated LFUNs).
These are commands that are used to make \SpecialChar LyX
perform specific actions.
\SpecialChar LyX
itself uses these functions internally,
and every internal action is bound to an LFUN.
\begin_layout Standard
LFUNs are also used in the files that define keyboard shortcuts,
menu or toolbar items.
So if you want to change\SpecialChar breakableslash
customize the user interface,
you need to deal with LFUNs.
external programs can use LFUNs to communicate with and
\begin_inset Quotes eld
\begin_inset Quotes erd
\SpecialChar LyX
you can also issue LFUNs directly via the so called mini-buffer which can be opened via
\begin_inset Info
type "shortcuts"
arg "command-execute"
\change_inserted -584632292 1712005995
\begin_layout Standard
\change_inserted -584632292 1712006077
when multiple optional arguments are shown,
the earlier arguments must be given if later ones are to be given.
for example,
in quote-insert,
<LEVEL> can be given alone,
without <SIDE> and <STYLE>,
but it must be given if <SIDE> is given,
and all three must be given if <STYLE> is to be given.
\begin_layout Standard
In the following,
all LFUNs are listed,
categorized by function.
\begin_layout Section
Layout Functions (Font,
Layout and Textclass related)
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Displays list of layout choices.
\begin_layout Description
Notion This LFUN opens the dropbox allowing for choice of layout.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax drop-layouts-choice
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Splits the current environment with a Separator.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax environment-split [before|outer|previous]
\begin_layout Description
Params outer:
If this is given,
LyX will split the outermost environment in the current nesting hierarchy.
\begin_inset Newline newline
If this is given,
LyX will split the environment in the previous paragraph (if there is one).
\begin_inset Newline newline
If this is given,
the new environment will be appended rather than prepended.
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
23 Dec 2012
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles the bold font (selection-wise) using mathbf in math.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-bold
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles the bold font (selection-wise) using boldsymbol in math.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-boldsymbol
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles xout (cross-through) in the font (selection-wise).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-crossout
\begin_layout Description
Origin uwestoehr,
4 April 2017
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Reverts the settings of the font to the default values (selection-wise).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-default
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles the emphasis font style (selection-wise).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-emph
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles Fraktur family font (math-mode,
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-frak
\begin_layout Description
Origin vermeer,
10 Jan 2002
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles Italics font shape (math-mode,
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-ital
\begin_layout Description
Origin vermeer,
10 Jan 2002
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles nospellcheck status in the font (selection-wise).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-nospellcheck
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
5 March 2021
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles Noun text style font (selection-wise).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-noun
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles Roman family font (selection-wise).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-roman
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles Sans Serif family font (selection-wise).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-sans
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Sets font size according to lyx format string.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-size <SIZE>
\begin_layout Description
Params <SIZE>:
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Returns the info about the current font.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-state
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles strikeout (strike-through) in the font (selection-wise).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-strikeout
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
3 May 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles the typewriter family font (selection-wise).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-typewriter
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles underline in the font (selection-wise).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-underline
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles double underline in the font (selection-wise).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-underunderline
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
5 May 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles wavy underline in the font (selection-wise).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax font-underwave
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
5 May 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Sets the layout (that is,
environment) for the current paragraph.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax layout <LAYOUT> [ignoreautonests]
\begin_layout Description
Params <LAYOUT>:
the layout to use
\begin_inset Newline newline
If specified,
nesting advices will be ignored.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds a module.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Adds a module to the list of included modules for the current buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax layout-module-add <MODULE>
\begin_layout Description
Params <MODULE>:
the module to be added
\begin_layout Description
Origin rgh,
25 August 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Clears the module list.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Clears the list of included modules for the current buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax layout-modules-clear
\begin_layout Description
Origin rgh,
25 August 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Launches the paragraph settings dialog.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax layout-paragraph
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Reloads layout information.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Reloads all layout information for the current buffer from disk,
thus recognizing any changes that have been made to layout files on the fly.
This is intended to be used only by layout developers and should not be used when one is trying to do actual work.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax layout-reload
\begin_layout Description
Origin rgh,
3 September 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Launches the tabular settings dialog.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax layout-tabular
\begin_layout Description
Origin Jug,
31 Jul 2000
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles the layout (that is,
environment) for the current paragraph.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Contrary to `layout',
this function resets the current (or selection) layout to the standard layout it already has the correct layout.
Useful for toolbar icons.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax layout-toggle <LAYOUT> [ignoreautonests]
\begin_layout Description
Params <LAYOUT>:
the layout to toggle
\begin_inset Newline newline
If specified,
nesting advices will be ignored.
\begin_layout Description
Origin lasgouttes,
14 May 2018
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Update fonts and its metrics.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Automatically called after zoom,
font names,
or norm change.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax screen-font-update
\begin_layout Description
Origin ARRae,
13 Aug 2000
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Sets the text class for the current buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax textclass-apply <TEXTCLASS>
\begin_layout Description
the textclass to set.
Note that this must be the filename,
minus the ".layout" extension.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Loads information for a textclass from disk.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax textclass-load <TEXTCLASS>
\begin_layout Description
the textclass to load.
Note that this must be the filename,
minus the ".layout" extension.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Apply last used text properties.
\begin_layout Description
Notion These properties are stored via LFUN_TEXTSTYLE_UPDATE,
which is automatically triggered when using Text Style dialog.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax textstyle-apply [<NUM>]textstyle-apply
\begin_layout Description
Params <NUM>:
number of the selection in the internal freefonts stack to be applied.
\begin_layout Description
Origin leeming,
12 Mar 2003
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Apply text style and update the settings to be used by LFUN_TEXTSTYLE_APPLY.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax textstyle-update <FONT_INFO>
\begin_layout Description
Params <FONT_INFO>:
specifies font attributes,
\begin_inset Newline newline
Use lyx -dbg action for exact syntax of text-style dialog parameters.
\begin_layout Description
Origin leeming,
12 Mar 2003
\begin_layout Section
Editing Functions (Cursor and Mouse Movement,
Copy/Paste etc.)
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds an acute accent to the next character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-acute
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds a breve accent to the next character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-breve
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds a caron to the next character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-caron
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds a cedilla to the next character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-cedilla
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds a circle accent to the next character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-circle
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds a circumflex to the next character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-circumflex
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds a dot accent to the next character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-dot
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds a grave accent to the next character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-grave
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds a Hungarian umlaut to the next character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-grave
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds a macron to the next character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-macron
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds an ogonek accent to the next character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-ogonek
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds a perispomeni (Greek circumflex) over the next character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-perispomeni
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds a tie over the next two character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Notion The following char will finish the tie.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-tie
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds a tilde over the next character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-tilde
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds an umlaut over the next character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-umlaut
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds a bar under the next character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-underbar
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds a dot under the next character typed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax accent-underdot
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Accepts all tracked changes in the document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax all-changes-accept
\begin_layout Description
Origin Levon,
16 Oct 2002
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Rejects all tracked changes in the document.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Reject does not work recursively;
the user may have to repeat the operation.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax all-changes-reject
\begin_layout Description
Origin Levon,
16 Oct 2002
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Start (or remove) Appendix on the given cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax appendix
\begin_layout Description
Origin ettrich,
5 May 1998
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts an argument (short title) inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax argument-insert <argument nr>
\begin_layout Description
Params <argument nr>:
see layout declarations
\begin_layout Description
Origin vermeer,
12 Aug 2002
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds database,
which will be used for bibtex citations.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Databases are added to the first BibTeX inset (Inset->List/TOC->BibTeX bibliography) found from the cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax bibtex-database-add <DATABASE-NAME>
\begin_layout Description
Origin Ale,
30 May 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Adds database,
which will be used for bibtex citations.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Databases are deleted from the first BibTeX inset (Inset->List/TOC->BibTeX bibliography) found from the cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax bibtex-database-del <DATABASE-NAME>
\begin_layout Description
Origin Ale,
30 May 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Clears the list of saved bookmarks.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax bookmark-clear
\begin_layout Description
Origin bpeng,
31 October 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor to the numbered bookmark,
opening the file if necessary.
Note that bookmarks are saved per-session,
not per file.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Bookmark 0 has a special purpose.
It is automatically set
\begin_inset Newline newline
to the paragraph you are currently editing
\begin_inset Newline newline
to the paragraph from where you are jumping to the last-edited position (jump-back feature)
\begin_inset Newline newline
when jumping from crossreference to the requested label by LFUN_LABEL_GOTO.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax bookmark-goto <NUMBER>
\begin_layout Description
Params <NUMBER>:
the number of the bookmark to restore.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Dekel,
27 January 2001
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Save a bookmark.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Saves a numbered bookmark to the sessions file.
The number must be between 1 and 9,
Note that bookmarks are saved per-session,
not per file.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax bookmark-save <NUMBER>
\begin_layout Description
Params <NUMBER>:
the number of the bookmark to save.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Dekel,
27 January 2001
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts Box inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax box-insert [<TYPE>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE>:
\begin_inset Newline newline
Framed is the default one.
\begin_layout Description
Origin vermeer,
7 Oct 2003
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts branch inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax branch-insert <BRANCH-NAME>
\begin_layout Description
Origin vermeer,
17 Aug 2003
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action For debug purposes only.
Convert all [a-zA-Z0-1] characters to single character.
Useful when submitting docs to list or bugzilla.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-anonymize
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
Feb 1 2018
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the cursor to the beginning of the document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-begin
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the cursor to the beginning of the document adding the traversed text to the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-begin-select
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the cursor to the end of the document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-end
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the cursor to the end of the document adding the traversed text to the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-end-select
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts a caption inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax caption-insert
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
18 Jul 2000
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor to the previous cell inside the table.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax cell-backward
\begin_layout Description
Origin Jug,
22 May 2000
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor to the next cell inside the table.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax cell-forward
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Splits cell and shifts right part to the next cell (inside the math grid).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax cell-split
\begin_layout Description
Origin Ale,
15 May 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Accepts tracked change inside the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax change-accept
\begin_layout Description
Origin Levon,
16 Oct 2002
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor to the position of the next change of the change tracking records.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax change-next
\begin_layout Description
Origin schmitt,
4 Oct 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor to the position of the previous change of the change tracking records.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax change-previous
\begin_layout Description
Origin vfr,
4 Apr 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Rejects tracked change inside the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax change-reject
\begin_layout Description
Origin Levon,
16 Oct 2002
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Open change tracking dialog for merging and moves the cursor to the position of the next change.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax changes-merge
\begin_layout Description
Origin Levon,
16 Oct 2002
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles showing of change tracking in typeset output.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax changes-output
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
21 Jan 2005
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles change tracking to on/off.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax changes-track
\begin_layout Description
Origin levon,
1 Oct 2002
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor one position logically backwards.
\begin_layout Description
Notion This is not the action which should be bound to the arrow keys,
because backwards may be left or right,
depending on the language.
The arrow keys should be bound to LFUN_CHAR_LEFT or LFUN_CHAR_RIGHT actions,
which in turn may employ this one.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax char-backward
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor one position logically backwards,
adding traversed position to the selection.
\begin_layout Description
\begin_layout Description
Syntax char-backward-select
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Deletes one character in the backward direction (usually the "BackSpace" key).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax char-delete-backward [confirm]
\begin_layout Description
Params confirm:
Select big insets,
do not directly delete them.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Deletes one character in the backward direction (usually the "Delete" key).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax char-delete-forward [confirm]
\begin_layout Description
Params confirm:
Select big insets,
do not directly delete them.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor one position logically forward.
\begin_layout Description
Notion This is not the action which should be bound to the arrow keys,
because forward may be left or right,
depending on the language.
The arrow keys should be bound to LFUN_CHAR_LEFT or LFUN_CHAR_RIGHT actions,
which in turn may employ this one.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax char-forward
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor one position logically forward,
adding traversed position to the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Notion See also LFUN_CHAR_FORWARD.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax char-forward-select
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor one position "to the left".
\begin_layout Description
Notion This is the action which should be taken when the "left" key is pressed.
it moves the cursor one position to the left.
in Bidi text this become slightly more complicated,
and there are different modes of cursor movement.
In "visual mode",
this moves left,
plain and simple.
In "logical mode",
movement is logically forward in RTL paragraphs,
and logically backwards in LTR paragraphs.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax char-left
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor one position "to the left",
adding traversed position to the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Notion See also LFUN_CHAR_LEFT for exact details of the movement.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax char-left-select
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor one position "to the right".
\begin_layout Description
Notion This is the action which should be taken when the "right" key is pressed.
it moves the cursor one position to the right.
in Bidi text this become slightly more complicated,
and there are different modes of cursor movement.
In "visual mode",
this moves right,
plain and simple.
In "logical mode",
movement is logically forward in LTR paragraphs,
and logically backwards in RTL paragraphs.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax char-right
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor one position "to the right",
adding traversed position to the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Notion See also LFUN_CHAR_RIGHT for exact details of the movement.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax char-right-select
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Transposes the character at the cursor with the one before it.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax chars-transpose
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
25 Apr 2001
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts citation from loaded citation database.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax citation-insert [<KEY>[|<TEXT_BEFORE>]]
\begin_layout Description
Params <KEY>:
Citation (shortcut listed in available citations).
\begin_inset Newline newline
text which should appear before citation.
\begin_layout Description
Origin AAS,
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Opens the corresponding pdf/url for a given citation inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax citation-open [EXTERNAL] TARGET
\begin_layout Description
Params <TARGET>:
URL (https:,file:) of the document.
\begin_inset Newline newline
Use external executable script for finding target
\begin_inset Newline newline
and launching viewer.
In this case TARGET consists of author and year
\begin_inset Newline newline
and will be passed as an input argument to the script.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Sanda,
16 Aug 2020
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Pastes text from the active clipboard (retains formatting if the clipboard contains formatted text).
Pastes plain text if plain text is on the clipboard,
but tries to interpret it in special ways for certain insets,
converting csv data to rows and columns if the paste happens in a tabular inset.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Historically,
It behaved exactly the same,
but the source is the clipboard,
not the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax clipboard-paste [<ARG>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <ARG>:
"paragraph" will cause pasting as one paragraph,
"Join lines".
\begin_layout Description
Origin Georg,
10 Jul 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Pastes plain text from the active clipboard even if formatted LyX content is in the clipboard.
Pastes plain text if plain text is on the clipboard,
without trying to interpret it in special ways for certain insets,
converting csv data to rows and columns if the paste happens in a tabular inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax clipboard-paste-simple [<ARG>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <ARG>:
"paragraph" will cause pasting as one paragraph,
"Join lines".
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Switches the focus to the minibuffer so that the user can type in there.
If necessary,
it opens the minibuffer toolbar.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Usually bound to M-x shortcut.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax command-execute
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Try to complete the word or command at the cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax complete
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
Feb 19 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Accept suggested completion.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax completion-accept
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
Sep 08 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Try to cancel completion,
either the popup or the inline completion.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax completion-cancel
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
Sep 07 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Show the inline completion at the cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax completion-inline
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
Feb 19 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Show the completion popup at the cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax completion-popup
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
Feb 19 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Copies the current selection to the clipboard.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax copy
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Cuts to the clipboard.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax cut
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Decrease the nesting depth of the (selected) paragraph(s) inside lists.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax depth-decrement
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Increase the nesting depth of the (selected) paragraph(s) inside lists.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax depth-increment
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Closes opened connection to opened inset.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Connection is used for apply functions.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax dialog-disconnect-inset <INSET-NAME>
\begin_layout Description
Origin leeming,
25 Feb 2003
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Hides showed dialog.
Counterpart to LFUN_DIALOG_SHOW .
\begin_layout Description
Syntax dialog-hide <NAME>
\begin_layout Description
\begin_layout Description
Origin leeming,
25 Feb 2003
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Shows hidden dialog or creates new one for a given function/inset settings etc.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax dialog-show <NAME> [<DATA>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <NAME>:
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
usually settings for the given dialog.
Use debug mode for the details.
\begin_layout Description
Origin leeming,
17 Jun 2003
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Shows hidden dialog or create new one for a given inset settings etc.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Internally uses LFUN_DIALOG_SHOW with processed data for a given inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax dialog-show-new-inset <NAME> [<DATA>]
\begin_layout Description
\begin_layout Description
Origin leeming,
25 Feb 2003
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles dialog between showed/hidden state.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Internally uses LFUN_DIALOG_SHOW ,
\begin_layout Description
Syntax dialog-toggle <NAME> [<DATA>]
\begin_layout Description
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
30 Apr 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Updates the dialog values from the inset/paragraph/document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax dialog-update <NAME>
\begin_layout Description
Params <NAME>:
\begin_inset Newline newline
inset name
\begin_layout Description
Origin leeming,
25 Feb 2003
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor one line in downward direction.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax down
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor one line in downward direction adding the current position to the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax down-select
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts an ERT inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax ert-insert
\begin_layout Description
Origin Jug,
18 Feb 2000
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Clears the selection.
If no text is selected call LFUN_FINISHED_FORWARD.
Inside math mode jumps out of the math inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax escape
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
17 May 2001
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Cancel background export process.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax export-cancel
\begin_layout Description
Origin rgh,
10 December 2017
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts another LyX file.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax file-insert [<FILE>] [ignorelang]
\begin_layout Description
Params <FILE>:
Filename to be inserted.
If given,
the (main) language of the inserted file is ignored (the context language is used).
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts plain text file.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax file-insert-plaintext [<FILE>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <FILE>:
Filename to be inserted.
\begin_layout Description
Origin CFO-G,
19 Nov 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts plain text file as paragraph (i.e.
join lines).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax file-insert-plaintext-para [<FILE>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <FILE>:
Filename to be inserted.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Levon,
14 Feb 2001
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts CharStyle,
Custom inset or XML short element.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Look into the Customization manual for more information about these elements.
\begin_inset Newline newline
To make this command enabled the layout file for the document class you're using has to load the character styles.
There are a few contained in the Logical Markup module.
You can also of course create some yourself.
\begin_inset Newline newline
For dissolving the element see LFUN_INSET_DISSOLVE.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax flex-insert Name
\begin_layout Description
Params Name:
This name must be defined either in your layout file or imported by some module.
The definition is InsetLayout Name or InsetLayout <Flex:Name>.
The Flex:
prefix is optional.
\begin_layout Description
Sample flex-insert Code
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts a float inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax float-insert <TYPE>
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE>:
type of float depends on the used textclass.
Usually "algorithm",
"figure" parameters can be given.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
27 Jun 2000
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts the list of floats in the document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax float-list-insert <TYPE>
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE>:
type of float depends on the used textclass.
Usually "algorithm",
"figure" parameters can be given.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
3 May 2001
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts float insets as in LFUN_FLOAT_INSERT but span multiple columns.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Corresponds to the starred floats (figure*,
etc.) in LaTeX.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax float-wide-insert <TYPE>
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE>:
type of float depends on the used textclass.
Usually "algorithm",
"figure" parameters can be given.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
31 Oct 2001
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts a footnote inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax footnote-insert
\begin_layout Description
Origin Jug,
7 Mar 2000
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Reloads the image if necessary.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax graphics-reload
\begin_layout Description
Origin vfr,
10 Aug 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Set the group for the graphics inset on the cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax graphics-set-group [<GROUP>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <GROUP>:
Id for an existing group.
In case the Id is an empty string,
the graphics inset is removed from the current group.
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
6 May 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Set the same group for all graphics insets in the marked block.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax graphics-unify [<GROUP>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <GROUP>:
Id for an existing group.
In case the Id is an empty string,
the group Id from the first graphics inset will be used.
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
7 Feb 2018
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts hyperlinks into the document (clickable in pdf output).
\begin_layout Description
Notion Hyperlink target can be set via selection + hyperlink-insert function.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax href-insert [<TARGET>]
\begin_layout Description
Origin CFO-G,
21 Nov 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Only active in IPA inset.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Dummy function which is only active in a IPA inset.
It's used to toggle the IPA toolbar if the cursor moves into an IPA inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax in-ipa
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
20 May 2012
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts Index entry.
\begin_layout Description
Notion It automatically takes the word on the cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax index-insert [<TYPE:Name>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE:Name>:
name of the index,
if multiple indices are defined.
With an empty argument,
the default index is selected.
\begin_layout Description
Origin leeming,
3 Aug 2000
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts list of Index entries on a new page.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax index-print [<TYPE:Name>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE:Name>:
name of the index,
if multiple indices are defined.
With an empty argument,
the default index is selected.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
27 Feb 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Tags all occurrences of the word before the cursor with the index inset at cursor.
\begin_layout Description
Notion It automatically takes the word on the cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax index-tag-all
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
5 Nov 2022
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts special Index macros into the document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax indexmacro-insert <type>
\begin_layout Description
Params <type>:
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
20 Feb 2022
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Displays shortcuts,
package and textclass availability and menu information in a non-editable boxed InsetText.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Apart from lfun arguments you can use the following method:
\begin_inset Newline newline
input the type and argument of this inset,
"menu paste",
in the work area.
\begin_inset Newline newline
select the text and run info-insert lfun.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax info-insert <TYPE> <ARG>
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE>:
date|moddate|fixdate|time|modtime|fixtime|shortcut|shortcuts|lyxrc| lyxinfo|package|textclass|menu|l7n|icon|buffer|vcs
\begin_inset Newline newline
argument for a given type.
Look into InsetInfo.h for detailed description.
\begin_inset Newline newline
current date (formatted and localized)
\begin_inset Newline newline
date of last modification (saving) (formatted and localized)
\begin_inset Newline newline
a static date (formatted and localized)
\begin_inset Newline newline
current time (formatted and localized)
\begin_inset Newline newline
time of last modification (saving) (formatted and localized)
\begin_inset Newline newline
a static time (formatted and localized)
\begin_inset Newline newline
name of lfun (e.g math-insert
\begin_inset Newline newline
name of rc_entry (e.g.
\begin_inset Newline newline
"version" - used version of LyX
\begin_inset Newline newline
name of latex package (e.g.
\begin_inset Newline newline
name of textclass (e.g.
\begin_inset Newline newline
name of lfun used in menu
\begin_inset Newline newline
localizable string.
\begin_inset Newline newline
icon of lfun used in toolbar or direct icon name
\begin_inset Newline newline
"name"|"name-noext"|"path"|"class" vcs:
\begin_layout Description
Sample command-sequence info-insert buffer path;
info-insert buffer name
\begin_layout Description
Origin bpeng,
7 Oct 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Apply data for an inset.
\begin_layout Description
Notion LFUN_INSET_APPLY is sent from the dialogs when the data should be applied.
This is either changed to LFUN_INSET_MODIFY or LFUN_INSET_INSERT depending on the context where it is called.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-apply <ARGS>
\begin_layout Description
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the cursor to the beginning of the current inset if it is not already there.
If the cursor is already at the beginning of the current inset,
move it to the beginning of the enclosing inset or the main work area,
if there is no enclosing inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-begin
\begin_layout Description
Origin lasgouttes,
16 Mar 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the cursor to the beginning of the current inset if it is not already there.
If the cursor is already at the beginning of the current inset,
move it to the beginning of the enclosing inset or the main work area,
if there is no enclosing inset (adding the traversed text to the selection).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-begin-select
\begin_layout Description
Origin lasgouttes,
16 Mar 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Copies the inset to the clipboard as a certain type.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Currently used only for InsetInfo where its content is copied as a text.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-copy-as
\begin_layout Description
Origin vfr,
18 Apr 2010
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Dissolve the current inset into text.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-dissolve [<INSET>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <INSET>:
this can be used to make sure the right kind of inset is dissolved.
For example "dissolve" entry in the charstyles sub-menu should only dissolve the charstyle inset,
even if the cursor is inside several nested insets of different type.
\begin_inset Newline newline
For values see lyx::InsetLayout::lyxtype_ .
\begin_layout Description
Origin JSpitz,
7 Aug 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Edit the inset at cursor with an external application,
if one is attributed.
If the inset is file based,
the referenced file is edited.
the inset contents is written to a temporary file,
the inset is locked,
and the temporary file is edited.
In this case,
LFUN_INSET_END_EDIT must be called to overtake the changes and unlock the inset after editing is finished.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-edit [nogui] [<INSET_PARAMS>]
\begin_layout Description
Parameters for the inset.
\begin_inset Newline newline
Currently only the filename will be considered.
\begin_inset Newline newline
does not launch external editor,
only returns filename to be processed.
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
27 Apr 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the cursor to the end of the current inset if it is not already there.
If the cursor is already at the end of the current inset,
move it to the end of the enclosing inset or the main work area,
if there is no enclosing inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-end
\begin_layout Description
Origin lasgouttes,
16 Mar 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action End editing the inset at cursor with an external application.
This replaces the inset contents with the contents of the temporary file,
deletes the file and unlocks the inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-end-edit
\begin_layout Description
Origin gb,
11 Oct 2015
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the cursor to the end of the current inset if it is not already there.
If the cursor is already at the end of the current inset,
move it to the end of the enclosing inset or the main work area,
if there is no enclosing inset (adding the traversed text to the selection).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-end-select
\begin_layout Description
Origin lasgouttes,
16 Mar 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Apply the given commands on insets of a given name.
\begin_layout Description
use at your own risks;
this function gives you too many ways of shooting yourself in the foot.
A typical example is inset-forall Note note-insert which starts an infinite loop.
This is mitigated by the fact that the number of actions is arbitrarily limited to 100000.
Note also that inset-forall does not update metrics between iterations,
which can lead to bugs.
This has to be eventually fixed.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-forall <NAME> <LFUN-COMMAND>
\begin_inset Newline newline
Type of Inset.
If <NAME> is *,
all insets are matched.
The name is used like for InsetLayout in layout files:
"Note" matches all note insets,
while "Note:Note" only matches LyX yellow note insets.
\begin_layout Description
Sample Remove all index insets:
\begin_inset Newline newline
inset-forall Index char-delete-forward
\begin_inset Newline newline
Close all Notes:
\begin_inset Newline newline
inset-forall Note inset-toggle close
\begin_inset Newline newline
Open all branch insets of branch "myBranch":
\begin_inset Newline newline
inset-forall Branch:myBranch inset-toggle open
\begin_inset Newline newline
Transform all yellow notes to comments
\begin_inset Newline newline
inset-forall Note:Note inset-modify note Note Comment
\begin_inset Newline newline
Try to put LyX in an infinite loop if there is at least a Note:
\begin_inset Newline newline
inset-forall Note char-backward
\begin_layout Description
Origin lasgouttes,
27 Nov 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Insert new inset (type given by the parameters).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-insert <INSET> <ARGS>
\begin_layout Description
Params <INSET>:
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
depends on the given inset.
Use "lyx -dbg action" to explore.
\begin_layout Description
Sample inset-insert ref LatexCommand <Format> reference "<label name>"
\begin_inset Newline newline
where <label name> is the name of the referenced label and <Format> is one of the following:
\begin_inset Newline newline
ref -- <reference>
\begin_inset Newline newline
eqref -- (<reference>)
\begin_inset Newline newline
pageref -- <page>
\begin_inset Newline newline
vpageref -- on <page>
\begin_inset Newline newline
vref -- <reference> on <page>
\begin_inset Newline newline
formatted -- Formatted reference
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts the inset's content (in ToC pane) at the position of the cursor.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-insert-copy
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
1 Nov 2022
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Modify some properties of an inset.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Used for argument,
vspace and wrap insets.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-modify <INSET> <ARGS>
\begin_inset Newline newline
inset-modify changetype <TYPE>
\begin_layout Description
Sample Change a Note inset into a Comment inset:
\begin_inset Newline newline
inset-modify note Note Comment
\begin_inset Newline newline
Change a Box into an Ovalbox:
\begin_inset Newline newline
inset-modify changetype Ovalbox
\begin_inset Newline newline
Change a quotation mark to e[nglish style],
l[eft side = opening],
s[ingle = inner,
\begin_inset Newline newline
inset-modify changetype els
\begin_inset Newline newline
Change only the style of a quotation mark,
maintaining the other aspects (.
= wildcard)
\begin_inset Newline newline
inset-modify changetype e..
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Select all contents of an inset.
\begin_layout Description
Notion There are 3 successive levels:
select current cell,
select all cells of inset,
select the inset from outside (in the enclosing inset).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-select-all
\begin_layout Description
Origin vfr,
22 Aug 2009;
lasgouttes 1 Nov 2014
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Open the inset's properties dialog.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Used for bibitem,
wrap insets.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-settings <INSET>
\begin_layout Description
Params <INSET>:
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Splits the current inset into two at current position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-split [<INSET>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <INSET>:
this can be used to make sure the right kind of inset is dissolved.
For example "split" entry in the charstyles sub-menu should only dissolve the charstyle inset,
even if the cursor is inside several nested insets of different type.
\begin_inset Newline newline
For values see lyx::InsetLayout::lyxtype_ .
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
22 Dec 2020
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles the collapsible inset at cursor position,
or the inset we are currently in.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax inset-toggle [<ARG>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <ARG>:
\begin_inset Newline newline
open/close/toggle are for collapsible insets.
toggle is used when no argument is given.
\begin_inset Newline newline
assign synchronize the branch-inset with activation status of the branch.
Used for global toggling when changed activation.
\begin_layout Description
Origin lasgouttes,
19 Jul 2001
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts an IPA inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax ipa-insert
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
05 Mar 2012
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts special IPA macros into the document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax ipamacro-insert <CHAR>
\begin_layout Description
Params <CHAR>:
deco bottomtiebar,
deco toptiebar.
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
22 Aug 2012
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Turn off the loaded keyboard map.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax keymap-off
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Turn on the primary keyboard map.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Maps were widely used in past,
when X-windows didn't have nowadays keyboard support.
They can be still used to maintain uniform keyboard layout across the various platforms.
\begin_inset Newline newline
The language is to be set in the Preferences dialog.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax keymap-primary
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Turn on the secondary keyboard map.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax keymap-secondary
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles keyboard maps (first/second/off).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax keymap-toggle
\begin_layout Description
Origin leeming,
30 Mar 2004
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Copies the label at the cursor as a cross-reference to be pasted elsewhere.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax copy-label-as-reference <LABEL>
\begin_layout Description
Params <LABEL>:
The label to copy (for multi-line math)
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
16 Nov 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Goto a label.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax label-goto [<LABEL>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <LABEL>:
Requested label.
If no label is given and reference is on cursor position,
Bookmark 0 is saved and cursor moves to the position of referenced label.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Ale,
6 Aug 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts label to text or displayed formula.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax label-insert [<LABEL>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <LABEL>:
Requested label.
If no label is given dialog requesting name will be opened.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts the label (in ToC pane) as a cross-reference at the position of the cursor.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax label-insert-as-reference
\begin_layout Description
Origin vfr,
7 Apr 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Set language from the current cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax language <LANG> [set]
\begin_layout Description
Params <LANG>:
Requested language.
Look in lib/languages for the list.
"language reset" or "language" (without param) reset to the document language.
If used,
the language will be set to the specified language.
the language will be toggled (i.e.,
if the current language is LANG,
switch to the document language or the default language,
if LANG is the document language).
\begin_layout Description
Origin Dekel,
2 Mar 2000
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the cursor to the beginning of the (screen) line.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax line-begin
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the cursor to the beginning of the (screen) line adding the traversed text to the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax line-begin-select
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Deletes the letters to the end of the (screen) line or deletes the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax line-delete-forward
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the cursor to the end of the (screen) line.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax line-end
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the cursor to the end of the (screen) line adding the traversed text to the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax line-end-select
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts a new listings inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax listing-insert
\begin_layout Description
Origin Herbert,
10 Nov 2001;
2 May 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts a marginal note.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax marginalnote-insert
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
26 Jun 2000
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Disable selecting of text-region.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax mark-off
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Enable selecting of text-region.
\begin_layout Description
Notion After enabling you can simply move arrow keys to get selected region.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax mark-on
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggle between LFUN_MARK_ON and LFUN_MARK_OFF .
\begin_layout Description
Syntax mark-toggle
\begin_layout Description
Origin Andre,
May 5 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts a line break or new line.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax newline-insert [<ARG>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <ARG>:
<newline|linebreak> default:
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
25 Mar 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts a new page.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax newpage-insert <ARG>
\begin_layout Description
Params <ARG>:
<newpage|pagebreak|clearpage|cleardoublepage> default:
\begin_layout Description
Origin uwestoehr,
24 Nov 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts Nomenclature entry.
\begin_layout Description
Notion It automatically takes the word on the cursor position if no symbol is given.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax nomencl-insert [<SYMBOL>]
\begin_layout Description
Origin Ugras,
4 Nov 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts list of Nomenclature entries.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax nomenclature-print
\begin_layout Description
Origin Ugras,
4 Nov 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts Note on the current cursor position,
move selection inside the inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax note-insert [<TYPE>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE>:
<Note|Greyedout|Comment> default:
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor to the beginning of next Note inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax note-next
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the current group in the downward direction in the structure of the document.
\begin_layout Description
Notion The "group" can be Part/Chapter/Section/etc.
It moves the whole substructure of the group.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax outline-down
\begin_layout Description
Origin Vermeer,
23 Mar 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the current group in the downward direction in the hierarchy of the document structure.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Part -> Chapter -> Section -> etc.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax outline-in [local]
\begin_layout Description
Params local:
if given,
only the current paragraph will be affected.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Vermeer,
23 Mar 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the current group in the upward direction in the hierarchy of the document structure.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Part <- Chapter <- Section <- etc.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax outline-out [local]
\begin_layout Description
Params local:
if given,
only the current paragraph will be affected.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Vermeer,
23 Mar 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the current group in the upward direction in the structure of the document.
\begin_layout Description
Notion The "group" can be Part/Chapter/Section/etc.
It moves the whole substructure of the group.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax outline-up
\begin_layout Description
Origin Vermeer,
23 Mar 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Breaks the current paragraph at the current location.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Removes the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax paragraph-break [<LAYOUT>] [ignoresep]
\begin_layout Description
Params <LAYOUT>:
"inverse" - decreases depth by one (or change layout to default layout) when the cursor is at the end of the line.
\begin_inset Newline newline
Do not account for paragraph separators while breaking.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the cursor to the next paragraph (or beginning of the current one) in downward direction.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax paragraph-down
\begin_layout Description
Origin Asger,
1 Oct 1996
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the cursor and select the text to the next paragraph (or beginning of the current one) in downward direction.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax paragraph-down-select
\begin_layout Description
Origin Asger,
1 Oct 1996
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Jump to a paragraph given by its id number and optionally the desired position within the paragraph.
If given four arguments id_start,
perform a selection from start to end.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Note that id number of paragraph is not the sequential number of paragraph seen on the screen.
Moreover the id is unique for all opened buffers (documents).
Both ids must belong to the same buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax paragraph-goto <PAR_ID> <POS_IN_PAR> [<PAR_ID> <POS_IN_PAR>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <PAR_ID>:
paragraph id
\begin_inset Newline newline
desired position within the paragraph
\begin_layout Description
Origin Dekel,
26 Aug 2000 gmunch,
5 Sep 2016
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the current paragraph downwards in the document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax paragraph-move-down
\begin_layout Description
Origin Edwin,
8 Apr 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the current paragraph upwards in the document.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Movement through the document will possibly break the paragraph-depth (e.g.
itemize structure).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax paragraph-move-up
\begin_layout Description
Origin Edwin,
8 Apr 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Change paragraph settings.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Modifies the current paragraph,
or currently selected paragraphs.
This function only modifies,
and does not override,
existing settings.
Note that the "leftindent" indent setting is deprecated.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax paragraph-params [<INDENT>] [<SPACING>] [<ALIGN>] [<OTHERS>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <INDENT>:
leftindent LENGTH
\begin_inset Newline newline
paragraph_spacing default|single|onehalf|double|other SIZE
\begin_inset Newline newline
align block|left|right|center|default
\begin_inset Newline newline
labelwidthstring WIDTH|
\begin_layout Description
Origin rgh,
Aug 15 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Change paragraph settings.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Overwrite all nonspecified settings to the default ones.
Use paragraph-params lfun if you don't want to overwrite others settings.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax paragraph-params-apply <INDENT> <SPACING> <ALIGN> <OTHERS>
\begin_layout Description
Params For parameters see LFUN_PARAGRAPH_PARAMS
\begin_layout Description
Origin leeming,
30 Mar 2004
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move cursor to beginning of current paragraph and select to the end in downward direction
\begin_layout Description
Notion This function is by default bound to triple mouse click
\begin_layout Description
Syntax paragraph-select
\begin_layout Description
Origin Kornel,
16 Apr 2019
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the cursor to the next paragraph (or beginning of the current one) in upward direction.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax paragraph-up
\begin_layout Description
Origin Asger,
1 Oct 1996
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Move the cursor and select the text to the next paragraph (or beginning of the current one) in upward direction.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax paragraph-up-select
\begin_layout Description
Origin Asger,
1 Oct 1996
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Pastes material (text or picture) from the active clipboard.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax paste [<TYPE>|<NUM>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE>:
\begin_inset Newline newline
number of the selection in the internal clipboard stack to be pasted.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts phantom on the current cursor position,
move selection inside the inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax phantom-insert [<TYPE>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE>:
<Phantom|HPhantom|VPhantom> default:
\begin_layout Description
Origin uwestoehr,
30 Jan 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts a new preview inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax preview-insert
\begin_layout Description
Origin vfr,
28 Mar 2010
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Pastes the currently selected text.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Primary selection mechanism is X11/Wayland-only thing.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax primary-selection-paste [<ARG>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <ARG>:
"paragraph" will cause pasting as one paragraph,
"Join lines".
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts quotes according to the type and quote-language preference.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Currently 15 different quote styles are distinguished (see params).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax quote-insert [<LEVEL>] [<SIDE>] [<STYLE>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <LEVEL>:
'inner' for (i.e.,
usually single) quotes,
otherwise outer (i.e.,
usually double) quotes will be used.
\begin_inset Newline newline
'opening' for opening quotes,
'closing' for closing quotes,
otherwise the side will be guessed from the context.
\change_inserted -584632292 1712005910
Use `auto' to force this default.
(You will need to give this argument if you also want to give <STYLE>.)
\begin_inset Newline newline
'british' for `British' quote style (with ``inner quotation'')
\begin_inset Newline newline
'cjk' for Chinese/Japanese/Korean corner bracket quotation marks
\begin_inset Newline newline
'cjk-angle' for Chinese/Japanese/Korean angle bracket quotation marks
\begin_inset Newline newline
'danish' for >>Danish<< quote style (with >inner quotation<)
\begin_inset Newline newline
'english' for ``English'' quote style (with `inner quotation')
\begin_inset Newline newline
'french' for <<french>> quote style (with ``inner quotation'')
\begin_inset Newline newline
'frenchin' for <<frenchin>> quote style (with <<inner quotation>>) ["in" = Imprimerie Nationale]
\begin_inset Newline newline
'german' for ,,German`` quote style (with ,inner quotation`)
\begin_inset Newline newline
'hebrew' for ''hebrew,,
quote style (with 'inner quotation,)
\begin_inset Newline newline
'plain' for "Plain" quote style (with 'inner quotation')
\begin_inset Newline newline
'polish' for ,,Polish'' quote style (with ,inner quotation')
\begin_inset Newline newline
'swedish' for ''Swedish'' quote style (with 'inner quotation')
\begin_inset Newline newline
'swedishg' for >>swedishg>> quote style (with 'inner quotation') ["g" = Guillemets]
\begin_inset Newline newline
'swiss' for <<Swiss>> quote style (with <inner quotation>)
\begin_inset Newline newline
'russian' for <<Russian>> quote style (with ,,inner quotation``)
\begin_inset Newline newline
'dynamic' for Dynamic quotation marks which inherit the global document style
\begin_inset Newline newline
If no quote style is specified,
the document-wide will be used.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Redoes the last thing undone.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax redo
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Go to the next label or cross-reference.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax reference-next
\begin_layout Description
Origin Dekel,
14 Jan 2001
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Repeat the given command.
\begin_layout Description
Notion fails when the repeat count is greater than 10000.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax repeat <COUNT> <LFUN-COMMAND>
\begin_layout Description
Origin Andre,
27 Oct 2003
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor one page in downward direction.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax screen-down
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor one screen in downward direction adding the current position to the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax screen-down-select
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Recenters the screen on the current cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax screen-recenter
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Repositions the screen such that the cursor is visible.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax screen-show-cursor
\begin_layout Description
Origin vfr,
25 Mar 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor one page in upward direction.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax screen-up
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor one page in upward direction adding the current position to the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax screen-up-select
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts a subscript or superscript inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax script-insert <TYPE>
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE>:
\begin_layout Description
Origin Georg,
23 Nov 2010
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Scroll the buffer view.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Only scrolls the screen up or down;
does not move the cursor.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax scroll <TYPE> <QUANTITY>
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE>:
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_layout Description
Origin Abdel,
Dec 27 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Set search string buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax search-string-set [<DATA>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <DATA>:
string to search for.
If no parameter is given,
use (word under) selection.
\begin_layout Description
Origin stwitt,
Feb 12 2021
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Select the whole section.
\begin_layout Description
Notion The cursor should be in a section heading before calling this lfun.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax section-select
\begin_layout Description
Origin vfr,
05 May 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Pastes the internal selection text in permanent selection.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Created in order to have middle mouse button pasting correct (bound to command-alternatives selection-paste ;
primary-selection-paste paragraph).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax selection-paste
\begin_layout Description
Origin lasgouttes,
14 Jan 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts an environment separator or latex paragraph break.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax separator-insert [<ARG>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <ARG>:
<plain|parbreak|latexpar> default:
\begin_layout Description
Origin ef,
2 May 2014
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts one of horizontal space insets.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax space-insert <NAME> [<LEN>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <NAME>:
\begin_inset Newline newline
Only in math mode:
med and thick.
\begin_inset Newline newline
length for custom spaces (hspace,
hspace* for protected)
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
20 May 2003,
Mar 17 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts various characters into the document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax specialchar-insert <CHAR>
\begin_layout Description
Params <CHAR>:
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
6 Dec 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Add the word under the cursor to the respective spell checker dictionary.
The default for the language is retrieved from the cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax spelling-add [<STRING>] [<LANG>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <WORD>:
word to add
\begin_inset Newline newline
language name (see file languages)
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
18 Jan 2010
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Add the word under the cursor to the document's local spell checker dictionary.
The default for the language is retrieved from the cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax spelling-add-local [<STRING>] [<LANG>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <WORD>:
word to add
\begin_inset Newline newline
language name (see file languages)
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
6 Mar 2021
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggle continuous spell checking.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax spelling-continuously
\begin_layout Description
Origin vfr,
24 March 2013
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Let the spell checker ignore the word under the cursor in the current session for the given language.
The default for the language is retrieved from the cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax spelling-ignore [<WORD>] [<LANG>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <WORD>:
word to ignore
\begin_inset Newline newline
language name (see file languages)
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
18 Jan 2010
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Remove the word under the cursor from the respective spell checker dictionary.
The default for the language is retrieved from the cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax spelling-remove [<STRING>] [<LANG>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <WORD>:
word to remove
\begin_inset Newline newline
language name (see file languages)
\begin_layout Description
Origin SWitt,
28 July 2010
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Remove the word under the cursor from the document's local spell checker dictionary.
The default for the language is retrieved from the cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax spelling-remove-local [<STRING>] [<LANG>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <WORD>:
word to remove
\begin_inset Newline newline
language name (see file languages)
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
7 Mar 2021
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Delete a tab or up to an equivalent amount of spaces from a listings inset.
\begin_layout Description
Notion It also works on a selection - it removes a tab or spaces from the beginning of each line spanned by the selection.
This is useful if you want to indent/unindent multiple lines in one action.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax tab-delete
\begin_layout Description
Origin vfr,
Sep 30 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Insert a tab into a listings inset.
\begin_layout Description
Notion It also works on a selection.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax tab-insert
\begin_layout Description
Origin vfr,
Sep 30 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Modify properties of tabulars and table-like math environments.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax tabular-feature <FEATURE> [<ARG>]
\begin_layout Description
Params Generally see LFUN_INSET_INSERT for further details.
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
set-border-lines|toggle-border-lines|set-inner-lines|toggle-inner-lines Various math-environment features are handled as well,
add-vline-left/right for
\begin_inset Newline newline
the Grid/Array environment.
\begin_inset Newline newline
additional argument for some commands,
use debug mode to explore its values.
\begin_layout Description
Origin gm,
10 Dec 2015
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts table into the document.
\begin_layout Description
Notion See LFUN_TABULAR_FEATURE for some more details about tabular modifications.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax tabular-insert [<ROWS> <COLUMNS>]
\begin_layout Description
Params In case no arguments are given show insert dialog.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Jug,
12 Apr 2000
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts table of a given style into the document.
\begin_layout Description
Notion See LFUN_TABULAR_FEATURE for some more details about tabular modifications.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax tabular-style-insert <style> <ROWS> <COLUMNS>
\begin_layout Description
Params Valid styles are the names of the files in lib/tabletemplates,
minus _1x<n> and .lyx suffix.
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
25 Mar 2019
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Look up thesaurus entries with respect to the word under the cursor.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax thesaurus-entry [<STRING>] [lang=<LANG>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <STRING>:
word to look up
\begin_inset Newline newline
language (see file languages)
\begin_layout Description
Origin Levon,
20 Jul 2001
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Undoes the last edit.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax undo
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts a single unicode character.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax unicode-insert <CHAR1> <CHAR2> ...
\begin_layout Description
Params <CHARn>:
The character to insert,
given as its code point,
in hexadecimal.
\begin_layout Description
Sample unicode-insert 0x0100 0x0259
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
22 Oct 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor one line in upward direction.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax up
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor one line in upward direction adding the current position to the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax up-select
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor to the logically previous beginning of a word.
\begin_layout Description
Notion This is not the action which should be bound to the arrow keys,
because backwards may be left or right,
depending on the language.
The arrow keys should be bound to LFUN_WORD_LEFT or LFUN_WORD_RIGHT actions,
which in turn may employ this one.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-backward
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor to the logically previous beginning of a word,
adding the logically traversed text to the selection.
\begin_layout Description
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-backward-select
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Capitalizes the words in the selection (i.e.
the first letters) or the first letter of word at cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-capitalize [<SEL_TYPE>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <SEL_TYPE>:
if this is equal to "partial",
then the default word starts at cursor position (emacs-style).
the whole word is considered.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Deletes characters to the beginning of the word (usually the "C+BackSpace" key).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-delete-backward [confirm]
\begin_layout Description
Params confirm:
Select big insets,
do not directly delete them.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Deletes characters to the end of the word (usually the "C+Delete" key).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-delete-forward [confirm]
\begin_layout Description
Params confirm:
Select big insets,
do not directly delete them.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Search for next occurrence of a string.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-find [<DATA>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <DATA>:
data encoded from Find dialog (see lyx::find2string()).
If no parameter is given,
search with last find-dialog data is used for search (i.e.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Andre,
Jan 7 2004
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Search for a given string in backward direction.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Case sensitive,
match words.
If no argument given,
last search repeated.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-find-backward [<STRING>]
\begin_layout Description
Origin Etienne,
20 Feb 1998
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Search for a given string in forward direction.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Case sensitive,
match words.
If no argument given,
last search repeated.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-find-forward [<STRING>]
\begin_layout Description
Origin Etienne,
16 Feb 1998
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Search for next occurrence of a pattern.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-findadv [<DATA>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <DATA>:
data encoded from FindAdv dialog (see lyx::findadv2string()).
If no parameter is given,
search with last find-dialog data is used for search (i.e.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Tommaso,
Nov 15 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor to the logically next beginning of a word.
\begin_layout Description
Notion This is not the action which should be bound to the arrow keys,
because forward may be left or right,
depending on the language.
The arrow keys should be bound to LFUN_WORD_LEFT or LFUN_WORD_RIGHT actions,
which in turn may employ this one.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-forward
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor to the logically next beginning of a word,
adding the logically traversed text to the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Notion See also LFUN_WORD_FORWARD.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-forward-select
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor to the next beginning of a word "on the left".
\begin_layout Description
Notion This is the action which should be taken when the (e.g.,
ctrl-) "left" key is pressed.
it moves the cursor to the next beginning of a word on the left.
in Bidi text this become slightly more complicated,
and there are different modes of cursor movement.
In "visual mode",
this moves left,
plain and simple.
In "logical mode",
movement is logically forward in RTL paragraphs,
and logically backwards in LTR paragraphs.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-left
\begin_layout Description
Origin dov,
28 Oct 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor to the next beginning of a word "on the left",
adding *logically* traversed text to the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Notion See also LFUN_WORD_LEFT for exact details of the movement.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-left-select
\begin_layout Description
Origin dov,
28 Oct 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Change the words in the selection or word at cursor position to lower case.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-lowcase [<SEL_TYPE>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <SEL_TYPE>:
if this is equal to "partial",
then the default word starts at cursor position (emacs-style).
the whole word is considered.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Replace a string in the document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-replace [<DATA>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <DATA>:
data is of the form "<replacestring>
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
<casesensitive> <matchword> <all> <forward> <findnext>"
\begin_layout Description
Origin Andre,
Jan 7 2004
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor to the next beginning of a word "on the right".
\begin_layout Description
Notion This is the action which should be taken when the (e.g.,
ctrl-) "right" key is pressed.
it moves the cursor to the next beginning of a word on the right.
in Bidi text this become slightly more complicated,
and there are different modes of cursor movement.
In "visual mode",
this moves right,
plain and simple.
In "logical mode",
movement is logically forward in LTR paragraphs,
and logically backwards in RTL paragraphs.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-right
\begin_layout Description
Origin dov,
28 Oct 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the cursor to the next beginning of a word "on the right",
adding *logically* traversed text to the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Notion See also LFUN_WORD_RIGHT for exact details of the movement.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-right-select
\begin_layout Description
Origin dov,
28 Oct 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Puts the word where the cursor stands into the selection.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-select
\begin_layout Description
Origin Andre,
11 Sep 2002
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Change the words in the selection or word at cursor position to upper case.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax word-upcase [<SEL_TYPE>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <SEL_TYPE>:
if this is equal to "partial",
then the default word starts at cursor position (emacs-style).
the whole word is considered.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts floats wrapped by the text around.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax wrap-insert <TYPE>
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE>:
\begin_layout Description
Origin Dekel,
7 Apr 2002
\begin_layout Section
Math Editor Functions
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Only active in Math Macro definition.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Dummy function which is only active in a Math Macro definition.
It's used to toggle the Math Macro toolbar if the cursor moves into a Math Macro definition.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax in-mathmacrotemplate
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
06 January 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts an extended matrix as provided by the amsmath package.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-matrix <COLS> <ROWS> [<DECORATION>]
\begin_layout Description
Decoration determines the LaTeX name of the matrix that should be created.
Possible values include pmatrix,
and matrix.
The default is 'matrix'.
\begin_layout Description
Sample math-ams-matrix 3 3 bmatrix
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts math fixed size delimiters (e.g.
brackets) enclosing expression.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-bigdelim <LSIZE> <LDELIM> <RSIZE> <RDELIM>
\begin_layout Description
Params <L/RSIZE>:
\begin_inset Newline newline
TeX code for delimiter.
See Delimiter dialog for delimiters to be used.
\begin_layout Description
Sample math-bigdelim "Bigl" "
Downarrow" "Bigr" "
\begin_layout Description
Origin Enrico & Georg,
7 May 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts math delimiters (e.g.
brackets) enclosing expression.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-delim [<LEFT>] [<RIGHT>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <LEFT/RIGHT>:
Delimiters to be used.
Each delimiter can be specified by either a LaTeX name or a valid character.
( is the default letter.
\begin_layout Description
Sample math-delim { rangle
\begin_layout Description
Origin Alejandro,
18 Jun 1996
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Creates a new displayed equation in text mode.
Toggles inlined/display formula in math mode.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-display [<ARG>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <ARG>:
this argument will be passed to LFUN_MATH_INSERT when creating new equation from the text mode.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Alejandro,
18 Jun 1996
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Calls external program and passes the current expression/equation as an argument for the calculation in the format appropriate to the given language.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Selection can be used to determine the input for the external program.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-extern <LANG> [<COMMAND>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <LANG>:
\begin_inset Newline newline
where "script" stands for the external script (normalized expression will be passed)
\begin_layout Description
Sample math-extern maple simplify
\begin_layout Description
Origin Andre,
24 Apr 2001
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Changes the text style used in math.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-font-style <STYLE>
\begin_layout Description
Params <STYLE>:
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_layout Description
Origin vfr,
9 jan 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts math objects and symbols.
\begin_layout Description
Notion When <ARG> is a _single_ math inset with more than one cell (such as "x_y^z" or "
the content of cell(0) is replaced by the current selection (only works if the selection is in mathed).
As an example,
if "abc" is selected in mathed,
frac{x}{y}" replaces "abc" with "
and "math-insert x_y^z" replaces "abc" with "abc_y^z".
If nothing is selected (or the selection is not in mathed),
math-insert works as expected.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-insert <ARG>
\begin_layout Description
Params <ARG>:
Symbol or LaTeX code to be inserted.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles the position of the limits from above/below to the right side an vice versa in integral symbol,
a limit,
a summation,
\begin_layout Description
Notion Put the cursor before the symbol with the limits and then invoke math-limits.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-limits [<STATE>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <STATE>:
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts a math macro definition at the cursor position in the text.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-macro <NAME> [<NARGS>] [def]
\begin_layout Description
Params <NAME>:
The name of the macro,
\begin_inset Newline newline
The number of parameters of the macro.
Default is 0.
Has no effect anymore,
just for compatibility with former LyX versions.
\begin_layout Description
Origin ale,
10 May 1997;
21 Dec 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Add a greedy optional parameter.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Add a greedy optional parameter which eats the value from the following cells in mathed which are in the [value] format.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-macro-add-greedy-optional-param
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
06 January 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Add an optional parameter.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Insert an optional parameter just behind the already existing optional parameters.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-macro-add-optional-param
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
06 January 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Add a parameter.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Add a parameter to a Math Macro.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-macro-add-param <NUM>
\begin_layout Description
Params <NUM>:
The number of the parameter behind which the new one will be added (1 for the first,
use 0 for add a parameter at the left),
defaults to the last one.
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
06 January 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Append a greedy parameter.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Append a greedy parameter to a Math Macro which eats the following mathed cell in every instance of the macro in the buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-macro-append-greedy-param
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
06 January 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Fold a Math Macro.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Fold the Math Macro the cursor is in if it was unfolded,
displayed as
foo before.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-macro-fold
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
06 January 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Make a parameter non-optional.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Turn the last optional parameter of a Math Macro into a non-optional parameter.
The default value is remembered to be reused later if the user changes his mind.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-macro-make-nonoptional
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
06 January 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Make a parameter optional.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Turn the first non-optional parameter of a Math Macro into an optional parameter with a default value.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-macro-make-optional
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
06 January 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Remove a greedy parameter.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Remove a greedy parameter of a Math Macro and spit out the values of it in every instance of the macro in the buffer.
If it is an optional parameter the [valud] format is used.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-macro-remove-greedy-param
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
06 January 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Remove the last optional parameter.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Remove the last optional parameter of a Math Macro and remove it in all the instances of the macro in the buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-macro-remove-optional-param
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
06 January 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Remove the last parameter.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Remove the last parameter of a Math Macro and remove its value in all instances of the macro in the buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-macro-remove-param <NUM>
\begin_layout Description
Params <NUM>:
The number of the parameter to be deleted (1 for the first),
defaults to the last one.
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
06 January 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Unfold a Math Macro.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Unfold the Math Macro the cursor is in,
display it as
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-macro-unfold
\begin_layout Description
Origin sts,
06 January 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts a matrix.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-matrix <COLS> <ROWS> [<ALIGN>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <ALIGN>:
Alignment is a word composed of the vertical alignment (b,
c or t) (i.e.
1 char) and the horizontal alignments (l,
c or r) (i.e.
<COL> chars).
\begin_layout Description
Sample math-matrix 3 3 bccc
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action In text mode enters math mode (i.e.
puts math insets on the current cursor position),
in math mode enters text mode inside math expression.
\begin_layout Description
Notion If there is some selected text,
it puts the text inside created math box.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-mode [on|<ARG>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <ARG>:
eventual argument (LaTeX code) is passed to LFUN_MATH_INSERT .
\begin_inset Newline newline
allow only entering of math mode from text mode.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Alejandro,
4 Jun 1996
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Mutates the type of math inset to the newly selected one.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-mutate <TYPE>
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE>:
none|simple|equation|eqnarray|align|alignat|xalignat|xxalignat| multline|gather|flalign
\begin_layout Description
Origin Andre,
23 May 2001
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles numbering of the current formula line.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Must be in display formula mode.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-number-line-toggle
\begin_layout Description
Origin Alejandro,
18 Jun 1996
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles numbering/labeling of the current formula.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Must be in display formula mode.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-number-toggle
\begin_layout Description
Origin Alejandro,
4 Jun 1996
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Changes arbitrarily the size used by math fonts inside a context.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Provides an interface to the LaTeX math mode font size commands.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-size <STYLE>
\begin_layout Description
Params <STYLE>:
\begin_layout Description
Origin Alejandro,
15 Aug 1996;
14 Jun 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts space into math expression.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Use spacebar after entering this space to change type of space.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-space [<TYPE>] [<LEN>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE>:
negative spaces:
\begin_inset Newline newline
positive spaces:
\begin_inset Newline newline
custom space:
\begin_inset Newline newline
"," used by default.
\begin_inset Newline newline
Note that !
is equivalent to negthinspace,
= thinspace,
= medspace,
and ;
= thickspace.
\begin_inset Newline newline
length for custom spaces (hspace)
\begin_layout Description
Origin Andre,
25 Jul 2001;
16 Jun 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Enters subscript expression in math expression.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-subscript
\begin_layout Description
Origin vermeer,
12 Dec 2001
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Enters superscript expression in math expression.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax math-superscript
\begin_layout Description
Origin vermeer,
12 Dec 2001
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Enters regexp mode (i.e.,
puts regexp insets on the current cursor position).
Used by the advanced search dialog.
\begin_layout Description
Notion If there is any selected text,
then it is moved inside the created regexp inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax regexp-mode [<ARG>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <ARG>:
eventual argument (regular expression).
\begin_layout Description
Origin Tommaso,
4 Oct 2008
\begin_layout Section
Buffer Fuctions (File and Window related)
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Activate the branch.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax branch-activate <BRANCH>
\begin_layout Description
Params <BRANCH>:
The branch to activate
\begin_layout Description
Sample lyx -x "branch-activate answers" -e pdf2 finalexam.lyx
\begin_inset Newline newline
could be used to export a pdf with the answers branch included without one's having to open LyX and activate the branch manually.
\begin_layout Description
Origin rgh,
27 May 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Add a branch to the buffer's BranchList.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax branch-add <BRANCH>
\begin_layout Description
Params <BRANCH>:
Name of the branch to add
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
7 Jul 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Create new branch and directly put the branch inset into the document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax branch-add-insert [<NAME>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <NAME>:
Branch name.
If it is not specified,
you will be asked.
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
10 Jul 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action De-activate the branch.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax branch-deactivate <BRANCH>
\begin_layout Description
Params <BRANCH>:
The branch to deactivate
\begin_layout Description
Origin rgh,
27 May 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles inversion status of branch inset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax branch-invert
\begin_layout Description
Origin rgheck,
12 July 2016
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Activate the branch in the master buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax branch-master-activate <BRANCH>
\begin_layout Description
Params <BRANCH>:
The branch to activate
\begin_layout Description
Sample lyx -x "branch-activate answers" -e pdf2 finalexam.lyx
\begin_inset Newline newline
could be used to export a pdf with the answers branch included without one's having to open LyX and activate the branch manually.
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
30 Sep 2012
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action De-activate the branch in the master buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax branch-master-deactivate <BRANCH>
\begin_layout Description
Params <BRANCH>:
The branch to deactivate
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
30 Sep 2012
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Open/close all insets of selected branch (depending on its activation status).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax branch-sync-all
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
15 April 2022
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Rename all branches of a given name in a document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax branches-rename <OLDNAME> <NEWNAME>
\begin_layout Description
Params <OLDNAME>:
Current name of the branch to be renamed <NEWNAME>:
New name of the branch
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
9 Jul 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Saves the current buffer to a temporary file.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Saves the current buffer to a file named "#filename#".
This LFUN is called automatically by LyX,
to "autosave" the current buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-auto-save
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Loads the given child document.
\begin_layout Description
Notion The current document is treated as a parent.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-child-open <FILE>
\begin_layout Description
Params <FILE>:
Filename of the child.
The directory of the parent is assumed by default.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Ale,
28 May 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Runs chktex for the current document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-chktex
\begin_layout Description
Origin Asger,
30 Oct 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Closes the current buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Closes the current buffer,
asking whether to save it,
if the buffer has been modified.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-close
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Closes all buffers.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Closes all buffers,
asking whether to save it,
if a buffer has been modified.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-close-all
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Exports the current buffer (document) to the given format.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-export [<FORMAT>] [<DEST>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <FORMAT> is either "custom" or one of the formats which you can find in Tools->Preferences->File formats->Format.
Usual format you will enter is "pdf2" (pdflatex),
"pdflatex" (plain tex for pdflatex) or "ps" for postscript.
\begin_inset Newline newline
In case of "custom" you will be asked for a format you want to start from and for the command that you want to apply to this format.
Internally the control is then passed to LFUN_BUFFER_EXPORT_CUSTOM.
\begin_inset Newline newline
If absent or "default",
then the default output format of the document is used.
\begin_inset Newline newline
<DEST> If present,
this argument provides the export destination filename.
Its containing folder will also be the destination folder,
where all the needed external files will be copied.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
29 Jul 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Opens a dialog for exporting the current buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-export-as [<FORMAT>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <FORMAT> is the export format initially selected in the dialog.
You can pass any of the formats which you can find in Tools->Preferences->File formats->Format,
provided it has the "document" flag set.
If no format is specified the dialog will start with the default output format of the current document.
\begin_layout Description
Sample buffer-export-as pdf2
\begin_layout Description
Origin tommaso,
6 Oct 2011
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Exports the current buffer (document) from the given format using the given command on it.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-export-custom <FORMAT> <COMMAND>
\begin_layout Description
Params <FORMAT> format to start from (LyX will care to produce such intermediate file).
\begin_inset Newline newline
<COMMAND> this command will be launched on the file.
Note that you can use "$$FName" string to qualify the intermediate file.
\begin_layout Description
Sample buffer-export-custom dvi dvips -f $$FName -o myfile.ps
\begin_layout Description
Origin leeming,
27 Mar 2004
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Clear the external modification flag on the current buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-external-modification-clear
\begin_layout Description
Origin gm,
2 March 2017
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Applies a command to all non-hidden buffers.
\begin_layout Description
Notion a buffer is `hidden' if it is internally open in LyX,
but not visible in any window.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-forall <LFUN-COMMAND>
\begin_layout Description
The command to be applied to the buffers.
\begin_layout Description
Sample Close all Notes in all buffers:
\begin_inset Newline newline
buffer-forall inset-forall Note inset-toggle close
\begin_inset Newline newline
Toggle change tracking on buffers:
\begin_inset Newline newline
buffer-forall changes-track
\begin_inset Newline newline
Toggle read-only for buffers:
\begin_inset Newline newline
buffer-forall buffer-toggle-read-only
\begin_inset Newline newline
Show statistics for individual buffers:
\begin_inset Newline newline
buffer-forall statistics
\begin_inset Newline newline
Activate the branch named "Solutions" in buffers:
\begin_inset Newline newline
buffer-forall branch-activate Solutions
\begin_inset Newline newline
Export buffers to PDF (pdflatex):
\begin_inset Newline newline
buffer-forall buffer-export pdf2
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_layout Description
Origin skostysh,
20 Jul 2012
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Import a given file as a lyx document.
\begin_layout Description
Notion File can be imported iff lyx file format is (transitively) reachable via defined converters in preferences.
Look in the File->Import menu to get an idea of the currently active import formats.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-import <FORMAT> [<FILE>]
\begin_layout Description
Origin Asger,
24 Jul 1998
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Set language of the current document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-language <LANG>
\begin_layout Description
Params <LANG>:
language name.
See lib/languages for list.
\begin_layout Description
Origin leeming,
30 Mar 2004
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the current tab one spot to the right.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-move-next
\begin_layout Description
Origin skostysh,
7 Apr 2015
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Moves the current tab one spot to the left.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-move-previous
\begin_layout Description
Origin skostysh,
7 Apr 2015
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Creates a new buffer (that is,
document) and switches to it.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Implicit path can be set in Preferences dialog.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-new [<FILE>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <FILE>:
filename of created file with absolute path.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Creates a new buffer (that is,
document) from a template.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Path for new files and templates can be set in Preferences dialog.
Template will be asked for via Open-dialog.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-new-template [<FILE>] [<TEMPLATE FILE>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <FILE>:
filename of created file with absolute path.
If empty or "newfile",
a file with appropriate name is generated.
\begin_inset Newline newline
filename of template with absolute path.
If empty,
a dialog is opened to select the new file.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Switch to the next opened document.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Note that this does not necessarily mean next in tabbar (for full list see View menu).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-next
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Apply the given settings to the current document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-params-apply [<ARGS>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <ARGS>:
contains the particular settings to be saved.
They obey the syntax you can find in document header of usual .lyx file.
\begin_layout Description
Origin leeming,
30 Mar 2004
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Switch to the previous opened document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-previous
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Reverts opened document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-reload [dump]
\begin_layout Description
Params dump:
do not ask for any confirmation,
just reload.
All changes will be lost.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Asger,
2 Feb 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Removes the auxiliary file before next export to assure export is done afresh.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-reset-export
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
27 Dec 2019
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Save the current document settings as default.
\begin_layout Description
Notion The file will will be saved into ~/.lyx/templates/defaults.lyx .
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-save-as-default [<ARGS>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <ARGS>:
contains the particular settings to be saved.
They obey the syntax you can find in document header of usual .lyx file.
\begin_layout Description
Origin leeming,
30 Mar 2004
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Display and switch to the given buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-switch <BUFFER>
\begin_layout Description
Params <BUFFER>:
path and filename of already opened (but possibly hidden) document which is to be shown.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles compression of the current document on/off.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-toggle-compression
\begin_layout Description
Origin bpeng,
27 Apr 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggle editing mode of the current document between read/write and read-only.
\begin_layout Description
Notion This function is not allowed if the file is under version control,
since read-only flag is often used in version control file locking.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-toggle-read-only
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
27 May 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Exports the current document and put the result into the temporary directory.
\begin_layout Description
Notion In case you are already viewing the exported document (see LFUN_BUFFER_VIEW) the output will be rewritten - updated.
This is useful in case your viewer is able to detect such changes (e.g.
ghostview for postscript).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-update [<FORMAT>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <FORMAT>:
The format to display,
where this is one of the formats defined in the Tools>Preferences>File Formats dialog,
use the "Short name" field.
If no format is given,
the default format as specified in the same dialog is used.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Dekel,
5 Aug 2000
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Displays current buffer in chosen format.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Displays the contents of the current buffer in the chosen format,
for example,
This runs the necessary converter,
calls the defined viewer,
and so forth.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-view [<FORMAT>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <FORMAT>:
The format to display,
where this is one of the formats defined (in the current GUI) in the Tools>Preferences>File Formats dialog.
If no format is given,
the default format as specified in the same dialog is used.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Opens the file that was created from last preview of this buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Notion This LFUN is called by the "Show Output Anyway" button in the LaTeX Errors dialog.
It can also be called by the user,
which is useful if the document takes a long time to compile,
and you just want to see the last previewed version.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-view-cache
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Saves the current buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Saves the current buffer to disk,
using the filename that is already associated with the buffer,
asking for one if none is yet assigned.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-write [force]
\begin_layout Description
Params force:
write even if buffer is not marked as modified.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Save all changed documents.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-write-all
\begin_layout Description
Origin rgh,
gpothier 6 Aug 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Rename and save current buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-write-as <FILENAME>
\begin_layout Description
Params <FILENAME>:
New name of the buffer/file.
A relative path is with respect to the original location of the buffer/file.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Rename and save current buffer in the local templates directory.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-write-as-template <FILENAME>
\begin_layout Description
Params <FILENAME>:
New name of the buffer/file.
A relative path is with respect to the original location of the buffer/file.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Sets the zoom of the screen fonts.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-zoom [<ZOOM>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <ZOOM>:
The target zoom value in %;
the default is the default zoom as saved in preferences.
\begin_layout Description
Origin daniel,
28 Oct 2016
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Increases the zoom of the screen fonts.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-zoom-in [<ZOOM>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <ZOOM>:
The zoom value addition in % (neg.
or pos.);
the default is 10% of the default zoom as saved in preferences.
\begin_layout Description
Origin vfr,
30 Mar 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Decreases the zoom of the screen fonts.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-zoom-out [<ZOOM>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <ZOOM>:
The zoom value abstraction in % (neg.
or pos.);
the default is 10% of the default zoom as saved in preferences.
\begin_layout Description
Origin vfr,
30 Mar 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Generates the code (literate programming).
\begin_layout Description
Notion Latex file with extension
literate_extension is generated.
Then LyX invokes
build_command (with a default of ``make'') to generate the code and
build_error_filter to process the compilation error messages.
\begin_inset Newline newline
In case you want to process your literate file with a script,
or some other program,
just insert in your lyxrc file an entry with:
\begin_inset Newline newline
build_command "my_script my_arguments"
\begin_inset Newline newline
build_error_filter differs from the
literate_error_filter only in that the former will identify error messages from your compiler.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax build-program
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Open LyX document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax file-open [<FILE>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <FILE>:
Filename to be opened.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Open the given help file according to the language setting.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax help-open <FILE>[.lyx]
\begin_layout Description
Params <FILE>:
any document from (/usr/share/)doc directory.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Jug,
27 Jun 1999
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Sets icon size of toolbars.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax icon-size [<SIZE>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <SIZE> :
the icon size in px or one of the logical settings small|normal|big|huge|giant,
the default is normal (whose size in px is icon set dependent).
\begin_layout Description
Origin 11 July 2016
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Helper function for master-related actions
\begin_layout Description
Notion In a buffer,
the function will be disabled if the buffer has no master or children.
It thus allows to enable actions only in documents with master/children
\begin_layout Description
Syntax ifrelatives <ACTION>
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
2 January 2020
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Terminates the current LyX instance.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Terminates the current LyX instance,
asking whether to save modified documents,
\begin_layout Description
Syntax lyx-quit
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Open lyxfiles (templates/examples).
Create a view if he have none.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax lyxfiles-open [<TYPE>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE>:
templates or examples.
Default is templates.
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
10 Feb 2021
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Exports the master buffer (document) to the given format.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax master-buffer-export [<FORMAT>] [<DEST>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <FORMAT> is one of the formats which you can find in Tools->Preferences->File formats->Format.
Usual format you will enter is "pdf2" (pdflatex),
"pdflatex" (plain tex for pdflatex) or "ps" for postscript.
\begin_inset Newline newline
Note that "custom" is not allowed in this case.
\begin_inset Newline newline
If absent or "default",
then the default output format of the document is used.
\begin_inset Newline newline
<DEST> If present,
this argument provides the export destination filename.
Its containing folder will also be the destination folder,
where all the needed external files will be copied.
\begin_layout Description
Origin rkh,
18 April 2018
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Applies a command to a buffer and all it children,
starting from the master.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax master-buffer-forall <LFUN-COMMAND>
\begin_layout Description
The command to be applied to the buffers.
\begin_layout Description
Sample Close all Notes in buffers:
\begin_inset Newline newline
master-buffer-forall inset-forall Note inset-toggle close
\begin_inset Newline newline
Toggle change tracking on buffers:
\begin_inset Newline newline
master-buffer-forall changes-track
\begin_inset Newline newline
Toggle read-only for buffers:
\begin_inset Newline newline
master-buffer-forall buffer-toggle-read-only
\begin_inset Newline newline
Show statistics for individual buffers:
\begin_inset Newline newline
master-buffer-forall statistics
\begin_inset Newline newline
Activate the branch named "Solutions" in buffers:
\begin_inset Newline newline
master-buffer-forall branch-activate Solutions
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
31 Dec 2019
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Update (export) the document built from the master buffer,
if the current buffer is part of a master/child document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax master-buffer-update [<FORMAT>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <FORMAT>:
The format to display,
where this is one of the formats defined (in the current GUI) in the Tools>Preferences>File Formats dialog.
If no format is given,
the default format as specified in the same dialog is used.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Tommaso,
20 Sep 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Show a preview built from the master buffer,
if available.
if the current buffer is part of a master/child document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax master-buffer-view [<FORMAT>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <FORMAT>:
The format to display,
where this is one of the formats defined (in the current GUI) in the Tools>Preferences>File Formats dialog.
If no format is given,
the default format as specified in the same dialog is used.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Tommaso,
20 Sep 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Opens the menu given by its name.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax menu-open <NAME>
\begin_layout Description
Params <NAME>:
menu name.
See various .inc files in lib/ui for candidates.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Close the current tab group.
\begin_layout Description
Notion This only closes the work areas,
not the buffers themselves.
The still opened buffers can be visualized in another tab group.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax tab-group-close
\begin_layout Description
Origin Abdel,
21 Feb 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Switch to the next tab group in split view.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax tab-group-next
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Switch to the previous tab group in split view.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax tab-group-previous
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles movability of a given toolbar between true/false.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax toolbar-movable <NAME>
\begin_layout Description
Params <NAME>:
*|standard|extra|table|math|mathmacrotemplate| minibuffer|review|view/update|math_panels|vcs| view-others|update-others
\begin_layout Description
Origin daniel,
12 July 2016
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Sets visibility of a given toolbar to on,
or auto.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Skipping "auto" when allowauto is false.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax toolbar-set <NAME> [on|off|auto]
\begin_layout Description
Params <NAME>:
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_layout Description
Origin spitz,
17 Dec 2020
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles visibility of a given toolbar between on/off/auto.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Skipping "auto" when allowauto is false.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax toolbar-toggle <NAME> [allowauto]
\begin_layout Description
Params <NAME>:
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_layout Description
Origin Edwin,
21 May 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Various UI visibility-toggling actions.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax ui-toggle <statusbar|menubar|scrollbar|frame|fullscreen>
\begin_layout Description
Params statusbar :
Toggle visibility of the statusbar.
\begin_inset Newline newline
menubar :
Toggle visibility of the menubar.
\begin_inset Newline newline
scrollbar :
Toggle visibility of the scrollbar.
\begin_inset Newline newline
frame :
Toggle visibility of the frames around editing window.
\begin_inset Newline newline
zoomslider :
Toggle visibility of the zoom slider in statusbar.
\begin_inset Newline newline
zoomlevel :
Toggle visibility of the zoom level display in statusbar.
\begin_inset Newline newline
statistics-w :
Toggle visibility of the document word count in statusbar.
\begin_inset Newline newline
statistics-cb :
Toggle visibility of the document character count (incl.
blanks) in statusbar.
\begin_inset Newline newline
statistics-c :
Toggle visibility of the document character count (excl.
blanks) in statusbar.
\begin_inset Newline newline
fullscreen :
Toggle fullscreen mode.
This also covers calling the previous functions.
However LFUN_TOOLBAR_TOGGLE for the custom tweaks of the toolbars should be used.
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
9 Feb 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Close the current document work area.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Close the current work area.
If no other work areas are showing the buffer,
then close the associated buffer as well.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax view-close
\begin_layout Description
Origin Tommaso,
15 Sep 2012
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Creates another split view of current buffer.
\begin_layout Description
Notion All split views act in the same way independently.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax view-split <vertical|horizontal>
\begin_layout Description
Params horizontal :
The work areas are laid out side by side.
\begin_inset Newline newline
vertical :
The work areas laid out vertically.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Abdel,
20 Feb 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Closes the current LyX window.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax window-close
\begin_layout Description
Origin Abdel,
23 Oct 2006
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Creates new empty LyX window.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Already opened documents from the previous window can be found under View menu.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax window-new [<GEOMETRY>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <GEOMETRY>:
pass the geometry of the window.
This parameter is currently accepted only on Windows platform.
\begin_layout Description
Origin Abdel,
21 Oct 2006
\begin_layout Section
System Functions (Preferences,
LyX Server etc.)
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Lists the available databases (separated by path separator common on the used OS).
\begin_layout Description
Notion Used by bibliographic managers
\begin_layout Description
Syntax bibtex-database-list
\begin_layout Description
Origin bpiwowar,
18 December 2022
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles including of resources for forward/reverse search of the given document.
\begin_layout Description
Notion When toggled on,
SyncTeX is invoked for PDF,
while srcltx package is used for DVI.
Custom LaTeX macro can be defined in preferences.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax buffer-toggle-output-sync
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
25 May 2010
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Executes a command defined in a .def file.
\begin_layout Description
Notion The definitions are by default read from lib/commands/default.def.
\begin_inset Newline newline
A .def file allows to define a command with
define "<NAME>" "<LFUN>" where <NAME> is the name of the new command and <LFUN> is the lfun code to be executed (see e.g.
def_file "FileName" allows to include another .def file.
\begin_inset Newline newline
This is particularly useful in connection with toolbar buttons:
Since the name of the button image for this lfun is lib/images/commands/<NAME>.png this is the way to assign an image to a complex command-sequence.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax call <NAME>
\begin_layout Description
Params <NAME>:
Name of the command that must be called.
\begin_layout Description
Origin broider,
2 Oct 2007
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Cancels sequence prepared by LFUN_META_PREFIX .
\begin_layout Description
Syntax cancel
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Runs the first listed command that is enabled.
\begin_layout Description
Notion This can be used to bind multiple functions to a single key,
and then which one is used will depend upon the context.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax command-alternatives <CMDS>
\begin_layout Description
Params <CMDS>:
Sequence of commands separated by semicolons.
\begin_layout Description
Sample command-alternatives completion-accept;cell-forward
\begin_layout Description
Origin rgh,
24 September 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Run more commands (LFUN and its parameters) in a sequence.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax command-sequence <CMDS>
\begin_layout Description
Params <CMDS>:
Sequence of commands separated by semicolons.
\begin_layout Description
Sample command-sequence cut;
self-insert {};
\begin_layout Description
Origin Andre,
11 Nov 1999
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Determine whether to keep cursor inside the editing window regardless of the scrollbar movement.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax toggle-cursor-follows-scrollbar
\begin_layout Description
Origin ARRae,
2 Dec 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Set debug output level.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax debug-level-set <LEVEL>
\begin_layout Description
Params <LEVEL>:
comma separated list of levels or the correspondent number of their combination.
0 is equivalent to disabling all debug events.
See lyx -dbg for the current list of debug levels and their numbers.
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
28 Dec 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action toggle a mode where more information is given in UI
\begin_layout Description
Notion in so called "devel" mode,
the information given in the status bar is more precise,
and the help documents are open in editing mode.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax devel-mode-toggle
\begin_layout Description
Origin lasgouttes,
23 Jul 2017
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Sets the cursor position in the previewed (dvi/pdf) file based on the row number in LyX window.
\begin_layout Description
Notion The external program used for forward search call can be specified in LyX Output preferences.
See Additional manual for details of these settings.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax forward-search
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
14 Apr 2010
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Apply the given settings to user preferences.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax lyxrc-apply <SETTINGS>
\begin_layout Description
Params <SETTINGS>:
settings which are to be set.
Take a look into ~/.lyx/preferences to get an idea which commands to use and their syntax.
lyx::LyXRC::LyXRCTags has the list of possible commands.
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Shows message in statusbar (for script purposes).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax message <STRING>
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
8 Apr 2001
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Simulate halting Meta key (Alt key on PCs).
\begin_layout Description
Notion Used for buffer edition not for GUI control.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax meta-prefix
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Save user preferences.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax preferences-save
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
27 Nov 1999
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Reconfigure the automatic settings.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax reconfigure
\begin_layout Description
Origin Asger,
14 Feb 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Enables/disables searching for features in findadv
\begin_layout Description
Syntax search-ignore <type> <value>
\begin_layout Description
Params <type>:
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Returns path and file name of the currently edited document.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax server-get-filename
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Returns the current layout (that is environment) name on the cursor position.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax server-get-layout
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Returns the statistics (number of words and characters) in the document or in the given selection.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Note that this function gives the number of words/chars written,
not the number of characters which will be typeset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax server-get-statistics [<TYPE>]
\begin_layout Description
Params <TYPE>:
<words|chars|chars-space> The requested count;
if not specified,
the three values are returned,
separated by a space.
\begin_inset Newline newline
count words.
\begin_inset Newline newline
count characters.
\begin_inset Newline newline
count characters and spaces.
\begin_layout Description
Origin brokenclock,
Oct 10 2014
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Returns the coordinates of cursor position in the editing area.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax server-get-xy
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Sets the cursor position in LyX based on the row number of generated TeX file.
\begin_layout Description
Notion This can be useful for DVI inverse-search or detection of the problematic line from LaTeX compilation.
Note that before this function can be used export to LaTeX output must occur (in order to map the row numbers).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax server-goto-file-row <FILE[.ext]> <ROW_NUMBER>
\begin_layout Description
Params <FILE>:
the path and filename.
Environment variables are expanded in the path.
In case this LFUN does not work make sure you are giving correct path to the file.
\begin_inset Newline newline
If the file is located inside LyX temporary directory it will be mapped back into the appropriate opened buffer (e.g.
for the case of generated .tex file).
\begin_inset Newline newline
extensions will be automatically replaced by .lyx.
\begin_inset Newline newline
<ROW_NUMBER> The row number of the LaTeX file to which to go.
\begin_layout Description
Sample server-goto-file-row /home/user/example.lyx 41
\begin_inset Newline newline
server-goto-file-row /tmp/lyx_tmpdir.XM3088/lyx_tmpbuf0/example.tex 41
\begin_layout Description
Origin Edmar,
23 Dec 1998
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Sends notify message about the last key-sequence to client.
\begin_layout Description
Notion This can be used to grab last key-sequence used inside the LyX window.
See also Debug extensions section in Additional features manual.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax server-notify
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Sets the cursor position based on the editing area coordinates (similar to clicking on that point with left mouse button).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax server-set-xy <X> <Y>
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Set the given LyX color to the color defined by the X11 name given,
and optionally a specific color for dark mode.
\begin_layout Description
Notion A new color entry is created if the color is unknown.
Color names can be stored as a part of user settings.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax set-color <LYX_NAME> <X11_NAME> [<X11_DARKNAME>]
\begin_layout Description
Origin SLior,
11 Jun 2000
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Count the statistics (number of words and characters) in the document or in the given selection and display it in a dialog box.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Note that this function gives the number of words/chars written,
not the number of characters which will be typeset.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax statistics
\begin_layout Description
Origin lasgouttes,
Jan 27 2004;
Jan 8 2008
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Checks-in/commits the changes of the registered file to the repository.
\begin_layout Description
Notion In RCS case this also unlocks the file.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax vc-check-in
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
1 Jul 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Checks-out the document for edit (and locks it in some cases).
\begin_layout Description
Syntax vc-check-out
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
1 Jul 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Executes external command.
This command is intended to support additional VCS commands.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax vc-command <FLAG> <PATH> <COMMAND>
\begin_layout Description
Params <FLAG>:
Flags for the command can be combined together.
\begin_inset Newline newline
U - dUmmy - no flags
\begin_inset Newline newline
D - Doc - need document loaded to proceed
\begin_inset Newline newline
I - dIrty - mark document dirty
\begin_inset Newline newline
R - Reload - ensure that the document is saved and reload it after command execution
\begin_inset Newline newline
M - Message - ask for input string (commit message)
\begin_inset Newline newline
path where to start.
$$p will be replaced by the current document path.
\begin_inset Newline newline
command to execute.
$$i/$$p/$$m will be replaced by the current document(with absolute path)/path/message.
\begin_layout Description
Sample vc-command DR $$p "svn up"
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
13 Jan 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Compares two revisions of the same file under version control.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax vc-compare [<REV1>] [<REV2>]
\begin_layout Description
Params Revision number either points directly to commit in history or if negative number -x it points to (last commit - x).
\begin_inset Newline newline
In RCS we subtract only in the last number of revision specification.
Special case "0" is reserved for the last committed revision.
\begin_inset Newline newline
Older file.
\begin_inset Newline newline
Newer file.
Used only if REV1 > 0.
\begin_inset Newline newline
If no parameter is given,
interactive dialog will be shown.
\begin_layout Description
Sample Compare current document against last commit
\begin_inset Newline newline
vc-compare 0
\begin_inset Newline newline
Compare current document against current revision - 5 commits
\begin_inset Newline newline
vc-compare -5
\begin_inset Newline newline
Compare revisions 120 and 155
\begin_inset Newline newline
vc-compare 120 155
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
12 Feb 2010
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Copies the document to another name.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Copying with revision history is only supported by SVN.
For RCS and CVS it is simulated by adding the document under a new name.
Disabled if uncommitted changes exist.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax vc-copy <FILENAME>
\begin_layout Description
Params <FILENAME>:
New name of the document.
\begin_inset Newline newline
A file dialog is opened if no filename is given.
\begin_layout Description
Origin gb,
05 Feb 2013
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Toggles the locking property of the edited file.
\begin_layout Description
Notion This is currently implemented only for SVN.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax vc-locking-toggle
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
25 Jun 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Register the document as an file inside version control system.
\begin_layout Description
Notion File is registered inside cvs,
svn or rcs repository acording to the existence of cvs/svn/rcs entries in the document's directory.
\begin_inset Newline newline
See LyX Additional Features Manual (Version Control Chapter) for additional information.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax vc-register
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
1 Jul 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Renames the document to another name.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Renaming with revision history is only supported by SVN.
For CVS it is simulated by adding the document under a new name and deleting the old one.
For RCS it is not supported.
Disabled if uncommitted changes exist.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax vc-rename <FILENAME>
\begin_layout Description
Params <FILENAME>:
New name of the document.
\begin_inset Newline newline
A file dialog is opened if no filename is given.
\begin_layout Description
Origin gb,
05 Feb 2013
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Update the local archive directory in which resides the current document with the remote repository.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax vc-repo-update
\begin_layout Description
Origin sanda,
16 Oct 2009
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Reverts the document to the last check-in/commit in VCS.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax vc-revert
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
1 Jul 1997
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Undo last check-in.
\begin_layout Description
Notion This is currently implemented only for RCS.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax vc-check-out
\begin_layout Description
Origin Lgb,
1 Jul 1997
\begin_layout Section
Hidden Functions (not listed for configuration)
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Return the current key sequence and available options as a string.
\begin_layout Description
Notion No options are added if no current map exists.
\begin_inset Newline newline
This is probably usable only with connection to lyxserver.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax command-prefix
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Activates the LyX window.
\begin_layout Description
Notion On Linux and Mac OS,
this action brings the LyX window into focus.
Such behavior is not allowed by Windows OS so instead the color of the taskbar entry is changed to indicate that the window has changed in some way.
This action is useful in combination with reverse search.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax lyx-activate
\begin_layout Description
Origin skostysh,
4 Aug 2016
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Inserts the given string (accordingly to the correct keymap).
\begin_layout Description
Notion Automatically replace the currently selected text.
Depends on lyxrc settings "auto_region_delete".
\begin_layout Description
Syntax self-insert <STRING>
\begin_layout Subsection*
\begin_layout Description
Action Raises the LyX window.
\begin_layout Description
Notion Brings the LyX window to the front.
Such behavior is allowed on Windows only when no other application has focus.
This action is used when LyX is in single instance mode.
\begin_layout Description
Syntax window-raise
\begin_layout Description
Origin forenr,
21 Apr 2020