Lars Gullik Bjønnes 7670f99a23 extern c on error_handler
git-svn-id: svn:// a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2000-04-14 17:20:16 +00:00

621 lines
16 KiB

/* This file is part of
* ======================================================
* LyX, The Document Processor
* Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich
* Copyright 1995-2000 The LyX Team.
* ====================================================== */
#include <config.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <csignal>
#include "version.h"
#include "lyx_main.h"
#include "lyx_gui.h"
#include "lyx_gui_misc.h"
#include "lyxrc.h"
#include "support/path.h"
#include "support/filetools.h"
#include "bufferlist.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "support/FileInfo.h"
#include "lastfiles.h"
#include "intl.h"
#include "lyxserver.h"
#include "layout.h"
#include "gettext.h"
#include "kbmap.h"
using std::endl;
extern void LoadLyXFile(string const &);
string system_lyxdir;
string build_lyxdir;
string system_tempdir;
string user_lyxdir; // Default $HOME/.lyx
// Should this be kept global? Asger says Yes.
DebugStream lyxerr;
LastFiles * lastfiles;
// This is the global bufferlist object
BufferList bufferlist;
LyXServer * lyxserver = 0;
// this should be static, but I need it in buffer.C
bool finished = false; // flag, that we are quitting the program
// convenient to have it here.
kb_keymap * toplevel_keymap;
LyX::LyX(int * argc, char * argv[])
// Prevent crash with --help
lyxGUI = 0;
lastfiles = 0;
// Here we need to parse the command line. At least
// we need to parse for "-dbg" and "-help"
bool gui = easyParse(argc, argv);
// Global bindings (this must be done as early as possible.) (Lgb)
toplevel_keymap = new kb_keymap;
// Fill the toplevel_keymap with some defaults
for (LyXRC::Bindings::const_iterator cit = lyxrc.bindings.begin();
cit != lyxrc.bindings.end(); ++cit) {
toplevel_keymap->bind((*cit).first.c_str(), (*cit).second);
// Make the GUI object, and let it take care of the
// command line arguments that concerns it.
lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "Initializing LyXGUI..." << endl;
lyxGUI = new LyXGUI(this, argc, argv, gui);
lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "Initializing LyXGUI...done" << endl;
// Initialization of LyX (reads lyxrc and more)
lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "Initializing LyX::init..." << endl;
init(argc, argv, gui);
lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "Initializing LyX::init...done" << endl;
// Load the files specified in the command line.
// Now the GUI and LyX have taken care of their arguments, so
// the only thing left on the command line should be
// filenames.
if ((*argc) == 2)
lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "Opening document..." << endl;
else if ((*argc) > 2)
lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "Opening documents..." << endl;
Buffer * last_loaded = 0;
for (int argi = (*argc) - 1; argi >= 1; --argi) {
Buffer * loadb = bufferlist.loadLyXFile(argv[argi]);
if (loadb != 0) {
last_loaded = loadb;
if (first_start) {
string splash = i18nLibFileSearch("examples", "splash.lyx");
lyxerr.debug() << "Opening splash document "
<< splash << "..." << endl;
Buffer * loadb = bufferlist.loadLyXFile(splash);
if (loadb != 0) {
last_loaded = loadb;
if (last_loaded != 0) {
lyxerr.debug() << "Yes we loaded some files." << endl;
if (lyxrc.use_gui)
// Execute batch commands if available
if (!batch_command.empty() && last_loaded) {
lyxerr << "About to handle -x '" << batch_command << "'" << endl;
//Buffer buffer("Script Buffer");
lyxerr << "We are done!" << endl;
return; // Maybe we could do something more clever than aborting..
// Let the ball begin...
// A destructor is always necessary (asierra-970604)
delete lastfiles;
delete lyxGUI;
extern "C" void error_handler(int err_sig);
void LyX::init(int */*argc*/, char **argv, bool gui)
// Install the signal handlers
signal(SIGHUP, error_handler);
signal(SIGFPE, error_handler);
signal(SIGSEGV, error_handler);
signal(SIGINT, error_handler);
signal(SIGTERM, error_handler);
// Determine path of binary
string fullbinpath;
string binpath = subst(argv[0], '\\', '/');
string binname = OnlyFilename(argv[0]);
// Sorry for system specific code. (SMiyata)
if (suffixIs(binname, ".exe"))
binname.erase(binname.length()-4, string::npos);
binpath = ExpandPath(binpath); // This expands ./ and ~/
if (!AbsolutePath(binpath)) {
string binsearchpath = GetEnvPath("PATH");
// This will make "src/lyx" work always :-)
binsearchpath += ";.";
binpath = FileOpenSearch(binsearchpath, argv[0]);
fullbinpath = binpath;
binpath = MakeAbsPath(OnlyPath(binpath));
// In case we are running in place and compiled with shared libraries
if (suffixIs(binpath, "/.libs/"))
binpath.erase(binpath.length()-6, string::npos);
if (binpath.empty()) {
lyxerr << _("Warning: could not determine path of binary.")
<< "\n"
<< _("If you have problems, try starting LyX with an absolute path.")
<< endl;
lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "Path of binary: " << binpath << endl;
// Determine system directory.
// Directories are searched in this order:
// 1) -sysdir command line parameter
// 2) LYX_DIR_11x environment variable
// 3) Maybe <path of binary>/TOP_SRCDIR/lib
// 4) <path of binary>/../share/<name of binary>/
// 4a) repeat 4 after following the Symlink if <path of
// binary> is a symbolic link.
// 5) hardcoded lyx_dir
// The directory is checked for the presence of the file
// "chkconfig.ltx", and if that is present, the directory
// is accepted as the system directory.
// If no chkconfig.ltx file is found, a warning is given,
// and the hardcoded lyx_dir is used.
// If we had a command line switch, system_lyxdir is already set
string searchpath;
if (!system_lyxdir.empty())
searchpath= MakeAbsPath(system_lyxdir) + ';';
// LYX_DIR_11x environment variable
string lyxdir = GetEnvPath("LYX_DIR_11x");
if (!lyxdir.empty()) {
lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "LYX_DIR_11x: " << lyxdir << endl;
searchpath += lyxdir + ';';
// <path of binary>/TOP_SRCDIR/lib
build_lyxdir = MakeAbsPath("../lib", binpath);
if (!FileSearch(build_lyxdir, "lyxrc.defaults").empty()) {
searchpath += MakeAbsPath(AddPath(TOP_SRCDIR, "lib"),
binpath) + ';';
lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "Checking whether LyX is run in "
"place... yes" << endl;
} else {
<< "Checking whether LyX is run in place... no"
<< endl;
bool FollowLink;
do {
// Path of binary/../share/name of binary/
searchpath += NormalizePath(AddPath(binpath, "../share/") +
OnlyFilename(binname)) + ';';
// Follow Symlinks
FileInfo file(fullbinpath, true);
FollowLink = file.isLink();
if (FollowLink) {
string Link;
if (LyXReadLink(fullbinpath, Link)) {
fullbinpath = Link;
binpath = MakeAbsPath(OnlyPath(fullbinpath));
else {
FollowLink = false;
} while (FollowLink);
// Hardcoded dir
searchpath += LYX_DIR;
// If debugging, show complete search path
lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "System directory search path: "
<< searchpath << endl;
string const filename = "chkconfig.ltx";
string temp = FileOpenSearch(searchpath, filename, string());
system_lyxdir = OnlyPath(temp);
// Reduce "path/../path" stuff out of system directory
system_lyxdir = NormalizePath(system_lyxdir);
bool path_shown = false;
// Warn if environment variable is set, but unusable
if (!lyxdir.empty()) {
if (system_lyxdir != NormalizePath(lyxdir)) {
lyxerr <<_("LYX_DIR_11x environment variable no good.")
<< '\n'
<< _("System directory set to: ")
<< system_lyxdir << endl;
path_shown = true;
// Warn the user if we couldn't find "chkconfig.ltx"
if (system_lyxdir == "./") {
lyxerr <<_("LyX Warning! Couldn't determine system directory.")
<<_("Try the '-sysdir' command line parameter or")
<<_("set the environment variable LYX_DIR_11x to the "
"LyX system directory")
<< _("containing the file `chkconfig.ltx'.") << endl;
if (!path_shown)
lyxerr << _("Using built-in default ")
<< LYX_DIR << _(" but expect problems.")
<< endl;
lyxerr << _("Expect problems.") << endl;
system_lyxdir = LYX_DIR;
path_shown = true;
// Report the system directory if debugging is on
if (!path_shown)
lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "System directory: '"
<< system_lyxdir << '\'' << endl;
// Determine user lyx-dir
user_lyxdir = AddPath(GetEnvPath("HOME"), string(".") + PACKAGE);
lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "User LyX directory: '"
<< user_lyxdir << '\'' << endl;
// Check that user LyX directory is ok.
// Load the layouts first
lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "Reading layouts..." << endl;
// Shine up lyxrc defaults
// Default template path: system_dir/templates
if (lyxrc.template_path.empty()){
lyxrc.template_path = AddPath(system_lyxdir, "templates");
// Default lastfiles file: $HOME/.lyx/lastfiles
if (lyxrc.lastfiles.empty()){
lyxrc.lastfiles = AddName(user_lyxdir, "lastfiles");
// Disable gui when either lyxrc or easyparse says so
if (!gui)
lyxrc.use_gui = false;
// Calculate screen dpi as average of x-DPI and y-DPI:
if (lyxrc.use_gui) {
lyxrc.dpi = getScreenDPI();
lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "DPI setting detected to be "
<< lyxrc.dpi + 0.5 << endl;
} else {
lyxrc.dpi = 1; // I hope this is safe
// Read configuration files
// Ensure that we have really read a bind file, so that LyX is
// usable.
if (!lyxrc.hasBindFile)
if (lyxerr.debugging(Debug::LYXRC)) {
// Create temp directory
system_tempdir = CreateLyXTmpDir(lyxrc.tempdir_path);
if (lyxerr.debugging(Debug::INIT)) {
lyxerr << "LyX tmp dir: `" << system_tempdir << '\'' << endl;
// load the lastfiles mini-database
lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "Reading lastfiles `"
<< lyxrc.lastfiles << "'..." << endl;
lastfiles = new LastFiles(lyxrc.lastfiles,
// start up the lyxserver. (is this a bit early?) (Lgb)
// 0.12 this will be way to early, we need the GUI to be initialized
// first, so move it for now.
// lyxserver = new LyXServer;
// This one is not allowed to use anything on the main form, since that
// one does not exist yet. (Asger)
void LyX::queryUserLyXDir()
// Does user directory exist?
FileInfo fileInfo(user_lyxdir);
if (fileInfo.isOK() && fileInfo.isDir()) {
first_start = false;
} else {
first_start = true;
// Nope
if (!AskQuestion(_("You don't have a personal LyX directory."),
_("It is needed to keep your own configuration."),
_("Should I try to set it up for you (recommended)?"))) {
lyxerr << _("Running without personal LyX directory.") << endl;
// No, let's use $HOME instead.
user_lyxdir = GetEnvPath("HOME");
// Tell the user what is going on
lyxerr << _("LyX: Creating directory ") << user_lyxdir
<< _(" and running configure...") << endl;
// Create directory structure
if (!createDirectory(user_lyxdir, 0755)) {
// Failed, let's use $HOME instead.
user_lyxdir = GetEnvPath("HOME");
lyxerr << _("Failed. Will use ") << user_lyxdir
<< _(" instead.") << endl;
// Run configure in user lyx directory
Path p(user_lyxdir);
system(AddName(system_lyxdir, "configure").c_str());
lyxerr << "LyX: " << _("Done!") << endl;
// Read the rc file `name'
void LyX::ReadRcFile(string const & name)
lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "About to read " << name << "..." << endl;
string lyxrc_path = LibFileSearch(string(), name);
if (!lyxrc_path.empty()){
lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "Found " << name
<< " in " << lyxrc_path << endl;
if ( < 0) {
WriteAlert(_("LyX Warning!"),
_("Error while reading ")+lyxrc_path+".",
_("Using built-in defaults."));
} else
lyxerr[Debug::INIT] << "Could not find " << name << endl;
// Set debugging level and report result to user
void setDebuggingLevel(string const & dbgLevel)
lyxerr << _("Setting debug level to ") << dbgLevel << endl;
Debug::showLevel(lyxerr, lyxerr.level());
// Give command line help
void commandLineHelp()
lyxerr << "LyX " LYX_VERSION << " of " LYX_RELEASE << endl;
lyxerr <<
_("Usage: lyx [ command line switches ] [ name.lyx ... ]\n"
"Command line switches (case sensitive):\n"
"\t-help summarize LyX usage\n"
"\t-sysdir x try to set system directory to x\n"
"\t-width x set the width of the main window\n"
"\t-height y set the height of the main window\n"
"\t-xpos x set the x position of the main window\n"
"\t-ypos y set the y position of the main window\n"
"\t-dbg feature[,feature]...\n"
" select the features to debug.\n"
" Type `lyx -dbg' to see the list of features\n"
"Check the LyX man page for more options.") << endl;
bool LyX::easyParse(int * argc, char * argv[])
bool gui = true;
for(int i = 1; i < *argc; ++i) {
string arg = argv[i];
// Check for -dbg int
if (arg == "-dbg") {
if (i + 1 < *argc) {
setDebuggingLevel(argv[i + 1]);
// Now, remove these two arguments by shifting
// the following two places down.
(*argc) -= 2;
for (int j = i; j < (*argc); ++j)
argv[j] = argv[j + 2];
--i; // After shift, check this number again.
} else {
lyxerr << _("List of supported debug flags:")
<< endl;
// Check for "-sysdir"
else if (arg == "-sysdir") {
if (i + 1 < *argc) {
system_lyxdir = argv[i + 1];
// Now, remove these two arguments by shifting
// the following two places down.
(*argc) -= 2;
for (int j= i; j < (*argc); ++j)
argv[j] = argv[j + 2];
--i; // After shift, check this number again.
} else
lyxerr << _("Missing directory for -sysdir switch!")
<< endl;
// Check for --help or -help
} else if (arg == "--help" || arg == "-help") {
// Check for "-nw": No XWindows as for emacs this should
// give a LyX that could be used in a terminal window.
//else if (arg == "-nw") {
// gui = false;
// Check for "-x": Execute commands
else if (arg == "-x" || arg == "--execute") {
if (i + 1 < *argc) {
batch_command = string(argv[i + 1]);
// Now, remove these two arguments by shifting
// the following two places down.
(*argc) -= 2;
for (int j = i; j < (*argc); ++j)
argv[j] = argv[j + 2];
--i; // After shift, check this number again.
lyxerr << _("Missing command string after -x switch!") << endl;
// Argh. Setting gui to false segfaults..
//gui = false;
else if (arg == "-e" || arg == "--export") {
if (i + 1 < *argc) {
string type(argv[i+1]);
(*argc) -= 2;
for (int j = i; j < (*argc); ++j)
argv[j] = argv[j + 2];
--i; // After shift, check this number again.
if (type == "tex")
type = "latex";
else if (type == "ps")
type = "postscript";
else if (type == "text" || type == "txt")
type = "ascii";
if (type == "latex" || type == "postscript"
|| type == "ascii" || type == "html")
batch_command = "buffer-export " + type;
lyxerr << _("Unknown file type '")
<< type << _("' after ")
<< arg << _(" switch!") << endl;
} else
lyxerr << _("Missing file type [eg latex, "
"ps...] after ")
<< arg << _(" switch!") << endl;
return gui;
extern "C"
void error_handler(int err_sig)
switch (err_sig) {
case SIGHUP:
lyxerr << "\nlyx: SIGHUP signal caught" << endl;
case SIGINT:
// no comments
case SIGFPE:
lyxerr << "\nlyx: SIGFPE signal caught" << endl;
lyxerr << "\nlyx: SIGSEGV signal caught" << endl;
lyxerr <<
"Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX."
" If possible, please read 'Known bugs'\n"
"under the Help menu and then send us "
"a full bug report. Thanks!" << endl;
// no comments
// Deinstall the signal handlers
signal(SIGHUP, SIG_DFL);
signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
signal(SIGFPE, SIG_DFL);
lyxerr << "Bye." << endl;
if(err_sig!= SIGHUP && (!GetEnv("LYXDEBUG").empty() || err_sig == SIGSEGV))