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// -*- C++ -*-
* \file InsetMathGrid.h
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author André Pönitz
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#ifndef MATH_GRID_H
#define MATH_GRID_H
#include "InsetMathNest.h"
#include "support/Length.h"
#include <map>
namespace lyx {
class BufferView;
/** Gridded math inset base class.
* This is the base to all grid-like editable math objects
class InsetMathGrid : public InsetMathNest {
enum Multicolumn {
/// A normal cell
/// A multicolumn cell. The number of columns is <tt>1 + number
/// of CELL_PART_OF_MULTICOLUMN cells</tt> that follow directly
/// This is a dummy cell (part of a multicolumn cell)
/// additional per-cell information
struct CellInfo {
/// multicolumn flag
Multicolumn multi = CELL_NORMAL;
/// special multi columns alignment
docstring align;
/// additional per-row information
struct RowInfo {
int skipPixels(MetricsInfo const & mi) const;
/// cached descent
mutable int descent = 0;
/// cached ascent
mutable int ascent = 0;
/// cached offset for each bufferview
mutable std::map<BufferView const *, int> offset;
/// how many hlines above this row?
unsigned int lines = 0;
/// parameter to the line break
Length crskip;
/// extra distance between lines
int skip = 0;
/// Is a page break allowed after this row?
bool allow_newpage = true;
// additional per-row information
struct ColInfo {
/// currently possible: 'l', 'c', 'r'
char align = 'c';
/// cached width
mutable int width = 0;
/// cached offset
mutable int offset = 0;
/// how many lines to the left of this column?
unsigned int lines = 0;
/// additional amount to the right to be skipped when drawing
int skip = 0;
/// Special alignment.
/// This does also contain align_ and lines_ if it is nonempty.
/// It needs to be in sync with align_ and lines_ because some
/// code only uses align_ and lines_.
docstring special;
/// sets nrows and ncols to 1, vertical alignment to 'c'
explicit InsetMathGrid(Buffer * buf);
/// Note: columns first!
InsetMathGrid(Buffer * buf, col_type m, row_type n);
InsetMathGrid(Buffer * buf, col_type m, row_type n, char valign,
docstring const & halign);
marker_type marker(BufferView const *) const override { return marker_type::MARKER2; }
void metrics(MetricsInfo & mi, Dimension &) const override;
void draw(PainterInfo & pi, int x, int y) const override;
void metricsT(TextMetricsInfo const & mi, Dimension & dim) const override;
void drawT(TextPainter & pi, int x, int y) const override;
void updateBuffer(ParIterator const &, UpdateType, bool const deleted = false) override;
/// extract number of columns from alignment string
static col_type guessColumns(docstring const & halign);
/// accepts some LaTeX column codes: p,m,!,@,M,<,>
void setHorizontalAlignments(docstring const & align);
void setHorizontalAlignment(char c, col_type col);
char horizontalAlignment(col_type col) const;
docstring horizontalAlignments() const;
/// 't', 'b', or 'm'
void setVerticalAlignment(char c);
char verticalAlignment() const;
void vcrskip(Length const &, row_type row);
Length vcrskip(row_type row) const;
void resize(short int type, col_type cols);
const RowInfo & rowinfo(row_type row) const;
/// returns topmost row if passed (-1)
RowInfo & rowinfo(row_type row);
const CellInfo & cellinfo(idx_type idx) const { return cellinfo_[idx]; }
CellInfo & cellinfo(idx_type idx) { return cellinfo_[idx]; }
/// identifies GridInset
InsetMathGrid * asGridInset() override { return this; }
/// identifies GridInset
InsetMathGrid const * asGridInset() const override { return this; }
bool isTable() const override { return true; }
col_type ncols() const override;
row_type nrows() const override;
col_type col(idx_type idx) const override;
row_type row(idx_type idx) const override;
/// number of columns of cell \p idx
col_type ncellcols(idx_type idx) const;
bool idxUpDown(Cursor &, bool up) const override;
bool idxBackward(Cursor &) const override;
bool idxForward(Cursor &) const override;
idx_type firstIdx() const override;
idx_type lastIdx() const override;
bool idxDelete(idx_type & idx) override;
/// pulls cell after pressing erase
void idxGlue(idx_type idx) override;
/// add a row, one row down
virtual void addRow(row_type r);
/// delete a row
virtual void delRow(row_type r);
/// copy a row
virtual void copyRow(row_type r);
/// swap two rows
virtual void swapRow(row_type r);
/// add a column, here
virtual void addCol(col_type c);
/// delete a column
virtual void delCol(col_type c);
/// copy a column
virtual void copyCol(col_type c);
/// swap two columns
virtual void swapCol(col_type c);
idx_type index(row_type r, col_type c) const override;
bool idxBetween(idx_type idx, idx_type from, idx_type to) const override;
virtual int defaultColSpace(col_type) { return 0; }
virtual char defaultColAlign(col_type) { return 'c'; }
void setDefaults();
bool interpretString(Cursor & cur, docstring const & str) override;
virtual int colsep() const;
virtual int rowsep() const;
virtual int hlinesep() const;
virtual int vlinesep() const;
virtual int border() const;
virtual bool handlesMulticolumn() const { return false; }
void write(TeXMathStream & os) const override;
void write(TeXMathStream & os,
row_type beg_row, col_type beg_col,
row_type end_row, col_type end_col) const;
void normalize(NormalStream &) const override;
//void maple(MapleStream &) const override;
void mathmlize(MathMLStream &) const override;
void htmlize(HtmlStream &) const override;
void htmlize(HtmlStream &, std::string const & attrib) const;
void validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const override;
//void octave(OctaveStream &) const override;
void doDispatch(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest & cmd) override;
bool getStatus(Cursor & cur, FuncRequest const & cmd,
FuncStatus & flag) const override;
/// returns x offset of cell compared to inset
int cellXOffset(BufferView const &, idx_type idx) const;
/// returns y offset of cell compared to inset
int cellYOffset(BufferView const &, idx_type idx) const;
/// Width of cell, taking combined columns into account
int cellWidth(idx_type idx) const;
virtual int leftMargin() const { return 0; }
virtual int rightMargin() const { return 0; }
/// returns proper 'end of line' code for LaTeX
virtual docstring eolString(row_type row, bool fragile, bool latex,
bool last_eoln) const;
/// returns proper 'end of column' code for LaTeX
virtual docstring eocString(col_type col, col_type lastcol) const;
/// splits cells and shifts right part to the next cell
void splitCell(Cursor & cur);
/// Column alignment for display of cell \p idx.
/// Must not be written to file!
virtual char displayColAlign(idx_type idx) const;
/// Column spacing for display of column \p col.
/// Must not be written to file!
virtual int displayColSpace(col_type col) const;
// The following two functions are used in InsetMathHull and
// InsetMathSplit.
/// The value of a fixed col align for a certain hull type (can
/// depend on the "indent math" setting).
char colAlign(HullType type, col_type col) const;
/// The value of a fixed col spacing for a certain hull type
static int colSpace(HullType type, col_type col);
/// positions of vertical and horizontal lines
int vLineHOffset(col_type col, unsigned int line) const;
int hLineVOffset(BufferView const &, row_type row, unsigned int line) const;
InsetCode lyxCode() const override { return MATH_GRID_CODE; }
/// row info.
/// rowinfo_[nrows()] is a dummy row used only for hlines.
std::vector<RowInfo> rowinfo_;
/// column info.
/// colinfo_[ncols()] is a dummy column used only for vlines.
std::vector<ColInfo> colinfo_;
/// cell info
std::vector<CellInfo> cellinfo_;
char v_align_; // FIXME: add approp. type
Inset * clone() const override;
} // namespace lyx