2019-03-19 10:56:06 +01:00


The examples directory has the following structure


Please use the layout category (with identical spelling to assure translation)
as category subdirectory (e.g., "Letters"). See \DeclareCategory entry of the
layout which corresponds to your example. Substitute blanks by '_'.

If your example consists of one file only, and if there are no further examples
relating to your layout yet, use the layout name, as defined in \DeclareLaTeXClass,
as file name. Substitute blanks by '_' (e.g., My_Layout.lyx). In any case, use
a verbose, transparent name (do not use insider acronyms as file names).

If your example consists of multiple files, use an additional subdirectory.
Use the layout name, as defined in \DeclareLaTeXClass, as subcategory subfolder
name. Substitute blanks by '_' (e.g., My_Layout). Give the files verbose,
transparent names that clarify the function of the respective file in the examples
bundle. Use '_' instead of blanks.

The optional language subdirectory that immediately follows examples/ uses the
language code (e.g., 'de' for German). Use this if you provide a translation of
an existing English example.
The language subdirectory expands to the same subfolders than the English version
and uses the same [English) filename (e.g., examples/Letters/myletter.lyx > 

If you add a new (sub)folder, you must create a new entry in Makefile.am.