mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 05:25:55 +00:00
This was a regression of 0c093a6264
. The crash was found by the tex2lyx
test case test-insets.tex: Running lyx -f main -e pdflatex test-insets.lyx.lyx
did crash. This is not a real fix, but will do for now since previews are not
needed in command line mode (I wonder why they are generated at all?) In the
long term, we need theApp() to return a console application in commandline
mode to eliminate the existing sifferences between export from GUI and
887 lines
21 KiB
887 lines
21 KiB
* \file PreviewLoader.cpp
* This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
* Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
* \author Angus Leeming
* Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS.
#include <config.h>
#include "PreviewLoader.h"
#include "PreviewImage.h"
#include "GraphicsCache.h"
#include "Buffer.h"
#include "BufferParams.h"
#include "Converter.h"
#include "Encoding.h"
#include "Format.h"
#include "InsetIterator.h"
#include "LaTeXFeatures.h"
#include "LyXRC.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "OutputParams.h"
#include "TexRow.h"
#include "frontends/Application.h" // hexName
#include "insets/Inset.h"
#include "support/convert.h"
#include "support/debug.h"
#include "support/FileName.h"
#include "support/filetools.h"
#include "support/ForkedCalls.h"
#include "support/lstrings.h"
#include "support/bind.h"
#include "support/TempFile.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <QTimer>
using namespace std;
using namespace lyx::support;
namespace {
typedef pair<string, FileName> SnippetPair;
// A list of all snippets to be converted to previews
typedef list<string> PendingSnippets;
// Each item in the vector is a pair<snippet, image file name>.
typedef vector<SnippetPair> BitmapFile;
FileName const unique_tex_filename(FileName const & bufferpath)
TempFile tempfile(bufferpath, "lyxpreviewXXXXXX.tex");
return tempfile.name();
lyx::Converter const * setConverter(string const & from)
typedef vector<string> FmtList;
typedef lyx::graphics::Cache GCache;
FmtList const & loadableFormats = GCache::get().loadableFormats();
FmtList::const_iterator it = loadableFormats.begin();
FmtList::const_iterator const end = loadableFormats.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
string const to = *it;
if (from == to)
lyx::Converter const * ptr = lyx::theConverters().getConverter(from, to);
if (ptr)
return ptr;
static bool first = true;
if (first) {
first = false;
<< "No converter from \"" << from << "\" format has been defined.");
return 0;
void setAscentFractions(vector<double> & ascent_fractions,
FileName const & metrics_file)
// If all else fails, then the images will have equal ascents and
// descents.
vector<double>::iterator it = ascent_fractions.begin();
vector<double>::iterator end = ascent_fractions.end();
fill(it, end, 0.5);
ifstream in(metrics_file.toFilesystemEncoding().c_str());
if (!in.good()) {
LYXERR(lyx::Debug::GRAPHICS, "setAscentFractions(" << metrics_file << ")\n"
<< "Unable to open file!");
bool error = false;
int snippet_counter = 1;
while (!in.eof() && it != end) {
string snippet;
int id;
double ascent_fraction;
in >> snippet >> id >> ascent_fraction;
if (!in.good())
// eof after all
error = snippet != "Snippet";
if (error)
error = id != snippet_counter;
if (error)
*it = ascent_fraction;
if (error) {
LYXERR(lyx::Debug::GRAPHICS, "setAscentFractions(" << metrics_file << ")\n"
<< "Error reading file!\n");
class FindFirst
FindFirst(string const & comp) : comp_(comp) {}
bool operator()(SnippetPair const & sp) const { return sp.first == comp_; }
string const comp_;
/// Store info on a currently executing, forked process.
class InProgress {
InProgress() : pid(0) {}
InProgress(string const & filename_base,
PendingSnippets const & pending,
string const & to_format);
/// Remove any files left lying around and kill the forked process.
void stop() const;
pid_t pid;
string command;
FileName metrics_file;
BitmapFile snippets;
typedef map<pid_t, InProgress> InProgressProcesses;
typedef InProgressProcesses::value_type InProgressProcess;
} // namespace anon
namespace lyx {
namespace graphics {
class PreviewLoader::Impl : public boost::signals::trackable {
Impl(PreviewLoader & p, Buffer const & b);
/// Stop any InProgress items still executing.
PreviewImage const * preview(string const & latex_snippet) const;
PreviewLoader::Status status(string const & latex_snippet) const;
void add(string const & latex_snippet);
void remove(string const & latex_snippet);
/// \p wait whether to wait for the process to complete or, instead,
/// to do it in the background.
void startLoading(bool wait = false);
void refreshPreviews();
/// Emit this signal when an image is ready for display.
boost::signal<void(PreviewImage const &)> imageReady;
Buffer const & buffer() const { return buffer_; }
/// Called by the ForkedCall process that generated the bitmap files.
void finishedGenerating(pid_t, int);
void dumpPreamble(otexstream &, OutputParams::FLAVOR) const;
void dumpData(odocstream &, BitmapFile const &) const;
/** cache_ allows easy retrieval of already-generated images
* using the LaTeX snippet as the identifier.
typedef shared_ptr<PreviewImage> PreviewImagePtr;
typedef map<string, PreviewImagePtr> Cache;
Cache cache_;
/** pending_ stores the LaTeX snippets in anticipation of them being
* sent to the converter.
PendingSnippets pending_;
/** in_progress_ stores all forked processes so that we can proceed
* thereafter.
The map uses the conversion commands as its identifiers.
InProgressProcesses in_progress_;
PreviewLoader & parent_;
Buffer const & buffer_;
mutable int font_scaling_factor_;
mutable int fg_color_;
mutable int bg_color_;
QTimer * delay_refresh_;
bool finished_generating_;
/// We don't own this
static lyx::Converter const * pconverter_;
lyx::Converter const * PreviewLoader::Impl::pconverter_;
// The public interface, defined in PreviewLoader.h
PreviewLoader::PreviewLoader(Buffer const & b)
: pimpl_(new Impl(*this, b))
delete pimpl_;
PreviewImage const * PreviewLoader::preview(string const & latex_snippet) const
return pimpl_->preview(latex_snippet);
PreviewLoader::Status PreviewLoader::status(string const & latex_snippet) const
return pimpl_->status(latex_snippet);
void PreviewLoader::add(string const & latex_snippet) const
void PreviewLoader::remove(string const & latex_snippet) const
void PreviewLoader::startLoading(bool wait) const
void PreviewLoader::refreshPreviews()
boost::signals::connection PreviewLoader::connect(slot_type const & slot) const
return pimpl_->imageReady.connect(slot);
void PreviewLoader::emitSignal(PreviewImage const & pimage) const
Buffer const & PreviewLoader::buffer() const
return pimpl_->buffer();
} // namespace graphics
} // namespace lyx
// The details of the Impl
// =======================
namespace {
class IncrementedFileName {
IncrementedFileName(string const & to_format,
string const & filename_base)
: to_format_(to_format), base_(filename_base), counter_(1)
SnippetPair const operator()(string const & snippet)
ostringstream os;
os << base_ << counter_++ << '.' << to_format_;
string const file = os.str();
return make_pair(snippet, FileName(file));
string const & to_format_;
string const & base_;
int counter_;
InProgress::InProgress(string const & filename_base,
PendingSnippets const & pending,
string const & to_format)
: pid(0),
metrics_file(filename_base + ".metrics"),
PendingSnippets::const_iterator pit = pending.begin();
PendingSnippets::const_iterator pend = pending.end();
BitmapFile::iterator sit = snippets.begin();
transform(pit, pend, sit,
IncrementedFileName(to_format, filename_base));
void InProgress::stop() const
if (pid)
ForkedCallsController::kill(pid, 0);
if (!metrics_file.empty())
BitmapFile::const_iterator vit = snippets.begin();
BitmapFile::const_iterator vend = snippets.end();
for (; vit != vend; ++vit) {
if (!vit->second.empty())
} // namespace anon
namespace lyx {
namespace graphics {
PreviewLoader::Impl::Impl(PreviewLoader & p, Buffer const & b)
: parent_(p), buffer_(b), finished_generating_(true)
font_scaling_factor_ = int(buffer_.fontScalingFactor());
if (theApp()) {
fg_color_ = strtol(theApp()->hexName(foregroundColor()).c_str(), 0, 16);
bg_color_ = strtol(theApp()->hexName(backgroundColor()).c_str(), 0, 16);
} else {
fg_color_ = 0x0;
bg_color_ = 0xffffff;
if (!pconverter_)
pconverter_ = setConverter("lyxpreview");
delay_refresh_ = new QTimer(&parent_);
QObject::connect(delay_refresh_, SIGNAL(timeout()),
&parent_, SLOT(refreshPreviews()));
delete delay_refresh_;
InProgressProcesses::iterator ipit = in_progress_.begin();
InProgressProcesses::iterator ipend = in_progress_.end();
for (; ipit != ipend; ++ipit)
PreviewImage const *
PreviewLoader::Impl::preview(string const & latex_snippet) const
int fs = int(buffer_.fontScalingFactor());
int fg = 0x0;
int bg = 0xffffff;
if (theApp()) {
fg = strtol(theApp()->hexName(foregroundColor()).c_str(), 0, 16);
bg = strtol(theApp()->hexName(backgroundColor()).c_str(), 0, 16);
if (font_scaling_factor_ != fs || fg_color_ != fg || bg_color_ != bg) {
// Schedule refresh of all previews on zoom or color changes.
// The previews are regenerated only after the zoom factor
// has not been changed for about 1 second.
fg_color_ = fg;
bg_color_ = bg;
// Don't try to access the cache until we are done.
if (delay_refresh_->isActive() || !finished_generating_)
return 0;
Cache::const_iterator it = cache_.find(latex_snippet);
return (it == cache_.end()) ? 0 : it->second.get();
void PreviewLoader::Impl::refreshPreviews()
font_scaling_factor_ = int(buffer_.fontScalingFactor());
// Reschedule refresh until the previous process completed.
if (!finished_generating_) {
Cache::const_iterator cit = cache_.begin();
Cache::const_iterator cend = cache_.end();
while (cit != cend)
finished_generating_ = false;
namespace {
class FindSnippet {
FindSnippet(string const & s) : snippet_(s) {}
bool operator()(InProgressProcess const & process) const
BitmapFile const & snippets = process.second.snippets;
BitmapFile::const_iterator beg = snippets.begin();
BitmapFile::const_iterator end = snippets.end();
return find_if(beg, end, FindFirst(snippet_)) != end;
string const snippet_;
} // namespace anon
PreviewLoader::Impl::status(string const & latex_snippet) const
Cache::const_iterator cit = cache_.find(latex_snippet);
if (cit != cache_.end())
return Ready;
PendingSnippets::const_iterator pit = pending_.begin();
PendingSnippets::const_iterator pend = pending_.end();
pit = find(pit, pend, latex_snippet);
if (pit != pend)
return InQueue;
InProgressProcesses::const_iterator ipit = in_progress_.begin();
InProgressProcesses::const_iterator ipend = in_progress_.end();
ipit = find_if(ipit, ipend, FindSnippet(latex_snippet));
if (ipit != ipend)
return Processing;
return NotFound;
void PreviewLoader::Impl::add(string const & latex_snippet)
if (!pconverter_ || status(latex_snippet) != NotFound)
string const snippet = trim(latex_snippet);
if (snippet.empty())
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "adding snippet:\n" << snippet);
namespace {
class EraseSnippet {
EraseSnippet(string const & s) : snippet_(s) {}
void operator()(InProgressProcess & process)
BitmapFile & snippets = process.second.snippets;
BitmapFile::iterator it = snippets.begin();
BitmapFile::iterator end = snippets.end();
it = find_if(it, end, FindFirst(snippet_));
if (it != end)
snippets.erase(it, it+1);
string const & snippet_;
} // namespace anon
void PreviewLoader::Impl::remove(string const & latex_snippet)
Cache::iterator cit = cache_.find(latex_snippet);
if (cit != cache_.end())
PendingSnippets::iterator pit = pending_.begin();
PendingSnippets::iterator pend = pending_.end();
pending_.erase(std::remove(pit, pend, latex_snippet), pend);
InProgressProcesses::iterator ipit = in_progress_.begin();
InProgressProcesses::iterator ipend = in_progress_.end();
for_each(ipit, ipend, EraseSnippet(latex_snippet));
while (ipit != ipend) {
InProgressProcesses::iterator curr = ipit++;
if (curr->second.snippets.empty())
void PreviewLoader::Impl::startLoading(bool wait)
if (pending_.empty() || !pconverter_)
// Only start the process off after the buffer is loaded from file.
if (!buffer_.isFullyLoaded())
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "PreviewLoader::startLoading()");
// As used by the LaTeX file and by the resulting image files
FileName const directory(buffer_.temppath());
FileName const latexfile = unique_tex_filename(directory);
string const filename_base = removeExtension(latexfile.absFileName());
// Create an InProgress instance to place in the map of all
// such processes if it starts correctly.
InProgress inprogress(filename_base, pending_, pconverter_->to());
// clear pending_, so we're ready to start afresh.
// Output the LaTeX file.
// we use the encoding of the buffer
Encoding const & enc = buffer_.params().encoding();
ofdocstream of;
try { of.reset(enc.iconvName()); }
catch (iconv_codecvt_facet_exception const & e) {
LYXERR0("Caught iconv exception: " << e.what()
<< "\nUnable to create LaTeX file: " << latexfile);
TexRow texrow;
otexstream os(of, texrow);
OutputParams runparams(&enc);
LaTeXFeatures features(buffer_, buffer_.params(), runparams);
if (!openFileWrite(of, latexfile))
if (!of) {
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "PreviewLoader::startLoading()\n"
<< "Unable to create LaTeX file\n" << latexfile);
of << "\\batchmode\n";
LYXERR(Debug::LATEX, "Format = " << buffer_.params().getDefaultOutputFormat());
string latexparam = "";
bool docformat = !buffer_.params().default_output_format.empty()
&& buffer_.params().default_output_format != "default";
// Use LATEX flavor if the document does not specify a specific
// output format (see bug 9371).
OutputParams::FLAVOR flavor = docformat
? buffer_.params().getOutputFlavor()
: OutputParams::LATEX;
if (buffer_.params().encoding().package() == Encoding::japanese) {
latexparam = " --latex=platex";
flavor = OutputParams::LATEX;
else if (buffer_.params().useNonTeXFonts) {
if (flavor == OutputParams::LUATEX)
latexparam = " --latex=lualatex";
else {
flavor = OutputParams::XETEX;
latexparam = " --latex=xelatex";
else {
switch (flavor) {
case OutputParams::PDFLATEX:
latexparam = " --latex=pdflatex";
case OutputParams::XETEX:
latexparam = " --latex=xelatex";
case OutputParams::LUATEX:
latexparam = " --latex=lualatex";
case OutputParams::DVILUATEX:
latexparam = " --latex=dvilualatex";
flavor = OutputParams::LATEX;
dumpPreamble(os, flavor);
// handle inputenc etc.
// I think, this is already hadled by dumpPreamble(): Kornel
// buffer_.params().writeEncodingPreamble(os, features);
of << "\n\\begin{document}\n";
dumpData(of, inprogress.snippets);
of << "\n\\end{document}\n";
if (of.fail()) {
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "PreviewLoader::startLoading()\n"
<< "File was not closed properly.");
// The conversion command.
ostringstream cs;
cs << pconverter_->command()
<< " " << quoteName(latexfile.toFilesystemEncoding())
<< " --dpi " << font_scaling_factor_;
// The colors should be customizable.
if (!buffer_.isExporting()) {
ColorCode const fg = PreviewLoader::foregroundColor();
ColorCode const bg = PreviewLoader::backgroundColor();
cs << " --fg " << theApp()->hexName(fg)
<< " --bg " << theApp()->hexName(bg);
cs << latexparam;
if (buffer_.params().bibtex_command != "default")
cs << " --bibtex=" << quoteName(buffer_.params().bibtex_command);
else if (buffer_.params().encoding().package() == Encoding::japanese)
cs << " --bibtex=" << quoteName(lyxrc.jbibtex_command);
cs << " --bibtex=" << quoteName(lyxrc.bibtex_command);
if (buffer_.params().bufferFormat() == "lilypond-book")
cs << " --lilypond";
string const command = cs.str();
if (wait) {
ForkedCall call(buffer_.filePath(), buffer_.layoutPos());
int ret = call.startScript(ForkedProcess::Wait, command);
static int fake = (2^20) + 1;
int pid = fake++;
inprogress.pid = pid;
inprogress.command = command;
in_progress_[pid] = inprogress;
finishedGenerating(pid, ret);
// Initiate the conversion from LaTeX to bitmap images files.
convert_ptr(new ForkedCall::SignalType);
convert_ptr->connect(bind(&Impl::finishedGenerating, this, _1, _2));
ForkedCall call(buffer_.filePath());
int ret = call.startScript(command, convert_ptr);
if (ret != 0) {
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "PreviewLoader::startLoading()\n"
<< "Unable to start process\n" << command);
// Store the generation process in a list of all such processes
inprogress.pid = call.pid();
inprogress.command = command;
in_progress_[inprogress.pid] = inprogress;
double PreviewLoader::displayPixelRatio() const
return buffer().params().display_pixel_ratio;
void PreviewLoader::Impl::finishedGenerating(pid_t pid, int retval)
// Paranoia check!
InProgressProcesses::iterator git = in_progress_.find(pid);
if (git == in_progress_.end()) {
lyxerr << "PreviewLoader::finishedGenerating(): unable to find "
"data for PID " << pid << endl;
finished_generating_ = true;
string const command = git->second.command;
string const status = retval > 0 ? "failed" : "succeeded";
LYXERR(Debug::GRAPHICS, "PreviewLoader::finishedInProgress("
<< retval << "): processing " << status
<< " for " << command);
if (retval > 0) {
finished_generating_ = true;
// Read the metrics file, if it exists
vector<double> ascent_fractions(git->second.snippets.size());
setAscentFractions(ascent_fractions, git->second.metrics_file);
// Add these newly generated bitmap files to the cache and
// start loading them into LyX.
BitmapFile::const_iterator it = git->second.snippets.begin();
BitmapFile::const_iterator end = git->second.snippets.end();
list<PreviewImagePtr> newimages;
int metrics_counter = 0;
for (; it != end; ++it, ++metrics_counter) {
string const & snip = it->first;
FileName const & file = it->second;
double af = ascent_fractions[metrics_counter];
// Add the image to the cache only if it's actually present
// and not empty (an empty image is signaled by af < 0)
if (af >= 0 && file.isReadableFile()) {
PreviewImagePtr ptr(new PreviewImage(parent_, snip, file, af));
cache_[snip] = ptr;
// Remove the item from the list of still-executing processes.
// Tell the outside world
nit = newimages.rbegin();
nend = newimages.rend();
for (; nit != nend; ++nit) {
finished_generating_ = true;
void PreviewLoader::Impl::dumpPreamble(otexstream & os, OutputParams::FLAVOR flavor) const
// Dump the preamble only.
LYXERR(Debug::LATEX, "dumpPreamble, flavor == " << flavor);
OutputParams runparams(&buffer_.params().encoding());
runparams.flavor = flavor;
runparams.nice = true;
runparams.moving_arg = true;
runparams.free_spacing = true;
runparams.is_child = buffer_.parent();
buffer_.writeLaTeXSource(os, buffer_.filePath(), runparams, Buffer::OnlyPreamble);
// FIXME! This is a HACK! The proper fix is to control the 'true'
// passed to WriteStream below:
// int InsetMathNest::latex(Buffer const &, odocstream & os,
// OutputParams const & runparams) const
// {
// WriteStream wi(os, runparams.moving_arg, true);
// par_->write(wi);
// return wi.line();
// }
os << "\n"
<< "\\def\\lyxlock{}\n"
<< "\n";
// All equation labels appear as "(#)" + preview.sty's rendering of
// the label name
if (lyxrc.preview_hashed_labels)
os << "\\renewcommand{\\theequation}{\\#}\n";
// Use the preview style file to ensure that each snippet appears on a
// fresh page.
// Also support PDF output (automatically generated e.g. when
// \usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref} is used and XeTeX.
os << "\n"
<< "\\usepackage[active,delayed,showlabels,lyx]{preview}\n"
<< "\n";
void PreviewLoader::Impl::dumpData(odocstream & os,
BitmapFile const & vec) const
if (vec.empty())
BitmapFile::const_iterator it = vec.begin();
BitmapFile::const_iterator end = vec.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
os << "\\begin{preview}\n"
<< from_utf8(it->first)
<< "\n\\end{preview}\n\n";
} // namespace graphics
} // namespace lyx
#include "moc_PreviewLoader.cpp"