Uwe Stöhr 98e9214e1c Installer: uninstaller fixes and infrastructure changes:
- the uninstaller is now ready for uninstalling without admin permissions
- uninstalling does now correctly work after using the Update installer

git-svn-id: svn://svn.lyx.org/lyx/lyx-devel/trunk@17857 a592a061-630c-0410-9148-cb99ea01b6c8
2007-04-19 00:55:52 +00:00

228 lines
7.8 KiB

; Uninstaller
; this function is called at first after starting the uninstaller
Function un.onInit
; Check that LyX is not currently running
FindProcDLL::FindProc "lyx.exe"
${if} $R0 == "1"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(UnInstallRunning)"
; set registry root key
StrCpy $Answer ""
!insertmacro IsUserAdmin $Answer $UserName ; macro from LyXUtils.nsh
${if} $Answer == "yes"
SetShellVarContext all
SetShellVarContext current
; Ascertain whether the user has sufficient privileges to uninstall.
; abort when LyX was installed with admin permissions but the user doesn't have administrator privileges
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "RootKey"
${if} $0 != ""
${andif} $Answer != "yes"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(UnNotAdminLabel)"
; abort when LyX couldn't be found in the registry
${if} $0 == "" ; check in HKCU
ReadRegStr $0 HKCU "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "RootKey"
${if} $0 == ""
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(UnNotInRegistryLabel)"
; Macro to investigate name of LyX's preferences folders to be able remove them
!insertmacro UnAppPreSuff $AppPre $AppSuff ; macro from LyXUtils.nsh
; test if Aspell was installed together with LyX
ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "Software\Aspell" "OnlyWithLyX" ; special entry to test if it was installed with LyX
${if} $0 == "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT}"
SectionSetText 2 "Aspell" ; names the corersponding uninstaller section (has the index "2" as it is the third section in Uninstall.nsh)
StrCpy $AspellInstallYes "Aspell"
SectionSetText 2 "" ; hides the corresponding uninstaller section
; test if MiKTeX was installed together with LyX
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\MiKTeX.org\MiKTeX" "OnlyWithLyX"
${if} $0 == "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT}"
SectionSetText 3 "MiKTeX" ; names the corersponding uninstaller section
StrCpy $MiKTeXInstalled "MiKTeX"
SectionSetText 3 "" ; hides the corresponding uninstaller section
; test if JabRef was installed together with LyX
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${JabRefVersion}" "OnlyWithLyX"
${if} $0 == "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT}"
SectionSetText 4 "JabRef" ; names the corersponding uninstaller section
StrCpy $JabRefInstalled "JabRef"
SectionSetText 4 "" ; hides the corresponding uninstaller section
; question message if the user really wants to uninstall LyX
MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 "$(UnReallyRemoveLabel)" IDYES +2 ; continue if yes
; ----------------------------------
Function un.onUninstSuccess
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK "$(UnRemoveSuccessLabel)"
; ----------------------------------
; Uninstall sections
Section "un.LyX" un.SecUnProgramFiles
SectionIn RO
; delete LaTeX class files that were installed together with LyX
FileOpen $R5 "$INSTDIR\Resources\uninstallPaths.dat" r
FileRead $R5 $LatexPath
FileClose $R5
StrCpy $String $LatexPath
StrCpy $Search "miktex\bin"
StrLen $3 $String
Call un.StrPoint ; search the LaTeXPath for the phrase "miktex\bin" (function from LyXUtils.nsh)
${if} $Pointer != "-1" ; if something was found
IntOp $Pointer $Pointer - 1 ; jump before the first "\" of "\miktex\bin"
StrCpy $String $String "$Pointer" ; $String is now the part before "\miktex\bin"
Delete "$String\tex\latex\cv.cls"
RMDir /r "$String\tex\latex\lyx"
RMDir /r "$String\tex\latex\revtex"
RMDir /r "$String\tex\latex\hollywood"
RMDir /r "$String\tex\latex\broadway"
ExecWait "$LatexPath\initexmf --update-fndb"
; delete LyX's installation folder
; delete start menu folder
ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "StartMenu"
RMDir /r "$0"
; delete desktop icon
; delete registry entries
DeleteRegKey HKCR "Applications\lyx.exe"
DeleteRegKey HKCR "Applications\lyx.bat"
; Aiksaurus
!insertmacro FileCheck $5 "meanings.dat" "${AiksaurusDir}" ; macro from LyXUtils.nsh
${if} $5 == "True"
RMDir /r "${AiksaurusDir}"
ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "Software\Aiksaurus" "OnlyWithLyX" ; special entry to test if it was installed with LyX
${if} $0 == "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT}"
; unregister Aiksaurus
ReadRegStr $1 SHCTX "Software\Aiksaurus" "Data Path"
RMDir /r "$1"
DeleteRegKey SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Aiksaurus"
; the following can only be done with admin permissions
${if} $Answer == "yes" ; if admin
; ImageMagick
ReadRegStr $0 SHCTX "Software\ImageMagick" "OnlyWithLyX" ; special entry to test if it was installed with LyX
${if} $0 == "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT}"
; unregister ImageMagick
DeleteRegValue SHCTX "SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications" "AutoRun"
DeleteRegKey SHCTX "SOFTWARE\ImageMagick"
; Ghostscript and GSview
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript" "OnlyWithLyX" ; special entry to test if it was installed with LyX
${if} $0 == "Yes${PRODUCT_VERSION_SHORT}"
; unregister Ghostscript
DeleteRegKey HKLM "SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript"
; test if GSview is installed
StrCpy $5 ""
EnumRegValue $5 HKLM "Software\Ghostgum\GSview" 0
${if} $5 != ""
; unregister GSview
ReadRegStr $3 HKLM "Software\Ghostgum\GSview" "$5"
ReadRegStr $4 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GSview $5" "UninstallString"
ExecWait "$4"
; MiKTeX specific LyX setting
DeleteRegValue HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "MIKTEX_AUTOINSTALL"
DeleteRegValue HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "MIKTEX_REPOSITORY"
; remove extension .lyx
${RemoveFileAssociation} "${PRODUCT_EXT}" "${PRODUCT_NAME}"
${endif} ; end if Answer (if admin)
SetAutoClose true
; user preferences
Section "un.$(UnLyXPreferencesTitle)" un.SecUnPreferences
; remove LyX's config files
Call un.DelAppPathSub ; function from LyXUtils.nsh
; Aspell
Section "un.Aspell" un.SecUnAspell
${if} $AspellInstallYes == "Aspell" ; only uninstall Aspell when it was installed together with LyX
Call un.UninstAspell ; Function from Aspell.nsh
; MiKTeX
Section "un.MiKTeX" un.SecUnMiKTeX
${if} $MiKTeXInstalled == "MiKTeX" ; only uninstall MiKTeX when it was installed together with LyX
ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${MiKTeXDeliveredVersion}" "UninstallString"
ExecWait "$1" ; run MiKTeX's uninstaller
; JabRef
Section "un.JabRef" un.SecUnJabRef
${if} $JabRefInstalled == "JabRef" ; only uninstall JabRef when it was installed together with LyX
ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${JabRefVersion}" "UninstallString"
ExecWait "$1" ; run JabRef's uninstaller
; Section descriptions
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUnAspell} "$(SecUnAspellDescription)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUnMiKTeX} "$(SecUnMiKTeXDescription)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUnJabRef} "$(SecUnJabRefDescription)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUnPreferences} "$(SecUnPreferencesDescription)"
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${un.SecUnProgramFiles} "$(SecUnProgramFilesDescription)"